كتاب Design and Application of the Worm Gear
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 كتاب Design and Application of the Worm Gear

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Design and Application of the Worm Gear
William P. Crosher  

كتاب Design and Application of the Worm Gear  D_a_a_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface xxi
Chapter 1 How The Worm Gear Developed
Through Time 1
Chapter 2 The Many Aspects of Worm Gearing 21
Chapter 3 Tooth Forms 39
Chapter 4 Manufacturing Methods 63
Chapter 5 Materials 85
Chapter 6 Design 99
Chapter 7 Backlash 115
Chapter 8 Efficiency 127
Chapter 9 The Design of Enclosed Worm Gearing 141
Chapter 10 Lubrication 149
Chapter 11 Assembly, Tolerances, and Inspection 171
vi • Table of Contents
Chapter 12 Understanding The Problem 197
Chapter 13 Application of The Worm Gear 213
Appendix: Gear Nomenclature 237
References 241
Index 251
Absolute viscosity 153
Accumulated pitch variation 179
Acheson colloids 162
Actual capacity 100
Actuator 229
Addendums 30, 31, 32, 237
Adhesiveness 160
AGMA 20, 104
Alexander the Great 1
American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) 156
Angle of approach 31
Annealing lehr 233
Application factor 142
Approach action 46
Archimedes 2, 3
Aristotle 1
Atomizers 232
Audi Quatro 217
Automatic Rotor Analysis Center
(ARAC) 188
Axial module 29
Axial pitch 23, 24, 237
Axial plane 237
Axle gears 16
Backlash 17, 182
Barring Engine 15
Base circle 237
Batelle Laboratories 204
Bearings 145
Belleville spring pak 230
Besson, Jacques 6
Birmingham Small Arms Co. 14
Blanks 64
Bostock, F.J. 17, 52
Boundary 151, 161
Branca, Giovanni 6
Brandt’s 13
Brass 3
Brasses 90
Breathers 146
British Institute of Mechanical
Engineers 12
British Redwood Seconds 155
Bronze 3, 12, 17, 89, 90, 92, 94
Brown and Sharpe 10
Brown Ltd., David 12, 14, 16, 17, 20,
90, 139, 152, 160
B.S. 421 93
B.S. 721 14, 30, 52, 93, 104, 180
Buchanan, Robertson 12
Bull-blocks 230
Cardan, Jerome 9
Case depths 88
Case hardening 87
Case lifting 201
Cast aluminum 142
Cast iron 89
Cavex 47, 50
Center distance 27, 29, 30
Central plane 237
Centrifugal casting 12, 90, 93
Chalko, Lev 167
Chamberlain Group 97
Chemical wear 204
INDEXChill-cast 93
Circular 12
Circular pitch 23, 29
Cleveland Open Cup Test 159
Coal mining 223
Coefficient of friction 36
Colloidal molybdenum disulfide 162
Conduction 144
Cone 18, 57, 61, 163
Cone drive 50, 82, 83
Cone, Samuel I. 17, 55
Conjugate 23
Conjugate action 23, 39
Contact modifications 79
Contact ratio 100
Convection 144
Copper Strip Corrosion Test 160
Corrosion 204
Cranes 224
Crossed helical gears 237
Crown Zellerbach-Port Townsend
Crowning 237
Ctesibios 3
Cutting of gear teeth 9
Cyclic errors 182
Cycloidal tooth 10
Cylindrical type 41
Cylindrical worm 237
da Vinci, Leonardo 4, 5
de Lahire, Phillipe
Decibel 207
Declaration of Independence 231
Dedendums 30, 31, 237
Desargues 10
Design life 214
di Giorgio, Francesco 4
Diameter quotient 238
Diametral pitch 12
Diametral quotient 238
DIN standard 3996 94, 96, 100
Distance 173
Double enveloping 11, 17, 26
Double Flank Transmission Error
Testing Machine 191
Double-throated 40
