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| موضوع: كتاب HVAC Controls Operation & Maintenance الجمعة 08 يناير 2021, 3:37 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب HVAC Controls Operation & Maintenance Third Edition Guy W. Gupton, Jr.
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Table of Contents Chapter 1 Basic Functions of HVAC Systems and Control Systems Chapter 2 HVAC Equipment-to-Control Interactions Chapter 3 Operating and Maintaining HVAC Control Systems Chapter 4 The Mathematics of Control Systems: Controller Equations Chapter 5 Performance Prediction in HVAC Control Systems Chapter 6 HVAC Control System Set-Up Chapter 7 Maintaining Electric and Electronic Control Systems Chapter 8 Maintaining Pneumatic Control Systems Chapter 9 Maintaining Local Loop to BAS Interfaces Chapter 10 HVAC Control System Checkout Procedures Chapter 11 Fine Tuning Program for Pneumatic Control Systems Chapter 12 Troubleshooting ATC Systems Chapter 13 Tools & Fixtures for ATC System Operation and Maintenance Chapter 14 Training Control System Operating and Maintenance Personnel Chapter 15 Installing Hybrid Pneumatic and Direct Digital Control Systems Chapter 16 Operating Direct Digital Control Systems Chapter 17 Testing Direct Digital Control Systems Chapter 18 A Short Course in Psychrometrics Glossary of Terms GLOSSARY OF TERMS 299 Glossary of HVAC Terms Used in Controls System Operation and Maintenance ACTUATOR—a controlled device such as a motor, relay, or solenoid in which the central energy source is converted into a rotary, linear, or switching action as required to position a final control element to cause a change in the controlled variable. Valves and dampers are examples of final control elements positioned by actuators. ADAPTIVE DUTY CYCLING—a technique to automatically change the duty cycling program based on actual environmental conditions, usually temperature and humidity. ADIABATIC PROCESS—a thermodynamic or conditioning process in which no heat is extracted from or added to the system. ADJUSTABLE DIFFERENTIAL—a means of changing the difference between controller cut-in and cut-out points. AIR CLEANER—a device used to remove airborne impurities from air, such as dust, gas, vapor, fume, and smoke. Air cleaners include devices such as air washers, air filters, electrostatic precipitators, and charcoal filters. AIR CONDITIONING, COMFORT—treating air to control its temperature, relative humidity, cleanliness, and distribution to meet the comfort requirements of the occupied space. AIR CONDITIONING, INDUSTRIAL OR PROCESS—air treatment for an industrial process rather than for the comfort of occupants. AIR CONDITIONER, ROOM—encased assembly designed as a unit for mounting in a window, through a wall, or as a console.HVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE AIR CONDITIONER, SPLIT SYSTEM—a 2-piece system with an indoor section with fan, evaporator coil, and filter and an outdoor section having compressor and air cooled condenser. AIR CONDITIONER, UNITARY—a fan, evaporator coil, filter, compressor, and condenser combination designed in a single unit. ALARM—a signal, audible or visible to warn of an abnormal and critical operation condition. ALERT—a form of alarm to warn of an abnormal but not critical operating condition. AMBIENT AIR—the surrounding air, may be outdoor air or air in an enclosure under study. AMBIENT-COMPENSATED—a control design such that varying temperatures of air at the control do not affect the control setting. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE—the temperature of the ambient air. ANALOG DATA—data as an analog of the variable represented, presented in a continuous form, as compared to binary or digital data presented in discrete or discontinuous form (on, off), variable value to a BAS or DDC system from a sensing device. ANALOG INPUT—a control input in analog form, such as variable pressure or voltage, transmitted to a controller from a sensor or other control device. ANALOG OUTPUT—a control output, such as a variable pressure or voltage, transmitted from a controller to an actuator or another control device. ANALOG POINT—a point that has a variable value, such as temperature, which will be measured by a sensing device to provide an analog input to a control system. ANEMOMETER—a device to sense and measure velocity of air flow at a point.GLOSSARY OF TERMS ANTICIPATING CONTROL—a method of reducing the operating differential of the system by adding a small resistive heater inside the thermostat to raise the internal temperature of the thermostat faster than the surrounding room temperature. This causes the thermostat to shut off the heating equipment and start the cooling equipment sooner than it would if affected only by the room temperature. AQUASTAT—a thermostat used in water. AUXILIARY CONTACTS—a secondary set of electrical contacts mounted on a modulating motor or magnetic starter whose operation coincides with the operation of the motor or starter. Usually low ampere rating for pilot duty. AUXILIARY POTENTIOMETER—a potentiometer, usually 135 ohm resistance, on an electric modulating motor, which is used to control other modulating devices in response to the position of the original motor. May be called a “follow-up pot.” AUXILIARY SWITCH—an electric switch, usually spst, mounted on end of an actuator motor. May also be called an “end switch.” AUTOMATIC CONTROL—a system that reacts to a change or unbalance in the controlled condition by adjusting the variables, such as temperature and humidity, to restore the system to the desired balance. AVERAGING ELEMENT—a temperature sensing element that responds to the average temperature of the sensed medium, usually air. BIMETAL ELEMENT—formed of two metals having different coefficients of thermal expansion; used in temperature control devices. BLOWER—an air moving device of centrifugal type, may also be called a “fan.” BOILER—a closed vessel in which a liquid is heated with or without vaporization; boiling need not occur. BRITISH THERMAL UNIT (BTU)—a measure of heat approximating the heat energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 59°F to 60°F.HVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE BULB, CONTROL—portion of a temperature sensing system that is placed in the controlled or measured variable. BYPASS—a pipe or duct, usually controlled by valve or damper, for conveying a fluid around an element of a system. CAPACITY—maximum load for which a machine, apparatus, or system is designed; the cooling or heating potential of a system is usually stated in tons of refrigeration (TR) or Btu/hour for cooling systems and in Btu/ hour or MBH for heating systems. CAPILLARY TUBE—a tube of small internal diameter. Used as a liquid refrigerant flow control or expansion device between high and low sides in refrigeration systems. Also used to transmit pressure from the sensitive bulb of temperature controls to the operating element. CAPITAL INVESTMENT—an expenditure for an investment whose returns are expected to extend beyond one year. ccf—hundreds of cubic feet, standard measurement for natural gas flow. CENTRALIZED CONTROL—see Distributed Control. CENTRAL FAN SYSTEM—an air conditioning system in which the air is processed at a central location outside the conditioned space and distributed by means of