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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Basic Machines and How They Work الأربعاء 25 أغسطس 2021, 5:43 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Basic Machines and How They Work Prepared by Bureau of Naval Personnel
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS CHAPTER Page 1. Levers 1 2. Block and Tackle 10 3. The Wheel and Axle 16 4. The Inclined Plane and Wedge 23 5. The Screw 26 6. Gears 30 7. Work 39 8. Power 46 9. Force and Pressure 50 10. Hydrostatic and Hydraulic Machines 58 11. Machine Elements and Basic Mechanisms 69 12. Complex Machines 87 13. Internal Combustion Engine 106 14. Power Trains 130 15. Basic Computer Mechanisms 150 INDEX Accumulator, 67 Anchor winch, 36, 38 Automobile valve gear, 36 Axles used in power trains, 148, 149 Balancing moments of force, 18 Ballast tank, 67, 68 Ball bearings, 71, 73 Barometer, 54-57 Bearings, 69-73 Bendix- Weiss universal joint, 79 Bevel gear, 31 Bevel gear differential, 75 Block and tackle, 10-15, 41 applications afloat and ashore, 13 chain hoist, 15 flaghoist, 10 gun tackle, 11 luff tackle, 11 luff upon luff, 13, 14 mechanical advantage, 10, 15 runner, 10 yard and stay tackle, 13 Bourdon gage, 53 Brakes, 28, 63 friction, 28 hydraulic, 63 Breech, 16-inch gun, 7 Cams, 85 Cam and cam followers, 80-82 Cam-driven valve, 36 Cam shaft, 36 of a 4-stroke cycle engine, 127 Capstan bar, 17, 18 Chain hoist, 15 Chain stopper, 8 Clockwise moments of force, 19 Clutches, 82, 86, 130-133 power train, 130-133 Combustion engines, 106-129 basic strokes, 108 classification of, 113 construction of, 115-129 Auxiliary assemblies, 129 connecting rods, 123 mkcase, 117 crankshaft, 124 cylinder head, 117 engine cylinder block, 115 engine head, 126 exhaust manifold, 118 gaskets, 119 intake manifold, 118 moving parts, 119-129 piston assembly, 120 stationary parts, 115-119 timing gears, 128 valves and valve mechanisms, 126-128 vibration damper, 125 cycles, 109-112 development of power, 106 diesel engines, 114 gasoline engines, 114 multiple-cylinder engines, 112 one-cylinder engine, 106-112 Complex machines, 87-105 computer mechanisms, 150-157 fuel- oil- hatch cover, 87 porthole closer -blanket puller-upper, 87, 88 typewriter, 89-105 watertight door, 88 Computer mechanisms, 150-157 differentials, 150-151 linkages for adding and subtracting, 150-156 adding lever, 152 angle resolver, 156 component solver, 155 integrators, 156 multipliers, 151-156 multiplying linkage, 155 screw type multipliers, 152 Constant mesh transmission, 136 Counterclockwise moments of force, 19 Couple, 20 Couplings, 78-84 Crane, electric, 7 Curved lever arms, 5 Cylinders used in power trains, 131 Deep-sea diver, 60 Depth charge, 59 158INDEX Diesel engine, 106, 114 Differentials, gear, 144-148 Dogs, 7 Drill press, 9 Electric crane, 7 External combustion engine, 106, 107 External mesh gears, 35 Final drives, 142 Flaghoist, 10 Fluids, pressure exerted by, 52 Force and pressure, 50-57 force, measurement of, 50 pressure, measurement of, 50-56 barometers, 54-56 exerted by fluids, 52 gages, 53 manometer, 56 scales, 50, 51 Four-speed truck transmission, 133 Friction, 40, 42-45 Friction brake, 28 Fuel-oil'-hatch cover, 87 Fulcrum, 17, 19-21 Gages used to measure pressure, 53 Gangplank, 24 Gasoline engine, 106, 114 Gear differential, 74-78, 144-148 used in automobiles and trucks, 144-148 Gears, 30-38 anchor winch, 36, 38 automobile valve gear, 36 cam-driven valve, 36 cam shaft, 36 changing speed, 34 external mesh gears, 35 idler gear, 35 internal gear, 31 magnifying force with, 35 pinion gear, 30 rack and pinion as a steering mechanism, 37 spur gear, 30 types