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عدد المساهمات : 18940 التقييم : 35326 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب MATLAB for Dummies الجمعة 22 يناير 2021, 10:36 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب MATLAB for Dummies by Jim Sizemore and John Paul Mueller
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents at a Glance Introduction 1 Part I: Getting Started With MATLAB 5 Chapter 1: Introducing MATLAB and Its Many Uses .7 Chapter 2: Starting Your Copy of MATLAB 19 Chapter 3: Interacting with MATLAB 37 Chapter 4: Starting, Storing, and Saving MATLAB Files 59 Part II: Manipulating and Plotting Data in MATLAB 79 Chapter 5: Embracing Vectors, Matrices, and Higher Dimensions .81 Chapter 6: Understanding Plotting Basics 115 Chapter 7: Using Advanced Plotting Features 135 Part III: Streamlining MATLAB . 151 Chapter 8: Automating Your Work 153 Chapter 9: Expanding MATLAB’s Power with Functions 171 Chapter 10: Adding Structure to Your Scripts .193 Part IV: Employing Advanced MATLAB Techniques . 213 Chapter 11: Importing and Exporting Data .215 Chapter 12: Printing and Publishing Your Work 233 Chapter 13: Recovering from Mistakes .257 Part V: Specific MATLAB Applications 277 Chapter 14: Solving Equations and Finding Roots .279 Chapter 15: Performing Analysis .307 Chapter 16: Creating Super Plots .319 Part VI: The Part of Tens 351 Chapter 17: Top Ten Uses of MATLAB 353 Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Make a Living Using MATLAB .361 Appendix A: MATLAB Functions .367 Appendix B: MATLAB’s Plotting Routines 377 Index dex • A • \a (alarm), 161 abs() function, 370 absolute breakpoint, 169 absolute rotation, 141 accessing function browser, 52–54 MATLAB files, 72–75 multidimensional matrices, 102–103 acos() function, 52, 368 acosd() function, 368 acosh() function, 368 acot() function, 369 acotd() function, 369 acoth() function, 369 acsc() function, 369 acscd() function, 369 acsch() function, 369 activating MATLAB, 21–22 addCause() function, 260, 261 adding about, 45–46 annotations to plots, 149 comments to scripts, 162–166 derivatives, 246–247 fractions, 243–244 icons to QAT, 23 integral, 246 math symbols, 243–247 matrices, 88–89 to plots, 125–127 square root, 244–245 steps to colon method, 87 sum, 245–246 titles to plots, 145–147 vectors, 88–89 Address Field, 23, 24 Address Field option (Current Folder toolbar), 28 advanced script function publishing tasks, 248–251 alarm (\a), 161 algebraic tasks comparing numeric and symbolic algebra, 291–293 cubic and nonlinear equations, 294–295 interpolation, 295–296 solving quadratic equations, 293–294 analysis about, 307 calculus differential, 312–313 integral, 313–314 multivariate, 314–315 linear algebra about, 308 determinants, 308 eigenvalues, 310–311 factorization, 311–312 reduction, 308–310 of scripts for errors, 169–170 solving differential equations numerical approach, 316–317 symbolic approach, 317–318 angle distribution, displaying using rose() function, 342–343 angle() function, 370 animation about, 344–345 data updates, 348–349 movies, 346–347 objects, 347–348 annotation() function, 149 annotations, in plots, 148–150 anonymous functions, 191–192 ans constant, 40, 48 apostrophe (’), 49, 87–88 App option (Command window), 26 area() function, 133, 378386 MATLAB For Dummies arguments, 39, 181, 186 arithmetic functions, 367–368 arrayfun() function, 373 asec() function, 369 asecd() function, 369 asech() function, 369 asin() function, 52, 368 asind() function, 368 asinh() function, 368 at (@) symbol, 192 atan() function, 52, 368 atan2() function, 368 atan2d() function, 368 atand() function, 368 atanh() function, 369 automation. See scripting axes handles, getting, 143 axes labels, modifying, 144–145 axis creating dates for using datetick() function, 322–326 obtaining current using using gca() function, 322 • B • \b (backspace), 162 Back button (Current Folder toolbar), 27, 62 BackgroundColor property, 147 backslash (\), 161 backspace (\b), 162 backtrace, 264 bank command, 43 bar() function about, 379 for flat 3D plots, 136–140 procedures for, 142 bar3() function about, 379 for dimensional 3D plot, 140–142 procedures for, 142 bar3h() function about, 379 procedures for, 142 barh() function about, 142–143, 379 procedures for, 142 BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), 10 Basic value, 222 Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC), 10 benefits, of scripts, 154 blkdiag() function, 111 blog, for this book, 16 bold about, 234 using, 235–237 Boole, George (mathematician), 51 Boolean logic, 51–52 break clause, 207–208, 209 breakpoints, creating, 169 Browse for Folder button (Current Folder toolbar), 28, 63 bsxfun() function, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97 bucky() function, 344 built-in functions about, 52, 172–177 sending data in/getting data out, 177–178 • C • C++, 61 calculating factorials, 202 calculator, using MATLAB as a, 38–44 calculus differential, 312–313 integral, 313–314 multivariate, 314–315 calling scripts, 167–168 Cameron, James (explorer), 307 caret (^), 47, 242, 287 carriage return (r), 162 cart2pol() function, 371 cart2sph() function, 371 Cartesian functions, 371 case sensitivity of MATLAB, 39 of variables, 49 cat() function, 101 catchError, 250 categories, of functions, 53 cause property, 260 C/C++ language, 13, 16Index 387 cd command, 67 CDC (Centers for Disease Control), 14, 363 ceil() function, 46, 368 cell arrays, using in matrices, 107–110 cell() function, 107 cell2mat() function, 226–228 Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 14, 363 char() function, 293 cheat sheet (website), 3 choosing layouts, 36 