a fan and duct system. cfm—cubic feet per minute; a measurement of volume flow. CHANGEOVER—the process of switching an air conditioning system from heating cycle to cooling cycle, or vice versa. CHANNEL—a separate, programmable control function in a BAS or DDC system, usually controlling more than one point. CHILLED WATER SYSTEM—a cooling system which conveys heat through chilled water as the secondary refrigerant. CHILLER—a refrigerating machine, usually comprised of a compressor, condenser, refrigerant flow control device, and evaporator in a package, that cools the liquid in a secondary refrigerant system.GLOSSARY OF TERMS CIRCUIT—see Channel. CLOSE-OFF PRESSURE—a value of the maximum allowable pressure difference to which a valve may be subjected while fully closed without overcoming actuator power to keep the valve closed. COEFFICIENT OF PERFORMANCE—a term used to measure the efficiency of a heat transfer system. For a heat pump or an electrical element, it is defined as the heat output divided by the heating value of power consumed in watts at standard test conditions. Abbreviated: COP. COIL—a heat transfer element made of pipe or tubing. Air coils for cooling or heating are generally extended-surface type with aluminum fins on either copper or aluminum tubing. COLD DECK—the cooling section of a multi-zone or dual-duct central station apparatus. COMBUSTION—the act or process of burning, as in fuels. COMMUNICATION PORT—the input port on a DDC control system component through which communication flows to the remainder of the system; may be a local area network or telephone lines. COMMUNICATIONS-BASED SYSTEM—a BAS or DDC system that can be programmed and controlled from a distant point, usually over ordinary telephone lines. COMPRESSION—in mechanical refrigeration, the process by which the pressure of the refrigerant is increased. COMPRESSOR, HERMETICALLY SEALED REFRIGERANT—a motorcompressor unit consisting of a compressor and a motor enclosed in the same housing, without external shaft seals, and with the motor operating in the refrigerant atmosphere. May be made as serviceable hermetic type. COMPRESSOR, REFRIGERANT—the component of a mechanical refrigeration system which compresses the refrigerant vapor into a smallerHVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE volume, thereby raising the pressure of the refrigerant and consequently its boiling temperature. COMPUTER—a programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process information. COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEM—a BAS or DDC system in which a computer is the central controlling device. CONDENSATE—the liquid formed by condensation of a vapor. In steam heating, water condensed from steam; in air conditioning, water extracted from air, as by condensation on the cooling coil of a cooling cycle. CONDENSATION—the process of changing a vapor into liquid by the extraction of heat. CONDENSER—arrangement of pipe or tubing inside a containing shell in which a vapor is liquefied by removal of heat. CONDENSER, AIR-COOLED REFRIGERANT—a condenser cooled by circulation of atmospheric air, usually fan-forced circulation. CONDENSER COIL—in mechanical refrigeration, a section of coiled tubing where gas refrigerant is cooled below its boiling point by circulating fluid, such as condenser water. CONSUMPTION—the total amount of energy used, usually measured in kilowatt hours (kWh). On the average, about 80% of a typical commercial or industrial utility bill is based on consumption and about 20% on demand. CONSUMPTION CHARGE—see Energy (Consumption) Charge. CONTACTOR—an electromagnetic switching device. CONTROL—any device for regulation of a system or component in normal operation, manual or automatic. If automatic, it is responsive to changes of pressure, temperature, or other property whose magnitude is to be regulated.GLOSSARY OF TERMS CONTROL PANEL—an electrical cabinet that contains control devices and/or indicating devices. CONTROL POINT—the value of the controlled variable maintained by operation of the controller. CONTROLLED DEVICE—the control component, such as damper, valve, or relay, which is positioned to effect control of controlled medium. CONTROLLED MEDIUM—the substance, such as air, water, or steam, whose temperature, pressure, flow rate, volume, or concentration, is being controlled. CONTROLLED SPACE—the volume of the controlled medium: for example, a room in which the air temperature is being controlled. CONTROLLED VARIABLE—that quantity or condition of a controlled medium which is measured and controlled: for example, temperature, pressure, flow rate, volume, or concentration. CONTROLLER—a control component which translates signals from sensors to output signals to actuators. CONVECTION—transfer of heat by movement of fluid. COOLING SYSTEM, CHILLED WATER—a closed, circulating system in which a mechanical refrigeration system at a central location cools water which is then piped to various parts of the building. COOLING SYSTEM, DIRECT EXPANSION (DX)—a cooling and dehumidification process which cools air or other fluids by the evaporation of mechanically compressed gas in an evaporator. A condenser then removes this transferred heat to a different space. See Refrigeration System, Mechanical. COOLING SYSTEM, EVAPORATIVE—an adiabatic cooling system, generally housed in a cabinet containing a pump, distribution tubes, filter pads, and a blower. The pump supplies water to the distribution tubesHVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE which carry the water to pads on sides of the cabinet. The blower draws outdoor air through the moist filter pads. Some of the water in the pads absorbs heat from the air and evaporates, cooling the air. The air is nearly saturated and cannot be recirculated. This system works most effectively in relatively dry climates. COOLING SYSTEM, MULTI-STAGE—a cooling system that changes its capacity by stages in response to changes in cooling demand. CPU—the central processing unit or microprocessor in a computer that controls a BAS or DDC system. Cv—the flow coefficient for valves, representing the flow rate in gallons of water per minute at 62°F that will cause a pressure drop across the valve of 1 psig. CYCLE—a complete course of operation of working fluid back to a starting point, measured in thermodynamic terms (functions). Also used in general for any repeated process on any system. CYCLE, COOLING—the functions in an HVAC system which provide heat removal, or cooling, from a conditioned space. CYCLE, HEATING—the functions in an HVAC system which provide heat addition, or heating, to a conditioned space. CYCLE, REFRIGERATION—complete course of operation of refrigerant back to a starting point, evidenced by a repeated series of thermodynamic processes, or flow through a series of apparatus, or a repeated series of mechanical operations. CYCLING RATE—the number of complete cycles that the system goes through in one hour. One complete cycle includes both on and off times. DAMPER—an adjustable metal plate, louver, or set of louvers that controls airflow, especially through an air inlet, outlet, or duct. DAMPER LINKAGE—linkage used to connect an actuator to a damper, usually consisting of a pushrod, two crank arms, and two ball joints.GLOSSARY OF TERMS DAMPER, OPPOSED BLADE—louver-type damper