of, 30-34 worm gears, 32 Gear trains, 128 Gun tackle, 11 Helical gears, 30 Herringbone gears, 31 Hooke joint, 79 Horsepower, 46-48 Hydraulic machines, 62-68 advantages of, 63 brakes, 63 liquids in motion, 62 Pascal's law, 62 press, 64 steering with, 65 used on submarines, 66 Hydraulic valve lifter, 127 Hydrostatic machines, 58-61 Idler gear, 35 Inclined plane, 23-26 applications afloat and ashore, 24 barrel role, 23 gangplank, 24 in spiral form, 26 ramp, 23 wedge, 23 Internal combustion engines, 106-129 basic strokes, 108 classification of, 113 construction of, 115-129 auxiliary assemblies, 129 connecting rods, 123 crankcase, 117 crankshaft, 124 cylinder head, 117 engine cylinder block, 115 engine head, 126 exhaust manifold, 118 gaskets, 119 intake manifold, 118 moving parts, 119-129 piston assembly, 120 stationary parts, 115-119 timing gears, 128 valves and valve mechanisms, 126-128 vibration damper, 125 Internal gear, 31 Jack, 41 Jack screw, 26, 27 Levers, 1-9 chain stopper, 8 classes of, 2 curved lever arm, dogs, 7 drill press, 9 electric crane, 7 oars, 2 pelican hook, 8 wrecking bar, 7 159BASIC MACHINES Linkages, 78 Luff tackle, 11 Machine elements and basic mechanismSj 69-86 basic mechanisms, 74 bearings, 69-73 ball bearings, 73 cams, 80-82, 85 and cam followers, 80-82 clutches, 82, 86 couplings, 78-84 gear differential, 74-78 linkages, 78 radial-thrust roller bearing, 73 springs, 71-74 types of, 74 universal joints, 79-81 Manometer, 56 Micrometer, 27 Moment of force, 17, 20 Multiple -cylinder engines, 112 Oars, 2 Oldham coupling, 78, 80 One-cylinder engine, 106 Pelican hook, 8 Pinion gear, 30 Pointer's handwheel, 21 Power, 46-57 calculation of, 46-48 horsepower, 46 motor, 48 Prony brake, 48 Power takeoffs, 141 Power trains, 130-149 axles, 148, 149 clutch, 130-133 differentials, 144-148 final drives, 142-144 joints, 142,145 propeller shaft assemblies, 142 transfer cases, 140-142 transmission, 133-139 Pressure and the deep sea diver, 60 Pressure, measurement of, 50-56 balances, 50, 52 barometers, 54-56 exerted by fluids, 52 gages, 53 manometer, 56 scales, 50, 51 Prony brake, 48 Quadrant davit, 29 Rack and pinion, 37 Radial-thrust roller bearing, 71, 73 Ramp, 23 Rigger's vise, 28 Roller bearing, 71, 73 Roller bitt, 43 Runner, 10 Scales, 50, 51 Schrader gage, 53 Screw applications, 26-29 friction brake, 28 inclined plane in spiral form, 26 jack screw, 26, 27 mechanical advantage of, 29 micrometer, 26 quadrant davit, 29 rigger's vise, 28 turnbuckle, 28 Sleeve coupling, 78 Spider gears, 76 Spiral bevel gears, 144 Springs, 71-74 Spur gears, 30 Steam engine, 106 Synchromesh clutch, 138 Synchromesh transmission, 136 Timing gears in engines, 128 Torpedo, 60 Torque, 17, 21, 22 wrench, 21 Transfer cases, 140-142 Truck transmission, 133 Turnbuckle, 28 Typewriter, 89-105 backspace, 96 bell ringer, 102 construction and operation, 90 escapement, 92 external parts, 89 line lock, 102 line space, 103 pinion stop slide, 103-105 ribbon drive, 93-96 shift, 98, 101, 102 tabulator, 96-99 type bar, 93 Universal joints, 79-81 Valve lifters, 127 Valves and valve mechanisms, engine, 126-128 160INDEX Watertight door, 88 Wedge, 23 Wheel and axle, 16-25 balancing moments of force, 18 capstan bar, 17, 18 clockwise moments of force, 19 counterclockwise moments of force, 19 couple, 20 fulcrum, 17, 19, 20, 21 mechanical advantage, 16 pointer's handwheel, 21 rotation, 17 torque, 17, 21, 22 wrench, 21 Work, friction, and efficiency, 39- block and tackle, 41 friction, 42-45 jack, 41 measurement of, 39-41 roller bitt, 43 Worm and worm wheel, 32 Worm gear, 32 Wrecking bar, 7 Yard and stay tackle, 13
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