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| موضوع: كتاب Welding - Principles and Applications السبت 29 مايو 2021, 2:02 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Welding - Principles and Applications Seventh Edition Larry Jeffus
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Preface Xii Features of the Text .xv Acknowledgments .xvii About the Author Xix Index of Experiments and Practices .xxi Section 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction to Welding Introduction 4 Welding Defined .5 Uses of Welding 6 Welding and Cutting Processes 8 Oxyacetylene Welding, Brazing, and Cutting .10 Thermal Cutting Processes 11 Occupational Opportunities in Welding 13 Training for Welding Occupations .14 Experiments and Practices 15 Welding Video Series 17 Metric Units 17 Summary .19 Welding at the Bottom of the World 20 Review .22 Chapter 2 Safety in Welding Introduction 24 Burn Classification 24 Face, Eye, and Ear Protection .26 Respiratory Protection 28 Ventilation 31 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) 32 General Work Clothing 32 Special Protective Clothing .33 Handling and Storing Cylinders .34 Fire Protection 35 Equipment Maintenance .37 Work Area .38 Hand Tools .38 Electrical Safety .40 Electrical Safety Systems .40 Voltage Warnings .42 Extension Cords .42 Safety Rules for Portable Electric Tools 43 Metal Cutting Machines .45 Material Handling .46 Ladder Safety 47 Summary .48 Heads Up on Safety: Use Proper Head and Eye Protection .49 Review .50 SECTION 2 SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING Chapter 3 Shielded Metal Arc Equipment, Setup, and Operation Introduction 55 Welding Current .55 Electrical Measurement .56 SMA Welding Arc Temperature and Heat 56 Types of Welding Power .57 Open Circuit Voltage 58 Operating Voltage .59 Arc Blow .59 Types of Power Sources 60 Generator- and Alternator-Type Welders .63 Converting AC to DC .65 Duty Cycle 65 Welder Accessories .66 Equipment Setup 68 Summary .69 Experienced Welders Make a Difficult Offshore Weld Run Smoothly 70 Review .71 Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate Introduction 73 Effect of Too High or Too Low Current Settings .75 Electrode Size and Heat 76 Arc Length 77 Electrode Angle .78 Electrode Manipulation 80 Positioning of the Welder and the Plate .82 Practice Welds 82 Stringer Beads .83 Square Butt Joint .86 Edge Weld .89 Contents ivContents v Outside Corner Joint 93 Lap Joint .96 Tee Joint 99 Summary .102 Keeping Shipshape through Underwater Welding 102 Review .105 Chapter 5 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Pipe Introduction 106 Pipe and Tubing 107 Preparation and Fit-Up .111 Practice Welds 112 1G Horizontal Rolled Position 116 2G Vertical Fixed Position 120 5G Horizontal Fixed Position .122 6G 45° Inclined Position .123 Summary .125 Orbital Welding Helps NASA’s X-34 Rocket Soar 125 Review .127 Chapter 6 Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding Introduction 129 Root Pass .129 Hot Pass 134 Filler Pass 136 Cover Pass .138 Plate Preparation .139 Preparing Specimens for Testing 141 Restarting a Weld Bead .142 Preheating and Postheating 144 Poor Fit-Up .152 Summary .154 Artists Honored at International Institute of Welding (IIW) Assembly .155 Review .157 SECTION 3 CUTTING AND GOUGING Chapter 7 Flame Cutting Introduction 161 Metals Cut by the Oxyfuel Process .161 Eye Protection for Flame Cutting .162 Cutting Torches 162 Cutting Tips 163 Oxyfuel Cutting, Setup, and Operation 169 Hand Cutting 171 Layout .174 Selecting the Correct Tip and Setting the Pressure 175 The Chemistry of a Cut 176 The Physics of a Cut .177 Plate Cutting .179 Cutting Table 180 Torch Guides 180 Distortion 182 Cutting Applications .183 Pipe Cutting 184 Summary .187 Oxygen Cutting 188 Review .189 Chapter 8 Plasma Arc Cutting Introduction 190 Plasma .192 Plasma Torch 192 Power and Gas Cables 194 Power Requirements .196 Compressed Air 196 Heat Input .197 Distortion 197 Applications 198 Machine Cutting .203 Manual Cutting .205 Safety .205 Straight Cuts .206 Plasma Arc Gouging .209 Cutting Round Stock 210 Summary .210 Weld Shop Keeps U.S. Coast Guard Ready 211 Review .213 Chapter 9 Related Cutting Processes Introduction 214 Laser Beam Cutting (LBC) and Laser Beam Drilling (LBD) 215 Lasers 215 Applications 217 Air Carbon Arc Cutting 219 Manual Torch Design .220 Application .221 Safety .222 U-Grooves .223 Oxygen Lance Cutting 226 Applications 227 Safety .227 Water Jet Cutting 227 Applications 227 Arc Cutting Electrodes .227 Applications 229 Summary .229 Lasers: The New Wave in Ship Construction .230 Review .231vi Contents SECTION 4 GAS SHIELDED WELDING Chapter 10 Gas Metal Arc Welding Equipment, Setup, and Operation Introduction 234 Weld Metal Transfer Methods 236 Short-Circuiting Transfer GMAW-S .236 Globular Transfer .238 Axial Spray Metal Transfer .238 Pulsed-Arc Metal Transfer 239 Pulsed-Arc Metal Transfer Current Cycle 240 Shielding Gases for Spray or Pulsed-Spray Transfer 243 Buried-Arc Transfer 243 GMAW Filler Metal Specifications .244 Wire Melting and Deposition Rates 244 Welding Power Supplies .244 Speed of the Wire Electrode .245 Power Supplies for Short-Circuiting Transfer 246 Molten Weld Pool Control .247 Power Settings 249 Weave Pattern .249 Travel Speed 249 Electrode Extension 249 Gun Angle .250 Equipment 252 Power Source 253 Electrode (Wire) Feed Unit 253 GMA Spot Welding .257 Summary .259 Simple Steps to Achieving Better Gas Metal Arc Welding .259 Review .261 Chapter 11 Gas Metal Arc Welding Introduction 262 Setup .263 Gas Density and Flow Rates .268 Wire-Feed Speed .268 Arc-Voltage and Amperage Characteristics 270 Electrode Extension 271 Welding Gun Angle 273 Effect of Shielding Gas on Welding 274 Practices 276 Metal Preparation .277 Flat Position, 1G and 1F Positions .277 Vertical Up 3G and 3F Positions 281 Vertical Down 3G and 3F Positions .283 Horizontal 2G and 2F Positions .284 Overhead 4G and 4F Positions .286 Globular Metal Transfer, 1G Position 288 Axial Spray 291 Summary .292 Aluminum Ferries Rely on Inverter Technology .293 Review .295 Chapter 12 Flux Cored Arc Welding Equipment, Setup, and Operation Introduction 296 Principles of Operation .297 Equipment 299 Advantages 300 Limitations 301 FCAW Electrodes .301 FCA Welding Electrode Flux .304 Shielding Gas 308 Welding Techniques .308 Troubleshooting FCA Welding 314 Summary .315 Ultrasonic Plastic Welding Basics .315 Review .317 Chapter 13 Flux Cored Arc Welding Introduction 318 Practices 319 Flat-Position Welds 322 Square-Groove Welds .322 V-Groove and Bevel-Groove Welds 326 Fillet Welds .331 Vertical Welds .336 Horizontal Welds 341 Overhead-Position Welds .347 Thin-Gauge Welding 350 Plug Welds 356 Summary .358 Welding Lends Architectural Flair to Airport Expansion 358 Review .360 Chapter 14 Other Constant-Potential Welding Processes Introduction 361 Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) .362 Weld Travel 362 Electrode Feed 362 Contact Tip .362 Electrode .363 Flux .364 Advantages of SAW .364 Disadvantages of SAW 365 Arc Starting .365 Weld Backing 365 Handheld SAW .366 Experiments 366 Electroslag Welding (ESW) 367 Electrogas Welding (EGW) 369Contents vii Summary .370 High-Performance Steel Increasingly Used for Bridge Building .370 Review .372 Chapter 15 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Equipment, Setup, Operation, and Filler Metals Introduction 374 Tungsten .374 Types of Tungsten Electrodes .376 Shaping the Tungsten .377 GTA Welding Equipment .380 Types of Welding Current 384 Shielding Gases .386 Preflow and Postflow .388 Shielding Gas Flow Rate 388 Remote Controls .389 Summary .393 Welding a Pathway to the Stars 394 Review .396 Chapter 16 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Plate Introduction 398 Torch Angle 399 Filler Rod Manipulation .399 Tungsten Contamination 401 Current Setting .401 Experiments 402 Gas Flow .403 Practice Welds 404 Summary .425 The Great Master’s Horse Returns Home after 500 Years 425 Review .428 Chapter 17 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Pipe Introduction 429 Practices 430 Joint Preparation .430 Root .431 Backing Gas 433 Filler Metal 434 Cup Walking .436 Practice Welds 438 Hot Pass 440 Filler Pass 444 Cover Pass .445 Summary .450 Hot Tap Weld Prevents Offshore Piping System from Shutting Down 451 Review .453 SECTION 5 RELATED PROCESSES Chapter 18 Shop Math and Weld Cost Introduction 456 Shop Math .457 Types of Numbers .457 General Math Rules 457 Equations and Formulas .458 Mixed Units 460 Adding and Subtracting Mixed Units .460 Fractions .462 Finding the Fraction’s Common Denominator 462 Reducing Fractions .463 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions .463 Converting Numbers 463 Converting Fractions to Decimals 463 Converting Decimals to Fractions 464 Conversion Charts 465 Measuring .465 Welding Costs .465 Cost Estimation 466 Joint Design 466 Weld Metal Cost 469 Cost of Electrodes, Wires, Gases, and Flux .469 Deposition Efficiency 470 Deposition Rate .471 Deposition Data Tables .471 Operating Factor .474 Other Useful Formulas .476 Summary .477 Metal Cored Welding Wire Comes through on Heavy Weldments .478 Review .479 Chapter 19 Reading Technical Drawings Introduction 481 Mechanical Drawings 482 Lines .482 Types of Drawings 485 Special Views 485 Dimensioning .487 Drawing Scale .488 Reading Mechanical Drawings 489 Sketching 490 Erasers and Erasing .493 Graph Paper 494 Computers and Drawings .496 Summary .499 Resistance Seam Welding Benefits Stainless Application 499 Review .500viii Contents Chapter 20 Welding Joint Design and Welding Symbols Introduction 502 Weld Joint Design .503 Welding Process .505 Edge Preparation .505 Joint Dimensions 505 Metal Thickness 505 Metal Type 507 Welding Position 507 Code or Standards Requirements .508 Welder Skill 509 Acceptable Cost 509 Welding Symbols 509 Indicating Types of Welds 510 Weld Location .510 Location Significance of Arrow .512 Fillet Welds .512 Plug Welds 513 Spot Welds 513 Seam Welds .514 Groove Welds .514 Backing .515 Flanged Welds 516 Nondestructive Testing Symbols 516 Summary .519 Extending the Life of Resistance Welding Electrodes .519 Review .521 Chapter 21 Fabricating Techniques and Practices Introduction 522 Fabrication 523 Safety .523 Parts and Pieces 524 Layout .525 Nesting 530 Kerf Space .531 Material Shapes .535 Bill of Materials Form .535 Overall Tolerance 535 Assembly .537 Assembly Tools .539 Fitting .541 Tack Welds .543 Welding 544 Finishing .545 Summary .546 Welder Certification: Many Thrusts, Few Agree .546 Review .548 Chapter 22 Welding Codes and Standards Introduction 550 Codes, Standards, Procedures, and Specifications .551 Welding Procedure Qualification .552 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) 552 Qualifying the Welding Procedure Specification 552 Qualifying and Certifying .552 General Information .555 Summary .564 Resistance Seam Welding Benefits Stainless Steel Application .565 Review .566 Chapter 23 Testing and Inspection of Welds Introduction 567 Quality Control (QC) .568 Discontinuities and Defects 568 Porosity .568 Inclusions 570 Inadequate Joint Penetration 570 Incomplete Fusion 571 Arc Strikes .572 Overlap .572 Undercut .573 Crater Cracks 573 Underfill 573 Plate-Generated Problems .573 Lamination 574 Delamination 574 Lamellar Tears 574 Destructive Testing (DT) 575 Tensile Testing 575 Fatigue Testing .576 Shearing Strength of Welds 577 Welded Butt Joints 577 Fillet Weld Break Test 581 Testing by Etching 582 Impact Testing 582 Nondestructive Testing (NDT) .583 Visual Inspection (VT) .583 Penetrant Inspection (PT) 583 Magnetic Particle Inspection (MT) .584 Radiographic Inspection (RT) 585 Ultrasonic Inspection (UT) .590 Leak Checking 591 Eddy Current Inspection (ET) 591 Hardness Testing 591 Summary .592 Development of Titanium Inspection Tools Based on Weld Color 592 Review .595 Chapter 24 Welder Certification Introduction 596 Qualified and Certified Welders .597 Welder Performance Qualification .597 Welder Certification .597 AWS Entry-Level Welder Qualification and Welder Certification 597Contents ix Practical Knowledge .597 Welder Qualification and Certification Test Instructions for Practices .598 Preparing Specimens for Testing 599 Restarting a Weld Bead .600 Summary .635 Liberty Ships of World War II 636 Review .637 SECTION 6 RELATED PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGY Chapter 25 Welding Metallurgy Introduction 641 Heat, Temperature, and Energy 641 Heat .641 Temperature .642 Mechanical Properties of Metal 643 Hardness .643 Brittleness .643 Ductility 643 Toughness .643 Strength .644 Other Mechanical Concepts .644 Structure of Matter 645 Crystalline Structures of Metal .645 Phase Diagrams .646 Lead-Tin Phase Diagram .646 Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram .647 Strengthening Mechanisms .650 Solid-Solution Hardening .651 Precipitation Hardening 651 Mechanical Mixtures of Phases .652 Quench, Temper, and Anneal .652 Martensitic Reactions 654 Cold Work 656 Grain Size Control 656 Heat Treatments Associated with Welding .656 Preheat 656 Stress Relief, Process Annealing .657 Annealing 658 Normalizing 658 Thermal Effects Caused by Arc Welding 658 Gases in Welding 660 Hydrogen 661 Nitrogen 661 Oxygen 661 Carbon Dioxide 661 Metallurgical Defects 662 Cold Cracking .662 Hot Cracking 662 Carbide Precipitation 663 Summary .664 Shot Peening and Heat Treatment Reduce Stress 664 Review .666 Chapter 26 Weldability of Metals Introduction 668 Steel Classification and Identification 671 SAE and AISI Classification Systems .671 Unified Numbering System (UNS) .671 Carbon and Alloy Steels 671 Low Carbon Also Called Mild Steel 671 Medium Carbon Steel 673 High Carbon Steel .673 Tool Steel 674 High Manganese Steel .674 Low Alloy, High Tensile Strength Steels .674 Stainless Steels 674 Chromium-Molybdenum Steel .676 Cast Iron .676 Practice Welding Cast Iron .677 Nonferrous Metals 681 Copper and Copper Alloys .681 Aluminum Weldability .681 Titanium .682 Magnesium 682 Repair Welding .682 Summary .685 Welding Offers Answers about New Chrome-Moly Steel 686 Review .688 Chapter 27 Filler Metal Selection Introduction 689 Manufacturers’ Electrode Information 690 Understanding the Electrode Data 690 Data Resulting from Mechanical Tests .690 Data Resulting from Chemical Analysis .691 Carbon Equivalent (CE) .691 SMAW Operating Information .691 Core Wire .692 Functions of the Flux Covering 692 Filler Metal Selection 693 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Electrode Selection 693 AWS Filler Metal Classifications 696 Carbon Steel 696 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel–Covered Electrodes .696 Wire-Type Steel Filler Metals .699 Solid Wire .699 Tubular Wire 700 Stainless Steel Electrodes 701 Nonferrous Electrodes 704 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 704 Aluminum-Covered Arc Welding Electrodes .704 Aluminum Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes .704 Special-purpose Filler Metals 