with alternating blades rotating in opposite directions. Provides an equal percentage flow characteristic in which successive equal increments of rotation produce equal percentage increases in flow. Used for throttling and mixing applications where the sum of two airflows must remain nearly constant and where accurate control of airflow is necessary. DAMPER, PARALLEL BLADE—damper with all blades rotating in the same direction. Provides a non-linear airflow characteristic in which flow is not proportional to damper shaft rotation. Used in two-position service. DATABASE—the data in memory in the CPU that controls a BAS or DDC system. DDC SYSTEM—a distributed control system made up of one or more digital controllers and providing control and energy management functions for complete operation of HVAC and process systems in a system linked in a communications network composed of one or more levels of local area networks (LAN). No conventional control devices, pneumatic or electronic, such as receiver/controllers, thermostats, or logic units are present within or interface with a DDC control loop. DEADBAND—in HVAC control terminology, a temperature range in which neither heating nor cooling are turned on. DEGREE DAY—a unit, based upon temperature difference and time, used in estimating building environmental system energy usage. For example, on any one day, when the mean temperature is less than the base temperature, usually 65°F for heating degree days, there exist as many heating degree days as there are degrees F difference in temperature between the mean temperature for the day and the base temperature. DEHUMIDIFICATION—the condensation of water vapor from air by cooling below the dew point or removal of water vapor from air by chemical or physical methods. DEHUMIDIFIER—an air cooler or washer used for lowering the moisHVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ture content of the air passing through it. An absorption or adsorption device for removing moisture from the air. DEHYDRATION—the removal of water vapor from air by the use of absorbing or adsorbing materials. The removal of water from stored goods. In refrigeration terminology, the removal of water vapor from refrigerant by use of molecular sieves. DELTA SERVICE—a 3-wire or 4-wire 3-phase electrical wiring configuration commonly noted by a triangle. DEMAND—the average rate of electrical usage, measured in kilowatts demand (kWD), over a given period of time, called the demand interval. An electric utility must determine its required generating and distribution capacity from the total demand of all its customers. The utility thus bases its charges not only on total consumption but also on the measured peak demand. DEMAND CHARGE—that part of an electric bill based on kW demand and the demand interval. Expressed in dollars per kilowatt demand per month. Demand charges offset costs for construction and maintenance of a utility’s generating and distribution capacity. DEMAND CONTROL—a device that controls the kW demand level by shedding loads to prevent the kW demand from exceeding a predetermined set point, called the “target.” DEMAND INTERVAL—the period of time on which kW demand is monitored and billed by a utility, usually 15 or 30 minutes long. DEMAND LIMITING—a technique to reduce demand by measuring incoming electrical power and turning off specified loads so as to keep the rate of electrical usage under a present level. DEMAND READING—highest or maximum demand for electricity an individual customer registers in a given interval, for example a 15- minute interval. The metered demand reading sets the demand charge for the month. DEVIATION—the difference between the set point and the value of the controlled variable at any instant.GLOSSARY OF TERMS DEW-POINT TEMPERATURE—the temperature at which moisture would begin to condense out of the air if the air should be cooled to that temperature. The temperature corresponding to saturation (100 percent relative humidity) for a given absolute humidity at constant pressure. The moisture content of the air establishes the dew-point temperature. See Moisture Content and Humidity Ratio. DIFFERENTIAL—in a control, the difference between cut-out and cut-in points. DIFFERENTIAL, INTERSTAGE—in a sequencing system, the amount of change in the controlled medium required to sequence from “on” point of one stage to “on” point of successive stage. DIGITAL CONTROLLER—a microprocessor-based control module, programmable by user, with integral I/O, that performs stand-alone operations. DIGITAL POINT—a point that has an “either/or” value, such as on/off, which will be sensed to provide direct input to the BAS or DDC system. DIRECT CURRENT—a source of electrical power that flows in one direction only. Abbreviated: dc. DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL (DDC)—a control system where digital controllers directly sense building environment and make control decisions based on user defined, controller resident programs, and output control signals that directly operate valves and damper actuators and motor controllers, with controller output converted to the appropriate type of signal for electric or pneumatic actuators. DIRECT EXPANSION (DX) SYSTEM—see Cooling System, Direct Expansion. DISCHARGE AIR—conditioned air that is distributed to the controlled environment. DISTRIBUTED CONTROL—a control system built up of stand-alone controllers, with controllers installed near the controlled equipment to distribute the processing to each stand-alone DDC panel, with a limitedHVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE number of utilized sensor inputs and control outputs to a controller, often 48 or less, so failure of any single module will not cause the loss of more than the number of points served by that module. DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYSTEMS—a control system with a number of microprocessor-based modules, each performing its own specified task, yet working together as an integrated system under the supervision of a central microprocessor or computer. DRY AIR—air without water vapor; air only. DRY BULB TEMPERATURE—the temperature of a gas or mixture of gases indicated by a thermometer. Air temperature as read by any ordinary dry bulb thermometer. DRYER—device containing a desiccant, placed in the refrigerant circuit to collect and hold moisture in the system in excess of the amount that can be tolerated by the system refrigerant. DUCT—a passageway made of sheet metal or other suitable material, not necessarily leaktight, used for conveying air or other gases at low pressure. DUTY CYCLING—energizing a load for part of a specified time period. Accomplished by a duty cycler. DYNAMIC CONTROL—a process that optimizes operation of HVAC system components, such as air handling units, converters, chillers, and boilers, by increasing and decreasing setpoints or starting and stopping equipment in response to heating and cooling needs of downstream equipment. A requirement of dynamic control is input data as to heating/cooling demand status of downstream equipment, therefore dynamic control requires controllers connected in a communications network. ECONOMIZER CYCLE CONTROL—a form of control that positions dampers in an HVAC system to introduce up to 100% outside air for free cooling whenever the outside temperature is below the required supply air temperature, often about 55°F.GLOSSARY OF TERMS ELECTRIC CONTROL SYSTEM—a system of controls utilizing electric devices for sensing controlled parameters and for positioning actuators on controlled devices. ELECTRICAL BILLING CHARGE, UTILITY—a charge for the use of a unit of electricity. See Demand Charge. See also Watt, Kilowatt, and Kilowatt-hour. ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT—a power supply, a load, and a path for current flow are the minimum requirements. ELECTROMECHANICAL—a term used to describe devices which contain both electrical and mechanical components. ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER—a device that cleans circulating air by producing an electric field to ionize particulate contaminants in the air and then collect ionized particles on electrically charged plates. ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM—a system of controls utilizing electronic devices for sensing controlled parameters and for providing input to devices for positioning actuators on controlled devices. ELEMENT, ELECTRIC DUCT HEATING—a unit assembly consisting of electric resistance coils, insulated supports, and duct mounting frame with control box mounting operating and safety controls with terminals for connecting the assembly to electric power. EMCS—acronym for energy management and control system. ENERGY (CONSUMPTION) CHARGE—that part of an electric bill based on kWh consumption. Expressed in cents per kWh. Energy charge covers the cost of utility fuel, general operating costs, and part of the amortization of the utility’s equipment. ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATIO—a term used to measure the efficiency of air conditioning equipment components, abbreviated EER. It is defined as the number of Btus removed, divided by the power consumed in watts at standard test conditions. See also Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER).HVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ENERGY MANAGEMENT—the process of managing energy consumption, usually in a building, to conserve energy. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM—a system based on a microprocessor, microcomputer, or minicomputer whose primary function is to control energy-using equipment so as to reduce the amount of energy used. ENTHALPY—the total energy or heat content of the air. Includes sensible heat due to air temperature and latent heat due to moisture content. Expressed in Btu per pound of dry air. ENTHALPY-BASED ECONOMIZER CONTROL—a system of air-side economizer control in which 100% outdoor air and mechanical cooling are used simultaneously for the most economical operation. ENTHALPY CHANGEOVER CONTROL—a system of changeover between natural cooling with outdoor air and mechanical cooling with refrigeration. Control devices compare enthalpy or total heat values of return air and outdoor air, then position the economizer cycle to admit air with lowest enthalpy. This may cause mechanical refrigeration of 100% outside air when outside air enthalpy is lower than return air enthalpy, although dry bulb temperature is not low enough for supply air to space. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM—the process of controlling the environment by heating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying, or cleaning the air. This book uses the term HVAC control system for the same process. EVAPORATION—a change of state from liquid to vapor. EVAPORATOR COIL, REFRIGERANT—in mechanical refrigeration, the part of the refrigeration system where the refrigerant produces a cooling effect by vaporizing or absorbing heat from air or water, a section of coiled tubing where liquid refrigerant absorbs heat and evaporates. EXHAUST AIR—that air which is removed from the conditioned space by the ventilation system and discharged outdoors.GLOSSARY OF TERMS EXPANSION DEVICE—in a mechanical refrigeration system, a restriction or orifice which regulates the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator coil. May be in the form of a thermal expansion valve or a capillary tube. FACE AND BYPASS DAMPER SYSTEM—an airflow system in which the airflow is divided to flow through the cooling or heating coil and face damper and around the coil through the bypass damper. Dampers work in opposition, face damper closes while bypass damper opens, and vice versa to regulate the amount of air that is conditioned. Used with either a chilled or hot water coil. Proprietary systems include internal face and bypass dampers in steam coil. FACILITY AUTOMATION SYSTEM—see Building Automation System. FAIL-SAFE—in HVAC controls terminology, placing damper or valve in normal position which will minimize damage to building in case of controls failure, such as placing heating valves open and humidifier valves closed upon loss of control power; in BAS terminology, returning all controlled devices to conventional control in case of load management panel failure. FAN COIL UNIT—a complete unit located in the room being conditioned consisting of a coil through which hot or chilled water is circulated, a fan that circulates room air through the coil, a filter to remove lint and dust, a cabinet, a grille, and a control system. The chilled water or heated water is supplied from equipment located remotely from the unit. FIELD INTERFACE DEVICE—see Module. FILTER—a device that removes contaminants from liquids or gases such as air. FIRMWARE—software programmed into read only memory (ROM) and erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM) chips. Software may not be changed without physically altering the chip. FLOW RATE—the rate at which fluids or gases will flow over a specified amount of time. Units are gallons per minute (gpm) for water,HVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE pounds per hour for steam, cubic feet per hour (cfh) for natural gas, and cubic feet per minute (cfm) for air. FLUID—gas, vapor, or liquid. FULL LOAD CURRENT—see Running Current. GRAPHIC SEQUENCE OF OPERATION—a drawing or graphical representation of the sequence of operation, showing all interlocks and control loop sequences between input and output points, and inputs, outputs, and logic blocks. GRAPHICS—a pictorial representation on a computer screen of material, often control diagrams or building system schematics. HAND-HELD TERMINAL—a portable device, control system manufacturer-specific, which can be connected directly to a communications port on a digital controller and through which the digital controller can be interrogated and/or programmed. HARD WIRING—permanent wiring. HEADER—a manifold or supply pipe to which a number of branch pipes are connected. HEAT EXCHANGER—a device specifically designed to transfer heat between two physically separated fluids. HEAT OF FUSION—latent heat involved in the change between solid and liquid states. For ice melting to water—144 Btu/pound at 32°F. HEAT OF VAPORIZATION—latent heat involved in the change between liquid and vapor states. For water—970 Btu/pound at 212°F. HEAT PUMP—mechanical refrigeration system with the added capability of reversing the normal cooling cycle so the evaporator removes heat from outdoor air and the condenser rejects that heat plus the heat of compression to indoor air to heat the space. During