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عدد المساهمات : 18936 التقييم : 35318 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation - An Engineering Approach using MATLAB الثلاثاء 19 أكتوبر 2021, 1:00 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation An Engineering Approach using MATLAB F. van der Heijden Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science University of Twente The Netherlands R.P.W. Duin Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Delft University of Technology The Netherlands D. de Ridder Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Delft University of Technology The Netherlands D.M.J. Tax Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Delft University of Technology The Netherlands
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface xi Foreword xv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 The scope of the book 2 1.1.1 Classification 3 1.1.2 Parameter estimation 4 1.1.3 State estimation 5 1.1.4 Relations between the subjects 6 1.2 Engineering 9 1.3 The organization of the book 11 1.4 References 12 2 Detection and Classification 13 2.1 Bayesian classification 16 2.1.1 Uniform cost function and minimum error rate 23 2.1.2 Normal distributed measurements; linear and quadratic classifiers 25 2.2 Rejection 32 2.2.1 Minimum error rate classification with reject option 33 2.3 Detection: the two-class case 35 2.4 Selected bibliography 43 2.5 Exercises 43 3 Parameter Estimation 45 3.1 Bayesian estimation 47 3.1.1 MMSE estimation 543.1.2 MAP estimation 55 3.1.3 The Gaussian case with linear sensors 56 3.1.4 Maximum likelihood estimation 57 3.1.5 Unbiased linear MMSE estimation 59 3.2 Performance of estimators 62 3.2.1 Bias and covariance 63 3.2.2 The error covariance of the unbiased linear MMSE estimator 67 3.3 Data fitting 68 3.3.1 Least squares fitting 68 3.3.2 Fitting using a robust error norm 72 3.3.3 Regression 74 3.4 Overview of the family of estimators 77 3.5 Selected bibliography 79 3.6 Exercises 79 4 State Estimation 81 4.1 A general framework for online estimation 82 4.1.1 Models 83 4.1.2 Optimal online estimation 86 4.2 Continuous state variables 88 4.2.1 Optimal online estimation in linear-Gaussian systems 89 4.2.2 Suboptimal solutions for nonlinear systems 100 4.2.3 Other filters for nonlinear systems 112 4.3 Discrete state variables 113 4.3.1 Hidden Markov models 113 4.3.2 Online state estimation 117 4.3.3 Offline state estimation 120 4.4 Mixed states and the particle filter 128 4.4.1 Importance sampling 128 4.4.2 Resampling by selection 130 4.4.3 The condensation algorithm 131 4.5 Selected bibliography 135 4.6 Exercises 136 5 Supervised Learning 139 5.1 Training sets 140 5.2 Parametric learning 142 5.2.1 Gaussian distribution, mean unknown 143 vi CONTENTS5.2.2 Gaussian distribution, covariance matrix unknown 144 5.2.3 Gaussian distribution, mean and covariance matrix both unknown 145 5.2.4 Estimation of the prior probabilities 147 5.2.5 Binary measurements 148 5.3 Nonparametric learning 149 5.3.1 Parzen estimation and histogramming 150 5.3.2 Nearest neighbour classification 155 5.3.3 Linear discriminant functions 162 5.3.4 The support vector classifier 168 5.3.5 The feed-forward neural network 173 5.4 Empirical evaluation 177 5.5 References 181 5.6 Exercises 181 6 Feature Extraction and Selection 183 6.1 Criteria for selection and extraction 185 6.1.1 Inter/intra class distance 186 6.1.2 Chernoff–Bhattacharyya distance 191 6.1.3 Other criteria 194 6.2 Feature selection 195 6.2.1 Branch-and-bound 197 6.2.2 Suboptimal search 199 6.2.3 Implementation issues 201 6.3 Linear feature extraction 202 6.3.1 Feature extraction based on the Bhattacharyya distance with Gaussian distributions 204 6.3.2 Feature extraction based on inter/intra class distance 209 6.4 References 213 6.5 Exercises 214 7 Unsupervised Learning 