كتيب بعنوان A Model of Gearbox Vibration
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتيب بعنوان A Model of Gearbox Vibration

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19004
التقييم : 35512
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتيب بعنوان A Model of Gearbox Vibration    كتيب بعنوان A Model of Gearbox Vibration  Emptyالإثنين 19 يوليو 2021, 2:17 am

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كتيب بعنوان
A Model of Gearbox Vibration

كتيب بعنوان A Model of Gearbox Vibration  A_m_o_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

In this chapter, a review is made of the processes involved in the generation of vibrations
from various rotating elements in a gearbox. Based on this, a general mathematical
model of gearbox vibration is developed which takes into consideration variations in
loading and transmission path effects, including variable transmission paths. The model
is based on the time-dependent phase of the rotating elements and does not assume a
frequency dependency (i.e., it allows for variations in the instantaneous rotational
frequencies of the gearbox components).
The model developed here is used in later chapters to describe the effects of various
signal processing and vibration analysis techniques, and provides a theoretical basis for
the analysis and development of fault detection techniques.
SOURCES OF Gearbox Vibration
Gear Meshing Vibrations
Tooth Profile Deviations
Load Effects
Machining Errors
Ghost Components
Uniform Wear
Amplitude Modulation Effects
Frequency Modulation Effects
Additive Impulses
Shaft Vibrations
Misalignment and Bent Shaft
Shaft Cracks
Rolling Element Bearing Vibrations
Measurement of Gearbox Vibrations
Transmission Path Effects
Other Measurement Effects
Gear Vibrations
Tooth-meshing vibration
Phase and amplitude modulations
Additive vibration
Tooth-to-tooth meshing
Multi-mesh gears
Shaft Vibrations
Cage frequency
Bearing Vibrations
Rotational frequencies
Inner and outer race frequencies
Ball pass frequencies
Ball spin frequency
Angular coordinates
Theoretical angular positions
Slip and skidding
Bearing vibration signatures
Motion of the load zone
Inner race defect
Outer race defect
Rolling element defect
Transmission Path Effects
Static transmission path
Measured vibration for fixed axis gears
Measured vibration for shafts
Variable transmission path
Measured vibration for epicyclic gear-train components
Measured vibration for bearings
Rolling element defects
General Model of Gearbox Vibration

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رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتيب بعنوان A Model of Gearbox Vibration
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كتيب بعنوان A Model of Gearbox Vibration
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صفحة 2 من اصل 1
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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