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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Advanced Machining Processes of Metallic Materials الجمعة 18 يونيو 2021, 7:01 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Advanced Machining Processes of Metallic Materials Theory, Modelling, and Applications Second Edition Wit Grzesik Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Opole University of Technoloy, Poland
و المحتوى كما يلي :
1 Introduction 2 Metal Cutting Operations and Terminology 3 Trends in Metal Cutting Theory and Practice 4 Cutting Tool Materials 5 Modelling and Simulation of Machining Processes and Operations 6 Orthogonal and Oblique Cutting Mechanics 7 Chip Formation and Control 8 Cutting Vibrations 9 Heat in Metal Cutting 10 Cutting Fluids 11 Tribology of Metal Cutting 12 Tool Wear and Damage 13 Machinability of Engineering Materials 14 Machining Economics and Optimization 15 Advanced Machining Processes 16 Micro-Machining 17 Nanomanufacturing/Nanotechnology 18 Sensor-Assisted Machining 19 Virtual/Digital and Internet-Based Machining 20 Surface Integrity INDEX NOMENCLATURE LATIN SYMBOLS A shape factor in Shaw’s equation for heat partition A a apparent area of contact between two surface; average value of shape factor A A c cross-sectional area of the uncut chip, i.e., the cross-sectional area of the layer of material being removed by one cutting edge measured normal to the resultant cutting direction; contact area A m maximum value of shape factor A A r real area of contact between two surfaces Ash area of shear plane A α tool flank, i.e., the surface over which the surface produced on the workpiece passes A γ tool face, i.e., the surface over which the chip flows a e working engagement, i.e., the instantaneous engagement of the complete tool with the workpiece, measured in the working plane P fe and perpendicular to the direction of feed motion (previously known as depth of cut in a slab-milling operation) af feed engagement, i.e., the instantaneous engagement of the tool cutting edge with the workpiece, measured in the working plane Pfe and in the direction of feed motion (in single-point machining operations it is equal to the feed f; in multipoint tool operations, it is equal to the feed per tooth) a p back engagement, i.e., the instantaneous engagement of the complete tool with the workpiece, measured perpendicular to the working plane Pfe (previously known as depth of cut in a single-point tool operation and width of cut in a slab-milling operation) apl lower limit of depth of cut (doc) a pu upper limit of doc a v amplitude of vibration B groove width in a groove tool; zone where the flank is regularly worn B e equivalent groove width in a groove tool xiiiBL length of groove backwall wear BW width of groove backwall wear b width of cut; width of the cutting edge b cr the lowest blim obtained for the phasing most favourable for chatter generation blim limiting stable axial depth of cut C constant in upper boundary prediction for the shear angle by Oxley, constant in Shaw’s equation CT1, CT2, CT3 constant in general tool-life equation Cv cutting speed for 1 min of tool life (in m/min) C m cost of machining, neglecting non-productive costs Cmat cost of material for one workpiece Cmin minimum cost of production, i.e., the minimum value of Cpr Cmt total machining cost C pr production cost, i.e., the average cost of producing each component on one machine tool Cv constant in the inverse Taylor equation equal to the cutting speed for T 5 1 min Ct constant in the original Taylor tool-life equation CT constant in the Taylor equation equal to T for vc 5 1 m/min c rigidity constant cd damping force per unit velocity, i.e., the viscous damping constant cp specific heat capacity D tool diameter (e.g. drill or milling cutter) dF variation in the cutting force E Young’s modulus; process activation energy Ec cutting energy Ef energy required to perform feed motion; friction energy Ep energy required to perform plastic deformation Esh energy required to perform shearing Efα energy required to overcome friction on the flank face Efγ energy required to overcome friction on the rake face e base of natural logarithm e c specific cutting energy efγ specific friction energy related to the rake face esh specific cutting energy related to shearing F resultant cutting force F(t) periodic force (in function of time) Fa active force Fc cutting component of the resultant tool force, Fr xiv NomenclatureFc N an asymptotic value of the cutting force Fc F dyn force component due to chip deformation in HSC Ff feed force Fm momentum force Fo Fourier number Fo objective function Fp ploughing force Fr resultant tool force Fsh force required to shear the work material on the shear plane FshN force perpendicular to the shear plane F su resultant shear force in HSC Fα tangential force on the flank face Fα N force perpendicular to flank face Fγ frictional force on the tool face; frictional force between sliding chip and tool Fγ N force perpendicular to the rake face f feed rate, i.e., the displacement of the tool relative to the workpiece, in the direction of feed motion, per revolution of the workpiece or tool fm feed per minute fmax maximum available machine feed fl lower limit of feed fn resonance of frequency fnd natural damped frequency of the system fopt optimum value of feed fu upper limit of feed fz feed per tooth HT hardness of the tool material HW hardness of the workpiece material HRC Rockwell hardness number (C scale) HSC high spot count (count(s)) (see also High Speed Cutting) h uncut chip thickness, i.e., the thickness of the layer of material being removed by one cutting edge at the selected point measured normal to the resultant cutting force direction hch chip thickness hcmin mean uncut chip thickness, i.e., the mean value of hc h cmax maximum uncut chip thickness, i.e., the maximum value of hc Im[G] imaginary part of the FRF K constant for a machining operation; can be regarded as the distance travelled by the tool in relation to the workpiece during the machining time tm. Nomenclature xvK1 - K8 constant in LPM [K] global stiffness matrix KB distance from the cutting edge to the back crater contour KE radial displacement of the tool corner KF width of the land between the crater and cutting edge KM distance from the cutting edge to the deepest crater point KT crater depth; depth of groove backwall wear K1C fracture toughness k shear stress in the slip-line field; constant in the Stabler’s formula; damping ratio; negative slope of the tool-life curve k c specific cutting pressure kh chip thickness compression ratio (also Λh) L tool length; cutting length; lay (surface texture) l land length in a grooved tool l c natural tool-chip contact length l ca length of the active cutting edge l cr restricted tool-chip contact length l e equivalent restricted contact length l m length of machined surface l nc natural contact length lp length of the plastic contact lsh length of shear plane (also lAB) lsl sliding-contact length lst sticking-contact length lt length of tool l w length of workpiece or hole to be machined; length of cut path or cut surface M total machine and operator rate (cost per unit time), including machine depreciation Mt operator’s Wo and machine and operator overheads; mean line (M) system MR machinability rating Mr1 upper material ratio (%) Mr2 lower material ratio (%) Mt machine-tool depreciation rate (cost per unit time) M 0 t machine-tool rate including overheads (cost unit time) MT1 - MT5 extreme finishing; finishing; semi-roughing, roughing and heavy roughing machining operations m slope of linear plastic stress - strain relation; relative shear stress in Rowe and Spick’s model; mass of the vibration system; width of the contact zone xvi Nomenclaturem avg average number of teeth in the cut mch mass of chip specimen m1 strain rate sensitivity exponent N number of teeth on the cutting tool; number of full waves; nose wear Nb batch