كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18962
التقييم : 35392
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019    كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019  Emptyالجمعة 19 مارس 2021, 12:53 am

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019
A Step-by-Step Project Based Approach  Utilizing3D Solid Modeling
David C.Planchard
CSWP & SOLIDWORKS Accredited Educator Introduction Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 5 2019

كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019  S_w_e_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
About the Author
Contact the Author
Note to Instructors
Trademarks, Disclaimer and Copyrighted Material
Table of Contents
Overview of Projects
About the Book
Windows Terminology in SOL[DWORKS
Project 1 - Overview of SOLIDWORKS and the User Interface
Project Objective
Basic concepts in SOLIDWORKS
Start a SOLIDWORKS Session
Activity: Skirt a SOLIDWORKS Session
Welcome dialog box
Home Tab
Recent Tab
Learn Tab
Alerts Tab
SOLIDWORKS User Interface (Ul) and CommandManager
Menu Bar toolbar
Menu Bar menu
Drop-down menu
Create a New Part Document
Novice Mode
Advanced Mode
Graphic Window (Default)
View Default Sketch Planes
Open a Part
Part FeatureManager
FeatureManager Rollback Bar
Heads-up View toolbar
Dynamic Annotation View s
Zoom to Fit
Zoom to Area
Front View
Right View
Top View
Trimetric view
PAGE I - 6Engineering Design with SOL1DWORKS* 2019 Introduction
User Interface fools
Consolidated toolbar
System feedback icons
Confirmation Corner
Heads-up View toolbar
CommandManager ( Default Part tab)
CommandManager ( Default Drawing lab)
CommandManager ( Default Assembly lab)
CommandManager (Float/Fit)
Selection Enhancements
FeatureManager Design free
FealureManager design tree lab
PropertyManager tab
Configuration Manager tab
DimXpertManager tab
DisplayManager tab
CAM lab
Hide Show tab
Sensors tool
Fly-out FealureManager
Task Pane
SOL1DWORKS Resources
Design Library
File Explorer
View Palette
Appearances, Scenes and Decals
Custom Properties
User Interface for Scaling High Resolution Screens
Motion Study tab
3D Views lab
Dynamic Reference Visualization
Mouse Movements
Scroll Wheel
Project 2 - Fundamentals of Part Modeling
Project Objective
Project Situation
Project Overview
File Management
Start a SOLIDWORKS Session
System Options
Part Document Template and Document Properties
PAGE I - 7Introduction Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS* 2019
PLATE Pari Overview
PLATE Parl-New SOL1DWORKS Document
Base Feature
Machined Part
Reference Planes and Orthographic Projection
PLATE Part-Extruded Boss. Base Feature
PLATE Parl-Modify Dimensions and Rename
Display Modes, View Modes, View tools and Appearances
PLATE Part-Extruded Cut Feature
PLATE Part-Fillet Feature
PLATE Part-Hole Wizard Feature
ROD Part Overview
ROD Part-Extruded Boss/Base Feature
ROD Part-Hole Wizard Feature
ROD Part-Chamfer Feature
ROD Part-Extruded Cut Feature & Convert Entities Sketch Tool
ROD Part-View Orientation, Named Views & Viewport option
ROD Part-Copy/Paste Function
ROD Part-Design Changes with Rollback Bar
ROD Part-Recover from Rebuild Errors
ROD Part-Edit Part Appearance
GUIDE Part Overview
GUIDE Part-Extruded Boss/Base Feature and Dynamic Mirror
GUIDE Part-Extruded Cut Slot Profile
GUIDE Part-Mirror Feature
GUIDE Part-Holes
GUIDE Part-Linear Pattern Feature
GUIDE Part-Materials Editor and Mass Properties
Manufacturing Considerations
Sketch Entities and Sketch Tools
Project Summary
Pro ject 3 - Fundamentals of Assembly Modeling
Project Objective
Project Situation
Project Overview
Assembly Modeling Approach
Linear Motion and Rotational Motion
GUIDE-ROD assembly
GUIDE-ROD assembly - Insert Components
FeatureManager Syntax
Mate Types
Standard Males
Advanced Males
Mechanical Males
Quick Male
GUIDE-ROD Assembly - Male the ROD Component
GUIDE-ROD Assembly - Mate the PLATE Component
GUIDE-ROD Assembly - Male Errors
Collision Detection
PAGE I - BEngineering Design with SOL1DWORKS* 2019 Introduction
Modify Component Dimension
SOLIDWORKS Design Library
GUIDE-ROD Assembly - Insert Mates for Flange bolts
Socket Head Cap Screw Part
Coincideni/Concenlrie SmartMate
Tolerance and Fit
Exploded View
Section View
Analyze an Interference Problem
Save As Copy Option
Save as
Save as copy and continue
Save as copy and open
GUIDE-ROD Assembly-Pattern Driven Component Pattern
Linear Component Pattern Feature
Folders and Suppressed Components
Make-Buy Decision-3D ContenlCentral
Copy the CUSTOMER Assembly - Apply Pack and Go
Point at the Center of Mass
Project Summary
Project 4 - Fundamentals of Drawing
Project Objective
Project Situation
Project Overview
Drawing Template and Sheet Format
Sheet Format and Title Block
Company Logo
Save Sheet Format and Save As Drawing Template
GUIDE Parl-Modify
GUIDE Part Drawing
Move Views and Properties of the Sheet
Auxiliary View, Section View and Detail View
Auxiliary View
Section View
Detail View
Partial Auxiliary Drawing View - Crop Drawing View
Display Modes and Performance
Detail Drawing
Move Dimensions in the Same View
Move Dimensions to a Different View
Dimension Holes and the Hole Callout
Center Marks and Centerlines
Modify the Dimension Scheme
GUIDE Part-Insert an Additional Feature
General Notes and Parametric Notes
Revision Table
Part Number and Document Properties
PAGE I - 9Introduction Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS* 2019
Exploded View
Bill of Materials
Insert a Center of Mass Point into a draw ing
Project Summary
Project 5 - Extrude and Revolve Features
Project Objective
Project Overview
Design tntenl
Project Situation
