كتاب Complex System Maintenance Handbook
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Complex System Maintenance Handbook

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Complex System Maintenance Handbook
Khairy A.H. Kobbacy, D.N. Prabhakar Murthy

كتاب Complex System Maintenance Handbook  C_s_m_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Part A An Overview
Chapter 1: An Overview
K. Kobbacy and D. Murthy 3
Part B Evolution of Concepts and Approaches
Chapter 2: Maintenance: An Evolutionary Perspective
L. Pintelon and A. Parodi-Herz 21
Chapter 3: New Technologies for Maintenance
Jay Lee and Haixia Wang . 49
Chapter 4: Reliability Centred Maintenance
Marvin Rausand and Jørn Vatn 79
Part C Methods and Techniques
Chapter 5: Condition-based Maintenance Modelling
Wenbin Wang 111
Chapter 6: Maintenance Based on Limited Data
David F. Percy . 133
Chapter 7: Reliability Prediction and Accelerated Testing
E. A. Elsayed 155x Contents
Chapter 8: Preventive Maintenance Models for Complex Systems
David F. Percy . 179
Chapter 9: Artificial Intelligence in Maintenance
Khairy A. H. Kobbacy . 209
Part D Problem Specific Models
Chapter 10: Maintenance of Repairable Systems
Bo Henry Lindqvist . 235
Chapter 11: Optimal Maintenance of Multi-component Systems: A Review
Robin P. Nicolai and Rommert Dekker 263
Chapter 12: Replacement of Capital Equipment
P.A. Scarf and J.C. Hartman 287
Chapter 13: Maintenance and Production: A Review of Planning Models
Gabriella Budai, Rommert Dekker and Robin P. Nicolai . 321
Chapter 14: Delay Time Modelling
Wenbin Wang 345
Part E Management
Chapter 15: Maintenance Outsourcing
D.N.P. Murthy and N. Jack . 373
Chapter 16: Maintenance of Leased Equipment
D.N.P. Murthy and J. Pongpech 395
Chapter 17: Computerised Maintenance Management Systems
Ashraf Labib . 417
Chapter 18: Risk Analysis in Maintenance
Terje Aven 437
Chapter 19: Maintenance Performance Measurement (MPM) System
Uday Kumar and Aditya Parida 459
Chapter 20: Forecasting for Inventory Management of Service Parts
John E. Boylan and Aris A. Syntetos 479Contents xi
Part F Applications (Case Studies)
Chapter 21: Maintenance in the Rail Industry
Jørn Vatn . 509
Chapter 22: Condition Monitoring of Diesel Engines
Renyan Jiang, Xinping Yan . 533
Chapter 23: Benchmarking of the Maintenance Process at Banverket
(The Swedish National Rail Administration)
Ulla Espling and Uday Kumar . 559
Chapter 24: Integrated e-Operations–e-Maintenance: Applications in North Sea
Offshore Assets
Jayantha P. Liyanage . 585
Chapter 25: Fault Detection and Identification for Longwall Machinery
Using SCADA Data
Daniel R. Bongers and Hal Gurgenci 611
Contributor Biographies . 643
ABC classification 484
Degradation testing 157
Failure time testing 156
Life testing plans 156
Adverse selection 388
Agency Theory 387
Issues 388
Aging parameter 517
AHP 427
Artificial intelligence 209
Asset 4
Approach 135
Decision Theory 146
Inference 136
Methodology 562
Need 563
Overview 561
Candidate group 515
Based reasoning 209, 212
Studies 69, 124, 150, 445
CBA See cost benefit analysis
CBM 52, 54
Applications 538
CMMS 43, 417
Composite scale 542
Condition monitoring techniques 112
Contract 402
Cost benefit ratio 525, 526, 529
Cost benefit analysis 509, 521, 529
Down time 324
Punctuality 526
Safety 525
Criticality index 93
Acquisition 535
Fusion 537
Processing 536
Charts 35
Model 116
Support 42
Delay time
Bayesian approach 362
Modelling 345
Objective data method 364
Subjective estimation 359
Distribution 487
Estimators 500
Mean 489
Variance 492654 Index
Economic 265
Stochastic 266
Structural 266
Diagnostics 536
Module 66
Technologies 598
Diesel Engine 538
Discount rate 521, 525, 528
Event time 627
Posterior 139
Predictive 142
Prior 139
DMG 422
Dynamic grouping 512, 514, 516, 519,
Economy of scale 511
Economy of scope 511
Effective failure rate 512
E-maintenance 586
EMQ 333
E-operations 586
Equipment leasing 397
