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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Advanced Dynamics Rigid Body, Multibody, and Aerospace Applications الجمعة 15 أكتوبر 2021, 12:48 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Advanced Dynamics Rigid Body, Multibody, and Aerospace Applications Reza N. Jazar School of Aerospace, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Engineering RMIT University Melbourne, Australia
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface xiii Part I Fundamentals 1 1 Fundamentals of Kinematics 3 1.1 Coordinate Frame and Position Vector 3 1.1.1 Triad 3 1.1.2 Coordinate Frame and Position Vector 4 1.1.3 Vector Definition 10 1.2 Vector Algebra 12 1.2.1 Vector Addition 12 1.2.2 Vector Multiplication 17 1.2.3 Index Notation 26 1.3 Orthogonal Coordinate Frames 31 1.3.1 Orthogonality Condition 31 1.3.2 Unit Vector 34 1.3.3 Direction of Unit Vectors 36 1.4 Differential Geometry 37 1.4.1 Space Curve 38 1.4.2 Surface and Plane 43 1.5 Motion Path Kinematics 46 1.5.1 Vector Function and Derivative 46 1.5.2 Velocity and Acceleration 51 1.5.3 Natural Coordinate Frame 54 1.6 Fields 77 1.6.1 Surface and Orthogonal Mesh 78 1.6.2 Scalar Field and Derivative 85 1.6.3 Vector Field and Derivative 92 Key Symbols 100 Exercises 103 2 Fundamentals of Dynamics 114 2.1 Laws of Motion 114 2.2 Equation of Motion 119 2.2.1 Force and Moment 120 2.2.2 Motion Equation 125 2.3 Special Solutions 131 2.3.1 Force Is a Function of Time, F = F(t) 132 2.3.2 Force Is a Function of Position, F = F(x) 141 2.3.3 Elliptic Functions 148 2.3.4 Force Is a Function of Velocity, F = F(v) 156 2.4 Spatial and Temporal Integrals 165 2.4.1 Spatial Integral: Work and Energy 165 2.4.2 Temporal Integral: Impulse and Momentum 176 2.5 Application of Dynamics 188 2.5.1 Modeling 189 2.5.2 Equations of Motion 197 2.5.3 Dynamic Behavior and Methods of Solution 200 2.5.4 Parameter Adjustment 220 Key Symbols 223 Exercises 226 Part II Geometric Kinematics 241 3 Coordinate Systems 243 3.1 Cartesian Coordinate System 243 3.2 Cylindrical Coordinate System 250 3.3 Spherical Coordinate System 263 3.4 Nonorthogonal Coordinate Frames 269 3.4.1 Reciprocal Base Vectors 269 3.4.2 Reciprocal Coordinate Frame 278 3.4.3 Inner and Outer Vector Product 285 3.4.4 Kinematics in Oblique Coordinate Frames 298 3.5 Curvilinear Coordinate System 300 3.5.1 Principal and Reciprocal Base Vectors 301 3.5.2 Principal–Reciprocal Transformation 311 3.5.3 Curvilinear Geometry 320 3.5.4 Curvilinear Kinematics 325 3.5.5 Kinematics in Curvilinear Coordinates 335 Key Symbols 346 Exercises 347 4 Rotation Kinematics 357 4.1 Rotation About Global Cartesian Axes 357 4.2 Successive Rotations About Global Axes 363 4.3 Global Roll–Pitch–Yaw Angles 370 4.4 Rotation About Local Cartesian Axes 373 4.5 Successive Rotations About Local Axes 376 4.6 Euler Angles 379Contents ix 4.7 Local Roll–Pitch–Yaw Angles 391 4.8 Local versus Global Rotation 395 4.9 General Rotation 397 4.10 Active and Passive Rotations 409 4.11 Rotation of Rotated Body 411 Key Symbols 415 Exercises 416 5 Orientation Kinematics 422 5.1 Axis–Angle Rotation 422 5.2 Euler Parameters 438 5.3 Quaternion 449 5.4 Spinors and Rotators 457 5.5 Problems in Representing Rotations 459 5.5.1 Rotation Matrix 460 5.5.2 Axis–Angle 461 5.5.3 Euler Angles 462 5.5.4 Quaternion and Euler Parameters 463 5.6 Composition and Decomposition of Rotations 465 5.6.1 Composition of Rotations 466 5.6.2 Decomposition of Rotations 468 Key Symbols 470 Exercises 471 6 Motion Kinematics 477 6.1 Rigid-Body Motion 477 6.2 Homogeneous Transformation 481 6.3 Inverse and Reverse Homogeneous Transformation 494 6.4 Compound Homogeneous Transformation 500 6.5 Screw Motion 517 6.6 Inverse Screw 529 6.7 Compound Screw Transformation 531 6.8 Plucker Line Coordinate 534 ¨ 6.9 Geometry of Plane and Line 540 6.9.1 Moment 540 6.9.2 Angle and Distance 541 6.9.3 Plane and Line 541 6.10 Screw and Plucker Coordinate 545 ¨ Key Symbols 547 Exercises 548x Contents 7 Multibody Kinematics 555 7.1 Multibody Connection 555 7.2 Denavit–Hartenberg Rule 563 7.3 Forward Kinematics 584 7.4 Assembling Kinematics 615 7.5 Order-Free Rotation 628 7.6 Order-Free Transformation 635 7.7 Forward Kinematics by Screw 643 7.8 Caster Theory in Vehicles 649 7.9 Inverse Kinematics 662 Key Symbols 684 Exercises 686 Part III Derivative Kinematics 693 8 Velocity Kinematics 695 8.1 Angular Velocity 695 8.2 Time Derivative and Coordinate Frames 718 8.3 Multibody Velocity 727 8.4 Velocity Transformation Matrix 739 8.5 Derivative of a Homogeneous Transformation Matrix 748 8.6 Multibody Velocity 754 8.7 Forward-Velocity Kinematics 757 8.8 Jacobian-Generating Vector 765 8.9 Inverse-Velocity Kinematics 778 Key Symbols 782 Exercises 783 9 Acceleration Kinematics 788 9.1 Angular Acceleration 788 9.2 Second Derivative and Coordinate Frames 810 9.3 Multibody Acceleration 823 9.4 Particle Acceleration 830 9.5 Mixed Double Derivative 858 9.6 Acceleration Transformation Matrix 864 9.7 Forward-Acceleration Kinematics 872 9.8 Inverse-Acceleration Kinematics 874 Key Symbols 877 Exercises 878Contents xi 10 Constraints 887 10.1 Homogeneity and Isotropy 887 10.2 Describing Space 890 10.2.1 Configuration Space 890 10.2.2 Event Space 896 10.2.3 State Space 900 10.2.4 State–Time Space 908 10.2.5 