circumflex (^), 95–97 clc command, 39, 125 clc() function, 177 clf command, 125, 144 Clipboard, 70 closing windows, 34–35 codeToEvaluate, 250 colon (:) creating ranges of values using, 86 multidimensional matrices and, 102 colon method, adding steps to, 87 color coding, 66 Color property, 147 colorbar() function, creating plots with, 326–329 columns, importing, 224–225 comet() function, 377 comma (,), 84, 85 Command Bar (MuPAD Notebook), 287 Command History converting into scripts, 160 window, 23, 24, 25 Command window about, 23, 24 changing formatting, 42–44 suppressing output, 44 typing commands in, 290–291 using, 24–27 commands creating plots using, 117–119 defined, 39 exploring folders with, 65–69 format, 43–44 formatting text with about, 233–234 adding math symbols, 243–247 font, 234–241 special characters, 241–243 saving figures to disk with, 252–253 with GUI, 77 as scripts, 31–33 using commands, 77–78 variables using, 77 typing, 24–25 typing in Command window, 290–291 using for user input, 158–159 comment out, 162 comments adding to scripts, 162–166 defined, 162 common fixes, for error messages, 267–268 compact command, 44 companion files, website for, 4 Compare Against option, 64 comparing built-in functions and custom functions, 179–180 numeric and symbolic algebra, 291–293 plots and spreadsheet graphs, 116–117 scripts and functions, 179 scripts with functions, 179 compass() function, 340–342, 379 complex() function, 370 complex numbers, 97–99, 370 computer chips, 364 computer skills, for MATLAB, 15 computers, how they work, 9–10 concatenation operator ([ ]), 159 cond() function, 308 conditional breakpoint, 169 coneplot() function, 383 configuring output page, 253–255 plots, 130–132 conj() function, 370 constants, functions for, 371–372 contacting the authors, 58 continuation operator ( .), 160 continuing long strings, 160–162 contour() function, 382 contour3() function, 382 contourf() function, 382388 MATLAB For Dummies control character, 161 converting Command History into scripts, 160 between symbolic and numeric data, 293 Copy option, 64 copyfile command, 67 copying to Clipboard, 70 formulas, 41 and pasting, 70–71, 159–160 corrcoef() function, 300, 373 cos() function, 52, 368 cosd() function, 368 cosh() function, 368 cot() function, 369 cotd() function, 369 coth() function, 369 cov() function, 300, 373 Create Zip File option, 63 createThumbnail, 250 creating axis dates using datetick() function, 322–326 error messages about, 262–264, 268 custom, 268–272 useful, 272–273 error-handling code, 170 exception code, 268–270 folders, 30–31 functions about, 178 comparing built-in functions and custom functions, 179–180 comparing scripts and functions, 179 global variables, 187–188 nesting functions, 190 optional arguments, 186 passing data in, 184–185 passing data out, 185–187 subfunctions, 188–189 using new functions, 182–183 writing your first, 180–182 menus, 210–211 multidimensional matrices, 99–102 multiple plots in single commands with plot() function, 124 plots with colorbar() function, 326–329 using commands, 117–119 using Plots tab options, 120–122 using Workspace window, 119–120 powers of matrices, 95–97 pseudo-random numbers, 301 ranges of values using colons, 86 ranges of values using linspace() function, 86–87 recursive functions, 201–205 scripts about, 155 adding comments to scripts, 162–166 continuing long strings, 160–162 converting Command History into scripts, 160 copying and pasting into scripts, 159–160 using commands for user input, 158–159 writing your first, 156–158 speech recognition software, 363 storage lockers, 48–50 subplots, 128–130 variables, 49 warning messages, 262–264 cross() function, 372 csc() function, 369 cscd() function, 369 csch() function, 369 csvread() function, 216, 217, 224–225 csvwrite() function, 75, 225, 226–228 Ctrl+C, 55, 70, 159 Ctrl+Click, 31 Ctrl+X, 159 cubic and nonlinear equations, 294–295 Cubic Equation Calculator (website), 295 curly braces ({}), 107, 242 current folder, changing, 28–30 Current Folder toolbar, 27–28 Current Folder window about, 23, 24 viewing, 28–33 Curve Fitting Toolbox (website), 297 custom error messages, 268–272 CustomException() function, 270–272 Cut option, 64 cutting and pasting, 71–72Index 389 • D • daspect() function, interacting with, 329–331 data entering, 83–88 exporting. See exporting finding deviations in using errorbar() function, 334 importing. See importing passing in, 184–185 passing out, 185–187 printing, 255 sending in/getting out, 177–178 showing distibution using stem() function, 336–337 data formats, 75 data updates, 348–349 datenum() function, 322 datetick() function, creating axis dates using, 322–326 decision-making about, 193–194 if statement, 194–198, 201 switch statement, 199–201 default folder, changing, 30 defining delimiter types, 223–224 variable names, 48–49 delete command, 67 Delete option, 64 deleting icons from QAT, 23 plots, 128 delimiter defined, 217 types, 223–224 Delimiter property, 228 Delimiter value, 221 derivative, adding, 246–247 descriptive statistics, 297–300 designing computer chips, 364 equipment, 365 det() function, 373 Details window, 23, 24 determinants, 308 determining truth, 50–52 diary command, 77–78 diary off command, 78 diary on command, 78 diff() function, 312, 367 differential calculus, 312–313 differential equations, solving numerical approach, 316–317 symbolic approach, 317–318 digital data, plotting using stairs() function, 335–336 dimensional 3D plot, bar3() function for, 140–142 dir command, 67 discrete math functions, 370 disease control, 363 disk saving figures to, 252–253 saving workspaces to, 33 disp command, 68 disp() function, 159, 169, 