Durability 26
Durand 50, 163
Durer, Albreacht 4
Dynalloy 603 94
Dynamic increment 103
Efficiency 26
Elastohydrodynamic 151
Electron Beam Welding 95, 96
Emerson Electric 163
Encircling worm gear 16, 17
Enclosed housings 141
End-play 173
Endurance limit 105
Energy from Sun 221
Energy from Wind 219
Energy Management Technology
Engineers’ Digest 164
Entering side 173
Entry gap 175
Epicycloid 9, 11, 12
Esters 162
Estimated capacity 101
Euler, Leonard
Extreme Pressure (EP) 161, 204
Extreme Pressure oils (EP oils) 152
Face width 26
Factor of safety 142
Fan designs 144
Fasteners 146
Fellows 76
Finish-ground 19
Fire point 159
Fischer test, Karl 166
Flame hardening 87, 88
Flank direction 238
Flank form 238
Flash point 159
Flender AG, A. Friedr. 190
Float process 233
Florida Wire and Cable 164
Fluid-film 161
252 • IndexFluorinated compounds 163
Fly-cutting 78, 83
Foaming 208
Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectroscopy (FTIR) 210
Frankland Quick-change axle 217
Friction angle 138
Gear, F.J. 17
Gear face width 26
Gear pair 238
Gears 238
Geometry, 9
German Engler Degrees 156
Gleason, William 76
Glenn Research Center 167
Globoidal 11, 16, 17, 26, 33, 34, 41,
82, 238
Grant, George B. 12, 76
Grease 160
Guillotines 229
Hand of the worm 36
Harrison Patent 15
Hawker Siddley Company 96
Hawkin’s, John
Hedcon 58, 83
Helix 23
Helix angle 24, 31
Heller, Werner 54
Heron 3
Hertz, Heinrich 103
Hexagon Mechanical Engineering
Software 103
Hiersig 153
Hindley 47
Hindley design 33
Hindley, Henry 6, 11
Hindley worm 55
Hob 18, 57, 64, 74, 75, 76
Hobbing 12, 17
Hoists 226
Holroyd Division of Renold PLC 13,
139, 176, 190, 234
Hooke, Robert 9
Housing 206
Hughes and Phillips 13
Hydrodynamic 151
In-feed 78
Indexing error 179
Institute of Automobile Engineers
17, 139
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Involute 9, 10, 11
Involute form 12
Involute helicoid worm 14, 17, 43,
Involute thread 17
Iron and Steel Engineer 163
Irreversibilty 214
Irrigation 224
ISO 30
Jarchow 153
Keys 146
Kinematic viscosity 153
Kluber Lubrication North America
L. P. 154, 163
Lanchester W.F. 16, 139
Lapping 17
Lead 23, 24, 238
Lead angle 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 54, 135,
Lead angle of the worm 238
Lead error 179
Lead to pitch 25
Leaving side 173
Left-hand gearing 172
Lehr drives 233
Liberty Bell 231
Liebert, Harry A.E. 14
Life 101
Line contact 34
Line of action 28
Load capacity 197
Index • 253Load carrying capacity 101, 105
Lubricity 160
Lufkin Foundry and Machine Co. 18
M and M Precision Systems 181
Machine tools 13, 17
Marshek 162
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology 12
Materials 85, 86, 87
Maudslay 9
Mazda 217
Mechanical advantage 22
Merrit 17
Milling machines 12
Mixed-film 161
Mixers 221
Mobil Company 163
Module 238
Morse, Stephen A. 17
Multi-start 17
Multi-thread forms 12
Munich College of Technology 199
NASA Tech Briefs 167
Nasmyth 9
National Lubrication Grease
Institute (NLGI) 161
Nicholas 10
Niemann 153
Nitriding 87
Non-throated 40
Normal pitch 23
Number of starts 31
Number of teeth 27, 28
Oil 151
Oil entry gap 79
Outside diameter 26
Overdriving efficiency 135
Overhung load 145, 214