ERP 418
Extrusion press 366
Information 94
Interaction 275
Interaction Type I 276
Interaction Type II 278
Fault detection 611
FMECA 90, 517
Non-parametric 493
Parametric 487
FTA 442
Block diagrams 85
Failure analysis 84
Failures 85
Fuzzy logic 212, 428
Nash 385
Stackelberg 385
Genetic algorithm 212
Government 400
HSE 471
Nuclear 473
Oil and gas 474
Process and utility 475
Railway 475, 565
Information fusion 128
Infrastructure 376
Imperfect 349
Perfect 348
Intensity function
General proportional 193
Reduction 405
Interval optimization 105
Inventory decision 482
Knowledge based systems 212
KPI 461
Laplace trend test 197
Definition 397
Finance 398
New equipment 408
Operating 397
Sale and leaseback 399
Used equipment 409
Lessee 402
Lessor 401
Life cycle cost 34, 509, 510, 525
Calculations 525Index 655
Maintainability 8
Actions 27
Actions Selection 94
Benchmarking 563
Concepts 32
Concepts customized 40
Condition based 49, 424
Context 22
Contract 569
Corrective 27, 379
Design-out 30
Failure-based 30
Framework 4
Grouping activities 511
Intelligent Systems 56
Intervals 97
Longwall 613
Management 9
Management 22
Manager 41
Maturity levels 45
Measurement and control 225
Offshore asset 589
Opportunity based 519
Opportunity-based 30
Optimization 509, 511
Outsourcing 24
Outsourcing advantages 375
Outsourcing disadvantages 375
Passive 29
Performance 6
Performance Measurement 459
Policies 30
Predictive 29
Preventive 28, 199, 511, 79, 379,
510–513, 519
Preventive comparison analysis 97
Preventive optimal schedule 170,
Proactive 29, 53
Reactive 51
Reliability centered 37
Scheduling 199, 271
Self 53
Service contract 6
Technologies 50
Time based 30
Total productive 37
Usage based 30
Metrics 461, 570
Misjudgment 549
Age based 306
Basic risk 446
Capital replacement 303
Competing risk 245
Cumulative usage based 310
Dynamic programming 306
Economic life 290
Finite horizon 294
Intensity reduction 191
Linear regression 160
Markov 252
Non-homogeneous Poisson process
Period based 308
Proportional hazards 190
Proportional intensities 192
Renewal process 187
Repair alert 248
Risk influence 448
Selection 197, 553
State discriminant 533
Statistic based nonparametric 160
Statistic based parametric 159
Two-cycle 291
Virtual age 190
Off-line 615
Oil based 114
On-line 616
Vibration based 113
Moral hazard 388
MPM system 469
MTTF 517, 518
Multivariate control chart 549
Net present value 521, 525, 526, 528
Neural network 212, 622
NPV See Net present value
Oil degradation 541
Opportunity maintenance 325656 Index
Operational 24
Strategic 24
Tactical 24
Parameter estimation
Delay time model 359
Parameter Estimation 194
Penalties 407
Assessment 65
Assessment Multi-sensor 63
Indicators 461, 613
Measurement 494
Peristaltic pump 357
Planned maintenance cost 512
Point process 236
PriFo 522
Reference 140
Specification 145
Subjective 141
Prognostics 537
Approach 54
Approach Technologies 598
Project costs 524, 528
Punctuality costs 528
Analysis process 79
Data collection 80, 99
Implementation 80, 99
Regulator 400
Inherent 6
Measures 254
Theory 8
Renewal Process
Alternating 189
Trend 235
Maximal 187
Minimal 187
Replacement model
Age based 306
Cumulative-usage based 310
Period based 308
Residual life prediction 119
Residual lifelength 524, 525
Competing 245
Influencing factors 522, 524
Influence modeling 448
Management 438
RLL See residual lifelength
Run to failure 94
Safety costs 527
Function test 95
Overhaul 96
Agent 377
Contract 381
Part classification 480
Set-up costs 509, 511, 512, 513, 515,
517, 519
Shape parameter 517
Signal Processing 64
Spares forecasting
Approach 482
Method 482
Stakeholders 5
Static grouping 512, 513
Systems approach 4
Diagnostic 598
Prognostic 598
Training set 637
Trend renewal process 237
Heterogeneous 242
Unplanned costs 512
Variable costs 525
Virtual age 406Index 657
Extended 377
Servicing 384
Wear particles 541
Weibull 517

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