كتاب The Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب The Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب The Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook    كتاب The Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook  Emptyالخميس 18 نوفمبر 2021, 11:56 am

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
The Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook
John G. Webster

كتاب The Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook  T_m_i_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Section I Measurement Characteristics
1 Charateristics of Instrumentation R. John Hansman, Jr.
2 Operational Modes of Instrumentation Richard S. Figliola
3 Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Instrumentation
Peter H. Sydenham
4 Measurement Accuracy Ronald H. Dieck
5 Measurement Standards DeWayne B. Sharp
Section II Spatial Variables Measurement
6 Displacement Measurement, Linear and Angular
6.1 Resistive Displacement Sensors Keith Antonelli, James Ko, and Shyan Ku
6.2 Inductive Displacement Sensors Halit Eren
6.3 Capacitive Sensors—Displacement Halit Eren and Wei Ling Kong
6.4 Piezoelectric Transducers and Sensors Ahmad Safari, Victor F. Janas, Amit Bandyopadhyay,
and Andrei Kholkine
6.5 Laser Interferometer Displacement Sensors Bernhard Günther Zagar
6.6 Bore Gaging Displacement Sensors Viktor P. Astakhov
6.7 Time-of-Flight Ultrasonic Displacement Sensors
Teklic Ole Pedersen and Nils Karlsson
6.8 Optical Encoder Displacement Sensors J. R. René Mayer
6.9 Magnetic Displacement Sensors David S. Nyce
6.10 Synchro/Resolver Displacement Sensors
Robert M. Hyatt, Jr. and David Dayton
6.11 Optical Fiber Displacement Sensors
Richard O. Claus, Vikram Bhatia, and Anbo Wang
6.12 Optical Beam Deflection Sensing Grover C. Wetsel7 Thickness Measurement John C. Brasunas, G. Mark Cushman, and Brook
8 Proximity Sensing for Robotics R.E. Saad, A. Bonen, K.C. Smith, and
B. Benhabib
9 Distance W. John Ballantyne
10 Position, Location, Altitude Measurement
10.1 Altitude Measurement Dimitris E. Manolakis
10.2 Attitude Measurement Mark A. Stedham, Partha B. Banerjee, Seiji Nishfuji,
and Shogo Tanaka
10.3 Inertial Navigation Halit Eren and C.C. Fung
10.4 Satellite Navigation and Radiolocation Halit Eren and C.C. Fung
10.5 Occupancy Detection Jacob Fraden
11 Level Measurement Detlef Brumbi
12 Area Measurement Charles B. Coulbourn and Wolfgang P. Buerner
13 Volume Measurement René G. Aarnink and Hessel Wijkstra
14 Angle Measurement Robert J. Sandberg
15 Tilt Measurement Adam Chrzanowski and James M. Secord
16 Velocity Measurement Charles P. Pinney and William E. Baker
17 Acceleration, Vibration, and Shock Measurement Halit Eren
Section III Time and Frequency Measurement
18 Time Measurement Michael A. Lombardi
19 Frequency Measurement Michael A. Lombardi
Section IV Mechanical Variables Measurement — Solid
20 Mass and Weight Measurement Mark Fritz and Emil Hazarian
21 Density measurement Halit Eren22 Strain Measurement Christopher S. Lynch
23 Force Measurement M.A. Elbestawi
24 Torque and Power Measurement Ivan J. Garshelis
25 Tactile Sensing R.E. Saad, A. Bonen, K. C. Smith, and B. Benhabib
V Mechanical Variables Measurement — Fluid
26 Pressure and Sound Measurement
26.1 Pressure Measurement Kevin H.-L. Chau
26.2 Vacuum Measurement Ron Goehner, Emil Drubetsky, Howard M. Brady, and
William H. Bayles, Jr.