Kinematic Spaces 910 10.3 Holonomic Constraint 913 10.4 Generalized Coordinate 923 10.5 Constraint Force 932 10.6 Virtual and Actual Works 935 10.7 Nonholonomic Constraint 952 10.7.1 Nonintegrable Constraint 952 10.7.2 Inequality Constraint 962 10.8 Differential Constraint 966 10.9 Generalized Mechanics 970 10.10 Integral of Motion 976 10.11 Methods of Dynamics 996 10.11.1 Lagrange Method 996 10.11.2 Gauss Method 999 10.11.3 Hamilton Method 1002 10.11.4 Gibbs–Appell Method 1009 10.11.5 Kane Method 1013 10.11.6 Nielsen Method 1017 Key Symbols 1021 Exercises 1024 Part IV Dynamics 1031 11 Rigid Body and Mass Moment 1033 11.1 Rigid Body 1033 11.2 Elements of the Mass Moment Matrix 1035 11.3 Transformation of Mass Moment Matrix 1044 11.4 Principal Mass Moments 1058 Key Symbols 1065 Exercises 1066 12 Rigid-Body Dynamics 1072 12.1 Rigid-Body Rotational Cartesian Dynamics 1072 12.2 Rigid-Body Rotational Eulerian Dynamics 1096 12.3 Rigid-Body Translational Dynamics 1101xii Contents 12.4 Classical Problems of Rigid Bodies 1112 12.4.1 Torque-Free Motion 1112 12.4.2 Spherical Torque-Free Rigid Body 1115 12.4.3 Axisymmetric Torque-Free Rigid Body 1116 12.4.4 Asymmetric Torque-Free Rigid Body 1128 12.4.5 General Motion 1141 12.5 Multibody Dynamics 1157 12.6 Recursive Multibody Dynamics 1170 Key Symbols 1177 Exercises 1179 13 Lagrange Dynamics 1189 13.1 Lagrange Form of Newton Equations 1189 13.2 Lagrange Equation and Potential Force 1203 13.3 Variational Dynamics 1215 13.4 Hamilton Principle 1228 13.5 Lagrange Equation and Constraints 1232 13.6 Conservation Laws 1240 13.6.1 Conservation of Energy 1241 13.6.2 Conservation of Momentum 1243 13.7 Generalized Coordinate System 1244 13.8 Multibody Lagrangian Dynamics 1251 Key Symbols 1262 Exercises 1264 References 1280 A Global Frame Triple Rotation 1287 B Local Frame Triple Rotation 1289 C Principal Central Screw Triple Combination 1291 D Industrial Link DH Matrices 1293 E Trigonometric Formula 1300 Index 1305 Index 2R planar manipulator dynamics, 1207, 1258 equations of motion, 1209 forward acceleration, 873 general dynamics, 1258 ideal, 1207 inverse acceleration, 876 inverse kinematics, 664 inverse velocity, 778, 780 Jacobian matrix, 761, 763 kinetic energy, 1208 Lagrangian, 1208 mass moments, 1051 Newton–Euler dynamics, 1168 potential energy, 1208 recursive dynamics, 1172 4-Bar linkages dynamics, 1163 spatial, 560, 602 A Abel, Niels Henrik, 149 Acatastatic constraint, 966 Acceleration angular, 789, 796, 809, 824 applied, 851 bias vector, 875 body point, 725, 824 centripetal, 726, 824, 832 Coriolis, 812, 832, 859 definition, 51 double mixed, 861 energy, 1009, 1011 forward kinematics, 872, 873 gravitational, 1254 inverse kinematics, 874 kinematics, 788 local, 832 matrix, 788, 864, 865 mixed, 816, 817 mixed Coriolis, 859 mixed double, 823, 859 multibody, 823 particle, 830 Razi, 860, 861, 886 tangential, 726, 812, 824, 832, 859 tidal, 190 transformation, 792, 818 Active transformation, 409 Actuator force and torque, 1159, 1177 torque equation, 1169 Air resistance, 163 Angle attitude, 829 cruise, 829 Euler, 379 heading, 829 nutation, 379 precession, 379 sideslip, 829 spin, 379 zenith, 509 Angular acceleration, 788, 789, 805, 823, 824 decomposition, 795 Euler parameters, 796, 809 matrix, 788, 808 natural frame, 809 quaternion, 809 relative, 792, 799 Rodriguez formula, 799 rotational transformation, 788, 791 vector, 788 Angular jerk, 808 Cartesian, 880 matrix, 808 Angular velocity, 385, 387, 388, 432, 695, 697, 699–702, 706, 789, 794 alternative definition, 715 13051306 Index Angular velocity (continued) combination, 699 coordinate transformation, 709 decomposition, 705 elements of matrix, 714 Euler parameters, 713 instantaneous, 697, 698 instantaneous axis, 699 matrix, 695 principal matrix, 702 quaternion, 711 rotation matrix, 707 Appell function, 1012 Appell, Paul Emile, 1011 Applied force, 933 Arc length, 40 Articulated arm, 666, 671, 769 Assembling kinematics, 615 Atan2 function, 665 Atwood, George, 1001 Atwood machine, 1000 Australia, 109, 885 Automorphism, 457 Axis–angle of rotation, 422, 425, 426, 440, 442, 446, 461 B bac–cab rule, 22, 29 Basic lemma, 1217 Bernoulli equation, 931 Bernoulli, Johann, 942 Bernoulli, Johann and Jacob, 1221 Bipolar coordinate system, 341 Bipolarcylindrical coordinate system, 341 Bispherical coordinate system, 340, 342 Bong, 53 Book-stacking problem, 193 Boom, 1126 Brachistochrone, 1220 Bragg condition, 296 Broucke, Roger, 30 Bryant angles, 390 Bushehr, 858 C Camber theory, 658 Canada, 109, 885 Canonical equation, 1003 Cardan angles, 390 frequencies, 390 Cardioid, 258 Cardioidal coordinate system, 342 Cardioidcylindrical coordinate system, 342 Cartesian angular velocity, 387 coordinate system, 32, 243 end-effector position, 777 end-effector velocity, 778 orthogonality condition, 32 unit vectors, 34 Casscylindrical coordinate system, 342 Caster theory, 649 Catastatic constraint, 966 Center point, 903 Central force, 993 Central frame, 1038 Central principle, 1230, 1231, 1239 Centrifugal moment, 1033 Chasles, Michel, 121 Chasles theorem, 517, 526 Christoffel, Elwin Bruno, 328 Christoffel operator, 334 Christoffel symbol, 325, 327, 333, 334, 1203, 1211 first kind, 327 second kind, 327 third kind, 335 Circular integrals, 153 Collision, 177, 181 elastic, 177, 178 