كتاب Progress in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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 كتاب Progress in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Progress in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures
C. Guedes Soares & Y. Garbatov
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal  

كتاب Progress in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures  P_i_t_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of contents
Preface xi
Organisation xiii
Fluid-structure interaction
Design and structural testing of a physical model for wetdeck slamming analysis 3
D. Dessi, E. Faiella, J. Geiser, E. Alley & J. Dukes
A storm-based procedure to generate standardised load-time history for fatigue strength
assessment of offshore structures 13
S. Li & C. Guedes Soares
A numerical simulation for coupling behavior between smoothed particle hydrodynamics
and structural finite element method 21
C. Ma, M. Oka & K. Iijima
Vertical wave loads acting on a cruise ship in head, oblique and following regular waves 29
S. Rajendran & C. Guedes Soares
Still water vertical bending moment in a flooding damaged ship 35
J.M. Rodrigues & C. Guedes Soares
On parameterization of emulsification and heat exchange in the hydraulic modelling
of oil spill from a damaged tanker in winter conditions 43
M. Sergejeva, J. Laanearu & K. Tabri
Practical verification of loading computer by laser measurements 51
G. Storhaug, O. Fredriksen, D. Greening & I. Robinson
Hydroelastic effects on slamming loads and dynamic response of flexible panels 59
S. Wang & C. Guedes Soares
Prediction of pressure induced by liquid sloshing for LNG carrier 69
R.-Q. Zhu, H.-X. Ma, Q.-M. Miao & W.-T. Zheng
Forced vibration analysis of the hull girder by propeller excitation and rudder interaction 77
F.J. Dominguez Ruiz, E.M. Cali Y. & L.A. García J.
Experimental characterization of viscoelastic materials for marine applications 87
J. Fragasso, L. Moro, P.N. Mendoza Vassallo, M. Biot & A. Badino
On the experimental characterization of resilient mounting elements 97
A. Hecquet, B. de’Vidovich, E. Brocco, M. Biot, F. Licciulli, G. Fabro, C. Pestelli,
H. Le Sourne & L. Moro
A new van der Pol equation based ice-structure interaction model for ice-induced vibrations 107
X. Ji & E. Oterkus
Whirling analysis of shaft line with a new compact flexible coupling 113
T. Pais, D. Boote & G. Repettivi
Estimation of damping from wave induced vibrations in ships 121
G. Storhaug, K. Laanemets, I. Edin & J.W. Ringsberg
Optimization of the gun foundation structure of an offshore patrol vessel using a modern
genetic algorithm 131
A. de Vaucorbeil & K.E. Patron
Structural analysis
Shape and stress sensing of offshore structures by using inverse finite element method 141
A. Kefal & E. Oterkus
Effect of pressure distribution on the capacity of ship structure frames 149
M. Kõrgesaar, P. Kujala, M. Suominen, G.S. Dastydar, J. Romanoff,
H. Remes & J. Kämäräinen
Reduced finite element models for mast analysis 155
A. Lorenzetti, M. Gaiotti, S. Ghelardi & C.M. Rizzo
Modeling microstructure of materials by using peridynamics 165
N. Zhu, D. De Meo, S. Oterkus & E. Oterkus
Structural design
Influence of different topological variants on optimized structural scantlings of passenger ships 173
J. Andric, P. Prebeg & K. Piric
Conceptual ship design framework for designing new commercial ships 183
T. Damyanliev, P. Georgiev & Y. Garbatov
FEA based optimization for stiffened plate considering buckling and yield strength 193
J.D. Kim, B.-S. Jang, T.-Y. Park & S.B. Jeon
Ship hull structural scantling optimization 203
K. Stone & T. McNatt
The design and analysis of a heavy transportation and jacket launch barge 213
L.D. Cherian, T. Mathew, J. Land & J. Evans
