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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Linear and Nonlinear Optimization الإثنين 25 يناير 2021, 3:27 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Linear and Nonlinear Optimization SECOND EDITION Igor Griva Stephen G. Nash Ariela Sofer George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface xiii I Basics 1 1 Optimization Models 3 1.1 Introduction . 3 1.2 Optimization: An Informal Introduction 4 1.3 Linear Equations . 7 1.4 Linear Optimization . 10 Exercises . 12 1.5 Least-Squares Data Fitting . 12 Exercises . 14 1.6 Nonlinear Optimization . 14 1.7 Optimization Applications 18 1.7.1 Crew Scheduling and Fleet Scheduling 18 Exercises . 22 1.7.2 Support Vector Machines . 22 Exercises . 24 1.7.3 Portfolio Optimization . 25 Exercises . 27 1.7.4 Intensity Modulated Radiation Treatment Planning 28 Exercises . 31 1.7.5 Positron Emission Tomography Image Reconstruction 32 Exercises . 34 1.7.6 Shape Optimization 35 1.8 Notes . 40 2 Fundamentals of Optimization 43 2.1 Introduction . 43 2.2 Feasibility and Optimality 43 Exercises . 47 2.3 Convexity 48 2.3.1 Derivatives and Convexity . 50 vvi Contents Exercises . 52 2.4 The General Optimization Algorithm 54 Exercises . 58 2.5 Rates of Convergence 58 Exercises . 61 2.6 Taylor Series . 62 Exercises . 65 2.7 Newton’s Method for Nonlinear Equations . 67 2.7.1 Systems of Nonlinear Equations 72 Exercises . 74 2.8 Notes . 76 3 Representation of Linear Constraints 77 3.1 Basic Concepts 77 Exercises . 82 3.2 Null and Range Spaces . 82 Exercises . 84 3.3 Generating Null-Space Matrices . 86 3.3.1 Variable Reduction Method 86 3.3.2 Orthogonal Projection Matrix . 89 3.3.3 Other Projections . 90 3.3.4 The QR Factorization . 90 Exercises . 91 3.4 Notes . 93 II Linear Programming 95 4 Geometry of Linear Programming 97 4.1 Introduction . 97 Exercises . 98 4.2 Standard Form 100 Exercises . 105 4.3 Basic Solutions and Extreme Points . 106 Exercises . 114 4.4 Representation of Solutions; Optimality 117 Exercises . 123 4.5 Notes . 124 5 The Simplex Method 125 5.1 Introduction . 125 5.2 The Simplex Method 126 5.2.1 General Formulas . 129 5.2.2 Unbounded Problems . 134 5.2.3 Notation for the Simplex Method (Tableaus) . 135 5.2.4 Deficiencies of the Tableau 139Contents vii Exercises . 141 5.3 The Simplex Method (Details) . 144 5.3.1 Multiple Solutions . 144 5.3.2 Feasible Directions and Edge Directions . 145 Exercises . 148 5.4 Getting Started—Artificial Variables 149 5.4.1 The Two-Phase Method 150 5.4.2 The Big-M Method 156 Exercises . 159 5.5 Degeneracy and Termination 162 5.5.1 Resolving Degeneracy Using Perturbation 167 Exercises . 170 5.6 Notes . 171 6 Duality and Sensitivity 173 6.1 The Dual Problem 173 Exercises . 177 6.2 Duality Theory 179 6.2.1 Complementary Slackness . 182 6.2.2 Interpretation of the Dual . 184 Exercises . 185 6.3 The Dual Simplex Method 189 Exercises . 194 6.4 Sensitivity 195 Exercises . 201 6.5 Parametric Linear Programming . 204 Exercises . 210 6.6 Notes . 211 7 Enhancements of the Simplex Method 213 7.1 Introduction . 213 7.2 Problems with Upper Bounds 214 Exercises . 221 7.3 Column Generation . 222 Exercises . 227 7.4 The Decomposition Principle 227 Exercises . 238 7.5 Representation of the Basis . 240 7.5.1 The Product Form of the Inverse . 240 7.5.2 Representation of the Basis—The LU Factorization . 248 Exercises . 256 7.6 Numerical Stability and Computational Efficiency . 259 7.6.1 Pricing . 260 7.6.2 The Initial Basis 264 7.6.3 Tolerances; Degeneracy 265 7.6.4 Scaling . 266viii Contents 7.6.5 Preprocessing . 267 7.6.6 Model Formats . 268 Exercises . 269 7.7 Notes . 270 8 Network Problems 271 8.1 Introduction . 271 8.2 Basic Concepts and Examples 271 Exercises . 280 8.3 Representation of the Basis . 280 Exercises . 287 8.4 The Network Simplex Method . 287 Exercises . 294 8.5 Resolving Degeneracy 295 Exercises . 299 8.6 Notes . 299 9 Computational Complexity of Linear Programming 301 9.1 Introduction . 301 9.2 Computational Complexity . 302 Exercises . 304 9.3 Worst-Case Behavior of the Simplex Method 305 Exercises . 308 9.4 The Ellipsoid Method 308 Exercises . 313 9.5 The Average-Case Behavior of the Simplex Method 314 9.6 Notes . 316 10 Interior-Point Methods for Linear Programming 319 10.1 Introduction . 319 10.2 The Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method . 321 10.2.1 Computational Aspects of Interior-Point Methods 328 10.2.2 The Predictor-Corrector Algorithm 329 Exercises . 330 10.3 Feasibility and Self-Dual Formulations . 331 Exercises . 334 10.4 Some Concepts from Nonlinear Optimization . 334 10.5 Affine-Scaling Methods . 336 Exercises . 343 10.6 Path-Following Methods 344 Exercises . 352 10.7 Notes . 353Contents ix III Unconstrained Optimization 355 11 Basics of Unconstrained Optimization 357 11.1 Introduction . 357 11.2 Optimality Conditions 357 Exercises . 361 11.3 Newton’s Method for Minimization . 364 Exercises . 369 11.4 Guaranteeing Descent 371 Exercises . 374 11.5 Guaranteeing Convergence: Line Search Methods . 375 11.5.1 Other Line Searches 381 Exercises . 385 11.6 Guaranteeing Convergence: Trust-Region Methods 391 Exercises . 398 11.7 Notes . 399 12 Methods for Unconstrained Optimization 401 12.1 Introduction . 401 12.2 Steepest-Descent Method 402 Exercises . 408 12.3 Quasi-Newton Methods . 