inelastic, 181, 182 oblique, 187 plastic, 182 restitution coefficient, 182 Concave surface, 79 Condition Bragg, 296 orthogonality, 31, 32 reciprocality, 271 Configuration coordinate, 924 degree of freedom, 923, 930 path, 47Index 1307 space, 890 trajectory, 890 Confocalellip coordinate system, 342 Confocalparab coordinate system, 343 Conical coordinate system, 343 Conservation energy, 1241 Jacobi Integral, 1242 laws, 1240 momentum, 1243 Conservative force, 174 Constant of motion, 977, 1241 Constraint acatastatic, 966 acceleration, 922 catastatic, 966 constraint-free space, 929 force, 932, 933, 937, 943 frozen, 915 generalized, 975 holonomic, 913 inequality, 962 jerk, 923 just-, 928, 929 least, 999 limit, 962 motion, 999 multiple, 919 nonholonomic, 952 nonintegrable, 952 over-, 928, 929 Pfaffian forms, 966, 967, 1238 plane, 916 rheonomic, 913 rolling, 956–958 scleronomic, 913 slip, 962 total, 952 under-, 928, 929 unicycle, 955 Contravariant metric, 279 vector components, 278 Control bang-bang, 1225 directional control system, 594 minimum time, 1225 Convex surface, 79 Coordinate cyclic, 1243 cylindrical, 506 ignorable, 1243 non-Cartesian, 1201 nonorthogonal, 32 parabolic, 1201 spherical, 744 Coordinate frame, 3, 5 Cartesian, 282 curvilinear, 300, 309 reciprocal base vector, 302 reciprocal unit vector, 302 space scale factor, 302 natural, 54, 55 neshin, 616 nonorthogonal, 24, 274, 282, 284, 285, 300 vector product, 285, 289, 291 oblique, 294, 298, 300 acceleration, 299 velocity, 299 origin, 5 orthogonal, 5, 31 orthogonality condition, 31 principal, 284, 1058 transformation, 284 reciprocal, 278, 284 transformation, 284 rim, 586 takht, 616 tire, 608 vehicle, 608 wheel, 608 wheel–body, 608 Coordinate system, 4, 243 bipolar, 341 bipolarcylindrical, 341 bispherical, 340, 342 cardioidal, 342 cardioidcylindrical, 342 Cartesian, 243 casscylindrical, 342 confocalellip, 342 confocalparab, 343 conical, 3431308 Index Coordinate system (continued) cylindrical, 250, 253, 257, 258 gradient, 257 orthogonality, 253 ellcylindrical, 343 ellipsoidal, 343 elliptic-hyperbolic cylindrical, 267 hypercylindrical, 343 invcasscylindrical, 344 invellcylindrical, 344 invoblspheroidal, 344 logcoshcylindrical, 344 logcylindrical, 344 maxwellcylindrical, 344 natural, 334 nonorthogonal, 269 oblatespheroidal, 345 oblique, 277 orthogonal, 243, 341 parabolic cylindrical, 261 paraboloidal1, 345 paraboloidal2, 345 paracylindrical, 345 principal, 278 rosecylindrical, 345 sixsphere, 345 spherical, 263, 265, 266, 339 orthogonality, 265 tangentcylindrical, 345 tangentsphere, 345 toroidal, 346 Coriolis acceleration, 802, 832, 833 force, 833, 836 Coriolis, Gaspard Gustave de, 835 Costate variable, 1225 Coulomb, Charles Augustin de, 938 Covariant metric, 279 vector components, 278 Crackle, 53 Curl, 93 potential force, 173 Curvature, 70 center, 77 plane curve, 61 principal, 84 radius, 65 surface, 84 vector, 63, 64 vectorial expression, 62 Curvilinear acceleration, 331 base vector, 301 coordinate frame, 309 coordinate system, 293, 295, 300–302, 309, 320, 1245 reason, 334 vector product, 319 work, 331 differential, 339 geometry, 320 kinematics, 325, 335 natural coordinate, 330, 331 parallelepiped, 323, 326, 329 velocity, 331 Cyclic coordinate, 1243 Cycloid, 247, 586, 1220 curtate, 247, 586 ordinary, 247 prolate, 247, 586 D D’Alembert, Jean Le Rond, 942 D’Alembert principle, 943 Lagrange’s form, 942 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 938 Darboux, Jean Gaston, 70 Darboux vector, 70 Degree of freedom, 923 configuration, 891, 919, 923, 928, 952, 963 event, 896 generalized, 1250 joint, 555 rigid body, 1034 state, 901, 923, 980 state–time, 909 Del, 86 Denavit–Hartenberg method, 563, 571 notation, 563 parameters, 563, 750, 754 rule, 563Index 1309 transformation, 566–568, 574, 575, 643, 1293–1296, 1298, 1299 Derivative mixed double, 822, 858–860 mixed second, 819 transformation mixed, 724, 725 simple, 724 transformation formula, 724, 819 Deviation moment, 1033 Dido problem, 1221 Differential manifold, 408 Differential geometry, 37 immersed surface, 80 parametric line, 41 quadratic surface, 45 space curve, 38, 40, 41 surface and plane, 43, 44 surface expression, 81 tangent line, 41 Differentiating, 718 B-derivative, 718, 722, 814 G-derivative, 718, 725 second, 726 second derivative, 810 transformation formula, 724 Directional angle, 572 control system, 594, 595, 629 cosine, 6–8, 18, 38, 55, 57, 58, 81, 92, 398–400, 422, 457, 460, 482, 581 curvature, 85 derivative, 89, 91, 92, 257 line, 5, 120, 126 Displacement actual, 916, 935, 936 impossible, 916, 935, 936 possible, 916, 935, 936 virtual, 935–937 Distance topocentric, 508 Divergence, 93 Double factorial, 153 Double pendulum, 232, 926, 1016, 1018 Dubai, 109 Duffing equation, 1136, 1137 Dynamic coupling, 1211 decoupling, 1211 Dynamics, 114, 1157 2R planar manipulator, 1168, 1172 4 bar linkage, 1163 actuator’s force and torque, 1177 application, 188 backward Newton–Euler, 1170 definition, 130 forward Newton–Euler, 1172 fundamentals, 114 global Newton–Euler, 1157 isolated system, 116 modeling, 189 multibody, 1251 Newton–Euler, 1157 Newtonian, 118 one-link manipulator, 1159 recursive Newton–Euler, 1157, 1170 special solutions, 131 E Earth free fall, 840, 846, 848, 849 kinetic energy, 1200 moving vehicle, 801 revolution