172, 175, 184, 186, 191, 261, 270 displaying angle distribution using rose() function, 342–343 data distribution using stem() function, 336–337 velocity vectors using compass() function, 340–342 using feather() function, 340 using quiver() function, 340 divide() function, 45 dividing about, 45–46 matrices effecting, 94–95 scalar, 90 two, 94–95 by vectors, 94 vectors complex numbers, 97–99 exponents, 97–99 matrix, 94–95 scalar, 90 by scalars, 94 two, 93 working element-by-element, 97390 MATLAB For Dummies dlmread() function, 216, 217 doc() function, 175, 177, 183 docking windows, 35–36 documentation, 56 dollar sign ($), 244, 246 dot() function, 372 dot (.) operator, 97 double, 42 double() function, 98, 293 double single quote (’’), 161 dragging, 72 drawing images using fill() function, 337–339 dsolve() function, 317–318 Dummies (website), 4, 31 • E • e, for scientific notation, 47 E, for scientific notation, 47 EdgeColor property, 147 eig() function, 372 eigenvalues, 310–311, 372 eigs() function, 372 elementary polygon functions, 375 elements, replacing in matrices, 103–105 else clause, 196–197 empty matrix ([]), 106 endless loop, 207 enhancing plots about, 143 adding titles, 145–147 axes handles, 143 employing annotations, 148–150 modifying axes labels, 144–145 printing plots, 150 rotating label text, 147–148 entering data, 83–88 eps constant, 40 eps() function, 371 @eq function, 96 equal (==) operator, 51 equal sign (=), 52 equations, solving about, 279 algebraic tasks comparing numeric and symbolic algebra, 291–293 cubic and nonlinear equations, 294–295 interpolation, 295–296 solving quadratic equations, 293–294 statistics about, 297 creating pseudo-random numbers, 301 descriptive, 297–300 least squares fit, 302–306 robust, 302 Symbolic Math Toolbox about, 279–280 getting, 280–282 GUI, 286–290 installing, 282–286 typing commands in Command window, 290–291 equipment, designing, 365 erf() function, 371 erfc() function, 371 erfcinv() function, 371 erfcx() function, 371 erfinv() function, 371 error checking feature, 39–40 error() function, 262–264 error messages about, 54–55, 258 analyzing scripts for, 169–170 creating about, 268 custom, 268–272 useful, 272–273 creating error/warning messages, 262–264 defined, 258 MException class, 260–261 responding to, 258–260 setting warning message modes, 264–265 errorbar() function, 334, 380 error-handling code, creating, 170 evalCode, 250 examples, working through, 56 exception code, creating, 268–270 exist command, 67 exp() function, 52, 99, 369 expm() function, 99, 373 expml() function, 369 exponents functions for, 369–370 working with, 47, 99Index 391 exporting about, 215–216 functions, 228–229 images, 229–231 MATLAB files, 75 performing basics, 225–228 scripts, 228–229 eye() function, 111 ezcontour() function, 381 ezcontourf() function, 381 ezmesh() function, 381 ezmeshc() function, 381 ezplot() function, 377 ezplot3() function, 381 ezpolar() function, 133, 379 ezsurf() function, 381 ezsurfc() function, 381 • F • f (form feed), 162 factor() function, 311–312, 370 factorial() function, 370 Factorial() function, 202–203 factorials, calculating, 202 factorization, 311–312 family planning, 365 feather() function, 340, 383 .fig file extension, 60 figure() function, 127, 144 figureSnapMethod, 250 file formats, supported, 252 fileattrib command, 67 filenames, 32 files about, 59 accessing, 72–73 exporting, 75 importing, 73–75 opening, 72–73 saving about, 76 commands using commands, 77–78 commands with GUI, 77 variables using commands, 77 variables with GUI, 76–77 structure of about, 60 command method, 65–69 file types, 60–61 GUI method, 61–65 working with, 69–72 FileType property, 228 FileType value, 221 fill() function, 337–339, 379 fill3() function, 382 find() function, 375 finding data deviations using errorbar() function, 334 dimensions of matrices with Size column, 85–86 roots. See roots, finding sparcity patterns using spy() function, 344 fix() function, 46, 368 fix modifier, 46 flat 3D plots, bar() function for, 136–140 floating point values, 42 floor() function, 46, 368 floor modifier, 46 fminbnd() function, 374 fminsearch() function, 374 folders changing current, 28–30 changing default, 30 creating, 30–31 exploring with commands, 65–69 exploring with GUI, 61–65 font available, 235 formatting, 234–241 modifying about, 234–235 bold, 235–237 italic, 239–240 monospace, 237–238 underline, 240–241 FontName property, 147 FontSize property, 147 fopen() function, 259 for loop, 210 for statement, 205–206 form feed (f), 162 format, 250 format commands, 43–44392 MATLAB For Dummies format compact command, 42–43, 84 Format value, 222 formatting changing in Command window, 42–44 text with commands about, 233–234 adding math symbols, 243–247 font, 234–241 special characters, 241–243 formulas copying and pasting, 41 entering, 40 saving as scripts, 31–33 FORTRAN, 61 Forward button (Current Folder toolbar), 27, 62 fourth-generation language, 12–13 fplot() function, 377 fprint() function, 204, 270 fractions, adding, 243–244 fread() function, 259 function browser, accessing, 52–54 function call, 39 functions. See also specific functions 1-D interpolation, 374 about, 171–172 anonymous, 191–192 arithmetic, 367–368 built-in about, 52, 172–177 sending data in/getting data out, 177–178 Cartesian, 371 comparing scripts with, 179 for complex numbers, 370 for constants, 371–372 creating about, 178 comparing built-in functions and custom functions, 179–180 comparing scripts and functions, 179 global variables, 187–188 nesting functions, 190 optional arguments, 186 passing data in, 184–185 passing data out, 185–187 subfunctions, 188–189 using new functions, 182–183 