411 Exercises . 420 12.4 Automating Derivative Calculations . 422 12.4.1 Finite-Difference Derivative Estimates 422 12.4.2 Automatic Differentiation . 426 Exercises . 429 12.5 Methods That Do Not Require Derivatives . 431 12.5.1 Simulation-Based Optimization 432 12.5.2 Compass Search: A Derivative-Free Method . 434 12.5.3 Convergence of Compass Search . 437 Exercises . 440 12.6 Termination Rules 441 Exercises . 445 12.7 Historical Background 446 12.8 Notes . 448 13 Low-Storage Methods for Unconstrained Problems 451 13.1 Introduction . 451 13.2 The Conjugate-Gradient Method for Solving Linear Equations 452 Exercises . 459 13.3 Truncated-Newton Methods . 460 Exercises . 465 13.4 Nonlinear Conjugate-Gradient Methods . 466 Exercises . 469 13.5 Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton Methods . 470x Contents Exercises . 473 13.6 Preconditioning . 474 Exercises . 477 13.7 Notes . 478 IV Nonlinear Optimization 481 14 Optimality Conditions for Constrained Problems 483 14.1 Introduction . 483 14.2 Optimality Conditions for Linear Equality Constraints . 484 Exercises . 489 14.3 The Lagrange Multipliers and the Lagrangian Function 491 Exercises . 493 14.4 Optimality Conditions for Linear Inequality Constraints 494 Exercises . 501 14.5 Optimality Conditions for Nonlinear Constraints 502 14.5.1 Statement of Optimality Conditions 503 Exercises . 508 14.6 Preview of Methods . 510 Exercises . 514 14.7 Derivation of Optimality Conditions for Nonlinear Constraints 515 Exercises . 520 14.8 Duality 522 14.8.1 Games and Min-Max Duality . 523 14.8.2 Lagrangian Duality 526 14.8.3 Wolfe Duality . 532 14.8.4 More on the Dual Function 534 14.8.5 Duality in Support Vector Machines 538 Exercises . 542 14.9 Historical Background 543 14.10 Notes . 546 15 Feasible-Point Methods 549 15.1 Introduction . 549 15.2 Linear Equality Constraints . 549 Exercises . 555 15.3 Computing the Lagrange Multipliers 556 Exercises . 561 15.4 Linear Inequality Constraints 563 15.4.1 Linear Programming 570 Exercises . 572 15.5 Sequential Quadratic Programming . 573 Exercises . 580 15.6 Reduced-Gradient Methods . 581 Exercises . 588Contents xi 15.7 Filter Methods 588 Exercises . 597 15.8 Notes . 598 16 Penalty and Barrier Methods 601 16.1 Introduction . 601 16.2 Classical Penalty and Barrier Methods . 602 16.2.1 Barrier Methods 603 16.2.2 Penalty Methods 610 16.2.3 Convergence 613 Exercises . 617 16.3 Ill-Conditioning . 618 16.4 Stabilized Penalty and Barrier Methods . 619 Exercises . 623 16.5 Exact Penalty Methods . 623 Exercises . 626 16.6 Multiplier-Based Methods 626 16.6.1 Dual Interpretation . 635 Exercises . 638 16.7 Nonlinear Primal-Dual Methods . 640 16.7.1 Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods 641 16.7.2 Convergence of the Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method . 645 Exercises . 647 16.8 Semidefinite Programming . 649 Exercises . 654 16.9 Notes . 656 V Appendices 659 A Topics from Linear Algebra 661 A.1 Introduction . 661 A.2 Eigenvalues . 661 A.3 Vector and Matrix Norms 662 A.4 Systems of Linear Equations 664 A.5 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Elimination 666 A.6 Gaussian Elimination as a Matrix Factorization . 669 A.6.1 Sparse Matrix Storage . 675 A.7 Other Matrix Factorizations . 676 A.7.1 Positive-Definite Matrices . 677 A.7.2 The LDLT and Cholesky Factorizations 678 A.7.3 An Orthogonal Matrix Factorization 681 A.8 Sensitivity (Conditioning) 683 A.9 The Sherman–Morrison Formula 686 A.10 Notes . 688xii Contents B Other Fundamentals 691 B.1 Introduction . 691 B.2 Computer Arithmetic 691 B.3 Big-O Notation, O(·) 693 B.4 The Gradient, Hessian, and Jacobian 694 B.5 Gradient and Hessian of a Quadratic Function . 696 B.6 Derivatives of a Product . 697 B.7 The Chain Rule . 698 B.8 Continuous Functions; Closed and Bounded Sets 699 B.9 The Implicit Function Theorem . 700 C Software 703 C.1 Software . 703 Bibliography 707 Index Index An italic e or f following a page number indicates that an example or a figure appears on that page. Abadie, J., 547, 598 Ablow, C.M., 657 active constraint, 44 active set, 44, 563 active-set method, 565e, 565f, 567e, 569f, 563–573, 598, 601 algorithm, 566–567 for linear programming, 570–572 adaptive algorithm, 433 adjacent extreme point, see extreme point, adjacent Adler, Ilan, 315, 324, 354 affine-scaling direction dual, 341 primal, 338 affine-scaling matrix, 336 affine-scaling method, 320, 336–344 dual, 340–343 primal, 339e, 337–343 primal-dual, 342–343 affine-scaling transformation, 336 Ahuja, Ravindra K., 293, 299, 300 Aizerman, M., 547 Al-Baali, M., 479 al-K¯aš¯ı, 448 Andersen, Erling D., 267, 354 Andersen, Knud D., 267 Anstreicher, Kurt M., 354 arc, 271 Archimedes, 16 Archimedes’ problem, 16, 16f Armijo condition, 377 artificial variable, 149–162, see also big-M method; two-phase method assignment problem, 276e, 277f, 275–277 augmented Lagrangian function, 627 augmented Lagrangian method, 628e, 626–640, 657 algorithm, 627–628 convergence, 631–634 dual interpretation, 635–638 automatic differentiation, see differentiation, automatic average-case cost, 301–302, see also complexity Avriel, Mordecai, 501, 502, 547 backsubstitution, 667 backtracking line search, see line search, backtracking Barnes, Earl R., 354 Barnhart, Cynthia, 40 barrier function, 319, 603 inverse, 604 logarithmic, 320, 335, 344, 