26.3 Ultrasound Measurement Peder C. Pedersen
27 Acoustic Measurement Per Rasmussen
28 Flow Measurement
28.1 Differential Pressure Flowmeters Richard Thorn
28.2 Variable Area Flowmeters Adrian Melling, Herbert Köchner,
and Reinhard Haak
28.3 Positive Displacement Flowmeters Zaki D. Husain and Donald J. Wass
28.4 Turbine and Vane Flowmeters David Wadlow
28.5 Impeller Flowmeters Harold M. Miller
28.6 Electromagnetic Flowmeters Halit Eren
28.7 Ultrasonic Flowmeters Hans-Peter Vaterlaus, Thomas Hossle, Paolo Giordano,
and Christophe Bruttin
28.8 Vortex Shedding Flowmeters Wade M. Mattar and James H. Vignos
28.9 Thermal Mass Flow Sensors Nam-Trung Nguyen
28.10 Coriolis Effect Mass Flowmeters Jesse Yoder
28.11 Drag Force Flowmeters Rekha Philip-Chandy, Roger Morgan, Patricia J. Scully
29 Point Velocity Measurement
29.1 Pitot Probe Anemometry John A. Kleppe
29.2 Thermal Anemometry John G. Olin
29.3 Laser Anemometry Rajan K. Menon
30 Viscosity Measurement G. E. Leblanc, R. A. Secco, M. Kostic
31 Surface Tension Measurement David B. Thiessen, Kin F. ManVI Mechanical Variables Measurement — Thermal
32 Temperature Measurement
32.1 Bimaterials Thermometers Robert J. Stephenson, Armelle M. Moulin,
and Mark E. Welland
32.2 Resistive Thermometers Jim Burns
32.3 Thermistor Thermometers Meyer Sapoff
32.4 Thermocouple Thermometers R. P. Reed
32.5 Semiconductor Junction Thermometers Randy Frank
32.6 Infrared Thermometers Jacob Fraden
32.7 Pyroelectric Thermometers Jacob Fraden
32.8 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers J.V. Nicholas
32.9 Manometric Thermometers Franco Pavese
32.10 Temperature Indicators Jan Stasiek, Tolestyn Madaj, Jaroslaw Mikielewicz
32.11 Fiber-Optic Thermometers Brian Culshaw
33 Thermal Conductivity Measurement
William A. Wakeham and Marc J. Assael
34 Heat Flux Thomas E. Diller
35 Thermal Imaging Herbert M. Runciman
36 Calorimetry Measurement Sander van Herwaarden
VII Electromagnetic Variables Measurement
37 Voltage Measurement
37.1 Meter Voltage Measurement Alessandro Ferrero
37.2 Oscilloscope Voltage Measurement Jerry Murphy
37.3 Inductive Capacitive Voltage Measurement Cipriano Bartoletti, Luca Podestà,
and Giancarlo Sacerdoti
38 Current Measurement Douglas P. McNutt
39 Power Measurement Pasquale Arpaia, Francesco Avallone, Aldo Baccigalupi,
Claudio De Capua, Carmine Landi
40 Power Factor Measurement Michael Z. Lowenstein
41 Phase Measurement Peter O’Shea42 Energy Measurement Arnaldo Brandolini and Alessandro Gandelli
43 Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity Michael B. Heaney
44 Charge Measurement Saps Buchman, John Mester, and T. J. Sumner
45 Capacitance and Capacitance Measurements
Halit Eren and James Goh
46 Permittivity Measurement Devendra K. Misra
47 Electric Field Strength David A. Hill and Motohisa Kanda
48 Magnetic Field Measurement Steven A. Macintyre
49 Permeability and Hysteresis Measurement
Jeff P. Anderson and Richard J. Blotzer
50 Inductance Measurement Michal Szyper
51 Immittance Measurement Achim Dreher
52 Q Factor Measurement Albert D. Helfrick
53 Distortion Measurement Michael F. Toner and Gordon W. Roberts
54 Noise Measurement W. Marshall Leach, Jr.
55 Microwave Measurement A. Dehé, K. Beilenhoff, K. Fricke, H. Klingbeil,
V. Krozer, H. L. Hartnagel
VIII Optical Variables Measurement
56 Photometry and Radiometry
56.1 Photoconductive Sensors Fritz Schuermeyer and Thad Pickenpaugh
56.2 Photojunction Sensors Michael R. Squillante and Kanai S. Shah
56.3 Charge-Coupled Devices J.A. Nousek, M.W. Bautz, B.E. Burke, J.A. Gregory,
R.E. Griffiths, R.L. Kraft, H.L. Kwok, D.H. Lumb
57 Densitometry Measurement Joseph H. Altman
58 Colorimetry Robert T. Marcus59 Optical Loss Halit Eren
60 Polarization Measurement Soe-Mie F. Nee