size, i.e., the number of components in the batch to be machined Nt number of tools used in machining the batch of components NL1 notch wear length on main cutting edge NL2 notch wear length on secondary cutting edge NW1 notch wear width on main cutting edge NW2 notch wear width on secondary cutting edge NT thermal number; number of tool changes necessary during the machining of a batch of components n strain-hardening index or exponent; constant in Taylor’s tool-life equation; spindle rotation speed n opt optimum value of rotational speed n s rotational frequency of a machine-tool spindle ns c rotational frequency of a machine-tool spindle for minimum production cost n sef rotational frequency of a machine-tool spindle for minimum efficiency (maximum profit rate) n s p rotational frequency of a machine-tool spindle foe minimum production time nt rotational frequency of the cutting tool or abrasive wheel n w rotational frequency of workpiece P power {P} vector of all applied loads Pc local peak count (count/cm) (also cutting power) Pe electrical power consumed by the machine tool during a machining operation Pe c Peclet number Pf assumed working plane P fe working plane Pg tool-face orthogonal plane Pm power required to perform the machining operation Pn cutting edge normal plane Po tool orthogonal plane Pp tool back plane P pe working back plane Nomenclature xviiPr tool reference plane, the rate of production P re working reference plane Ps tool cutting edge plane P se working cutting edge plane Psh shear plane pA hydrostatic pressure in point A at the free surface ps specific cutting power, i.e., the work required to remove a unit volume of material Q total amount of heat generated in machining Q1 heat source due to plastic deformation Q2 frictional heat source Q3 heat source at the contact between the workpiece and the flank Q4 heat source from which a small part of heat is transferred to the sub-surface layer QW volumetric material removal rate qc heat flux flowing to the chip qt heat flux flowing to the tool qw heat flux flowing to the workpiece q_ heat flow rate R thermal number; universal gas constant; surface roughness {R} load vector R a arithmetical mean value of surface roughness (CLA) R c Rockwell hardness number (C scale) Rch heat partition coefficient, i.e., percentage of heat entering the chip Rk core roughness depth Rku kurtosis RKF heat partition coefficient defined by Kato and Fujii Rmin(τ) minimum radius of up-curling Rmr(c) material ratio at depth ‘c’ R o groove radius Rp maximum height of peaks Rpk reduced peak height Rq root mean square (RMS) average RR heat partition coefficient defined by Reznikov Rsk skew (skewness) Rsm average peak spacing RSH heat partition coefficient defined by Shaw Rt total height of the profile (obsolete Rmax) Rv maximum depth of valleys Rvk reduced valley depth xviii NomenclatureRz maximum height of the profile Rzt theoretical value of P - V parameter RΔa centre line average (CLA) slope (deg) RΔq RMS slope (deg) Rλa CLA wavelength Rλq RMS wavelength rmin radius of the cutting edge at which cutting is taking place rc cutting ratio rchip radius of the chip curvature r n radius of the cutting edge rs side-curling radius ru up-curling radius; chip curvature rui radius of initial chip curl ruf radius of final chip curl rε corner radius, i.e., the radius of a rounded tool corner S tool major cutting edge; income per component S a active cutting edge S’ tool minor cutting edge SD depth of secondary face wear SL sampling length SW width of secondary face wear s lamellar spacing T temperature; absolute temperature; tool life T average tool life Te economic tool life (also TE) Tm melting temperature To reference temperature Tmod velocity modified temperature Tp tool life for maximum production rate (also TQ) TR reference tool life Tr room (ambient) temperature; tool life for a cutting speed of vr t time t a acceleration time t c tool changing time, i.e., the average machine time to change a worn tool or to index (and, if necessary, replace) a worn insert t cs interchange time t e magazine indexing (travelling) time td deceleration time tl non-productive time, i.e., the average machine time to load and unload a component and to return the cutting tool to the beginning of the cut Nomenclature xixtl loading and unloading time t m machining time, i.e., machine time to machine a component t max maximum operation time t pr production time, i.e., the average time to produce one component on one machine tool t r transportation (approach) time per workpiece tx rapid travel location time {U} matrix of nodal velocities {u} displacement vector Vw volume of tool material lost due to wear VBB average width of flank wear land in the central portion of the active cutting edge VBBmax maximum width of flank wear land in the central portion of the active cutting edge VBC width of flank wear at tool corner VBN width of notch wear V m. volume of material removed in machining VN width of the flank wear land at the wear notch VB0 wear of minor flank face v ac mean cutting speed, i.e., the average value of v along the major cutting edge v c cutting speed, i.e., the instantaneous velocity of the primary motion of the selected point on the cutting edge relative to the workpiece v cc optimum cutting speed for minimum production cost v ce cutting speed at minimum cost vch chip velocity v cp optimum cutting speed for minimum production time vcR reference cutting speed in tool-life equation for grooved tool vcT cutting speed corresponding to defined tool life T vcTmax cutting speed corresponding to maximum tool life Tmax v e resultant cutting speed, i.e., the instantaneous velocity of the resultant cutting motion of the selected point on the cutting edge relative to the workpiece vef cutting speed for maximum efficiency (maximum rate of profit) vf feed velocity vHSC UTS-depending cutting speed in HSC v max maximum cutting speed, i.e., maximum of vc vmin minimum cutting speed, i.e., minimum of vc vp cutting speed for minimum production time xx Nomenclaturev po cutting speed when maximum power is used v r cutting speed giving a reference tool life of Tr vs shearing velocity; sliding velocity vsl ch chip velocity along the sliding region vst ch chip velocity along the sticking region W weight of workpiece; waviness Wc tool coating effect factor Wg chip-groove effect factor w width of cut X1 coded value of speed in LPM X2 coded value of feed in LPM x distance from the point of chip separation GREEK SYMBOLS α alpha-phase, thermal diffusivity α e thermal expansion coefficient α n tool normal clearance α ne working normal clearance αT thermal diffusivity of the tool material αW thermal diffusivity of the workpiece material β proportion of heat conducted into the workpiece; beta-phase χ characteristic of contact length in Rowe and Spick’s model Γ proportion of heat generated in primary deformation zone conducted into workpiece γ gamma-phase γAB strain on shear plane in Oxley’s model γEF shear strain along the exit boundary EF in Oxley’s model γc catastrophic shear strain γe effective rake angle (also γef and γeff) γf tool side rake angle γf1 tool side rake angle in the land γf2 tool side rake angle in the groove γg tool geometric rake angle (direction of the maximum slope of the rake) γh homogenous shear strain γn tool normal rake γne working normal rake Nomenclature xxiγo tool orthogonal rake γp tool back rake γsb total shear strain in the shear band (sb) γsh shear strain γ_ sh shear strain rate rT local temperature gradient (Hamilton’s vectoral operator-nabla) in Km21 Δx thickness of the shear zone (band) Δt time elapsed for material element to travel a distance Δs Δs distance along the shear plane Δs2 thickness of the shear zone in Oxley’s model ΔΘf mean temperature rise due to friction δ u response (deflection) in the u direction δ v response (deflection) in the v direction ε uniaxial true strain; fraction of waves εb chip strain caused by bending ε max chip strain