704x Contents Surface and Buildup Electrode Classification .705 Magnesium Alloys 706 Hydrogen Embrittlement 706 Summary .707 Filler Metal Made Easy .707 Review .709 Chapter 28 Welding Automation and Robotics Introduction 710 Manual Joining Process 711 Semiautomatic Joining Processes 712 Machine Joining Processes .713 Automatic Joining Processes .713 Automated Joining 713 Industrial Robots 714 Robot Programming 715 System Planning 717 Future Automation .723 Summary .723 Improving Productivity with Robotic Welding 723 Review .726 Chapter 29 Other Welding Processes Introduction 727 Resistance Welding (RW) .728 Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) .728 Seam Welding (RSEW) .730 High-Frequency Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW-HF) .731 Resistance Projection Welding (RPW) .731 Flash Welding (FW) .732 Upset Welding (UW) 732 Percussion Welding (PEW) 733 Electron Beam Welding (EBW) 733 Electron Beam Welding Gun 733 Electron Beam Seam Tracking 734 Ultrasonic Welding (USW) .734 Ultrasonic Welding Applications 735 Inertia Welding Process 735 Inertia Weld Bond Characteristics 737 Advantages of the Process .738 Laser Beam Welding (LBW) .738 Laser Welding Advantages and Disadvantages .739 Laser Beam 739 Plasma Arc Welding (PAW) Process 739 Stud Welding (SW) .740 Thermal Spraying (THSP) 740 Thermal Spraying Equipment .740 Thermospray (Powder) Process 741 Plasma Spraying Process .742 Cold Welding (CW) .743 Thermite Welding (TW) .743 Hardfacing 745 Selection of Hardfacing Metals .745 Hardfacing Welding Processes 746 Quality of Surfacing Deposit .747 Hardfacing Electrodes .747 Shielded Metal Arc Method 748 Hardfacing with Gas Shielded Arc 748 Carbon Arc Method 748 Summary .749 Computer Numeric Controlled Plasma— A Cut above the Rest 750 Review .753 SECTION 7 OXYFUEL Chapter 30 Oxyfuel Welding and Cutting Equipment, Setup, and Operation Introduction 756 Pressure Regulators 757 Regulator Operation .757 Regulator Gauges 758 Regulator Safety Pressure Release Device .759 Cylinder and Regulator Fittings .760 Regulator Safety Precautions 761 Regulator Care and Use 762 Welding and Cutting Torches: Design and Service .763 Mixing the Gases 763 Torch Care and Use 764 Welding and Heating Torch Tips .765 Torch Tip Care and Use 766 Backfires 766 Flashbacks 766 Reverse Flow and Flashback Valves .767 Care of the Reverse Flow Valve and Flashback Arrestor 768 Hoses and Fittings 768 Hose Care and Use 768 Types of Flames 769 Leak Detection 770 Manifold Systems 775 Manifold Operation 776 Summary .777 Worcester Technical High School Welds on Snowflakes 778 Review .781 Chapter 31 Oxyfuel Gases and Filler Metals Introduction 782 Oxyfuel Flame 783 Characteristics of the Fuel-Gas Flame 783 Fuel Gases .783 Flame Rate of Burning 785 Acetylene (C2H2) 786 Liquefied Fuel Gases .788 Methylacetylene-Propadiene (MPS) .788 MAPP 790Contents xi Propane and Natural Gas 791 Hydrogen 792 Filler Metals 794 Ferrous Metals 795 Mild Steel 795 Cast Iron .795 Summary .796 Welding with the Right Shielding Gas .796 Review .797 Chapter 32 Oxyacetylene Welding Introduction 798 Mild Steel Welds .799 Factors Affecting the Weld .799 Characteristics of the Weld 800 Flat Position Welding .807 Outside Corner Joint 807 Butt Joint .808 Lap Joint .810 Tee Joint 812 Out-of-Position Welding 813 Vertical Welds .813 Butt Joint .815 Lap Joint .817 Tee Joint 817 Horizontal Welds 818 Horizontal Stringer Bead .818 Butt Joint .819 Lap Joint .819 Tee Joint 819 Overhead Welds 819 Stringer Bead .819 Mild Steel Pipe and Tubing 820 Horizontal Rolled Position 1G 820 Horizontal Fixed Position 5G .823 Vertical Fixed Position 2G 824 45° Fixed Position 6G .825 Thin-Wall Tubing .826 Summary .827 Confined Space Monitors: Tough Choices for Tight Spots 827 Review .829 Chapter 33 Soldering, Brazing, and Braze Welding Introduction 830 Advantages of Soldering and Brazing .831 Physical Properties of the Joint .832 Shear Strength .832 Ductility 832 Fatigue Resistance .832 Corrosion Resistance 833 Fluxes .834 Flux .834 Fluxing Action 835 Soldering and Brazing Methods 835 Method Grouping .835 Torch Soldering and Brazing 835 Furnace Soldering and Brazing .837 Induction Soldering and Brazing 837 Dip Soldering and Brazing 838 Resistance Soldering and Brazing .838 Special Methods 839 Filler Metals 839 Types of Filler Metals .839 Soldering Alloys 840 Brazing Alloys .841 Joint Design 843 Joint Spacing .843 Brazing Practices .845 Surface Buildup and Hole Fill Practices .851 Silver Brazing Pracitces .853 Soldering Practices 856 Summary .859 Greater Lowell Tech Welding Students Restore Historic Statue .859 Review .863 Appendix I. Student Welding Report .865 II. Conversion of Decimal Inches to Millimeters and Fractional Inches to Decimal Inches and Millimeters .866 III. Conversion Factors: U.S. Customary (Standard) Units and Metric Units (SI) 867 IV. Abbreviations and Symbols 869 V. Metric Conversion Approximations .870 VI. Pressure Conversion .870 VII. Welding Codes and Specifications .871 VIII. Welding Associations and Organizations 872 Glossary 874 Index .925A AAR. See Association of American Railroads AASHTO. See Association of American of State Highway and Transportation Officials Abbreviations, 19t Abrasives, 227 Absolute pressure, 759 AC. See Alternating current Acetone, 35, 786 Acetylene (C2H2), 786–788, 786f–788f, 787t cylinders, 35, 36f for flame cutting, 161t Acicular structure, needle-like, 654, 654f Adjustable wrench, 38, 38f Advanced shielded metal arc welding, 128–156. See also Shielded metal arc welding cover pass in, 138–139, 138f–139f filler pass in, 136–138, 137f–138f hot pass in, 134–136, 135f–136f introduction to, 129 plate preparation in, 139, 140f, 141, 141f poor fit-up in, 152–154, 153f postheating in, 144, 152 preheating, 144, 144t preparing specimens for testing in, 141–142, 141f–142f restarting a weld bead in, 142–144, 143f–144f, 600–601, 600f–601f root pass in, 129–134, 129f–134f, 134t Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), 551 AIA. See Aerospace Industries Association Air carbon arc cutting (CAC-A), 11, 219, 219f, 220t applications of, 221–222, 222f–223f electrodes in, 220–221, 221f equipment and, 223 gouging in, 222, 222f safety in, 222–223 washing in, 222, 223f Air Conditioning National Contractors Association, 547 Air-cooled welding guns, 299–300, 300f Air Force, 478–479 Airports, 358–359 Air supply, 221 AISI. See American Iron and Steel Institute Al-2, 704 Al-43, 704 Allen, Jim, 103–104 Allotropic metal, 647 Allotropic transformation, 660 Alloying elements, 304, 698t Alloys. See also specific alloys not specified EWG electrode, 377 steels, 670t, 671–674 low, 674 All-position welding, 301 Alphabet of lines, 482, 484t, 485f Alternate bend test, 580 Alternating current (AC), 57, 58f Alternators, 63–64, 64f Aluminum, 220t, 405–406, 405f, 670t, 691 filler metal for, 405t filler metal selection with, 704, 705t weldability of, 681–682 Aluminum bare welding rods and electrodes, 704 Aluminum-covered arc welding electrodes, 704 Aluminum-silicon, 843 American Bureau of Shipping, 103, 141, 568t American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), 370 classification system of, 671, 672t American Museum of Natural History, 394–396 American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 47, 551 American Petroleum Institute (API), 551, 568t American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), 551 American Society for Testing and Materials, 568t American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 