Ultimate strength
Hull girder ultimate strength of container ships in oblique sea 225
I. Darie & J. Rörup
Progressive collapse analysis of a container ship under combined longitudinal bending
moment and bottom local loads 235
M. Fujikubo & A. Tatsumi
Optimal design of stiffened plate subjected to combined stochastic loads 243
Y. Garbatov & P. Georgiev
Compressive strength of double-bottom under alternate hold loading condition 253
J.M. Gordo
Residual strength estimation and imperfection modelling for plastically deformed stiffeners 263
I. Kahraman & G.T. Tayyar
Rapid, early-stage ultimate limit state structural design for multihulls 269
J.T. Knight
Accuracy improvement of PCM using simple box girder-based LSE data 277
I. Kvan & J. Choung
Geometrically nonlinear bending response of a ship-like box girder using an enhanced
single-layer theory 289
M. Metsälä, B.R. Gonçalves, J. Romanoff & J. Jelovicavii
IACS common structural rules as an element of IMO goal based standards
for bulk carriers and oil tankers 297
J. Peschmann, H. von Selle, J. Jankowski, G. Horn & T. Arima
FE model calibration and validation of a tested plate with an opening under compressive load 305
S. Saad-Eldeen, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares
Ultimate strength of the hull girder of large container ships 313
S. Zhang, R. Villavicencio, N. White & L. Jiang
Experimental study on cumulative buckling deformation of stiffened panel subjected
to cyclic loading 319
Y. Tanaka, T. Ando, Y. Hashizume, A. Tatsumi & M. Fujikubo
Fatigue and fracture
Numerical analysis of mixed-mode fracture toughness of glass/vinylester composite laminates 329
F. Alizadeh & C. Guedes Soares
Fatigue strength assessment of an annealed butt welded joint accounting
for material inhomogeneity 337
Y. Dong, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares
Uncertainty analyses of local strain and fatigue crack initiation life of welded joints
under plane strain condition 349
Y. Dong & C. Guedes Soares
Reliability based inspection planning using fracture mechanics based formulations
for ship structures 361
K.M. Doshi, Y. Parihar & T. Roy
Study on fatigue life prediction of details with a surface crack under spectrum loading 369
X.P. Huang
Prediction of crack growth of an aged coast guard patrol ship based on various approaches 379
C.S. Kim, C.B. Li, J. Choung & Y.H. Kim
Benchmark study on considering welding-induced distortion in structural stress analysis
of thin-plate structures 387
I. Lillemäe-Avi, H. Remes, Y. Dong, Y. Garbatov, Y. Quéméner, L. Eggert,
Q. Sheng & J. Yue
Palmgren–miner’s rule and fracture mechanics based fatigue analysis of deepwater
mooring lines 395
X. Xue & N.-Z. Chen
Collision and grounding
A simplified method to assess the damage of an immersed cylinder subjected
to underwater explosion 405
K. Brochard, H. Le Sourne & G. Barras
Plate tearing mechanics of high-speed vessels’ aluminium plates during grounding incidents 415
B.C. Cerik & R. Villavicencio
Numerical investigation on a side-shell structure subjected to collision impact load 423
B.Q. Chen & C. Guedes Soares
Plastic and fracture damages of double hull structures under lateral collisions 431
S.-R. Cho, S.-U. Song, S.-H. Park & H.K. Shin
Double-hull breaching energy in ship-tanker collision 439
M. Heinvee & K. Tabri
Full thickness material tests for impact analysis verification 449
M. Hoogeland & A.W. Vredeveldtviii
Material relationship identification for finite element analysis at intermediate strain
rates using optical measurements 459
J.M. Kubiczek, K.S. Burchard, S. Ehlers & M. Schöttelndreyer
Numerical assessment of the resistance of ship double-hull structures in stranding 469
B. Liu, L. Zhu & L. Chen
Correlation analysis of IMO collision damage parameters 477
J. Parunov, M. Ćorak & S. Rudan