energy, 1200 rotation effect, 802 rotation energy, 1200 shrinking, 185 spherical, 185 Eddington, Arthur Stanley, 115 e-delta identity, 26, 29 Eigenvalue, 433 Eigenvector, 433 Einstein summation convention, 28, 301 Ellcylindrical coordinate system, 343 Ellipsoid energy, 1092 momentum, 1092 Ellipsoidal coordinate system, 343 Elliptic function, 148, 149, 1129, 1130, 1132 limiting, 153 period, 1531310 Index Elliptic integral, 148, 1132 arc length, 155 complete first kind, 148 complete second kind, 149 complete third kind, 149 first kind, 148 second kind, 148 third kind, 149 End-effector acceleration, 872 angular velocity, 776 configuration vector, 872 configuration velocity, 872 force, 1172 link, 563 orientation, 777 position kinematics, 584 position vector, 771 SCARA position, 505 space station manipulator, 580 time-optimal control, 1225 velocity, 757, 766, 778 velocity vector, 757 Energy classical form equation, 950 Earth kinetic, 1200 first-form equation, 950 kinetic, 165 kinetic rigid body, 1036, 1037, 1077 kinetic rotational, 1073 mechanical, 166, 1200 multibody, 1252 potential, 166, 1203 primitive-form equation, 950 second-form equation, 950 Envelope, 136 Epitrochoid, 247 Equation Bernoulli, 931 inhomogeneous, 931 linear ODE, 931, 962 Equation of motion, 119, 197 integral form, 119 Equivalent Lagrangian, 1213 Euclidean space, 887, 888 Euler angles, 379, 382, 384, 462 integrability, 388 body frame equation, 1076, 1095 equation, 126 coordinate frame, 388 equation, 1076, 1093, 1095, 1159, 1171 equation of motion, 1072 frequencies, 385, 387, 706, 805 general equation, 1098 global rotation matrix, 403 inverse matrix, 403 –Lexell-Rodriguez formula, 424 local rotation matrix, 403 parameters, 439, 442, 443, 448, 449, 451, 463, 711, 713 rotation matrix, 382, 403 theorem, 378, 437–439 Euler-Chasles theorem, 438 Eulerian viewpoint, 737 Euler-Lagrange equation of motion, 1215, 1217 Euler, Leonhard, 126, 463 Event space, 896 Event trajectory, 896 F Fargo, ND, 885 Ferris wheel, 249 Field, 77 curl, 93 cylindrical, 258 derivative, 89, 94, 95, 98 directional derivative, 91 divergence, 93 gradient, 88 index notation, 99 isosurface, 86, 92 isovalue, 86 Laplacian, 94 scalar, 77, 85, 99 second derivative, 97 spherical, 267 stationary, 77 tensor, 99 timeinvariant, 77 total derivative, 89 vector, 77, 88, 92, 97–99Index 1311 Final rotation formula, 435, 436 First integral, 977 First variation, 1216, 1224 Fixed frame, 4 Flash space, 910 Flash–time space, 910 Flicker space, 911 Flicker–time space, 911 Focus point, 903 Forbidden umbrella, 136, 137 Force action, 1158 actuator, 1177 body, 120 central, 993 conservative, 166, 1203 constraint, 932, 937, 943 contact, 120 Coriolis, 833, 836 derivative, 131 driven, 1158 driving, 1158 effective, 839 external, 120 friction, 937 function, 117 general, 941 generalized, 1192, 1254 gravitational, 994 gravitational vector, 1255 internal, 120 Magnus, 1110 potential, 166, 1203 potential field, 1200 reaction, 1158 resultant, 120 system, 120 total, 120 Formula axis–angle, 520 derivative transformation, 724, 725, 819, 820, 822, 859, 864 derivative transport, 797 final rotation, 435, 436 Frenet–Serret, 64, 65 geometric transformation, 693 Gibbs, 447 Grubler, 559, 560 ¨ inversion, 530 Kutzbach, 560 parallel axes, 1047 relative acceleration, 792, 795, 799 relative angular velocity, 700, 705 Rodriguez, 447, 456, 463, 466, 475, 477, 520, 699, 754, 785, 799 trigonometric, 1300 Forward kinematics, 584 Foucault pendulum, 853, 855 Frame central, 1102 principal, 1073 Free-body diagram, 156 Freezing process, 915 Frenet frame, 58 trihedron, 58 Frenet, Jean Fred ´ eric, 65 ´ Frenet–Serret formula, 64 Friction force, 938 law, 938 Fundamental equation, 941, 942, 950, 996, 997, 1014, 1233, 1240, 1242 first form, 942, 1014 second form, 950 third form, 950 G Galilean transformation, 890 Galilei, Galileo, 1221 Gauss equation, 999 function, 999 Gauss dynamics, 999 Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich, 464, 999 Generalized applied force, 1013–1015 constraint, 973, 975 coordinate, 923, 926–929, 975, 1189, 1192, 1194, 1205 force, 986, 1002, 1191, 1192, 1194, 1202, 1203, 1206, 1209, 1246, 12521312 Index Generalized (continued) inertia force, 1013–1015 kinetic energy, 971 mechanics, 970 momenta, 1248 momentum, 986, 1002, 1004, 1192, 1248, 1268 potential force, 972 space, 928, 929, 974 velocity, 1249 work, 1247 Geodesics problem, 1218 Gibbs matrix, 447 vector, 447 Gibbs–Appell dynamics, 1009 equation, 1009, 1011, 1012 function, 1009, 1011 Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 1011 Gorz, 131 Grad, 86 Gradient, 84, 86 definition, 89 operator, 86 Gram determinant, 295 Grassmanian, 537 Gravitation Newton law, 121 universal constant, 121 Gravity center, 123 Group properties, 408 Grubler formula, 560 ¨ Guldin, Paul, 226, 227 Guldin theorem, 226, 227 H Hamilton dynamics, 1002 equation, 1002, 1003 function, 1002 Hamiltonian, 1225 dynamics, 1002 equation, 1002 function, 1002 method, 1002 system, 1006 Hamilton principle, 1228, 1230 general form, 1228 Hamilton, William, 464 Harmonic oscillator, 142 Helix, 51, 517 Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf, 954 Hodograph, 47, 49 Homogeneity, 887, 888 position, 889 time, 888 Homogeneous compound transformation, 500 coordinate, 482, 489 direction, 489 