141, 568t ASME Section IX, 551, 555 American Water Works Association (AWWA), 551 American Welding Society (AWS), 5, 129, 141, 259, 568t AWS A5.01-93 document of, 707–708 AWS A5.32, 796–797 AWS D1.1, 551, 555 filler metal selection classifications of, 696, 697t welder certification levels of, 15 Ammonium persulphate, 582 Amperage, 244, 336–337 of current, 56 in plasma arc cutting, 196 range, 75, 75f, 77, 337 Annealing, 652, 658, 658f ANSI. See American National Standards Institute Antarctica, 20–21 API. See American Petroleum Institute API Standard 1104, 551 Apollo-5, 478, 519 Ar. See Argon Arc blow, 59, 59f–60f Arc cutting, 192 Arc cutting electrodes, 227, 228, 228f Arc length, 77–78, 77f–78f Arc plasma, 192 Arc stabilizers, 304 Arc starting methods, 365, 365f Arc strikes, 572, 572f Arc-voltage and amperage characteristics, GMAW, 270–271, 271t Arc welding, 746–747 thermal effects of, 658–660, 659f–660f Index 925AREMA. See American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Argon (Ar), 202t, 235, 243, 247, 249, 275t conserving, 389 in GTAW, 387, 387f Arm protection, 34, 34f Arrows, 484, 484t weld joint design and location significance of, 512 Artists, 155–156 AS-203 mission, 478 ASME. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME Section IX, 551, 555 Assembly, 522 fabrication and, 537–539, 537f–539f tools for, 539–541, 540f–541f Association of American of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 551 Association of American Railroads (AAR), 551 Atmospheric pressure, 759 Atomic hydrogen, 706 Atoms, 783 Austenite, 650 AutoCAD LT, 496, 496f–498f, 497–498 Automated joining, 12 welding automation and robotics and, 713 Automatic joining, 12 welding automation and robotics and, 713, 715f Automation and robotics. See Welding automation and robotics AWS. See American Welding Society AWS A5.01-93 document, 707–708 AWS A5.32, 796–797 AWS D1.1, 551, 555 AWWA. See American Water Works Association Axial spray metal transfer, 238–239, 238f–239f, 239t, 291–292, 291f–292f, 291t Axial spray transfer, 236 B B, 696 Backfires, 766, 785 Back gouging, 139, 141, 141f Backhand welding, 251–252, 251f–252f Backing, 515–516, 516f Backing gas, 433–434, 434f Band saws, 46 Barbour Boat Works, 636 Bar clamps, 540, 540f Base platform, 725 BCC. See Body-centered cubic Bender Shipbuilding and Repair, 231 Bevel-groove welds, 326–328, 326f–328f Beveling, 182–183 Bill of materials, 482, 484f fabrication and, 535, 535f Bird nesting, 264–265, 264f Blohm & Voss, 230 Blowback, 184 Body-centered cubic (BCC), 647 Body protection, 33–34, 33f Boeing, 519–520 Bonded fluxes, 364 Bourdon tube, 759 Braze buildup, 851 Braze welding, 831, 831f. See also Soldering and brazing Brazing, 830, 845. See also Soldering and brazing Brazing alloys, 841–842, 841t Break lines, 484, 484t Bridges, 370–372 Brinell hardness tester, 591, 591f British Welding Institute, 568t Brittleness, 643 Bronze, 220t Bureau Veritas, 103–104 Buried-arc transfer, 243, 243f Burns first-degree, 24, 24f light causing, 25–26 safety and, 24–26 second-degree, 24–25, 25f third-degree, 25, 25f Burnthrough, 134, 801 Butt joint, 503, 503f. See also Square butt joint flat, 808 OAW and, 808–810, 808f–810f, 815–817, 816f, 819 with root opening, 153–154, 153f testing welded, 577–580, 578f–581f C C2 H2. See Acetylene Cable, David, 686–687 Cables, 40 power and gas, 194, 195f, 196, 196f welding, 66, 67t CAC-A. See Air carbon arc cutting CAD. See Computer-aided design Cadmium, 30 Cadmium-silver alloy, 841 Cadmium-zinc alloy, 841, 841t Calibration, 828 CAM. See Computer-aided manufacturing Cam-lock clamps, 540, 540f Capillary action, 831 Carbide precipitation, 663–664, 663f Carbon, 299, 691 steel, 671–674 high, 673–674, 673f low, 671–672 medium, 673 plain, 671 Carbon arc method, 748 Carbon content, 648 Carbon dioxide, 243, 249, 259–260, 661–662 Carbon dioxide extinguisher, 37 Carbon electrode, 221 Carbon equivalent (CE), 691, 691f Carbonizing, 783 Carbon steel, 220t, 670t preheating, 669t Cars, 6 Casavoy, Kevin, 779–780 Cast, 265, 267, 303–304 Cast iron, 220t. See also Practices, cast iron filler rods, 795 malleable, 676 types of, 676 weldability of metals and, 676–681, 677f–680f, 677t–678t Cavalier drawing, 485 CC. See Constant current C-clamps, 539, 540f CE. See Carbon equivalent 926 IndexCellulose-based fluxes, 83 Cementite, 650 Centerlines, 484, 484t Cerium tungsten EWCe-2 electrode, 377 Cernigoj, Marjan, 156, 156f Certification. See Welder certification Certified welders, 596. See also Welder certification Certified Welding Inspector (CWI), 13 Charpy impact, 103, 582–583 Charpy V-notch, 690 Chemical analysis data, 691 Chemistry, 126 of a cut, 176, 177f Chestnut Run Laboratories of Combustion Engineering, 686–687 Chicago Ornamental Iron Co. (COI), 395 Chill plate, 76, 407 Chromium, 691 Chromium carbides, 675 Chromium-molybdenum steel, 676, 686–687 Circular weave pattern, 81, 81f Clamps, 539–540, 540f–541f Cleaning action, 385 Clear Fork River Bridge, 370 Clothing general work, 32–33, 32f–33f special protective, 33–34, 33f–34f CNC. See Computer numeric control Coalescence, 5 Coast Guard, U.S., 211–212 Coated electrodes, 471, 473–474 Code requirements/standards, 508–509. See also Welding codes and standards Codes, 551. See also Welding codes and standards COI. See Chicago Ornamental Iron Co. Coils, 303 Cold cracking, 662, 662f Cold lap testing, 572–573, 572f Cold welding (CW), 743, 743f Cold work, 656 Collet, 375 Colors temperature and, 642–643, 643f weld importance of, 592–594 tools for inspecting, 594 Columbium, 691 Combination symbol, 517 Combination welding and cutting torch, 763, 763f Combustible materials, 206 Combustion, 784 primary, 784, 784f rate of, 785, 785t secondary, 784, 784f Combustion engineering, 686–687 Common Arc, 547 Common denominator, 462, 462t Compressed air, 196–197 Compressive strength, 644 Computer-aided design (CAD), 490, 710 AutoCAD LT, 496, 496f–498f, 497–498 Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 15, 711 Computer numeric control (CNC), 750–752 Computers, drawings and, 496, 496f–498f, 497–498 Concave root surface, 112, 433 Conduit liner, 267, 320 Confined space monitors, 827–829 Constant current (CC), 57. 58f Constant voltage (CV), 57, 58f Construction Research Laboratory, 395 Consumable inserts, 435, 435f Contact tip, 362 Contact tube, 265, 265f, 321 Contamination, tungsten, 401, 401f Contour marker, 534, 534f Control wire, 196 Conversion approximations, 17t Conversion charts, 463t, 465 Copper, 670t, 691 alloys, 681 weldability of, 681 Copper alloy A5.7, 843 Copper alloys, 843 Copper-phosphorus-silver alloy, 842 Copper-zinc alloy, 842 Core wire, 692 Corley, Jared, 3 Corrosion resistance, 833–834 Corrosion tests, 452 Costs, 465–466. See also Formulas; Practices, welding costs acceptable, 509, 509f of electrodes, 469–470, 470t estimating, 466 of filler metal, 466 of fillet welds, 468–469, 468f finishing, 466 of flux, 469–470, 470t of gases, 469–470, 470t introduction to, 456–457 joint design and, 466–469, 466f–468f labor, 466, 476, 476t material, 466 metal and, 469, 469f, 469t operating factor for, 474–476, 475f–476f, 475t–476t overhead, 466, 476, 476t of power, 476 process, 466 scrap, 466 of wires, 469–470, 470t Coupling distance, 172 Cover bead, 138–139 Cover pass, 116, 116f, 327, 327f in advanced shielded metal arc welding, 138–139, 138f–139f GTAW of pipe and, 445–450, 445f–450f Cranes, 46–47, 47f Crater cracks, 573, 573f–574f Creep, 761 Critical welds, 326 Crumpler, Michael, 233 Crystal lattices, 645 Crystalline