كتاب Design with SolidWorks Manufacture with SolidCAM
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Design with SolidWorks Manufacture with SolidCAM

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Design with SolidWorks Manufacture with SolidCAM   Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Design with SolidWorks Manufacture with SolidCAM    كتاب Design with SolidWorks Manufacture with SolidCAM   Emptyالإثنين 12 أبريل 2021, 10:34 pm

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Design with SolidWorks Manufacture with SolidCAM  
Task-based CAD/CAM Training
Foundation for Vocational Education  

كتاب Design with SolidWorks Manufacture with SolidCAM   S_w_s_16
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Part 1: CAD/CAM
CAD/CAM Basics
CAD Contents
Introduction 4
Overview: Design and Manufacturing of the Workpiece Stop 12
CAD Scenario 16
Lesson 1: Designing the Foot 17
1 How to Create a 3D Solid Model 1
1.1 SolidWorks User Interface 21
1.2 Designing a Part 24
1.2.1 Creating the Solid Model 24
1.2.2 Views and Display Mode 26
1.2.3 Editing Features 27
1.2.4 Removing Material 29
1.3 The Hole Wizard 32
1.3.1 Adding Relations 32
1.4 Saving the Finished Part 34
2 How to Create 2D Drawings 2
2.1 Options for Drawing Documents 36
2.2 Creating a Drawing for the Example Part Hinge Block 37
2.2.1 Making the Drawing 38
2.2.2 The View Palette 40
2.2.3 Broken-out Section View 41
2.2.4 Dimensioning 42
2.2.5 The Sheet Format 44
Lesson 2: Designing the Pin Holder 45
3 How to Create Like Parts using Configurations 3
3.1 Creating the First Configuration 49
3.2 Creating the Second Configuration 52
Lesson 3: Designing the Side Parts 57
4 How to Create Symmetric Parts 4
4.1 Creating the Solid Bodies 61
4.2 Creating a Drawing for the Example Part Counter Plate 66
Lesson 4: Designing the Studs 71
5 How to Create Round Parts with Circumferential Features 5
5.1 Creating the Basic Part 74
5.2 Adding a Hole 75
5.3 Creating a Polygon 77Foundation for Vocational Education
8 | CAD Contents
Lesson 5: Designing the Stop Pin 79
6 How to Create a Part with Rotational Symmetry 6
6.1 Creating a Body with the Revolved Boss/Base Feature 82
Lesson 6: Creating the Workpiece Stop Assembly 85
7 How to Work with Assemblies 7
7.1 The Concept of Assemblies 88
7.2 The Work Environment 89
7.3 Linking of Parts in an Assembly 90
7.3.1 Insertion of the First Component in an Assembly 90
7.3.2 Insertion of Other Components in an Assembly 92
7.4 Design Library Toolbox 97
7.5 Creating an Exploded View 98
7.6 Modifying the Exploded View 99
8 How to Specify Tolerances and Properties 8
8.1 Setting Tolerances 101
8.2 Setting File Properties 103
9 How to Create an Assembly Drawing 9
9.1 Basic Procedure for Creating an Assembly Drawing 104
9.2 Creating a Drawing for the Puller Assembly 105
9.2.1 Making the Drawing 105
9.2.2 Illustration of a Knurl 108
9.2.3 Inserting a Thread into an Assembly Drawing 109
9.2.4 Inserting a Bill of Materials (BOM) 109
9.2.5 Inserting the BOM Balloons 110
CAD Appendix 113
Hand sketches 114Foundation for Vocational Education
9 | CAM Contents
CAM Contents
CAM Scenario 126
Lesson 1: Manufacturing the Foot 127
1 How to Manufacture with SolidCAM 1
1.1 CAD/CAM Basics 130
1.2 Programming in SolidCAM 132
1.3 Creating and Defining the CAM-Part 133
1.3.1 Determining the Directory for Saving the CAM-Part 133
1.3.2 Selecting the CNC-Machine Controller 134
1.3.3 Defining the Machine Coordinate System 134
1.3.4 Defining the Stock and Target Models 138
1.3.5 Saving the CAM-Part 141
1.4 SolidCAM User Interface 142
1.5 Adding a Face Milling Operation (1st Setup) 144
1.5.1 Defining the Tool 147
1.5.2 Defining the Levels 150
1.5.3 Defining the Technology 152
1.5.4 Simulation 153
1.5.5 The Simulation Control Panel 154
1.6 Adding a Profile Operation 155
1.6.1 Defining the Tool 157
1.6.2 Defining the Profile Depth 158
1.6.3 Defining the Technology 161
1.6.4 Defining the Lead in and Lead out Tool Link Movements 163
1.6.5 Calculating and Simulating the Tool Path 165
1.7 Centering the Through Hole 166
1.7.1 Defining the Tool and Tool Data 166
1.7.2 Defining the Drilling Depth 167
1.8 Drilling the Through Hole 168
1.8.1 Using Drill Cycles 169
1.9 Milling the Counterbore 170
1.10 Adding a New Coordinate System 172
1.11 Adding a Face Milling Operation (2nd Setup) 173
1.12 Generating GCode 174
1.13 Documentation 175
Lesson 2: Manufacturing the Pin Holder 177
2 How to Define and Use Fixtures 2
2.1 Programming a Prism in SolidCAM 180
2.1.1 Defining the Machine Coordinate System 181
2.1.2 Defining the Stock and Target Models 182
2.2 Inserting and Defining a Fixture 182
2.2.1 Inserting the Fixture 182Foundation for Vocational Education
10 | CAM Contents
2.2.2 Defining the Fixture 184
2.3 Slotting with a Profile Operation 185
2.4 Milling the Chamfer 187
2.5 Drilling the Holes 188
2.6 Inserting and Defining a Fixture for the 2nd Setup 189
2.7 Milling the Slot (2nd Setup) and Generating GCode 190
Lesson 3: Manufacturing the Side Parts 193
3 How to Machine Outside Contours with Pocket Operations 3
3.1 Programming a Counter Plate in SolidCAM 196
3.1.1 Defining the Machine Coordinate System 197
3.1.2 Defining the Stock and Target Models 197
3.2 Adding a Face Milling Operation (1st Setup) 198
3.3 Milling the Step 198
3.4 Milling the Lower Step 200
3.5 Milling the Circular Pockets 204
3.6 Milling the Outside Contour 206
3.7 Drilling the Holes 208
3.8 Adding a Face Milling Operation (2nd Setup) 208
3.9 Making a Counterbore for a Cylinder Head Screw 209
3.10 Engraving 209
4 Multi-sided Machining: Manufacturing a Coordinate Cube 213
4 Multi-sided Machining 4
4.1 Basics 216
4.2 Programming a Distribution Block in SolidCAM 218
4.3 Defining the Machine Coordinate System 218
4.4 Defining the Stock and Target Models 221
4.5 Inserting Fixtures 221
4.6 Milling the Top and Sloped Surfaces 222
4.7 Centering the Holes 224
4.8 Drilling the Holes 225
5 CAM Appendix 227
Drawings 22  

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