كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy!
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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 كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy!

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy!  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy!    كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy!  Emptyالجمعة 05 فبراير 2021, 12:48 am

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EndNote 1-2-3 Easy!
Reference Management for the Professional
Abha Agrawal
Kings County Hospital Center
Brooklyn, NY  

كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy!  E_n_1_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1. Introduction to Reference, Bibliography, and Citation 1
Basic Concepts . 1
Reference . 1
Reference List and Bibliography . 2
Citation . 3
Common Referencing Styles 3
Using Information Technology for Effective Reference Management 5
2. Reference Management Software Programs 7
What is a Reference Management Software Program? 7
Functions of Reference Management Software Programs 8
Storing and Managing References 8
Creating Bibliographies 9
Searching and Retrieving References from Online Databases . 9
Working with a Handheld Computer 9
Various Reference Management Software Programs 10
Which Program Should You Choose? . 13
3. Getting Started with EndNote . 15
An Overview of Working with EndNote . 15
Technical Requirements for Using EndNote 15
Hardware Requirements 16
Operating System (OS) Requirements . 16
Word Processor Compatibility . 17
Hand-Held Computer Requirements 17
Getting EndNote 18
Trial Version of EndNote . 18
Installing EndNote 19
Installing EndNote for the First Time 19
Upgrading from an Earlier Version of EndNote 19
Installing EndNote onto a Network . 21
xixii Contents
Checking EndNote Installation . 22
Checking EndNote 22
Checking Word Processor Support 23
Automatically Updating EndNote 33
Uninstalling EndNote 35
File Compatibility Issues . 35
EndNote Library 35
EndNote Styles . 35
4. EndNote Libraries 37
What is an EndNote Library? 37
Features of an EndNote Library 37
Working with an EndNote Library 38
Opening a Library . 39
Understanding the EndNote Library Window (Figure 5) . 40
Creating a New Library 41
Sorting the EndNote Library 42
Navigating the EndNote Library . 43
Previewing a Reference 44
Copying Between Libraries . 45
Setting Library Preferences . 45
Setting Fonts in the Library . 46
Setting a Default Library . 47
Setting the Fields to be Displayed in the Library . 48
Recovering a Damaged Library 49
Helpful Hints About a Recovered Library 50
Merging EndNote Libraries . 51
Publishing an EndNote Library on the Web . 52
5. Entering References into EndNote Library . 57
Introduction . 57
Reference Fields and Reference Types 58
Customizing Reference Types . 58
Creating a New Reference 61
Choosing the Right Reference Type . 62
Setting the Default Reference Type . 62
Entering Reference Data Manually . 63
Let EndNote Do the Formatting 63
Guidelines for Entering Data in Various Reference Fields 64
Term Lists . 65
What is a Term List? . 66
Two Basic Features of Term Lists 66
Journal Term Lists 66
Helpful Hints About Term Lists 68
Turning Off Term List Features 68Contents xiii
The ‘Figure’ and the ‘Chart or Table’ Type Reference 68
Creating a Figure Type Reference 69
Creating a Chart or Table Type Reference 69
Notes About Figure or Chart/Table Type References 70
Entering Special Characters in References 72
Spell-Checking . 74
Downloading References from the Websites of Journals . 75
Importing References from Other Reference Management
Programs into EndNote 78
6. Managing References in an EndNote Library . 79
Understanding the Reference Window . 79
Working with References . 80
Selecting References . 80
Opening References . 82
Saving References 82
Deleting References . 82
Reverting References 83
Showing and Hiding References . 83
Exporting References 84
Searching References 85
Launching EndNote Search . 85
Understanding the Search Window . 85
Performing Search 88
Duplicate References 88
Checking for Duplicate References . 88
Customizing Settings for Find Duplicates Command . 90
Deleting Duplicate References . 90
Group Editing of References 91
The Change Text Command . 92
The Change Fields Command . 94
The Move Fields Command . 94
Linking References to Files and Websites 96
Linking References to Files . 96
To Link a File to a Reference 97
Linking References to Websites 98
OpenURL Link Command 98
7. Using EndNote with Internet Databases . 101
Introduction . 101
Various Methods of using EndNote with Internet Databases 102