cooling, the functions are normal.GLOSSARY OF TERMS HEAT RECLAMATION—the process of reclaiming waste heat from such sources as exhaust fans, condenser coils, and hot water drains to do useful work, such as heating makeup air and heating domestic or process water. HEATING SYSTEM, DIRECT FIRED—a heating system for outside air in which combustion takes place in the airstream being introduced into the building. The outdoor air temperature is increased by direct contact with the flame of the fuel. Recirculation is restricted by code. Fuel efficiency is 100 percent. HEATING SYSTEM, DUCT HEATER—a heating system in which the heater is installed directly in the distribution duct of a central air conditioning or heating system. May be either electric, gas-fired, or oil-fired. HEATING SYSTEM, ELECTRIC—a heating system that consists of one or more stages of resistive heating elements installed in a duct, central furnace, or boiler. HEATING SYSTEM, HEATED WATER COIL—a heating system in which heated water is supplied by a central hot water boiler. HEATING SYSTEM, INDIRECT FIRED—a heating system in which combustion takes place in a boiler or furnace. The fuel is burned in a combustion chamber and the flue gases do not mix with the air delivered to the space. HEATING SYSTEM, RADIANT—a heating system in which only the heat radiated from the heat exchanger is effective in providing the heating requirements. The term radiant heating may include both radiant panels and radiant strips. HEATING SYSTEM, STEAM—a heating system in which heat is transferred from the heat source, such as a boiler, to the heating units by means of steam. Steam pressure may be above atmospheric pressure or at, or below atmospheric pressure. HEATING SYSTEM, WARM AIR—a warm air heating plant consisting of a heating unit (electric or fuel burning furnace) enclosed in a casing,HVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE from which the heated air is distributed to various rooms in a building through ducts. HIGH LIMIT CONTROL—a device that normally monitors the condition of the controlled medium and interrupts system operation if the monitored condition becomes excessive. HIGH SIDE—parts of the refrigerating system subjected to condenser pressure or higher; the system from the compression side of the compressor through the condenser to the expansion point of the evaporator. HORSEPOWER—unit of power in foot-pound-second system; work done at the rate of 550 ft-lb per sec, or 33,000 ft-lb per min. HOT DECK—the heating section of a multi-zone or dual-duct system. HUMIDIFICATION—the process of increasing the water vapor content of the conditioned air. HUMIDIFIER—a device to add moisture to the air. HUMIDISTAT—a regulatory device, actuated by changes in humidity, used for the automatic control of relative humidity. HUMIDITY—water vapor within a given space. HUMIDITY RATIO—see Specific Humidity. HUNTING—an undesirable condition where a controller is unable to stabilize the state of the controlled medium causing rapid cycling. HVAC—Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. HYBRID CONTROL SYSTEM—a system of controls utilizing electric devices or electronic devices for sensing controlled parameters and using pneumatic actuators for positioning controlled devices. HYDROMETER—an instrument that, by the extent of its submergence, indicates the specific gravity of the liquid in which it floats.GLOSSARY OF TERMS HYDRONIC SYSTEM—a heating and/or cooling system that uses a liquid (usually hot or cold water) as the medium for heat transfer. HYDRONICS—the science of heating and cooling with liquids. HYGROMETER—an instrument responsive to humidity conditions, usually calibrated in percent relative humidity of the atmosphere. “IN” CONTACTS—those relay contacts which complete circuits when the relay armature is energized. Also referred to as “Normally Open Contacts.” INDOOR AIR QUALITY—the condition of air within the built environment, measured in multiple parameters including temperature, humidity, air motion, and presence of gaseous and particulate contaminants. Abbreviated IAQ. INDUCTIVE LOADS—loads whose voltage and current are out of phase. True power consumption for inductive loads is calculated by multiplying voltage, current, and the power factor of the load. INFILTRATION—in air conditioning, the natural leakage of unconditioned outdoor air into a building. INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O)—The acronym I/O refers to inputs and outputs of a digital controller; analog inputs (AI), digital inputs (DI), analog outputs (AO), and digital outputs (DO). Analog inputs (AI) are from analog sensors of temperature, pressure, humidity, flow. Digital inputs (DI) are from digital sensors such as motor status contacts, flow switches, switch position indicators, and pulse output devices. Analog outputs (AO) position modulating devices. Digital outputs (DO) operate on/off or open/close controlled devices. INRUSH CURRENT—the current that flows the instant after the switch controlling current flow to a load is closed. Also called “Locked Rotor Current.” INTERSTAGE DIFFERENTIAL—in a multistage HVAC system, the change in temperature at the thermostat needed to turn additional heating or cooling equipment on.HVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE I/O UNIT—device installed on a digital controller to provide additional point capacity and communicate with the stand-alone digital controller on a LAN. An I/O unit itself is not stand-alone because the control program does not reside in the microprocessor of the I/O unit. INPUT DEVICE—device to provide input to control system, such as temperature sensor or operating status device. ISOTHERMAL PROCESS—a process in which there is no change in dry bulb temperature. KILOWATT—1,000 watts. Abbreviated kW. KILOWATT-HOUR—a measure of electrical energy consumption: 1,000 watts being consumed per hour. Abbreviated kWh. kW DEMAND—the maximum rate of electrical power usage for a 15- or 30-minute interval in a commercial building for each billing period. A utility meter records this maximum rate, and customers are billed for this peak rate usually once per month. Abbreviated kWD. kWh CONSUMPTION—the amount of electrical energy used over a period of time; the number of kWh used per month. Often called “Consumption.” LADDER DIAGRAM—a wiring diagram showing the system connections between two conductors, represented with system conductors run vertically and with connections run across, as rungs on a ladder. LAG—a delay in the effect of a changed condition at one point in the system on some other condition to which it is related. Also, the delay in action of the sensing element of a control, due to the time required for the sensing element to reach equilibrium with the property being controlled; i.e., temperature lag, flow lag, etc. LATENT HEAT—the amount of heat necessary to change a quantity of water to water vapor without changing either temperature or pressure, when water is vaporized and passes into the air along with the vapor. Likewise, latent heat is removed when water vapor is condensed.GLOSSARY OF TERMS LIGHT EMITTING DIODE—a low current and voltage light used as an indicator. Abbreviated LED. LIMIT—control applied in the line or low voltage control circuit to break the circuit if conditions move outside a preset