general transformation, 490, 498 inverse transformation, 494, 496, 498, 501 position vector, 483 scale factor, 482 transformation, 482, 487–489, 494, 497 Huygens–Steiner theorem, 1047 Hyperbolic integrals, 153 Hypercylindrical coordinate system, 343 Hypergeometric function, 152, 153 Hypertrochoid, 247 Hypotrochoid, 247 I Ignorable coordinate, 1243 Impenetrability, 889 Impossible displacement, 936 Impulse, 119, 176, 177 Impulsive point, 893 Ince, Edward Lindsay, 970 Index notation, 26 India, 858 Inequality constraint, 962 Inertial frame, 889 Inhomogeneous equation, 931 Integrability, 388 Integral of motion, 976, 977, 1241 Integrating factor, 960 Interpolant, 14 Interpolation, 14 linear, 14 problem, 14 vector, 14Index 1313 Invariant vector, 244 Invcasscylindrical coordinate system, 344 Invellcylindrical coordinate system, 344 Inverse kinematics Pieper technique, 676 transformation technique, 675 Inverse Lagrangian, 1214 Invoblspheroidal coordinate system, 344 Iran, 109, 858, 885 Isotropy, 887, 888 position, 889 time, 888 J Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, 149 Jacobi function, 148, 149 Jacobian, 315 analytical, 778 displacement matrix, 757 elements, 776 generating vector, 765, 767 geometrical, 778 link, 1252 matrix, 757, 758, 763, 767, 769, 773, 774, 778, 781, 872, 873, 877 polar manipulator, 764, 874 rotational matrix, 757 Jeeq, 53 Jerk, 53, 807, 808 angular, 808 body point, 808 definition, 51 global, 807 matrix, 865 rotational transformation, 807 transformation, 866, 867 Jerkmeter, 53 Joint, 555 acceleration vector, 872 active, 555 angle, 565 distance, 565 equivalent spherical, 562 inactive, 555 multiple, 561 parameters, 565 passive, 555 prismatic, 555 revolute, 555 rotary, 555 translatory, 555 universal, 560 variable vector, 757 velocity vector, 757, 767 Jolt, 53 Jounce, 53 Just constraint, 928, 929 Just rigid, 1033 K Kane dynamics, 1013 equation, 1013, 1014 Kane equation, 1016 Kennedy theorem, 734 Kinematic length, 565 space, 910 Kinematics acceleration, 789 assembling, 615 foot–leg, 513 forward, 584 forward acceleration, 872 forward velocity, 757 inverse, 675 inverse acceleration, 874 inverse velocity, 778 velocity, 754 Kinetic energy, 165 Earth, 1200 parabolic coordinate, 1202 rigid body, 1036, 1037, 1077 rotational body, 1073 Kinetic potential, 984 Kronecker delta, 26, 681, 1042 L Lagrange dynamics, 996, 1251 equation, 1217 equation of motion, 1189, 1203, 1215, 1234, 1238, 1239 explicit equation, 1202, 12101314 Index Lagrange (continued) mechanics, 1203 multiplier, 933, 1221 Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 213 Lagrangian, 984, 1203, 1241 dynamics, 1189 equivalent, 1213 form invariant, 1214 fundamental theorem, 1234 generality, 1238 inverse, 1214 viewpoint, 737 Laplacian, 94, 98 Larz, 53 Law conservation, 176, 1240 cosine, 105 force, 114 gravitational, 121, 122 inertia, 890 inverse square, 994 Kepler’s second, 994 Kepler’s third, 419 motion, 114, 126 motion second, 1101 Newton’s first, 114 Newton’s second, 114 Newton’s third, 114 rotational motion, 1077 sine, 508 Laws of motion, 114 Least constraint, 999 Legendre, Adrien-Marie, 150 Levi-Civita symbol, 26, 27, 448 Levi-Civita, Tullio, 900 Libration, 142 Lie group, 408 Limit constraint, 962 Linear space, 15 Link angular velocity, 756 class 1 and 2, 1293 class 3 and 4, 1294 class 5 and 6, 1295 class 7 and 8, 1296 class 9 and 10, 1298 class 11 and 12, 1299 classification, 573 compound, 561 end effector, 563 Euler equation, 1171 kinetic energy, 1252 length, 565 Newton–Euler dynamics, 1157 offset, 565 parameters, 565 recursive dynamics, 1170 translational velocity, 756 twist, 565 velocity, 754 Lissajous curves, 144 Lituus, 260 Load, 120 Lobachevsky space, 207 Location vector, 519, 521, 650 Logcoshcylindrical coordinate system, 344 Logcylindrical coordinate system, 344 M Manipulator 2R planar, 1207 one-link dynamics, 1159 planar polar, 1257 SCARA, 505 Mass, 115 Mass center, 122, 126, 1039, 1040, 1102 Mass moment, 1033 about a line, 1042 about a plane, 1042 about a point, 1042 characteristic equation, 1062 diagonal elements, 1041 matrix, 1035 parallel-axes theorem, 1044 polar, 1035 principal, 1058 principal directions, 1059 principal frame, 1058 principal invariants, 1062 principal planes, 1065 product, 1035 pseudomatrix, 1037 rigid body, 1072Index 1315 rotated-axes theorem, 1044 transformation, 1044 Matrix orthogonality condition, 399 skew symmetric, 423, 425, 439 Maxwellcylindrical coordinate system, 344 Measure number, 5 Mechanical energy, 166 Mechanics Lagrangian, 1189 Newtonian, 118 Mechanism 3D slider–crank, 598 4-bar, 560, 1163 inverted slider–crank, 731 slider–crank, 597 Melbourne, 109, 885 Methods of dynamics, 996 Gauss method, 999 Gibbs–Appell method, 1009 Hamilton method, 1002 Kane method, 1013 Lagrange method, 996, 998 Mangerone–Deleanu method, 1018 Nielsen method, 1017, 1018, 1020 Tzenoff method, 1020, 1021 ´ Methods of solution, 200 perturbation methods, 200 series methods, 200 Metric tensor, 279 Moment action, 1158 applied, 126 driven, 1158 driving, 1158 of a force, 120 reaction, 1158 resultant, 120 total, 120 Moment of inertia, 1033 about a line, 1042 about a plane, 1042 about a point, 1042 characteristic equation, 1062 diagonal elements, 1041 Huygens–Steiner theorem, 1047 parallel-axes theorem, 1044 polar, 1035 principal, 