at fracture ε p the equivalent strain εp accumulated plastic strain ε p eff effective plastic strain εp o reference plastic strain ε_ p equivalent strain rate ε_p o reference plastic strain rate ε_0 p strain rate equal to 1.0 s21 ε r tool-included angle εr e working included angle η resultant cutting speed angle, i.e., the angle between the direction of primary motion and the resultant cutting direction; angle between the texture line and the shear plane; contact length factor ηb chip back-flow angle ηc chip flow angle; angle of maximum slope of the rake angle ηs chip side-flow angle θ temperature, mean angle of friction on tool face; groove tangent angle θint temperature at tool-chip interface θ fmax maximum temperature rise of material passing through the secondary deformation zone θ max maximum interface temperature along the rake face (also tmax) θ n mean angle of friction measured in the normal plane xxii Nomenclatureθ smax maximum shear-plane temperature (maximum temperature rise of material passing through the primary deformation zone) θ o initial workpiece temperature Θ(T) thermal softening factor Θs mean shear-plane temperature Θt average interface temperature κ r tool cutting edge angle κ 0 r tool minor cutting edge angle κre working cutting edge angle κ0 re working minor cutting edge angle λ thermal conductivity λT thermal conductivity of the tool material λW thermal conductivity of the workpiece material λ s tool cutting edge inclination λs e working cutting edge inclination μ coefficient of friction, viscosity μa adhesion component of coefficient of friction μc equivalent coefficient of friction μcmax maximum coefficient of friction μm mechanical component of coefficient of friction μRe[G] real part of the FRF ν coefficient of tool-life variability ρ density of work material σ uniaxial true stress 1 σ tensile residual stress 2 σ compressive residual stress σ effective von Misses stress σ c normal contact stress acting on the tool - chip interface σ cmax maximum normal contact stress acting on the tool - chip interface σ c mean value of normal contact stress σf flow stress; fracture stress σ n normal stress on the tool face σ nmax maximum normal stress on the tool face σ o initial yield stress at the reference temperature To; constant in uniaxial true strain relationship σsh normal stress on the shear plane (also σs) σT standard deviation τ chip flow angle τ c shear contact stress acting on the tool - chip interface Nomenclature xxiiiτc mean value of shear contact stress τ o shear flow stress at zero plastic strain in Oxley’s model τ s shear stress on the shear plane τsh shear flow stress of the work material τst shear stress on the tool face in the sticking region τ so shear stress in the shear plane with zero normal stress applied Φ shear angle Φ n shear angle in the normal plane Pn Φ o shear angle for unstrained (softer) material ΦT shear angle calculated from mechanical properties of the workpiece material ω angular frequency of vibration; angle between the resultant cutting force and the shear plane ωf angular frequency of external harmonic force ω n natural angular frequency ABBREVIATIONS AC Adaptive control; air cooled ACC Adaptive control constraint ACO Adaptive control optimization A/D Analog-to-digital converter ADF Amplitude distribution function ADI Austempered ductile iron AE Acoustic emission AFM Abrasive-flow machining; atomic force microscopy AFRP Aramid fibre reinforced plastic AGV Automated guided vehicle AI Artificial intelligence AJM Abrasive-jet machining ALE Arbitrary Lagrangian - Eulerian formulation Al2O3 Aluminium oxide, white ceramics AMPR Advanced Manufacturing Research Program AMZ Altered material zone ANN Artificial neural network ANSI American National Standards Institute APL A programming language APS Advanced process system xxiv NomenclatureAR Autoregression ARMD Area-restricted molecular dynamics ASM American Society for Metals (now ASM International) ATC Automatic tool changer BAC Bearing area curve BEM Boundary element method BHN Brinell hardness number (see HB) BUE Built-up-edge bcc Body-centred cubic CAD Computer-aided design CAE Computer-aided engineering CAM Computer-aided manufacturing CAPP Computer-aided process planning CAT Computer-aided testing CAVE Computer Automated Visualization Environment CBGF Circular thread-milling tool CBN Cubic boron nitride CBN-HT CBN hard turning CCD Charge-coupled device (camera) CCI Coherence correlation interferometry CE Concurrent engineering; control emulator CF Cutting fluid CFEST Cutting Fluid Evaluation Software Testbed CFRP Carbon-fibre reinforced plastic CGI Compacted graphite iron CIM Computer-integrated manufacturing CIRP International Institution for Production Engineering Research CLA Centre-line average CM Communication medium CMM Coordinate measuring machine CNC Computer numerical control COS Computerized optimization system CT Cermet CVD Chemical vapour deposition CVL Copper vapour laser DARPA Defence Advanced Research Project Agency DBGF Direct circular thread-milling tool DBTT Ductile-to-brittle transition temperature D c Diameter of cutter DLC Diamond-like coating Nomenclature xxvDLL Dynamic link library DM Digital manufacturing DN Product of the spindle diameter in mm and the spindle speed in rpm DNC Direct numerical control; distributed numerical control DPU Data processing unit DRIE Deep reactive ion etching DSC Differential scanning calorimeter DSP Digital signal processing DUV Deep ultraviolet lithography DVA Dynamic vibration absorber EBM Electron-beam machining ECG Electrochemical grinding ECM Electrochemical machining ECT Effective chip thickness EDM Electrical discharge machining EDG Electro-discharge grinding EDX Energy dispersion X-ray EL Evaluating length ELACM Eximer laser-assisted chemical machining ELID Electrolytic in-process dressing EMF Electromotive force (also emf) EP Extreme pressure Ew1;Ew2 Offsets in turn-milling operations e-manufacturing Electronic-manufacturing e-work Electronic-work FDA Finite different approach FDM Finite different method FEA Finite element approach (analysis) FEM Finite element method FES Fuzzy expert system FFT Fast Fourier transform FIB Focused ion beam (micromachining) FMS Flexible manufacturing system; Federation of Materials Societies FOF Factory of the future FRF Frequency response function FRP Fiberglass-reinforced plastic FTP File transfer protocol fcc Face-centred cubic GAC Geometric adaptive control xxvi NomenclatureGFRP Graphite-fibre reinforced plastic; glass-fiber reinforced plastic GGG Nodular cast iron (German equivalent to CGI; see CGI) HB Brinell hardness number HEM High efficiency machining Hi-E High efficiency machining (range) HK Knoop hardness number HK100 Knoop hardness using 100g load HM Hard machining, hard milling HMC Horizontal machining centre HMI Human - machine interface HPC High pressure coolant (supply) H-PCBN High content PCBN HPC High performance cutting HPDL High power diode laser HPM High performance machining; hard part machining HPMA High precision motorised arm HPPA High precision pull-down arm HPRA High precision removable arm HR Rockwell hardness number, including scales such as HRA, HRB, HRC, etc.; hot rolled HSM High speed machining HSC High speed cutting HSS High speed steel HSS-Co Cobalt enriched high speed steels HT Hard turning HTML Hyper Text Markup Language HV Vickers hardness number HVM High velocity machining hcp Hexagonal close-packed ICM Iterative convergence method ID Inside diameter IMM Intelligent machining module IMS Intelligent manufacturing system, intelligent maintenance system I/O Input/output IPM Inductive probe module IR Infrared (e.g. camera, pyrometer) IT Information technology; intelligent tool ITC Intelligent thermal control JC Johnson - Cook material model Nomenclature xxviiJIT Just-in-time KHN Knoop hardness number (obsolete; see HK) LAM Laser-assisted machining LAN Local area network LASER Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation LBM