writing your first, 180–182 discrete math, 370 eigenvalue, 372 elementary polygon, 375 exponentials, 369–370 exporting, 228–229 gridded data interpolation, 374 in-line, 191 linear equation, 372 logarithms, 369–370 matrix, 373 matrix analysis, 373 matrix operation, 372 optimization, 374 ordinary differential equation, 375 polar, 371 polynomial, 371 powers, 369–370 random number generator, 374 roots, 369–370 scattered data interpolation, 374 searching for, 54 sparse matrix manipulation, 375 special, 371 spherical, 371 statistical, 373 for text matrices, 371–372 trigonometric, 368–369 fzero() function, 374 • G • gallery() function, 112, 310–311, 372 gca() function, 143, 322 gcd() function, 370 gcf() function, 127, 144, 230 get() function, 138, 144, 145, 147 getframe() function, 346 GetGreeting() subfunction, 189, 190 getReport() function, 260, 261 getting current axis using gca() function, 322 Symbolic Math Toolbox, 280–282 global variables, 187–188Index 393 good coding practices, 273–275 Graphical User Interface. See GUI (Graphical User Interface) greater than (>) operator, 51 greater than or equal to (>=) operator, 51 Greek letters, 241–242 green technology, 362 grid commands, 125 grid() function, 321 griddata() function, 374 gridded data interpolation functions, 374 griddedInterpolant() function, 374 GUI (Graphical User Interface) about, 15 exploring folders with, 61–65 saving commands with, 77 saving figures to disk with, 252 saving variables with, 76–77 Symbolic Math Toolbox and, 286–290 • H • handle, 91, 126 hangs, 55 HeaderLines value, 221 help about, 55–56 contacting the authors, 58 documentation, 56 examples, 56 MathWorks support, 58 peer support, 57 training, 57–58 help command, 172 help() function, 172–173, 175, 177, 181 help links, 25 hex command, 43 hexadecimal number (xN), 162 hist() function, 133, 142, 380 histc() function, 143, 380 histcounts() function, 380 hold command, 120 hold off command, 126 Home tab, 22, 23 horizontal tab (t), 162 hypot() function, 369 • I • i, used in complex numbers, 98 i constant, 40 i() function, 370 icons adding to QAT, 23 explained, 3 removing from QAT, 23 identifier property, 260 idivide() function, 46, 54–55, 368 if statement, 194–198, 201 if .elseif statement, 199 image() function, 232, 370 image processing, 358 imageFormat, 251 images drawing using fill() function, 337–339 exporting, 229–231 importing, 231–232 importing about, 215–216 defining delimiter types, 223–224 images, 231–232 MATLAB files, 73–75 mixed strings/numbers, 221–223 performing basics, 216–220 selected rows/columns, 224–225 improving script performance, 168 imread() function, 231 imwrite() function, 231 Inf constant, 40 Inf() function, 371 information, publishing, 165–166 in-line functions, 191 inner product, 91 inpolygon() function, 375 input() function, 158, 166, 172, 173, 174, 175, 180 installing MATLAB, 19–22 Symbolic Math Toolbox and, 282–286 int() function, 246, 313–314 int8, 42394 MATLAB For Dummies int8() function, 98, 293 int16, 42 int16() function, 99, 293 int32, 42 int32() function, 98, 99, 293 int64, 42 int64() function, 99, 293 integer values, 42 integral calculus, 313–314 integrals, adding, 246 interacting with daspect() function, 329–331 with pbaspect() function, 332–333 interactions about, 37–38 determining truth, 50–52 error messages, 54–55 help about, 55–56 contacting the authors, 58 documentation, 56 examples, 56 MathWorks support, 58 peer support, 57 training, 57–58 math syntax about, 44–45 adding, 45–46 dividing, 45–46 exponents, 47 multiplying, 45–46 subtracting, 45–46 storage locker, 48–50 using as a calculator changing Command window formatting, 42–44 copying and pasting formulas, 41 entering formulas, 40 entering information at the prompt, 38–40 suppressing Command window output, 44 interface about, 22 starting for first time, 22–24 interp2() function, 374 interp3() function, 374 interpl() function, 374 interpn() function, 374 interpolation, 295–296 inv() function, 95, 96, 372 isdir command, 67 isfinite() function, 372 isinf() function, 372 isnan() function, 372 isprime() function, 370 isreal() function, 370 italic about, 234 using, 239–240 • J • j() function, 370 Java, 13, 16 Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpeg) files, 230 • K • Khan Academy (website), 83 kron() function, 372 • L • label text, rotating, 147–148 last() function, 260 LaTeX (website), 240 layouts changing, 33–36 choosing, 36 saving, 36 lcm() function, 370 ldivide() function, 367 learning curve, 17 least squares fit, 302–306 left division, 90 legend() function, 126 length() function, 113 less than (<) operator, 51 less than or equal to (<=) operator, 51Index 395 line color/markers/style, 122–123 linear algebra about, 82–83, 308, 355 determinants, 308 eigenvalues, 310–311 factorization, 311–312 reduction, 308–310 linear equation functions, 372 lines, starting with semicolon, 84–85 LineWidth property, 147 LinkedIn (website), 361 links, help, 25 linsolve() function, 372 linspace() function, creating ranges of values using, 86–87 Linux, platforms supported by MATLAB, 20 listfonts() function, 235 load command, 73 local variables, 187 log() function, 52, 369 log1p() function, 369 log2() function, 369 log10() function, 369 logarithms, functions for, 369–370 loglog() function, 132, 378 logm() function, 373 long command, 43 longe command, 43 longeng command, 43 lookfor() function, 174 loose command, 44 ls command, 67 • M • .m file extension, 60–61 Mac OS X, platforms supported by MATLAB, 20 Macro Assembler, 13 magic() function, 112, 309, 372 Margin property, 147 .mat file extension, 60, 61 math about, 356 adding symbols, 243–247 requirements for MATLAB, 15 math syntax