Choosing the Right Connection Method . 104
The Connection File Method 106
What is a Connection File? 106
What Connection Files do I Have? 106xiv Contents
Working with the Connection Manager 107
Setting “Favorite” Connection Files . 107
Downloading Connection Files from the Internet 107
Using the Connection File Method 109
Working in the Retrieved Reference Window . 112
The Import Filter Method . 114
What is an Import Filter? . 114
What Import Filters do I Have? 114
Using the Import Filter Method 116
The Direct Export Method 116
Using EndNote with PubMedr 117
Introduction . 117
Using the Connection File Method for PubMed . 118
Using the Import Filter Method for PubMed 120
Steps for Using the Import Filter Method for PubMed 120
Using EndNote with Ovidr . 126
Introduction . 126
Using the Direct Export Method for Ovid 126
Using EndNote with the Web of Sciencer . 127
Introduction . 127
Using the Direct Export Method for the Web of Science . 129
8. Creating Bibliographies Using EndNote . 131
An Overview of Steps in Using EndNote to Create Bibliographies . 131
Output Styles 133
The Style Manager 134
Working in the Style Manager . 134
The Style Manager Window . 135
Marking Styles as Favorites . 135
Editing Styles 135
Examples of Editing Styles 137
Creating a Manuscript . 139
Inserting References from an EndNote Library into a Manuscript . 140
Inserting References into Manuscript 140
Changing Existing Citations . 142
Creating Bibliographies 144
Formatting Bibliography . 144
Customizing the Bibliography . 144
Finding and Editing Cited References in a Library . 146
Creating a Bibliography from Multiple Documents . 146
Including Notes in the List of References 148
Working with Figure and Table/Chart References in Manuscripts . 149
Introduction . 149
Working with Figures and Tables/Charts . 150
Inserting Figures and Tables/Charts in a Document . 150
Customizing Figures and Tables/Charts in a Document 151Contents xv
Sending Paper to Publisher/Sharing with Others . 153
Field Codes 153
Traveling Library . 155
Sharing Your Document with Others: Creating a Traveling Library 156
Sending Your Paper to a Publisher 157
Other Tasks 157
Citing References in Footnotes . 157
Customizing Footnote Citations 159
Creating an Independent Bibliography . 160
Creating a Subject Bibliography and Subject List 163
Setting CWYW Preferences . 168
Miscellaneous Tasks . 170
9. Citing References from Sources on the Internet . 175
Introduction . 175
What’s Different about Citing Internet Sources? . 176
General Principles for Citing Internet Sources . 177
Guidelines for Citing Internet Sources . 177
Authors . 178
Title 178
URL . 179
Edition . 181
Dates . 181
Page Information . 182
In-Text Citations of Internet Sources 182
Examples of References from Internet Sources 182
Sources on the World Wide Web (WWW) 182
E-Mail Messages . 184
Web Discussion Forum Posting 185
Listserv Message . 185
Newsgroup Message . 186
FTP Sites 186
Software Programs 186
Using EndNote to Manage References from Internet Sources . 187
Customizing EndNote to Cite References from Internet Sources 188
Spelling and Definition of Commonly Used e-Terms . 192
10. EndNote for PDA Computers 193
Introduction . 193
Technical Requirements for Using EndNote on a PDA 194
Installing EndNote for Palm Application . 196
Copying an EndNote Library from Desktop to PDA 197
Copying Only a Limited Number of References to PDA . 199
What Happens to ‘Figure’ Type References in the PDA
EndNote Library? . 199xvi Contents
Working with the EndNote Library on PDA 201
Opening the Library . 201
Opening a Reference for Viewing or Editing 202
Sorting References 202
Entering a New Reference 202
Editing a Reference . 203
Deleting a Reference 204
Attaching a Note to a Reference 205
Searching References 205
Beaming References Between PDAs 207
Beaming a Reference or a Group of References . 207
How Beaming Works 207
Viewing Statistics About the PDA EndNote Library 208
Customizing the PDA EndNote Library 208
Show Splash Screen at Startup . 209
Default Reference Type 209
Scroll Button Behavior in Edit View 210
11. Using RefVizC with EndNote . 211
What is RefViz? 211
How Does RefViz Work? . 212
Technical Requirements for Installing RefViz . 213
Getting and Installing RefViz 213
Installing RefViz 213
Activating RefViz . 213
Working in RefViz 217
Starting RefViz . 217
Working in RefViz 217
Exporting References from RefViz Back to EndNote . 224
Appendix A: Online Resources to Learn More About EndNote . 225
Appendix B: Online Resources to Help Writing for Publication . 227
Appendix C: Downloading Files, Filters, and Styles for EndNote 229
Index .