range. In a motor, a switch that cuts off power to the motor windings when the motor reaches its full open position. LIMIT CONTROL—a temperature, pressure, humidity, dew-point, or other control that is used as an override to prevent undesirable or unsafe conditions in a controlled system. LIMIT SHUTDOWN—a condition in which the system has been stopped because the value of the temperature or pressure has exceeded a pre-established limit. LINE VOLTAGE—in the control industry, the electric supply voltages as opposed to low voltage. LIQUID LINE—the tube or pipe carrying the refrigerant liquid from the condenser or receiver of a refrigerating system to the evaporator or other pressure-reducing device. LOAD—that part of an electrical circuit in which useful work is performed. In a heating or cooling system, the heat transfer that the system will be called upon to provide. Any equipment that can be connected to a load management system. LOAD FACTOR—a comparison of kilowatt-hours of electricity consumed to the peak rate at which power was consumed. Load factor is always a number between zero and one and is expressed as the kilowatthours consumed over the specified period divided by the product of the kilowatt peak demand registered times the number of hours in the period. LOAD SHEDDING—the process of turning off electrical loads under specified conditions, primarily to reduce demand. LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)—a communications bus that interconnects digital controllers for peer-to-peer communications with differHVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ent levels of LANs within a single DDC system. In this case a digital controller on a higher level LAN acts as a network controller to the controllers on the lower level LAN. The network controller must have at least two LAN communications ports with one port supporting peer-topeer communications with other digital controllers on the higher level LAN and the other port supporting communications with the digital controllers on the lower level LAN. LANs permit sharing global information, making it possible to apply building-wide control strategies, such as peak demand limiting, permit dynamic control strategies, allow coordinated response to alarm conditions, and allow remote monitoring and programming of digital controllers. LOCAL LOOP CONTROL—an existing control, such as a thermostat system, that will continue to function after the installation of a BAS or DDC system when the latter is not operating. LOCKED ROTOR CURRENT—see Inrush Current. LOUVER—an assembly of sloping vanes intended to permit air ventilation to pass through and to inhibit the transfer of water droplets. LOW LIMIT CONTROL—a device that normally monitors the condition of the controlled medium and interrupts system operation if the monitored condition drops below the desired minimum value. LOW SIDE—the refrigerating system from the expansion point to the point where the refrigerant vapor is compressed; where the system is at or below evaporator pressure. LOW VOLTAGE—in the control industry, a power supply of 25 volts or less. MAIN—a pipe or duct for distributing to, or collecting from, various branches. MAKEUP AIR—outdoor air that is brought into a building to compensate for air removed by exhaust fans or other methods. MAKEUP AIR SYSTEM—a ventilating system used to replace exhaustedGLOSSARY OF TERMS air with outdoor air that is then heated or cooled. The system includes a supply fan, a filter section, a heating section (either indirect or direct heat), and automatic controls to regulate the air temperature. MANIFOLD—portion of a main in which several branches are close together. Also, a single piece in which there are several fluid paths. Also called a “Header.” MANOMETER—an instrument for measuring pressures. Essentially a U-tube partially filled with a liquid, usually water, mercury, or a light oil, so constructed that the amount of displacement of the liquid indicates the pressure being exerted on the instrument. MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION SYSTEM—a cooling system consisting basically of a refrigerant compressor, condenser coil, expansion device, and evaporator coil. In a basic cycle, the refrigerant is compressed, liquefied and cooled in an expansion device in the condenser, below its boiling point. It then enters the evaporator coil where it boils, absorbing heat from its surroundings. It is then compressed again and a new cycle begins. MEDIUM, HEATING—a solid or fluid, such as water, steam, air or flue gas, used to convey heat from a boiler, furnace or other heat source, and to deliver it, directly or through a suitable heating device, to a substance or space being heated. MICROPROCESSOR—the central processing unit (CPU) of a DDC system that contains all the registers and logic circuitry that make it possible for digital controllers to compute; in EMCS systems, a small computer used in load management to analyze energy demand and consumption so that loads are turned on and off according to a predetermined program. MINIMUM ON-TIME—the shortest period of time that a load can be energized when it is being duty cycled. MINIMUM OUTSIDE AIR REQUIREMENTS—the code-mandated volume of outside air or equivalent outside air needed to replenish interior space air to maintain acceptable indoor air quality.HVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MIXED AIR—a mixture of air in an air handling system composed of return air and outdoor air. MIXING BOX—a container, located at the room being conditioned, in which hot and cold air is mixed as required to maintain the desired room temperature. MODULATING CONTROL—a mode of automatic control in which the action of the final control element is proportional to the deviation, from set point, of the controlled medium. MODULATING MOTOR—an electric motor, used to drive a damper or valve, which can position the damper or valve anywhere between fully open or fully closed in proportion to deviation of the controlled medium. MODULATING—tending to adjust by increments and decrements. MODULATING RANGE—see Proportional Band. MODULE—a microprocessor-controlled device in a distributed processing system that performs a specific task under the supervision of the central computer. MODUTROL MOTOR—Honeywell’s trade name for a line of electric and electronic two-position and modulating motor actuators used to position dampers or valves. MOISTURE CONTENT—amount of water vapor in a given amount of air, usually expressed in grains of moisture per pound of dry air. (7,000 grains are equal to 1 lb.) Also called Specific Humidity. MORNING PICKUP OR WARMUP—a control system that keeps outside air dampers closed after night setback until the desired space temperature is achieved. MULTISTAGE THERMOSTAT—a temperature control that sequences two or more switches in response to the amount of heating or cooling demand.GLOSSARY OF TERMS MULTIZONE SYSTEM—centralized HVAC system that serves several zones from a multi-zone unit with each zone having a thermostat. NC—normally closed; in relays, normally closed contacts are closed when the relay is de-energized; in dampers and valves, the position assumed when the actuator is de-energized. NIGHT SETBACK—the ability to reduce heating expense during unoccupied hours by lowering temperature, closing