structures, of metal, 645–646, 645f–646f, 645t Cup, 194 Cup walking GTAW of pipe and, 436–438, 437f–438f setup for, 437–438, 437f technique for, 438, 438f–439f Current amperage of, 56 electrical, 244 GTAW setting, 401, 401t measurement of, 56 plate welding settings for, 75, 75f, 75t pulsed-arc metal transfer and cycle of, 240–242, 241f Index 927Current (Continued) SMAW and, 55–56 transition, 238–239, 239f types of, 57, 57f GTAW, 384–386, 385f–386f voltage of, 56 wattage of, 56, 56f Curves, 495, 495f Custom fabrication, 525, 525f Cut-a-ways, 487 Cutoff machines, 46 Cutting and gouging flame cutting, 160–189 machine cutting, 203–204, 203f–204f manual cutting, 205 plasma arc cutting, 190–212 related cutting processes, 214–231 Cutting gas assist, 217, 217t Cutting lever, 163, 163f Cutting plane lines, 484, 484t Cutting processes, 8–10, 214–231. See also Cutting and gouging; Practices, cutting processes arc cutting electrodes, 227, 228, 228f CAC-A, 219, 219f, 220t introduction to, 214 laser beam cutting, 215–219 laser beam drilling, 215, 217–218 laser equipment, 219 manual torch design, 220–221, 220f–221f oxygen lance cutting, 226–227, 226f thermal, 11–12 water jet cutting, 227, 228f Cutting speed, 177–178, 178f, 198, 198f Cutting table, 180 Cutting tips, 164–167, 165f–169f, 165t–167t Cutting torches, 763 CV. See Constant voltage CW. See Cold welding CWI. See Certified Welding Inspector Cycle time, 714 Cylinder pressure, 759 fittings for, 760–761, 760f–761f Cylinders acetylene, 35, 36f safety with handling and storing, 34–35, 34f–35f with valve protection caps, 35 D Dakota Creek, 293–294 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 425–426, 482 DCEN. See Direct-current electrode negative DCEP. See Direct-current electrode positive DCRP. See Direct-current reverse polarity DCSP. See Direct-current straight polarity Decimal fractions, 457, 458f Defects. See also Testing/inspection of welds RT and, 585–590, 585f–590f testing and, 568–574, 569f–575f, 569t in welding metallurgy, 662–664, 662f–663f Delamination, 574 in water jet cutting, 227, 228f Delta IV, 478–479, 519–520 Denominator, 457 common, 462, 462t Dent, Charles, 425 Deoxidizers, 300–301, 304, 304t Department of Defense Military Specification (MIL), 551 Department of Energy, U.S., 686–687 Deposition data tables, 471–473, 471t–473t efficiency, 470, 470f rate, 471, 471t–473t Destructive testing (DT), 575–583, 575f–583f, 576t Detail view, 487 Det Norske Veritas, 103 Diaphragm, 757 DiBari, Danelle, 53 Dimensioning, 456 for drawings, 487–488 Dimension lines, 484, 484t Dip soldering and brazing, 838, 838f Direct casting, 5, 5f Direct-current electrode negative (DCEN), 57, 57f, 384–386 Direct-current electrode positive (DCEP), 57, 58f, 384–386 Direct-current reverse polarity (DCRP), 57 Direct-current straight polarity (DCSP), 57 Discontinuities, 568–574, 569f–575f, 569t Distortion in flame cutting, 182–183, 182f–183f in plasma arc cutting, 197, 197f–198f Drag, 174, 174f Drag lines, 177 Drawings. See also Practices, drawing cavalier, 485 computers and, 496, 496f–498f, 497–498 dimensioning for, 487–488 erasers/erasing for, 493–494, 494f graph paper for, 494–495, 494f–495f introduction to, 481–482 isometric, 485 lines and, 482, 484t, 485f mechanical, 482–490 reading, 489–490, 490t phase diagrams and, 646–650 pictorial, 485, 487f reading technical, 481–500 scale and, 488–489, 489f set of, 482, 483f sketching for, 490–493, 490f–494f special views for, 485, 487, 487f–488f types of, 485, 486f–487f Drills, 44–45 Dross, 203 Drums, 303 Dry chemical extinguisher, 37 DT. See Destructive testing Dual shield electrode, 308 Ductility, 643, 832 Duty cycle, 65–66, 66f E E, 696 E70T-1, 701 E70T-2, 701 E70T-4, 701 E71T-1, 701 E71T-2, 701 E71T-4, 701 E71T-7, 701 E308-15, 701 928 IndexE308-16, 701 E308L-15, 701 E309-15, 701 E309-16, 701 E309Cb-15, 701, 704 E309Cb-16, 701, 704 E310-15, 701, 704 E310-16, 701, 704 E310Mo-15, 701, 704 E310Mo-16, 701, 704 E316-15, 704 E316-16, 704 E3116L-15, 704 E6010 electrode, 697, 698f E6011 electrode, 697, 698f E6012 electrode, 698, 698f E6013 electrode, 698, 698f E6014 electrode, 698–699, 699f E7016 electrode, 699, 699f E7018 electrode, 699, 699f E7024 electrode, 77, 699, 699f Earmuffs, 28, 29f Earplugs, 28, 29f Ear protection, 28 EBW. See Electron beam welding EC, 696 ECoCr-C, 706 ECuAl, 705 Eddy current inspection (ET), 591 Edge joints, 89–93, 89f–92f, 503, 503f Edge preparation, 505 EELV. See Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle EFeMn-A, 706 EGW. See Electrogas welding Elasticity, 644–645, 644f Elastic limit, 832 Electrical current, 244 Electrical ground, 40 Electrical potential, 244 Electrical resistance, 40, 732 Electrical safety, 40, 41f systems for, 40, 42f Electrical shock, 205 Electrode conduit, 256, 256f Electrode feed, 300, 362 Electrode (wire) feed unit, 253–257, 253f–254f Electrodes, 363, 363f, 697–699, 698f–699f aluminum bare welding rods and, 704 aluminum-covered arc welding, 704 angle, 78–80, 78f leading angle, 78–79, 78f–79f trailing angle, 79–80, 79f–80f arc cutting, 227, 228, 228f CAC-A and, 220–221, 221f carbon, 221 classification of, 363, 697t coated, 471, 473–474 costs of, 469–470, 470t dual shield, 308 extension, 249–250, 250f FCAW and, 312, 312f GMAW and, 271–273, 272f, 272t–273t FCAW, 301–304 care of, 307 cast and helix, 303–304, 303f–304f manufacturing methods for, 301–303, 302f–303f, 303t hardfacing, 747–748, 747f–748f holders, 67, 68f manipulation of, 80–82, 81f–82f manufacturers’ information on, 690–691, 691f data from chemical analysis, 691 data from mechanical tests, 690 understanding, 690 nonferrous, 704, 705t in pipe welding, 126 plate welding, seize and heat of, 76, 76f for plate welding practice welds, 83 self-shielding, 308 SMAW filler metal selection and selection of, 693–694, 694f, 695t speed of wire, 245–246, 246t stainless steel, 701, 702t–703t, 704 strip, 363 surface and buildup classification of, 705–706 tungsten types of, 376–377, 376t, 377f Electrode setback, 194 Electrode tip, 194 Electrogas welding (EGW), 369, 369f introduction to, 361 Electron beam welding (EBW), 733 gun for, 733–734, 733f–734f seam tracking in, 734, 734f Electrons, 55, 55f Electroslag welding (ESW), 367–368, 368f advantages and disadvantages of, 368 introduction to, 361 Elongation, 690 Energy, 641 Energy Research and Development Administration, U.S., 686–687 Engineers, welding, 13–14 ENi, 704–705 Entry-level welders, 596–597 Equal-pressure torches, 163 Equations, 458–460, 459f Equipment. See also Welding automation and robotics CAC-A, 223 FCAW, 296–317 GMAW, 11f, 252–257, 252f–257f GTAW, 10f, 374–396 for industrial robots, 718–721, 719f–722f for laser beams, 219 maintenance of, 37–38 OFC, 11f oxyfuel welding and cutting, 756–780 plasma arc cutting, 12f for respiratory protection, 29–30, 30f SMAW, 9f, 55–71 setting up, 68–69, 69f THSP, 740–741, 740f–741f for ultrasonic plastic welding, 315–316 ER, 696 ER70S-2 filler wire, 700 ER70S-3 filler wire, 700 ER70S-6 filler wire, 700 ER308, 701 ER308L, 701 ER309, 701 ER309L, 701 ER316, 704 ER316L, 704 ER316L-Si, 704 ER1100, 704 ER4043, 704 ER5356, 704 Index 929ER AZ61A, 706 ER AZ62A, 706 ER5556, 704 Erasers/erasing, 493–494, 494f ESW. See Electroslag welding ET. See Eddy current inspection Etching testing, 582 Eutectic composition, 647, 840 Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV), 478–479, 519–520 EW, 696 Excessive root reinforcement, 433 Exhaust pickups, 31, 31f Exothermic gases, 217 Experiments, 15, 17. See also Practices burn