604 barrier method, 319–320, 335, 344, 604e, 602–610, 656–657 convergence, 613–617 dual, 353 ill-conditioning, 608e, 608–609, 618–619, 657 727728 Index Lagrange multiplier estimate, 607e, 606–608 stabilized, 622e, 619–623, 657 barrier parameter, 604 barrier term, 602 barrier trajectory, 345, 605, see also central path Bartels, Richard H., 252 basic feasible solution, 98, 107, 108e, 125, 126, see also extreme point adjacent, 112 degenerate, 110, 117 extended, 215–216 network model, 285–286 basic solution, 106–117 basic variable, 86, 107 basis, 107 adjacent, 112 basis matrix, 107 for the null space, see null-space matrix, basic matrix product form, see product form of the inverse representation, 240–259 representation in network, 280–287 basis recovery procedure, 329 Bau, David, III, 93 Bazaraa, Mikhtar S., 171 Beale, E.M.L., 171, 211 Bellman, Richard E., 657 Bernoulli, Jacob, 41 Bernoulli, John, 35, 544 Bertsekas, Dimitri P., 657, 701 BFGS update, see quasi-Newton method, BFGS Bicani ´ c N., 447 ´ Biegler, Lorenz T., 657 big-M method, 149, 156–162, 237, 292 big-O notation, 691, 693–694 binding constraint, see active constraint Bixby, Robert E., 41, 265 Bland’s rule, 166–167, 171 Bland, Robert G., 166, 167, 171, 313, 316 Bliss, Gilbert A., 545, 546 block angular problem, 227, 238 Boggs, Paul T., 598 Bolza, O., 546 bordered-inverse formula, 621 Borgwardt, Karl-Heinz, 315–317 Borisov, W.W., 449 Bosch, Robert A., 354 Boser, B.E., 547 boundary of a constraint, 44 boundary of a set, 44 bounded set, 699 brachistochrone problem, 544 Braverman, E., 547 Brearly, A.L., 267 Brigham, G., 657 Broyden class, see quasi-Newton method, Broyden class Broyden, C.G., 417 Buck, R. Creighton, 691, 700 Burges, Christopher J.C., 41 Byrd, Richard H., 420, 449, 479, 657 calculus of variations, 543–546 canonical form for linear programming, see linear programming, canonical form Carpentier, J., 598 Carson, R., 41 catenary problem, 35, 41, 705 Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, 448, 545 centering direction, 347 central path, 320, 344, 345f, 345–346, see also barrier trajectory central trajectory, see central path chain rule, 698e, 698–699 characteristic equation, 661 Charnes, Abraham, 171 Chen, Ke, 479 Cheriyan, J., 299 Cholesky factorization, 448, 680e, 678–680 incomplete, 479 Chvátal, Vašek, 124, 171, 238, 300, 316 closed set, 699 coincidence event, 32 coincidence line, 32Index 729 Coleman, Thomas F., 657 column generation, 214, 222–227, 270 compass search, 435e, 436f, 434–441 algorithm, 437 convergence, 437–441 complementary slackness linear programming, 183e, 182–184, 188 strict, 183, 189 nonlinear optimization, 496, 506 strict, 497, 506 complexity, 59, 301–305, 316 ellipsoid method, see ellipsoid method, complexity linear programming, see linear programming, complexity simplex method, see simplex method, complexity smoothed analysis, 317 computational complexity, see complexity computer arithmetic, 691–693, see also floating-point arithmetic IEEE standard, 691 Concus, Paul, 479 condition number, 664 conditioning, 683–686 cone, 117, 516 second-order, 655, 656f cone programming, 649, 658 convex, 649 second-order, 655 conjugate vectors, 453 conjugate-gradient method linear, 455e, 451–460, 478 algorithm, 454 preconditioned, 476e, 475–476 nonlinear, 451, 452, 467e, 466–470, 479 algorithm, 466 comparison with other methods, 469 Fletcher–Reeves, 469, 479 Hestenes–Stiefel, 469 Polak–Ribiére, 469, 479 Conn, Andrew R., 400, 657 connected network, 281, 282f constraint linear, 77–93, 125 nonlinear, 483–547 constraint matrix, 101 constraint qualification, 546 Conte, Samuel D., 412 continuous function, 691, 699–700 control systems, 653 control theory, 543 convergence rate, 43, 60e, 58–62 r-linear, 439 linear, 59 quadratic, 60 superlinear, 59, 399 convex combination, 50 convex function, 49f, 52f, 48–54 strictly, 49 convex optimization problem, 49 convex set, 48f, 48–54 convexity, 48–54, see also convex function; convex set Corliss, George F., 449 Courant, Richard, 546, 656, 691 course outline, xvii–xxi introduction to optimization, xx–xxi linear programming, xvii–xviii nonlinear optimization, xviii–xx Cramer’s rule, 287 crash procedure, 265, see simplex method, initialization crew scheduling, 18–20, 40 Cristianini, Nello, 41 Cullum, Jane K., 478 Curtis, A.R., 449 cut in a network, 279e, 279 cutting plane, 651 cutting stock problem, 223f, 225e, 223–227, 270 cycle in a network, 281, 282f, 287 cycling, 164–171, 211 Dantzig, George B., 124, 171, 211, 270 data fitting, see least-squares data fitting Davidon, William C., 419, 448730 Index Davis, Timothy A., 689 de Boor, Carl W., 412 Deasy, Joseph O., 41 decomposition principle, 214, 233e, 227–240, 270 algorithm, 232 initialization, 236–237 degeneracy, 112, 115, 117, 125, 155, 155e, 195, 211, 222, 259, 265–266, 294, 497e, 498e, 497–499, 506 in network model, 295–299 demand in a network, 273 Dembo, Ron S., 478 den Hertog, D., 353, 657 Dennis, John E., Jr., 394, 399, 449, 700 dependent variable, 86 derivative, see differentiation derivative of a product, 697e, 697–698 derivative-free method, 450, see also compass search descent direction, 56 feasible, 58 Devex pricing, see pricing, Devex differentiation automatic, 366, 401, 422, 426–431, 449 forward mode, 429 reverse mode, 429 finite difference, 423e, 422–426, 429–430, 449 central