about, 44–45 adding, 45–46 dividing, 45–46 exponents, 47 multiplying, 45–46 subtracting, 45–46 MathWorks, 21, 58 MATLAB. See also specific topics about, 7, 8 activating, 21–22 functions, 367–375. See also specific functions how to use, 14–16 installing, 19–22 interacting with. See interactions interface, 22–36 minimum requirements for, 20 obtaining your copy, 20–21 platforms supported by, 19–20 purchasing, 21 real-life uses for, 13–14 reasons for needing, 11–13 Turing machines, 8 uses for, 8, 10–11, 353–359 using as a calculator, 38–44 website, 176 working with files in, 69–72 MATLAB Answers (website), 267, 279 MATLAB Central, 57 MATLAB Programming/Error Messages (website), 267 MATLAB Tips (website), 268 matrices about, 81–82, 99–100 accessing multidimensional, 102–103 adding, 88–89 cell arrays/structures, 107–110 checking relations, 96 complex numbers, 97–99 creating multidimensional, 100–102 creating powers of, 95–97 dividing effecting, 94–95 scalar, 90 two, 94–95 by vectors, 94396 MATLAB For Dummies entering data, 83–88 exponents, 99 functions, 111–113 help, 110 linear algebra, 82–83 modifying size, 105–106 multiplying effecting, 90–93 scalar, 90 two, 93 multiplying by vectors, 92 operation functions, 372 replacing individual elements, 103–104 replacing range of elements, 104–105 subtracting, 88–89 testing, 110–113 transposing with apostrophes, 87–88 working element-by-element, 97 working with, 226 matrix analysis functions, 373 matrix functions, 373 max() function, 300, 373 maxHeight, 251 maximizing windows, 34 maxOutputLines, 251 maxWidth, 251 .mdl file extension, 61 mean() function, 300, 373 median() function, 300, 373 menus, creating, 210–211 Mersenne Twister, 301 mesh() function, 382 meshc() function, 382 meshgrid() function, 374 meshz() function, 382 message property, 260 .mex* file extension, 61 MException class, 260–261 military equipment, 365 min() function, 300, 302, 373 minimizing Toolstrip, 23 windows, 34 minus() function, 45, 367 mistakes, recovering from about, 257–258 common fixes for error messages, 267–268 creating error messages about, 268 custom, 268–272 useful, 272–273 error messages about, 258 creating error/warning messages, 262–264 MException class, 260–261 responding to, 258–260 setting warning message modes, 264–265 good coding practices, 273–275 quick alerts, 265–266 mixed data, working with, 226–228 mixed strings/numbers, importing, 221–223 mkdir command, 67 mldivide() function, 367 MLFG (Multiplicative Lagged Fibonacci Generator), 301 mod() function, 46, 368 mode() function, 300, 373 modifying axes labels, 144–145 Command window formatting, 42–44 current folder, 28–30 default folder, 30 font about, 234–235 bold, 235–237 italic, 239–240 monospace, 237–238 underline, 240–241 layout, 33–36 matrix size, 105–106 plots about, 124–125 adding to plots, 125–127 deleting plots, 128 figure() function, 127 simple changes, 125 working with subplots, 128–132 matrices (continued)Index 397 monospace about, 234 using, 237–238 (website), 361 movefile command, 67 movie() function, 346–347 movies, 346–347 mpower() function, 96, 367 mrdivide() function, 367 MRG (Multiple Recursive Generator), 301 mtimes() function, 367 Mueller, John Paul (author) blog, 115, 257 contacting, 58 email address for, 16, 20 multidimensional matrices accessing, 102–103 creating, 99–102 Multiple Recursive Generator (MRG), 301 Multiplicative Lagged Fibonacci Generator (MLFG), 301 multiplying about, 45–46 matrices effecting, 90–93 scalar, 90 two, 93 matrices by vectors, 92 vectors complex numbers, 97–99 exponents, 99 matrix, 90–93 scalar, 90 two, 91 working element-by-element, 97 multivariate calculus, 314–315 MuPAD Notebook, 286–290 myVariable variable, 49 • N • \n (new line), 162 \N (octal number), 162 \n character, 161 NaN constant, 40 NaN() function, 372 NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Administration), 14 nchoosek() function, 370 ndgrid() function, 374 nesting functions, 190 New File option, 64 New Folder option, 64 new line (n), 162 nonlinear equations, 294–295 norm() function, 373 not equal (~=) operator, 51 nthroot() function, 369 numeric data, working with, 226 numerical analysis, performing, 355 • O • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), 12 objects, 347–348 oblique italic, 239–240 obtaining current axis using gca() function, 322 Symbolic Math Toolbox, 280–282 octal number (N), 162 ode23() function, 375 off, 264 on, 264 ones() function, 111 OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), 12 open command, 73 open command, 67 Open option, 63 opening MATLAB files, 72–73 windows, 34–35 optimization functions, 374 optional arguments, 186 ordinary differential equation functions, 375 organizing with MATLAB, 11 storage locker, 48–50 otherwise clause, 200 outer product, 91 output formats, supported, 248 output page, configuring, 253–255 outputDir, 251398 MATLAB For Dummies • P • .p file extension, 61 pareto() function about, 380 procedures for, 143 ranking related measures using, 334–335 passing data in, 184–185 data out, 185–187 Paste option, 64 pasting copying and, 70–71 copying and, into scripts, 159–160 cutting and, 71–72 formulas, 41 pause() function, 211, 347 pbaspect() function, interacting with, 332–333 pcolor() function, 382 peer support, 57 percent (%) character, 161, 162–163, 180, 204 performance, improving for scripts, 168 performing exporting basics, 225–228 family planning, 365 importing basics, 216–220 numerical analysis, 355 perms() function, 370 pi constant, 40 pi() function, 372 pie() function, 132–133, 378 pie3() function, 378 platforms supported by MATLAB, 19–20 plot() function about, 118, 122, 377 creating multiple plots in