Laser-beam machining LCD Liquid crystal display LFM Laser flash method LDF Linear discriminant function LIGA Photo-lithography and electroplating method LN Liquid nitrogen LODTM Large optics diamond turning machine LPM Linear programming method L-PCBN Low-content PCBN MCD Machine code data MC-HT Mixed ceramics hard turning MCU Machine control unit MD Molecular dynamics MDB Machinability database MDC Machinability Data Centre MDI Manual data input MEMS Micro-electromechanical system MES Manufacturing execution system MMC Metal matrix composite MO Mineral oil MQC Minimum quantity cooling MQL Minimum (minimal) quantity lubrication MQCL Minimum quantity cooling lubrication MRP Material requirements planning MRR Material removal rate MST Microsystems technology MTM Multitasking machining MVL Minimum volume lubrication mMT Micro/mezzo-scale machine tool NC Numerical control NEMS Nano-electromechanical system NDT Non-destructive testing; nil ductility transition NGM New generation manufacturing NNI National Nanotechnology Initiative xxviii NomenclatureNPT Non-productive times OD Outside diameter OFHC Oxygen-free, high conductivity (for copper) PAC Plasma-arc cutting PACVD Plasma-assisted CVD (coating deposition technique) PAM Plasma-assisted machining PC Personal computer; printed circuit; polycarbonate PCB Printed circuit board PCBN Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride PCD Polycrystalline diamond PDZ Primary deformation zone PGI Phase grating interferometer PH Precipitation hardenable (steel) PKM Parallel kinematic machine PLC Programmable logic controller PLM Product lifecycle management P/M Powder metallurgy PSZ Partially-stabilized zirconia PVD Physical vapour deposition QA Quality assurance QC Quality control RCF Rolling contact fatigue RCT Restricted-contact tool RF Radio frequency RMI Radio machine interface RMS Root-mean-square (also rms) RNS Remote notification system RP Rapid prototyping SDZ Secondary deformation zone SiC Silicon carbide Si3N4 Silicon nitride, nitride ceramics SL or SLA Stereolithography technique; sampling length SLF Slip-line field SLS Selective lased sintering SMS Short message service SMART Smart Assistant to Machinists SPDT Single-point diamond turning SPM Scanning probe microscopy STM Scanning tunnelling microscope TAM Thermally assisted machining Nomenclature xxixTAHMP Thermally assisted hybrid machining process TCM Tool condition monitoring TDZ Tertiary deformation zone TFTs Thin film thermocouple sensor TiAlN Titanium - aluminium nitride TiC Titanium carbide Ti(C,N) Titanium carbo-nitride TiN Titanium nitride TMP Total machining performance TMS Tool monitoring system TQC Total quality control TQM Total quality management TRS Tensile rupture strength UAM Ultrasonic-assisted machining UCL Upper control limit UCT Uncut/undeformed chip thickness UF Ultra fine (e.g., carbide grade) UHSM Ultra-high speed machining UM Ultrasonic machining UR Unit removal UTS Ultimate tensile strength (also Rm) UV Ultraviolet UVC Ultrasonic vibration cutting VED Video edge detection VLSI Very large-scale integration VM Virtual manufacturing VMC Vertical machining centre VR Virtual reality WAP Wireless Application Protocol WC Sintered tungsten carbide (equivalent to HM in German) WEDG Wire electro-discharge grinding WIP Work in progress https:// World Wide Web XML Extensive Markup Language Y Yield strength ZD Zero defect (manufacturing) INDEX Note: Page numbers followed by “f ” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively. A ABAQUS, 75 - 77 Ablation, 405, 423 Abrasion micro-machining, 416 tools, 216f, 217, 220 - 221 ultra-precision engineering, 456 - 458 ultrasonically assisted machining, 382 - 385 AC systems. See Adaptive control (AC) systems ACC. See Adaptive control with constraints (ACC) Accuracy. See also Precision high-speed machining, 288 - 289 micro-machining, 402 multitasking machining, 368 nanotechnology, 447 ACO. See Adaptive control with optimization (ACO) Acoustic emission (AE), 469, 473, 481 - 482 Active vibration dampers, 161 Adaptive control (AC) systems, 488 - 489 Adaptive control with constraints (ACC), 488 Adaptive control with optimization (ACO), 488 ADF. See Amplitude distribution function (ADF) Adhesion, 197 Adhesive wear, 221 Adiabatic shear, 116, 121 - 122 Advanced manufacturing technologies, grouping of, 2f AdvantEdge, 75 - 77 AE. See Acoustic emission (AE) Aerospace industry high-speed machining, 298 - 299 materials, 255 - 257 micro-machining, 401 multitasking machining, 373 virtual reality, 519 AFM. See Atomic force microscopy (AFM) AI-based modelling, 276 Air cooling, 319 - 320 ALE formulation. See Arbitrary Lagrangian - Eulerian (ALE) formulation Alloyed steels, 38 - 39, 251 - 252. See also Steels Alloys: machinability, 251 - 252, 255 - 263 Altered material zone (AMZ), 554 - 555 Aluminium and alloys, 260 - 261, 304, 304t, 307 Aluminium oxide (alumina) (ceramics), 44 - 45, 48t Amplitude distribution function (ADF), 541 AMZ. See Altered material zone (AMZ) Analysis sensor signals, 474 - 475, 483 surface topography, 539 - 549 Analytical methods: modelling, 68 - 69 Angles rake angle, 98 - 100, 104 - 105, 134, 325 tool geometries, 17 - 19 Anisotropic bars, 160 ANNs. See Artificial neural networks (ANNs) Arbitrary Lagrangian - Eulerian (ALE) formulation, 73 - 74, 75f Architecture: virtual manufacturing systems, 510 Artificial intelligence, 276 Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 474 - 475 Atomic force microscopy (AFM), 451 - 452, 462f, 463, 552 Attritional wear, 221 Austempered ductile iron, 253 - 254 Austenite, 340 - 341 Automation. See Multitasking machining machining processes, 517 - 518 manufacturing, 21 - 24 monitoring, 467 Automotive crankshaft, 366 - 367 Automotive industry crankshaft manufacture, 365 - 366 indexable drills, 354 - 355 materials, 253 - 254, 254t micro-machining, 401 multitasking machining, 373, 383 - 385 near-dry machining (NDM), 319 563B BAC. See Bearing area curves (BAC) Back engagement. See Depth of cut Balance: high-speed machining, 294 Ball-and-vee-type kinematic mounting system, 412 - 413 Ball-end milling (cutters), 89f Bearing area curves (BAC), 338, 338f, 541 - 542 Bearings: high-speed machining, 295 Beyond Blast, 190 Biocide, 193 Biomolecular motors, 458, 459f Bolt-on flanges, 427 - 428 Boring meaning, 12 micro-adjustable head, 501 - 502 multi-step tools, 379f tools, 160, 160f, 355, 379f, 380f, 499 - 501 Boron nitride, 49 - 50 Boron oxide, 331 Breakage chips, 138 - 145 tools, 478 - 481 Broaching, 13f, 334 BUE. See Built-up edge (BUE) Built-up edge (BUE). See also Machinability chip formation, 115, 117 cutting forces, 99 - 100 tool wear, 216f, 217 Bulk material zone, 533, 554 C Calamaz et al. model, 82t CAM. See Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) Carbides, 39 - 43, 227, 229, 309 - 310. See also Materials Carbon dioxide, 191 Carbon fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRPs), 387 - 388 Carbon steels, 250 - 251. See also Materials; Steels Cast irons, 246, 253 - 254, 304t, 305. See also Materials CAVE. See Computer Automated Visualization Environment (CAVE) Cavities, 382, 422 CBN tools. See Cubic boron nitride (CBN) tools CCI. See Coherence correlation interferometry (CCI) CDMA (code division multiple access), 529 CE. See Concurrent engineering (CE) Cemented carbides, 39 - 43. See also Carbides Centre for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS), 524 - 525 Ceramics, 44 - 46, 48t, 391. See also Materials Cermets, 43 microstructures and application range of, 43f CFRPs. See Carbon fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) CFs. See Cooling fluids (CFs)Cutting fluids (CFs) Chamfering, 12 Chatter, 149, 151 - 152, 154 - 158 suppression, 158f, 159, 159f, 161f Chemical reactions, 199, 223 Chemical techniques: overview, 7 - 8, 8t Chemical vapour deposition (CVD), 49 - 50, 52 - 55 Chip compression ratio, 107, 129f, 130 Chips. See also Tool-chip interface breaking, 138 - 145 classification, 113 - 117 cutting mechanics, 