كتاب Materials with Complex Behaviour II
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Materials with Complex Behaviour II

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Materials with Complex Behaviour II  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Materials with Complex Behaviour II    كتاب Materials with Complex Behaviour II  Emptyالجمعة 22 يناير 2021 - 13:33

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Materials with Complex Behaviour II
Properties, Non-Classical Materials and New Technologies
Andreas Öchsner • Lucas F. M. da Silva
Holm Altenbach

كتاب Materials with Complex Behaviour II  M_w_c_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Part I Materials and Properties
A Finite Element Simulation of Longitudinal Impact Waves
in Elastic Rods . 3
Hesham A. Elkaranshawy and Nasser S. Bajaba
Hamiltonian Formalisms Applied to Continuum Mechanics:
Potential Use for Fracture Mechanics 19
N. Recho
A Finite Element Solution for Transient Wave Propagation
in an Infinite Circular Plate With Nonlinear Viscoelastic Model . 37
Saeid Arabnejad, Manouchehr Salehi and Hamed Farahmand
Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Study of the Effects
of Braking on Single Disc Motorcycle Forks 51
Dario Croccolo, M. De Agostinis and N. Vincenzi
Computational Simulation in Centrifugal Casted Aluminum–Silicon
Engine Cylinder Liner 81
Valter Barragan Neto, Antonio Augusto Couto and Jan Vatavuk
Numerical Study of Heavy Oil Flow on Horizontal Pipe Lubricated
by Water . 99
Tony Herbert Freire de Andrade, Kelen Cristina Oliveira Crivelaro,
Severino Rodrigues de Farias Neto and Antonio Gilson Barbosa de Lima
Bending Experiments on Thin Cylindrical Shells 119
Tohid Ghanbari Ghazijahani and Hossein Showkati
viiNumerical Simulation of Cross Wedge Rolling: Influence
of Die Geometry, Process Conditions and Inclusion Content
of Two Steels on the Formation of Internal Defects 141
Mário Luiz Nunes da Silva and Sérgio Tonini Button
Nonlinear Creep Model for Concrete in Analysis
of Plates and Shells 163
Jure Radnic´, Domagoj Matešan and Marija Smilovic´
Numerical Model for Fluid–Structure Coupled Problems
Under Seismic Load . 175
Danijela Brzovic´, Goran Šunjic´, Jure Radnic´ and Alen Harapin
Numerical Model for the Determination of the Soil Retention
Curve from Global Characteristics Obtained via a Centrifuge 199
B. Malengier, J. Kacˇur and P. Kišonˇ
Numerical Investigation of Chatter in Cold Rolling Mills 213
S. K. Dwivedy, S. S. Dhutekar and P. Eberhard
Heavy Oils Transportation in Catenary Pipeline Riser:
Modeling and Simulation 229
Severino Rodrigues de Farias Neto, Jobsan Sueny de Souza Santos,
Kelen Cristina de Oliveira Crivelaro, Fabiana Pimentel Macêdo Farias
and Antonio Gilson Barbosa de Lima
First Principle Study on the Lead-Free Perovskite Structure
of SnTiO3 . 251
M. F. M. Taib, K. H. K. Arifin, M. K. Yaakob, A. Chandra, A. K. Arof
and M. Z. A. Yahya
Strength Anisotropy in Prestressing Steel Wires . 259
Jesús Toribio, Beatriz González and Juan-Carlos Matos
Tensile Characteristics of High-Toughness Steel
at High Temperatures 271
S. H. Park, Y. K. Yoon and J. H. Kim
Part II Non-classical Materials and Structures
Damage and Fracture Analysis of Rubber Component 289
Chang-Su Woo, Wan-Doo Kim, Hyun-Sung Park and Wae-Gi Shin
viii ContentsThe Thermal Shock Resistance and Mechanical Properties
at Elevated Temperature of Transparent Ceramics 307
Marek Boniecki, Zdzisław Librant, Tomasz Sadowski
and Władysław Wesołowski
Analysis of the Effect of the Elliptical Ratio in Tubular Energy
Absorbers Under Quasi-Static Conditions . 323
Ahmad Baroutaji and Abdul Ghani Olabi
Dynamic Response Analysis of Thermoplastic Polyurethane 337
V. Fontanari, M. Avalle, C. Migliaresi, L. Peroni and B. D. Monelli
A Study on the Displacement Field of Nonlocal Elasticity
for Mechanical Analysis of Nano Structures 355
Emad Jomehzadeh and Ali Reza Saidi