Overloads 141
Oxidation resistance 159
Oxidation stability 160
Pacholke 162
Parallel type 17
Pensky-Marten Closed Cup Flash
Tester 159
Petroleum 151
Pitch wircle 238
Pitting 101
Philo 3
Pitch 24, 29
Pitch diameter 29, 30, 31
Pitch error 179
Pitch of screw 22
Pitting 106, 198
Plastic flow 202
Plastic gearing 169
Plastic materials 97, 209
Poiseuille, Jean 154
Polyglycols 163
Polyphenol esters 163
Pour point 151, 159
Power Transmission and Design 162
Predki 153, 163
Pressure angle 27, 28, 29, 31, 54
Profile error 179
Progressive pitting 199
Pumps 219
Quality numbers 180
Quasi-hydrodynamic 151
Rack 238
Radial feed 18
Radiation 144
Ramelli 8
Rated capacity 101
Rating 99
Ratios 17, 22, 26, 27, 238
Recess action 46, 100
Recess angle 31
Reference cylinder 238
Reversed efficiency 135
Right-hand gearing 172
Roll forming 77
Rolling 21
Rolling contact 12
254 • IndexRotational feed 18
Roughness 195
Runout 179
Safety factors 213
Sand-cast 93
Sang, Edward 9
Saybolt Seconds Furol (SSF) 154
Saybolt Seconds Universal (SSU)
Scattered errors 182
Screw 11, 21, 22
Screw-cutting lathe 9
Screw-downs 227
Screw Jacks 228
Scuffing 198
Sealed for life 232
Seals 145
Self-locking 13, 21
Service factor 141, 142
Servo worm reducer 232
Shaft angle 239
Shaft bending 202
Shafts 145
Shear stress failure 209
Silicones 162
Singer Sewing Machine Co. 14
Single Flank Transmission Error
Testing Machine 188
6017 E86 104
Skew-axis 84
Sliding 21
Smeatson, John 11
Society of Automotive Engineers
(SAE) 156
Sommeiller 13
Sound 207, 226
Sound power 207
Sound pressure 207
Spalling 200
Specified life 214
Speed factor 101
Splash lubrication 166
St. Louis Gateway Arch 226
Standardization 12
Stairstepping 209
Starting efficiency 137, 214
Starts 25, 26, 74
Static coefficient of friction 138
Static efficiency 138
Steel 17
Stokes, C.G. 153
Strada, Jacopoda 6
Strength 26, 101
Strength rating 106
Stub 100
Sumitomo 84
Surface durability 199
Surface finish 88, 193
Synthetics 162
Taconite seal 206
Tangential feed 18, 74
Thermal capacity 141
Thermal Mechanical Analysis (TMA)
Thermal rating 23, 101, 108
Thick film (hydrodynamic) 149
Thickening 208
Thin film (boundary) 149
Thread 239
Thread-milling machine 14
Threads 25, 26
Throat diameter 239
Through hardened 89
Thyssen 153
Tilting steel furnaces 230
Timken Detroit Axle Company 16
Tolerances 63, 178
Tooling 17, 19
Tooth breakage 200
Tooth depth 239
Tooth form 9, 10, 12
Tooth proportions 28
Tooth thickness 239
Torsen differential 218
Transfer drive 232
Tribology 153
Tuplin 17
United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) 139
University of Texas 162
Index • 255V
Vadim Kim 181
Velocity ratio 12
Verantio 6
Viscosity 153
Viscosity index 154
Vitruvius 3
Walker, Harry 17, 52, 139
Wear 101, 198
Wear rating 103
Weber 153
Wheel transverse module 32
Whitney, Eli 12
Wildhaber, Ernest 18, 46, 61
Willis, Robert 12
Winches 225
Winsmith 163
Woodbury, Robert S. 9
Worm 239
Worm axial module 32
Worm face 26
Worm face width 239
Worm gear pair 239
Worm module 239
Worm pitch diameter 26
Wormgear 239
Zexel Corporation Torsen
Differential Drive 217
256 • Index

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