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عدد المساهمات : 19001 التقييم : 35505 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب CNC Control Setup for Milling and Turning الإثنين 13 سبتمبر 2021, 11:48 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب CNC Control Setup for Milling and Turning Mastering CNC Control Systems Peter Smid
و المحتوى كما يلي :
TA&LE OF CONTENTS ix Table of Contents Chapter 1 CONCERTS OF CNC MACHINING ] CMC PROCESS Drawing Evaluation Material identification Part Holding looting Selection Cutting Conditions Program Writing 2 Program Verification 2 Program Documentation Program Transfer WORK COMPLETION Program Evaluation Material Check Tooling Preparation Tooling Setup Fixture Setup Program Loading . Setting Offsets First Part Rim Program Optimization Production Pun Part inspection Safety Issues 33 3333344444444 Chapter 2 CNC MACHINE SPECIFFCATIONS ri MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS Useful information VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER Ty picaI Specifications VMC ft HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTER ft Typical Specifications - 1 IMC ft LATHES AND TURNING CENTERS Typical Specifications FANUC SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Controlled Axm Operation Functions K Interpolation Functions ft Feedrate Func Non j K Spindle Functions ft Tool f-unctions o Program Input ft Editing Functions Setting and Display l unctions ftX TABLE OF CONTENTS Data Input / Output . n\ Options . 10 Chapter 3 PROGRAM INTERPRETATION .11 PROGRAM STRUCTURE . n Logical Structure . 1 1 Program StructureConsistency PROGRAM INTERPRETATION Units Type of Operation . IS 5peeds and Feeds L ? foo/ Number; , , , . 1 5 Dwelt Time Other Considerations PROGRAM ERRORS Syntax Errors . 1 7 Logical Errors .1 7 Offset Errors . :8 Incorrect Units 18 C h a p t e r 4 CONTROL SYSTEM w CONTROL SYSTEM OVERVIEW 19 SYSTEM MEMORY PaperTape Memory Capacity CONTROL PANEL 22 ON-Qrr Buttons 22 Display Screen and Soft Keys 23 Selection Keys 22 Address Keyboard 25 Shift Key IS Numeric Keyboard 2S Edit Keys IF Page and Cursor Keys 2b EOB - CAN - INPUT Keys 2b Beset Key . 2b Help Key 2F Chapter 5 OPERATION PANEL 2 7 OPERATION PANEL LAYOUT 2S MAIN BUTTONS AND SWITCHES I* Power ON / Ready i ight Indicat o r 28 Cycle Start / Feedhold - Auto Operation 28 STATUS INDICATOR LIGHTS 29 IndjcgtgrUghts - Three Groups 29 ON/OFF SWITCHES Toggle and Button Switches 33TABLE OF CONTENTS xi Program Tfsrj'rm and Setup Mode ROTARY SWITCHES 37 Mode Selection 77 AX/J Selection r , 4 j OVERRIDES 41 Rapid Override 41 feedrate Override 42 Spindle Override Jog Feedrate Selection EDIT KEY EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH AS OTHER FEATURES 45 TONTROI PANFI SYMROI S -1 > Switches Modes Operations Chapter 6 SETUP HANDLE 41-) PURPOSE 49 DESIGN 49 HANDLE FEATURES .^ 50 Mode Selection SO AXJ'3 Selection 50 ffcJrTqtr SgjgCtion 50 Dipl Wheel SD APPLICATIONS > 2 Manual Absolute Switch ^ -i SafetZjssutt ; Chapter 7 MILLING TOOLS - SETUP MILLING TOOLS $5 tool Holders 53 Cutting Tools Tooting System ATC - AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE Monual Toot Change Toot Magazine Fixed Type ATC Random Mrmoty Type ATC \ REGISTERING TOOLS TOOL SPECIFICATIONS MaximumTool Length Maximum Tool Diameter MaximumTool Weight ATC PROCESS TOOL REPETITION Repeating the SomeTool 