About EndNote menu, 22
About EndNote screen, 22f
Abstracts, online
citing references from Internet sources, 183
Add-in Support Option, 25f
APA 5th style, 137, 138f
Articles, online
citing references from Internet sources
journal articles, 183
magazines, 183
newspaper, 183
downloading references from Websites of
Journals, 75f, 76f
Attaching note to a reference, 205
Internet, citing references from sources on,178
“Auto-completion,” 66
Automatically updating, 33–34
folder, 20
selecting backup of files, 21f
Beaming references between PDAs, 207–208
bookmark, creating, 170–171
chart references in manuscripts, working with,
cited references, finding and editing, 146
Cite While You Write (CWYW)
output styles, 132–133
preferences, 168–169
creating, 144–149
cited references, finding and editing, 146
customizing, 144–146
font, customizing, 145–146
Format Bibliography, 145f
formatting, 144
Generate Figure List command, 146
Bibliographies (cont.)
creating (cont.)
layout, customizing, 145–146
manuscript, 139–140
multiple documents, from, 146–148
notes, inserting in list of references,
Outline View, selecting, 147f
placement, customizing, 146
subdocuments, inserting, 147f
cross references, creating, 171–173
customizing, 144–146
figures and tables/charts, 151–152, 153f
field shading, turning off, 172f, 173
figure references in manuscripts, working
with, 149–152, 153f
Find Figure(s) dialog, 151f
font, customizing, 145–146
footnotes, citing references in, 157–159
customizing citations, 159–160
Format Bibliography, 145f
formatting, 144
Generate Figure List command, 146
independent bibliography
Copy Formatted command, 161f
copy-paste method, 161
creating, 160–162
defined, 160
drag-and-drop method, 161
export method, 162
print method, 162
layout, customizing, 145–146
manuscript, creating, 139–140
manuscript, inserting references from
EndNote library into, 140–144
changing existing citations, 142–144
copying citations, 143
CWYW menu, 141f232 Index
Bibliographies (cont.)
manuscript, inserting references from (cont.)
deleting citations, 144
editing citations, 142
Find Citations Dialog, 141f
moving citations, 143
setting EndNote formatting preferences,
unformatting citations, 142–143
multiple documents, from, 146–148
notes, inserting in list of references, 148–149
Outline View, selecting, 147f
output styles, 132–138
APA 5th style, 137, 138f
authors’ guidelines for biomedical
journals, 133t
Cite While You Write (CWYW), 132–133
Edit Citations dialog, 138f
editing styles, 135–138
examples of editing styles, 137–138
favorites, marking styles as, 135
Format Bibliography command, 136f
Style Editor window, 136f
style manager, 134–138
overview of steps, 131–132
page number, inserting, 170
placement, customizing, 146
publisher, sending paper to, 152–157
field codes, 152–154
field codes hidden, citation with, 154f
field codes showing, citation with, 155f
generally, 157
removing field codes, 157
Toggle Field Codes, 155f
traveling library, 155–156
reference list and, 2–3
reference management software program, 9
sharing document with others, 155–156
subdocuments, inserting, 147f
subject bibliography, creating, 163–168
customizing, 165, 166f
definition of subject bibliography, 163
generally, 163–165
printing, 165–166
sample subject bibliography, 165f
saving, 165–166
selecting subject fields, 164f
selecting subject terms, 164f
subject list, creating, 163–168
definition of subject list, 163
generally, 166–168
table/chart references in manuscripts, working
with, 149–152
Biomedical databases, commonly used, 102t
Blank electronic source box, 191f
Book chapters, online
citing references from Internet sources, 184
Bookmark, creating, 170–171
Books, online
citing references from Internet sources, 183
Boolean operators, 87t
Change fields, 94, 95f
Change Text command, 92–93
Character Map program, 73f
Chart references in manuscripts, working with,
Chart type references, 68–72
Checking installation
Add-in Support Option, 25f
Custom Installation, selecting, 24f
CWYW files, 25f
File Locations, Startup folder, 27f
Help, 34f
“Hide file extensions for known file types,”
unchecking, 29f
Macro Security dialog box, 34f
Microsoft Word, 23, 24f, 25
Macro Security dialog box, 34f
Macro Security Warning, 31, 32f
Security Level tab, Medium setting, 32f
shortcuts not working, 31
troubleshooting, 25–31
Security Level tab, Medium setting, 32f
“Show hidden files and folders,” selecting, 30f
Startup folder, 27f, 28f
troubleshooting, 25–31
Trust All . box, 33f
Windows Explorer
folder options, selecting, 29f
launching, 28f
word processor support, checking, 23–33
Citations. See specific topic
Cite While You Write (CWYW), 25f, 132–133,
figures and tables, 154f
preferences, bibliographies, 168–169
preferences dialog box, 168f
Comparison operators, 86t
Connection file method, 106–114
choice of, 104–105
defined, 106
described, 102
downloading connection files from Internet,
empty retrieved references window, 111fIndex 233
Connection file method (cont.)
