كتاب SheetCam User Manual
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب SheetCam User Manual

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18864
التقييم : 35108
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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SheetCam User Manual V5.0.0

كتاب SheetCam User Manual S_c_m_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Introduction . 4
Safety 4
Initial setup . 4
Setup Wizard . 4
Linear units . 5
Angular units 5
Feed rate 5
Plasma cutting . 5
Rotary cutting . 5
Multiple drawings 6
Complexity . 6
Allow multiple parts . 6
Plasma cutting 6
Rotary cutting 6
Units setup . 7
Linear units . 7
Angular units . 7
Feed rate . 7
Thread pitch 7
Post processor units 7
Select post processor 7
G-code extension . 8
Use lower left coordinates . 8
Machine setup 8
Machine origin . 8
Coordinates of machine origin . 8
Working envelope size 8
Co-ordinates of table bottom left 9
Table size 9
Max. clearance between chuck and table 9
Load machine 9
Save machine 9
Help 9
Work flow procedures . 9
Creating drawings 9
Outlines must be properly closed . 9
So how do I find problems? . 10
Shapes must not self intersect . 10
Explode text in DXF files 10
Use layers 10
Splines and bezier curves . 10
Blocks and groups 10
Open DXF options . 11
File scale . 11
Origin . 11
Bottom Left 11
Drawing centre .11
Use drawing origin 11
Current Position . 11
Material bottom left 12
Use points for drilling . 12
Open HPGL options . 12
Origin 12
Bottom Left . 12
Drawing centre 12
Use drawing origin . 12
Current position . 12
Material bottom left 12
Open Excellon options . 12
File scale 12
Origin 12
Bottom Left . 12
Drawing centre 12
Use drawing origin . 12
Current Position 12
Material bottom left 13
Number format . 13
Create tools and processes . 13
Enabled . 13
Drill depth . 13
Plunge rate 13
Spindle speed 13
Open EMF options . 13
Origin 13
Bottom Left . 13
Drawing centre 13
Use drawing origin . 13
Current Position 14
Material bottom left 14
Recent drawings 14
Material setup 14
Thickness of material 14
Coordinates of bottom left corner . 14
Sizes 14
Rapid clearance 14
Height of bottom of material above table 14
Parking position 14
Tool setup 15
New mill/router . 15
New drill . 17
New V cutter 19
New automatic tap 21
New rigid tap 24
New plasma cutter 26
New code snippet . 27
Process setup . 27
New contour . 28
New fill 35
New plasma cut 38
New drilling process . 42
Edit G-code 46
New tapping process 47
Post process . 50
Open and save options 51
Other Features 52
File Menu 523
Contents (cont.)
Edit Menu 52
View menu . 52
Options Menu 56
Help Menu . 59
Toolbars 61
View toolbar buttons 61
Run post processor toolbar buttons . 62
Zoom toolbar buttons . 62
Selection toolbar buttons . 63
Tools toolbar buttons 67
Processes toolbar buttons . 68
Lower right toolbar . 69
Hints and Tips . 69
Centre drilling . 69
Context sensitive help 69
Copy and duplicate differences 69
Depth of cut, peck depth etc. . 69
Entering values 70
Finish allowance 70
Machine and material parameters 70
Machine parameters . 70
Material parameters 71
Mouse wheel . 71
Zooming and panning . 71
Panning 71
Rotating the screen in 3D . 72
Drag mode 72
Tutorials 72
Profile tutorial . 72
Pocketing tutorial . 76
Plasma tutorial 78
Nesting Tutorial 82
Frequently asked questions 84
About 60
Add new code snippet . 67
Add new contour . 68
Add new drilling process . 68
Add new fill . 68
Add new plasma process 68
Allow multiple parts . 6
Angle 69
Angle threshold . 33
Angular units . 7
Auto/manual . 31
Automatically generate name 15
Axial travel 22
Baud rate 53
Blocks and groups 10
Bottom Left . 11
Byte size 53
Cancel 17
Centre drilling 69
Circle recognition limit . 57
Clear all 64
Co-ordinates of table bottom left 9
Colour legend 54
Comm port 53
Configure 53
Contour method 28
Coolant . 29
Coordinates of bottom left corner . 14
Coordinates of machine origin . 8
Copy and duplicate differences 69
Create a support file 61
Create tools and processes 13
Creating drawings . 9
Current Position 11
Current position . 12
Cut depth 29
Cut height . 27
Cut path .31, 40, 44
Cut start 30
Default drill hole tolerance . 57
Define a cut process 74, 80
Define another tool 76
Defining a tool 73, 79
Diameter . 16
DNC Tool 52
Drag mode 72
Drawing centre 11
Drawing files . 51
Drill depth . 13
Duplicates and copies . 82
DXF 11
Edit . 29
Edit contour properties 65
Edit G-code . 46, 68
Edit G-code Notes 46
Edit Menu . 52
Editing start points 80
EMF . 11
Enabled 13
Estimate cut time . 62
Excellon 11
Exit . 52
Explode text in DXF files . 10
Feed rate 7
File scale 11
Finish allowance . 29
Finish depth 43