61xii TABLE OF CONTENTS Repeating a Different Toot Solving the Problem ToolChange - One or Two Blocks DUMMY TOOL SUMMARY Chapter 8 SETTING PART ZERO 65 SYMBOLS WHAT IS PART ZERO ? Part Zero Location . VISES FOR CNC WORK CNC Vise - Basic Design bl CNC Vise - Setup 67 APPLICATION EXAMPLE 68 PanOrientation M ViseOrientation FINDING A CENTER PART ZERO ON CNC LATHES X-axis Zero Z-axisZero Work Shift Chapter 9 WORK OFFSET SETTINGS 73 REFERENCE POINTS MachineZero Part Zero MachineZero fo Part Zero Connection PART SETUP EVALUATION USING WORK OFFSETS Preparatory Commands G54-G59 . Establishing the Conn^cffofl USING EDGE FINDERS Magnetic Single Edge Finder Magnetic Center Finder DISTANCE-TO-GO SHAFT TYPE EDGE FINDERS Prerequisites Individual Steps Work Offset Calculations Original Example Revisited WORK OFFSET Z-SETTING Where is theZ-setting? Serrrng theZ-axis MULTIPLE WORK OFFSETS Program Entry WORK OFFSET ADJUSTMENTS Mixing Units of Measurement 83TABLE OF CONTENTS xiii Heightof Part EXT WORK OFFSET EXT or COM ? Offset AdjustmentOptions WORK OFFSETS - DATA INPUT DataChange Example Chapter ^0 TOOL LENGTH OFFSET 87 TOOL LENGTH Tool iength Offset Register TOOL LENGTH OFFSET COMMANDS Limitations of Work Offsets G43 and 044 Commands Applying Tool Length Offset G49 Command OFFSET MEMORY TYPE Offset Memory - Type A Offset Memory - Type B Offset Memory - TypeC INPUT and +INPUT Key Selection Adjustment Examples MACHINE GEOMETRY SETTING THE TOOL LENGTH Tool /Issembly Fixture Preset Tool Method Touch'Off Method Reference Tool Method EXT OFFSET AND WORK OFFSET WORK AND TOOL LENGTH OFFSET Chapter 11 MACHfNfNG A PART LOl MACHINING OBJECTIVES PROCESS OF MACHINING DRAWING EVALUATION Tolerances Radius from I and J Surface Finish Allowance „ r . MATERIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM EVALUATION Programs Generated Manually Programs Generated by Software Part Sefwp and Tooling PROGRAM INPUT Memory Mode DNCMode PROGRAM VERIFICATION 106xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS Manual Verification Software Verification PRODUCTION MACHINING Responsibilities PART INSPECTION PROGRAM SOURCES CAM Programs and Machining Conversational and Macro Programruing PREVENTING A SCRAP Causes ofScrap Steps to 6fiminate Scrap Let Offsets Work for You Offset Adjustment - Example PROGRAM MODIFICATION MAINTAINING SURFACE FINISH SurfaceFinish in a Drawing Effect of Cutting Tools Selection of Cutting Data Machining Direction Chatter / Vibration COOLANTS BenefitsofCoolants Working with Coolant Chapter 12 MACHINING HOLES ! 15 FIXED CYCLES - OVERVIEW DRILLING HOLES Drilling Example Terminobgy Initial Levd and R-Level Depth SpotDrilling + Counterbore + Countersink Peck Drilling Changing Q-depth TAPPING OPERATIONS 120 Tap Drill 120 Feedrate Calculation . 120 Troubleshooting 121 Rigid Tapping 122 BORING OPERATIONS . 123 Cycle 123 G86 Cycle 1 2 3 G87 Cycle [ 23 G8S Cycle 123 G89 Cycle . 1 2 4 G76 Cycle . 1 2 4 DRILLING FORMULAS . 123 Center Drills . 1 2 5 Spot Drills . 12^TABLE OF CONTENTS XV Twist Drills 1 26 Chapter 1 3 MULTIPART SETUP [ 27 MULTIPLE PARTS 127 Conrifoons . 