Part Template
BATTERY Part - Extruded Boss Base f eature
BATTERY Part - Fillet f eature Edge
BATTERY Part - Extruded Cut Feature
BATTERY Part - Fillet f eature
BATTERY Part - Extruded Boss Boss Feature
Injection Molded Process
Save As, Delete, Edit Feature and Modify
BATTERYPLATE Part - Extruded Boss/Base Feature
BATTERY PLATE Part - Fillet features: Full Round and Multiple Radius Options
Multi-body Parts and the Extruded Boss/Base Feature
LENS Part-Revolved Base Feature
LENS Part-Shell Feature
Extruded Boss/Base Feature and Convert Entities Sketch tool
LENS Part-Hole Wizard
LENS Pari - Revolved Boss Thin Feature
LENS Part - Extruded Boss/Boss Feature and Offset Entities
LENS Part - Extruded Boss. Boss Feature and Transparency
BULB Part - Revolved Base Feature
BULB Part - Revolved Boss Feature and Spline Sketch tool
BULB Part - Revolved Cut Thin Feature
BULB Part - Dome Feature
BULB Part - Circular Pattern Feature
Customizing Toolbars and Short Cut Keys
Design Checklist and Goals before Plastic Manufacturing
Mold Base
Applying SOLIDWORKS Features for Mold Tooling Design
Manufacturing Design Issues
Project Summary
Project 6 - Swept, Lofted and Additional Features
Project Objective
Project Overview
Project Situation
PAGE 1 - 1 0Engineering Design with SOL1DWORKS* 2019 Introduction
O-RING Pari - Swepl Base Feature 6-7
O-RING Part - Design Table
SWITCH Pari - Lofled Base Feature
SWITCH Pari - Dome Feature
Four Major Categories of Solid Features
LENSCAP Part - Extruded Boss/Base, Extruded Cut and Shell Features
LENSCAP Part - Revolved Thin Cut Feature
LENSCAP Part - Thread, Swepl Feature and Flelix/Spiral Curve
HOUSING Part - Lofled Boss Feature
HOUSING Part - Second Extruded Boss/Base Feature
HOUSING Part - Shell Feature
HOUSING Part - Third Extruded Boss/Base Feature
HOUSING Part - DraA Feature
HOUSING Part - Thread with Swept Feature
HOUSING Part - Handle with Swept Feature
HOUSING Part - Extruded Cut Feature with Up To Surface
HOUSING Pari - First Rib and Linear Pattern Feature
HOUSING Part - Second Rib Feature
HOUSING Part - Mirror Feature
Assembly Template
LENSANDBULB Sub-assembly
CAPANDLENS Sub-assembly
Addressing Interference Issues
Export Files and eDrawings
Project Summary
Project 7 - Top-Down Assembly Modeling and Sheet Metal
Project Objective
Project Situation
Top-Down Assembly Modeling
BOX Assembly Overview
InPlace Mates and In-Context features
Part Template and Assembly Template
Box Assembly and Layout Sketch
Global Variables and Equations
MOTHERBOARD - Insert Component
POWERSUPPLY - Insert Component
Sheet Metal Overview
CABINET - Insert Component
CABINET - Rip Feature and Sheet Metal Bends
CABINET - Edge Flange
CABINET - Hole Wizard and Linear Pattern Features
CABINET - Sheelmetal Design Library Feature
PAGE I - 11Introduction Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS* 2019
CABINET - Louver Forming too]
Manufacturing Considerations
Additional Pattern Options
CABINET - Formed and Flat States
CABINET - Sheet Metal Drawing with Configurations
PEM Fasteners and IGES Components
Pattern Driven Component Pattern
MOTHERBOARD - Assembly Hole Feature
Assembly FeatureManager and External References
Replace Components
Design Tables
BRACKET Part - Sheet Metal Features
BRACKET Part - In-Context Features
BRACKET Part - Edge, Tab, Break Corner and Miter Flange Features
BRACKET Part - Mirror Component
MirrorBRACKET Part - Bends, Fold, Unfold and Jog Features
Project Summary
Project 8 - SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Project Objective
Basic FEA Concepts
Simulation Advisor
Simulation Help & Tutorials
Linear Static Analysis
Sequence of Calculations in General
Stress Calculations in General
Overview of Yield or Inflection Point in a Stress-Strain curve
Material Properties in General
Connections in General
Restraint Types
Loads and Restraints in General
Meshing in General
Meshing Types
Simulation Meshing Tips
Running the Study
Displacement Plot - Output of Linear Static Analysis
Adaptive Methods for Static Studies
Sample Exam Questions
FEA Modeling Section
Tutorial: FEA Model 8-1
Tutorial: FEA Model 8-2
Tutorial: FEA Model 8-3
Tutorial: FEA Model 8-4 Part 1
Tutorial: FEA Model 8-4 Part 2
Tutorial: FEA Model 8-4 Part 3
PAGE 1 - 1 2Engineering Design with SOL1DWORKS* 2019 Introduction
Project 9 - Intelligent Modeling Techniques
Project Objective
Design Intent
Fully Defined Sketch tool
Dimension Driven Equations
Equation Driven Curve
Explicit Equation Driven Curve
Parametric Equation Driven Curve
Curve Through XYZ Points
Projected Composite Curves
Feature - End Conditions
Along A Vector
FeatureXpert (Constant Radius)
Bodies to mirror
Conic Sections and Planes
Assembly Visualization
SOLIDWORK.S Sustainability - Assembly
Project Summary
Pro ject 10 - Additive Manufacturing - 3D Printing
Project Objective
Additive vs. Subtractive Manufacturing
3D Printer Technology
Fused Filament Fabrication (EFF)
Stereolithography (SLA )
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Select the Correct Filament Material for FEE
PLA (Polylactic Acid )
Flex/Soft PLA
PLA Storage 10-13
PLA Part Accuracy
ABS (Acrylonilrile-Butadiene-Styrene)
ABS Storage
ABS Part Accuracy
Nylon 10-15
Nylon 618
Nylon 645
Nylon Storage
Nylon Accuracy
PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol}
PAGE I - 13Introduction Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 11 2019
STereoLithography (*.stl ) file
Save an STL (*sll ) file
Additive Manufacturing (*amf ) file
Save an Additive Manufacturing (*amf) file
3D Manufacturing Format {*.3mf) file
Save a 3D Manufacturing Format (*.3mf) file
Whal is a Slicer?
How does a Slicer Work?