outside air dampers, and intermittently operating blowers. NO—normally open; in relays, normally open contacts are open when the relay is de-energized; in dampers and valves, the position assumed when the actuator is de-energized. NOTEBOOK COMPUTER—a small personal computer. OFFSET—a sustained deviation between the actual control point and the set point under stable operating conditions. ON-OFF CONTROL—a simple control system, consisting basically of a switch, in which the device being controlled is either fully on or fully off and no intermediate positions are available. OPTIMUM START/STOP—a refined form of HVAC control that automatically adjusts the programmed start/stop schedule depending on inside and outside air temperature and humidity, resulting in the latest possible start and earliest possible stop of the HVAC equipment. ORIFICE—an opening or construction in a passage to regulate the flow of a fluid. “OUT” CONTACTS—those relay contacts which complete circuits when the relay coil is de-energized. Also referred to as “Normally Closed Contacts.” OUTPUT SIGNAL CONVERSION—the changing of one kind of control output into a proportionally related signal appropriate for direct actuation of the controlled device, such as 4 to 20 mA analog output signalsHVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE converted by a transducer to 3 to 15 psig pneumatic pressure or a contact closure originating in a digital controller converted into an on/off or open/close signal to a 2-position device. OUTSIDE AIR—air that is brought into the ventilation system from outside the building and, therefore, has not been previously circulated through the system. Also called “fresh air.” OVERRIDE—a manual or automatic action taken to bypass the normal operation of a device or system. PACKAGED SYSTEM—a complete set of components and controls factory-assembled for ease of installation. A packaged system may perform one or more of the air conditioning functions. PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONER (PTAC)—a single-package air conditioning unit in a decorative cabinet for mounting in the conditioned space, with electric-drive, air-cooled refrigerating system and heating system as either electric resistance coil, reverse-cycle heat pump, or hydronic coil. PEAK DEMAND—the greatest amount of kilowatts needed during a demand interval. PEAK DEMAND LIMITING—see Demand Limiting. PEAK LOAD CONTROL—see Demand Limiting. PEAK LOAD LIMITING—see Demand Limiting. PEER-TO-PEER COMMUNICATION—the relationship of controllers connected on a communications LAN that act independently and communicate with each other as equals to pass information which facilitates control. PHASE—an electrical term used to describe the number of distinct harmonic waves in alternating current electrical services. Residential service is single-phase; commercial facilities are usually three-phase.GLOSSARY OF TERMS PID—an acronym referring to the three types of control action, proportional, integral, and derivative, that are used in controlling modulating equipment. PILOT-DUTY RELAY—a relay used for switching loads such as another relay or solenoid valve coils. The pilot duty relay contacts are located in a second control circuit. Pilot duty relays are rated in volt-amperes (VA). PLENUM CHAMBER—an air compartment connected to one or more distributing ducts. PNEUMATIC—operated by air pressure. PNEUMATIC CONTROLS—a system of controls utilizing air pressure for sensing controlled parameters and for positioning actuators on controlled devices. POINT—an individual monitor, control, or sensing device connected to a BAS or DDC system, such as a temperature sensor or a relay. POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER—a voltage transformer. The voltage supplied to a primary coil induces a voltage in a secondary coil according to the ratio of the wire windings in each of the coils. POTENTIOMETER—an electromechanical device having a terminal connected to each end of the resistive element, and third terminal connected to the wiper contact. The electrical input is divided as the contact moves over the element, thus making it possible to mechanically change the resistance. POWER—in electricity, the watt. A time rate measurement for the use of electrical energy. Joules per second. POWER FACTOR—a ratio, sometimes expressed as a percent of actual power (watts) in an ac circuit to apparent power (volt-amperes). A measure of power loss in an inductive circuit. When the power factor is less than 0.8, the utility may impose a penalty, as prescribed in the utility rate structure.HVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE POWER FACTOR CHARGE—a utility charge for “poor” power factor. It is more expensive to provide power to a facility with a poor power factor (usually less than 0.8). POWER FACTOR CORRECTION—improvement of power factor on a building’s electrical service by installation of capacitors on the utility’s supply line. POWER LINE SUBCARRIER—a device to allow the use of a building’s existing electrical power system to carry the signals of the BAS or DDC system. POWER SUPPLY—the voltage and current source for an electrical circuit. A battery, a utility service, and a transformer are power supplies. PREHEAT—a process of raising the temperature of outdoor air before incorporating it into the rest of the ventilating system. Used when large amounts of very cold outdoor air must be used. PRESSURE—the normal force exerted by a homogeneous liquid or gas, per unit of area, on the wall of its container. PRESSURE, ABSOLUTE—the sum of gauge pressure and atmospheric pressure. Absolute pressure can be zero only in a perfect vacuum. PRESSURE, ATMOSPHERIC—the pressure exerted in every direction at any given point by the weight of the atmosphere. It is the pressure indicated by a barometer. Standard Atmospheric Pressure or Standard Atmosphere is the pressure of 76 cm of mercury having a density of 13.5951 grams per cubic centimeter, under standard gravity of 980,665 cm per sec. It is equivalent to 14.696 psi or 29.921 inches of mercury at 32°F. PRESSURE, SUCTION—the refrigerant pressure as measured at the inlet of a compressor in a direct expansion refrigeration system. Also known as “backpressure.” PRESSURE CONTROLS—used as limit protectors in the cooling system. They establish pressure control limits to protect the system from exGLOSSARY OF TERMS tremes in refrigeration suction and discharge line pressures. If the pressure deviates from normal, the pressure control breaks the circuit to the compressor until the pressure returns to normal. Pressure controls have automatic or manual reset, depending upon the construction of the equipment and preference of the manufacturer. PRESSURE DROP—the difference between the upstream pressure and the downstream pressure of a fluid or gas passing through a pressure loss causing device, such as a damper or valve. PRESSURE GAUGE—pressure measured above atmospheric pressure; indicated by a pressure gauge. Units are pounds per square inch gauge (psig). PRESSURE HEAD—operating pressure measured in the discharge line at a compressor outlet. PRESSURE REGULATOR—automatic valve between the evaporator outlet and compressor inlet that is responsive to pressure or temperature. It functions to throttle the vapor flow when necessary to prevent the evaporator