1058 principal axes, 1073 principal invariants, 1062 product, 1035 pseudomatrix, 1037 rigid body, 1072 rotated-axes theorem, 1044 Moment of momentum, 126 Momentum, 125, 176, 177 angular, 126 definition, 115 ellipsoid, 1092 linear, 125 translational, 125 Motion central force, 993 impossible, 913 possible, 913 spiral, 245 Moving frame, 4, 58 Multibody 2R manipulator, 676, 1168, 1169, 1172 3D slider–crank mechanism, 598 articulated manipulator, 640, 666, 671 assembling, 615, 616, 621 best spherical wrist, 623 closed-loop mechanism, 597 connection, 555 Denavit–Hartenberg rule, 563 directional control system, 594 direct kinematics, 584 dynamics, 1157, 1251, 1254 forward kinematics, 584, 643 four-bar linkage, 1163 gravitational vector, 1255 industrial links, 573 inertia matrix, 1253 inverse kinematics, 662 inverse transformation, 674 kinematics, 555 kinetic energy, 1252, 1253 Lagrange dynamics, 1251 Lagrange equation, 1254 Lagrangian, 1254 order-free rotation, 628 order-free transformation, 6351316 Index Multibody (continued) potential energy, 1253 recursive dynamics, 1170–1172 rest position, 565 shuttle manipulator, 577, 588 spherical arm, 619 spherical robot, 576, 677 spherical wrist, 616 takht and neshin, 616 tire–wheel–vehicle, 606, 611–614 trebuchet, 581 universal joint, 602 velocity coupling vector, 1255 N Nabla, 86, 100 identities, 100 Natural coordinate frame, 54, 66, 71 binormal, 57 bivector, 56 curvature, 57 orthogonality, 62 principal normal line, 56 n-body problem, 194, 992 Neshin, 616 Neutron star, 1127 New Delhi, 858 Newton equation, 126 body frame, 1102 definition, 822 global frame, 1101 Lagrange form, 1191 rotating frame, 839 Newton–Euler backward equations, 1170 equation of motion, 1171 equations of motion, 1157 forward equations, 1171, 1172 global equations, 1157 recursive equations, 1170 Newtonian dynamics, 922 Newton, Isaac, 126, 992 New York, 885 Nielsen dynamics, 1017 equation, 1017, 1020 Node point, 903 Nonholonomic Constraint, 952 Nonpotential force, 170 O Oblatespheroidal coordinate system, 345 Oklahoma City, 109 Optimal control, 1225 Hamiltonian, 1225 Lagrange equation, 1215 linear system, 1225 objective function, 1225 switching point, 1226 Orientable surface, 79 Orlando, 858 Orthogonality condition, 31, 399 Orthogonal mesh, 79 Osculating plane, 54, 56, 78, 86 sphere, 66 Overconstraint, 928, 929 Overrigid, 1034 P Paraboloidal1 coordinate system, 345 Paraboloidal2 coordinate system, 345 Paracylindrical coordinate system, 345 Pars, Leopold Alexander, 942 Partial angular velocity, 1015 derivative, 78, 79, 86, 1245 velocity, 1013, 1014, 1016, 1017 Particle, 889 definition, 115 impenetrability, 115 Passive transformation, 409 Path admissible, 1215 configuration, 47 cycloid, 247 frame, 58 kinematics, 46 minimizing, 1215, 1216 motion, 98 optimal, 1217, 1224 projectile, 135, 144, 221 shortest, 1218Index 1317 spiral, 260 variable, 1215 Pendulum, 145, 149, 921 acceleration, 800 compound, 1271 connected, 1269 constraint, 981 double, 1016, 1018 elastic, 1005, 1012, 1206 first integral, 981 flexible support, 1268 Foucault, 853, 855 heavy, 1272 integral of motion, 988 inverted, 1264 in wind, 1264 moving support, 921, 925, 1266, 1269 oscillating support, 1193 planar, 925, 1156 simple, 145, 152, 800, 1192 sliding, 1193 spherical, 229, 803, 804, 933, 988, 1204 turning, 1181, 1267, 1275 variable mass, 1271 velocity, 800 Permutation symbol, 26, 27, 448 Perpendicular plane, 54 Persia, 584, 860 Persian, 616 Persian Gulf, 109, 858, 885 Pfaffian forms, 966, 967, 1238 Pfaff, Johann Friedrich, 969 Pfaff problem, 970 Phase plane, 901, 902, 906, 1006, 1227 Hamilton, 1006, 1007 modified, 1006, 1007 portrait, 901, 903, 905, 1121 velocity modified, 1007 Physical force, 933 quantity scalaric, 12 vectorial, 10 Pieper technique, 676 Planar curve, 65 Plucker ¨ angle, 541 classification coordinate, 538 distance, 541 line coordinate, 534–537, 541, 544–546, 648 moment, 540 ray coordinate, 535, 537 reciprocal product, 541 screw, 545 virtual product, 541 Poinsot, Louis, 121 Point at infinity, 489, 490 singular, 902 Point mass, 889 Pole, 493 Pop, 53 Position vector, 5 Potential energy, 166 force, 166, 1203 Principal angular acceleration, 794, 795 angular velocity, 702, 794 axes, 461, 486, 1065, 1073, 1133, 1138 base vector, 327 base vectors, 301, 1245 body frame, 990 central screw, 526, 532, 533 components, 283 coordinate frame, 278, 1060, 1073 coordinates, 310, 311 curvature, 84 derivative, 327, 334 differential rotation, 752 direction, 85 frame, 278, 279, 287, 304, 309 invariants, 1062 mass moment, 1058–1060, 1062, 1063, 1065, 1139 metric, 326 nonorthogonal frame, 284 normal line, 56 plane, 243 planes, 1065 radius of gyration, 10441318 Index Principal (continued) rotation matrix, 423, 455, 707, 1061 unit vectors, 243, 271, 278, 282, 298, 299, 301, 304, 1245 Principle angular impulse, 177 angular impulse and moment of momentum, 177 central, 1230, 1231, 1239 conservation of energy, 165, 166, 985, 1242 conservation of moment of momentum, 177 conservation of momentum, 176 D’Alembert, 942, 943, 1014 decoupling, 663 determinacy, 130 Galileo relativity, 889 Gauss, 197 Hamilton, 1228, 1229, 1231, 1232 impulse and momentum, 176, 183 least constraint, 999 minimum constraint, 197 Newton–Laplace, 130 Pontryagin, 1225 projection, 289 relative velocity, 