كتاب Windows 10 Step by Step
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
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 كتاب Windows 10 Step by Step

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Windows 10 Step by Step
Second Edition
Joan Lambert  

كتاب Windows 10 Step by Step  W_1_0_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

i Introduction
Who this book is for
What this book is (and isn’t) about
The Step by Step approach
Features and conventions
Adapt procedures for your environment
Download the practice files
E-book edition
Get support and give feedback
Errata and support
We want to hear from you
Stay in touch
Part 1: The Windows 10 environment
1 Get started using Windows 10
Sign in to Windows
About the Lock screen
About the Welcome screen
Choose a user account type
Sidebar: Use a Microsoft account or local account
Sidebar: Sign in on a touchscreen device
Explore the desktop and taskbar
Explore the desktop
Explore the taskbar
Sidebar: Hey, Cortana!
Explore the Start menuExplore Windows settings
Manage content and app windows
Resize, minimize, and close windows
Move and arrange windows
End a computing session
Key points
Practice tasks
2 Personalize your working environment
Configure the Start menu
Resize the Start menu
Configure the Start menu folder list
Configure the Start menu app list
Set the desktop background and system colors
Set the desktop background
Set an accent color
Customize the Lock screen
Set the Lock screen background
Sidebar: Configure a screen saver
Display app status information on the Lock screen
Apply and manage themes
Key points
Practice tasks
Part 2: Apps and files
3 Work with shortcuts and tiles
Create and manage app shortcuts
Start menu shortcuts
Sidebar: Touchscreen tile management
Taskbar shortcutsSidebar: Manage apps from the taskbar
Desktop shortcuts
Sidebar: Configure desktop system icons
Manage Start menu tiles
Customize the taskbar
Change taskbar appearance
Change taskbar behavior
Display and manage toolbars on the taskbar
Key points
Practice tasks
4 Work with apps and notifications
Locate and start apps
Explore built-in apps
Productivity and information management apps
Web browsers
Media management apps
Live information apps
Tools for geeks
Install Store apps
Shop in the Store
Manage your Store account and settings
Install, reinstall, and uninstall apps
Manage app notifications
Key points
Practice tasks
5 Explore files and folders
Understand files, folders, and librariesFolders
Get to know File Explorer
Work with the standard ribbon tabs
Work with the tool tabs
Work with the Navigation And Search bar
Work with libraries
Change the File Explorer display options
Display and hide panes
Display different views of folders and files
Group, sort, and filter folder content
Change folder options
Find specific files
Windows Search
File Explorer Search
Key points
Practice tasks
6 Manage folders and files
Create and rename folders and files
Compress folders and files
Move and copy folders and files
Delete and restore folders and files
Sidebar: Recycle Bin size
Work with folder and file properties
View folder properties
Remove file properties
Key points
Practice tasksPart 3: Devices and resources
7 Manage peripheral devices
Understand peripheral devices
Peripheral device terminology
Install peripheral devices
Sidebar: Boost your memory
Locate device information
Display your desktop on multiple screens
Set up audio devices
Sidebar: Expand your laptop or tablet with peripheral devices
Change the way your mouse works
Change the way your keyboard works
Manage printer connections
Sidebar: Virtual printers
Key points
Practice tasks
8 Manage network and storage resources
Manage network connections
Connect to a network
Sidebar: Network vs. internet connections
Display information about networks and connections
Configure network connection security
Sidebar: Wireless network security
Troubleshoot network connections
Manage homegroup connections
Share files on your network
Sidebar: Change the computer name
Key pointsPractice tasks
9 Get assistance from Cortana
Configure Cortana settings
Sidebar: Cortana availability
Configure Cortana connections
Configure information tracking
Sidebar: Add reminders
Manage Cortana information and notifications
Key points
Practice tasks
10 Safely and efficiently browse the internet
Sidebar: About Microsoft Edge
Display websites in Microsoft Edge
Find, save, and share information
Manage Microsoft Edge settings
Sidebar: Anatomy of a website address
Sidebar: Educate kids about online safety
Configure browser security settings
Protect yourself from phishing and malicious sites
Block pop-up windows
Maintain browsing privacy
Troubleshoot browsing issues
Key points
Practice tasks
Part 4: Behind the scenes
11 Manage user accounts and settings
Understand user accounts and permissionsUser profiles
User account permissions
Family accounts
User Account Control
Sidebar: Manage user accounts in the Computer Management console
Create and manage user accounts
Sidebar: Manage and monitor family safety settings
Create and manage family user accounts
Create and manage non-family user accounts
Manage settings for any user account
Manage account pictures and passwords
Customize your sign-in options
Synchronize settings across computers
Key points
Practice tasks
12 Manage computer settings
Manage date and time settings
Manage regional and language settings
Install and manage languages and language features
Configure regional settings
Manage speech settings
Sidebar: Dictate content to your computer
Customize device display settings
Key points
Practice tasks
13 Manage power and access options
Change the screen brightness
Configure power optionsSidebar: System power settings
Sidebar: Make your battery last longer
Configure Windows accessibility features
High-contrast settings
Magnifier settings
Narrator and Audio Description settings
Keyboard and mouse settings
Key points
Practice tasks
14 Work more efficiently
Configure Quick Action buttons
Search your computer and the web
Search storage locations and the web
Manage File Explorer search processes
Specify default apps
Organize apps on multiple desktops
Monitor apps and system tasks
Manage app startup
Key points
Practice tasks
15 Protect your computer and data
Manage Windows updates
Update Windows system files
Configure update options
Configure privacy settings
Restore computer functionality
Create and revert to restore points
Refresh or reset your computerBack up data
Back up data to OneDrive
Automatically back up data by using File History
Back up and restore your system
Sidebar: Two-factor authentication
Key points
Practice tasks
Appendix: Keyboard shortcuts and touchscreen tips
About the author
3D Text screen saver 70
About Me menu (Cortana Notebook) 315
absolute paths, defined 577
accent colors
applying to Windows elements 64
configuring 63
desktop 62
setting 62, 64
accessibility features
configuring 470
configuring device hardware shortcut 473
getting Windows recommendations 472
High Contrast settings 473
keyboard and mouse settings 482
Magnifier settings 476
Narrator and Audio Description settings 479
previewing/applying High Contrast settings 474
turning on keyboard features 483
turning on mouse features 484
accessibility settings 30
desktop icon settings 102
Microsoft account settings 140
Store (Windows Store) 136
accessory apps 134
accountslocal 6
Microsoft 6
settings 30
Store (Windows Store) 138
action buttons (Action Center) 492, 494
Action Center 16
action buttons 490–491
applying accent color to 64
app notifications 145
colors 62
defined 577
displaying pane 493
managing messages 19
opening 149
taskbar icon, displaying/hiding 495
activating built-in Guest accounts 401
activation, defined 577
active apps, displaying 515
active network adapters 258
active windows, defined 577