107, 111 disposal, 307 flow direction, 134 - 137 formation, 113 grooved chip breakers, 136 - 138, 136f hard machining, 325 - 328, 327f heat, 163 - 165, 164f high-speed machining, 291 - 292 modelling, 126 - 134 removal temperature, 287 - 288 transport, 186 CIM. See Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) Circular interpolation milling, 357 - 359 Circular-turn broaching, 365 - 366 Clamping: tools, 294 - 295, 346 Classifications chips, 113 - 117 cutting fluids, 183 - 185, 184f machining process models, 68 - 72 mass-reducing processes, 7 - 8 materials, 35 - 39, 242 - 243 vibrations, 147 - 149 564 IndexCLSM. See Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) CMC system. See Coromant Material Classification (CMC) system CMMs. See Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) CMS. See Collision monitoring system (CMS) CNC Heidenhain controls, 447 CNC machine tool, 2 Coating deposition methods, 54f comparison of, 55f Coatings cutting tools, 50 - 60 deposition processes, 52 - 55, 55f heat distribution, 166 - 167, 170 - 172 performance alteration, 201, 201f properties, 50 - 52 self-lubricating, 312 - 313 third generation, 56 tool wear, 236 Coefficient of friction, 207, 207f Coherence correlation interferometry (CCI), 553 - 554, 553f Cold model: residual stresses, 556 Collision detection, 482 - 483 Collision monitoring system (CMS), 482 - 483, 483f Colwell’s method, 135 Compacted graphite iron, 253 - 254 Complete machining, 368. See also Multitasking machining Composite materials, 261 - 263 Computer aided modelling and database systems, 282f Computer Automated Visualization Environment (CAVE), 519 - 520 Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 509 Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), 505 - 506, 510 Computerized optimization system (COS), 282 - 283 Concurrent engineering (CE), 505 - 506 Conduction techniques: temperature measurement, 175, 177 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM), 236 Constitutive models, 82t, 85f Contact length, 129 - 130, 205 - 206, 206t Contact load, 198 Contact stresses, 202 - 203, 203t, 205, 210 - 213 Contact stylus profilometer, 550 Continuous chips, 114 - 117, 115f, 130, 131f Control chips, 144 - 145, 144f machine tool chatter, 157 nanotechnology, 441 Cooling, 185, 185f, 303t, 304 - 305. See also Cutting fluids (CFs) air, 319 - 320 media, 188 - 192 multitasking machining, 376 - 377 Cooling fluids (CFs), 302 Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), 490 Core drilling, 12 Coromant Material Classification (CMC) system, 243 - 244 Corrosion wear, 221, 223 COS. See Computerized optimization system (COS) Costs cutting fluids, 24 - 25, 186, 302 machining, 265 - 269, 275f multitasking machining benefit, 369 tooling, 353 Coulomb - Amonton law of dry sliding friction, 207 Counterboring, 12 Counterdrilling, 12 Countersinking, 12 Cracking, 215 - 217, 216f, 554 - 555 Crankshaft HEM of, 366f turn broaching of, 365f Crater wear, 216f, 217 Critical machining operations, 299 - 300 Cryogenic machining, 191 - 192, 191f, 192f Cubic boron nitride (CBN) tools, 329 - 331 Cutting fluids (CFs), 183. See also Cooling; Lubrication; Minimal/minimum quantity lubrication (MQL); Tribology application, 188 - 192, 316f benefits, 186 - 188 categories, 183 - 186 costs, 302 functions, 186 - 188, 313 - 314 maintenance and disposal, 193 - 194 Index 565Cutting fluids (CFs) (Continued) near-dry machining, 313 - 314, 321 performance evaluation, 194 Cutting forces, 289 - 291, 290f Cutting operations, 7. See also individual operations heat flow, 165 - 168 mechanics, 93 new technologies, 24 - 32 process substitution, 379 simplification and improvement, 353 - 367 structural model, 72f theory and practice trends, 21 tribology, 197 - 201 Cutting parameters: optimization, 269 - 275 Cutting speed, 25 - 26, 28. See also High-speed machining (HSM) chip formation, 115 - 116, 116f, 121 - 122 cutting forces, 99 - 100, 99f hardness (correction), 246 - 247 heat generation, 164 - 165, 164f, 167f influence, 259f interface temperature, 170 micro-machining, 426 - 427 tool life influence, 224 - 225, 225f CVD. See Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) CyberCut project, 521, 522f Cycle time, 344 - 345, 369 - 370 D Damage: tools, 215 Damping: machine tool stability, 158 - 161, 160f Dark layers, 338 - 340 Data machinability, 248 - 250 material properties, 81 - 90 modelling, 81 - 90 Deep reactive ion etching (DRIE), 423, 423f Deep ultraviolet (DUV) lithography, 420 - 422 DEFORM. See Design Environment for Forming (DEFORM) Deformation. See also Elastic deformation; Plastic deformation energy, 287 zones, 106 - 111 DELMIA V5-6 Automation Platform, 518f Deltaturn Super Precision Lathe, 449 Deposition processes, 52 - 55, 55f Depth of cut, 15 cutting forces, 99f hardness correction, 246 - 247 tool life influence, 224 - 225 Design Environment for Forming (DEFORM), 75 - 77 Destructive Solid Geometry (DSG), 521 Deterministic approaches, 275 - 276 Diagnostics, 523 - 524 Diamond, 49 - 50. See also Coatings; Materials micro-machining, 418 - 419 nanotechnology, 443 ultra-precision engineering, 460 Diamond fly cutting, 413 Diffusion wear, 221 Digital manufacturing, 506 - 507 Digitizing, 492 types of, 492f DIN classification: cutting fluids, 184f Direct approach: FEM analysis, 77 Discontinuous chips, 114 - 120, 115f, 119f, 130 Disposal: cutting fluids, 193 - 194 Dissolution, 405 - 406 DN number, 288 DNA tweezers, 458, 459f DRIE. See Deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) Drilling operations, 11 - 14, 11f, 89f circular milling comparison, 357f cooling systems, 319 - 320 dry machining, 308 - 309 high-speed machining, 297 indexable drills, 353 - 355, 354f micro-machining, 414 - 416 thriller tool, 309, 362 - 363 titanium and alloys, 256 ultrasonically assisted machining, 387 - 388 DriveDiag software, 523 - 524 Dry machining, 24 - 25, 302 - 305, 305f equipment, 305 - 309 evaluation, 304 operations, 309 - 313 DSG. See Destructive Solid Geometry (DSG) Ductile machining, 443 DUV lithography. See Deep ultraviolet (DUV) lithography DVA. See Dynamic vibration absorbers (DVA) 566 IndexDynamic thermocouple, 175 - 177 Dynamic vibration absorbers (DVA), 160 Dynamometers, 100 - 102, 101f E EBM. See Electron-beam machining (EBM) Economics, 265 - 269 EDG. See Electro-discharge grinding (EDG) EDM. See Electrical discharge machining (EDM) Elastic deformation, 385 - 386 Electrical discharge machining (EDM), 298, 405, 408 - 409, 414 - 416 Electro-discharge grinding (EDG), 408 - 409 Electrolytic in-process dressing (ELID), 456 Electron beam, 414 Electron-beam machining (EBM), 405 Electronics industry, 399 - 401, 461t Electronic-work (e-work), 521 Elemental chips, 114 - 118, 115f, 119f ELID. See Electrolytic in-process dressing (ELID) Elliptical vibration cutting, 386, 386f E-manufacturing, 521 Emissivity, 178 - 180 Emulsions, 183 - 184 Energy, 7 - 8, 8t, 102 - 103, 405 FEM analysis, 77 heat conversion, 163 nano-scale cutting, 124 - 125 orthogonal and oblique cutting, 102 - 103 plasma-assisted machining, 393 and resource efficient manufacturing, 272 Energy balance approach, 77 Energy efficiency, 272 - 275 Energy footprint, 273 - 274 Engraving, 416 - 417 Environment control, 448 - 449 issues, 193 - 194, 194f, 510 EP additives. See Extreme-pressure (EP) additives Equipment. See Tools Errors compensation, 483 - 484 measurement, 430 - 431 sources, 88 - 90, 89t, 150 - 151, 151f, 341f Eulerian techniques, 73 - 74, 77 Exemplary nanomanufacturing products, 442f Exhaust systems, 307, 309 Expert systems, 276, 279 - 281, 280f Extreme-pressure (EP) additives, 183, 185f F Factories micro-machining, 418 virtual, 519 - 520 Failure: tools, 215 - 217, 217f Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 474 - 475 Fast tool servo (FTS) turning, 413 Fatty alcohols, 315 - 316 FDA/FDM. See Finite difference approach/ method (FDA/FDM) Feed marks, 545f motion, 14 optimization, 269 - 272 rate, 99f, 346, 546, 547f tool life influence, 224 - 225, 225f