742 superposition, 118 variational, 1228, 1230 virtual work, 937, 942, 945 work and energy, 165 Problem antiprojectile, 220 book-stacking, 193 brachistochrone, 1220 bug, 51 central force, 993 central-force motion, 1250 collision, 898 composition, 465 decomposition, 465 Dido, 1221 dynamic, 116 foot–leg kinematic, 513 forward acceleration, 872 forward kinematics, 584 forward velocity, 758 free fall, 847 geodesic, 1218 interpolation, 14 inverse acceleration, 875 inverse kinematics, 662 inverse Lagrangian, 1214 inverse velocity, 778 minimization, 1217 minimum time, 1225 n-body, 30, 194, 992 open, 367, 379 Pfaff, 970 projectile, 134 regularization, 898 resolved rates, 778 rigid body, 1112 rotation, 460 shortest path, 1218 three-body, 29, 213–216, 219 time-optimal, 1225 two-body, 194, 210 vector interpolation, 14 walking, 513 Projectile, 134–141, 156 antiprojectile gun, 220 height, 157 height time, 157 in air, 156, 160 limit velocity, 159 path, 158 range, 157 range time, 157 umberella, 137 variable gravitational acceleration, 198 Q Quaternions, 449, 463 addition, 450 composition rotation, 454 flag form, 450 inverse rotation, 453 multiplication, 450 rotation, 451 R Radius of gyration, 1043 principal, 1044Index 1319 Razi acceleration, 860 Razi, Zakariya, 860 Reciprocal base vectors, 272, 273, 275, 283, 301, 340 components, 281, 283 coordinate frame, 278, 282 coordinates, 310, 311 derivative, 334 frame, 284 geometric interpretation, 277 metric, 335 principal vector, 276 reciprocality condition, 271 unit vectors, 269, 298, 299, 301 vectors, 269, 271, 272 scalar triple product, 271, 276 Rectifying plane, 54, 57, 75 Rectilinear motion, 906 escape, 908 libration, 907 limitation, 907 lost, 908 rest, 906 Reference frame, 4 Rest point, 893 position, 902 Right-handed convention, 3 Right-hand Rule, 4 Rigid body acceleration, 823 angular momentum, 1074, 1078 angular velocity, 432 asymmetric, 1112, 1128 axially symmetric, 1116 axisymmetric, 1112, 1116 body frame, 1033 centrosymmetric, 1115 classical problems, 1112 definition, 1033, 1034 Duffing equation, 1136 equimomental, 1112 Euler equation, 1076, 1093 general motion, 1141 just-rigid, 1033 kinematics, 477 kinetic energy, 1036, 1037, 1077 mass moment, 1072 moment of inertia, 1072 motion, 477 motion classification, 527 motion composition, 481 motion condition, 430 motion theorem, 1035 overrigid, 1034 Poinsot interpretation, 1135 principal rotation matrix, 1061 rolling disc, 1143 rotational kinetics, 1072 rotation condition, 430 rotation theorem, 433 spherical, 1039, 1112, 1115 stability, 1138–1141 steady rotation, 1083 torque-free, 1112 translational dynamics, 1101 translational kinetics, 1101 velocity, 727, 730 Robot articulated, 666, 769, 774 recursive dynamics, 1170 rest position, 572 SCARA, 505 spherical, 677, 767 Rocket motion, 183 final velocity, 184 multistage, 185 Rodriguez rotation formula, 424, 427, 441, 445–447, 456, 461, 467, 477, 520, 532, 699, 754 vector, 446, 447, 466 Rodriguez, Benjamin, 463 Roll angle, 1107 Roller coaster, 42, 72, 77 Rolling constraint, 956–958 Roll–pitch–yaw frequency, 394 global angles, 455 global rotation matrix, 455 Rosecylindrical coordinate system, 3451320 Index Rotation, 425 acceleration transformation, 788, 791 axis–angle, 422, 425, 426, 440, 442, 446, 461 composition, 465 decomposition, 465 eigenvalue, 433 eigenvector, 433 exponential form, 445 general, 397 global axes, 357 infinitesimal, 444 kinematics, 357 local axes, 373, 376, 378 local versus global, 395 matrix, 460 order free, 628 pole, 734 quaternion, 451 reverse, 425 Stanley method, 449 successive global axes, 360, 363–365 successive local axes, 376, 377 X-matrix, 358 x-matrix, 360 Y -matrix, 358 y-matrix, 373 Z-matrix, 357 z-matrix, 373 Rotational jerk, 807 Rotator, 425, 457 Routhian, 1008 Rule bac–cab, 22, 29 chain, 746 Denavit–Hartenberg, 563, 566–568 homogeneous transformation, 610, 741 Napier, 369 parallel-axes, 1044 relative angular acceleration, 792 relative angular velocity, 792, 860 right-hand, 4, 565 rotated-axes, 1044 Rush space, 910 Rush–time space, 910 S Saddle point, 903 Scalar, 12 equal, 12 equivalent, 12 triple product, 23, 33 Scale, 5 SCARA robot, 505 Screw, 51, 121, 517, 522, 527 axis, 517 central, 518, 519, 521, 523, 533, 546, 566, 643, 648 combination, 531, 532 coordinate, 517 decomposition, 533 exponential, 532 forward kinematics, 643 instantaneous, 546 intersection, 648 inverse, 529, 530, 532 left-handed, 517 location vector, 519 motion, 565, 738 parameters, 518, 525 pitch, 517 Plucker coordinate, 545 ¨ principal, 526, 532, 533 reverse central, 519 right-handed, 3, 517 special case, 525 transformation, 520, 523 twist, 517 Second derivative, 726 Second variation, 1216, 1224 Series solution, 29, 210, 213 Serret, Joseph Alfred, 65 Shake, 131 Sharang, 131 Shiraz, 885 Sina, Abu Ali, 584 Sixsphere coordinate system, 345 Slip constraint, 962 Snap, 53 Snatch, 131 Sooz, 53 Space configuration, 890Index 1321 constraint-free, 929 curve, 38, 40, 41, 48 describing, 890 Euclidean, 888 event, 896 flash, 910 flash–time, 910 flicker, 911 flicker–time, 911 kinematic, 910 Lobachevsky, 207 rush, 910 rush–time, 910 spark, 911 sparkle, 911 sparkle–time, 911 spark–time, 911 state, 900 state–time, 908 Sparkle space, 911 Sparkle–time space, 911 Spark space, 911 Spark–time space, 911 Spatial