127 ORIGIN DISTANCES UNKNOWN I 27 Program Data 5efgp Process . I>> ORIGIN DISTANCES KNOWN 129 Program Data 130 [75ragWork Offsets 130 Usir,q local CoordinateSystem 130 Using GW Setting L 30 Using Custom Macro [ .il EXTENDED WORK OFFSETS IP Available Range 132 Standard vs.Extended Work Offset Range 132 Z-AXIS AND MULTIPART SETUP 132 Variable Height 3 .P Tool Length Offsets [ 32 PROGRESSIVE SETUP SUMMARY Chapter 14 CUTTER RADIUS OFFSET 135 BENEFITS PROGRAM DATA Address D Offset Memory Types Equidistant Toofpath Cutting Direction WORKING WITH RADIUS OFFSET D-offset Number Look-Ahead Type Offset INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS Cutter Diameter Effects of Machining ScrapPrevention ACTUAL OFFSET SETTING Programmed ToolSize External Offset Settings Intergal Offset Settings Conclusion USING OFFSET MEMORY TYPES Geometry and Wear Offsets Offset Memory - Type A Offset Memory - Type 5 OffsetMemory - Type C 144xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS PROGRAMS FROM COMPUTER Ma$tercam Example SOLVING PROBLEMS Afarm Number 041 Insufficient Clearance Cutter Radius Too Large Contour Start / End Error CHANGE Of TOOL DIAMETER Units Conversion Chapter 1 5 TOOLS FOR CNC LATHES . 131 PROGRAMMMING LATHE TOOLS Zero Wear Offset Feedrate Error Prevention TOOL NUMBERS TOOL TURRET TOOL HOLDERS Standards identification iSO and ANSI Cage Insert Other Tool Holders CUTTING INSERTS insert Shape Identification SSQ Unique Identification ANSI UntQue identification . J 58 Grades, Coating and Chip Breakers . 158 CHANGING AN INSERT Corner Radius Change . 15 K TOOL CHANGING LATHE CHUCK Chuck Clamp and Undamp Chuck Pressure 5ELECTION OF JAWS Hard Jaws SoftJam Chapter 16 LATHE OFFSETS 161 Lathe Geometry Machine Zero L 6 L 161 Pari Zero 162 Topi Reference Point 162 WORK SETUP 163 Definitions 16,3 Geometry Offset . , 1 6 3 The R and T Columns I 64TABLE OF CONTENTS xvii Wear Offset DRAWING AND PROGRAM 165 Changing Toot Number *, . , . tf ?6 Bar Extension 166 MANAGING TOLERANCES l f -.d Tolerances and Program Data Tolerances on Diameters - Part A Tolerances on Shoulders - Part 8 Tolerances on Diameters and Shoulders 170 WQRKING WITH WEAR OFFSETS Hi Common Offset Change Example 171 WEAR OFFSET PARAMETERS 172 Chapter 17 TURNING AND BORING 171 LATHE CYCLES G7Q - G71 - G72 IT} Concepts of Turning and Raring Cycles 174 Program Listing Contour'shape - External G? I Cycle Format for Two Blocks , , ContourShape - internal PROGRAM FEATURES TO WATCH SfortPoint Location Clearances Tool Change Clearance . Program after Changes PROGRAM DATA TO WATCH Start Point Too High or Too low . IN: Positive and Negative Stack Allowance N Stock Amount Too Heavy . ! K2 Retorn to 5tort Poipt in the Cycle , P and/or Q Reference Defined Incorrectly feedrates for Roughing and finishing Coffer flacflus Offset Small inside Radius G72 AND G73 TURNING CYCLES IS? G72 Lathe Cycle is? G?? Cycle Format for Two Blocks 1* 5 G7S Pattern Repeating Cycle Ifci G73 Cycle format For Two Blocks ISfi ONE-BLOCK FORMAT CYCLES [S6 G7 \ Cycle Format for One Block lfr * G72 Cycle format for One 8lock 1 * 7 G73 Cycle Format for One Block 1 * 7 G71 TYPE i AND TYPE II CYCLES M7 Type I 1*7 Type II | * 7 SUMMARY IS8xviii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 13 TOOL NOSE RADIUS OFFSET 139 BRIEF REVIEW IRQ TOOLPATH EVALUATION 1 Program Listing - NoOffset im Program Listing - WithOffset Offset Screen 191 .... 