Flow control 54
Flute length . 16
Frequently asked questions 84
G-code extension 8
Generate the tool paths. . 75
Generating the G-code . 75, 81
Height of bottom of material above table 14
Help 59
Help Menu 59
Hints and Tips . 69
Import link tolerance 57
Initial setup . 4
Introduction . 4
Job files 51
Kerf width 2687
Layer 28
Layer tool 54
Lead in 30
Lead in and lead out 77
Lead out 30
Linear units . 7
Load machine . 9
Load process 52
Lower right toolbar . 69
Machine and material parameters . 70
Machine origin 8
Machine parameters . 70
Machine setup . 7, 8
Material parameters 71
Material setup . 14
Max clearance 71
Max detail reduction error 57
Max hole size . 43
Max. clearance between chuck and table . 9
Measure 63
Min hole size 43
Mirror 69
Move part 66
Move to layer 65
Nesting Tutorial . 82
New automatic tap 21
New code snippet . 27
New contour 28
New drill 17
New drilling process 42
New fill 35
New job . 51
New mill button . 67
New mill/router 15
New part . 51
New plasma button . 67
New plasma cut 38
New plasma cutter 26
New rigid tap . 24
New tapping process . 47
New V cutter . 19
Notes 34
Number format 13
OK 17
Open and save options 51
Open drawing 51
Open DXF options . 11
Open EMF options 13
Open Excellon options 12
Open HPGL options 12
Open job . 51
Open licence . 60
Open part 51
Open toolset . 51
Opening drawings . 11
Optimise now 31
Options Menu . 56
Order 64
Origin 11, 12
Other Features 52
Outlines must be properly closed 9
Overcut corners . 32
Panning 71
Parity 53
Part centre 69
Part files . 51
Pause at end of cut . 27
Peck depth . 18
Peck retract 43
Pierce delay 26
Pierce height . 26
Pitch 22, 25
Place cut start point 64
Place holding tab 65
Plasma cutting . 5, 6
Plasma tutorial 78
Plunge rate . 13
Pocket method . 35
Pocketing tutorial 76
Position boxes 56
Positioning the part on the sheet . 81
Post output to last drawing folder 58
Post process 50
Post processor units . 7
Preferred cut direction . 32
Preheat . 26
Print 52
Process files . 51
Process setup 27
Processes toolbar buttons 68
Profile tutorial 72
Ramp angle 16
Ramp lead in . 27
Rapid clearance . 14, 71
Recent drawings . 14
Recent jobs 51
Recent parts . 51
Reopen last job on startup 58
Reverse cut direction . 41
Reverse mouse wheel . 5888
Reverse multiplier . 22, 25
Reverse open paths 32
Right click options 63
Rotary cutting 5, 6
Rotating the screen in 3D 72
Run code after toolchange 56
Run code before toolchange 56
Run post processor toolbar buttons . 62
Safety . 4
Save job 51
Save job as . 51
Save machine . 9
Save part 51
Save part as 51
Save process 51
Save toolset 51
Scroll the screen with the mouse 63
Select language 58
Select post processor . 7
Selection toolbar buttons 63
Send data . 52
Set arrow frequency 57
Set bump increment 67
Set direction arrow size 57
Set grid size . 67
Set post variable . 47
Set start point size . 56
Setting up the machine 72, 78
Setting up the material . 73, 79
Setup Wizard 4
Setup wizard . 59
Shapes must not self intersect 10
Sharpen corners . 32
Sharpen/Overcut corners . 32
Show cut start points 62
Show input paths . 54, 61
Show machine and work 54, 62
Show path directions 54, 62
Show path ends . 54, 61
Show rapid moves 54, 61
Show segment ends 54, 61
Show tool paths . 54, 61
Sizes 14
So how do I find problems? . 10
Spindle speed . 13
Splines and bezier curves 10
Start depth 29
Start point . 31
Step over . 36
Stop bits . 53
System parameters 57
Tab length . 33
Tab length/Tab thickness . 33
Tab thickness . 33
Table depth . 70
Table size . 9
Table width 70
tapping process . 47
Thickness of material 14
Thickness of work . 71
Thread pitch 7
Tip diameter 20
Tool . 29
Tool change 56
Tool length offset . 16
Tool name . 15
Tool number 15
Tool projection . 16
Tool setup . 15
Tool type . 16
Toolbars 61
Tools toolbar buttons . 67
Toolset files . 51
Tutorials . 59, 72
Underfeed 23, 25
Update processes . 17
Use code snippet . 30, 64
Use drawing origin . 11
Use layers 10
Use lower left coordinates . 8
Use points for drilling . 12
Use process settings 64
Using Copy . 83
Using layers 77
Utilities . 60
V angle . 20
Value 47
Variable name . 47
View menu 52
Work flow procedures . 9
Working envelope size 8
X and Y coordinates of bottom left corner 71
X and Y coordinates of table origin 70
X and Y size . 7189
Z increment . 16
Zigzag pocket . 35
Zoom in 55, 62
Zoom out . 55, 62
Zoom to fit current part . 54, 62
Zoom to fit job 54, 63
Zoom to fit machine 55
Zoom to fit material 55, 63
Zoom toolbar buttons 62
Zooming and panning 71
Zooming in and out .

كلمة سر فك الضغط : books-world.net
The Unzip Password : books-world.net
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