Feedback control, 159 - 160 FEM. See Finite element method (FEM) FFT. See Fast Fourier transform (FFT) Finite difference approach/method (FDA/FDM), 73, 77 - 79, 80f, 89t, 174f Finite element method (FEM), 73 - 77, 76f, 89f, 168, 231 - 233 chip formation, 130 - 133, 131f, 143f cutting temperature, 171 - 175 high-speed machining, 285 - 288 stresses, 213, 556 - 557 tool wear, 232f tool-chip friction, 86 Five-axis machines, 347, 349f, 373, 375 - 376, 377f Fixturing: micro-machining, 429 Flank face, 93 - 94, 94f Flank wear, 217 Flaws: surface integrity, 536 - 537 Flexible manufacturing, 21 - 24 Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), 505 - 506 Flooding: cutting fluid, 188, 303t Flow chips, 134 - 137 heat, 163 - 168 stress data, 81 Index 567FMS. See Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) Forced vibrations, 148 - 151 Forces chip-breakage, 142 - 145 hard machining, 325 high-speed machining, 289 - 291, 291f orthogonal and oblique cutting, 95 - 102 plasma-assisted machining, 395 - 396 sensors, 472f tool condition monitoring, 479 - 481 ultrasonically assisted machining, 385 - 386 Form: surface topography, 537 Form Talysurf PGI 1240, 551f, 552 Fractures chips, 118 - 120, 119f, 141 - 142, 141f tools, 215 - 217 Free vibrations, 147 FRF. See Frequency response function (FRF) Frequency response function (FRF), 157 - 158 Freshly generated sliding surfaces, 198 Friction. See also Lubrication; Tribology coefficient of, 207, 207f cutting speed limitation, 286 - 287 heat generation, 163 plasma-assisted machining, 393 - 395 tool/chip, 86, 97, 206 - 209 tribology, 197, 199 Friction stress, 208 FTS turning. See Fast tool servo (FTS) turning Fuzzy logic, 276, 279 - 280 G GAC. See Geometric adaptive control (GAC) Gao - Zhang (GZ) model, 82t Gear wheel, hard broaching of, 334f Gears, 334, 375, 441, 441f Geometric adaptive control (GAC), 488 Geometry chip breakers, 138 - 140 hard machining, 325 orthogonal and oblique cutting mechanics, 93 - 95 tools, 17 - 19, 99 - 100 Glues, 429 Grain size, 41 - 42, 45 Grinding, 324 - 325, 376 - 377, 559 Groove cutting, 418 - 419 Grooved tools, 136 - 138, 136f, 219 Grooving, 217 - 218 GSM (global system for mobile communication), 529 GZ model. See Gao - Zhang (GZ) model H Hard broaching (HB) machine, 334 Hard coatings characteristics of, 58t, 59t concepts for, 57f Hard machining (HM), 323 - 342 applications, 331 - 335 features, 323 - 325 physical aspects, 325 - 331 surface finish, 335 - 341 Hard turning (HT). See also Turning grinding comparison, 323 - 325 monitoring systems, 483 - 484 near-dry machining, 321 plastic deformation, 329 Hardness coatings, 50 - 52, 51f contact length, 205 - 206 cutting speed/depth, 246 - 247 material membership, 280 - 281 materials, 36 - 38, 382 workpiece, 62f Harmonic response locus, 149 HB machine. See Hard broaching (HB) machine Heat. See also Temperature; Thermal processes coatings, 166 - 167, 170 - 172 distribution, 77 - 78, 163 - 168, 288 - 289 dry machining, 311 - 312 generation, 352, 385 - 386 localized, 388 micro-machining, 405 sources, 163 - 165 structural changes, 38 transmission ratios, 166 Heat partition coefficient, 165 - 168, 167f Heat partition model, 168 Heat-resistant superalloys (HRSAs), 243, 257 - 260, 258f, 259f Helical interpolation milling, 359 HEM. See High-efficiency machining (HEM) Hexapod machine, 351 - 352, 351f 568 IndexHigh-efficiency machining (HEM), 24 - 25, 345 - 346. See also High-performance machining (HPM) potential and demands of, 345f High-feed hole-making tools, 356f High-performance cutting (HPC), 343Highperformance machining (HPM) High-performance machining (HPM), 343 - 367 features, 343 - 344 operational simplification and improvement, 353 - 367 tools, 346 - 353 High-precision pull-down arms (HPPA), 493 - 494 High-precision removable arms (HPRA), 493 - 494, 495f High-pressure coolant (HPC) supply systems, 189f, 190f High-speed cutting (HSC). See also High-speed machining (HSM) applications, 297 - 298 technology, 293 - 296 High-speed machining (HSM), 24 - 25, 28f, 285 - 301 application fields of, 297t cutting fluid application, 316f features, 285 - 288 optimum speed, 298f physical aspects, 288 - 292 practical criteria, 293 High-speed scanning probe, 497f High-speed steels (HSSs), 38 - 39. See also Materials; Steels HM. See Hard machining (HM) HMC. See Horizontal machining centres (HMC) HMPs. See Hybrid machining processes (HMPs) Hole-making operations, 11 - 12. See also Drilling high performance machining, 355, 356f, 357 - 360 multitasking machining, 377 - 378, 380 nanomachining, 452 - 453 Hommel-Etamic T8000, 551f Horizontal machining centres (HMC), 347 - 348 Hot machining, 388, 393, 394f Hot model: residual stresses, 555 HPC supply systems. See High-pressure coolant (HPC) supply systems HPC. See High-performance cutting (HPC) HPM. See High performance machining (HPM) HPPA. See High-precision pull-down arms (HPPA) HPRA. See High-precision removable arms (HPRA) HRSAs. See Heat-resistant superalloys (HRSAs) HSC. See High-speed cutting (HSC) HSM. See High-speed machining (HSM) HSSs. See High-speed steels (HSSs) HT. See Hard turning (HT) HV. See Vickers hardness (HV) Hybrid assisted processes, 382 Hybrid machining processes (HMPs), 9, 29 - 30 classification, 9t Hybrid processes, 9, 28 - 30, 29t, 344, 368, 392 I ICM. See Iterative convergence method (ICM) Image analysis, 497 - 498 IMM. See Intelligent machining module (IMM) IMS. See Intelligent manufacturing system (IMS) Intelligent monitoring system (IMS) Indexable drilling/boring, 89f, 353 - 355, 354f Inductive transmission, 492 - 493 Inductor-resistant (LR) circuit, 161 Infrared, 175 - 180, 493 Instrumentation manufacture, 461t Integrated processes, 344 - 345, 508 Intelligent machining, 475 - 476 Intelligent machining module (IMM), 486 Intelligent manufacturing, 21, 484 - 486, 529 - 530 Intelligent manufacturing system (IMS), 1 - 2, 529 - 530 Intelligent monitoring system (IMS), 475 - 477, 477f Intelligent Tool Measurement system, 409 - 411 Intelligent tools, 477, 499 - 502 Interferometry coherence correlation, 553 - 554, 553f laser, 463 white light, 233 - 236, 553, 553f Internet, 506, 521 - 530 Ion beams, 424 Irons, 246, 248f, 253 - 254, 304t, 305. See also Materials ISO classification chip forms, 114f materials, 37f, 245f Index 569ISO classification (Continued) surface texture lays, 536 - 537 tool geometries, 17 Iterative convergence method (ICM), 74 - 75 J Johnson - Cook (JC) model, 82t, 85 K KERN Pyramid Nano five-axis machining centre, 447 Kinematics, 13 - 17, 93 - 95 KM Micro Quick-Change Tooling, 428f KomTronic-Electronic Compensating System, 501 Kurtosis, 541 - 542, 546 - 548. See also Surface roughness L Lagrangian techniques, 73 - 75 LAM. See Laser-aided machining (LAM) Lamination, 406 Large Optics Diamond Turning Machine (LODTM), 448 Laser flash method (LFM), 86 Laser technology, 33 Laser triangulation, 553 Laser-aided machining (LAM), 388 - 389, 389f, 390f, 391 Lasers ablation, 422 - 423 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, 236 interferometry, 463 machining, 375 - 376, 388 - 392, 405, 413 - 414 measuring systems, 86 - 87, 87f, 236, 494 - 496, 495f, 553 Lathes: ultra-precision, 443 - 444, 444f, 448 Lay, 536 - 537 Lead time, 267 - 268 Lean manufacturing, 31 LFM. See Laser flash method (LFM) Life, 223 - 229. See also Wear, tools Life cycle concept, 510 LIGA technique, 423f Lightweight materials, 260 - 261 Linear drives, 293 - 294, 296f Linear programming, 275 - 277 Linear-turn broaching, 365 Liquid nitrogen, 191 Load amperage, 469 LODTM. See Large Optics Diamond Turning Machine (LODTM) LR circuit. See Inductor-resistant (LR) circuit Lubrication, 183 - 184, 188 - 192. See also Cutting fluids (CFs); Tribology costs, 24 - 25 cutting force, 99 - 100 minimum quantity lubrication, 302 - 304, 313 - 322 self-lubricating coatings, 312 - 313 M Machinability, 241 Machine tool chatter, 149 Machine vision, 497 - 498 Machining scope of term, 7 strategies, 27t structural block scheme, 71f Maekawa et