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عدد المساهمات : 19004 التقييم : 35512 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب CNC Machining for Engineers & Makers الجمعة 17 سبتمبر 2021, 1:03 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب CNC Machining for Engineers & Makers A practical guide to CNC machining DAVIS NexGenCAM
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Chapter 1: Introduction & CNC Process Overview Course Description 1-3 Prerequisites 1-3 Audience . 1-3 Course Design 1-3 SRP vs. RP . 1-4 Prototype vs. Production Machining 1-4 Required Tools and Equipment 1-4 Lessons and Appendices 1-5 Instructional Resources . 1-5 Recommended Use . 1-6 Overview of CAD/CAM Process 1-6 Chapter 2: Shop Safety Overview 2-3 Safety Awareness 2-3 Personal Conduct & Shop Etiquette . 2-4 Shop Clothing 2-4 Proper Shop Attire Illustration . 2-5 General Safety Practices 2-6 CNC Safety Practices . 2-6 Safety Contract . 2-7 Safety Contract Form . 2-8 Chapter 3: CNC Tools Overview 3-3 End Mills . 3-3 Face Mill . 3-4 Corner Radius Mill . 3-5 Slot Mill/Slotting Saw 3-5 Center-Spot Drill . 3-5 Twist Drill 3-6 Tap . 3-6 Reamer . 3-7 Counterbore . 3-8 Cutting Tool Fundamentals 3-8 Rotational Direction . 3-8 Table of ContentsCNC Machining for Engineers and Makers Contents ii Chip Formation .3-8 Chip Load .3-9 Climb vs. Conventional Milling 3-9 Cutting Speeds and Feeds Formulas .3-10 Speed Formula .3-11 Feed Formula .3-12 Tap Feed Formula .3-12 Speed/Feed Examples 3-13 Milling Speed/Feed Example .3-13 Drill Speed/Feed Example .3-14 Tap Speed/Feed Example .3-15 Maximum Spindle Speed Example 3-16 Cutting Data 3-17 Best Practices Machining Parameters .3-18 Troubleshooting Speed/Feed Problems 3-19 Chapter 4: Coordinate Systems Overview .4-3 Cartesian Coordinate System .4-3 Number Line 4-3 3D Cartesian Coordinate System .4-3 Quadrants 4-4 Units 4-5 Vertical Machining Center (VMC) Motion .4-5 CNC Motion Control .4-6 CNC Machine Coordinates 4-6 About Machine Home Position .4-7 Work Coordinate System (WCS) .4-8 WCS Example-1 4-9 WCS Example-2 4-10 WCS Example-3 4-11 Machine and Tool Offsets 4-12 Machine Offset XY 4-12 Machine Offset Z 4-13 Tool Lenght Offset (TLO) .4-13 Chapter 5: CNC Programming Language Overview .5-3 CNC Language and Structure 5-3 Program Format .5-4 CNC Editor .5-4 Alphabetic & Special Character Address Codes .5-5 Alphabetic Address Code Definitions 5-5 G&M Codes .5-8 G-Codes .5-8 M-Codes .5-8 Select G-Code Definitions (Expanded) .5-9 Canned Cycles .5-10 Chapter 6: CNC Operation Overview of CNC Setup and Operation .6-3Contents CNC Machining for Engineers and Makers iii Machine and Tool Offsets 6-5 Fixture Offset XY 6-5 Fixture Offset Z 6-6 Tool Length Offset (TLO) 6-7 Haas Control Face . 6-8 Haas Keyboard . 6-9 Start/Home Machine . 6-10 Load Tools . 6-11 Set Tool Length Offset (TLO) 6-13 Set Fixture Offset XY 6-17 Set Fixture Offset Z 6-21 Load CNC Program 6-24 Run CNC Program 6-26 Adjusting Diameter (CDC) Offsets 6-27 Shut Down CNC . 6-29 Chapter 7: 2D Milling Toolpaths Overview 7-3 2D/3D/4X/5X Defined . 7-3 2D (Prismatic) Parts . 7-3 3D Parts . 7-4 4-Axis Parts 7-4 Standard CAD Views vs. CAM Views 7-6 CAD Features vs. Machining Features 7-6 Toolpaths by Type and Use 7-7 2D Machining Features Example 7-8 2D Toolpath Terminology 7-9 Facing . 7-10 2D Contouring . 7-11 Cutter Diameter Compensation 7-12 Pocketing 7-13 Slot Milling 7-14 Chamfer Milling 7-15 Radius (Corner-Round) Milling . 7-16 Center Drill 7-17 Drilling 7-18 Tapping . 7-19 Chapter 8: CNC Turning Overview 8-3 Lathe Components . 8-4 Spindle 8-5 Turret 8-6 Lathe Coordinate System 8-8 Driven (Live) Tools . 8-9 Imaginary Tool Tip . 8-10 Part Datum . 8-11 Tools and Tool Holders 8-12 Chip Breaker 8-12 Relief Angle . 8-13 Tool Cutting Angles 8-13 Rake Angle . 8-14 Insert Designations . 8-15 Lathe Tool Types . 