Probability of failure of composite beams under high velocity impact 487
S.D. Patel & C. Guedes Soares
Validation of a simplified method for the crashworthiness of offshore wind turbine jackets
using finite elements simulations 497
T. Pire, S. Echeverry, P. Rigo, L. Buldgen & H. Le Sourne
Structural response and energy absorption of the simplified ship side under the impact
of rigid indenters with different shapes 507
X. Qiu, L. Zhu, M. Yan & B. Liu
Experimental investigation of accidental sliding loads on the response of hull plating 513
B.W.T. Quinton, C.G. Daley, D.B. Colbourne & R.E. Gagnon
Performance assessment of the crashworthiness of corroded ship hulls 523
J.W. Ringsberg, Z. Li & E. Johnson
Impact of sea bottom shapes on grounding damage: Suitability of modelling
with Gaussian processes 533
O-V.E. Sormunen
A new simplified method to investigate the side-by-side collision of two ships 541
Q. Yuan, Y. Zhang & X.B. Li
Experimental and numerical analysis of tanker double-hull structures punched by a wedge
indenter 549
M. Zhang, J.X. Liu & Z.Q. Hu
Study on residual velocity of high-speed projectile after penetrating back-water plates 557
P.D. Zhao & L. Zhang
Plate dynamics
Effects of HAZ on the response of impulsively loaded aluminium plates 565
B.C. Cerik
Comparison of different modeling approaches for dynamic analysis of corroded
plates 573
A. Eslami-Majd & A. Rahbar-Ranji
Research progress on saturated impulse for ship plates under dynamic loading 583
L. Zhu, X. Bai & T.X. Yu
Review of work on ship structures subjected to repeated impact loadings 591
L. Zhu, S. Shi & W. Cai
Welded structures
Determination of the double-ellipsoid heat source parameters for the numerical simulation
of a welding process 599
J.H. Chujutalli & S.F. Estefen
Finite element study on the ultimate strength of aluminum plates joined by friction
stir welding 609
V. Farajkhah & C. Guedes Soares
Investigations on thermo-mechanical tensioning as an active buckling mitigation tool 617
A. Gadagi, N.R. Mandal & S. Kumarix
Distortions and residual stress analysis of thin butt welded plates accounting for manufacturing
imperfections 623
M. Hashemzadeh, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares
The influence of heavy weight loading method on the local welding deformation
and residual stress of a deck grillage 631
Y. He, Z. Chen & J. Wu
Fast computation on evaluation of critical welding buckling condition in fabrication
of lightweight marine structure 639
J. Wang, H. Zhou & H. Zhao
Experimental testing of under matched aluminum welds in tension 649
C. Wincott, R. Wiwel, K. Zhang, J. McCormick & M. Collette
A modified method assessing the integrity of carbon steel structures subjected
to corrosion fatigue 659
A. Cheng & N.-Z. Chen
Study on under-film corrosion simulation of free edges in water ballast tanks 667
N. Osawa, S. Takeno, S. Katayama, T. Oda, A.B.A. Halim, K. Shiotani & A. Takada
Concept design of an autonomous mechatronic unit for inspection of holds 679
E. Ravina
A study on corrosion condition assessment considering maintenance and repair 687
N. Yamamoto
Ice conditions
Experimental investigation of an accidental ice impact on an aluminium high speed craft 697
H. Herrnring, J.M. Kubiczek, S. Ehlers, N.O. Niclasen & M. Burmann
On a shifting pressure-area relationship for the accidental limit state analysis of abnormal
ice actions 705
E. Kim, J. Amdahl & M. Song
Dynamic response of ship side structure to the collision with ice sheets 713
X.H. Shi, P.X. Wang & C. Guedes Soares
Structural damage and residual ultimate strength of ship colliding with ice 721
M.C. Xu, J. Song, S.X. Chen & Z.J. Pan
Damaged structures
Damage assessment in concrete marine structures using damage plasticity model 733
S. Chandrasekaran & P.T. Ajesh Kumar