adapters, networks 258
Add Notes tool (Microsoft Edge) 343
Add Printer wizard 248
Address bar 169, 577
Address toolbar (taskbar) 115
administrative permissions, revoking 402
Administrator accounts 380, 382, 400, 577
administrators, creating user accounts and changing properties 388
Adult user accounts 381
advanced indexing options 501
advanced search options 498, 499
advanced settings
Microsoft Edge 351power plans 466
Advanced Sharing Settings window (Control Panel) 271, 275
advertising ID 532
Airplane Mode action button 492
Alarms & Clock app 128, 425
All-in-One computers 577
allowing changes to taskbar 112
alphabet-specific fonts 434
annotating webpages 343
app buttons, multiple, changing display of 114
app icons 581
app info/status, displaying on Lock screen 73
app lists
contextual, displaying on Start menu 55
displaying 127
index letters (Start menu) 126
jump lists, displaying/hiding 55
scrolling to specific app letter 127
Start menu 54–55, 124
app-management icons, displaying 18
app notifications, turning on/off 147
app shortcuts 93, 96, 101
app tiles, displaying/hiding live content 93
AppData folder 157, 517
applying themes 75
built-in 76
customization 78
from Store 80–91
panoramic backgrounds 78
Windows website 82
appointments, Cortana reminders 326
arranging shortcuts to on taskbar 95automatically starting 517
built-in 128
creating shortcuts for currently running 95
creating shortcuts to on taskbar 95
default 502
defined 578, 590
desktop 134
displaying active and nonresponsive 515
displaying info on Lock screen 73
displaying purchased/installed 143
files 156
installing 142
installing purchased on different computer 144
installing Store apps 135
live information 133
locating and starting 124
managing default 334
managing startup 127, 516
notifications 145
People bar 130
pinning to taskbar 94
preventing automatic startup 517
running as an administrator 128
searching Store for 136
settings 30
shortcuts 92
starting 128, 517
switching among from taskbar 96
uninstalling/reinstalling Store 141
virtual desktops 509
desktop icons 101
desktop shortcuts 98shortcuts on taskbar 95
windows 37
windows in grid 40
aspect ratio 451, 577
assistance, Cortana See Cortana
Audio Description feature, turning on 482
Audio Description settings 479
audio devices 228
managing playback device settings 232
notifications 231
switching playback devices 231
switching recording devices 233
audio narration options, configuring 481
audio notifications
apps, turning off 149–150
Microsoft Edge 337
audio output jacks 230
two-factor 564
Welcome screen methods 416
automatic app updates 144
automatically starting apps 517
defined 577
desktop 11, 56
Lock screen, customizing 66
backing up
computer systems 557
creating system image for 558
data, using File History 551
drives to system images 557files to OneDrive 544
with system images 557
Balanced power plan 461
bandwidth, defined 577
banners, turning off 149–150
Battery Saver
action button 492
feature 468
Bing (search engine) 497
biometric identification 410, 564
accessing 558
Setup Utility 563
bitmap (.bmp), defined 577
blank screen saver 70
blocking pop-up windows 365–366
blogs, defined 577
Bluetooth action button 492
.bmp (bitmap), defined 577
boot images 558
bootable USB recovery drives 557, 561
from bootable DVD 557
from recovery discs 563
from recovery drives 563
wiped computers 557
broadband connections, defined 577
defined 591
displaying websites in Microsoft Edge 335
emulating different 369
opening tabs in Microsoft Edge 337
pinning Hub to window (Microsoft Edge) 348browsing
apps 137
defined 577
history (Microsoft Edge) 348
built-in accounts 401
built-in apps 128
built-in power plans 461
built-in themes 76
button options, mice 236
buttons xvi
bytes, defined 578
Camera Roll library 158
capturing user account picture 407
caret browsing 368–369
cascading windows 38–40
centering images (desktop background) 58
central processing units (CPUs), defined 578
Change Homegroup Sharing Settings wizard 295
check boxes, displaying (File Explorer) 167
Child user accounts 381, 390
children and online safety 363
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 363
clean installation of Windows 10, reverting to 542
clearing exceptions for pop-up windows 366
clicking, defined 578
Clipboard 199–201
clocks 432–433
Closed Captions (Ease Of Access) 470
cloud storage 544
collapsing folders 170
colors, desktop background 61–62columns, Details view, resizing 180
Command Prompt tool 135
commands, defined 578
community-created themes 78
component information, displaying 222
compressed folders 196
defined 578
displaying contents of 197
extracting files 198
working with files in 197
compressing files or folders 196–197, 578
computer configuration, file sharing 294
computer dictation 443
computer functionality, restoring 534
Computer Management console 387
computer name, changing 290
computer settings 423
accessibility features 470
device displays 448
Lock screen 65
power 461
region and language 433
speech 443
computer systems, backing up 557
computing sessions
ending 41
starting 5
configuration settings, locating 31
accessibility features 470
audio narration options 481
browser security settings 363
computers, file sharing 294Cortana 310–312
Cortana information preferences 325
desktop system icons 102
device hardware shortcut for accessibility tool 473
language options 438
network connection security 270
Night Light screen color 459
Night Light start/end times 460
power management settings 462
power options 461
privacy settings 531
Quick Action buttons 490–491
Reading view settings 362
screen savers 70–71
settings, Control Panel 32
settings, Settings window 28, 32
setting synchronization 417
Start menu 50
visual narration options 482
voice recognition 445
Windows Hello 414
Connect action button 492
Connect pane 225
Connected Accounts menu (Cortana Notebook) 315
Connected Home menu (Cortana Notebook) 316
connecting Cortana, to services 319–320
connecting local accounts to Microsoft accounts 403
connecting your computer to networks 258
expanding capacity 216
icons 259
printers 245
contacts, pinning to People bar 16, 130content filters, Bing 497
Content pane (File Explorer) 162, 578
Content view 178
contextual tabs 578, 589
control levels, UAC (User Account Control) 385
Control Panel 26
defined 578
displaying home page 34
Ease Of Access Center 471
settings 32–33
Speech Recognition page 444
views 32
COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) 363
folders/files 199
folders/files to Clipboard 200
selected items to folder 201
Cortana 14, 20, 307
activating 308
adding reminders 326
configuring 308
configuring connections 314
configuring for keyboard prompt 311
configuring for Lock screen listening 312
configuring for voice prompt 310
configuring information preferences 325
configuring phone notifications 330
connecting to services 319–320
countries and regions 313
displaying/hiding 312
displaying settings page 309
enabling skills 322
history settings 330information saved by 328
information tracking 323
managing access to info 328
managing information/settings 327
Notebook 314–315
privacy settings 533
providing your name 316
saved locations 318
saving locations 317
search settings 329
Cortana settings 30
Cortana Tips information-tracking options (Cortana) 323
country/region, specifying for local content 436
CPUs (central processing units), defined 578
Credential Manager 358
credentials, defined 578
cursors, defined 578
custom power plans 466
backing up using File History 551
displaying transfer information 269
data usage, displaying by app 269
date and time
changing formats 430
changing format to specific region 441
changing time zones 429
displaying current 426
displaying multiple clocks 432–433
manually setting 427
overview 424
synchronizing with internet time servers 428taskbar 17
Date & Time settings 426–427