difference, 425 complex difference, 426, 449 deficiencies, 432–434 forward difference, 423 sparse, 449 of product, see also chain rules gradient; Hessian; Jacobian Dijkstra, Edsger W., 299 Dikin, I.I., 336, 354 direction of a set, see direction of unboundedness direction of negative curvature, see negative curvature direction of unboundedness, 98, 112–115, 117–124 directional derivative, 382 discrete optimization, see integer programming dogleg strategy, see trust-region method, dogleg strategy dose-volume histogram, 31 double precision arithmetic, 693 Dow Jones Industrial average, 27 Drud, Arne S., 599 dual feasibility, 529 dual function, 524, 528 derivatives, 538e, 537–538 dual linear program, 173–179, see also duality, linear programming canonical form, 173–176 formation, 173–179 general form, 177e, 176–177 interpretation, 184–185 solution, 181, 182e standard form, 177 dual nonlinear program, see duality, nonlinear optimization dual price, 492 dual simplex method, 192e, 189–195, 211, 264, 300 algorithm, 191 big-M method, 195 phase-1 problem, 195 dual variable, 8, 125, see also Lagrange multiplier duality, 538, 545–547 linear programming, 279, see also dual linear program strong, 179–181, 185 theory, 179–189, 211 weak, 179e, 179–180 nonlinear conjugate, 527 nonlinear optimization, 177, 179, 484, 522–543, 547 convex, 532 Lagrangian, 526–532 local, 536e, 534–537 min-max, 523–526Index 731 strong, 525–526, 531–532 weak, 524, 529e, 529–531 Wolfe, 533e, 532–533 support vector machine, 538–543, 547 duality gap, 530, 530e edge direction, 147e, 145–148 Edmonds, Jack, 299 efficient frontier, 27, 28f eigenvalue, 662e, 661–662 eigenvector, 662e, 661–662 Eisemann, K., 270 Eisenstat, Stanley C., 478 elementary matrix, 240–248, 257, 258 elementary permuation matrix, see permutation matrix, elementary elimination, see Gaussian elimination ellipsoid, 309e, 310f, 309–310 ellipsoid method, 312e, 312f, 308–314, 316, 319 algorithm, 311 complexity, 313 entering variable, 130, see also pricing mach, see machine epsilon equality-constrained problem linear, 79e, 79–80 Eskow, Elizabeth, 400 eta file, 241 eta vector, 241–247, 258 Euclid’s problem, 490 Euler, Leonhard, 544, 545 evaluation graph, 427, 427f exact line search, see line search, exact exact penalty function, 623 exact penalty method, see penalty method, exact Excel, 703 excess variable, 102 exponent in scientific notation, 692 exponential algorithm, 304–305, see also complexity extended basic feasible solution, see basic feasible solution, extended extreme point, 106–124, 228–240, 270 adjacent, 112 relation to basic feasible solution, 110–112 Fan, Ky, 657 Farkas’ lemma, 188, 211 Farkas, Julius, 211 Farvolden, Judith M., 270 feasible arc, 520 feasible curve, 484, 516e, 516f, 515–517 feasible descent direction, see descent direction, feasible feasible direction, 78f, 78–80, 147e, 145–148, 483, 484 feasible point, 43, 44 feasible region, see feasible set feasible set, 44, 45f feasible spanning tree solution, 285–286 feasible-point method, 78–79, 126, 549–599 Fermat, 3 Ferris, Michael C., 41 Fiacco, Anthony V., 353, 617, 618, 656, 657 fill-in, 673 filter, 513–514, 589, 590f filter method, 588–599 finite-difference derivative, see differentiation, finite difference finite-precision arithmetic, see floating-point arithmetic first-order conditions for optimality, see optimality conditions fixed variable, 269 fleet assignment, 40 fleet scheduling, 18, 20–21 Fletcher, Roger, 417, 419, 448, 469, 542, 599 floating-point arithmetic, 691 Floudas, Christodoulos A., 76 fluence map, 29 fluence matrix, 29 Fomin, S.V., 41 Ford, Jr., L.R., 270, 279, 299, 300732 Index Forrest, John J.H., 256, 264 Forrest–Tomlin update, 256 forward arc, 294 Fourer, Robert, 41 Fredman, M.L., 299 free constraint, 268 free variable, 102, 269 Freedman, B.A., 354 Frisch, K.R., 656, 657 Fritz–John conditions, 522, see also optimality conditions, constrained Fulkerson, D.R., 270, 279, 299, 300 full pricing, see pricing, full Gács, P., 309, 317 Gal, T., 211 Gale, David, 211 game theory, 185, 523–526 Gass, Saul I., 211 Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 448, 545, 666 Gaussian elimination, 302, 303, 666–676 accuracy, 685–686, 688 as matrix factorization, 669–676 costs, 667–668 for sparse matrix, 674e, 672–676 Gay, David M., 41, 354, 400 Gelfand, I.M., 41 general optimization algorithm, xiii, 56f, 54–58, 365 generalized inverse, see Penrose–Moore generalized inverse George, Alan, 689 Gilbert, Jean Charles, 479 Gill, Philip E., 93, 400, 443, 448, 449, 598 Gilmore, Phillis C., 270 Givens rotation, 681 global optimum, see optimum, global globalization strategy, 375, 511 Goldberg, A.V., 299 golden ratio, 412 Goldfarb, Donald, 264, 313, 316, 417 Goldman, Alan J., 211 Golub, Gene H., 93, 252, 479, 558, 661, 682 Gomory, Ralph E., 270 Gondzio, J., 354 Gopalan, Ram, 40 Gould, F.J., 547 Gould, Nicholas I.M., 400, 599, 657 gradient, 691, 694e, 694–697 of a quadratic function, 696e, 696–697 gradient search, see steepest-descent method gradient-related direction, 377 Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization, 681 Gregory, John, 545 Gregory, John W., 41 Griewank, Andreas, 449, 479 Griva, Igor, 41 Guignard, Monique, 547 Güler, Osman, 354 Guyon, Isabel M., 547 Hager, William W., 689 Haimovich, M., 315 Halley, Edmond, 448 Hansen, Eldon, 76 hard