rate, 785–786, 785f–786f hot pass to repair poor weld bead, 136, 136f identifying metal using spark test, 683–685, 683f–685f, 685t line resistance, 759 oxyfuel flames, 793–794, 793f–794f repairing root pass using hot pass, 441 SAW, 366–367, 367f Experiments, flame cutting effect of flame, speed and pressure on hand cut, 178 on machine cut, 178, 179f minimizing distortion, 182, 183f observing heat produced during a cut, 177 Experiments, gas metal arc welding effect of shielding gas changes, 274–275, 275t–276t electrode extension, 272–273, 272t–273t of plate setting gas flow, 403–404, 403f, 404t setting welding current, 402, 402f setting current, 270–271, 271t setting gas flow rate, 269–270, 270f setting wire-feed speed, 269 welding gun angle, 274, 274f Experiments, gas tungsten arc welding grinding tungsten to desired shape, 378, 378f melting tungsten end shape, 380, 380f removing contaminated tungsten end by breaking, 379, 379f setting up a GTAW, 390–392, 390f–392f, 391t striking an arc, 392–393, 392f–393f Experiments, oxyacetylene welding 5G position, 824 effect of changing angle on molten weld pool, 821, 821f effect of torch angle and torch height changes, 803–805, 804f flame effect on metal, 801–802, 801f–802f stops and starts, 822 stringer bead, 1G position, 821–822, 822f Experiments, shielded metal arc welding amperage calculating, 62, 62f, 62t estimating, 61–62, 61f effect of amperage changes on weld bead, 76, 76f effect of changing arc length on weld, 78 effect of electrode angle on weld, 80, 80f excessive heat, 76–77 striking the arc, 73–74, 74f Experiments, soldering and brazing fluxing action, 844, 844f paste range, 839–840, 839f tinning or phase temperature, 844–845, 845f uniform heating, 844 Experiments, welding metallurgy crystal formation, 652 effect of quenching and tempering on metal properties, 653–654, 653f–654f, 653t latent and sensible heat, 642, 642f temper colors, 642–643, 643f Extension cords, 42–43, 42t, 43f Extension lines, 484, 484t Eye protection, 26, 27t, 28, 49–50 in CAC-A, 223 for flame cutting, 162 F F, 696 F3 E6010 electrodes, 83 F3 E6011 electrodes, 83 F2 E6012 electrodes, 83 F2 E6013 electrodes, 83 F4 E7016 electrodes, 83 F4 E7018 electrodes, 83 Fabrication, 522–548. See also Practices, fabrication assembly and, 537–539, 537f–539f tools for, 539–541, 540f–541f bill of materials and, 535, 535f custom, 525, 525f finishing for, 545–546 fitting and, 541–543, 541f–542f introduction to, 522 kerf space for, 531–534, 532f–534f layout for, 525–527, 526f–529f material shapes and, 535, 535f nesting and, 530, 531f–532f, 532t parts and pieces for, 524–525, 524f–525f process of, 523, 523f safety for, 523–524, 523f tack welds and, 544–545, 544f–545f tolerance and, 535–537, 535f–537f welding and, 544–545, 545f Face bends, acceptance criteria for, 141–142, 599–600, 599f–600f Face-centered cubic (FCC), 647 Face protection, 26, 27t, 28 Fatigue failures, 832 Fatigue resistance, 832, 833f Fatigue testing, 576–577, 577f Faying surface, 505 FCAW. See Flux cored arc welding FCC. See Face-centered cubic Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 370 Feed rollers, 265, 321–322, 322f Ferries, 293–294 Ferrite, 648–649 Ferritic stainless steel, 675 Ferrous filler metals, 795 FHWA. See Federal Highway Administration Fiberglass, 130f Figure-8 weave pattern, 81f–82f, 82 Filler metals, 689 for aluminum, 405t conserving, 405 cost of, 466 ferrous, 795 GMAW specifications for, 244 GTAW of pipe and, 434–436, 435f–436f oxyfuel gases and, 782–797 with oxyfuel gas torch, 794–795 for soldering and brazing, 838–843, 839f–840f, 841t 930 Indexspecial purpose, 704–705 for stainless steel, 405t Filler metal selection, 689–708 aluminum and aluminum alloys in, 704, 705t aluminum bare welding rods and electrodes for, 704 aluminum-covered arc welding electrodes and, 704 AWS A5.01-93 document for, 707–708 AWS classifications for, 696, 697t carbon steel and, 696–699 CE and, 691, 691f flux covering functions and, 692, 692f–693f guidelines for, 707–708 hydrogen embrittlement and, 706, 706f introduction to, 689–690 manufacturers’ information on electrodes for, 690–691, 691f data from chemical analysis, 691 data from mechanical tests, 690 understanding, 690 nonferrous electrodes and, 704, 705t SMAW and electrode selection in, 693–694, 694f, 695t operating information for, 691–692, 692f solid wire and, 699–700, 701f special purpose filler metals in, 704–705 stainless steel electrodes and, 701, 702t–703t, 704 surface and buildup electrode classification for, 705–706 tubular wires and, 700–701, 700f–701f Filler pass, 114–116, 115f, 327, 327f in advanced shielded metal arc welding, 136–138, 137f–138f GTAW of pipe and, 444, 444f Filler rod manipulation, 399–401, 400f Fillet welds, 331–336, 331f–336f, 508, 508f–509f break test for, 581, 582f costs of, 468–469, 468f weld joint design and, 512–513, 512f–513f Fincantieri, 230 Finishing costs, 466 Fire extinguishers location of, 37, 37f types of, 36–37, 36f–37f use of, 37, 38f Fire protection, 35–37, 36f–37f Fire watch, 36 Fischel, Walter, 20–21 Fitting fabrication and, 541–543, 541f–542f oxyfuel welding equipment, setup, operation and, 768–769, 769f for pressure regulator and cylinder pressure, 760–761, 760f–761f Fit-up in pipe welding, 111–112, 111f–113f poor, 152–154, 153f Fixed inclined pipe position, 123–125, 123f–124f Fixtures, 540–541, 541f, 725 Flame cutting, 14, 160–189. See also Experiments, flame cutting; Practices, flame cutting applications of, 183–184, 184f–186f chemistry of a cut in, 176, 177f cutting table in, 180 cutting tips for, 164–167, 165f–169f, 165t–167t cutting torches for, 162–163, 162f–165f distortion in, 182–183, 182f–183f eye protection for, 162 fuel gases used for, 161t hand cutting and, 171–174, 171f–174f introduction to, 161 layout in, 174–175, 174f–175f manufacturer comparisons for, 164–165, 165t metals cut by OFC and, 161 oxyfuel cutting, setup and operation for, 169–170, 169f–171f physics of a cut in, 177–179, 177f–180f pipe cutting and, 184, 186–187, 186f–187f plate cutting and, 179–180, 180f pressure setting for, 175, 175t, 176f tip size for, 175, 175t Flames burning rates of, 785, 785t fuel gas, 783 neutral, 790 oxidizing, 787 oxyacetylene hand torch adjustments for, 171f oxyfuel, 783 oxyhydrogen, 792 parts of, 787, 787f types of, 769–770 Flanged welds, 516, 517f Flashback arrestor, 768, 768f Flashbacks, 785 oxyfuel welding equipment, setup, operation and, 766–767 Flash glasses, 26 Flash welding (FW), 732, 732f Flat butt joint, 808 Flat-position welds, 322, 323f, 323t Flat Type 409 stainless steel blanks, 565–566 Flowmeter, for GTAW, 384, 384f Flow rates, 268 Flow welding, 6, 6f Flux(es), 304–307, 304f–306f, 305t–306t bonded, 364 cellulose-based, 83 classification of, 364, 364f conditioning, 371–372 costs of, 469–470, 470t covering, 692, 692f–693f fluxing action, 835 fused, 364 general, 834–835, 834f–835f granular, 362 handling of, 371–372 lime-based, 305 mechanically mixed, 364 mineral-based, 83 rutile-based, 83, 305 soldering and brazing and, 834–835, 834f–835f storage of, 364 types of, 364 welding characteristics of, 305t Flux cored arc welding (FCAW), 8, 10, 318–359. See also Practices, flux cored arc welding; Ultrasonic plastic welding advantages of, 300–301, 301f electrode extension and, 312, 312f electrode feed and, 300 electrodes, 301–304 care of, 307 cast and helix, 303–304, 303f–304f manufacturing methods for, 301–303, 302f–303f, 303t equipment, setup and operation for, 296–317 fillet welds and, 331–336, 331f–336f