Assessment of residual life of existing fixed offshore platforms 745
S. Copello & C.M. Rizzo
Numerical validation tests of a damage assessment tool based on super-element method
within the scope of A.D.N. regulations 753
S. Paboeuf, Y.P. Sone Oo & H. Le Sourne
Strength enhancement of cracked swash bulkheads of jack-up spud-can 763
S. Saad-Eldeen, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares
Offshore structures
Analysis of FPSO accident and incident data 773
U. Bhardwaj, A.P. Teixeira & C. Guedes Soares
The latest development of reinforcement techniques on tubular joints 783
Z. Li, X. Jiang & G. Lodewijksx
Design of offshore tubular members against excessive local indentation under lateral impacts 791
Z. Yu & J. Amdahl
Subsea structures
Strength analysis of corroded pipelines subjected to internal pressure and bending moment 803
A.A. Barbosa, A.P. Teixeira & C. Guedes Soares
A design of the subsea manifold protective structure against dropped objects 813
S.H. Woo, J. Choung & K. Lee
Analysis of the influence of spherical bulkhead reinforcement ring structure type
on the strength of the structure 821
S. Yuan & Q. Chen
Lateral buckling and post-buckling response based on a modified nonlinear pipe-soil
interaction model 827
X. Zhang, C. An, M. Duan & C. Guedes Soares
Composite structures
Numerical investigation of pre-damaged composite plates subjected to compressive
uniaxial load 841
F. Alizadeh, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares
Hotspot stress analysis of a composite T-joint accounting for geometric and surface
roughness effects 849
N. Kharghani, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares
The effect of laminate, stud geometry and advance coefficient on the deflection
of a composite marine propeller 859
F. Prini, S.D. Benson & R.S. Dow
Structural fire integrity testing of lightweight multiple core sandwich structures 869
M. Rahm, F. Evegren, E. Johnson & J.W. Ringsberg
Renewable energy devices
A higher-order coupling model of the blades of the floating offshore wind turbine 879
J. Chen & Z. Hu
The effect of marine growth dynamics in offshore wind turbine support structures 889
M. Martinez-Luengo, P. Causon, A.B. Gill & A.J. Kolios
An improved lumping approach for fatigue analysis of a spar-type wind turbine 899
J. Wu & N.-Z. Chen
Characteristics of p-y curves for monopile offshore wind turbines on clay soil 905
Q.L. Yin, C. Guedes Soares & S. Dong
Safety and reliability
Simplified method for structural safety assessment of an energy saving device subjected
to nonlinear hydrodynamic load 915
H.B. Ju, B.S. Jang & D.B. Lee
Reliability analysis of offshore wind turbine gearbox 923
M.X. Li, J.C. Kang, L.P. Sun & M. Wang
A generic framework for reliability assessment of offshore wind turbine monopiles 931
L. Wang & A. Kolios
System reliability of a jacket offshore wind turbine subjected to fatigue 939
B. Yeter, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares
Author index 951
Author index
Ajesh Kumar, P.T. 733
Alizadeh, F. 329, 841
Alley, E. 3
Amdahl, J. 705, 791
An, C. 827
Ando, T. 319
Andric, J. 173
Arima, T. 297
Badino, A. 87
Bai, X. 583
Barbosa, A.A. 803
Barras, G. 405
Benson, S.D. 859
Bhardwaj, U. 773
Biot, M. 87, 97
Boote, D. 113
Brocco, E. 97
Brochard, K. 405
Buldgen, L. 497
Burchard, K.S. 459
Burmann, M. 697
Cai, W. 591
Cali Y., E.M. 77
Causon, P. 889
Cerik, B.C. 415, 565
Chandrasekaran, S. 733
Chen, B.Q. 423
Chen, J. 879
Chen, L. 469
Chen, N.-Z. 395, 659, 899
Chen, Q. 821
Chen, S.X. 721
Chen, Z. 631
Cheng, A. 659
Cherian, L.D. 213
Cho, S.-R. 431
Choung, J. 277, 379, 813
Chujutalli, J.H. 599
Colbourne, D.B. 513
Collette, M. 649
Copello, S. 745
Ćorak, M. 477
Daley, C.G. 513
Damyanliev, T. 183
Darie, I. 225
Dastydar, G.S. 149
De Meo, D. 165
de Vaucorbeil, A. 131
Dessi, D. 3