single commands, 124 line color/markers/style, 122–123 plot routines about, 334 displaying angle distribution using rose() function, 342–343 velocity vectors using compass() function, 340–342 velocity vectors using feather() function, 340 velocity vectors using quiver() function, 340 drawing images using fill() function, 337–339 finding data deviations using errorbar() function, 334 sparcity patterns using spy() function, 344 plotting digital data using stairs() function, 335–336 polar() function, 342 ranking related measures using pareto() function, 334–335 showing data distribution using stem() function, 336–337 plot3() function, 381 plotmatrix() function, 381 Plots tab options, creating plots using, 120–122 plotting with 2D information, 132–133 with 3D information about, 136 bar() function, 136–140 bar3() function, 140–142 barh() function, 142–143 about, 115–116, 135 compared with spreadsheet graphs, 116–117 creating plots using commands, 117–119 creating plots using Plots tab options, 120–122 creating plots using Workspace window, 119–120 creating plots with colorbar() function, 326–329 digital data using stairs() function, 335–336 enhancing plots about, 143 adding titles, 145–147 axes handles, 143 employing annotations, 148–150 modifying axes labels, 144–145Index 399 printing plots, 150 rotating label text, 147–148 modifying plots about, 124–125 adding to plots, 125–127 deleting plots, 128 figure() function, 127 simple changes, 125 working with subplots, 128–132 plot() function about, 122 creating multiple plots in single commands, 124 line color/markers/style, 122–123 routines for, 377–383 saving plots as scripts, 249 uses for, 116 plotyy() function, 132, 377 plus() function, 45, 367 pol2cart() function, 371 polar coordinates, 342 polar() function, 143, 342, 379 polar functions, 371 poly() function, 371 poly2sym() function, 293 polyarea() function, 375 polyder() function, 371 polyeig() function, 371 polyfit() function, 371 polyint() function, 371 polynomial functions, 371 polyval() function, 371 Position property, 148 pow2() function, 369 power() function, 367 powers, functions for, 369–370 primary function, 188 primes() function, 370 print() function, 150, 253 printing about, 233, 253 configuring output page, 253–255 data, 255 formatting text with commands about, 233–234 adding math symbols, 243–247 font, 234–241 special characters, 241–243 plots, 150 printopt() function, 253 procedural languages, 16 procedure, 153 prod() function, 367 professional uses, 361–366 program/programming, 9–10, 358–359 prompt, entering information at the, 38–40 Prompt variable, 161 pseudo-random numbers, creating, 301 publish() function, 228–229, 248, 250–251 publishing about, 233, 248 formatting text with commands about, 233–234 adding math symbols, 243–247 font, 234–241 special characters, 241–243 information, 165–166 performing advanced script/function publishing tasks, 248–251 saving figures to disk, 252–253 purchasing MATLAB, 21 pwd command, 68 Python, 16 • Q • QAT (Quick Access toolbar), 23 quadratic equations, solving, 293–294 query, 264 Quick Access toolbar (QAT), 23 quick alerts, 265–266 quiver() function, 340, 383 quiver3() function, 383 • R • \r (carriage return), 162 rand() function, 101, 111, 301, 374 randi() function, 301, 374 randn() function, 101, 111, 301, 374 random number generator functions, 374 randperm() function, 301 Range property, 228 Range value, 222 rank() function, 373400 MATLAB For Dummies ranking related measures using pareto() function, 334–335 rat command, 44 rat() function, 370 rdivide() function, 367 Read Getting Started option (Command window), 27 ReadRowNames value, 221 readtable() function, 217, 220, 221–222, 225, 228 ReadVariableNames value, 221 real() function, 370 reallog() function, 370 realpow() function, 370 realsqrt() function, 370 Recognized Data Files drop-down list, 73–74 rectint() function, 375 recursive functions, creating, 201–205 recycle command, 68 red lines, 40 Reduced Row Echelon Form (RREF), 308–310 reduction, 308–310 Refresh option, 65 related measures, ranking using pareto() function, 334–335 rem() function, 46, 368 Remember icon, 3 removing icons from QAT, 23 plots, 128 Rename option, 63 repetitive tasks about, 205 break clause, 207–208, 209 for loop, 210 return clause, 208–209 for statement, 205–206 while loop, 210 while statement, 206–207 replacing elements in matrices, 103–105 requesting support from MathWorks, 58 research, 356–357 Research and Development (R&D), 364–365 reset() function, 144 resizing matrices, 105–106 responding to error messages, 258–260 rethrow() function, 260 return clause, 208–209 revising scripts, 167 ribbon() function, 377 Ribbon interface, 22 right division, 90 right-clicking, 70 rmdir command, 68 rng() function, 113, 297, 374 robust statistics, 302 roots, finding about, 279 algebraic tasks comparing numeric and symbolic algebra, 291–293 cubic and nonlinear equations, 294–295 interpolation, 295–296 solving quadratic equations, 293–294 functions for, 369–370 statistics about, 297 creating pseudo-random numbers, 301 descriptive, 297–300 least squares fit, 302–306 robust, 302 Symbolic Math Toolbox about, 279–280 getting, 280–282 GUI, 286–290 installing, 282–286 typing commands in Command window, 290–291 roots() function, 293–294, 371 rose() function, 143, 380 rotate3d() function, 346–347 rotating label text, 147–148 rotation, 320 Rotation property, 147 round() function, 46, 368 round modifier, 46Index 401 rows importing, 224–225 starting with semicolon, 84–85 rref() function, 308–310, 373 Run and Advance, 163–165 running scripts, 33 • S • save command, 77 saveas() function, 231, 249 saving commands as scripts, 31–33 