Slicer Parameters
Layer Height
Shell (Wall) Thickness
Infill Density/Overlap
Infill Patterns
Print Speed
Support Types
Touching Buildplale
Bed Platform Adhesion
Part Orientation
Example l
Example 2
Optimize Print Direction
Thin Region
Area of Overhang
Amount of needed Support
Remove Model from the Build Plate
Non-heated Build Plate
Healed Build Plale
Know the Printer’s Limitations
Tolerance for Interlocking Parts
General Printing Tips
Reduce Infill/Overlap
Control Build Area Temperature
Add Pads
Safe Zone Rule
First Layer Not Sticking
Level Build Platform
Minimize Internal Support
Design a Water Tight Mesh
In General
Print Directly from SOLIDWORKS
SOLIDWORKS Additive Manufacturing Certification (CSWA-AM)
Project 11 - Introduction to the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) Exam 11- 1
Project Objective 11-3
PAGE 1 - 1 4Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS* 2019 Introduction
Part 1 of the Exam
Basic Part Creation and Modification, Intermediate Part Creation and Modification
Assembly Creation and Modification
Part 2 of the Exam
Introduction and Drafting Competencies
Advanced Part Creation and Modification
Assembly Creation and Modification
Intended Audience
During the Exam
Drafting Competencies
Example l
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Basic Part Creation and Modification. Intermediate Part Creation and Modification
Example l
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 6A
Example 6B
Advanced Part Creation and Modification
Example l
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 6A
Assembly Creation and Modification
Example l
1 MO
SOLIDWORKS Keyboard Shortcuts
Modeling - Best Practices
Helpful On-Line information
SOLIDWORKS Document types
Chapter 8: Answer key
(Tilossnry G-\
Index 1-1
PAGE I - 15Index
.drwdoi 4-19
.pirtdot, 2-11
.slddrw, 4-25
.sldprt, 2-15
3D Printing, 10-1
3 Point Arc Sketch tool, 5-44
3D ContentCentral, 1-30, 3-67
4MMCAPSCREW Part, 3-39
99-FBM8, 4-61
ANSI - MMGS Assembly Template, 6-65
Appearance Callout tool , 7-27
Appearance, 1-29, 2-65
Appearances Command, 2-65; 5-55
Arc Condition - Drawing, 4-52
ASM-MM-ISO Assembly Template, 6-66
Assembly - Fixed Component, 3-9
Assembly - Float Component, 3-9
Assembly FeatureManager Syntax, 3-13
Assembly Modeling Approach, 3-5
Assembly Template, 6-65
Assembly Tools
Collision Detection, 3-29
Exploded View, 3-51
Pattern Driven Component, 3-62
Insert Component, 3-11, 3-71
Mate, 3-17, 3-18, 3-19
Rotate Component, 3-23, 3-32
View Mates, 3-28
Assembly Visualization, 9-32
Auto Balloon Annotation tool, 4-69
Auxiliary View - Drawing, 4-29, 4-30
ABS, 10-19
Add Derived Configuration, 7-63
Add Dimension, 2-38, 2-39, 2-44
Add File Location - Design Library, 3-32
Add Ins, 8-5
Additive Manufacturing, 10-1
Add Revision - Drawing, 4-60
Advanced Mate, 3-17
Angle Mate, 3-18, 3-88
Distance Mate, 3-17, 3-83
Mate Alignment option, 3-17
Linear/Linear Coupler Mate, 3-17
Path Mate, 3-17
Symmetric Mate, 3-17
Width Mate, 3-17
Advanced Mode - New Document, 1-10
Along A Vector, 9-26
Angle mate, 3-17, 3-88
Angular Dimension, 2-71, 5-29
ANGULAR Tolerance
, 4-16
Animate Exploded View, 3-54
Animation - eDrawing, 6-82
Animation Controller, 3-55
Annotation tools, 4-48
Balloons, 4-69
Bill of Materials, 4-71
Center Mark, 4-48
Centerline, 4-48
Insert Magnetic line, 4-70
Note, 4-57
Annotations - Drawing, 4-10
Annotations folder, 7-32
ANSI - Drafting Standard, 2-10, 2-11
ANSI - IPS Assembly Template, 6-65
Landscape size Drawing Template, 4-5
Balloon - Drawing, 4-69
, 4-19, 4-23, 4-68
Basic FEA Concepts, 8-1
Base Feature, 2-14, 2-16, 2-29
Base Sketch, 2-16, 2-17, 2-22
BATTERYANDPLATE Sub-assembly, 6-69
Insert BATTERY Part, 6-69
Insert BATTERYPLATE Part, 6-70
BATTERY Part, 5-15
Extruded Base Feature, 5-19
Extruded Boss Feature, 5-26
Extruded Cut Feature, 5-23, 5-24
Fillet Feature, 5-21
Measure Tool, 5-30
Second Fillet Feature, 5-25
Extruded Boss Feature, 5-36
Fillet feature, 5-37
Offset Entities, 5-36
INDEX - 1Index
Save As Command, 5-34
Bends PropertyManager, 7-101
Bill of Materials - Drawing, 4-71
Binary .stl file, 10-17
Binder Clip Assembly, 3-84
Blind-End Condition, 2-29, 2-56 , 6-22
Boss-Extrude PropertyManager, 2-29, 5-19
Bottom-up Assembly Modeling, 3-5, 3-6
BOX Assembly Overview, 7-8, 7-13
Box-Select, 2-54
BRACKET Part, 7-89
Base Flange/Tab Feature, 7-90
Edge Flange Feature, 7-93
Extruded Cut Feature, 7-92
In-Context Feature, 7-91
Mirror Component Feature, 7-98, 7-100
Miter Flange Feature, 7-95
BULB Part, 5-56
Circular Pattern Feature, 5-64, 5-67
Dome Feature, 5-63
Extruded Cut Feature, 5-66
Revolved Base Feature, 5-59, 5-60
Revolved Cut Thin Feature, 5-61
Spline Feature, 5-61
Insert ORING Part, 6-72
Center of Mass (COM), 3-77
Center Mark Drawing tool, 4^t8
Center Mark PropertyManager, 4-48, 4-49
Center Rectangle Sketch tool, 5-18, 6-15
Centerline Drawing tool, 4-48
Centerline Sketch tool
, 2-70, 3-39
Centerpoint Arc Sketch tool, 5-51
Chamfer Feature, 2-51, 2-52, 3-42
Angle distance, 2-51
Distance distance, 2-51
Vertex, 2-51
Chamfer PropertyManager, 2-52, 3-43
Circle Sketch tool, 2-36, 2-77
Circular Pattern Feature, 5-64, 5-67
C-Landscape, 7-65
Clear All Filters Command, 3-25, 3-26, 6-68
Clearance Fit, 3-48
Close All Command, 2-12, 3-8
Close Profile, 4-33
Closed Contour, 7-69, 7-98
Coincident Mate, 3-16 , 3-25
Coincident Relation, 2-49, 2-54
Coincident SmartMate, 3-44
Coincident/Concentric SmartMate, 3-45
Collinear Relation
, 4-34
Collision Detection tool, 3-29
Color tool
, 2-65t 7-27
Color, 2-65
CommandManager, 1-22
Assembly Document, 1-24
Custom tab, 1-23
Dock above, 1-25