al. model, 82t, 85f Magnesium alloys, 261 Makino iQ300 precision micromilling machine, 446 Manufacturing: evolution, 21 - 24, 32 - 33, 505 - 510 Martensite, 339 - 341, 392 Marusich model, 82t Mass-removal processes. See Material removal Material Database for Machining Simulation, 81 Material removal, 3f micro-machining, 404 - 405 process classification, 7 - 8 ultrasonically assisted machining, 382 Material removal rate (MRR), 28, 29f, 154, 156, 160f, 270 - 271, 280 - 281, 286 - 287, 393 Material side flow, 329 Materials. See also Chips; Coatings: cutting tools; Machinability alloys, 251 - 263, 299 - 300 aluminium and alloys, 260 - 261, 304, 304t, 307 carbides, 39 - 43 cast irons, 246, 253 - 254, 304t, 305 ceramics, 44 - 46, 48t classifications, 35 - 38, 245f 570 Indexcoatings, 50 - 60, 235f, 236 composites, 261 - 263 cutting speed, 286f diamond, 49 - 50, 418 - 419, 443, 460 hardness membership, 280 - 281 hard/superhard, 36 - 38, 46 - 50, 382 - 383 high-speed machining, 285 - 289 interface temperature, 170 lightweight, 260 - 261 machinability, 241 magnesium alloys, 261 nanomaterials, 460 nickel-based alloys, 257 - 260 oxidation, 36 - 38, 223, 535 polycrystalline, 49 - 50 poly-crystalline, 331 - 332, 331f properties, 36 - 38, 81, 106t refractory metals, 263 steels, 38 - 39, 250 - 251, 304t, 305, 393, 555 stress values, 203t thermal stability, 36 - 38, 49 - 50 titanium and alloys, 255 - 257, 291 - 292 tools, 35, 418 - 419 MAZ. See Mechanically affected zone (MAZ) Measurement contact stresses, 210 - 213 laser-based systems, 494 - 496 micro-machining, 430 - 435 probing systems, 489 - 490 surface roughness, 550 - 554 tool wear, 233 - 239 Mechanical force-based process: micro-machining, 404 - 405 Mechanical force-based processes, 404 - 405 Mechanical model: residual stresses, 556 Mechanical properties: materials, 36 - 38, 41f, 106t Mechanically affected zone (MAZ), 554 - 555 Mechanics: nano-scale cutting, 124f Mechanisms: chip formation, 117 - 125 Mechanistic modelling methods, 68 - 69 Medical industry, 401, 424, 461t Membership functions, 279 - 281, 279f, 281f MEMS. See Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) Merchant’s theory, 207 - 208 Meso-scale machining, 402 Metal matrix composites (MMCs), 262 - 263 Metal-machining machine tools, investments in, 2 - 3 Metalworking fluids (MWFs), 183, 194 on-line closed-loop control of, 195f Metrology, 430 - 435, 463, 490 Micro-adjustable boring systems, 501 - 502 Microcrack theory, 120 - 121 Micro-diamond machining, 418 - 419 Micro-EDM lathe, 408f Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), 399 - 401, 458 - 460 Micro-emulsions, 184 - 185 Microhardness distribution in hard-turned surface, 339f Micro-machining, 399 definition, 399 - 403 equipment, 407 - 418 fixturing, 429 metrology, 430 - 435 micro-factories, 418 processes, 403 - 407 product examples, 418 - 424 tooling, 424 - 430 Micro-machining products, 421f Micro-manufacturing, 399 - 401 Micro-/meso-scale machine tools (mMT), 412 - 413 typical applications of, 413t Micro-milling, 409 Microscopy atomic force microscopy, 451 - 452, 462f, 463 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, 236 scanning electron microscopy, 233 - 234, 552 scanning probe microscopy, 451 surface roughness measurement, 552 Microstructure, 338 - 339, 339f, 392f, 536 - 537 Micro-tools for HSM, 427f Micro-turning, 413 Milling operations, 11 - 15, 12f coolants, 187f, 188 - 190 forced vibrations, 149 - 151 hard machining, 333 high-speed, 297 hole-making operations, 355, 356f, 357 - 360 micro-machining, 409 nanotechnology, 443, 445 - 446 thread milling, 361 - 364, 362f, 363f titanium and alloys, 255 - 256 Index 571Milling operations (Continued) turn milling, 360, 361f vibration reduction, 159 Mineral-soluble oils, 183 - 184 Miniaturization, 399 - 403 Minimal quantity cooling lubrication (MQCL), 313 - 314 Minimal/minimum quantity lubrication (MQL), 24 - 25, 303t, 304, 304t, 306f, 313 - 322, 469 - 470 Mist, 188, 189f. See also Cooling MMCs. See Metal matrix composites (MMCs) mMT. See Micro-/meso-scale machine tools (mMT) Mode coupling, 152 - 153, 152f Modelling, 68 - 72 chip formation, 126 - 134, 142 - 144 digital manufacturing, 48t empirical, 67, 67f, 69, 71 - 72 machinability, 248 - 250, 249f machining processes, 65 nano-scale cutting, 124 - 125, 126f optimization, 275 - 283 performance, 32 purposes, 66 residual stresses, 555 - 559, 556f, 557f, 558f, 559f shear zone, 108 - 111, 108f, 110f stress distribution, 201 - 202, 213 superficial layer, 534 - 535 surface roughness, 544 - 546 techniques, 72 - 81 temperatures, 169 - 175 tool wear, 229 - 233 virtual machine tools, 510 Monitoring methods in manufacturing, 470f Monitoring systems, 467 - 470, 473 - 489, 476f Monolithic parts, 298 - 301 MQCL. See Minimal quantity cooling lubrication (MQCL) MQL. See Minimal/minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) MRR. See Material removal rate (MRR) Multi-axis machines, 347, 349f, 351 - 352, 514 - 515 Multi-stage operations, 282 - 283 Multi-step boring tools, 380f Multitasking machining, 368 - 381 background of, 368 - 370 communications, 525 exemplary applications of, 373f high performance, 347 simulation, 514 tools and tooling, 371 - 377 MVL (minimum volume lubrication). See Minimal/minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) MWFs. See Metalworking fluids (MWFs) N Nanometrology, 463 - 464 Nanomilling, 452, 452f Nanoproducts, 459f Nanotechnology, 402, 437 definitions, 437 - 442 future development, 460 metrology, 463 nanometre interpolation, 443 processes, 453 - 454 product examples, 457f, 459f simulation, 124 - 125, 126f Natural thermocouple, 175 - 177 Natural vibrations, 147 NbC (niobium carbide), 39 - 40 NDM. See Near-dry machining (NDM) Near-dry machining (NDM), 302 - 305, 319, 322f machine tools for performing, 318 - 322 Near-dry processes, 314f Near-shape technology, 25 - 26 NEMS (Nano-Electro-Mechanical-Systems), 458 Neural networks, 474 - 475 Next-generation manufacturing, 21, 527 Nickel-based alloys, 257 - 260 Niobium carbide (NbC), 39 - 40 Nitrogen: liquid, 191 Noncontact measurement systems, 552 - 553, 552f Nonlinear programming methods, 275 - 276, 280 - 281 Non-productive time (NPT), 343 Non-viscoelastic materials, 197 Non-water-miscible CFs, 183 Nose radius tools, 135 Nose wear, 218 572 IndexNotch wear, 217 - 218 NPT. See Non-productive time (NPT) Numerical methods, 73 - 74 O OACS. See Open-architecture control systems (OACS) Oblique cutting grooved chip breakers, 136f mechanics, 93 modelling, 127f, 128, 133f OD (outside diameter) reaming, 379 Oil-based cutting fluids, 183, 185 Olympus LEXT OLS4000, 236 OMM. See Optical machine module (OMM) One-pass machining, 377 - 381 Open-architecture control systems (OACS), 506 - 507 Open-architecture manufacturing, 505 - 506 Optical components, 448 - 451 sensors, 433 - 434 signal transmission, 493 Optical machine module (OMM), 493 Optical microscopy, 233 - 234 Optical quality surfaces, 454 - 455 Optimization cycle time, 344 - 345 machining, 269 - 275 multitasking machining, 368 procedure based on energy efficiency criterion, 272 - 275 Orthogonal cutting, 93, 127f, 128 - 129 Outside diameter reaming, 379 Oxidation, 36 - 38, 223, 535 Oxley model, 82t, 85 - 86 P PAM. See Plasma-assisted machining (PAM) Parallel kinematic machines (PKM), 347, 351 - 353, 351f, 352f Parameters surface roughness, 539 - 540 vibration reduction, 159 PCBN. See Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) PCBs. See Printed circuit boards (PCBs) PCD. See Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) PDZ. See Primary deformation zone (PDZ) Performance coatings, 50 - 52, 51f cutting speed, 288 - 289 cutting technologies, 32 engineered surfaces, 559 - 560 near-dry machining, 321 remote assessment, 526 sensors, 467 - 469 Physical vapour deposition (PVD), 52 - 55 Piezo drive system, 553 Piezoelectric actuators, 161 Piezoelectric devices, 100 - 102, 101f, 470 - 471, 480 - 481 Pin-on-disc tribometer, 211 - 213 PKM. See Parallel kinematic machines (PKM) Planetary milling, 366 - 367 Planning, 13f, 14 Plasma-assisted machining (PAM), 393, 395 - 396, 395f Plastic deformation, 197 - 198 cutting zone, 106 - 111 hard turning, 329 heat generation, 163, 169 - 170 micro-machining, 406 superficial layer, 554 - 556 tribology, 197 - 201 Plastic flow, 73f, 74 - 75, 120 - 121, 120f PLM environment. See Product lifecycle management (PLM) environment Ploughing action, 197 Plunge milling, 360 Polishing, 382, 383f Pollutants, 193 Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN), 46 - 50, 331 - 332, 331f Polycrystalline diamond (PCD), 49 - 50 Polynomial model, 275 - 276 Precision, 10f. See also Accuracy; Ultra-precision hard machining, 341 hexapods, 352 high-speed machining, 285 micro-machining, 402 sensor types, 471f Predictive models, 69, 70f contact stresses, 210 - 213 temperatures, 169 - 175 Index 573Pre-tuned bars, 160 Primary deformation zone (PDZ), 106, 109 - 110, 163, 169 - 170 Primary motion, 14 Printed circuit boards (PCBs), 416 - 417, 425 Probabilistic approaches, 275 - 276 Probes micro-machining, 430 - 431, 433 - 434 nanometrology, 463 - 464 sensor-assisted machining, 489 - 498 Product lifecycle management (PLM) environment, 508 - 509 Production costs, 265 - 269 development trends, 66f, 344 - 345 time, 266 - 267, 266f, 269 - 271, 298 Productivity machining methods, 24 near-dry machining, 321 optimization, 269 - 272, 270f, 271f ultrasonically assisted machining, 383 - 385 Profilometers, 450 - 451, 550 - 551 Profit rate, 268 - 269 Protective coatings, possible concepts for, 57f Prototyping, 406, 409, 411 - 412, 416 - 417, 429, 519 PVD. See Physical vapour deposition (PVD) Pyrometry, 178 - 180 Q Quasi-dry machining: equipment, 305 - 309 R Radiation techniques, 178 - 181 Radio machine interface (RMI), 492 - 493 Radio transmission, 492 - 493 Rake angle chip flow, 134 cutting force influence, 99 - 100 hard machining, 325 stress influence, 104 - 105 Rake face, 93 - 94, 94f, 204f Rapid prototyping (RP), 422, 422f RCF. See Resultant cutting force (RCF) RCT. See Restricted-contact tools (RCT) Real and informational system (RIS), 510 Real and physical system (RPS), 510 Reaming, 12, 310 - 311, 334 - 335, 379 Recomposition, 406 Reference materials, 245 - 246 Reference planes, 17, 18f Refractory metals, 263 Regenerative effect, 152 - 153, 159 - 160 Remote Notification System, 409 - 411 Repair services, 523 - 524 Residual stresses, 555 - 559, 556f, 557f, 558f, 559f Resonance, 148 - 151 Restricted-contact tools (RCT), 205 Resultant cutting force (RCF), 95 - 102, 99f, 100f RIS. See Real and informational system (RIS) RMI. See Radio machine interface (RMI) Robotized processes, 517 - 518 RP. See Rapid prototyping (RP) RPS. See Real and physical system (RPS) S Sandwiching, 430 Sawing, 13f, 89f Saw-tooth chips, 113 - 117, 121 - 122, 326 - 328 Scanning electron microscope (SEM), 233 - 234, 550, 552 Scanning probe microscopy (SPM), 451, 463 Scanning probes, 492, 496 - 497 Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), 451 SCE. See Specific cutting energy (SCE) SCL. See Spiral cutting length (SCL) Sculptured surfaces, 445 - 446 SDZ. See Secondary deformation zone (SDZ) Secondary deformation zone (SDZ), 106, 109 - 110, 163, 170, 199 - 200, 200f Segmented chips, 113 - 117, 121 - 122, 133 - 134, 325 Self-excited vibrations, 147, 149, 151 - 154 Self-lubricating coatings, 312 - 313 SEM. See Scanning electron microscope (SEM) Semi-dry machining, 302 - 305 Semi-synthetic cutting fluids, 184 Sensor-assisted machining, 467 adaptive control systems, 488 - 489 intelligent manufacturing, 484 - 486 laser measuring systems, 494 - 496 sensor-guided tools, 499 - 502 system architecture, 473 - 476 tool condition monitoring, 478 - 479, 486 touch-trigger probing, 489 - 498 574 IndexSensor-based intelligent manufacturing, 484 - 485 Sensors micro-machining, 432 nanoproducts, 459f thin film thermocouple, 177 - 178 types, 469 - 471 vibrations, 161 Setting: tools, 493 - 494 Shape chips, 113 heat distribution factor, 165 - 166 Shear. See also Stresses adiabatic, 121 - 122 angle, 126 - 130, 127f, 129f chip formation, 117 - 125 forces, 97 friction factor, 208 modelling, 108 - 111, 108f, 110f strains, 121f, 122 SHPB. See Split-Hopkinson’s Pressure Bar (SHPB) Side-curling, 113, 114f, 133, 138 Signals, 474 - 475, 481 - 482, 493 Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer, 458 Simplification and improvement: machining operations, 353 - 367 Simulation. See also Modelling contact stresses, 210 - 213 definition, 68 Single-point diamond turning (SPDT), 454 Sintered high-speed steels, 393 - 395 Skew, 541 - 542, 546 - 548. See also Surface roughness SL. See Stereolithography (SL) SLD. See Stability lobe diagram (SLD) Sliding region sticking region distinction, 234 - 235, 235f tribology, 197, 198f, 202, 207 Slip-line modelling, 127 - 129, 127f SMART. See Smart Assistant to Machinists (SMART) Smart Assistant to Machinists (SMART), 280 - 281 ‘Smart machine’ modules, 409 - 411 Smart manufacturing systems, 1 - 2 Smart tools, 499 - 502 Smart Watchdog Agent, 525, 525f Soft coatings, characteristics of, 58t SOI wafer. See Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer Solidification, 406 Solution wear, 221 SPDT. See Single-point diamond turning (SPDT) Specific cutting energy (SCE), 102 - 103 Speed. See Cutting speedHigh-speed machining (HSM)Spindles: speed Spindles bearings, 295 configurations, 347 - 348, 350 - 351 micro-tools, 426 - 427 power, 346 speed, 154 - 158, 156f, 158f, 288, 293, 443 Spiral cutting length (SCL), 243 Spiral-turn broaching, 365 Split tool, 203 - 205, 211f, 213 Split-Hopkinson’s Pressure Bar (SHPB), 81 - 84 SPM. See Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) Springback effect, 122 Stability high-speed machining, 285 - 288, 294 machine tools, 154 - 161 thermal, 36 - 38, 45, 49 - 50 Stability lobe diagram (SLD), 154, 155f, 287f, 288 Stabler’s chip flow rule, 134 State-of-the-art machining theory and practice, 1 Steels, 38 - 39, 250 - 251, 304t, 393 - 395, 555. See also Materials Step drilling, 12 Stereolithography (SL), 399 - 401 Sticking region sliding region distinction, 234 - 235, 235f tribology, 199 - 201, 207 Stiffness, 158, 160 - 161, 351 - 352, 450 STM. See Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) Straight oils, 183, 193 - 194 Strain hardening, 555 Strain - gauge dynamometers, 100 - 102 Stresses chip formation, 117 - 120, 119f, 120f distribution, 104 - 105, 105f, 201 - 206, 213, 328f measurement and predictions, 210 - 213 models, 81, 82t, 201 - 202, 213 residual, 555 - 559, 556f, 557f, 558f, 559f shear plane, 104 - 106 surface layer, hard machining, 340 Index 575Stuart platform, 351 - 352 Subsurface layer, 10 - 11, 10t, 534 - 535, 554 - 560 hard machining, 324 - 325, 335 laser assisted machining, 391 stress distributions, 105f Subtractive operations, 8 Superalloys, 257 - 260 Superficial layers, 534 - 535. See also Subsurface layer Superhard materials, 46 - 50 Super-processes, 29 - 30 Supply systems: MQL media, 287f, 315, 315t, 318 - 319 Surface engineering, 533 Surface finish, 536 - 537. See also Topography dry machining, 310 - 311, 312f hard machining, 323 - 324, 335 - 341 high-speed cutting, 298 nanotechnology, 444, 446 - 447 process substitution, 379 vibration effect, 150 - 151 Surface form, 537 Surface integrity, 533 concept, 533 - 538 defined, 535 definition, 535 evaluation, 539 - 549 form, 537 hard machining, 335 roughness, 335, 455f, 539 - 554 subsurface layer, 554 - 560 waviness, 153, 153f, 537, 537f Surface roughness, 537 Surface texture, 536 - 537 analysis, 526 chips, 118f digitizing, 492 measurement, 463, 550 - 554 Surface waviness, 537 Sustainable industrial production, 509 - 510 Swarf. See Chips Swiss-type machining centres, 407 - 408, 418, 419f, 431 - 432 Synthetic cutting fluids
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Advanced Machining Processes of Metallic Materials رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Advanced Machining Processes of Metallic Materials