كتيب بعنوان Transmission Noise
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتيب بعنوان Transmission Noise

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتيب بعنوان Transmission Noise Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتيب بعنوان Transmission Noise   كتيب بعنوان Transmission Noise Emptyالثلاثاء 10 أغسطس 2021 - 7:42

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم
كتيب بعنوان
Transmission Noise

كتيب بعنوان Transmission Noise T_n_e_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Transmission Diagnosis
† Transmission Will Not Shift Into One Gear -- All Others OK
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Manual shift linkage damaged or worn.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Lubricate, service or replace parts as required.Possible Source(s):
ƒ Back-up switch ball frozen.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ If REVERSE is problem, check backup switch for ball frozen in extended position (if so
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Internal components.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Remove transmission. Inspect shift rail and fork system, synchronizer system and gear
clutch teeth for restricted travel. Service or replace as required.
† Transmission Shifts Hard
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Clutch does not completely release.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Refer to «Section 08-00».
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Transmission fluid low or improper type.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Add or change lubricant as required.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Worn or damaged internal shift mechanism.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Remove transmission cover. Check internal shift mechanism by shifting into and out of all
gears. Service or replace as required.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Binding of sliding gears and/or synchronizers.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Check for free movement of gears and synchronizers. Service or replace as required.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Housings and/or shafts out of alignment.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Remove transmission and check for binding condition between input shaft and engine
crankshaft pilot bearing or bushing. Check flywheel housing alignment. Service or replace as
† Noisy in Forward Gears. Refer to Transmission Noise
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Lubricant level low, or improper type.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Add or refill with specified lubricant.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Components grinding on transmission.Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Check for screws, bolts, etc., of body or other components grounding out. Correct as
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Component housing bolts loose
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Check torque on transmission to flywheel housing bolts, output shaft flange nut and flywheel
housing-to-engine block bolts. Tighten bolts to specification.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Flywheel housing-to-engine crankshaft alignment.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Check and align flywheel housing-to-engine crankshaft.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Noisy bearings or gears.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Remove and disassemble transmission. Inspect input, output and countershaft bearings.
Inspect speedometer gear and gear teeth for wear or damage. Replace as required
† Gears Clash When Shifting From One Forward Gear to Another
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Engine idle speed too high.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Adjust engine idle speed.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Pilot bearing binding.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Remove transmission and check for a binding condition between input shaft and engine
crankshaft pilot bearing. Replace as required
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Damaged gear teeth and/or synchronizer.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Disassemble transmission. Service or replace as required
† Transmission Jumps Out of Gear
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Stiff shift boot. Improper fit of foam isolation pad.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Replace shift boot if exceptionally stiff. Replace or rework pad to provide clearance.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Loose transmission-to-engine mounting bolts or loose levers.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Tighten transmission-to-engine block bolts to specification. Loosen all bolts and reseat
flywheel housing. Tighten all bolts. Tighten levers if necessary
Possible Source(s):ƒ Flywheel housing engine crankshaft out of line.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Shim or replace housing as required
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Crankshaft pilot bearing worn.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Replace bearing.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Interior components damage.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Disassemble transmission. Inspect the synchronizer sleeves for free movement on their
hubs. Inspect the synchronizer blocking rings for widened index slots, rounded clutch teeth
and smooth internal surface. Check countershaft cluster gear for excessive end play. Check
shift forks for worn or loose mounting on shift rails. Check fork pads for excessive wear.
Inspect synchronizer sliding sleeve and gear clutch teeth for wear or damage. Service or
replace as required.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Worn gear teeth due to partial engagement.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Replace worn or damaged gears.
† Transmission is Locked in One Gear. It Cannot Be Shifted Out of That Gear
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Internal components.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Remove transmission. Inspect problem gears, shift rails and forks and synchronizer for wear
or damage. Service as required
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Loose fork on rail.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Check shift rail interlock system.
† Transmission Leaks
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Improper amount of lubricant or wrong type.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Check level and type. Fill to bottom of filler plug hole.
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Other components leaking.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Identify leaking fluid as engine, power steering or transmission. Service as required
Possible Source(s):
ƒ False report.
Action(s) to Take:ƒ Remove all traces of lubricant on exposed transmission surfaces. Check vent for free
breathing. Operate transmission and inspect for new leakage. Service as required
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Seals and gaskets.
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Inspect for leaks in the following seal and gasket locations:
-- Shift rail cover seal
-- Top cover gasket
-- Input shaft bearing retainer seal
-- Extension housing-to-transmission case seal
-- Shift tower seal
ƒ Service or replace as required
Possible Source(s):
ƒ Improper installation torque
Action(s) to Take:
ƒ Inspect for leaks in the following components:
-- Fifth/Reverse inhibitor assembly
-- Fill plug
-- Drain plug
-- Counter lever assembly fixing bolt
-- Neutral sensing switch
-- Back-up lamp switch
-- Oil trough retaining bolt
-- Reverse idler shaft fixing bolt
-- Speedometer housing O-ring
ƒ Tighten to specification.

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كتيب بعنوان Transmission Noise
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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