flat-position welds for, 322, 323f, 323t flux, 304–307, 304f–306f, 305t–306t hardfacing method with, 748 horizontal welds for, 341, 342f–346f, 343–347 Index 931Flux cored arc welding (FCAW) (Continued) introduction to, 296–297, 297f, 318–319, 319f limitations of, 301 overhead-position welds for, 347–350, 347f–350f plug welds for, 356–357, 356f–357f porosity in, 312–314, 313f–314f power supply for, 299 principles of operation for, 297–299, 298f–299f shielding gas and, 308, 308f smoke extraction nozzles and, 297, 298f square-groove welds for, 322–324, 324f–325f thin-gauge welding for, 350–356, 350f–354f, 351t troubleshooting for, 314, 314t vertical welds for, 336–341, 337f–340f, 342f V-groove and bevel-groove welds, 326–328, 326f–328f welding guns for, 299–300, 300f welding techniques for, 308–314 forehand/perpendicular/backhand, 309–311, 310f–311f gun angle, 308–309, 309f metal transfer modes, 311–312, 311f–312f Flux-cored steel electrode identification, 306–307, 306f, 306t Flux cored wires, 474 Fluxing action, 835 Fluxing agents, 304 Foam extinguisher, 37 Foot protection, 34 Forced ventilation, 31–32, 31f Forehand welding, 251–252, 251f Forge welding, 5 Formulas, 458–460, 459f, 476–477 Fought, Joseph, 358 Fought & Co., 358–359 Fractions, 457, 458f, 462, 462f common denominator for, 462, 462t decimal, 457, 458f decimals converted from, 463–464, 464f decimals converted to, 464–465 multiplying and dividing, 463, 463t reducing, 463 Franklin, Benjamin, 536 Free-bend test, 580, 581f Fuel-gases, 783–785, 784f, 784t flame, 783 liquefied, 788, 789t, 790f Full face shield, 26 Fumes, 205 in CAC-A, 223 sources of, 30–31, 31f Furnace soldering and brazing, 837, 837f Fused fluxes, 364 Fusion welding, 5 incomplete, 432, 432f–433f testing and, 571–572, 571f–572f FW. See Flash welding G Gas coverage, 399 Gas density and flow rates, 268 Gases, 205. See also MAPP gas; Natural gas; Propane costs of, 469–470, 470t exothermic, 217 GMAW, metals compared to, 248t GTAW of plate, flow of, 403–404, 403f, 404t inert, 374 ionized, 192 MPS, 166, 788 oxyfuel, 782–797 for plasma arc cutting, 201–202, 202f, 202t renewable, 249 torches and mixing, 763–764, 764f in welding, 660–662, 661f Gas hoses, 194, 196 Gas laser, 217, 217f Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), 9–10, 211, 262–294. See also Experiments, gas metal arc welding; Practices, gas metal arc welding arc-voltage and amperage characteristics for, 270–271, 271t electrode extension and, 271–273, 272f, 272t–273t equipment, setup, and operation of, 234–260 equipment for, 11f, 252–257, 252f–257f filler metal specifications for, 244 flat position, 1G and 1F positions for, 277–280, 277t, 278f–281f gas density and flow rates for, 268 gases compared to metals in, 248t globular metal transfer, 1G position for, 288–291, 288f–290f hardfacing method with, 748 horizontal 2G and 2F positions for, 284–286, 285f hydrogen’s effects in, 260 introduction to, 234–236, 235f–236f, 262–263 metal preparation for, 277, 277f metal transfer methods for, 236–243 axial spray, 238–239, 238f–239f, 239t, 291–292, 291f–292f, 291t globular transfer, 238, 238f pulsed-arc, 239–243, 240f–241f short-circuiting transfer, 236–238, 237f short-circuiting transfer power supplies, 246–247, 246f, 247t molten weld pool control in, 247–252 overhead 4G and 4F positions for, 286–288, 286f–288f penetration improvement for, 259–260 performing processes of, 235t setup for, 263–267, 263f–267f shielding gases and gas mixtures for, 275t–276t shielding gases effecting, 274–275, 275t–276t shielding gas flow rate in, 260 solid wire efficiency for, 473t, 474, 474t spot welding in, 257–258, 258f training for, 260 vertical down 3G and 3F positions for, 283–284, 284f vertical up 3G and 3F positions for, 281–283, 282f weave patterns for, 249 welding gun angle for, 273–274, 273f–274f welding power supplies for, 244–245, 245f wire melting and deposition rates in, 244 Gas shielded welding FCAW, 318–359 equipment, setup and operation for, 296–317 GMAW, 262–294 equipment, setup, and operation of, 234–260 GTAW equipment, setup, operation, and filler metals for, 374–396 of pipe, 429–452 of plate, 398–427 other welding processes, 361–372 Gas tungsten arc (GTA), 211 Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), 8–9. See also Experiments, gas tungsten arc welding; Practices, gas tungsten arc welding certification; Practices, gas tungsten arc welding of pipe; Practices, gas tungsten arc welding of plate application of, 425–427 Ar in, 387, 387f 932 Indexcurrent types for, 384–386, 385f–386f equipment, setup, operation and filler metals for, 374–396 equipment for, 10f flowmeter for, 384, 384f hardfacing method with, 748 helium in, 387 hoses for, 380–383, 382f–383f hot start in, 388, 388f hydrogen in, 387–388 introduction to, 374 nitrogen in, 388 nozzles for, 383–384, 383t of pipe, 429–452 backing gas and, 433–434, 434f cover pass and, 445–450, 445f–450f cup walking and, 436–438, 437f–438f filler metal and, 434–436, 435f–436f filler pass and, 444, 444f hot pass for, 440–443, 441f–443f introduction to, 429, 430f joint preparation for, 430–431, 430f–432f root and, 431–433, 432f–433f of plate, 398–427 current setting for, 401, 401t filler rod manipulation for, 399–401, 400f gas flow for, 403–404, 403f, 404t introduction to, 398–399 metal preparation for, 406 practice welds for, 404–424 torch angle in, 399, 399f tungsten contamination in, 401, 401f postflow in, 388, 388f, 388t preflow in, 388, 388f remote controls for, 389–392, 389f–392f, 391t shielding gases for, 386–388, 387f–388f torches for, 380, 381f–382f tungsten for, 374–376, 375f–376f breaking and remelting, 378–379, 379f chemical cleaning and pointing of, 379–380, 380f electrode types, 376–377, 376t, 377f pointing and remelting, 480 shaping, 377–380, 378f–380f Gauge pressure, 759 General work clothing, 32–33, 32f–33f Generators, 63–64, 64f Germanischer Lloyd, 103 GFCI. See Ground-fault circuit interpreter Gilden, Joe, 294 Glasses, safety, 26, 26f, 27t, 28 Globular transfer, 238, 238f Gloves, 33, 33f GMAW. See Gas metal arc welding Goebel, Doyle, 751–752 Goggles for eye protection with flame cutting, 162 safety glasses, 26, 26f, 27t, 28 Gold, 843 Gouging, 222, 222f. See also Cutting and gouging Grain refinement, 656 Grain size control, 656 Granular fluxing, 362 Grapes, 433 Graphite, 221 Graph paper, 494–495, 494f–495f Greater Lowell Technical High School, 859–862 Greer, Brian, 479, 520 Grinders, 44, 44f, 377–378, 378f Grinding stone, 44, 44f, 377 Groove welds, 508, 508f–509f costs of, 467–468, 468f weld joint design and, 514–515, 515f–516f Ground-fault circuit interpreter (GFCI), 42 GTA. See Gas tungsten arc GTAW. See Gas tungsten arc welding Guided-bend, 141 testing, 578–580, 579f–580f procedure for, 580, 580f Gun angle, 250–252, 251f–252f, 308–309, 309f. See also Welding guns Guns. See Welding guns H Hafnium, 220t Hall, David, 212 Hammers, 39–40 Hand cutting, 171–174, 171f–174f Hand protection, 33, 33f Hand tools, 38–40, 38f–39f Hardfacing, 745–748 carbon arc method of, 748 electrodes for, 747–748, 747f–748f metal selection for, 745–746 processes of, 746–747, 746f quality of surfacing deposit in, 747 SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, FCAW methods of, 748 Hardness, 643 precipitation hardening, 651 solid-solution hardening, 651, 651f tests, 452, 591, 591f Hard slag, 178 Hayden Planetarium, 394–396 HAZ. See Heat-affected zone Hazards, 827 Head protection, 49 Heat. See also Temperature of electrodes in plate welding, 76, 76f excessive, 