8-17CNC Machining for Engineers and Makers Contents iv Face/Turn Tools 8-17 Groove Tool .8-18 Bore Tool .8-19 Thread Tool 8-20 Cutoff Tool .8-21 Cutting Speeds and Feeds 8-22 Speed/Feed Example 8-23 Cutting Feed Example .8-24 Lathe Setup and Programming Example .8-25 Setup .8-26 Face .8-27 Rough 8-28 Finish .8-29 Groove .8-30 Thread .8-31 Drill 8-32 Bore .8-33 Cutoff .8-34 Chapter 9: 3D Toolpaths Overview .9-3 3D Cutter Compensation 9-3 Tolerances .9-4 3D Toolpath Setups .9-6 3D Roughing 9-6 Parallel Finish 9-7 Scallop Height 9-8 3D Scallop 9-9 REST Milling .9-10 Pencil Toolpaths 9-11 Conceptualizing 3D Toolpaths 9-12 Chapter 10: Milling Setups Overview .10-3 Fixture Components 10-3 Subplates and Angle Plates 10-3 Clamps 10-4 Shoulder Bolts and Dowel Pins .10-5 Vise Accessories .10-5 Hard Jaws .10-6 Soft Jaws 10-6 Appendix A: CNC Milling Work-Holding Examples Project 1 : Install Vise A-2 Project 2 : Install Vise Jaws A-4 Project 3 : Square Block A-5 Project 4 : Contour Square Step A-13 Project 5 : Base . A-16 Project 6 : Housing A-21 Project 7 : Fan Blades A-23 Project 8 : Clamp A-29Contents CNC Machining for Engineers and Makers v Project 9 : Fixture Plate . A-31 Project 10 : French Curve A-33 Project 11 : Honeycomb A-38 Project 12 : Bracket . A-40 Project 13 : Microwave Housing A-49 Project 14 : Geneva Gear . A-57 Appendix B: Alternate Tool Setting Methods List of Common Methods B-1 Using Paper . B-2 1-2-3 Block on Finished Part Face B-3 1-2-3 Block and Dial Indicator B-4 Tool Probe B-4 Appendix C: CNC Process Planning Form CNC Process Planning Form C-1, C-2 Appendix D: G-M Code Reference Milling G- Codes D-1 Milling M-Codes D-2 Lathe G-Codes D-3, D-4 Lathe M-Codes D-4 Appendix E: Glossary Glossary E-1, E-2 Appendix F: Drill Chart Drill Chart .F-1, F-2 Inch Pipe Threads F-4 Metric Taps . F-5 Milling G-Codes G00 Rapid Positioning Motion (X,Y,Z,A ,B) G01 Linear Interpolation Motion (X,Y,Z,A ,B,F) G02 Circular Interpolation Motion CW (X,Y,Z,A ,I,J,K,R,F) G03 Circular Interpolation Motion CCW (X,Y,Z,A,I,J ,K,R,F) G04 Dwell (P) (P=Seconds) G09 Exact Stop, Non-Modal G17 Circular Motion XY Plane Selection (G02 or G03) G18 Circular Motion ZX Plane Selection (G02 or G03) G19 Circular Motion YZ Plane Selection (G02 or G03) G20 Inch Coordinate Positioning G21 Metric Coordinate Positioning G28 Machine Zero Return Thru Ref. Point (X,Y,Z,A,B) G29 Move to Location Through G28 Ref. Point (X,Y,Z,A,B) G40 Cutter Comp Cancel G41 2D Cutter Compensation, Left (X,Y,D) G42 2D Cutter Compensation, Right (X,Y,D) G43 Tool Length Compensation + (H,Z) G49 Tool Length Compensation Cancel G43/G44/G43 G52 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate G53 Machine Positioning Coordinate, Non-Modal (X,Y,Z,A ,B) G54 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #1 G55 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #2 G56 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #3 G57 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #4 G58 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #5 G59 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #6 G73 HS Peck Drilling Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z,I,J ,K,Q,P,R,L,F) G74 Reverse Tapping Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z,J,R,L,F) G76 Fine Boring Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z,I,J ,P,Q,R,L,F) G77 Black Bore Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z,I,J ,Q,R,L,F) G80 Cancel Canned Cycle G81 Drill Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z,R,L,F) G82 Spot Drill / Counterbore Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z,P ,R,L,F) G83 Peck Drill Deep Hole Canned Cycle (X,Y,A ,B,Z ,I,J,K,Q,P,R,L,F) G84 Tapping Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z ,J,R,L,F) G85 Bore In ~ Bore Out Canned Cycle (X,Y,A ,B,Z ,R,L,F) G86 Bore In ~ Stop ~ Rapid Out Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z,R,L,F) G87 Bore In ~ Manual Retract Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z,R,L,F) G88 Bore In ~ Dwell ~ Manual Retract Canned Cycle (X,Y,A ,B,Z ,P,R,L,F) G89 Bore In ~ Dwell ~ Bore Out Canned Cycle (X,Y,A,B,Z,P,R,L,F) G90 Absolute Positioning Command G91 Incremental Positioning Command G92 Global Work Coordinate System G93 Inverse Time Feed Mode ON G94 Inverse Time Feed OFF / Feed Per Minute ON G98 Canned Cycle Initial Point Return G99 Canned Cycle R Plane Return Table 1: Mill G-CodesCNC Machining for Engineers and Makers Appendix D G & M Codes Reference D-2 Copyright 2014 NexGenCAM, Inc. Milling M-Codes M00 Program Stop M01 Optional Program Stop M02 Program End M03 Spindle ON Clockwise (S) M04 Spindle ON Counterclockwise (S) M05 Spindle Stop M06 Tool Change (T) M08 Coolant ON M09 Coolant OFF M30 Program End and Reset M31 Chip Auger Forward M33 Chip Auger Stop M34 Coolant Spigot Position Down, Increment M35 Coolant Spigot Position Up, Decrement M36 Pallet Part Ready M41 Spindle Low Gear Override M42 Spindle High Gear Override M50 Execute Pallet Change M83 Auto Air Jet ON M84 Auto Air Jet OFF M88 Coolant Through Spindle ON M97 Local Sub-Program Call (P,L) M98 Sub-Program Call (P,L) M99 Sub-Program / Routine Return of Loop (P) Table 2: Mill M-Codes Note: Only one M-Code may appear in each block of code.Appendix D CNC Machining for Engineers and Makers G-M Code Reference Copyright 2014 NexGenCAM, Inc. D-3 Lathe G-Codes G00 Rapid Positioning Motion G01 Linear Interpolation Motion G02 Circular Interpolation Motion CW G03 Circular Interpolation Motion CCW G04 Dwell (P) (P=Seconds) G09 Exact Stop, Non-Modal G18 Circular Motion ZX Plane Selection (G02 or G03) G20 Inch Coordinate Positioning G21 Metric Coordinate Positioning G28 Machine Zero Return Thru Ref. Point G29 Move to Location Through G28 Ref. Point G32 Threading G40 Tool Nose Compensation Cancel G41 Tool Nose Compensation, Left G42 Tool Nose Compensation, Right G43 Tool Length Compensation G49 Tool Length Compensation Cancel G43/G44/G43 G50 Spindle Speed Clamp/Set Global Coor. Offset G51 Cancel Offset (Yasnac) G52 Set Local Coordinate System (Fanuc) G53 Machine Coordinate Selection G54 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #1 G55 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #2 G56 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #3 G57 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #4 G58 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #5 G59 Work Offset Positioning Coordinate #6 G61 Exact Stop Modal G64 G61 Cancel G70 Finishing Cycle G71 OD/ID Stock Removal Cycle G72 Face Stock Removal Cycle G73 Irregular Path Stock Removal Cycle G74 Face Grooving Cycle, Peck Drilling G75 OD/ID Grooving Cycle, Peck Drilling G76 Threading Cycle, Multiple Pass G80 Cancel Canned Cycle G81 Drill Canned Cycle G82 Spot Drill / Counterbore Canned Cycle G83 Peck Drill Deep Hole Canned Cycle G84 Tapping Canned Cycle G85 Bore In ~ Bore Out Canned Cycle G86 Bore In ~ Stop ~ Rapid Out Canned Cycle G87 Bore In ~ Manual Retract Canned Cycle G88 Bore In ~ Dwell ~ Manual Retract Canned Cycle G89 Bore In ~ Dwell ~ Bore Out Canned Cycle G90 OD/ID Turning Cycle, Modal Table 3: Lathe G-CodesCNC Machining for Engineers and Makers Appendix D G & M Codes Reference D-4 Copyright 2014 NexGenCAM, Inc. G92 Threading Cycle, Modal G94 End Facing Cycle, Modal G95 Subspindle Rigid Tap G96 Constant Surface Speed (CSS) On G97 Constant Surface Speed Cancel G98 Feed Per Minute G99 Feed Per Revolution Table 3 (Cont): Lathe G-Codes Lathe M-Codes M00 Program Stop M01 Optional Program Stop M02 Program End M03 Spindle ON Clockwise (Forward) M04 Spindle ON Counterclockwise (Reverse) M05 Spindle Stop M08 Coolant ON M09 Coolant OFF M10 Clamp Chuck M11 Unclamp Chuck M12 Auto Air Jet On M13 Auto Air Jet Off M14 Clamp Main Spindle M15 Unclamp Main Spindle M19 Orient Spindle with P value M21 Tailstock Forward M22 Tailstock Reverse M23 Thread Chamfer On M24 Thread Chamfer Off M30 Program End and Reset M31 Chip Auger Forward M33 Chip Auger Stop M36 Parts Catcher Up M37 Parts Catcher Down M41 Low Gear M42 High Gear M88 High Pressure Coolant On M89 High Pressure Coolant Off M133 Live Tool Drive Forward M134 Live Tool Drive Reverse M135 Live Tool Drive Stop Table 4: Lathe M-Codes Note: Only one M-Code may appear in each block of code.Appendix E CNC Machining for Engineers and Makers Glossary Copyright 2014 NexGenCAM, Inc. E-1 Glossary 1-2-3 Block — A precision ground block that is 1x2x3 inches. Useful for helping set up the machine. 