figures to disk, 252–253 files about, 76 commands using commands, 77–78 commands with GUI, 77 variables using commands, 77 variables with GUI, 76–77 formulas as scripts, 31–33 layouts, 36 plots as scripts, 249 workspaces to disk, 33 SayHello() function, 184 SayHello2() function, 185, 186 scalar multiplication/division, of vectors/ matrices, 90 scalars, dividing vectors by, 94 scatter() function, 133, 380 scatter3() function, 381 scattered data interpolation functions, 374 science, 356 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), 10, 13–14 scientific notation, 47 Script option (Command window), 26 scripting about, 153–154 analyzing scripts for errors, 169–170 benefits of, 154 calling scripts, 167–168 creating scripts about, 155 adding comments to scripts, 162–166 continuing long strings, 160–162 converting Command History into scripts, 160 copying and pasting into scripts, 159–160 using commands for user input, 158–159 writing your first, 156–158 improving script performance, 168 revising scripts, 167 when to use, 155 scripts about, 193 comparing with functions, 179 creating menus, 210–211 creating recursive functions, 201–205 decision-making about, 193–194 if statement, 194–198, 201 switch statement, 199–201 exporting, 228–229 fprint() function, 204 repetitive tasks about, 205 break clause, 207–208, 209 for loop, 210 return clause, 208–209 for statement, 205–206 while loop, 210 while statement, 206–207 running, 33 saving formulas/commands as, 31–33 saving plots as, 249 Search option (Current Folder toolbar), 28 searching, for functions, 54 sec() function, 369 secd() function, 369 sech() function, 369 second-generation language, 13 See Examples option (Command window), 26 seed value, 297 selecting layouts, 36 semicolon (;) separating values with, 85 starting new lines/rows with, 84–85 semilogx() function, 133, 378 semilogy() function, 133, 378402 MATLAB For Dummies sending data in/getting data out, 177–178 sendmail() function, 265, 266 separating values with commas/ semicolons, 85 set() function, 130–131, 139, 145 setpref() function, 265 setting breakpoints, 169 warning message modes, 264–265 sharing MATLAB files, 72–75 Sheet property, 228 Sheet value, 222 short command, 43 shorte command, 43 shorteng command, 43 shortg command, 43 Show in Explorer option, 63 showCode, 251 showing angle distribution using rose() function, 342–343 data distribution using stem() function, 336–337 velocity vectors using compass() function, 340–342 using feather() function, 340 using quiver() function, 340 sign() function, 370 SimpleFor() function, 206 simulations, 357, 366 Simulink model, 61 sin() function, 52, 118, 368 sind() functuion, 368 single, 42 single() function, 98, 293 single quotes (’), 49 sinh() function, 368 Size column, finding dimensions of matrices with, 85–86 size() function, 113 Sizemore, Jim (author) contacting, 58 email address for, 16 .slx file extension, 61 solve() function, 288, 290, 291, 293–294 solving differential equations numerical approach, 316–317 symbolic approach, 317–318 quadratic equations, 293–294 solving equations. See equations, solving sparcity patterns, finding using spy() function, 344 sparse matrix manipulation functions, 375 special characters, 241–243 special functions, 371 speech recognition software, 363 sph2cart() function, 371 spherical functions, 371 Spline() function, 374 spreadsheet graphs, compared with plots, 116–117 sprintf() function, 270 spy() function, 113, 344, 375, 381 SQL (Structured Query Language), 13 sqrt function, 244 sqrt() function, 370 sqrtm() function, 372, 373 square brackets ([]), entering values inside, 84 square root, adding, 244–245 stack property, 260 stairs() function, 335–336, 380 starting MATLAB for first time, 22–24 new lines/rows with semicolon, 84–85 statistical functions, 373 statistics about, 297 creating pseudo-random numbers, 301 descriptive, 297–300 least squares fit, 302–306 robust, 302 Statistics Toolbox (website), 297 Status bar, 23, 24 std() function, 300, 302, 373 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), 10, 13–14 stem() function, 336–337, 380 stem plot, 336 stem3() function, 382Index 403 stopping, when hanging, 55 storage locker, organizing, 48–50 streamline() function, 383 streamribbon() function, 383 streamtube() function, 383 strings, continuing long, 160–162 structure adding to scripts. See scripts files about, 60 command method, 65–69 file types, 60–61 GUI method, 61–65 working with, 69–72 provided by MATLAB, 11 using in matrices, 107–110 Structured Query Language (SQL), 13 student version, 21 stylesheet, 251 subfunctions, 188–189 subplot() function, 130 subplots, working with, 128–132 subscript, 242–243 subtracting about, 45–46 matrices, 88–89 vectors, 88–89 sum, adding, 245–246 sum function, 245–246 sum() function, 368 super plots about, 319–321 animation about, 344–345 data updates, 348–349 movies, 346–347 objects, 347–348 creating axis dates using datetick() function, 322–326 creating plots with colorbar() function, 326–329 grid() function, 321 interacting with daspect() function, 329–331 interacting with pbaspect() function, 332–333 obtaining current axis using gca() function, 322 plot routines about, 334 displaying angle distribution using rose() function, 342–343 displaying velocity vectors using compass() function, 340–342 displaying velocity vectors using feather() function, 340 displaying velocity vectors using quiver() function, 340 drawing images using fill() function, 337–339 finding data deviations using errorbar() function, 334 finding sparcity patterns using spy() function, 344 plotting digital data using stairs() function, 335–336 polar() function, 342 ranking