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عدد المساهمات : 19004 التقييم : 35512 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب ICTP Lecture Notes السبت 08 مايو 2021, 1:15 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب ICTP Lecture Notes College on Soil Physics
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Editors Donald M. Gabriels University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium GianCarlo Ghirardi University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy Donald R. Nielsen University of California, California, USA Ildefonso Pla Sentis University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain Edward L. Skidmore Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA Contents S.K. Agodzo, P.Y. Okyere and K. Kusi-Appiah The Use of Wenner Configuration to Monitor Soil Water Content 1 S.K. Agodzo and I. Adama Bulk Density, Cone Index and Water Content Relations for Some Ghanian Soils 7 Zafer Aslan Climatological Changing Effects on Wind, Precipitation and Erosion: Large, Meso and Small Scale Analysis 15 Zafer Aslan Modelling of Environmental and Climatic Problems: Wind and Water Erosion 23 Gautam Barua In-Situ Determination of Directional Conductivities of Soil 31 Gautam Barua Optimal Estimations of Random Fields Using Kriging 41 R.M. Bhagat Rice Lands of South and South East Asia, Some Soil Physics Aspects 47 R.M. Bhagat Management of Soil Physical Properties of Lowland Puddled Rice Soil For Sustainable Food Production 63 Estela Bricchi Hydrological Behaviour of Sealing Under Different Soil Management Conditions in the Center South Cordoba, Argentina 77 Estela Bricchi Structure and Organic Matter Under Different Soil Management Conditions in the Center of Argentina 85 Fernando Delgado Soil Physical Properties on Venezuelan Steeplands: Applications to Soil Conservation Planning 93 Moacir de Souza Dias Junior A Soil Mechanics Approach to Study Soil Compaction and Traffic Effect On the Preconsolidation Pressure of Tropical Soils 111 Durval Dourado Neto, Klaus Reichardt and Gerd Sparovek Soil Physics and Agriculture 139vi Durval Dourado Neto, Gerd Sparovek, Klaus Reichardt, Luiz Carlos Timm and Donald R. Nielsen Agroclimatic Mapping of Maize Crop Based on Soil Physical Properties 159 G. Erpul, D. Gabriels and L.D. Norton The Combined Effect of Wind and Rain on Interrill Erosion Processes 173 Alvaro Garcia-Ocampo Physical Properties of Magnesium Affected Soils in Colombia 183 Mauro Giudici Experimental and Modelling Studies of Infiltration 191 Mauro Giudici Inverse Modelling for Flow and Transport in Porous Media 199 Radka Kodesová Percolation Theory and its Application for Interpretation of Soil Water Retention Curves 209 Radka Kodesová Determination of Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soil via Inverse Modeling 221 Deyanira Lobo Lujan Soil Physical Properties Affecting Soil Erosion in Tropical Soils 231 Joe S.C. Mbagwu Aggregate Stability and Soil Degradation in the Tropics 245 Joe S.C. Mbagwu Environmental Control of Soil Structure in Mediterranean Soils 253 Franco Humberto Obando Moncayo Oxygen Transport in Waterlogged Soils, Part I. Approaches to Modelling Soil and Crop Response to Oxygen Deficiency 261 Franco Humberto Obando Moncayo Oxygen Transport in Waterlogged Soils, Part II. Diffusion Coefficients 281 Svetla Rousseva Influence of a Compacted Subsurface Layer on Soil Erosion 299 Svetla Rousseva Ideas for Physical Interpretation of the USLE 309 Maria Elena Ruiz and Angel Utset Models for Predicting Water Use and Crop Yields – A Cuban Experience 321 Maria Elena Ruiz and Hanoi Medina Soil Hydraulic Properties of Cuban Soils 32 F.K. Salako Susceptibility of Coarse-textured Soils to Soil Erosion by Water in the Tropics 339 F.K. Salako Soil Physical Conditions in Nigerian Savanas and Biomass Production 363 Mingan Shao Boundary Layer Theory for Solute Transport in Soils 379 Mingan Shao General Similarity Theory and Integral Method for Water Flow in Soils 383 L.C. Timm, K. Reichardt, J.C.M. Oliveira, F.A.M. Cassaro, T.T. Tominaga, O.O.S. Bacchi and D. Dourado-Neto State-Space Approach for Evaluating the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System 387 Luís Carlos Timm, Klaus Reichardt and Osny Oliveira Santos Bacchi Dimensional Analysis, Scaling and Fractals 429 Carlos Manoel Pedro Vaz Use of a Combined Penetrometer-TDR Moisture Probe for Soil Compaction Studies 449 Carlos Manoel Pedro Vaz Automatic Gamma-Ray Equipment for Multiple Soil Physical Properties Measurements 459 Miguel A. Taboada Soil Shrinkage Characteristics in Swelling Soils 469 Miguel A. Taboada Soil Structural Behaviour of Flooded Soils
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