default apps
choosing 504
managing 334
specifying 502
default search engine, changing 355
account passwords 408
custom power plans 469
folders and files 202–203
homegroups 289
saved information (Microsoft Edge) 358
turn off confirmation when 203
user accounts 395, 399
deletion confirmation, turning off 203
Descriptive Video Service (DVS) 480
accent colors 62
accessing icon settings 102
background; See desktop background 61
configuring desktop system icons 102
creating shortcuts on 100
defined 578
displaying in Task View 510
displaying on multiple screens 222
extending/duplicating display of 225
hiding/displaying icons on 101
icon organization 98, 101
icon sizing 101
Peek function turning on/off 114
Recycle Bin 11
removing shortcuts from 101shortcuts 12, 97
showing on only one display 223
desktop apps
defined 124, 578
running as an administrator 128
tools 134
desktop background 11, 56
basing accent colors on 63
centering images 58
colors 57, 61
displaying images 59
pictures as 57
positioning images on 57
setting image for 58
slideshow 57
desktop computers, defined 578
desktop icon settings, accessing 102
desktop icons, displaying/hiding 101
desktop shortcuts 12
Desktop toolbar (taskbar) 115
desktops (virtual) 511–512
Details pane (File Explorer) 162, 166
defined 578
displaying 176
Details view (File Explorer) 176, 178
adding/rearranging/emoving properties 179
resizing columns 180
Details view, sorting folder content in 182
device display settings, customizing 448
device drivers
checking compatibility of 217
defined 579
device information, displaying 221, 268, 269Device Manager window 220
devices, defined 578
Devices settings 29
contents 219
Printers & Scanners pane 246
dialog boxes, defined 578
dictating to your computer 443
dictation toolbar 443
family user accounts 395
network adapters 279
non-family user accounts 398
all computers from homegroup 288
from wired networks 264
from wireless networks 264
discovering networks 261, 270
Disk Cleanup, defined 578
Disk Defragmenter, defined 584
display names, family accounts 394
display options (File Explorer)
changing folder options 183
displaying different views of folders/files 176
displaying/hiding panes 175
grouping/sorting/filtering folder content 180
sort/filter folder content 181
display settings 448, 450
Display settings pane 224, 451
orientation of on-screen content 453
screen brightness 458
screen orientation/resolution 451
size, user interface elements 452
displays, adjusting relative position of 227DLLs (dynamic-link libraries) 156
Docked view (Magnifier tool) 476
Documents library 158, 171
domain name (website addresses) 360
domains, defined 579
double-clicking, defined 579
downloading practice files xvii
Downloads And Updates page 142, 144
downloads, managing 144
defined 579
windows 39
drivers 217, 579
drives, sharing 299
duplicating displays 223, 225
DVI monitor ports 216
DVS (Descriptive Video Service) 480
dynamic, defined 579
dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) 156
Ease Of Access features 470
Ease Of Access settings 30
displaying 472
synchronizing 417
Easy Access menu (Home tab) 165
Eat & Drink information-tracking options (Cortana) 323
e-book edition xix
Edge See Microsoft Edge
editing advanced settings, power plans 466
emulating different browsers 369
Cortana skills 322disabled user accounts 395, 398
ending computing sessions 41
errors, reporting xix
defined 579
ports 216, 258
executable files 156, 579
connection capacity 216
folders 170
expansion cards 216, 579
expansion slots, defined 579
extending displays 223, 225
Extensible Markup Language (XML), defined 579
extensions, defined 579
external devices 215–216
adding/removing 220
audio 228
displaying desktop on multiple screens 222
installing 217
keyboard management 242
locating device information 219
mice 236
printers 245
terminology 216
external hard drives 162
external removable storage devices 162
extracting files, compressed folders 198
Extra Large Icons view (File Explorer) 177
Family & Other People settings 388
Family Safety 390family user accounts 383
creating 390–391
deleting 395
disabling 395
enabling disabled account 395
Family Safety 390
managing 394
Favorites bar (Microsoft Edge)
defined 579
displaying/hiding 349
Favorites list (Microsoft Edge) 341
displaying 348
importing to Microsoft Edge 347
organizing 349
Federal Trade Commission, children and online safety 363
feedback, submitting xix
fetching files to OneDrive 550
File And Printer Sharing settings, network security profiles 271
file downloads (Microsoft Edge), displaying 348
File Explorer 155
See also File Explorer Details pane; File Explorer Navigation pane; File
Explorer Preview pane
advanced searches 498
changing default starting folder 185
changing folder options 183
changing views in 178
content pane 162
Content pane, defined 578
copying to Clipboard 200
defined 579
Details view 176
display/hide items 180
display options 175displaying different views of folders/files 176
File menu 164
filtering search results 500
grouping/sorting/filtering folder content 180
Homegroup node (Navigation pane) 161
Home tab 164–165
Navigation And Search bar 169
online/offline file indicator icons 545
panes, displaying 175
Preview pane 162, 585
refining searches in 187
ribbon 163–164
searching in 187, 498
selecting folders/files in 199–200
setting search options 500
Share tab 165
sort/filter folder content 181
starting 170
views 177
View tab 165
window layout 162
File Explorer Details pane 162, 177
defined 578
displaying/hiding 176
File Explorer Navigation pane 162
defined 583
displaying/hiding 176
Libraries node 161, 171
Network node 161
Quick Access node 160
This PC node 160–162
File Explorer Preview pane, displaying/hiding 176
File Historyactivating 552
backing up data 551
backups 171
defined 579
displaying 166
viewing previous versions 554
File menu (File Explorer) 164
file name extensions 167, 361, 579
file properties, removing 207
file sharing
in homegroups 293
with other network users 294
File Sharing Connections settings, network security profiles 271
file storage folders 160–161
backing up to OneDrive 547
backing up using File History 551
compressing 196–197
copying to Clipboard 200
created by apps 156
created by you 156
creating and renaming 194
cutting to Clipboard 200
deleting large 204
deleting/restoring 202–203
displaying properties 208
displaying recent files 25
displaying synchronized 546
display options (File Explorer) 175
File Explorer See File Explorer
managing versions 555
moving/copying 199
naming conventions 194OneDrive, accessing recent 547
opening 506
optimizing folders for 174
properties 205
recovering from OneDrive when deleted 547
recovery, defined 579
removing personal information from 209
renaming 195
searching 186
selecting 199–200
sharing network files 289, 292
sorting in any view 182
viewing backed up versions 554
Files On Demand (OneDrive) 545
filling images (desktop background) 57
Filter Keys (Ease Of Access) 482
Bing 497
defined 579
File Explorer search results 500
folder content 180–181
taskbar search results 497
Finance information-tracking options (Cortana) 323
fingerprint authentication 410
fingerprint identification, configuring 414
fitting images (desktop background) 58
flash drives, defined 590
defined 580
touchscreen interaction 575
Flip feature, defined 580
folder content (File Explorer)displaying 170
displaying as icons 178
displaying as list 179
filtering 181, 183
grouping 182
sorting in Details view 182
ungrouping 182
folder icons
changing for libraries 175
settings 207
folder list options 53
folder name (website addresses) 361
folder options 183–185
folder properties, customizing 206–207
folder view (File Explorer), changing 178
folders 156
adding/removing on Start menu 54
adding to libraries 173–174
AppData 157
app list 126
changing icon of a library 175