de’Vidovich, B. 97
Dominguez Ruiz, F.J. 77
Dong, S. 905
Dong, Y. 337, 349, 387
Doshi, K.M. 361
Dow, R.S. 859
Duan, M. 827
Dukes, J. 3
Echeverry, S. 497
Edin, I. 121
Eggert, L. 387
Ehlers, S. 459, 697
Eslami-Majd, A. 573
Estefen, S.F. 599
Evans, J. 213
Evegren, F. 869
Fabro, G. 97
Faiella, E. 3
Farajkhah, V. 609
Fragasso, J. 87
Fredriksen, O. 51
Fujikubo, M. 235, 319
Gadagi, A. 617
Gagnon, R.E. 513
Gaiotti, M. 155
Garbatov, Y. 183, 243, 305, 337,
387, 623, 763, 841, 849, 939
García J., L.A. 77
Geiser, J. 3
Georgiev, P. 183, 243
Ghelardi, S. 155
Gill, A.B. 889
Gonçalves, B.R. 289
Gordo, J.M. 253
Greening, D. 51
Guedes Soares, C. 13, 29, 35,
59, 305, 329, 337, 349, 423,
487, 609, 623, 713, 763, 773,
803, 827, 841, 849, 905, 939
Halim, A.B.A. 667
Hashemzadeh, M. 623
Hashizume, Y. 319
He, Y. 631
Hecquet, A. 97
Heinvee, M. 439
Herrnring, H. 697
Hoogeland, M. 449
Horn, G. 297
Hu, Z. 879
Hu, Z.Q. 549
Huang, X.P. 369
Iijima, K. 21
Jang, B.-S. 193
Jang, B.S. 915
Jankowski, J. 297
Jelovica, J. 289
Jeon, S.B. 193
Ji, X. 107
Jiang, L. 313
Jiang, X. 783
Johnson, E. 523, 869
Ju, H.B. 915
Kahraman, I. 263
Kämäräinen, J. 149
Kang, J.C. 923
Katayama, S. 667
Kefal, A. 141
Kharghani, N. 849
Kim, C.S. 379
Kim, E. 705
Kim, J.D. 193
Kim, Y.H. 379
Knight, J.T. 269
Kolios, A. 931
Kolios, A.J. 889
Kõrgesaar, M. 149
Kubiczek, J.M. 459, 697
Kujala, P. 149
Kumar, S. 617
Kvan, I. 277
Laanearu, J. 43
Laanemets, K. 121952
Land, J. 213
Le Sourne, H. 97, 405,
497, 753
Lee, D.B. 915
Lee, K. 813
Li, C.B. 379
Li, M.X. 923
Li, S. 13
Li, X.B. 541
Li, Z. 523
Li, Z. 783
Licciulli, F. 97
Lillemäe-Avi, I. 387
Liu, B. 469, 507
Liu, J.X. 549
Lodewijks, G. 783
Lorenzetti, A. 155
Ma, C. 21
Ma, H.-X. 69
Mandal, N.R. 617
Martinez-Luengo, M. 889
Mathew, T. 213
McCormick, J. 649
McNatt, T. 203
Mendoza Vassallo, P.N. 87
Metsälä, M. 289
Miao, Q.-M. 69
Moro, L. 87, 97
Niclasen, N.O. 697
Oda, T. 667
Oka, M. 21
Osawa, N. 667
Oterkus, E. 107, 141, 165
Oterkus, S. 165
Paboeuf, S. 753
Pais, T. 113
Pan, Z.J. 721
Parihar, Y. 361
Park, S.-H. 431
Park, T.-Y. 193
Parunov, J. 477
Patel, S.D. 487
Patron, K.E. 131
Peschmann, J. 297
Pestelli, C. 97
Pire, T. 497
Piric, K. 173
Prebeg, P. 173
Prini, F. 859
Qiu, X. 507
Quéméner, Y. 387
Quinton, B.W.T. 513
Rahbar-Ranji, A. 573
Rahm, M. 869
Rajendran, S. 29
Ravina, E. 679
Remes, H. 149, 387
Repetti, G. 113
Rigo, P. 497
Ringsberg, J.W. 121, 523, 869
Rizzo, C.M. 155, 745
Robinson, I. 51
Rodrigues, J.M. 35
Romanoff, J. 149, 289
Rörup, J. 225
Roy, T. 361
Rudan, S. 477
Saad-Eldeen, S. 305, 763
Schöttelndreyer, M. 459
Sergejeva, M. 43
Sheng, Q. 387
Shi, S. 591
Shi, X.H. 713
Shin, H.K. 431
Shiotani, K. 667
Sone Oo, Y.P. 753
Song, J. 721
Song, M. 705
Song, S.-U. 431
Sormunen, O-V.E. 533
Stone, K. 203
Storhaug, G. 51, 121
Sun, L.P. 923
Suominen, M. 149
Tabri, K. 43, 439
Takada, A. 667
Takeno, S. 667
Tanaka, Y. 319
Tatsumi, A. 235, 319
Tayyar, G.T. 263
Teixeira, A.P. 773, 803
Villavicencio, R. 313, 415
von Selle, H. 297
Vredeveldt, A.W. 449
Wang, J. 639
Wang, L. 931
Wang, M. 923
Wang, P.X. 713
Wang, S. 59
White, N. 313
Wincott, C. 649
Wiwel, R. 649
Woo, S.H. 813
Wu, J. 631
Wu, J. 899
Xu, M.C. 721
Xue, X. 395
Yamamoto, N. 687
Yan, M. 507
Yeter, B. 939
Yin, Q.L. 905
Yu, T.X. 583
Yu, Z. 791
Yuan, Q. 541
Yuan, S. 821
Yue, J. 387
Zhang, K. 649
Zhang, L. 557
Zhang, M. 549
Zhang, S. 313
Zhang, X. 827
Zhang, Y. 541
Zhao, H. 639
Zhao, P.D. 557
Zheng, W.-T. 69
Zhou, H. 639
Zhu, L. 469, 507,
583, 591
Zhu, N. 165
Zhu, R.-Q. 69

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» كتاب Dynamic Loading and Design of Structures
» كتاب Design of Reinforced Structures
» كتاب Axiomatic Design and Fabrication of Composite Structures
» كتاب Design of Reinforced Structures
» كتاب Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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