191 FACING TO CENTERLINE m Too ) Height Error 192 incorrect Tool Position 192 C4I - Vgj or No? m OFFSET CHANGE £93 CLEARANCE AMOUNT 194 Chapter 19 GROOVING ON LATHES i 95 GROOVE MACHINING TheSimplest Groove StandardGrooves Typical Groove 1% Grooving Tool . ]% Grooving insert . r 1% Control Settings 197 Program Evaluation 197 Basic Groove Dimensions . J93 TOLERANCES NOT SPECIFIED m Dimensional Problems 199 DEPTH CONTROL 1w External and Internal Grooves 200 POSITION CONTROL 201 Left Side Reference Point 201 Right Side Reference Point .201 Reference Point Set in the Middle 20 ] Offset Adjustment 201 WIDTH CONTROL .. 203 Program Requirements 2fr> POSITION AND WIDTH CONTROL GEOMETRY OFFSET Change of Tool Width Program Requirements - Summary . GROOVING CYCLES 205 G74 Cycle 205 G75 Cvde 205 Chapter 20 THREAD CUTTING . 207 THREADING PROCESS 207 THREADING TOOLS . 107 Threeding Too I Holders and laser ts . 207TABLE OF CONTENTS xix Hand of Joel Selection . . 2riff THREADING INFEED 310 Radial infeed 210 Flank Intend 111) Modified Flanfr .iYifeed . 210 Alternating Flank Infeed 23 ] THREADING INSERT .:n Full Profile . 211 Panic! Profile 2 M Clearances . Muttitooth inserts THREAD RELATED DEFINITIONS Pitch Lead Other Definitions METHODS OF PROGRAMMING Longhand Threading - Q32 Box Threading - G92 Repetitive Cycle Threading - G76 THREADING DATA 21 -1 Depth of Thread 214 Depth of the First Pass . 21 -1 Threading Feedrate 214 Angle of Thread 214 Spring Pan 214 G76 THREAD CUTTING CYCLE 211 One-Block Format :ifj Two Block Format 215 C76 Cycle Examples MULTI START THREADS 216 SPINDI F SPFFD i IM1TATION - I K Machine Specifications 21« THREADING DEFAULTS 2 I K Chapter 21 WORKING WITH BLOCK SKP 210 BLOCK SKIP FUNCTION Block Skip Switch Using Block Skip Block Skip within a Block Variable Stock TRIAL CUTS Maintaining Tolerances 2 2 1 Trial Cut Concepts 221 Trial Cut Methods 221 MILLING APPLICATIONS Program Sample Program Evaluation Finishing Too } - Program Details Conclusion 222XX TABLE OF CONTENTS TURNING APPLICATIONS m Test Cut Addition 214 Chapter 22 OFFSET CHANGE BY PROGRAM 225 LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM 225 Work Offset Change DATUM SHIFT CIO Format - Milling Applications GI0 For Roughing And Finishing G10 Format - Lathe Applicatrans SETTING PARAMETERS BY G10 Chapter 23 SYSTEM PARAMETERS 222 WHAT ARE PARAMETERS? . Parameters for Operators FanocParameter Classification . Access to Parameters Backing Up Parameters PARAMETER TYPES Bit Type Description Practical Interpretation INPUTOF REAL NUMBERS increment System . 23» pf Input 239 Data Panne 2H VAUP DATA RANGES .. 240 PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS 240 PARAMETERS OF SETTING 240 Setting (Handy) 240 PARAMETERS OF FEEDRATE . PARAMETERS OF DISPLAY Programs Registration and Editing 243 Password Protection 241 Program Display 244 Automatic Block Numbering 144 Other Parameters 2 44 PARAMETERS OF PROGRAMS 145 Decimal Point 141 Power -On Defaults 245 End of Program Functions 241 iN'-umterof M-Functions in o Block Automatic Corner Rounding PARAMETERS OF SPINDLE CONTROL . MaximumSpindleSpeed SpindleOrientationCode PARAMETERS OF TOOL OFFSET Offset Address 248TABLE OF CONTENTS xxi Lathe Offsets Clearing Offsets , , Radius vs.Diameter Wear Offset PARAMETERS OF CYCLES 212 Fgnoc 15 Mode Compatibility . 250 5pmdfc flnfflrjpn Direction 250 Clearances inG73 / G83 Cycles 2 5 ] PARAMETERS OF THREADING CYCLE PARAMFTFHS OF MLJITIPI F RFPFTITIVF CVCl FS Available Cycles 25? Parameters for G7 I / G72 Cycles 25 2 Pjff?; for 073Cycle 255 Parameters (arG74 / G7S 233 Parameters for G76 Cycle 255 BATTERY BACKUP m PARAMETERS AND G10 21A NO DECIMAL POINT ENTRY 255 Historical Background 255 FQtsivglent Numbers 23(i Input Withaul a Decimal Point . 