establishing connection to database, 110
“favorite” connection files, setting, 107
illustrated, 108f
number of references found by search,
window displaying, 113f
opening Connection Manager, 106f
PubMed, 118–119
selecting, 110f
replacing old connection file warning, 109f
retrieving references, 111–114
saving connection file to computer, 109f
saving references to EndNote Library, 114
searching database, 111
search window with search terms, 112f
selecting connection file for download, 108f
using method, 109–114
working with Connection Manager, 107
Copy Formatted command, independent
bibliography, 161f
Copy-paste method, independent bibliography,
Creating bibliographies. See Bibliographies
Cross references, creating
bibliographies, 171–173
Custom Installation, selecting, 24f
Customizing. See specific topic
CWYW. See Cite While You Write (CWYW)
Damaged library, recovering, 49–51
dialog box, 50f
Internet, citing references from sources on,
manually entering reference data, 65
Default reference type, setting, 62–63
Define Term Lists, selecting, 67f
Deleting duplicate records, 91
Deleting references, 82–83
PDA computers, 204f
Dialog box, 50f
Direct export, 116–117
databases allowing direct export, 116f
described, 103
Ovid, 126–127
Selecting Tools, 117f
Downloading files, filers, and styles for
EndNote, 229
Downloading references from Websites of
Journals, 74–77
conversion dialog box, 77f
customizing, 77f
online article, 75f, 76f
Downloading references from Websites (cont.)
opening files, 76f
selecting article for download, 74f
Drag-and-drop method
independent bibliography, 161
Duplicate references, 88–91
checking for, 88, 89f
customizing settings for Find Duplicates
command, 90
deleting duplicate records, 91
Find Duplicates command, 89f, 90
Edited electronic source box, 191f
Editing a reference
group editing of references. See Group editing
of references.
PDA computers, EndNote for, 203, 204f
Internet, citing references from sources on,
E-mail messages, examples, 184–185
EndNote libraries, 35, 37–56
bibliographies, inserting references from
EndNote Library into, 140–144
changing existing citations, 142–144
copying citations, 143
CWYW menu, 141f
deleting citations, 144
editing citations, 142
Find Citations Dialog, 141f
moving citations, 143
setting EndNote formatting preferences,
unformatting citations, 142–143
Character Map program, 73f
chart type references, 68–72
copying between libraries, 45
creating new library, 41, 42f
creating new reference, 61–63
customizing reference types, 58–61
damaged library, recovering, 49–51
dialog box, 50f
default library, setting, 47–48
default reference type, setting, 62–63
defined, 37
displaying record number in library, 43
downloading references from Websites of
Journals, 74–77
conversion dialog box, 77f
customizing, 77f
online article, 75f, 76f
opening files, 76f
selecting article for download, 74f234 Index
EndNote libraries (cont.)
EndNote Library window, 40–41, 42f
features of, 37–38
fields to be displayed in library, setting, 48–49
figure type reference, 68–72
fonts, setting, 46–47
importing references from other reference
management programs, 78
Insert Object command, 70f
Insert Picture command, 69f
manually entering reference data, 63–65
date, 65
formatting by EndNote, 63
guidelines, 64–65
journal names, 65
pages, 65
year, 65
merging EndNote libraries, 51–52
navigating library, 43–44
opening a library, 39–40
output style, 46f
PDA computers
attaching a note to a reference, 205
Configure Handheld Sync., 198f
copying EndNote library, 197–200
default reference type, 210
deleting a reference, 204f
displaying library information, 209f
displaying references, 201f
editing a reference, 203, 204f
entering new reference, 202, 203f
“figure” type references, 199, 200f
limited number of references, copying,
opening reference, 202
scroll button behavior in Edit view, 210
searching references, 205, 206f
selecting EndNote library, 198f
selecting Info from library menu, 208f
selecting Preferences menu, 209f
selecting references, 200f
selecting reference type, 204f
sorting references, 202
splash screen, 210
statistics about PDA EndNote Library,
viewing, 208–209
working with EndNote library on PDA,
previewing reference, 44–45
publishing EndNote library on the Web,
RefMan, 53, 54f
RefWorks, 52–53, 55–56f
EndNote libraries (cont.)
