كتاب A Beginner’s Guide to 3D Modeling - A Guide to Autodesk Fusion 360
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 كتاب A Beginner’s Guide to 3D Modeling - A Guide to Autodesk Fusion 360

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عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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A Beginner’s Guide to 3D Modeling - A Guide to Autodesk Fusion 360
Cameron Coward

كتاب A Beginner’s Guide to 3D Modeling - A Guide to Autodesk Fusion 360  A_b_g_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Chapter 1: A Brief History of CAD
Chapter 2: Parameters, Features, and the Fusion 360
Chapter 3: Designing Your First Model
Chapter 4: Revolving a 2D Sketch into a 3D Object
Chapter 5: Modeling Assemblies
Chapter 6: Modeling with Complex Curves
Chapter 7: Springs, Screws, and Other Advanced Modeling
Chapter 8: Drafting
Chapter 9: Rendering
Chapter 10: Capstone Project: Creating a Robot Arm
Who This Book Is For
What Is Parametric Modeling?
Why Use Parametric Modeling Software?
About This Book
Drafting and the Industrial Revolution
Replacing Pen and Paper
Entering the Third Dimension
CAD in the Modern World
CAD for Hobbyists
Using Features as Building Blocks
The Fusion 360 Workspace
Downloading Fusion 360
Using the Project Browser
Switching Workspaces
Navigating Around the Model Workspace
Understanding the Model Workspace’s Main Toolbar
Getting to Know Your Tools
Using Basic Sketch Tools
Using Initial Features
Modifying FeaturesModeling a Cube
Creating the Sketch
Completely Constraining the Sketch
Extruding the Sketch
Modifying the Cube
Using the Design History Timeline
Add a Slot
Make the Slot Responsive
Creating a Sphere as a Revolve Feature
Sketching the Circle
Revolving the Circle
Modifying the Sphere
Modeling a Decorative Pencil Holder
Creating a Simple Box Feature
Sketching an Arc
Revolving the Arc Feature
Hollowing Out the Model with the Shell Feature
Printing the Model
Money Clip
Shirt Button
Electronics Leg Bender
Converting Solid Bodies into Components Within a Single
Splitting an Object Using a Construction Plane
Creating Components
Hollowing Out the Box and Creating a Lip
Defining RelationshipsAssembling Components from External Files
Making the Hinge Barrel and Mount
Cutting Out the Barrel and Changing Parameters
Using the Hole Tool
Combining Assembly Methods
Sweeps and Lofts
Organic Shapes and a Teapot
The Teapot’s Body
The Teapot’s Handle
The Teapot’s Spout
Hollowing Out the Teapot
Modeling a Coil
Modeling a Screw Using the Thread Tool
Creating the Body of the Screw
Modeling the Thread
Modeling a 20-Sided Die
Changing the Size of Your d20
Inscribing Numbers
Guidelines for Drafting
Drawing Size
Projection AngleTolerances
Line Types
Drafting a Single-Part Drawing
Creating Your Views
Adding Center Marks and Centerlines
Adding Dimensions
Adding Text
Rendering Your Screw
Making the Screw Rest on the Ground Plane
Setting Up the Environment
Setting Up the Camera
Performing the Render Operation
Rendering a Clock with a Decal Face
Creating the Clock Parts
Creating the Decal
Placing a Render in a Real Photo
Setting Up Your Background
Orienting Your Model
Combining Your Images
Measuring and Modeling Your Servos
Modeling the Base of the Robot Arm
Shoulder Motor Mount
Third Motor Mount and First Segment
Fourth Motor Mount and Second Segment
The Gripper Mechanism
Printing the Parts and Assembling the Robot Arm
∨ (countersink symbol), 98
3D Print utility, 42
A Ac
tivate Component menu option, 50
Animation workspace, 12, 101
ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 3, 88
Arc tool, 19, 40
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), 3, 92
assemblies, 45
assembly drawings, 94, 101
bill of materials, 102
exploded view, 101
Auto Explode tool, 101
axis, 34
B bil
l of materials (BOM), 102
bodies, 46
boundary edges, 82
Box tool, 21
D (computer-aided design), 4
CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) software, 5
CAM workspace, 12
centerlines, 93, 97center marks, 93, 97
center rectangle, 22
Chamfer tool, 22, 37
Change Parameters menu option, 31, 55
Circle tool, 19
CNC (computer numerical control), 12
Coil tool, 21, 73–75
coincident constraint, 34
Component Browser, 13
components, 45, 46, 49
computer-aided design (CAD), 4
computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software, 5
computer numerical control (CNC), 12
constraints, 18, 22, 34
construction geometry, 15
Construction menu, 49
construction plane, 47–49
Countersink option, 57