changing options 183
changing view (File Explorer) 178
compressing 196, 197
copying selected items to 201
copying to Clipboard 200
creating/renaming 194–195
cutting to Clipboard 200
defined 580
deleting/restoring 202–203
displaying content as icons 178
displaying content as list 179
displaying properties 208display options (File Explorer) 175
File Explorer See File Explorer
grouping content 180
libraries 158
moving/copying 199
moving selected items to 201
optimizing for a file type 174
Program Files 156
properties 205
Public 157
removing from a library 175
renaming 195
searching 186
selecting 199–200
sharing 300
Users 157
Windows 158
font features, displaying supplemental 439
form entries (Microsoft Edge) 357
formats, date and time settings 430
frames, defined 580
fresh start for computer 542
Full Screen view (Magnifier tool) 476
full-size screen configuration, Start menu 50
full-size Start screen 23
gadgets, defined 580
displaying purchased/installed 143
installing 142
purchased, installing on different computer 144
gaming settings 30GB (gigabytes) 196, 580
Gbps, defined 580
general keyboard shortcuts 574
geofencing 533
gestures, defined 580
gestures (touchscreen tips) 576
Getting Around information-tracking options (Cortana) 323
.gif (Graphics Interchange Format), defined 580
gigabytes (GB) 196, 580
glyphs, defined 580
graphical user interface (GUI), defined 580
Graphics Interchange Format (.gif), defined 580
grouping folder content 180, 182
Guest accounts 400–401, 580
GUI (graphical user interface), defined 580
handwriting recognition, language-specific features 434
hard drives, managing 168
defined 580
displaying information 222
Hardware Compatibility Checker 217
HDMI ports 216
headphone jacks 230
height, taskbar 113
help, with Microsoft software and hardware xix
help, with this book xix
Hibernate mode, defined 580
hidden folders, AppData 157
hidden items, displaying 167, 180
hidden windows, retrieving 225
hidingAction Center taskbar icon 495
Cortana 312
custom taskbar toolbars 116–117
desktop icons 101
Details pane (File Explorer) 176
File Explorer panes 175
items in Quick Access list 185
libraries 173, 175
library folders from Navigation pane 175
live content, app tiles 93
Navigation pane (File Explorer) 176
Preview pane (File Explorer) 176
security profile settings 277
standard taskbar buttons 113
taskbar 114
taskbar toolbar item names 117
taskbar toolbar names 117
taskbar toolbars 116
thumbnails 18
High Contrast (Ease Of Access) 470, 473
applying most recent/default 475
modifying settings 475
previewing/applying 474
High Performance power plan 461
history settings (Cortana), managing for devices/searches 330
home pages 352, 580
Home tab (File Explorer) 164–165
homegroup connections 281–283
HomeGroup connection settings, network security profiles 271
homegroup members, defined 580
Homegroup node (File Explorer) 161
HomeGroup troubleshooter 289
HomeGroup windowControl Panel 284
File Explorer 283
connecting/removing computers 288
connecting to resources 288
creating 284
defined 580
deleting 289
disconnecting all computers 288
joining computers to 287
passwords 285–286
resources 295
sharing files 293
sharing folders/libraries 296
hotspots, defined 581
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), defined 581
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 360
HTTPS protocol 360
Hub, pinning to browser (Microsoft Edge) 348
hubs 216, 581
hyperlinks, defined 581
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), defined 581
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 360
ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) 360
defined 581
hiding/displaying on desktop 101
setting size of on desktop 101
identity verification 564
IEEE 1394 ports 216
imagesas desktop background 57
displaying one on Lock screen 66
panoramic backgrounds, themes 78
IM (instant messaging), defined 581
index letters on app list (Start menu) 126
index, search 498
changing advanced indexing options 501
changing indexed locations 501
rebuilding 502
information-analysis tools, Cortana 20
information apps 133
Information bar, defined 581
information management apps 129
information services, connecting to Cortana 319
information technology (IT), defined 581
inline ads, blocking 532
InPrivate browsing 367
defined 581
starting session 368
Input devices, defined 581
insertion points, defined 581
Insider Builds 528
Install The Printer Driver page (Add Printer wizard) 249
additional system languages 436
apps or games 142
Language Interface Packs 438
peripheral devices 217
plug-and-play printers 247
purchased apps/games on different computer 144
Store apps 135
supplemental font features 434
updates 527instant messaging (IM), defined 581
interface, defined 590
internal hard drives 162
internal peripheral devices 216
internal removable storage drives 162
International Atomic Time 424
internet connections, versus network connections 260
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 360
Internet Explorer 132, 369
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses 360, 581
internet service provider (ISP), defined 581
internet settings 29
internet time servers 424, 428
IP (Internet Protocol) addresses 360, 581
ISP (internet service provider), defined 581
IT (information technology), defined 581
.jpg (JPEG) file format, defined 581
jump lists 24–25
defined 581
displaying/hiding 55
pinning items to 97
taskbar buttons 96
KB (kilobytes), defined 582
Kbps, defined 581
key repeat delay/rate, changing 244
keyboard accessibility features, turning on 483
keyboard language, changing 440
keyboard management
changing key repeat delay/rate 244configuring text input settings 243
peripheral devices 242
settings 482
shortcuts 569
turning on accessibility features 483
keyboard properties 244
keywords, defined 582
keys xvi
kilobytes (KB), defined 582
Language Interface Packs 433, 438
language preferences, synchronizing 416
language settings 30, 433
changing Windows display language 440
configuring options 438
installing additional system languages 436
laptop computers, defined 582
layout options (File Explorer) 166
Lens view (Magnifier tool) 476, 478
levels of control, UAC (User Account Control) 385
libraries 158
adding folders 173–174
changing folder icon 175
creating 160, 173
defined 582
displaying/hiding 173
displaying properties 173
File Explorer See File Explorer
hiding 175
hiding folders from Navigation pane 175
managing 158
opening 173optimizing for a file type 174
optimizing for specific file types 172
removing folders from 175
Libraries node (File Explorer) 161
backups 171
displaying/hiding 173
limiting system notifications 149
Links toolbar (taskbar) 115
live content, displaying/hiding on app tiles 93
live information apps 133
Live Tiles 93, 104
local accounts 6, 380
connecting to Microsoft accounts 403
creating 397
defined 582
passwords 405, 408
pictures 404
switching to, from a Microsoft account 403
local, defined 582
local printers 247, 582
local user accounts, creating 397
Location action button 492
location-specific language variations 433
Lock screen 4
customizing 65
defined 582
displaying app status information on 73
displaying one image on 66
slideshow 68, 72
tips 73
Windows Spotlight 72
computer 41–42defined 582
Magnifier tool 470
changing Lens size 478
changing mode 477
changing tool appearance when inactive 479
colors, inverting 479
configuring settings 476
defined 582
magnification level, changing 478–479
magnification views 476
starting automatically 479
turning on/off 477
mail servers, defined 582
malicious sites, SmartScreen Filter 364
defined 582
guarding against with Microsoft Edge 364
mapping drives, defined 582
Math Input Panel 134
maximizing windows 35–36, 582
MB (megabytes), defined 582
Mbps, defined 582
defined 582
management apps 132
streaming settings, network security profiles 271