215 7.1 Feature reduction 216 7.1.1 Principal component analysis 216 7.1.2 Multi-dimensional scaling 220 7.2 Clustering 226 7.2.1 Hierarchical clustering 228 7.2.2 K-means clustering 232 CONTENTS vii7.2.3 Mixture of Gaussians 234 7.2.4 Mixture of probabilistic PCA 240 7.2.5 Self-organizing maps 241 7.2.6 Generative topographic mapping 246 7.3 References 250 7.4 Exercises 250 8 State Estimation in Practice 253 8.1 System identification 256 8.1.1 Structuring 256 8.1.2 Experiment design 258 8.1.3 Parameter estimation 259 8.1.4 Evaluation and model selection 263 8.1.5 Identification of linear systems with a random input 264 8.2 Observability, controllability and stability 266 8.2.1 Observability 266 8.2.2 Controllability 269 8.2.3 Dynamic stability and steady state solutions 270 8.3 Computational issues 276 8.3.1 The linear-Gaussian MMSE form 280 8.3.2 Sequential processing of the measurements 282 8.3.3 The information filter 283 8.3.4 Square root filtering 287 8.3.5 Comparison 291 8.4 Consistency checks 292 8.4.1 Orthogonality properties 293 8.4.2 Normalized errors 294 8.4.3 Consistency checks 296 8.4.4 Fudging 299 8.5 Extensions of the Kalman filter 300 8.5.1 Autocorrelated noise 300 8.5.2 Cross-correlated noise 303 8.5.3 Smoothing 303 8.6 References 306 8.7 Exercises 307 9 Worked Out Examples 309 9.1 Boston Housing classification problem 309 9.1.1 Data set description 309 9.1.2 Simple classification methods 311 viii CONTENTS9.1.3 Feature extraction 312 9.1.4 Feature selection 314 9.1.5 Complex classifiers 316 9.1.6 Conclusions 319 9.2 Time-of-flight estimation of an acoustic tone burst 319 9.2.1 Models of the observed waveform 321 9.2.2 Heuristic methods for determining the ToF 323 9.2.3 Curve fitting 324 9.2.4 Matched filtering 326 9.2.5 ML estimation using covariance models for the reflections 327 9.2.6 Optimization and evaluation 332 9.3 Online level estimation in an hydraulic system 339 9.3.1 Linearized Kalman filtering 341 9.3.2 Extended Kalman filtering 343 9.3.3 Particle filtering 344 9.3.4 Discussion 350 9.4 References 352 Appendix A Topics Selected from Functional Analysis 353 A.1 Linear spaces 353 A.1.1 Normed linear spaces 355 A.1.2 Euclidean spaces or inner product spaces 357 A.2 Metric spaces 358 A.3 Orthonormal systems and Fourier series 360 A.4 Linear operators 362 A.5 References 366 Appendix B Topics Selected from Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory 367 B.1 Vectors and matrices 367 B.2 Convolution 370 B.3 Trace and determinant 372 B.4 Differentiation of vector and matrix functions 373 B.5 Diagonalization of self-adjoint matrices 375 B.6 Singular value decomposition (SVD) 378 B.7 References 381 Appendix C Probability Theory 383 C.1 Probability theory and random variables 383 C.1.1 Moments 386 CONTENTS ixC.1.2 Poisson distribution 387 C.1.3 Binomial distribution 387 C.1.4 Normal distribution 388 C.1.5 The Chi-square distribution 389 C.2 Bivariate random variables 390 C.3 Random vectors 395 C.3.1 Linear operations on Gaussian random vectors 396 C.3.2 Decorrelation 397 C.4 Reference 398 Appendix D Discrete-time Dynamic Systems 399 D.1 Discrete-time dynamic systems 399 D.2 Linear systems 400 D.3 Linear time invariant systems 401 D.3.1 Diagonalization of a system 401 D.3.2 Stability 402 D.4 References 403 Appendix E Introduction to PRTools 405 E.1 Motivation 405 E.2 Essential concepts in PRTools 406 E.3 Implementation 407 E.4 Some details 410 E.4.1 Data sets 410 E.4.2 Classifiers and mappings 411 E.5 How to write your own mapping 414 Appendix F MATLAB Toolboxes Used 417 Index 41 Index Acceptance boundary, 297 Algorithm backward, 122 condensation, 131 forward, 116 forward–backward, 123 Viterbi, 125 ARIMA, 264 ARMA, 264 Autoregressive model, 264 first order, 91, 341 second order, 92, 137 Autoregressive, moving average models, 137 Back-propagation training, 175 Baseline removal, 