reference fields, 58–63
adding, 61
deleting, 61
in different types, 59f
explained, 58
manually entering reference data, 64–65
references, entering into, 57–78
chart type references, 68–72
creating new reference, 61–63
downloading references from Websites of
Journals, 74–77
figure type reference, 68–72
importing references from other reference
management programs, 78
manually entering reference data, 63–65
overview, 57–58
reference fields, 58–63
reference types, 58–63
special characters, entering into references,
spell-checking, 74
table type references, 68–72
term lists, 65–72
references, managing. See References,
reference types, 58–63
adding field to, 61
adding new, 61
choosing, 62
customizing reference types, 58–61
deleting field from, 61
explained, 58
hiding, 61
modification of, 59
reference fields in, 59f
screen to edit, 60f
setting default, 62–63
various types available, 59f
RefMan, 53, 54f
RefWorks, 52–53, 55–56f
saving references to, connection file method,
selecting article for download, 74f
setting library preferences, 45–49
default library, setting, 47–48
fields to be displayed in library, setting,
fonts, setting, 46–47
sorting library, 42, 44f
special characters, entering into references,
Character Map program, 73fIndex 235
EndNote libraries (cont.)
spell-checking, 74
starting EndNote program, 39f
table type references, 68–72
term lists, 65–68
“auto-completion,” 66
basic features of, 66
defined, 66
Define Term Lists, selecting, 67f
helpful hints, 68
journal term lists, 66–67
setting preferences, 68f
“suggest terms as you type,” 66
turning off, 68, 69f
unchecking “Read-only” box, 41f
working with, 38–45
copying between libraries, 45
creating new library, 41, 42f
displaying record number in library,
EndNote Library window, 40–41, 42f
navigating library, 43–44
opening a library, 39–40
previewing reference, 44–45
sorting library, 42, 44f
starting EndNote program, 39f
unchecking “Read-only” box, 41f
EndNote Styles, 35
Entering new reference
EndNote libraries. See EndNote libraries.
PDA computers, EndNote for, 202, 203f
Export method, 84–85
independent bibliography, 162
Field codes, bibliographies, 152–154
publisher, sending paper to
hidden field codes, citation with, 154f
removing field codes, 157
showing field codes, citation with, 155f
Field shading, turning off, 172f, 173
Figure references in manuscripts, working with,
149–152, 153f
CWYW setting for Figures and Tables,
PDA computers, 199, 200f
punctuation for figures and tables, 153f
Figure type reference, 68–72
File compatibility issues, 35
File Locations Startup folder, 27f
Find Citations Dialog, 141f
Find Duplicates command, 89f, 90
Footnotes. See Notes
Format Bibliography, 136f, 145f
Freeware/shareware reference management
software programs, 12t
FTP sites, examples, 186
Generate Figure List command, 146
Getting started with EndNote, 15–35
automatically updating, 33–34
file compatibility issues, 35
hand-held computer requirements, 17–18
hardware requirements, 15–16
installing EndNote, 19–22
checking installation, 22–33
obtaining EndNote, 18–19
operating system (OS) requirements, 16–17
overview of working with EndNote, 15,
pricing for EndNote, 18t
technical requirements, 15–18
hand-held computer requirements, 17–18
hardware requirements, 15–16
operating system (OS) requirements,
word processor compatibility, 17
trial version, 19
uninstalling EndNote, 35
word processor compatibility, 17
Graphics, online
citing references from Internet sources,
Group editing of references, 91–96
change fields, 94, 95f
Change Text command, 92–93
move fields, 94, 95f, 96
record number, editing EndNote preferences
to display, 91f
Hand-held computers
reference management software program, 9
requirements for EndNote, 17–18
Hardware requirements for EndNote, 15–16
Harvard style of referencing, 3
Help, checking installation, 34f
“Hide file extensions for known file types,”
unchecking, 29f
Hiding references, 83–84
HotSync operation, 197
Hyphenation command
Internet, citing references from sources on,
Import filters, 114–116
defined, 114
described, 102–103236 Index
Import filters (cont.)
opening Filter Manager, 115f
PubMed, 120–124
using, 116
window, 115f
Independent bibliography
Copy Formatted command, 161f
copy-paste method, 161
creating, 160–162
defined, 160
drag-and-drop method, 161
export method, 162
print method, 162
Insert Object command, 70f
Insert Picture command, 69f
Installing EndNote
About EndNote screen, 22f
Backup folder, 20
checking installation. See Checking
first time, for, 19
network, installing into, 13, 21
selecting About EndNote menu, 22
selecting backup of files, 21f
Selecting Start Run, 20f
typing in the “Run” box, 20f
upgrading from earlier version, 19–20
databases. See Internet databases, using
EndNote with.
managing references from Internet sources.