constraint, 29 Harris, Paula M.J., 264 Herman, Gabor T., 41 Heron’s problem, 490 Hessian, 691, 694e, 694–697 of a quadratic function, 696e, 696–697 Hestenes, Magnus R., 456, 478, 479, 657 Hestenes–Stiefel, 469 Higham, N.J., 689 Hilbert, David, 546, 691 Ho, J.K., 270 Hoffman, Alan J., 171, 305 Horn, Roger A., 661 Horner, William George, 448 Horst, Reiner, 76 Householder reflection, 681 Hribar, Mary E., 657 Hung, P.F., 354 Huygens, Christian, 35Index 733 ill-conditioned problem, 684 ill-conditioning, 265 implicit function theorem, 691, 700–701 IMRT (intensity modulated radiation treatment) planning, 18, 28–32, 41 inactive constraint, 44 incomplete Cholesky factorization, see Cholesky factorization, incomplete independent variable, 86 inequality-constrained problem linear, 79e, 79–80 infeasible linear program, 153e, 154f, 153–154 infimum, 523 integer programming, 19, 20, 286, 704, see also knapsack problem intensity modulated radiation treatment (IMRT) planning, 18, 28–32, 41 interior of a constraint, 44 interior point, 44, 320, 699 interior-point method, 125, 173, 302, 602 complexity, 321 computational aspects, 328–329, 354 dual, 320 linear programming, 319–354, see also affine-scaling method; Karmarkar’s method; path-following method; potential-reduction method primal, 320 primal-dual, 325e, 320–331 nonlinear, see primal-dual method, nonlinear inverse barrier function, see barrier function, inverse Jacobian, 691, 695e, 694–695 Jain, A., 598 Jarvis, John J., 171 John, Fritz, 522 Johnson, Calvin A., 41 Johnson, Charles R., 661 Johnson, Ellis L., 40 Johnson, K.H., 447 Jones, Kim L., 270 Kantorovich, Leonid V., 171, 354 Karmarkar’s method, 301, 319, 321, 336, 353, 609, 640 Karmarkar, Narendra, 301, 319, 353 Karp, Richard M., 299 Karush, W., 545, 546 Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions, 545, see also optimality conditions, constrained kernel of a support vector machine, 541, 547 Kernighan, Brian W., 41 Khachiyan’s method, see ellipsoid method Khachiyan, Leonid G., 308, 317 KKT conditions, 506, see also optimality conditions, constrained Klee, Victor, 211, 306 Klee–Minty problem, 306e, 307f, 306–308, 313, 314, 316 Kleinschmidt, Peter, 211 knapsack problem, 225, 270 Kojima, M., 354 Kolda, Tamara G., 450 Krylov subspace, 458 Kuhn, Harold W., 211, 545, 546 Kuhn–Tucker conditions, 506 Kuhn-Tucker conditions, see also optimality conditions, constrained 1 exact penalty function, 623 Lagrange multiplier, 125, 177, 484, 488e, 488f, 487–494 computation of, 554–563 least-squares estimate, 558 via QR factorization, 559 via nonorthogonal projection, 559734 Index via orthogonal projection, 558–559 via variable reduction, 558 first-order estimate, 557 Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 493, 544–546 Lagrangian function, 484, 491–494, 504 Lanczos algorithm, 478 Lanczos, Cornelius, 478 Lange, K., 41 Lapack, 686 Lasdon, L.S., 598 LDLT factorization, 679e, 678–680 least-squares data fitting, 7, 12–14, 357 nonlinear, 14 least-squares problem, 682e, 681–683 leaving variable, 130 Lee, Eva K., 41 Lee, T.C., 270 Leibniz, Gottfried, 35 Lemaréchal, Claude, 479, 657 Lemke, C.E., 211 length of the input data (L), 303–305 level set, 378 Levenburg, K., 400 Lewis, Robert Michael, 450 lexicographic method, see perturbation lexicographic ordering, 168e, 167–171 Leyffer, Sven, 599 Liberti, Leo, 76 limited-memory quasi-Newton method, see quasi-Newton method, limited memory Lin, Cantian, 545 line search, 57, 57f, 375e backtracking, 378 exact, 382 naive, 376e line search method, 375–391, 400, 401 convergence theorem, 378–381 linear conjugate-gradient method, see conjugate-gradient method, linear linear constraint, 77–93, 125 linear convergence, see convergence rate, linear linear equations, 7–9, 664–668 linear matrix inequality, 651 linear optimization, see linear programming linear programming, 8, 10–12, 41, 43, 86, 95–354 canonical form, 174e, 173–176 complexity, 211, 301–317 degeneracy, 112 duality, 173–211 geometry, 97–124 graphical solution, 98f, 97–100 multiple solutions, 145e, 144–145, 146f, 148, 149 self-dual formulation, 331–334, 354 sensitivity, 173, 196e, 195–204 general rules, 201 software, 704 standard form, 97, 98, 101e, 102e, 100–106 Lipschitz continuous function, 700 Liu, D.C., 479 Liu, J.W., 689 local optimum, see optimum, local logarithmic barrier function, see barrier function, logarithmic Lovász, L., 309, 317 LU factorization, 240, 250e, 258, 259, 669–676 updating, 253e, 253f, 248–259 Lu, Peihuang, 479 Luenberger, David G., 405, 406 Lustig, Irvin J., 41, 267, 270, 354, 657 Lyapunov function, 653 Lyapunov, Aleksandr M., 657 Lyness, James N., 449 Mathematica, 703 machine epsilon, 265, 692 Mackie, T. Rockwell, 41 Maclaurin, Colin, 448 Maculan, Nelson, 76 Magnanti, Thomas L., 211, 293, 299, 300 Maheshwari, S.N., 299 Mangasarian, Olvi L., 25, 547Index 735 Manne, A.S., 270 Mannos, M., 305 mantissa, 692 Maratos effect, 581 Maratos, N., 657 Markowitz, Harry M., 25, 41, 673 Marquardt, D., 400 Marsten, Roy E., 41, 267, 354, 657 master problem, 229, 229e MATLAB, 703 matrix, 661 dense, 665 indefinite, 677 negative definite, 677 negative semidefinite, 677 nonsingular, 665 positive definite, 677e, 677–678 positive semidefinite, 677 singular, 665 sparse, 665 square, 661 symmetric, 661 triangular, 667 upper triangular, 667 matrix inequality, 651 matrix norm, see