259 Batch processing, 166 Bayes estimation, 142 Bayes’ theorem, 7, 20, 48 Bayesian classification, 16, 21 Bhattacharyya upper bound, 192 Bias, 63, 142, 332 Binary measurements, 148 Branch-and-bound, 197 Chernoff bound, 192 Chi-square test, 346 Classifier Bayes, 8, 33 Euclidean distance, 147 feed-forward neural network, 173, 317 least squared error, 166 linear, 29, 311 linear discriminant function, 162 Mahalanobis distance, 147 maximum a posteriori (MAP), 14, 35 minimum distance, 30 minimum error rate, 24, 33 nearest neighbour, 155, 312 Parzen density-based, 150, 312 perceptron, 164 quadratic, 27, 311 support vector, 168, 316 Clustering, 226 average-link, 229 characteristics, 216 complete-link, 229 hierarchical, 228 K-means, 228 quality, 227 single-link, 229 Completely controllable, 269 observable, 272 Computational complexity, 178 Computational issues, 253 Condensing, 159, 160 Confusion matrix, 178 Consistency checks, 292, 296, 342 Control vector, 89 Controllability matrix, 269 Cost absolute value, 50 function, 19, 33, 50 matrix, 19 quadratic, 50 uniform, 35, 50 Covariance, 63 Covariance model (CVM) based estimator, 331 Covariance models, 327 Cross-validation, 180, 312, 332 Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation: An Engineering Approach using MATLAB F. van der Heijden, R.P.W. Duin, D. de Ridder and D.M.J. Tax 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-09013-8Curve calibration, 350 fitting, 324 Decision boundaries, 27, 150 Decision function, 17 Dendrogram, 230 Depth-first search, 198 Design set, 140 Detection, 35 Differencing, 301 Discrete algebraic Ricatti equation, 98 Lyapunov equation, 90, 274 Ricatti equation, 271 Discriminability, 39, 41 Discriminant function, 162 generalized linear, 163 linear, 162 Dissimilarity, 226 Distance Bhattacharyya, 191, 204 Chernoff, 186, 191 cosine, 226 Euclidean, 226 inter/intraclass, 186, 209 interclass, 189 intraclass, 189 Mahalanobis, 205 Matusita, 194 probabilistic, 194 Distribution Gamma, 49 matrix, 89 test, 297 Drift, 261 Dynamic stability, 270 Editing, 159 Entropy, 195 Envelope detection, 323 Ergodic Markov model, 114 Error correction, 166 Error covariance matrix, 98 Error function, 39 Error rate, 24, 33 Estimation maximum a posteriori (MAP), 50, 51 maximum likelihood, 57 minimum mean absolute error (MMAE), 50, 51 minimum mean squared error (MMSE), 50, 51 minimum variance, 55 Estimation loop, 277 Evaluation, 263 Evaluation set, 177 Expectation-maximization, 235 Experiment design, 258 Feature, 14 Feature extraction, 185 Feature reduction, 216 Feature selection, 185 generalized sequential forward, 200 Plusl – take away r, 200 selection of good components, 330 sequential forward, 200 Feed-forward neural network, 173 Fisher approach, 57 Fisher’s linear discriminant, 213 Fudge factor, 300 Gain matrix, 89 Generative topographic mapping, 246 Goodness of fit, 346 Gradient ascent, 164 Hidden data, 235 Hidden Markov model (HMM), 113 Hidden neurons, 174 Hill climbing algorithm, 235 Histogramming, 150 Holdout method, 179 i.i.d., 140 Identification of linear systems, 264 Image compression, 219 Importance sampling, 128, 131 Incomplete data, 235 Indicator variables, 236 Information filter, 269, 283 matrix, 67, 284 Innovation(s), 62, 293 matrix, 98 Input vector, 89 Kalman filtering, 254 form, 62, 280 linear-Gaussian MMSE form, 280 420 INDEXKalman filter, 97 discrete, 97, 98 extended, 105, 343 iterated extended, 108 linearized, 101, 341 unscented, 112 Kalman gain matrix, 62, 98 Kernel, 151 Gaussian, 171 polynomial, 171 radial basis function (RBF), 171 trick, 171 K-nearest neighbour rule, 157 Kohonen map, 241 Lagrange multipliers, 170 Latent variable, 246 Learning, 139 least squared error, 166 nonparametric, 149–50 parametric, 142 perceptron, 164 supervised, 139 unsupervised, 139 Learning data, 140 Learning rate, 164 Least squared error (LSE), 