integral, 165 Special solutions, 131 force of position, 141 force of time, 132 Force of velocity, 156 Spherical arm, 619 coordinate system, 263 Earth, 185 field, 267 kinematics, 265 pendulum, 803, 804 rigid body, 1039 wrist, 616 Spinor, 425, 457 Spiral Archimedes, 260 Fermat, 260 hyperbolic, 260 logarithmic, 260 motion, 245, 260 Stable focus point, 903 node point, 904 Stanley method, 449 Stark effect, 1201 State space, 900 trajectory, 900 State–time space, 908 trajectory, 908, 909 Steering axis caster angle, 650 caster plane, 650 forward location, 651 lateral location, 651 lean angle, 650 lean plane, 650 Sundman, Karl Frithiof, 900 Suspension caster angle, 650 caster plane, 650 forward location, 651 lateral location, 651 lean angle, 650 lean plane, 650 location vector, 651 steering axis, 650 Symbols, xv System of particles angular momentum, 128 kinetic energy, 174 motion equation, 127 rotational motion, 129 work, 175 Szebehely, Victor, 419, 900 T Takht, 616 Tangentcylindrical coordinate system, 345 Tangent plane, 78, 79, 86 Tangentsphere coordinate system, 345 Tavaan, 131 Tehran, 109 Temporal integral, 165, 176 Tetrad, 4 Theorem Chasles, 121, 517, 526 Euler, 378, 435, 437, 438, 461, 1142 Euler–Chasles, 4381322 Index Theorem (continued) fundamental Lagrangian, 1234 Guldin, 226, 227 Huygens–Steiner, 1047 Kennedy, 734 order-free rotations, 628 order-free transformations, 635 parallel-axes, 1044, 1047 Poinsot, 121 rigid-body motion, 1035 rigid-body rotation, 433 rotated-axes, 1044 Three-body problem, 29, 213 series solution, 29–31 Tides, 189 neap, 193 ocean, 189 spring, 193 Time derivative, 718 Time history, 896 Tire coordinate frame, 608, 609 Tireprint, 607 Top, 384, 990, 1151 dynamics, 1150 Topocentric distance, 508 Toroidal coordinate system, 346 Toronto, 109, 885 Torque, 120 Torsion, 65, 70 Trajectory actual, 916 configuration, 890 event, 896 possible, 916 state, 900 state–time, 908 Transformation active and passive, 409 general, 397 homogeneous, 482 order free, 635 tire to vehicle frame, 613 tire to wheel–body frame, 611, 612 tire to wheel frame, 610, 611 wheel to tire frame, 609, 611 wheel to wheel–body frame, 612 wheel–body to vehicle frame, 614 Transformation matrix derivative, 749 differential, 752, 753 elements, 400 velocity, 739 Trebuchet, 581 Triad, 3 coordinate frame, 3 natural, 55 negative, 3 nonorthogonal, 269, 270 opposite, 3 orthogonal, 3 positive, 3 right-handed, 3 standard, 3 Trigonometric equation, 668 Trochoid, 247, 586 Tug, 131 Two-body problem, 210 Tzenoff ´ dynamics, 1021 equation, 1020, 1021 U Underconstraint, 928, 929 Unicycle constraint, 955 Unit system, xv Unit vector, 5, 34–36 Cartesian frames, 34 definition, 36 spherical frames, 34 Universal joint, 560, 602, 604, 605 history, 604 speed ratio, 605 Unstable focus point, 903 node point, 904 USA, 109 V Variable scalar, 46 Variation, 940 Vecface, 10 Vecfree, 10Index 1323 Veclane, 10 Vecline, 10 Vecpoface, 10 Vecpoint, 10 Vecpolane, 10 Vecpoline, 10 Vecporee, 11 Vector absolute value, 5 addition, 12, 15 algebra, 12 angular acceleration, 788 anticommutative property, 17 associative property, 12, 15 axis, 10 bounded, 10 Cartesian, 245 characteristics, 10 commutative property, 12, 15, 17 components, 5 contravariant components, 278 covariant components, 278 decomposed expression, 6, 9 decomposition, 6, 9 definition, 10 derivative, 46, 48 direction, 10 end point, 10 equation, 20 free, 10 function, 46, 51 Gibbs, 447 gravitational force, 1255 inner product, 17, 285, 289, 291 interpolation, 14 invariant, 244 inverse-element property, 16 length, 5, 10 length-invariant property, 402 line, 10 line of action, 10 modulus, 5 multiplication, 17 natural expression, 6, 9 normal, 79 normal base, 312 null-element property, 16 outer product, 17, 285, 289, 291 plane, 10 point, 10 point-free, 11 point-line, 10 point-plane, 10 position, 5 principal base, 301 principal unit, 278, 301 quaternion product, 17 reciprocal, 269–271, 273, 275–277 reciprocal base, 278 reciprocality condition, 271 requirements, 10 reverse, 271 Rodriguez, 447 rotation, 432 scalar triple product, 23, 294 sliding, 10 space, 24 start point, 10 surface, 10 tangent base, 312 triple product, 24 types, 10 unit, 34 variable, 8 variable direction, 8 variable length, 8 vecface, 10 vecfree, 10 vecline, 10 vecpoface, 10 vecpoint, 10 vecpolane, 10 vecpoline, 10 vecporee, 11 velocity coupling, 1255 Vehicle dynamics Lagrange method, 1091 Newton–Euler equations, 1109 pitch angle, 1107 pitch rate, 1107 roll angle, 1107 roll dynamics, 1107 roll equation, 1109 roll rate, 11071324 Index Vehicle dynamics (continued) yaw angle, 1107 yaw rate, 1107 Velocity coefficient matrix, 751 definition, 51 end effector, 757 hodograph, 49 inverse transformation, 739 limit, 159 matrix, 865 operator matrix, 749 prismatic transformation matrix, 751 revolute transformation matrix, 751 transformation matrix, 739, 743, 749 Virtual displacement, 936, 937 product, 541 velocity, 938 work, 935, 937, 941 W Wheel camber angle, 608 coordinate frame, 608, 609 degrees of freedom, 608 spin, 608 Wheel–body coordinate frame, 608, 609 kinematics, 606 Work, 165 actual, 935 virtual, 935, 1192 Wrench, 121 Wrist spherical, 576, 773 transformation matrix, 618 Y Yank, 131 Z Zero-velocity point, 733 Zoor, 131
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