76–77 input, 197, 197t in liquefied fuel-gases, 788 SMAW and, 56–57, 56f welding metallurgy and, 641–642, 641f–642f Heat-affected zone (HAZ), 71, 197, 212, 260, 658–660, 659f–660f, 691, 691f Heat sink, 805 Heat treatments, 656–657 Heilbrunn Cosmic Pathway, 394 Helium, 243, 249 in GTAW, 387 Helix, 303–304 Helmets, 26, 28f Henry, J.F., 686–687 Hidden lines, 482, 484t High carbon steel, 673–674, 673f High-frequency alternating current, 199 High-frequency resistance seam welding (RSEW-HF), 731 High manganese steel, 674, 674f High-performance steel (HPS), 370–372 High-speed cutting tip, 164–165, 165f Hippodrome’s Cultural Park, 427 Hoists, 46, 46f Index 933Holes filling, 851–853, 851f–853f size of, 170 Homestead, Peter, 425–427 Horizontal fixed pipe position, 122–123, 122f–123f Horizontal rolled pipe position, 116–120, 116f–120f Horizontal stringer bead, 818, 818f Horizontal welds, 341, 342f–346f, 343–347 OAW and, 818 Horns, 316 Hoses, 38 for GTAW, 380–383, 382f–383f oxyfuel welding equipment, setup, operation, 768–769, 769f Hot cracking, 662–663, 662f Hot pass, 114 in advanced shielded metal arc welding, 134–136, 135f–136f GTAW of pipe and, 440–443, 441f–443f Hot start, in GTAW, 388, 388f Hot surfaces, 184–185, 185f HPS. See High-performance steel HPS 70W, 370–372 Hydrocarbons, 783 Hydrochloric acid, 582 Hydrogen, 661 atomic, 706 for flame cutting, 161t GMAW, effects of, 260 in GTAW, 387–388 molecular, 706 Hydrogen embrittlement, 706, 706f I Icicles, 114 IIW. See International Institute of Welding Il Cavallo, 425–427 Impact testing, 582–583, 583f IN, 696 Inclusions, 570, 570f Incomplete fusion, 432, 432f–433f testing and, 571–572, 571f–572f Induction resistance heating v., 686–687 soldering and brazing, 837–838, 838f Industrial robots, 714–722. See also Welding automation and robotics equipment selection for, 718–721, 719f–722f parts design for, 717–718, 717f–718f present and future needs for, 717 programming of, 715–716, 717f safety and, 721–722, 723f, 725 system planning for, 717–722, 718f–722f Industrial Safety Equipment Association (ISEA), 49 Inert gas, 374 Inertia welding advantages of, 738 characteristics of, 737–738, 737f–738f, 737t process of, 735–736, 736f–737f Infrared light, 25–26 Injector chamber, 763 Inner cone, 787, 787f Integrated Support Command (ISC), 211–212 International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Iron Workers, 547 International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, 547 International Institute of Welding (IIW), 155 International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 230 International Training Institute (ITI), 547 Interpass cold lap, 571 Interpass temperature, 152 Inverter, 63, 63f Ionized gas, 192 Iron-carbon phase diagram, 647–650, 648f–650f, 648t Ironworkers Welder Certification Program of North America, 547 Irregular shapes, 495, 495f ISC. See Integrated Support Command ISEA. See Industrial Safety Equipment Association ISO. See International Organization for Standardization Isometric drawing, 485 ITI. See International Training Institute J J-groove, 224–225, 224f Jobs. See Occupational opportunities Joining processes, 12 Joint design. See Weld joint design Joint preparation testing, 570–571, 571f Joints. See also Butt joint; Lap joint; Outside corner joint; Practices; Square butt joint; Tee joint; Weld joint design dimensions of, 505, 505f GTAW preparation of, 430–431, 430f–432f physical properties of, 832–834, 832f–833f types of, 126, 503, 503f welding costs and design of, 466–469, 466f–468f Jones, Jay, 755 Joules, 197 J weave pattern, 81, 81f, 120 K Kassabulan, John, 778 Kennedy Space Center, 478–479 Kerf, 199–201, 200f–202f, 201t fabrication and, 531–534, 532f–534f Keyhole, 131, 131f, 134, 826, 826f Kindling point, 176 Kindling temperature, 801 Kirschman, Rick, 293–294 Kovac, Aleksander, 155f, 156 L Labor cost, 466, 476, 476t Lack of sidewall fusion, 571 Ladder safety, 47–48, 47t, 48f Lamellar tears, 574, 575f Lamination, 574, 574f Land, 111 Lanthanum tungsten EWLa-1 electrode, 377 Lap joint, 96–99, 96f–99f, 331, 503, 503f OAW and, 810–812, 810f–812f, 817, 819, 819f Lap protection, 34 Laser beam cutting (LBC), 215–219 Laser beam drilling (LBD), 215, 218 Laser beams, 739, 739f benefits of, 215 cutting, 215–219 drilling, 215, 217–218 equipment for, 219 gas laser, 217, 217f in ship construction, 230–231 934 Indexsolid state laser, 216–217 types of, 216–217, 216f–217f YAG laser, 216, 216f Laser beam welds (LBW), 217–218, 219f, 738, 738f advantages and disadvantages of, 739 Laser cutting system 6-kW CO2, 231 Layout, 174–175, 174f–175f for fabrication, 525–527, 526f–529f LBC. See Laser beam cutting LBD. See Laser beam drilling LBW. See Laser beam welds Leaders, 484, 484t Leading angle, 78–79, 78f–79f Leads, 66–67 Lead-tin phase diagram, 646–647, 647f Leak-detecting solution, 761, 762f Leaks checking, 591 detecting, 770 Leg protection, 34 Liberty Ships, 636–637 Lifting, 46, 46f Light, 205 in CAC-A, 223 monochromatic, 215, 215f Lime-based fluxes, 305 Linear electrode feed system, 254 Line burner, 163, 164f–165f Lines, 482–484, 484t, 485f Liquefied fuel-gases, 788, 789t, 790f MAPP gas, 788, 790f MPS gas, 788 pressure of, 788, 789t temperature and heat in, 788 Liquid phase, 646 Liquid-solid phase, 646, 830 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 155–156 Lloyds Register of Shipping, 103 Locking pliers, 540, 540f Low alloy gas welding rods, 795 Low alloy steels, 674 Low carbon steel, 671–672 Lower transformation temperature, 648 Low-fuming alloys, 842 M Machine cutting, 203–204, 203f–204f Machine cutting torch, 163, 164f–165f Machine joining, 12 welding automation and robotics and, 713, 714f–715f Magnesium alloys, 220t, 670t, 706 weldability of, 682 Magnetic flux lines, 59, 59f Magnetic particle inspection (MT), 584–585, 585f Malleable cast iron, 676 Manganese, 691 Manifold system, 775–777, 776f–777f Mannings USA, 686 MANTECH, 231 Manual cutting, 205 Manual joining, 12 welding automation and robotics and, 711, 711f–712f, 712t Manufacturers’ information on electrodes, 690–691, 691f MAPP gas, 788, 790–791, 790f–791f, 792t for flame cutting, 161t Martensite, 654–655, 654f–656f Martensitic reactions, 654–655, 654f–656f Martensitic stainless steel, 675 Martin Creek Bridge, 371 Material cost, 466 Material handling, 46–47, 46f Material safety data sheets (MSDSs), 32, 173 Material shapes, 527, 528f fabrication and, 535, 535f Math. See Shop math Mathematical operations, sequence of, 459 Matter, structure of, 645–646, 645f–646f, 645t McDaniel, Fred, 479, 520 McNulty, A.J., 395 Measuring, 465, 465f Mechanical drawings, 482–490 reading, 489–490, 490t Mechanically mixed fluxes, 364 Mechanical mixtures of phases, 652, 652f Mechanical testing, 568 data from, 691 Medium carbon steel, 673 Merchant Marine Act of 1936, 636 Metal cored steel electrode identification, 307 Metal cored welding wire, 478–479, 519–520 Metal cutting machines, 45–46, 45f Metal fatigue, 664 Metal fracture, 664 Metal inert gas welding, 259. See also Gas metal arc welding Metallurgy, 641. See also Welding metallurgy Metal preparation, for GMAW, 277, 277f Metals, 198. See also Weldability of metals allotropic, 647 CAC-A procedures for cutting, 220t crystalline structures of, 645–646, 645f–646f, 645t GMAW, gases compared to, 248t GTAW of plate, preparation of, 406 hardfacing and selection of, 745–746 mechanical properties of, 643–645, 646f, 677t nonferrous, 681–682 OFC process cutting, 161 sprayed
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