68 Leave-one-out method, 180 Left–right model, 114 Level estimation, 339 Likelihood function, 36, 57 ratio, 36 Linear dynamic equation, 89 plant equation, 89 state equation, 89 system equation, 89 Linear feature extraction, 202 Linear feedback, 102 Linear-Gaussian system, 89 Log-likelihood, 262 Loss function, 19 Mahalanobis distance, 28 Mahalanobis distance classifier, 213 Margin, 169 Markov condition, 83, 114 Matched filtering, 326 MATLAB functions HMM analysis, 127 particle filtering, 112 steady state Kalman filtering, 137, 268, 270, 273 Maximum likelihood, 326, 327 Mean square error, 64 Measure divergence, 194 Matusita, 194 Shannon’s entropy, 195 Measurement matrix, 96 model, 86 noise, 96 space, 14, 86 vector, 14, 163 Minimum error rate, 158 Minimum mean squared error, 217 Minimum risk classification, 21 Missing data, 235 Mixture of Gaussians, 228 of probabilistic PCA, 240 Model selection, 263 Models, 83 Monte Carlo simulation, 128 Moving average models first order, 137 Multi-dimensional scaling, 220 Multi-edit algorithm, 160 Nearest neighbour rule, 157 Neuron, 173 Noise, 48, 75 autocorrelated, 300 cross-correlated, 303 measurement, 96 plant, 89 process, 89 quantization, 17 quantum, 17 system, 89 thermal, 17, 96 Nominal trajectory, 105 Nonlinear mapping, 221 Normalized estimation error squared, 294 importance weights, 130 innovation squared, 295, 342 INDEX 421Observability, 253, 266 complete, 266 Gramian, 267 matrix, 267 stochastic, 269 Offset correction, 259 Online estimation, 82 Optimal filtering, 82 Optimization criterion, 185 Outlier clusters, 228 Outliers, 72 Overfitting, 76, 177, 184, 263 Parameter vector, 48 Partial autocorrelation function, 265 Particle filter, 112, 128, 344 consistency criterion, 345 implementation, 347 Particles, 128–9 Parzen estimation, 150 Perceptron, 165 Periodogram, 297 Place coding, 169 Posterior, 48 prior, 48 Potter’s square root filter, 287 Predicted measurement, 98 Prediction, 82, 94 fixed interval, 95 fixed lead, 95 Principal component analysis, 216, 313, 329 components, 218 directions, 218 Principle of orthogonality, 294 Probabilistic dependence, 194 Probability posterior, 20 prior, 16–17 Probability density conditional, 17, 36, 48, 83, 86 posterior, 86 unconditional, 17 Proposal density, 129 Quadratic decision function, 27 Quantization errors, 96 Random walk, 92 Rauch–Tung–Striebel smoother, 304 Regression, 74, 321, 351 curve, 75 Regularization, 146 parameter, 146 Reject rate, 33 Rejection, 32 class, 32 Resampling by selection, 130 Residual(s), 68, 75, 293 Retrodiction, 82 Ricatti loop, 277 Risk, 21 average, 21, 51 conditional, 20, 23, 51 Robust error norm, 72 Robustness, 65 ROC-curve, 40 Root mean square (RMS), 337 Sammon mapping, 224 Sample covariance, 145 mean, 143 Scatter diagram, 15 Scatter matrix, 188 between-scatter matrix, 188 within-scatter matrix, 188 Self-organizing map, 241 Sensor, 258 location, 258 Sensory system, 13 Sequential update, 283 Signal-to-noise ratio, 38, 190 Single sample processing, 166 Smoothing, 303 Square root filtering, 287 Stability, 65, 253, 270 State space model, 81, 83 State augmentation, 120 estimation offline, 120 online, 117 mixed, 128 variable, 81 continuous, 81, 88 discrete, 81, 113 Statistical linearization, 112 Steady state, 98, 270 Steepest ascent, 164 Stochastic observability, 269 Stress measure, 221 Subspace dimension, 240 structure, 216 422 INDEXSum of squared differences (SSD), 68, 324 Support vector, 170 System identification, 253, 254, 256 Target vector, 166, 175 Test set, 177 Time-of-flight estimation, 319 Topology, 241 Training, 139 Training set, 140 Transfer function, 173 True class, 140 Unbiased, 64 absolutely, 64 Unit cost, 23 Validation set, 177 Variance, 142 Winning neuron, 242 Wishart distribution, 144 Yule–Walker equations, 264 #ماتلاب,#متلاب,#Matlab,
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