Dock left, 1-25
Dock right, 1-25
Drawing Document, 1-23
Part Document, 1-22
Component Properties, 3-15
Fixed sign, 3-15
Minus sign, 3-15
None, 3-15
Plus sign, 3-15
Question Mark, 3-15
Component State, 3-14
Hidden, 3-14
Lightweight, 3-14
Out-of-Date Lightweight, 3-14
Rebuild, 3-14
Resolved Assembly, 3-14
Resolved part, 3-14
CABINET Part, 7-37
Additional Pattern Options, 7-60
Edge Flange Feature, 7-42, 7-44
Extruded Base Feature, 7-39
Extruded Cut Feature, 7-59
Flat State Feature, 7-42, 7-44 , 7-62
Formed state Feature
, 7-62
Fully formed state Feature , 7-42, 7-44
Hem Feature, 7-43
Hole Wizard Feature, 7^45, 7-46
Insert Bends Feature, 7-41
Linear Pattern Feature, 7-45, 7-47
Linear Pattern Sketch
, 7-57
Louver Forming Feature, 7-53
Manufacturing Considerations, 7-54
RIP Feature, 7-40
Sheet Metal Drawing, 7-64
Sheet Metal Library Feature, 7-49
Shell Feature, 7-39
Sketch Driven Pattern Feature, 7-61
Cam Mate, 3-18
CAPANDLENS Sub-assembly, 6-71
Insert LENSANDBULB Assembly, 6-72
Insert LENSCAP Sub-assembly, 6-71
INDEX - 2Index
Smart Component, 3-14
Suppressed, 3-14
Concentric Mate, 3-16, 3-19, 3-25, 6-70
ConfigurationManager tab, 3-54, 6-11
Confirmation Corner, 1-19
Active Sketch, 1-19
Exit Sketch, 1-19
Conic Sections and Planes, 9-31
Consolidated Slot toolbar, 2-73
Convert Entitles Sketch tool, 2-52, 5-48
Copy Command, 2-56, 2-58
Copy/Paste Command, 2-58
Coradial Relation, 2-64
Corner Rectangle Feedback icon, 2-23
Corner Rectangle Sketch tool, 2-23
Cosmetic Thread Feature, 2-100
Counberbore Hole, 5-48
Counterweight Assembly, 3-83
Create a Sketch, 2-22
Crop View Drawing tool 4-33
Ctrl-Tab, 3-10
Curve Through XYZ Points Feature, 9-18
Curves, 9-16, 9-18
Explicit Equation Driven, 9-14
Parametric Equation Driven, 9-16
Projected Composite, 9-21
Through XYZ Points, 9-18
Custom Document Templates, 2-10
Custom Properties - Drawing Template, 4-6
Custom Properties - Drawing, 4-64, 4-65
Custom Property - Drawing, 4-6, 4-14, 4-64
CUSTOM-B, 4-19
CUSTOMER Assembly, 3-5, 3-71
Customize CommandManager, 1-24
Customize FeatureManager, 1-23
Customizing Toolbar, 5-68
Cut-Extrude PropertyManager, 2-30
Cut-Revolve PropertyManager, 5-63, 6-24
Assembly, 5-8
Drawing, 5-8
Feature, 5-7
Part, 5-8
Sketch, 5-6, 9-4
Design Library, 1-29, 1-30, 3-32
3D ContentCentral, 1-30, 2-8
SolidWorks Content, 1-30
Toolbox, 1-30
Design Table, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11
Design Table - Configurations, 6-10, 6-11
Detail Drawing - 4-37
Detail View - Drawing, 4-29, 4-32, 4-37
Dimension - Angular, 2-71, 5-29
Dimension - Dual, 5-14
Dimension - Fillet, 4-55, 4-56
Dimension - Modify, 2-58
Dimension - Radial, 2-74
Dimension Driven by Equations, 9-11
Dimension Feedback icon, 1-18
Dimension, 1-18
Edge, 1-18
Face, 1-18
Vertex, 1-18
Dimension Holes - Drawing, 4-45
Dimension PropertyManager, 2-26
Dimension Text Dialog box, 4-47
Dimension the Sketch, 5-19
Dimetric - View Orientation, 1-20
DimXpert, 9-35
Display Modes - Drawing, 4-35
Display Style, 1-20
Hidden Lines Removed, 1-20
Hidden Lines Visible, 1-20
Shaded With Edges, 1-20
Shaded, 1-20
Wireframe, 1-20
Display Temporary Axes, 2-78
Display/Delete Relations Sketch tool, 2-63
Distance mate
, 3-17, 3-25, 6-74, 6-77
Dock CommandManager, 1-25
Document Properties, 2-10, 3-10, 4-9, 5-11
Dome Feature, 5-63, 6-18
Dome PropertyManager, 5-64, 6-18
Double - View Orientation, 1-20
Draft Analysis - Mold Design, 5-74
Draft Angle Command, 5-29
Draft Feature, 6-41
Draft Option, 6-22
Draft PropertyManager, 6-41
Datum Planes, 2-17, 2-18
d-cutout Feature, 7-49
Deactivate a tool, 2-24
Defeature tool, 3-79
Degrees of Freedom, 3-6, 3-12
Delete a Mate, 3-64
Delete Feature, 5-34
Derived (Pattern) Configuration, 7-63
Design Checklist, 5-70
Design Intent, 2-25, 5-6, 9-4
INDEX - 3Index
Drafting Standard, 2-6, 2-11
DraftXpert PropertyManager, 6-42
DraftXpert, 5-75, 6-41
Drawings, 4-1
Add Revision
, 4-60
ANGULAR Tolerance
, 4-15
Annotations, 4-10
Arc Condition, 4-52
As Phantom lines, 4-35, 4-36
Auto Balloon, 4-69
Auxiliary View, 4-29, 4-30
Center Marks, 4-48
Centerline, 4-48
Custom Properties, 4-14, 4-64
Detail View
, 4-29, 4-32
Detail, 4-37
Dimension Holes, 4-45
Display Modes, 4-35
Edge Properties, 4-27
Exploded View, 4-67
, 4-14
Formatting toolbar, 4-15
Gap, 4-40, 4-41
General Note, 4-56
Hide View Dimension
, 4-43
Hole Callouts, 4-45
Insert Dimension into a View, 4-42
Insert Magnetic Lines, 4-70
Leader Line, 4-40, 4-41
Logo, 4-17
Move Dimension to a Different View, 4-44
Move Dimensions, 4-40, 4-41
Move Views, 4-26, 4-28
Parametric Note, 4-56
Reference Dimension
, 4-53
Revision Table, 4-59
Section View
, 4-29, 4-32
Sheet Format, 4-19
Sheet Scale, 4-68
Show in Exploded State Command, 4-69
System Properties, 4-12
Tangent Edges, 4-36
Title Block
, 4-14
Tolerance Note, 4-15
View Properties, 4-27
Drawing Layers, 4-11
Drawing Mode - Edit Sheet Format, 4-5
Drawing Mode - Edit Sheet, 4-5
Drawing Sheet Format, 4-5
Drawing Template, 4-5, 4-21
Drawing Template - B (ANSI) Landscape, 4-6
Drawing Template - Custom Properties, 4-6
Drawing tool - Auxiliary View, 4-30
Drawing tool - Detail View, 4-32
Drawing tool - Model Items, 4-39
Drawing tool - Model View, 4-24
Drawing tool - Section View, 4-31
DrawnBy Custom Property, 4-63
DrawnDate Custom Property, 4-63
Dual Dimension
, 5-14
Dynamic Mirror Sketch tool, 2-70, 5-65
Edge Feedback icon, 1-18
Edit Component tool, 7-24, 7-91
Edit feature tool, 2-59, 6-19
Edit Material Command, 2-82
Edit Part Color, 2-65
Edit Sheet Format Mode
, 4-5
Edit Sheet Mode, 4-5
Edit Sketch Command
, 2-63
Edit Sketch Plane Sketch tool
, 2-62
Edit Sketch tool, 2-63