2D — A prismatic part of constant thickness. 2-1/2 D — A prismatic part with multiple thicknesses. All planes are parallel to each other. 3D — A part that is not completely prismatic, including molds and organically shaped parts. Burr — A sharp edge or flashing. Block — A line of code in a CNC program. CAD — Computer Aided Design CAM — Computer Aided Manufacturing. CDC — Cutter Diameter Compensation. CNC — Computer Numerical Control. Chip Load — The amount of material removed with each pass of a tool cutting edge. Datum — Point on the part from which all coordinates are referenced. Drill Chart — A table that shows drill sizes, their decimal equivalent, and what size drill to use for a specified tap. Feed — The linear speed at which a tool advances through material. First Article — The first part machined with a new program and setup. G-M Code — The CNC machine tool language. Gouge — An error that causes an overcut on the part. High Speed Machining (HSM) — Toolpath strategies that minimize machining time and tool breaking. Includes several technologies such as Adaptive Roughing that maintain a constant amount of tool engagement. Home — Location of machine after it is turned on and moved to its start position. ID — Inside diameter or contour, like a pocket. Insert — Carbide composite cutting tool used extensively for turning operations. Job — A sequential list of one or more machining operations that share the same setup and fixture offset. Machine Coordinate System — Coordinates in reference to the machine Home position. Mill — A machine tool that removes material by spinning a tool and moving it in relation to the part. OD — Outside diameter or contour. Overcut — Describes a machined feature is too big because not enough material was removed during machining. Post Processor — The part of a CAD/CAM system that actually creates and formats the CNC program for a specific machine and control. Rapid — The fastest linear feed rate at which a machine tool can move. Reference Point — Some point on the part that can be found reliably by mechanical means. Rigid Tapping — The capability of a CNC machine to control a tap without the use of a special tapping attachment. Scallop — Ridges left on the part, usually from a ball or bull nose end mill on a 3D sculpted surface. Setup— A complete set of work holding to machine one side of a part. Speed — How fast a tool turns in RPM. Spindle — Part of CNC machine that grips and spins the cutting tool. Stepdown — Distance the tool moves down in Z between machining passes.CNC Machining for Engineers and Makers Appendix E Glossary E-2 Copyright 2014 NexGenCAM, Inc. Stepover — Distance the tool moves over in the XY plane between machining passes. Stock Allowance — Amount of material left after a machining operation or pass to be removed by a finish pass. Spring Pass — Two or more machining passes that follows the exact same path. Used to straighten walls and improve surface finish. TLO — Tool Length Offset. Used to tell CNC machine the length of a tool. Tool Changer — A device on a CNC machine that automatically takes tools from a carousel and places them in the machine spindle. T-Slot — A slot in the machine table into which a special T-nut can be inserted. Used to fasten clamps or parts to the machine table. Turret — Lathe assembly that attaches the lathe tool holder to the machine. Undercut — Describes a machined feature is too small because too much material was removed during machining
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