norm, matrix maximum flow problem, 278e, 279f, 277–280 dual, 279 maximum likelihood estimation, 32 Mayer, A., 545, 546 Mayne, D.Q., 657 McCormick, Garth P., 353, 617, 656, 657 Mead, R., 450 mean-value theorem, 65 Megiddo, Nimrod, 354 Mehrotra, Sanjay, 330, 354 Meijerink, J.A., 479 Meketon, M.S., 354 merit function, 513–514, 577e, 577–580 Meszaros, C., 354 method of multipliers, 631, see also augmented Lagrangian method min-max duality, see duality, nonlinear optimization, min-max minimax problem, 510 minimizer global, 45, 45f, 49, 358 strict, 45, see also optimum, global local, 46, 46f, 49, 358 strict, 46, 358 minimum cost network flow problem, see network flow problem Minty, George J., 306 Mitra, G., 267 Mizuno, S., 354 model format, 260, 268–269 modeling language, 422, see also modeling software modeling software, 703–704 modified barrier function, 634 modified barrier method, 634–635 modified matrix factorization, 373e, 372–373, 399 Moler, Cleve B., 449 Monteiro, R.D.C., 324, 354 Moore–Penrose generalized inverse, see Penrose–Moore generalized inverse Moré, Jorge J., 395, 399, 400, 449 multidirectional search, see compass search multiplier-based method, see method of multipliers Murray, Walter, 93, 400, 443, 448, 449, 598, 657 Murty, Katta G., 124, 171, 299 Nash, Stephen G., 469, 478, 479, 657 Nazareth, J.L., 270 necessary conditions for optimality, see optimality conditions negative curvature, 374–375 Nelder, J.A., 450 Nelder–Mead method, 450 Nemhauser, George L., 40, 270, 286 Nemirovskii, Arkadii S., 317, 658736 Index NEOS server for optimization software, 704 Nesterov, Yurii, 658 Netlib, 478 network flow problem, 272e, 271–280 network model, 10, 16–17, 167, 227, 272f, 295f, 271–300 balanced, 274, 274e, 274f network problem, see network model network simplex method, 271, 287–295, 299–300 algorithm, 292 entering variable, 289, 290f initialization, 292, 293f operation counts, 292–293 New York Times, 308 Newton decrement, see proximity measure Newton direction, 323, 335 projected, 555 reduced, 551e, 550–552 Newton equations, 365 reduced, 550 Newton’s method history, 446–448 minimization, 8, 335, 357, 364–375, 401–403, 422, 452 classical, 365 computational costs, 365–366 convergence rate, 365–369, 399 modified, 371–375 reduced, 550–552, 582 nonlinear equations, 43, 67e, 69f, 73e, 67–76, 323–324, 335, 364 convergence, 69, 74 failure, 70, 71e, 74 multiple zeroes, 70, 70e, 72f, 76 Newton, Isaac, 446–448, 544 Newton–Raphson method, 447, see also Newton’s method Nocedal, Jorge, 400, 420, 448, 449, 469, 479, 657 node, 271 nonbasic variable, 86, 107 nonbinding constraint, see inactive constraint nonconvex set, 48f nonlinear conjugate-gradient method, see conjugate-gradient method, nonlinear nonlinear optimization, 8, 14–18, 43, 86, 125, 357, 481–658 software, 704 within interior-point method, 319, 321, 334–336 nonlinear optimization problem, 125, 177 nonlinear programming, see nonlinear optimization nonorthogonal projection to compute Lagrange multiplier, 559 norm, 662–664 1-norm, 663–664 2-norm, 662–664 Euclidean, 662–664 infinity, 663–664 matrix, 664e, 662–664 induced, 663 vector, 663e, 662–664 null space, 80, 83f, 82–93 null-space equation, 550 null-space matrix, 83 basis matrix, 83 generation of, 86–93 numerical factorization, 328, 674 O’Leary, Dianne P., 479 Olivera, Gustavo C., 41 open set, 699 optimal basic feasible solution, 107, 117, 121–122, 125 optimality conditions, 44–48 constrained, 483–547 first-order necessary, 486e, 485–491, 495–497, 504, 506–508, 519 linear constraints, 484–491, 499e, 494–502Index 737 nonlinear constraints, 505e, 506e, 502–510, 515–522 second-order necessary, 486e, 485–491, 496–497, 504, 506–508, 519–520 second-order sufficient, 486–491, 497–502, 504, 506–508, 519–520 unconstrained, 360e, 357–364 first-order necessary, 359 second-order necessary, 359 second-order sufficient, 359 optimization model, 3–41 optimum global, 43, 76, see also minimizer, global local, 43, 76, see also minimizer, local optimum, global, 76 OR/MS Today, 704 Orchard-Hays, William, 171, 270 Orden, Alex, 171 Orlin, James B., 211, 293, 299, 300 Ortega, James M., 74, 358, 400, 691, 700 orthogonal matrix factorization, see QR factorization orthogonal projection to compute Lagrange multiplier, 558–559 orthogonal projection matrix, 89f, 89–93 orthogonal subspace, 83 Ostrovskii, G.M., 449 Oughtred, William, 447 out-of-kilter method, 300 overflow, 692 Paige, Chris C., 478 Panier, Eliane R., 598 Papadimitriou, Christos H., 316, 352 parallel computing, 270, 432, 478 parametric linear programming, 205e, 209f, 204–211, 315 Pardalos, Panos M., 76 Parlett, Beresford N., 478 partial pricing, see pricing, partial partial separability, 479 path, 281, 282f path-following method, 320, 344–354 complexity, 347–352 long-step, 348 primal, 346e, 346–348 primal-dual, 345–346, 352, 354 short-step, 348–349 pattern classification, 18, 22 pattern search, see compass search penalization method, 601 penalty function, 601, 611 exact, 623, 624f ill-conditioning, 611–613 penalty method, 602–603, 612e, 610–613, 656–657 exact, 624e, 623–626, 657 exterior, 603, see also penalty method for inequality constraints, 613 ill-conditioning, 657 interior, 603, see also barrier method stabilized, 619–623, 657 penalty term, 602 Penrose–Moore generalized inverse, 559 permutation matrix, 248, 669 