eDrawing, 6-82
Animation, 6-83
Save, 6-83, 6-84
End Condition
, 9-23
Blind, 2-29, 6-22, 9-23
Mid Plane, 2-72, 9-24
Offset from Surface, 9-24
Through All, 2-74, 5-66, 9-23
Up To Body, 9-24
Up To Surface, 6-53, 9-24
Up To Vertex, 9-23, 9-26
Equal Relation, 2-37, 5-28
Equation Driven Curve Sketch tool, 9-14
Equations - Dimension by equations, 9-11
Equations, 7-19, 7-82, 9-11
Exit Sketch tool, 2-59
Explicit Equation Driven Curve, 9-14
Explode PropertyManager, 3-52
Exploded View - Drawing, 4-67
Exploded View Assembly tool, 3-52
Export File, 6-82
External References, 7-25, 7-28, 7-78
Extruded Boss/Base Feature, 2-14, 2-16
Extruded Cut Feature, 2-29, 2-35
Face Filter, 3-23
INDEX - 4Index
Feature - Cosmetic Thread, 2-100
Feature - End Condition, 9-23
Feature - Fillet, 4-55
Feature - Rename, 2-49, 2-56
Feature Statistics, 6-18
Feature tools, 2-14
Chamfer, 2-51, 2-52, 3-42
Circular Pattern, 5-64, 5-67
Curve Through XYZ Points, 9-18
Dome, 5-63, 6-18
Edit, 2-59, 5-19
Extruded Boss/Base, 2-29, 5-19
Extruded Cut
, 2-35
* 2-55
Fillet Multiple radius, 5-37, 5-39
Fillet, 2-41, 5-22
Freeform, 6-17
Helix/Spiiral, 6-25, 6-44
Hole Wizard
, 2-50
Linear Component Pattern, 3-64
Linear Pattern 6-56
Lofted Boss/Base, 6-13, 6-16, 6-36, 6-37
Mirror, 6-61, 9-29
Plane, 644, 6-25, 9-21
Revolved Boss/Base, 3-42, 5-46
Revolved Cut, 5-62
Revolved Thin Cut feature, 6-23, 6-25
Rib, 6-55
Shell, 5-46, 6-22, 6-38
Swept Boss/Base, 6-7, 6-29
FeatureManager Design Tree, 143, 1-26
Fly-out, 1-28
New Folder, 3-66
Split, 1-27
FeatureManager tabs, 1-26
ConfigurationManager, 1-26
DimXpertManager, 1-26
DisplayManager, 1-26
PropertyManager, 1-26
FeatureXpert, 5-26, 9-27
FH-M4-25ZI, 7-72
FH-M5-30ZI, 7-72
File - Menu bar menu, 1-8
File Locations - Add Folder, 4-20
File Locations - SOLIDWORKS, 2-9
File Management, 2-6, 2-7
Fillet Feature - Multiple radius, 5-37, 5-39
Fillet feature, 241, 4-55, 5-21, 5-22
Fillet PropertyManager, 2-41, 5-22
FilletXpert, 2-41
FilletXpert PropertyManager, 2-41
Filter icon, 3-23
Finish Custom Property, 4-65, 4-66
Finite Element Analysis tool, 8-2
First Angle Projection, 2-20, 2-21
Fit the Model, 2-31
Fixed Component, 3-9
FLASHLIGHT Assembly, 5-4, 6-64, 6-76
Insert CAPANDLENS, 6-77
Insert HOUSING, 6-75
Insert SWITCH, 6-75
Interference, 6-81
Float CommandManager, 1-25
Float Component, 3-9
Fly-out FeatureManager, 1-28
Freeform feature, 6-17
Front - View Orientation, 2-14
Fully Defined - Sketch State, 2-51, 2-103
Fully Defined Sketch tool, 9-5
Fully Defined Sketch, 2-51, 2-103
Gap - Drawing, 4-40, 441
Gear Mate, 34 8
General Note - Drawing, 4-56
Geometric Pattern box, 2-76
Geometric Relation - Coincident, 2-49, 2-59,
5-49, 6-58
Geometric Relation - Collinear, 4-34
Geometric Relation - Coradial, 2-64
Geometric Relation - Equal, 2-37, 5-28
Geometric Relation - Horizontal 2-38, 3-43
Geometric Relation - Intersection
, 5-52, 5-59
Geometric Relation - Perpendicular, 5-66
Geometric Relation - Tangent, 6-15
Geometric Relation - Vertical, 2-53, 5-51
Geometry Relation - Pierce, 6-7, 6-28, 6-45
Global Variables, 7-17
Graphics Window, 1-11
Grid/Snaps, 1-21
GUIDE Part, 2-67
First Extruded Cut Feature, 2-72
Hole Wizard Feature, 2-77
Interference Problem, 3-59
Linear Pattern Feature, 2-80
Mass Properties, 2-82
Materials Dialog box, 2-83
Mirror Feature, 2-76
Modify, 4-22
Section View, 3-56
INDEX - 5Index
Vertical Relation
, 2-77
GUIDE Drawing, 4-23
Additional Feature, 4-54
Auxiliary View, 4-30, 4-43
Balloons, 4-69
Bill of Materials, 4-71
Center Marks, 4-4B
, 4-48, 4-50
Crop View, 4-33
Custom Properties, 4-14
Detail View
, 4-32, 4-37
Display Modes, 4-35
Document Properties, 4-61
Drawing Template, 4-7
Exploded View, 4-67
General Note, 4-56
Insert Dimensions, 4-39
Insert Drawing Views, 4-24
Layers, 4-11
Logo, 4-17
Modify Dimensions, 4-50
Move Dimension, 4-44
Move Views, 4-26
Parametric Note, 4-56
Part Number, 4-61
Partial Auxiliary View, 4-33
Revision Table, 4-59
Section View
, 4-31
Sheet Format
, 4-12
Sheet Properties, 4-9
GUIDE-ROD Assembly, 3^5, 3-11
Coincident mate, 3-25
Collision Detection, 3-30
Design Library, 3-32
Exploded View, 3-52
Pattern Driven Component, 3-63
First Concentric mate
, 3-19
Insert Component, 3-11, 3-22
Insert Flange Bolt mates, 3-35
Linear Component Pattern, 3-37, 3-62
Mate Errors, 3-27
Mate the PLATE Component, 3-22
Mate the ROD Component, 3-19
Modify Component Dimensions, 3-30
PLATE - Coincident Mate, 3-25
PLATE - Parallel Mate, 3-26
Redefining mates, 3-65
ROD - Parallel Mate, 3-22
Second Concentric Mate, 3-27
Tolerance and Fit, 3^47
Heads-up View toolbar, 1-19
3D Drawing View, 1-21
Apply Scene, 1-21
Display Style, 1-20
Edit Appearance, 1-21
Hide/Show Items, 1-21
Previous View
, 1-19
Rotate View
, 1-21
Section View, 1-20
View Orientation, 1-20
View Setting, 1-21
Zoom to Area, 1-19
Zoom to Fit, 1-19
Helix/Spiral feature, 6-26, 6-44
Helix/Spiral PropertyManager, 6-26, 6-44
Help - Menu bar menu, 1-8, 1-16
Help - SOLIDWORKS, 1-16
Hidden Lines Removed - Display Style, 1-20
Hidden Lines Visible - Display Style, 1-20
Hide Annotations Command, 4-56
Hide Command, 2-48
Hide Component, 3-21
Hide Feature Dimensions Command, 6-18
Hide Plane, 5-44
Hide Reference Geometry, 3-73
Hide View Dimension, 4-43
Hinge Mate, 3-18
Hole Callout - Drawing, 4-45
Hole Specification PropertyManager, 5-50
Hole Wizard - 2D Sketch
, 2-50, 2-51
Hole Wizard - 3D Sketch
, 2-50, 2-51
Hole Wizard feature, 2-50, 2-51, 5-48
HOOK Part, 6-89
Horizontal Dimension, 6-35
Horizontal Relation
, 2-25, 3-43
Horizontal Sketch Relation, 2-38
HOUSING Part, 6-30
Draft feature
, 6-40
Extruded Base feature, 6-32