61 Refractive Index Measurement G. H. Meeten
62 Turbidity Measurement Daniel Harrison and Michael Fisch
63 Laser Output Measurement Haiyin Sun
64 Vision and Image Sensors Stanley S. Ipson and Chima Okereke
IX Radiation Measurement
65 Radioactivity Measurement Bert M. Coursey
66 Radioactivity Measurement Larry A. Franks, Ralph B. James, and
Larry S. Darken
67 Charged Particle Measurement John C. Armitage, Madhu S. Dixit,
Jacques Dubeau, Hans Mes, and F. Gerald Oakham
68 Neutron Measurement Steven M. Grimes
69 Dosimetry Measurement Brian L. Justus, Mark A. Miller, and
Alan L. Huston
X Chemical Variables Measurement
70 Composition Measurement
70.1 Electrochemical Composition Measurement Michael J. Schöning, Olaf Glück,
and Marion Thust
70.2 Thermal Composition Measurement Mushtaq Ali, Behrooz Pahlavanpour,
and Maria Eklund
70.3 Kinetic Methods E.E. Uzgiris and J.Y. Gui
70.4 Chromatography Composition Measurement Behrooz Pahlavanpour, Mushtaq Ali,
and C.K. Laird
71 pH Measurement
Norman F. Sheppard, Jr. and Anthony Guiseppi–Elie
72 Humidity and Moisture Measurement Gert J.W. Vischer73 Environmental Measurement
73.1 Meteorological Measurement John D. Garrison and Stephen B. W. Roeder
73.2 Air Pollution Measurement Michael Bennett
73.3 Water Quality Measurement Kathleen M. Leonard
73.4 Satellite Imaging and Sensing Jacqueline Le Moigne and Robert F. Cromp
XI Biomedical Variables Measurement
74 Biopotentials and Electrophysiology Measurement
Nitish V. Thakor
75 Blood Pressure Measurement
Shyam Rithalia, Mark Sun, and Roger Jones
76 Blood Flow Measurements Per Ask and P. Åke Öberg
77 Ventilation Measurement L. Basano and P. Ottonello
78 Blood Chemistry Measurement Terry L. Rusch and Ravi Sankar
79 Medical Imaging James T. Dobbins III, Sean M. Hames, Bruce H. Hasegawa,
Timothy R. DeGrado, James A. Zagzebski, and Richard Frayne
XII Signal Processing
80 Amplifiers and Signal Conditioners Ramón Pallás-Areny
81 Modulation David M. Beams
82 Filters Rahman Jamal and Robert Steer
83 Spectrum Analysis and Correlation
83.1 FFT Spectrum Analysis and Correlation Ronney B. Panerai
83.2 RF/Microwave Spectrum Analysis A. Ambrosini, C. Bortolotti, N. D’Amico, G. Grueff,
S. Mariotti, S. Montebugnoli, A. Orfei, and G. Tomassetti
84 Applied Intelligence Processing
Peter H. Sydenham and Rodney Pratt
85 Analog-to-Digital Converters E. B. Loewenstein
86 Computers A. M. MacLeod, P.F. Martin, and W.A. Gillespie87 Telemetry Albert Lozano-Nieto
88 Sensor Networks and Communication Robert M. Crovella
89 Electromagnetic Compatibility
89.1 Grounding and Shielding in Industrial Electronic Systems
Daryl Gerke, and William Kimmel
89.2 EMI and EMC Test Methods Jeffrey P. Mills
XIII Displays
90 Human Factors in Displays Steven A. Murray, Barrett S. Caldwell
91 Cathode Ray Tube Displays Christopher J. Sherman
92 Liquid Crystal Displays Kalluri R. Sarma
93 Plasma-Driven Flat Panel Displays Robert T. McGrath, Ramanapathy
Veerasingam, William C. Moffatt, and Robert B. Campbell
94 Electroluminescent Displays William A. Barrow
95 Light-Emitting Diode Displays Mohammad A. Karim
96 Reading/Recording Devices
96.1 Graphic Recorders Herman Vermariën
96.2 Data Acquisition Systems Edward McConnell
96.3 Magnetic and Optical Recorders Yufeng Li
XIV Control
97 PID Control F. Greg Shinskey
98 Optimal Control Halit Eren
99 Electropneumatic and Electrohydraulic Instruments: Modeling of
Electrohydraulic and Electrohydrostatic Actuators
M. Pachter and C. H. Houpis
100 Explosion-Proof Instruments Sam S. Khalilieh101 Measurement and Identification of Brush, Brushless, and dc Stepping
Motors Stuart Schweid, Robert Lofthus, John McInroy
Appendix Units and Conversions B. W. Petley

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