See Internet, citing references from
sources on.
sources, citing references from. See
Internet, citing references from
sources on.
Internet, citing references from sources on,
authors, guidelines, 178
blank electronic source box, 191f
challenges, 176–177
customizing EndNote to cite references,
dates, guidelines, 182
definitions of common terms, 191–192t
edited electronic source box, 191f
edition, guidelines, 181
e-mail messages, examples, 184–185
examples of references, 182–187
e-mail messages, 184–185
FTP sites, 186
listserv message, 185
newsgroup message, 186
Internet, citing references from sources on (cont.)
examples of references (cont.)
software programs, 187
Web discussion forum posting, 185
World Wide Web (WWW), sources on,
FTP sites, examples, 186
general principles, 177
guidelines, 177–182
authors, 178
dates, 182
edition, 181
Hyphenation command, 181f
page information, 182
title, 178–179
URL, 179–181
Hyphenation command, guidelines, 181f
in-text citations, 182
listserv message, example, 185
location of information not static, 176–177
managing references from Internet sources,
blank electronic source box, 191f
customizing EndNote to cite references,
definitions of common terms, 191–192t
edited electronic source box, 191f
spelling of common terms, 191–192t
style manager, opening, 189f
Vancouver style of referencing, 189,
missing citation elements, 176
newsgroup message, example, 186
page information, guidelines, 182
publication date unavailable, 176
software programs, examples, 187
spelling of common terms, 191–192t
title, guidelines, 178–179
URL, guidelines, 179–181
Vancouver style of referencing, 189, 190f
Web discussion forum posting, examples,
World Wide Web (WWW), examples,
online abstract, 183
online book, 183
online book chapters, 184
online databases, 184
online graphics, 184
online journal article, 183
online magazine article, 183
online newspaper article, 183
Web-Sites, 184Index 237
Internet databases, using EndNote with,
biomedical databases, commonly used, 102t
connection file method, 102, 106–114
choice of, 104–105
defined, 106
downloading connection files from Internet,
empty retrieved references window, 111f
establishing connection to database, 110
“favorite” connection files, setting, 107
illustrated, 108f
number of references found by search,
window displaying, 113f
opening Connection Manager, 106f
PubMed, 110f, 118–119
replacing old connection file warning, 109f
retrieving references, 111–114
saving connection file to computer, 109f
saving references to EndNote Library, 114
searching database, 111
search window with search terms, 112f
selecting connection file for download,
using method, 109–114
working with Connection Manager, 107
deleting temporary Internet files in Internet
Explorer, 118f
direct export, 103, 116–117
databases allowing direct export, 116f
Ovid, 126–127
Selecting Tools, 117f
import filters, 102–103, 114–116
defined, 114
opening Filter Manager, 115f
PubMed, 120–124
using, 116
window, 115f
methods of using, overview, 102–105
overview, 104f
Ovid, 126–129
direct export method, 126–129
Web of Science, 127–129
PubMed, 103t, 110f, 117–125
click Save to download, 123f
connection file method, use for,
defined, 117
icon on desktop, 124f
import filter method, 120–124, 125f
performing search, 121f
saving NLM filter, 121f
selecting File from Send to menu, 122f
Internet databases, using EndNote with (cont.)
PubMed (cont.)