A Finite Element Model to Investigate the Stress–Strain Behavior
of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube 369
Ehsan Mohammadpour and Mokhtar Awang
Nonlinear Bending and Post Buckling of Functionally Graded
Circular Plates under Asymmetric Thermo-Mechanical Loading 383
F. Fallah and A. Nosier
Finite Element Analysis of the Total Forming Force
of Thin-Walled Metallic Tube Junctions Employing Elastomers . 419
Cristiano Roberto Martins Foli, Miguel Ângelo Menezes
and Lindolfo Araújo Moreira Filho
On the Stretching and Bending Analyses of Thin Functionally
Graded Annular Sector Plates 433
H. R. Noori, E. Jomehzadeh and A. R. Saidi
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Effect on Mechanical Properties
of High Performance Fiber/Epoxy Nanocomposite . 447
Mehdi Taghavi Deilamani, Omid Saligheh and Rouhollah Arasteh
Effects of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Fiber Diameter
Distribution of Poly (Butylene Terephthalate) Electrospun
Composite Nanofibers 455
Mehdi Forouharshad, Omid Saligheh, Rouhollah Arasteh
and Reza Eslami Farsani
Contents ixStructure, Surface and Hardness Properties of YxAgyBa2Cu3O7-d
Composites Superconductor 463
Nurulhawa Ali Hasim and Mohd Rafie Johan
Transport Phenomena in an Evaporated Black Hole . 469
R. Leticia Corral-Bustamante and Aarón Raúl Rodríguez-Corral
Calendering Process Numerical Simulation with
an Elastoviscoplastic Polymer Blend Model 483
Baya Madani and Ahmed Ouibrahim
Condensation Issues in Ventilated Façades . 497
Matthias Haase and Tore Wigenstad
Structural Design and Experimental Investigation
of a Carbon Fibre Wheel for Low Consumption Vehicle . 521
Massimiliana Carello and Alessandro Scattina
Non Linear Shear Effects on the Cyclic Behaviour
of RC Hollow Piers 537
P. Delgado, A. Monteiro, A. Arêde, N. Vila Pouca, A. Costa
and R. Delgado
Heat Transfer in a Packed-Bed Cylindrical Reactor of Elliptic
Cross Section: Mathematical Modeling and Simulation 549
Antonio Gilson Barbosa de Lima, Laércio Gomes de Oliveira
and Wagner Celso Paiva Barbosa de Lima
Study of Thermal and Rheological Behavior of Polystyrene/TiO2,
Polystyrene/SiO2/TiO2 and Polystyrene/SiO2 Nanocomposites . 573
A. Mohebbi, M. Dehghani and A. Mehrabani-Zeinabad
Characterizing the Anisotropic Hardening Behavior
of Aluminum Bonding Wires . 583
Holm Altenbach, Christian Dresbach and Matthias Petzold
Part III New Technologies
Numerical Computation of Melting Efficiency of Aluminum
Alloy 5083 During CO2 Laser Welding Process . 601
Joseph Ifeanyichukwu Achebo and Oviemuno Oghoore
x ContentsThe Credibility Measure of Probabilistic Approaches in Life-Cycle
Assessment of Complex Systems: A Discussion 619
Elsa Garavaglia
Simulation of Blunt Defect Behaviour in a Thin Walled Cylinder
for the Development of Structural Health Monitoring Techniques
for Pipeline Repairs 637
M. A. Murad and F. P. Brennan
High-Low Sequence Loading Effect on the Crack Growth
Rate using UniGrow Model 647
N. Nik Abdullah, Mohammad Hadi Hafezi and S. Abdullah
Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Nano-Machining
of Single Crystal Copper with a Void . 661
Seyed Vahid Hosseini, Mehrdad Vahdati and Ali Shokuhfar
Dynamic Modeling and Control Study of the NAO Biped Robot
with Improved Trajectory Planning 671
E. Hashemi and M. Ghaffari Jadidi
Comparison Between BEM Analysis and SONAH Measurements
Using an Acoustic Camera . 689
Christian Maier, Rolf Winkler, Wolfram Pannert and Markus Merkel
Simulation of Thin Metal Laser Lap Welding 697
Takeji ARAI
Crack Propagation Analysis in Underwater Laser Drilling . 715
Etsuji Ohmura, Takashi Okazaki, Keiichi Kishi, Toshio Kobayashi,
Masahiro Nakamura, Satoshi Kubo and Komei Okatsu

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كتاب Materials with Complex Behaviour II
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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