Meetings & Reminders information-tracking options (Cortana) 323
megabytes (MB), defined 582
memory expansion using ReadyBoost 218
menu bars, defined 582
menusapp list 124
defined 582
Store account 139
messages, displaying/managing 19
metadata, defined 582
Microphone Setup Wizard 234
Cortana verbal cues 308
types of 230
USB-connected 229
Microsoft accounts 6, 380
accessing settings 140
and Store purchases 139
connecting to local accounts 403
identity verification 564
passwords 405, 409
pictures 404, 407
switching to a local account 403
Microsoft Edge 132, 334
changing to different default search engine 355
configuring Reading view settings 362
configuring security settings 363
customizing content 354
defined 582
deleting saved information 358
displaying browsing history 348
displaying Favorites list 348
displaying file downloads 348
displaying Reading list 348
displaying webpages 338–339
displaying websites 335
finding/saving/sharing information 340
guarding against malware 364importing Favorites list to 347
managing passwords 357
managing settings 351
moving between webpages on tabs 339
opening new browser tabs in 337
pinning webpages to Start menu 350
previewing all open webpages 338
printing webpages 350
reading articles 349
Reading view 336
refreshing webpages 339
removing webpages from Reading list 349
saving passwords 357
starting 337
switching site display to Internet Explorer 369
switching webpage display to/from Reading view 339
toolbar 335
troubleshooting browsing issues 368
Microsoft Family Safety 390
minimized windows, restoring 37
minimizing windows 19, 37–38, 582
Miracast 222, 225, 583
Mobile Hotspot action button 492
modems, defined 583
monitoring system tasks 512
monitors, displaying desktop on multiple screens 222
More Details view (Task Manager) 513, 515
most used apps, on Start menu 24, 54, 55
motherboards, defined 583
mouse accessibility features 482, 484
Mouse Keys (Ease Of Access) 482
mouse management
button settings 238button/wheel options 236
pointer appearance 239
pointer functionality 240
pointer icons 240
wheel functionality 241
mouse ports 216
Movies & TV app 132
apps to different desktops 511
between desktops 511
directly to locations 170
folders/files 199
selected items to folder 201
taskbar 110, 113
taskbar buttons 96
through list of recent locations 170
tile groups, Start menu 109
tiles on Start menu 106
up one folder 170
windows 37, 39
multiple app buttons, changing display of 114
multiple display devices 222
moving mouse between 224
specifying position of taskbar on 228
Multiple Displays settings 225
multiport hubs 216
multi-touch gestures, defined 583
Music library 158
Music menu (Cortana Notebook) 315
music streaming services, connecting to Cortana 320
My Library (Store) 141
Mystify screen saver 70N
name of computer, changing 290
naming Start menu tile groups 108
Narrator (Ease Of Access) 470
configuring audio options 481
configuring settings 479
configuring visual options 482
defined 583
selecting voice 480
turning on 480
Navigation And Search bar (File Explorer) 169
navigation, defined 583
Navigation pane (File Explorer) 162, 170
defined 583
displaying/hiding 176
hiding library folders from 175
options 166
renaming files/folders in 195
Network action button 492
network adapters 258
defined 583
disabling 279
displaying status 270
enabling 279
resetting 280
Network And Sharing Center
defined 583
displaying connection info in 269
network connections
changing security profile assigned to 277
configuring security 270
displaying detailed info about 269displaying info in Network And Sharing Center 269
displaying info in Settings 269
displaying information about 264
displaying speed of 269
sharing files 289, 292
troubleshooting 277–278
versus Internet connections 260
network discovery 261, 292
defined 583
settings, network security profiles 271
turning on 262
network domains, defined 583
network drives, defined 583
network hubs, defined 583
network interface cards 258
Network & Internet settings page 260
Network node (File Explorer) 161
network printers 246, 583
network profiles, defined 583
network routers, defined 583
network security profile settings 271
network settings 29
network share, defined 584
network troubleshooting tools, displaying 280
Network window 264–265, 268
connecting to 258
connecting to wired/wireless 261
connection icons 259
defined 258, 583
disconnecting from wired/wireless 264
News app 133
news feed (Microsoft Edge), customizing 354News information-tracking options (Cortana) 323
Night Light
configuring screen color 459
configuring start/end times 460
turning on/off 459
Night Light action button 492
non-family user accounts See also accounts
creating 396
deleting 399
enabling/disabling 398
nonresponsive apps, displaying 515
Notebook (Cortana) 314–315
Notepad 134
notification area 16
defined 584
displaying optional buttons for 113
notification icons, standard 16
apps 145
audio devices 231
displaying 19
temporarily turning off 150
turning off 149
Notifications & Actions settings 146
OEM (original equipment manufacturer), defined 584
offline, defined 584
accessing files 545, 547
backing up files to 547
defined 584
fetching files 550managing settings 548
opening online 546
overview 544
recovering deleted files from, accessing recent 547
shortcut to 544
signing in 545
storage size 544
storing files 545
synchronizing folders 549
online, defined 584
online safety for children 363
on-screen content, orientation 453
On-Screen Keyboard (Ease Of Access) 482, 584
On The Go information-tracking options (Cortana) 324
opaque/transparent UI elements, switching between 65
operating systems, defined 584
optical character recognition, language-specific features 434
Optimize Drives, defined 584
option buttons, defined 584
Options button, touchscreen tile management 94
options, defined 584
desktop shortcuts 98, 101
Favorites list 349
orientation, on-screen content 453
original equipment manufacturer (OEM), defined 584
Packages information-tracking options (Cortana) 324
page name (website addresses) 361
panoramic images, themes 78
parallel ports 216, 584
partitions, defined 584password hints, defined 584
Password Protected Sharing settings, network security profiles 271
password reset disks, defined 584
defined 584
homegroups 285–286
local accounts 408
Microsoft accounts 409
picture 410, 415
saving and managing (Microsoft Edge) 357
synchronizing 416
system power settings 465
user accounts 388, 405
pasting items from Clipboard 201
paths, defined 584
pattern screen saver 70
Peek function, turning on/off 114
peer-to-peer networks, defined 584
People bar 16, 113, 130
peripheral devices 215
adding/removing 220
audio 228
defined 584
displaying desktop on multiple screens 222
installing 217
internal/external 216
keyboard management 242
locating device information 219
mice 236
printers 245
terminology 216
permission levels, sharing files 292
permissionsdialog box 301
overview 380
revoking administrative permissions 402
user accounts 382, 401
personal files and folders 156–157, 585
personal identification number (PIN) 410
changing 413
creating 412, 414
defined 585
personal information, removing 207, 209
personalization settings 29
phishing 364, 585
as desktop backgrounds 57
Microsoft accounts 407
user accounts 404
Pick Up Where I Left Off information-tracking options (Cortana) 324
picture passwords 410, 415, 585
as desktop backgrounds 57
Microsoft accounts 407
user accounts 388, 404
Pictures library 158
PID, defined 586
PIN (personal identification number) 410
changing 413
creating 412
defined 585
pinching (touchscreen interaction) 575
pinned taskbar buttons, defined 585
pinned tiles
colors 62
displaying 52moving on Start menu 106–107
resizing on Start menu 107
apps to desktop 97
apps to Start screen 93
apps to taskbar 94
contacts to People bar 130
defined 585
folders to the Quick Access list 165