selecting MEDLINE, 122f
selecting NLM filter to download, 120f
selecting references, 121f
selecting type and location, 123f
Show All references, 125f
Internet Explorer
deleting temporary files, 118f
Journal names, manually entering reference data,
Journal term lists, 66–67
Launching EndNote Search, 85
Linking references
files, to, 96–98
OpenURL Link command, 98–99
Websites, to, 98
Listserv message, example, 185
Macro Security dialog box, 34f
Macro Security Warning, 31, 32f
Managing references. See References,
Manually entering reference data. See EndNote
Manuscript, bibliographies
creating, 139–40
inserting references from EndNote library
into, 140–144
changing existing citations, 142–144
copying citations, 143
CWYW menu, 141f
deleting citations, 144
editing citations, 142
Find Citations Dialog, 141f
moving citations, 143
setting EndNote formatting preferences,
unformatting citations, 142–143
Manuscript templates, 139–140f
selecting, 122f
Microsoft Word, 18
checking installation, 23, 24f, 25
Macro Security dialog box, 34f
Macro Security Warning, 31, 32f
Security Level tab, Medium setting, 32f
shortcuts not working, 31
troubleshooting, 25–31
Macro Security Warning, 31, 32f
Move fields, 94, 95f, 96238 Index
National Library of Medicine, 117, 119
Network, installation, 13, 21
New England Journal of Medicine, 5
Newsgroup message, example, 186
citing references in, 157–159
customizing citations, 159–160
inserting in list of references, 148–149
Online resources
learning more about EndNote, 225
writing for publication, 227–228
Opening references
PDA computers, EndNote for, 202
OpenURL Link command, 98–99
Operating system (OS)
requirements for EndNote, 16–17
Outline View, selecting, 147f
Output styles, bibliographies, 132–138
authors’ guidelines for biomedical journals,
Cite While You Write (CWYW), 132–133
style manager, 134–138
APA 5th style, 137, 138f
Edit Citations dialog, 138f
editing styles, 135–138
examples of editing styles, 137–138
favorites, marking styles as, 135
Format Bibliography command, 136f
overview, 134
Style Editor window, 136f
window, 135
working in, 134
Ovid, 126–129
direct export method, 126–129
Web of Science, 127–129
Page information
Internet, citing references from sources on,
Page number, inserting
bibliographies, 170
Pages, manually entering reference data, 65
Palm, Inc., 18, 195
application, installing EndNote for, 196–197
PDA computers, EndNote for, 193–210
beaming references between PDAs,
EndNote library
attaching a note to a reference, 205
Configure Handheld Sync., 198f
copying, 197–200
default reference type, 210
PDA computers, EndNote for (cont.)
EndNote library (cont.)
deleting a reference, 204f
displaying library information, 209f
displaying references, 201f
editing a reference, 203, 204f
entering new reference, 202, 203f
“figure” type references, 199, 200f
limited number of references, copying, 199
opening reference, 202
scroll button behavior in Edit view, 210
searching references, 205, 206f
selecting EndNote library, 198f
selecting Info from library menu, 208f
selecting Preferences menu, 209f
selecting references, 200f
selecting reference type, 204f
sorting references, 202
splash screen, 210
statistics about PDA EndNote Library,
viewing, 208–209
working with EndNote library on PDA,
HotSync operation, 197
icon, EndNote, 197f
HotSync operation, 197
Palm application, 196–197
and using, steps involved, 195f
Palm application, 196–197
statistics about PDA EndNote Library,
viewing, 208–209
technical requirements, 194–195
PDF (Portable Document Format), 18
Performing search, 88
Personal Digital Assistants. See PDA computers,
EndNote for
Portable Document Format (PDF), 18
Pricing for EndNote, 18t
Print method
independent bibliography, 162
Publisher, sending paper to, 152–157
field codes, 152–154
hidden, citation with, 154f
showing, citation with, 155f
generally, 157
removing field codes, 157
Toggle Field Codes, 155f
traveling library, 155–156
Publishing EndNote library on the Web,
RefMan, 53, 54f
RefWorks, 52–53, 55–56fIndex 239
PubMed, 103t, 110f, 117–125
click Save to download, 123f
connection file method, use for, 118–119
defined, 117
icon on desktop, 124f
import filter method, 120–124, 125f
performing search, 121f
saving NLM filter, 121f
selecting File from Send to menu, 122f
selecting MEDLINE, 122f
selecting NLM filter to download, 120f
selecting references, 121f
selecting type and location, 123f
Show All references, 125f
Punctuation for figures and tables, 153f
Record number, editing EndNote preferences to
display, 91f
Recovery. See Damaged library, recovering
Reference, bibliography, and citation, 1–5
basic concepts, 1–2
common referencing styles, 3–4
effective reference management, information
technology of, 5
Harvard style of referencing, 3
reference list and bibliography, 2–3
Vancouver style of referencing, 3–4
Reference fields. See EndNote libraries
Reference management software program,
bibliographies, creating, 9
choosing, 13
defined, 7
ease of use vs. functionality, 13
freeware/shareware reference management
software programs, 12t
functions of, 8–9
handheld computer, working with, 9
individual use, 13
network installation, 13
platform, 13
price, 13
searching and retrieving references from
online databases, 9
storing and managing references, 8
user survey, 8f
various programs, described, 10–11t
References, entering into EndNote libraries.