Extruded Boss feature, 6-37
Extruded Cut feature
, 6-53
First Rib and Linear Pattern feature, 6-54
Handle with Swept feature, 6-47, 6-51
Lofted Boss Feature, 6-33, 6-37
Mirror Feature, 6-60
Second Extruded Boss Feature, 6-37
Second Rib Feature, 6-57
Shell Feature, 6-38
Thread with Swept Feature, 6^42, 6-46
INDEX - 6Index
I - J Revolved Base Feature , 5-43
Revolved Boss Thin Feature, 5-51
Second Extruded Boss/Base Feature, 5-53
Shell Feature, 5-46
Third Extruded Boss/Base Feature, 5-55
Transparent Optical Property, 5-54
LENSANDBULB Sub-assembly, 6-64
Insert LENS Part, 6-66
LENSCAP Part, 6-19
Extruded Base Feature, 6-21
Extruded Cut Feature, 6-22
Helix/Spiral Feature, 6-26
Plane Feature, 6-25
Revolved Feature, 6-23
Revolved Thin Cut Feature, 6-23, 6-24
Shell Feature, 6-22
Swept Boss/Base Feature, 6-29
Limit Mate Assembly, 3-93
Line Properties PropertyManager, 2-25
Line Segments, 2-69
Line Sketch tool, 2-70, 2-71, 5-60
Linear Component Pattern Feature, 3-64
Linear Motion, 3-6
Linear Pattern - Geometry pattern, 7-48
Linear Pattern - Instance, 7-48
Linear Pattern Feature
, 2-80, 6-55
Linear Pattern Sketch tool, 7-58
Linear/Linear Coupler Mate, 3-17
Link to Property Command, 4-64
Locked Reference, 3-15
Lofted Boss/Base Feature, 6-12, 6-16, 6-33
Logo - Drawing, 4-17
IGES Components, 7-70
Image Quality, 7-33
In-Context features, 7-10, 7-24, 7-28, 7-29
Injection Molded Process, 5-32
InPlace Mates, 7-10, 7-24
Insert a Mate, 3-20
Insert Component Assembly tool, 3-9, 3-11,
3-22, 6-66, 7-89
Insert Design Table, 6-9
Insert Dimension into a Drawing View, 4-42
Insert Dimension, 2-26, 2-38
Insert Drawing Views, 4-24, 4-26
Insert magnetic lines, 4-70
lnstant3D feature, 2-32
Intelligent Modeling Techniques, 9-1
Along A Vector, 9-26
Assembly Visualization, 9-32
Curve Through XYZ Points feature, 9-18
DimXpert, 9-35
End Conditions, 9-23
Equations, 9-11
Explicit Equation Driven Curve, 9-14
FeatureXpert, 9-27
Fully Defined Sketch tool, 9-5
MateXpert, 9-35
Parametric Equation Driven Curve, 9-16
Planes, 9-30
SketchXpert, 9-8
Sustainability, 9-34
Symmetry, 9-28
Interference Detection tool, 6-81
Interference fit, 3-48
Interference Issues, 6-81
Interference Problem
; 3-58
Internal Force, 8-5
Intersection Relation, 5-51, 6-48, 6-59
IPS, 2-6, 2-10
ISO - Drafting Standard, 2-10
Magnetic Lines tool, 4-70
Manufacturing Considerations, 2-84
Manufacturing Design Issues, 5-82
Mass Properties tool, 2-82
Mate Alignment Option, 3-17
Mate Assembly tool, 3-19, 3-34, 6-73, 6-79
Mate Error Message, 3-27
Mate Pop-up toolbar, 3-18, 3-20
Mate PropertyManager, 3-16
Mate Types, 3-16
Material Custom Property, 4-65
Material Dialog Box, 2-83
Material Editor, 2-82, 2-83
MateXpert, 9-35
Measure tool, 5-30
Mechanical Mates, 3-18
K - L
K factor, 7-91
Layer - Modify, 4-50
Layer Color, 4-11
Layers toolbar, 4-11
Layout sketch, 7-6, 7-29
Leader line - Drawing, 4-40, 4-41
Left - View Orientation, 1-20
LENS Part, 5-12
Extruded Boss/Base Feature, 5-47
Hole Wizard Feature, 5-48
INDEX - 7Index
Cam Mate, 3-18
Gear Mate, 3-18
Hinge Mate, 3-18
Rack Pinion Mate, 3-18
Screw Mate, 3-18, 3-94
Slot Mate, 3-18, 3-37
Universal Joint Mate, 3-18
Menu bar menu, 1-8
Edit, 1-8
File, 1-8
Help, 1-8
Insert, 1-8
Pin, 1-8
Tools, 1-8
View, 1-8
, 1-8
Menu bar toolbar, 1-7
Open, 1-7
Options, 1-7
, 1-7
Rebuild, 1-7
Save, 1-7
Select, 1-7
Undo, 1-7
MGPM12-1010 Assembly, 3-69, 3-71
Mid Plane End Condition
, 2-72
Mirror Components Feature, 7-100
Mirror Components PropertyManager, 7-100
Mirror Entities Sketch tool, 6-35 , 6-50
Mirror Feature, 2-76, 6-60, 9-29
Mirror PropertyManager, 2-76
Mirror Sketch tool, 2-70
MirroirBRACKET Part, 7-101
Fold Feature, 7-103
Insert Bends Feature, 7-101
Jog Feature, 7-104
Unfold Feature, 7-102
Miter Flange PropertyManager, 7-96
MMGS, 2-6, 2-10, 5-12
Model Items Drawing tool, 4-39, 4-43
Model Items PropertyManager, 4-39, 4-43
Model View Drawing tool, 4-24
Model View PropertyManager, 4-7, 4-24
Modify Dimension, 2-31
Modify Sketch Dialog box, 7-50
Modify Sketch tool, 7-50, 7-52
Mold - Parting Line Feature, 5-76
Mold - Parting Surface Feature, 5-77
Mold - Scale Feature, 5-76
Mold - Shut-off Surfaces, 5-77
Mold - Tooling Split Feature, 5-78
Mold Base, 5-72
Mold Design - Draft Analysis, 5-73
Mold Design - Parting Lines, 5-73
Mold Design - Parting Surfaces, 5-73
Mold Design - Ruled Surface, 5-73
Mold Design - Tooling Split, 5-73
Mold toolbar, 5-74
Mold Tooling Design, 5-72
Parting Lines Feature, 5-76
Parting Surface Feature, 5-77
Scale Tool Feature, 5-76
Shut-off Surface Feature, 5-77
Tooling Split Feature, 5-78
MOTHERBOARD - Hole Wizard feature, 7-76
MOTHERBOARD - Insert Component, 7-22
Motion Study, 1-33
Animation, 1-33
Basic Motion, 1-33
MotionManager, 1-33
Mouse Gesture Wheel, 1-24
Mouse Movements, 1-35
Double-click , 1-35
Right-click, 1-35
Scroll Wheel, 1-35
Single-click, 1-35
Mouse Pointer, 2-27, 2-36
Move a Component, 3-16
Move Component PropertyManager, 3-29
Move Dimension in View, 4-40, 4-41
Move Dimension to Different View, 4-44
Move views - Drawing, 4-26, 4-28
Multi-body Parts, 5-40
MY-TEMPLATES folder, 2-7, 2-9, 5-12
MY-TEMPLATES tab, 2-9, 4-19, 4-23
Named View
, 2-57
New Assembly Document, 3-8
New Document Command, 1-10
New Drawing, 4-7
New Folder - FeatureManager, 3-66
New Folder, 2-7
New Motion Study, 1-33
New Part Document, 1-10, 2-15
Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline, 5-56: 5-59
Normal To View tool, 2-77
Note Annotation tool, 4-57
INDEX - eIndex
Novice Mode - New Document, 1-10
NURB, 5-56, 5-59
Modify Dimension, 2-27, 2-31
Rename, 2-31, 2-40
Point at the Center of Mass, 3-77
Point Sketch too!