Hub to browser (Microsoft Edge) 348
items to jump lists 97
webpages to Start menu 350
piracy, defined 588
defined 585
screen resolution and 449–450
playback devices
managing settings 232
switching between 231
plug-and-play devices 217, 247, 585
.jpg (Portable Network Graphic), defined 585
pointers (mice) 239–240, 585
pointing devices, defined 585
pointing (mouse), defined 585
pop-up windows
blocking 365, 366
clearing granted exceptions 366
defined 585
Portable Network Graphic (.jpg), defined 585
ports 216, 585
Power button, defined 585
power options
Battery Saver feature 468configuring 461
editing advanced settings 466
management settings 462
password requirements 465
resetting plan to defaults 468
shutdown settings and triggers 465
power plans
built-in 461, 463
creating custom 466
deleting custom 469
modifying 463
Power Saver power plan 461
practice files, downloading xvii
preventing changes to taskbar 112
Preview pane (File Explorer) 162, 166
defined 585
displaying/hiding 176
previewing open webpages (Microsoft Edge) 338
prices, Store apps 137
primary displays 223, 226–227, 585
printer sharing 250
printer drivers, defined 579
printer ports, parallel 216
printers 245
displaying status 250
local printers, installing 247
managing settings 251
network printers 246
plug-and-play printers 247
virtual printers 252
Printers & Scanners settings 246
printing webpages 350
privacy, browsers 367privacy settings 31
advertising ID 532
categories 531
configuring 531
Cortana 533
managing 534
private networks 273–274
defined 585
homegroups and 281, 289
identifying resource-intensive 515
startup, managing 516
product icons, defined 581
product keys, defined 586
productivity apps 129
profiles, users 381
Program Files folder 156
progress bars, defined 586
Project action button 492
adding/removing/rearranging 179
defined 586
files and folders 205–207
Recycle Bin 204
removing 208
protocol (website addresses) 360
PS/2 keyboard ports 216
Public Desktop folder 12
Public Folder Sharing settings, network security profiles 271
Public folders 157
defined 586
preventing access to 294
sharing 292public networks 272–274
defined 586
homegroups and 289
sharing Public folders on 293
purchased apps/games 143–144
putting computer to sleep 41–42
Quick Access list 185
Quick Access node (File Explorer) 160
Quick Action buttons 490–491
Quick Assist 134
Quick Link menu 13
defined 586
displaying 34
Quiet Hours 148
Quiet Hours action button 492
RAM (random access memory), defined 586
Read permission 292
reading articles, Microsoft Edge Reading list 349
Reading list 341, 344, 348–349
Reading view (Microsoft Edge) 336
configuring 362
switching to/from display of 339
Read-only attribute 205
Read/Write permission 292
ReadyBoost 218, 591
rearranging properties, Details view 179
rebuilding search index 502
recently added apps, displaying on Start menu 55
recently added apps (Start menu) 24, 54Recently Opened Items setting 55
reconnecting computers to homegroup 288
recording devices, switching between 233
recovering from system problems 534
recovery discs, booting from 563
recovery drives
bootable USB 557, 561
booting from 563
creating 558
Recycle Bin 11
bypassing 202
defined 586
restoring items from 202–203
size 204
turning off deletion confirmation 203
Recycle Bin Tools group (tool tabs) 169
refining File Explorer searches 187
refreshing webpages 339
refreshing your computer 539
refreshing your PC, defined 586
Region & Language settings 435–436
regional settings 433
copying to Windows system screens 442
date and time formats 441
registration keys, defined 586
registries, defined 586
reinstalling Store apps 141
relative paths, defined 586
relative position of displays, adjusting 227
reminders, Cortana 326
Remote Desktop Connection, defined 586
remote printers, defined 586
removable media, defined 586removable storage devices 162
app shortcuts 93, 96, 101
computers from homegroup 288
file properties 207
folders, libraries 175
folders, Start menu 54
personal information 207, 209
properties, Details view 179
system languages 440
themes 82
toolbars from taskbar 117
webpages from Reading list 349
computer 290
folders and files 194–195
Start menu tile groups 108
Repeat Delay settings, keyboard 244
Repeat Rate settings, keyboard 244
reporting errors xix
reporting unsafe websites to Microsoft 365
resetting network adapters 280
resetting your computer
but keeping files/apps 539
completely 541
defined 586
columns, Details view 180
Start menu 52
tiles on Start menu 107
windows 35–36
resolution, defined 587
resources, homegroups 288, 295restarting a computer 41, 43
configuring restart notifications 530
specifying timeframe 530
Restore button 35
restore, defined 589
restore points
creating 536–537
defined 535, 586
displaying all 537
reverting to 538
cascaded, stacked, or side-by-side windows 40
computer functionality 534
folders and files 202–203
from system images 557, 561
minimized windows 37
tab sets (Microsoft Edge) 346
to restore points 536
windows 36
restoring down windows, defined 586
restoring folders and files 202
restricting user accounts 402
reverting to clean installation of Windows 10 542
revoking administrative permissions 402
ribbon command interface (File Explorer) 162
ribbon, defined 587
Ribbon screen saver 70
ribbon tabs 163
right-clicking, defined 587
right-dragging, defined 587
rolling back updates 526
roots, defined 587
routers, defined 583Run As Administrator command, desktop apps 128
desktop apps as an administrator 128
HomeGroup troubleshooter 289
Troubleshooters 280
safeguards, user profiles 381
SafeSearch (Bing), configuring settings 497
safety settings, Microsoft Family Safety 390
saved information, deleting (Microsoft Edge) 358
Saved Pictures library 158
customized themes 80
information (web browsers) 340
Microsoft Edge passwords and form entries 357
searches 187
webpages to Reading list 344
screen brightness 458
screen resolution 449–451
aspect ratio 451
defined 587
screen savers 70–71, 587
ScreenTips, defined 587
scroll action gesture 576
scroll bars, defined 587
scrolling app list to specific app letter 127
search box 14, 18
search engines, changing default 355
search index 498
changing advanced indexing options 501
changing indexed locations 501
rebuilding 502search providers, defined 587
search terms, defined 587
searches 495
Bing content filters 497
defined 587
filtering results 497, 500
in File Explorer 498
in Microsoft Edge 340
saving 187
specifying file type 497
storage locations 495
web 495
for apps in Store 136
with Cortana 496
files and folders 186
Recycle Bin contents 202
with taskbar search box 496
secondary clocks, displaying 433
secondary displays 223, 227, 587
blocking pop-up windows 365–366
browsers, configuring settings 363
browsing privacy 367
configuring network connections 270
Family Safety 390
SmartScreen Filter 364
user profile safeguards 381
wireless networks 276
security profile settings 277
security settings 31
selecting folders/files 199–200
services preventing automatic startup 517sessions (computing)
ending 41
starting 5
Set Default Programs window 505
Set Defaults By App pane 508
Set Up Your Mic wizard 446
accent colors, desktop background 63
default apps 502
desktop background color 61–62
desktop background image 58
File Explorer search options 500
home page (Microsoft Edge) 352
Microsoft account pictures 407
mouse button/wheel options 236
size of desktop icons 101
user account pictures 406–407
setting aside tab sets (Microsoft Edge) 346
setting up audio devices 228
accessibility 30
accessibility features 470
accessing in Control Panel 33
account 30
apps 30
browser security 363
configuring in Settings window 32
configuring synchronization 417
Control Panel 32
Cortana 30
desktop background and color 56
device displays 448
devices 29displaying categories of 34
displaying for specific features 34