elementary, 249 Perry, A., 479 perturbation, 167–171, see also degeneracy PET (positron emission tomography) image reconstruction, 18, 33f, 32–35, 41 PET image reconstruction, see positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction phase-1 problem, 150–157, 159–161 phase-2 problem, 152, 154–156, 160, 161 Pietrzykowski, T., 657 pivot entry, 137 pivoting, 137, 668 complete, 668 Markowitz, 673–674 partial, 668738 Index Plotkin, Serge A., 300 Polak–Ribiére, 469, 479 polyhedral set, 77 polyhedron, 77 polynomial algorithm, 304–305, see also complexity portfolio optimization, 18, 25–28, 41 positive-definite matrix, see matrix, positive definite positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction, 18, 32–35, 41 potential-reduction method, 320 Powell, Michael J.D., 400, 419, 448, 449, 618, 657 Powell, Warren B., 270 preconditioning, 459, 475e, 474–479 preconditioning matrix, 475 predictor-corrector method, 321, 329–330, 354 preprocessing, 260, 267 pricing, 140, 260–264, 270 Devex, 264 full, 260 partial, 260 steepest-descent, 261 steepest-edge, 263e, 260–264, 269 primal function, 524, 527 primal linear program, 173 primal-dual method, see also interior-point method, primal-dual nonlinear, 643e, 640–649, 657 algorithm, 642–643 convergence, 645–647 primal-dual simplex method, 300 principle of least action, 543 product form of the inverse, 244e, 240–247, 257, 270 projected gradient, 485 projected gradient method, 556 projected Hessian, 485 projection matrix, 90 projective method, see Karmarkar’s method proximity measure, 348–349 pseudoinverse, see Penrose–Moore generalized inverse QR factorization, 86, 90–93, 683e, 681–683 to compute Lagrange multiplier, 559 quadratic convergence, see convergence rate, quadratic quadratic function, 8, 9f gradient, 696e, 696–697 Hessian, 696e, 696–697 quadratic penalty function, 577 quadratic program, 18, 574 quadratic programming software, 704 quadratic-loss function, 611 quasi-convex function, 53 quasi-Newton method, 401–402, 413e, 411–422, 448–449, 451 algorithm, 415 BFGS, 418e, 417–420, 445, 448, 449, 470 Broyden class, 419 convergence, 419–420 DFP, 419 for constrained optimization, 553 inverse update, 449 limited memory, 451, 452, 471e, 469–474, 477, 479 for constrained optimization, 553 symmetric rank-one, 416e, 414–417, 448 update formula, 414 radiotherapy, 28 range space, 83f, 82–86 Raphson, Joseph, 447 ratio test, 81, 81e, 131 Ratner, M., 598 reduced cost, 125, 130 reduced function, 485, 485e reduced gradient, 485 reduced gradient method, 549, 583e, 581–588, 598–599 convergence, 585–588 reduced Hessian, 485Index 739 reduced Newton method, see Newton’s method, minimization Reeves, C.M., 469 refactorization, 252, see also LU factorization, updating regularity, 489, 496, 503e, 503–504, 508e, 518–519, 546–547 regularization, 644 Reid, John K., 264, 449 relative error, 692 relative interior point, 44 relaxation, 7, 20, 651 Renegar, James, 354 representation theorem, 120, 228 restart procedure, 479 reverse arc, 294 revised simplex method, see simplex method, revised Rheinboldt, Werner C., 74, 358, 400, 691, 700 right inverse, 559e, 557–563 Rinnooy Kan, A.H.G., 76 Rockafellar, Tyrrell R., 547 Roos, C., 353, 354 root node, 292 Rosen, J.B., 598 rounding error, 693, see floating-point arithmetic Rozonoer, L., 547 Ruszczynski, Andrzej, 41 Saad, Yousef, 478, 689 Saaty, Thomas, 211 saddle point, 486 saddle-point condition, 525 Saigal, Romesh, 657 SAS, 703 Sauer, Timothy, 691 Saunders, Michael A., 478 scaling, 260, 266–267, 270, 444e, 444–445 Schnabel, Robert B., 394, 400, 449, 700 Schölkopf, Bernhard, 41 Schrader, R., 316 Schrijver, Alexander, 124, 171, 316 SDP, see semidefinite programming search direction, 55 secant condition, 412 secant method, 412e, 411–412, see also quasi-Newton method second-order conditions for optimality, see optimality conditions second-order cone, see cone, second-order second-order Lorenz cone, 655, 656, see cone, second-order selective orthogonalization, 478 self-concordance, 658 semidefinite programming, 649–658 complementarity, 654 dual standard form, 650 duality, 653–654 primal standard form, 650 semidefinite relaxation, 651 sensitivity, 489, 492e, 683–686, 704, see also linear programming, sensitivity separating hyperplane, 22, 23, 24f separation margin, 22 sequential quadratic programming (SQP), 549, 575e, 573–581, 598 computational costs, 576 convergence, 576–580 filter method, 594e, 591–597 algorithm, 593–594 convergence, 596–597 set constraint, 527 shadow price, 125, 173, 492, see also dual variable shadow vertex method, 210, 211, 315, see also parametric linear programming Shanno, David F., 41, 267, 354, 417, 479, 657 shape optimization, 18, 35–41 Shawe-Taylor, John, 41 Shepard, David M., 41 Shepp, Larry A., 41 Sherali, Hanif D., 171 Sherman–Morrison formula, 470, 687e, 686–689740 Index Sherman–Morrison–Woodbury formula, 688–689 Shor, N.Z., 317 shortest path problem, 277e, 277, 278f, 280, 299 simplex method, 8, 97, 127f, 125–171, 301–302 algorithm, 131, 132e bounded variable, 213, 219e algorithm, 218 comparison with interior-point method, 328–329 complexity, 302 average case, 316, 317 average-case, 314 worst case, 305–308 computational efficiency, 259–270 degeneracy, 162e, 162–171 dual form, see dual simplex method enhancements, 213–270 general formulas, 129e, 129–134 implementation, 