related measures using pareto() function, 334–335 showing data distribution using stem() function, 336–337 superscript, 242–243 support, requesting from MathWorks, 58 suppressing Command window output, 44 surf() function, 382 surf1() function, 382 surfc() function, 382 surfnorm() function, 382 switch statement, 199–201 sym() function, 293 sym2poly() function, 293 Symbolic Math Toolbox about, 279–280 getting, 280–282 GUI, 286–290 installing, 282–286 typing commands in Command window, 290–291 symfun() function, 293404 MATLAB For Dummies • T • \t (horizontal tab), 162 table2cell() function, 226–228 tan() function, 52, 368 tand() function, 368 tanh() function, 368 Technical Stuff icon, 3 Teknomo, Kardi (programmer), 83 TestCustomException() function, 272 testing harness, 268 testing matrices, 110–113 text, formatting with commands about, 233–234 adding math symbols, 243–247 font, 234–241 special characters, 241–243 text matrix functions, 371–372 textread() function, 224 textscan() function, 216, 218–220, 221, 225 third-generation language, 13 throw() function, 260, 270 throwAsCaller() function, 261 times() function, 45, 367 @times function, 91 Tip icon, 3 title() function, 145–147 titles, adding to plots, 145–147 toolbox, MATLAB, 12 Toolstrip, 22, 23 trace() function, 373 training, 57–58 transpose() function, 372 transposing matrices with apostrophes, 87–88 TreatAsEmpty value, 221 tree structure, 77 trial version, 21 trigonometric functions, 368–369 trucks, 364 truth, determining, 50–52 try .catch structure, 259 Turing machines, 8 .txt file extension, 60 type command, 68 typing commands, 24–25, 290–291 • U • uint8, 42 uint8() function, 99, 293 uint16, 42 uint16() function, 99, 293 uint32, 42 uint32() function, 99, 293 uint64, 42 uint64() function, 99, 293 uminus() function, 45, 367 underline about, 234 using, 240–241 underscore (_), 242 undocking windows, 35–36 unexploded ordinance, 362 unimodular matrix, 308 Up One Level button (Current Folder toolbar), 27, 63 updates, website for, 4 uplus() function, 45, 367 useful error messages, 272–273 useNewFigure, 251 user input, using commands for, 158–159 userpath command, 30 userpath() function, 38–39 UseTextscan() function, 228–229 • V • \v (vertical tab), 162 values creating ranges of using colons, 86 ranges of using linspace() function, 86–87 entering inside square brackets, 84 separating with commas/semicolons, 85 var() function, 300, 373 variables avoiding existing names, 50 case sensitivity of, 49 creating, 49 defined, 37 defining names for, 48–49 global, 187–188Index 405 local, 187 saving using commands, 77 saving with GUI, 76–77 vectors about, 81–82 adding, 88–89 dividing complex numbers, 97–99 exponents, 97–99 matrices by, 94 matrix, 94–95 scalar, 90 two, 93 working element-by-element, 97 dividing by scalars, 94 entering data, 83–88 linear algebra, 82–83 multiplying complex numbers, 97–99 exponents, 99 matrix, 90–93 scalar, 90 two, 91 working element-by-element, 97 multiplying matrices by, 92 subtracting, 88–89 velocity vectors displaying using compass() function, 340–342 displaying using feather() function, 340 displaying using quiver() function, 340 verbose, 264 vertical tab (v), 162 Video option (Command window), 26 view() function, 140–142 viewing Current Folder window, 28–33 visdiff command, 68 vpa() function, 293 vpasolve() function, 291–292 • W • warning() function, 262–264 Warning! icon, 3 warning messages creating, 262–264 defined, 258 setting modes, 264–265 Watch This Video tutorial, 26 waterfall() function, 382 web() function, 248 websites accessing .fig files, 60 activation help, 21–22 blog, for this book, 16 bucky() function, 344 Cartesian coordinates, 340–341 cheat sheet, 3 color presentation, 255 colormap() function documentation, 329 companies using MATLAB, 14 for companion files, 4 complex numbers, 97 composition of velocity vectors, 340 Cubic Equation Calculator, 295 Curve Fitting Toolbox, 297 data formats for importing, 75 dividing two vectors, 93 Dummies, 4, 31 Earth statistics, 40 education-related materials, 354 exponents, 99 file formats, 230 formats, 77 functions, 176 interpolation, 295 Khan Academy, 83 LaTeX, 240 least fit squares, 302 linear algebra resources, 83 LinkedIn, 361 math tutorials, 15 MATLAB, 176 MATLAB Answers, 267, 279 MATLAB installation help, 21 MATLAB Programming/Error Messages, 267 MATLAB Tips, 268406 MATLAB For Dummies Mersenne Twister, 301 minimum requirements for MATLAB, 20 MLFG (Multiplicative Lagged Fibonacci Generator), 301 monospaces fonts, 238, 361 MRG (Multiple Recursive Generator), 301 polar coordinates, 342 prime factorization, 311 Reduced Row Echelon Form (RREF), 308–309 standard statistical functions, 300 Statistics Toolbox (website), 297 stem plot, 336 student version, 21 Teknomo, Kardi, 83 text properties, 242 trial version, 21 for updates, 4 updating files to .slx file format, 61 well-conditioned matrix, 308 what command, 69 what() function, 175 which command, 69 which() function, 174 while loop, 210 while statement, 206–207 windows closing, 34–35 docking, 35–36 maximizing, 34 minimizing, 34 opening, 34–35 undocking, 35–36 Windows, platforms supported by MATLAB, 20 winopen command, 69 Workspace window about, 23, 24, 25 creating plots using, 119–120 workspaces, saving to disk, 33 WriteRowNames property, 228 writetable() function, 225, 228 WriteVariableNames property, 228 writing your first function, 180–182 your first script, 156–158 • X • xlabel() function, 125 \xN (hexadecimal number), 162 • Y • ylabel() function, 125 • Z • zeros() function, 100, 101, 111 zlabel() function, 144 zlim() function, 145 ZTickLabel property, 144
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