gaming 30
Lock screen 65
Microsoft Edge 351
network & internet 29
network security profiles 271
personalization 29
power 461
printers 251
privacy 31
regional and language 433
security 31
Settings window 26–28
speech 443
Store (Windows Store) 138
synchronizing 416
system 29
time & language 30
updates 31
user accounts 400
Xbox 30
Settings And More menu (Microsoft Edge)
displaying 337, 352
managing settings 351
Settings window 26–28
Background pane 58
Colors pane 63
configurable features 28
configuring settings in 32
Date & Time pane 426
Devices page 219
displaying network connection info in 269Display pane 224
Family & Other People pane 388
Notifications & Actions pane 146
opening 33, 221
Region & Language pane 435
Settings window (Store) 139
Share pane (Microsoft Edge) 340
Share tab (File Explorer) 165
shared components, defined 587
shared drives, defined 587
shared folders, defined 587
shared homegroup resources 295
shared printers, defined 587
shared resources, making available to others 298
files, defined 587
information (web browsers) 340
network files 289, 292
printers 250
webpages 344
sharing drives 299
sharing files
in homegroups 293
with other network users 294
sharing folders 293, 297
stopping 298
through homegroup 296
Shopping information-tracking options (Cortana) 324
shortcut menus 13
defined 587
taskbar 111
apps 92arranging on taskbar 95
creating for currently running app 95
creating on desktop 100
creating on Start menu 93
creating on taskbar 95
defined 587
desktop 12, 97
keyboard 569
moving on taskbar 96
organizing on desktop 98, 101
overview 102
pinning to taskbar 94
removing from desktop 101
removing from Start screen 93
Start menu 92
taskbar 15
showing hidden items (File Explorer) 167
showing the desktop on only one display 223
shutting down
action triggers 465
computer 41–42
configuring settings 465
defined 588
side-by-side windows, restoring 40
signing in 9, 588
signing out 41–42, 588
options, user accounts 410
single sign-on (SSO) accounts, defined 588
Recycle Bin 204
Start menu 51
user interface elements 452
sizing desktop icons 101Skills menu (Cortana Notebook) 316
Sleep mode 41–42
defined 588
waking computer from 43
as desktop background 57
on Lock screen 68, 72
sliding (touchscreen interaction) 575
smart device hubs, connecting 320
smartphone authentication app 564
SmartScreen Filter 364
defined 588
turning on/off 365
defined 588
windows 38, 40
Snipping Tool 134, 588
defined 588
displaying information 222
piracy, defined 588
solid colors, as desktop background 57
solid-state drives (SSDs) 218
files 182
folder content 180, 181
sound cards, defined 588
Sound Recorder, defined 588
spam, defined 588
spanning images (desktop background) 58
speaker icon on webpage tab 337
Special Days information-tracking options (Cortana) 324
specifying default apps 502by category 503, 508
by file type 504, 506
by protocol 504, 508
opening a file 505
Set Default Programs window 505
Set Defaults By App pane 508
speech recognition
defined 588
displaying tools 447
language-specific features 434
Speech Recognition feature 482
Speech Recognition feature 230
Speech Recognition page (Control Panel) 444
Speech Recognition window 233
speech settings 443
configuring voice recognition 445
displaying Speech pane 445
turning off services and typing suggestions 448
displaying for network connection 269
text-to-speech 447
language-specific features 434
text input feature 242
Sports app 133
Sports information-tracking options (Cortana) 324
spyware, defined 588
SSDs (solid-state drives) 218
SSO (single sign-on) accounts, defined 588
stacked windows, restoring 40
standard libraries 158
standard power-management plans 463
Standard User accounts 380, 382, 588standard Windows notification icons 16
Start menu 13, 22
adding tiles to tile group 107
app list options 54
applying accent color to 64
changing size 51
changing to full-size screen 23
colors 62
configuring 50
creating/naming tile groups on 108
creating shortcuts on 93
customizing tiles on 104
default 50
defined 588
displaying 25
displaying contextual app lists 55
displaying/hiding jump lists 55
folder list options 53
folders, adding/removing 54
hiding the app list 55
jump lists 24–25
Live Tiles 93
Most Used section 24
moving tile groups on 109
moving tiles on 106
Recently Added section 24
removing app shortcuts from 93
renaming tile groups on 108
resizing 52
resizing tiles on 107
scrolling 52
shortcuts 92
tile folders 105, 109tile management 103
tile sizes 92, 103
user account information 23
Start screen 23, 588
apps 124, 128
computing sessions 5
File Explorer 170
InPrivate browsing sessions 368
Microsoft Edge 337
second instance of app 128
Store apps 138
Task Manager 515
startup apps, management 127, 516
Sticky Keys tool 483
Sticky Notes app 134
storage locations, searches 495
Store apps
automatic updates 144
defined 124
installation 135
Store (Windows Store) 124
accessing 136
account menu 139
app details 138
applying theme from 81
apps, uninstalling/reinstalling 141, 145
defined 591
managing accounts and settings 138
Microsoft account info and 139
searching for apps in 136
settings 139
shopping 136starting 138
storing files on OneDrive 545
stretching images (desktop background) 58
stretching (touchscreen interaction) 575
subdomains (website addresses) 361
subfolders 157, 588
supplemental font features
displaying 439
installing 434
support, for Microsoft software and hardware xix
support, for this book xix
surfing the web, defined 588
swiping (touchscreen interaction) 575
switching site display from Microsoft Edge to Internet Explorer 369
switching user accounts 23–25
switching views (Task Manager) 515
synchronized files, displaying on connected computers 546
date and time settings 428
files, defined 588
OneDrive folders to computers 549
settings 416
system cache, defined 589
system drives, defined 589
system failure, booting from recovery drives 557
system files, updating 524
system folders, defined 589
system icons, configuring 102
system images
creating backups 557–558
periodic 557
restoring from 557, 561
System Information window 221system languages 436, 440
system notifications, limiting 149
system, recovering from problems 534
system repair disc 560
System Restore, defined 589
system restore points 535
creating 537
reverting to 538
system settings 29
system tasks, monitoring 512
tab sets (Microsoft Edge) 346
tabbed browsing, defined 589
Tablet Mode action button 493
defined 589
Microsoft Edge 354
moving between webpages visited on tabs 339
opening in Microsoft Edge 337
ribbon 163
tool 167–168
tags, defined 589
tapping (touchscreen interaction) 575, 589
task management 489
configuring Quick Action buttons 490–491
Cortana 307–308
searches 495
specifying default apps 502
Task Manager 512
virtual desktops 509
Task Manager 512
defined 589managing startup processes 516
quitting app/service from 515
starting 515
task panes, defined 589
Task View 15–16, 18
displaying desktops 510
hiding/displaying button for 113
managing windows 18
taskbar 12
app jump lists 96
applying accent color to 64
changing appearance of 109
changing behavior of 113
colors 62
Cortana 20
creating shortcuts on 95
customizing 109–110
date and time information 424
defined 589
displaying app-management icons 18
displaying app window thumbnails 18
displaying Favorites bar below 349
displaying/hiding Action Center icon 495
displaying/hiding jump lists 55
displaying/managing toolbars 115
displaying notifications 19
effects of moving 110
height 113
hiding 114
managing notifications in the Action Center 19
moving 113
notification area 16
Peek, turning on/off 114pinning contacts to 16
pinning items to jump lists 97
pinning shortcuts to 94
preventing/allowing changes to 112
Quick Link menu 13
removing app shortcuts from 96
search box 14, 589
searching for content 18
shortcut menu, displaying 111