, 6^16 d 7-60
Polygon Sketch tool, 3-43
Power Trim Option, 2-54
Power Trim tool, 5-65
Primary Datum Plane, 2-18
Profile Lines, 5-58
Projected Composite Curve , 9-21
PROJECTS Folder, 2-7, 3-10
Propagate icon, 7-96
Publish eDrawing, 6-83
Quick Mate, 3-18
Offset Entities Sketch tool, 5-23, 5-36
Offset from Surface - End Condition, 9-24
Open Document Command, 1-12
Options Command, 2-8
Orientation Dialog box, 1-20
Origin, 1-8, 2-16, 6-32, 6-35
O-RING Part, 6-7
Design Table, 6-8, 6-9, 6-10
Large, 6-9, 6-10
Medium, 6-9, 6-10
, 6-9, 6-10
Swept Base feature, 6-7
Orthographic Projection, 2-18
Out of Context, 3-15
Over Defined - Sketch State, 2-28
Rack Pinion Mate, 3-18
Radial Dimension, 2-74
Rapid Prototype, 6-82
Rebuild Document Command, 2-28
Rebuild Errors, 2-61
Redefining Mates, 3-65
Reference Dimension - Drawing, 4-53
Reference is Broken, 3-15
Reference Plane, 6-13
Reference Planes, 2-18
Reference Planes - Default, 2-18, 2-30
Reference Planes - Front, 2-18, 2-19
Reference Planes - Right, 2-18, 2-19
Reference Planes - Top, 2-18, 2-19
Reference Point, 7-99
Remove an Instance
, 7-48
Remove Trailing zeroes, 4-46
Rename a Drawing View, 4-30
Rename Feature, 2-25, 2-32, 5-22
Rename Sketch, 2-25, 2-32
Replace Component, 7-79
Resolved Component, 3-13
Revision Table - Drawing, 4-59
Revision Table PropertyManager, 4-59
Revolve PropertyManager, 3-42
Revolved Base Feature, 3-42
Revolved Boss Thin Feature, 5-51
Revolved Boss/Base Feature, 5-43, 5-46
Revolved Cut Feature, 5-62, 6-24
Revolved Cut Thin Feature, 5-61
Revolved Thin Cut Feature, 6-23, 6-24
Rib Feature, 6-55
Right - View Orientation, 1-16
P - Q
Pack and Go, 3-75
Parallel Mate, 3-19, 3-21, 3-25, 3-35
Parametric Driven Curve Sketch tool, 9-16
Parametric Note - Drawing, 4-56, 4-57
Part Template, 2-10, 2-11
Part Template - PART-IN-ANSI, 5-11
Part Template - PART-MM-ISO, 5-11
Partial Auxiliary View, 4-33
PART-IN-ANSI - Part Template, 5-11
PART-MM-ISO - Part Template, 5-11
Path Mate, 3-17
PEM Fasteners, 7-70, 7-71
Perpendicular Relation, 5-67
Phantom Lines - Drawing, 4-35, 4-36
Pierce Relation, 6-7, 6-28, 6-45, 6-51
Pin - Menu bar menu, 1-7
PLA, 10-19
Plane Feature, 6-14, 6-25, 9-21
Plane Feature tool, 6-14 , 6-25, 9-21
Plane PropertyManager, 6-14, 6-25
PLATE Part Overview
, 2-22
Add Dimension, 2-26
Equal Relation, 2-37
Extruded Base Feature, 2-29
Extruded Cut Feature, 2-36, 2-39
Fillet Feature, 2-41
Hole Wizard Feature, 2-43
Florizontal Relation, 2-38
INDEX - 9Index
Right-Click Select Command, 2-24
Right-Click, 2-24
ROD Part Overview
, 2-46
Chamfer Feature, 2-51
Coincident Relation
, 2-49
Convert Entities, 2-52
Copy/Paste Command, 2-58
Coradial Relation, 2-64
Design Changes/Rollback bar, 2-59
Edit Appearance, 2-65
Extruded Base Feature, 2-49
Extruded Cut Feature, 2-55
Hole Wizard Feature, 2-50
Recover for Rebuild Errors
, 2-61
Trim Entities, 2-54
View Orientation
, 2-57
Rollback Bar, 1-13, 2-59
Rotate a component, 3-20, 3-24
Rotate Component Assembly tool, 3-23, 6-78
Rotate Component tool, 3-32, 7-72
Rotate Part, 5-47
Rotate View, 1-15
Rotational Motion, 3-6
Lasso Selection
, 1-25
Selection Filters, 1-25
Previous Selection, 1-25
Select, 1-25
Magnified Selection, 1-25
Selection Filter, 1-25, 3-23, 5-31
Selection Filter toolbar
, 3-23, 6-68
Sensors tool, 1-26
Set Document Properties, 5-11, 5-12
Set the Layer Color, 4-11
Set to Resolved, 7-68
Shaded - Display Style, 1-20
Shaded With Edges - Display Style, 1-20
Sheet Format, 4-12, 4-19
Sheet Format/Size Dialog box, 4-7
Sheet Metal, 7-34
Base Flange/Tab Feature, 7-90
Bends Feature, 7-34
Break Corner/Corner Trim Feature, 7-95
CABINET Part, 7-37
Design Library, 7-49
Design Table, 7-86
Edge Flange Feature, 7-42, 7^44, 7-93
Flat State Feature, 7-42
Fold Feature, 7-103
Fully Formed State Feature, 7-42
Hem Feature, 7-43
Insert Bends Feature, 7-41, 7-101
Jog Feature, 7-104
K factor, 7-36, 7-41
Louver Forming tool Feature, 7-53
Manufacturing Consideration, 7-54
Miter Flange Feature, 7-95
Relief Feature, 7-37
RIP Feature, 7-40
Unfold Feature, 7-102
Sheet Properties Dialog box, 4-9
Sheet Properties, 4-9, 4-26
Sheet Scale - Drawing, 4-68
Sheet Scale, 4-9
Shell Feature, 5-46, 6-22, 6-38
Short Cut Key, 5-69
Show Annotations Command, 4-56
Show Feature Dimension, 7-18
Show Feature Dimensions Command, 6-18
Show in Exploded State - Drawing, 4-69
Silhouette Edge, 6-23, 6-59
Single - View Orientation, 2-13
Sketch - Design Intent, 9^1
Sketch - Edit Sketch, 2-61
Save - eDrawing, 6-83, 6-85
Save a Drawing Document, 4-16
Save As Command, 2-11, 3-10, 5-34
Save As Copy Options, 3-59
Save as, 3-59
Save as copy and continue, 3-59
Save as copy and open, 3-59
Save Command, 2-40
Save Document Command, 2-11
Save Drawing Document, 4-25
Save Part Template, 2-11
Save Sheet Format, 4-19
Screw mate Assembly, 3-94
Screw Mate, 3-18
Secondary Datum Plane, 2-18
Section View
, 6-79
Assembly, 3-57
Drawing, 4-29, 4-31
Part, 5-50
Drawing tool, 4-31
Seed Feature, 5-64