countersink symbol (∨), 98
Create Components from Bodies menu option, 49
Create Sketch tool, 18, 22
cut extrude, 28, 37
Cylinder tool, 21
D de
cal, 15
Design History Timeline, 13, 28
dimensioning, 97–99
dimensions, 24
Display Settings menu, 66
drafting, 2–3, 87, 88–89
assembly drawings, 94
bill of materials, 102
exploded view, 101dimensioning, 97–99
line types, 93
centerlines, 93, 97
center marks, 93, 97
regular-interval dashed lines, 93
solid lines, 93
part drawings, 94–95
projection angle, 90–92
scale, 89–90
size, 89
text, 99–101
tolerance, 92–93
views, 95–97
draftspeople, 2
drawing scale, 89–90
drawing size, 89
Drawing workspace, 12, 95
E Ed
it Feature, 29
exploded view, 101
Extend tool, 19
Extrude tool, 20, 25
F fea
tures, 8–9. See also Tools
initial features, 19–21
modifying features, 21–22
Fillet tool, 19, 22, 26–27
First Angle Projection, 90, 91
fix constraint, 67
Fusion 360, 6, 7
features, 8–9
installation, 10–11interface, 13–14
main toolbar, 14–16
Project Browser, 11
workspaces, 9–10, 11–16
Animation, 12, 101
CAM, 12
Drawing, 12, 95
Model, 12. See also Model workspace
Patch, 12, 80
Render, 12, 105
Simulation, 12
G Gr
ound menu option, 52
guide rail, 70
H Ho
le tool, 20, 57–59
I In
sert Symbol tool, 98
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 3, 92
Intersect operation, 40
isometric view, 97
J jo
ints, 46, 52
L Li
ne tool, 18
line types
centerlines, 93, 97
center marks, 93, 97regular-interval dashed lines, 93
solid lines, 93
Loft tool, 62–64, 65
M Ma
ke menu, 42
mechanical engineering, 5
mesh modeling, xviii–xix
20-sided die, 78–84
assemblies, 45
coils, 73–75
complex curves, 61
Loft tool, 62–64, 65
Sweep tool, 62–64, 66
components, 45, 46, 49
constraints, 18, 22, 34
cubes, 22–28
Design History Timeline, 28
dimensions, 24
hinge, 53–60
hollow box, 46–52
joints, 46, 52
mesh modeling, xviii–xix
organic shapes, 64
parameters, xviii, 7
parametric modeling, xviii–xx
pencil holder, 38–42
reference geometry, 14, 35, 47
robot arm, 115
screws, 73, 75–78
solid modeling tools, 12, 13. See also Model workspace
spheres, 34–38
springs, 73
teapot, 64–71Model Parameters section, 31, 55
Model workspace, 12
Component Browser, 13
Design History Timeline, 13, 28
interface, 13–14
main toolbar, 14–16
origin, 14
Ribbon toolbar, 13
View Cube, 13, 14
viewport, 14
Modifying features, 21–22
N Na
vigation toolbar, 14
New Body operation, 36
nominal dimensions, 92
numerical control (NC), 4
O Offs
et Plane tool, 47, 66
Offset tool, 19
ordinate dimensions, 99
origin, 14, 22
Output menu, 101
overlap, 40
P pa
rameters, xviii, 7
parametric modeling, xviii–xx
part drawings, 94–95
part properties, 101
Patch tool, 82
Patch workspace, 12, 80Physical Material menu option, 94
Pipe tool, 21
pitch, 74
Plane Along Path tool, 67
Plane Through Three Points, 80
Polygon option
circumscribed, 77
inscribed, 77
profile, 25
Projected View tool, 96
projection angle, 90–92
First Angle Projection, 90, 91
Third Angle Projection, 90, 91
projects, 11
R Re
ctangle tool, 18
reference geometry, 14, 35, 47
regular-interval dashed lines, 93
rendering, 103
Restore Defaults menu option, 16
revision, 101
revolved cut, 78
Revolve tool, 20, 33–36
Ribbon toolbar, 13
S Sc
ale tool, 84
screws, 73, 75–78
Sheet Size setting, 95
Shell tool, 18–19
Sketch Dimension tool, 19
sketches, 9
Sketch tools, 18–19solid lines, 93
solid modeling tools, 12, 13. See also Model workspace
Sphere tool, 21
Split Body tool, 47
springs, 73
Stitch tool, 82
surface modeling features, 12
surfaces, 73, 78, 82
Sutherland, Ivan, 4
Sweep tool, 62–64, 66
T tan
gency, 63
technical drawings, 1–3, 87–89. See also drafting
Text tool, 85
Third Angle Projection, 90, 91
Thread tool, 73, 75–78
title block, 89, 100
tolerance, 51, 92–93
tolerance stacking, 99
Tools, 17
Arc, 19, 40
Auto Explode, 101
Box, 21
Chamfer, 22, 37
Circle, 19
Coil, 21, 73–75
Create Sketch, 18
Cylinder, 21
Extend, 19
Extrude, 20
Fillet, 19, 22, 26–27
Hole, 20, 57–59
Line, 18
Loft, 62–64, 65Offset, 19
Offset Plane, 47, 66
Patch, 82
Pipe, 21
Plane Along Path, 67
Projected View, 96
Rectangle, 18
Revolve, 20, 33–36
Scale, 84
Shell, 22, 42, 50
Sketch Dimension, 19
Sketch tools, 18–19
Sphere, 21
Split Body, 47
Stitch, 82
Sweep, 62–64, 66
Text, 85
Thread, 73, 75–78
Torus, 21
Trim, 19, 35
U Us
er Parameters section, 31
V Vie
w Cube, 13
viewport, 14
Visual Style menu, 66
W wor
kspaces, 9–10, 11–16
Animation, 12, 101
CAM, 12
Drawing, 12, 95Model, 12. See also Model workspace
Patch, 12, 80
Render, 12, 105
Simulation, 12
Z zer
o point, 25


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