specifying position of on multiple displays 228
Start button 13
switching among apps 96
Task View 15
time and date settings 17
taskbar buttons
arranging 95
colors 62
combining/separating 114
defined 589
displaying/hiding 15, 113
moving 96
small buttons 113
Taskbar pane 112
taskbar shortcut menu 111
taskbar toolbars 115
Address 115
custom 116–117
Desktop 115
displaying/hiding 116–117
Links 115
removing 117
taskbar keyboard shortcuts 574
text input 242–243text prediction, language-specific features 434
text screen saver 70
changing voice and speed 447
language-specific features 434
Narrator tool 470
theme elements, modifying 80
themes 75
applying 80–82
built-in 76
customizing 78
decorative 75–76
defined 589
displaying installed 80
high contrast 75
modifying elements of 80
on Windows website 77
panoramic backgrounds 78
removing 82
reverting to regular contrast 475
saving customized themes 80
synchronizing 416
third-party apps 124
This PC node (File Explorer) 160–162
thumbnails, displaying 18
tile folders
creating 109
defined 589
tile groups
adding tiles to 107
managing 108
moving on Start menu 109
renaming 108tiles
adding to tile groups 107
colors 62
configuration 103
defined 589
displaying/hiding live content 93
displaying pinned 52
folders 105, 109
live, content sources 104
live (Start menu) 93
sizes 92, 103
Start menu, managing 104, 106, 107
touchscreen management 94
tiling images (desktop background) 58
time servers 424, 428
time settings 17, 30
time zones 424–425, 429
tips, displaying on Lock screen 73
title bars
applying accent colors to 64
colors 62
defined 589
TLDs (top-level domains) 360
toast popups 123
Toggle Keys tool 483
tool tabs 167–168, 589
Address (taskbar) 115
custom (taskbar) 116
defined 589
Desktop (taskbar) 115
displaying/hiding item names (taskbar) 117
displaying/hiding name (taskbar) 117Links (taskbar) 115
Microsoft Edge 335
removing from taskbar 117
taskbar 115
top-level domains (TLDs) 360
touch keyboard 242, 435
touchpad button, displaying in notification area 113
tile management 94
tips 575
transparent/opaque UI elements, switching between 65
travel information-tracking options (Cortana) 324
browsing issues 368
displaying tools for 280
Homegroup troubleshooter 289
network connections 277–278
Speech troubleshooter 445
troubleshooter apps 280
using recovery drives 558
two-factor authentication 564
typing, text input feature 242
UAC (User Account Control) 384
changing settings 385
defined 590
levels of control 385
UI (user interface), defined 590
ungrouping folder content 182
Uniform Resource Locator (URL), defined 590
uninstalling Store apps 141, 145
uninstalling updates 526Universal Serial Bus (USB), defined 590
Universal Windows apps, defined 590
apps from Start screen 93
app shortcuts from taskbar 96
unread messages, displaying 19
unsafe websites, reporting to Microsoft 365
update history, displaying 525
update settings 31
caching 528
checking for 525
configuring 527, 529
configuring restart notifications 530
displaying settings 524
installing 525
managing 144
specifying restart timeframe 530
system files 524
timing installation 528
turning off automatic app updates 144
uninstalling 526
upgrading 590
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), defined 590
USB-connected microphones 229
USB flash drives 218, 590
USB hubs, defined 590
USB ports 216, 590
USB recovery drives 561
USB (Universal Serial Bus), defined 590
User Account Control (UAC) 384
changing settings 385
defined 590levels of control 385
user account menu 23
user accounts See also accounts
adding passwords 408
Administrator 382, 400
Adult 381
capturing/setting picture 407
changing display name of family 394
changing passwords 408
Child 381
choosing type of 5
creating 388, 390–391, 396
defined 590
deleting 395, 399, 408
disabling 395, 398
displaying controls 25
enabling disabled accounts 395, 398
family 383
Guest 400
local 6, 380, 397, 403
managing 388
Microsoft 6, 380, 403
names 388, 590
overview 380
passwords 388, 405
permissions 382, 401
pictures 388, 404, 406, 590
properties 388
restricting 402
settings 400
options 410
Standard 380, 382, 588
Start menu settings 23switching 23–25
UAC (User Account Control) 384
user profiles 381
user credentials, defined 578
user interface (UI)
defined 590
elements 452
user profiles 381
Users folder 157
UTC time 424
verbal cues, Cortana and 308
VGA ports 216
video projectors, defined 590
Videos library 158
View tab (File Explorer) 165
views (File Explorer) 177
virtual desktops 15, 509–510, 590
virtual printers 252, 591
virtual systems, defined 590
viruses, defined 591
visual narration options, configuring 482
voice recognition, configuring 445
VPN action button 493
waking computer from Sleep mode 43
Weather information-tracking options (Cortana) 324
web browsers 132
configuring security settings 363
defined 591
managing Microsoft Edge settings 351Microsoft Edge 334
privacy 367
synchronizing settings 416
troubleshooting issues 368
web logs, defined 577
web searches 340, 495
web (World Wide Web), defined 591
web browsers
finding information on 340
webcams, defined 591
webpages (in Microsoft Edge)
annotating 343
displaying 338–339
finding text 342
moving between on tabs 339
pinning to Start screen 350
printing 350
Reading view 339
refreshing 339
removing from Reading list 349
saving to Reading list 344
sharing 344
website addresses, anatomy of 360
defined 591
displaying in Microsoft Edge 335
reporting unsafe to Microsoft 365
websurfing, defined 588
Welcome screen 5, 416, 591
WEP encryption 276
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), defined 591
wheel options, mice 236, 241
WiDi (Wireless Display), defined 583Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), defined 591
wildcard characters, defined 591
window layout (File Explorer) 162
window title bars, colors 62
arranging 37, 40
cascading 38–39
closing 35, 37
defined 591
dragging 39
managing in Task View 18
maximizing 36
minimizing 19, 37
moving 37, 39
resizing 35–36
restoring 36, 37, 40
retrieving hidden 225
snapping to screen 40
Windows 10, reverting to clean installation of 542
Windows Defender 363, 591
Windows display language, changing 440
Windows Firewall, defined 591
Windows folder 158
Windows Hello 410, 564
Windows Insider builds 528
Windows keyboard shortcuts 571
Windows logo key 569
Windows Media Player 133
Windows PowerShell 135
Windows PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment) 135
Windows ReadyBoost, defined 591
Windows Search 186
Windows settings, synchronizing 417Windows Spotlight Lock screen 72
Windows Store See Store (Windows Store)
Windows Update 524
configuring 527
defined 591
settings pane 524
Windows updates
checking for 525
configuring installation options 529
configuring restart notifications 530
displaying history 525
installing 525
specifying restart timeframe 530
timing installation 528
uninstalling 526
window-management buttons 35
Windows To Go, defined 591
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), defined 591
wired networks
connecting to 261
disconnecting from 264
wireless devices 217
Wireless Display (WiDi), defined 583
wireless networks
connecting to 261
disconnecting from 264
security 276
wireless screen extensions 225
wizards, defined 592
WordPad 134
workgroups, defined 592
World Clock page (Alarms & Clock app) 425
World Wide Web (web) 591WPA encryption 276
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), defined 591
Xbox settings 30
XML (Extensible Markup Language), defined 579
XML Paper Specification (XPS) 135, 592
XPS (XML Paper Specification) 135, 592
our Apps page (My Library) 141
Your Games page (My Library) 141
Your Info settings 406
zipped folders, defined 578
zipper, compressed folders 196
zoom gestures 576

 كلمة سر فك الضغط : books-world.net
The Unzip Password : books-world.net
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