Select Other tool, 3-73, 3-87
Select Other, 3-73, 3-87
Selection Enhancements, 1-25
Box Selection, 1-25
INDEX - 10Index
Sketch - Fully Defined, 2-28
Sketch - Rename, 2-25
Sketch Driven Pattern feature, 7-61
Sketch Fillet Sketch tool
, 6-34
Sketch Plane, 2-3
Sketch Relations - View, 2-24
Sketch State - Fully Defined, 5-20
Sketch State - Over Defined, 5-20
Sketch State - Under Defined
, 5-20
Sketch States, 9-5
Sketch Status - Black, 5-20
Sketch Status - Blue, 5-20
Sketch Status - Light Blue, 5-20
Sketch Status - Red, 5-20
Sketch tool - 2-22
3 point Arc, 544
Center Rectangle, 5-18, 6-14
Centerline, 2-68, 3-40, 4-34
Centerpoint Arc, 5-51
Circle, 2-77
Conic, 9-31
Convert Entities, 2-53, 5-48
Corner Rectangle, 2-23
Dimension Driven by Equation, 9-11
Display/Delete Relations, 2-63
Dynamic Mirror, 2-69, 5-65
Edit Sketch Plane, 2-62
Edit Sketch, 2-63
Equation Driven Curve, 9-14
Exit Sketch
, 2-59
Fully Defined, 9-5
Line, 2-70, 5-65
Linear Pattern, 7-58
Mirror Entities, 6-35, 6-50
Mirror, 2-70
Modify, 7-50, 7-52
Offset Entities, 5-23, 5-36, 5-37
Parametric Equation Sketch tool, 6-16
Point, 6-17, 7-60
Polygon, 3-43
Sketch Fillet, 6-34
SketchXpert, 9-8
Smart Dimension, 2-55, 2-60
Spline, 4-33, 5-61
Straight Slot, 2-73
Tangent Arc, 649, 6-59
Trim Entities, 2-54, 5-65
SketchXpert, 9-8
Smart Dimension Sketch tool, 2-55, 2-60
SmartMates, 3-44
Socket Head Cap Screw Part, 3-39
4MMCAPSCREW - Chamfer, 3-42
4MMCAPSCREW - Extruded Cut 3-44
4MMCAPSCREW - Revolved Boss, 3-42
4MMCAPSCREW - Save As Copy, 3-60
Solid Features, 6-20
SOLIDWORKS - File Locations, 2-9
SOLIDWORKS CommandManager, 1-22
SOLIDWORKS - Advanced Mode, 1-10
SOLIDWORKS - Novice Mode, 140
SOLIDWORKS eDrawing, 6-83
SOLIDWORKS Simulation, 8-1
SOLIDWORKS Tutorials, 1-17
Spline Sketch tool, 4-33, 5-60
Split FeatureManager, 3-54
Standard Mates, 3-16
Angle Mate, 3-17
Coincident Mate, 3-16, 3-25, 3-37, 6-67
Concentric Mate, 3-16, 3-19, 3-25, 6-70
Distance Mate, 3-17, 3-25, 6-73, 6-76
Lock Mate, 3-17
Mate Alignment Option, 3-17
Parallel Mate, 3-16, 3-22, 3-25, 3-35
Tangent Mate, 3-16
Start a SOLIDWORKS Session, 1-4
Stereo Lithography File Format, 6-82, 10-4
STL File Format
, 10-4
Supply Content, 3-68
Suppress Components, 7-32
Suppress Folder, 3-66
Suppressed Components, 3-66
Swept Boss/Base Feature, 6-7, 6-29
Swept Path, 6-7
Swept Profile, 6-8
SWITCH Part, 6-12
Dome Feature, 6-17
Lofted Base Feature, 6-12, 6-16
Symmetric Mate, 3-17
Symmetry - Bodies to Mirror, 9-28
System Feedback icons, 1-18
Dimension, 1-18
Edge, 1-18
Face, 1-18
Vertex, 1-18
System Options, 2-8
System Options - File Location, 2-9
INDEX - 11Index
T Units - Document Properties, 2-11
Units,2-11, 5-12
Universal Joint Mate, 3-18
Up To Body - End Condition, 9-24
Up To Surface - End Condition, 6-53
Up To Vertex - End Condition, 9-23, 9-26
User Library, 3-68
User Specified Name Command, 4-73
Tangent Arc Sketch tool, 6-49 , 6-59
Tangent Edges, 5-13
Tangent Edges - Drawing, 4-36
Tangent Mate, 3-16
Tangent Relation, 6-15
Task Pane, 1-29
Appearances, Scenes Decals 1-32
Custom Properties, 1-32
Design Library, 1-30
Document Recovery, 1-31
File Explorer, 1-30
Search, 1-31
, 1-32
SOLIDWORKS Resources, 1-29
View Palette, 1-31
Templates - Custom, 2-10, 2-11
Temporary Axes, 2-78, 4-34
Tertiary Datum Plane, 2-18
Third Angle Projection, 2-19, 2-20
Three Rotational, 3-6
Three Translational, 3-6
Through All End Condition, 5-66
Title Block - Drawing, 4-14
Tolerance and Fit, 3^t7
Tolerance Note, 4-15
Top-down Assembly Approach, 3-5, 3-6
Trailing Zeroes, 4-46
Transition Fit, 3-48
Transparency Option, 5-55
Trim Entities Sketch tool, 5-65
Trimetric - View Orientation, 1-16
Tutorials - SOLIDWORKS, 1-17
Vertical Dimension, 6-35
Vertical Relation, 5-51
View Mates tool, 3-27, 3-28
View Orientation, 1-20
Back, 1-20
Bottom, 1-20
Dimetric, 1-20
Double view
, 1-20
Four View, 1-20
Front, 1-20
Isometric, 1-20
Left, 1-20
Single View, 1-20
Top, 1-20
Trimetric, 1-20
Two View, 1-20
View Palette, 1-31, 7-65
W - X - Y - Z
WEIGHT Part, 6-92
What’s Wrong Dialog box, 7-80
Width Mate, 3-17
Window - Menu bar menu, 1-8
Window-Select, 6-50, 7-58
Wireframe - Display Style, 1-20
Zoom to Area tool, 1-19
Zoom to Fit tool, 1-19
Undo Command, 3-26, 5-20
Undo Document Command, 3-21, 5-20
Unit System, 2-11
INDEX - 12

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عدد المساهمات : 1
التقييم : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/03/2021
العمر : 48
الدولة : Algeria
العمل : ElectroTechnician
الجامعة : Alger

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مُساهمةموضوع: تشكرات   كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019  Emptyالأربعاء 31 مارس 2021, 9:07 pm

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18962
التقييم : 35392
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019    كتاب Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019  Emptyالأربعاء 31 مارس 2021, 9:38 pm

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