23ft SUMMARY 23ft Chapter 2^\ PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION 257 PROGRAM REVIEW , . 25? PROGRAM RELATED CHANGES 211 CHANGESAT THE CONTROL 25* Spindle Speeds and Feedrates Clearances Optimized Program 25B . 25* Dwells 211 Combined Too! Mahore 211 SETUP RELATED CHANGES SUMMARY 260 260 Chapter 25 REFERENCES . 2hl G-CODES AND M-FUNCTIQNS 261 Milling - G -codes 261 Milling - M-FGNCTIORT? . Hi2 G-CODES ANDM-FUNCTIONS 262 Turning - C-codes 262 Turning - M' functions DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS PARAMFTFRS Cl AERIFICATIONS 265 261 ~Vi7 COMMON ABBREVIATIONS 26'J TAP DRILL SIZES 271 Metric Threads - Course 27 )xxii TABLE OF CONTENTS Metric Threads - Fine 211 imperial Threads - UNC/UNF 272 Straight PipeTaps - NPS . - Z7 T Taper Pipe Japs - NPJ 273 60-DEGREE THREAD FORMS 274 USEFUL FORMULAS 274 Speeds and feeds . 274 Mgchlning Hofei - Spot DriSiir\Q 2?s Taoers 27b Control Memory Capacity 277 Trigonometric Chart Index 27 QREFERENCES G-CODES ANDM-FUNCTIONS G45 Position compensation - single increase G4G Position compensation - single decrease Milling - G-codes G47 Position compensation - double increase G4S Position compensation - double decrease GOO Rapid positioning G49 Tool length offset cancel G01 Linear interpolation G50 Scaling function cancel GD2 Circular interpolation - clockwise G51 Scaling function G03 Circular interpolation - counterclockwise G52 Local coordinate offset G04 Dwell function {as a separate block) G53 Machine coordinate system G07 Hypothetical axis interpolation G54 Work coordinate offset1 G09 Exact stop check - one block only G54.1 Additional work coordinate offset (with P| G10 Programmable data Input {Data setting) G55 Work coordinate offset 2 G11 Data setting mode cancel G5G Work coordinate offset 3 G15 Polar coordinate command cancel G57 Work coordinate offset 4 G16 Polar coordinate command G58 Work coordinate offset 5 G17 XY plane designation G59 Work coordinate offset 6 G18 ZX plane designation GGO Single direction positioning G19 V2 plane designation G61 Exact stop mode G20 English units of input GG2 Automatic comer override mode G21 Metric units of input G63 Tapping mode G22 Stored stroke check- on G64 Cutting mode G23 Stored stroke check - off G65 Custom macro call G25 Spindle fluctuation detection - on G66 Modal custom macro call G2G Spindle fluctuation detection - off G67 Modal custom macro call cancel G27 Machine zero position check GG3 Coordinate system rotation - active G2S Machine zero return (reference point L) GG9 Coordinate system rotation - cancel G29 Return from machine zero G73 High speed peck drilling cycle G30 Machine zero return (reference point 2 ] 074 Left hand tapping cycle <331 Skip function G76 Fine (precision) boring cycle G33 Threading function G30 Fixed cycle cancel G37 Tool length automatic measurement G91 Drilling cycle G40 Cutter radius compensation - cancel G82 Drilling cycle with dwell [Spot drilling cycle) G41 Cutter radius compensation - left G83 Peck drilling cycle G42 Cutter radius compensation - right G84 Right hand tapping cycle G43 Tool length offset - positive G84.2 Rigid tap cycle - right hand G44 Tool length offset - negative G84.3 Rigid tap cycle - left hand
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