214 initialization, 149–162, 260, 264–265 interpreted as active-set method, 570–572 operation counts, 140–141 primal-dual form, see primal-dual simplex method revised, 139, 171 software, 260, 267, 269 stability, 259–270 tableau, 135–141 deficiencies, 139–141 termination, 162–171 tolerance, 260, 265–266 upper bound, 214–222 simplex multipliers, 129 Simpson, Thomas, 447, 448 simulation-based optimization, 432–434 single precision arithmetic, 693 singularity, 665 sink node, 272 Skeel, Robert, 267 skew symmetric matrix, 331 slack variable, 102 Slater condition, 547 Smola, Alexander J., 41 smoothed analysis, see complexity, smoothed analysis Sofer, Ariela, 41, 478, 657 soft constraint, 29 software, 703–705 Sokolowsky, D., 305 Sorensen, D.C., 400 source node, 272 spanning tree, 283f, 280–287 spanning tree solution, 285–287 sparse matrix storage, 675–676, 689 sparsity, 126, 213, 247–248, 256, 275, 366, 401, 449, 452, 456, 665, 689 spectral decomposition, 662 Spielman, Daniel A., 317 SQP, see sequential quadratic programming Squire, William, 449 stalling, 167, 294 standard form for linear programming, see linear programming, standard form stationary point, 46, 358, 359f, 486 steepest-descent direction reduced, 552e, 552–553 steepest-descent for linear programming, 261 steepest-descent method, 336, 404e, 401–411, 445 convergence, 406e, 407f, 405–407, 408f reduced, 552–553 steepest-descent pricing for linear programming, see pricing, steepest-descent steepest-edge pricing, see pricing, steepest-edge Steiglitz, Kenneth, 316, 352 Steihaug, Trond, 400, 478 step length, 55 Stiefel, E., 456, 478, 479 Stirling’s formula, 305 Street, W. Nick, 25Index 741 strong duality, see duality strongly feasible basis, 295f, 295–299 strongly feasible tree, see strongly feasible basis strongly polynomial algorithm, 300 subnetwork, 281, 281f sufficient conditions for optimality, see optimality conditions sufficient decrease condition, 57, 378f sufficient descent condition, 377–378 Suhl, L.M., 673 Suhl, Uwe H., 673 Sundarraj, R.P., 270 superlinear convergence, see convergence rate, superlinear supply in a network, 273 support vector, 23 support vector machine, 18, 22–25, 41 duality, see duality, support vector machine supremum, 523 surface, 515 ´ Swietanowski, Artur, 264 symbolic factorization, 328, 674 symmetric rank-one update, see quasi-Newton method, symmetric rank-one Talluri, Kalyan T., 40 tangent cone, 517f, 517–519 Tapia, Richard A., 354 Tardos, Éva, 300 Tarjan, Robert E., 299 Taylor series, 63e, 64e, 64f, 62–66, 358, 483 remainder form, 65 Taylor, Brook, 448 Ten, Shang-Hua, 317 Terlaky, T., 353 termination rules for unconstrained minimization, 441–446 Thoai, Nguyen V., 76 Thomas, S.W., 400 Thuente, David, 400 time-line network, 20, 21f Timmer, G.T., 76 Tits, André L., 598 Todd, G. Peter, 41 Todd, Michael J., 313, 316, 354, 657, 658 Toint, Philippe L., 400, 449, 478, 479, 599, 657 Tolle, Jon W., 547, 598 Tomlin, John A., 256 Torczon, Virginia, 450 totally unimodular, 287 training data, 22 transportation problem, 275e, 275, 276f, 280 transshipment node, 272 Trapp, George, 449 tree, 283f, 281–286 Trefethen, Lloyd N., 93 triangular matrix, 667 truncated-Newton method, 451, 452, 463e, 460–466, 469, 477–479, 657 for constrained optimization, 553, 554 truncation error, 423 trust-region method, 392f, 393e, 391–401 algorithm, 392–393 convergence theorem, 395–398, 400 dogleg strategy, 400 trust-region subproblem, 391 Tucker, Albert W., 211, 354, 545, 546 Turing machine, 303 Turing, Alan M., 303 two-phase method, 149–156, 159–162, 237–238, 256, 292 unbounded linear program, 134e, 135f, 134–135 unconstrained minimization, 14, 549 unconstrained optimization, 355–479 underflow, 692 unimodular, 287 unrestricted variable, see free variable URL for this book, xiv742 Index Van Der Vorst, H.A., 479 Van Loan, Charles, 93, 558, 661, 682 Vance, Pamela H., 40 Vandenberghe, Lieven, 657 Vanderbei, Robert J., 41, 270, 353, 354, 657 Vapnik, Vladimir, 41, 547 Vardi, Yehuda, 41 variable reduction, 87e, 86–88, 91 to compute Lagrange multiplier, 558 variable reduction method to compute Lagrange multiplier, 558, 663e, 662–664 vector, 661 vector norm, see norm, vector vertex, 107 degenerate, 112 Vial, J.-Ph., 353, 354 Viète, Francois, 447 von Neumann, John, 171, 211 voxel, 29, 32 Wächter, Andreas, 599, 657 Walster, G. Wilson, 76 Waren, A.D., 598 weak duality, see duality Web site for this book, xiv Weierstrass, Karl, 545, 546, 700 Wengert, R.E., 449 Whiteside, D. T., 446–448 Wiegmann, N., 305 Williams, H.P., 267 Willoughby, Ralph A., 478 Wilson, R.B., 598 Wisconsin Diagnosis Breast Cancer database, 25 Wolberg, William H., 25 Wolfe condition, 378, 383f, 384e, 383–385, 387, 388, 400 weak, 388, 389 Wolfe dual, 532 Wolfe, Philip, 171, 270, 400 Wolin, Ju.M., 449 Wolkowicz, Henry, 657 Wolsey, Laurence A., 40, 270, 286 working set, 564e, 563–564 worst-case cost, 301–302, see also complexity Wright, Margaret H., 93, 400, 443, 449, 598, 618, 656, 657 Wright, Stephen J., 353 Xu, X., 354 Yabe, Hiroshi, 657 Yamashita, Hiroshi, 657 Ye, Yinyu, 353, 354 Yoshise, A., 354 Ypma, Tjalling J., 447 Yuan, Ya-Xiang, 420, 449 Yudin, D.B., 317 Zadeh, N., 300 Zangwill, Willard I., 657 zero-sum game, 523, 524e, see also game theory Zhang, Yin, 354 Zhu, Ciyou, 479 zigzagging, 570, 570f
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