See EndNote libraries
References, managing, 79–99
deleting references, 82–83
duplicate references, 88–91
checking for, 88, 89f
References, managing (cont.)
duplicate references, (cont.)
customizing settings for Find Duplicates
command, 90
deleting duplicate records, 91
Find Duplicates command, 89f, 90
exporting references, 84–85
group editing of references, 91–96
change fields, 94, 95f
Change Text command, 92–93
move fields, 94, 95f, 96
record number, editing EndNote
preferences to display, 91f
hiding references, 83–84
linking references
files, to, 96–98
OpenURL Link command, 98–99
Websites, to, 98
opening references, 82
reference window, understanding, 79–80
reverting references, 83
saving references, 82
searching references, 85–88
Boolean operators, 87t
comparison operators, 86t
launching EndNote Search, 85
performing search, 88
search window, 85–86
selecting references, 80–82
multiple references, 80–81
Select All, 81f
single references, 80
showing references, 83–84
working with references, 80–83
deleting references, 82–83
opening references, 82
reverting references, 83
saving references, 82
selecting references, 80–82
Reference types. See EndNote libraries
Reference window, understanding, 79–80
RefMan, 53, 54f
RefViz, use of with EndNote, 211–224
activating RefViz, 213–214
advisor, 223
column fields, selecting, 221f
Data Visualization command, 216f
definition of RefViz, 211–212
downloading RIS, 217f
exporting references, 224
galaxy view, 217, 218f
getting RefViz, 213
Inactive Data Visualization Command, 214f240 Index
RefViz, use of with EndNote (cont.)
checking installation, 214f
technical requirements, 213
keyword tool, 222, 223f
location, screen to verify, 215f
matrix view, 217, 218
processes, flowchart, 212f
reference viewer, 219, 220–221f
search tool, 222
selecting RefViz.exe file, 215f
starting RefViz, 216
working in RefViz, 216–224
RefWorks, 52–53, 55–56f
Reverting references, 83
Saving references, 82
Scroll button behavior in Edit view, 210
Searching references, 85–88
Boolean operators, 87t
comparison operators, 86t
launching EndNote Search, 85
online databases, 9
PDA computers, 205, 206f
performing search, 88
search window, 85–86
Search window, 85–86
Security Level tab, Medium setting,
Selecting article for download, 74f
Selecting references, 80–82
multiple references, 80–81
Select All, 81f
single references, 80
Selecting reference type
PDA computers, 204f
Sharing document with others, 155–156
“Show hidden files and folders,” selecting,
Showing references, 83–84
programs, examples, 187
reference management. See Reference
management software program.
Sorting references
PDA computers, EndNote for, 202
Special characters, entering into references,
Spell-checking, 74
Splash screen, PDA computers, 210
Startup folder, 27f, 28f
Style manager
Style manager (cont.)
opening (cont.)
Internet, citing references from sources on,
output styles, bibliographies, 134–138
APA 5th style, 137, 138f
Edit Citations dialog, 138f
editing styles, 135–138
examples of editing styles, 137–138
favorites, marking styles as, 135
Format Bibliography command, 136f
overview, 134
Style Editor window, 136f
window, 135
working in, 134
Subject bibliography, creating, 163–168
customizing, 165, 166f
definition of subject bibliography, 163
generally, 163–165
printing, 165–166
sample subject bibliography, 165f
saving, 165–166
selecting subject fields, 164f
selecting subject terms, 164f
Subject list, creating in bibliographies,
definition of subject list, 163
generally, 166–168
“Suggest terms as you type,” 66
Table/chart references in manuscripts, working
with, 149–152
CWYW setting for Figures and Tables,
punctuation for figures and tables, 153f
working with table type references, 68–72
Technical requirements for EndNote, 15–18
hand-held computer requirements, 17–18
hardware requirements, 15–16
operating system (OS) requirements, 16–17
word processor compatibility, 17
Term lists. See EndNote libraries
Internet, citing references from sources on,
Toggle Field Codes, 155f
Traveling library, 155–156
Trial version of EndNote, 19
Troubleshooting, checking installation, 25–31
Trust All . box, 33f
Uninstalling EndNote, 35
Updating, automatically, 33–34Index 241
Internet, citing references from sources on,
Vancouver style of referencing, 3–4, 189, 190f
Web discussion forum posting, examples, 185
Web of Science, 127–129
Websites, linking references to, 98
Windows Explorer
folder options, selecting, 29f
launching, 28f
Word. See Microsoft Word
Word processors
checking installation, word processor support,
Word processors (cont.)
compatibility, 17
World Wide Web (WWW)
citing references from, 182–184
online abstract, 183
online book, 183
online book chapters, 184
online databases, 184
online graphics, 184
online journal article, 183
online magazine article, 183
online newspaper article, 183
Web-Sites, 184
manually entering reference data, 65

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