pressure from falling below a preset level. PRIMARY CONTROL—a device that directly or indirectly controls the control agent in response to needs indicated by the controller. Typically, a motor, valve, relay, or similar device. PROPORTIONAL BAND—the range of values of a proportional positioning controller through which the controlled variable must pass to move the final control element through its full operating range. Commonly used equivalents are “throttling range” and “modulating range.” PROPORTIONAL CONTROL—see Modulating Control. PSYCHROMETER—an instrument with wet and dry bulb thermometers, for measuring the amount of moisture in the air. See Wet Bulb Temperature. RADIATION, THERMAL (HEAT)—the transmission of energy by means of electromagnetic waves of very long wavelength. Radiant enHVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ergy of any wavelength may, when absorbed, become thermal energy and result in an increase in the temperature of the absorbing body. RADIATOR—a heating unit exposed to view within the room or space to be heated. A radiator transfers heat by radiation to objects within visible range, and by conduction to the surrounding air which in turn is circulated by natural convection; a so-called radiator is also a convector, but the term radiator has been established by long usage. RAPID CYCLING—see Hunting and Short Cycling. RECEIVER—storage chamber for liquid refrigerant in a mechanical refrigeration system; often the bottom part of the condenser. RECIRCULATED AIR—return air passed through the conditioner before being again supplied to the conditioned space. RECLAMATION—the process of reclaiming and reusing discharged heat from such sources as exhaust fans, condenser coils, and hot water drains to do useful work. REFRIGERANT—a substance with a large latent heat of vaporization and low boiling point that produces a refrigerating effect by absorbing heat while expanding or vaporizing (boiling). REFRIGERATING SYSTEM, ABSORPTION—a refrigerating system in which the refrigerated gas evolved in the evaporator is taken up in an absorber and released in a generator upon the application of heat. REFRIGERATING SYSTEM, CENTRAL PLANT—a system with two or more low sides connected to a single, central high side; a multiple system. REFRIGERATING SYSTEM, CHILLED WATER—an indirect refrigerating system employing water as the circulating liquid. REFRIGERATING SYSTEM, COMPRESSION—a refrigerating system in which the pressure-imposing element is mechanically operated.GLOSSARY OF TERMS REFRIGERATING SYSTEM, DIRECT-EXPANSION—a refrigerating system in which the evaporator is in direct contact with the refrigerated material or space or is located in air circulating passages communicating with such spaces. REFRIGERATING SYSTEM, MECHANICAL—a system where the evaporator coil produces cooling by absorbing heat from the surrounding air, raising the refrigerant to its boiling point and causing it to vaporize. The superheated vapor flows through the condenser, which condenses it into a liquid and gives off heat picked up in the evaporator coil. Then the liquid flows to the expansion point, where it expands (lowering its temperature and pressure) to start the cooling cycle again. REFRIGERATING SYSTEM, SINGLE-PACKAGE—a complete factorymade and factory-tested refrigerating system in a suitable frame or enclosure, which is fabricated and shipped in one or more sections and in which no refrigerant-containing parts are connected in the field. REFRIGERATION SYSTEM—combination of interconnected refrigerantcontaining devices in which the refrigerant is circulated for the purpose of extracting heat to produce cooling. REHEAT—the process of adding heat to air to maintain the correct temperature after it has previously been cooled to some specified dew point to control humidity. RELATIVE HUMIDITY—the ratio of the existing vapor pressure of the water in the air to the vapor pressure of water in saturated air at the same dry bulb temperature. RELAY—an electromechanical switch that opens or closes contacts in response to some controlled action. Relay contacts are normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC). RELAY, MAGNETIC—solenoid-operated relay or contactor; a switching relay that utilizes an electromagnet (solenoid) and an armature to provide the switching force. REMOTE TEMPERATURE SET POINT—ability to set a temperatureHVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE control point for a space from outside the space. Often used in public areas. RESET—a process of automatically adjusting the control point of a given controller to compensate for changes in the outdoor temperature. The hot deck control point is normally reset upward as the outdoor temperature drops. The cold deck control point is normally reset downward as the outdoor temperature increases. RESET RATIO—the ratio of change in outdoor temperature to the change in control point temperature. For example, a 2:1 reset ratio means that for every 2 degrees change in outdoor temperature the control point will increase 1 degree. RESISTANCE—the opposition that limits the amount of current that can be produced by an applied voltage in an electrical circuit. Measured in ohms, abbreviated with the Greek letter omega. RESISTANCE TEMPERATURE DEVICE (RTD)—a wire-wound electronic temperature sensor device with stable temperature coefficient, such as a 1,000 ohm Balco sensor with a resistance constant of 2.2 ohms per °F. RESISTIVE LOADS—electrical loads whose power factor is one. Usually contain heating elements. RESOLUTION—the number of possible states an input value or output value can take; a function of the digital controller I/O circuitry, an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter for input and a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter for output. Ten-bit resolution has 1,024 possible states; eightbit resolution has 256 possible states. RESTORE—to energize a load that has been shed. RETURN AIR—air that is drawn back into the ventilation system from the controlled space. ROOFTOP UNIT—HVAC system placed on a roof and connected to ducts that supply conditioned air to the area below it.GLOSSARY OF TERMS RUNNING CURRENT—the current that flows through a load after inrush current. Usually called “Full Load Current.” SEASONAL PEAK—the maximum demand placed on the utility’s capacity resulting from seasonal factors. Some utilities have summer peaks, some have winter peaks, some have both. SELF DIAGNOSTICS—the function of a control system, usually DDC, to detect errors, diagnose the cause of the errors, and notify the operator of the problem. SENSIBLE HEAT—that heat which changes the temperature of the air without a change in moisture content. Changes in dry bulb thermometer readings are indicative of changes in sensible heat. SENSING ELEMENT—the first system element or group of elements. The sensing element performs the initial measurement operation. SENSOR—a control system sensing element. SEQUENCER—an electronic device that may be programmed or set to initiate a series of events and to make the events follow in sequence. SEQUENCING CONTROL—a control that energizes successive stages of heating or cooling equipment as its sensor detects the need for increased heating or cooling capacity. May be electronic or electromechanical. See Sequencer and Step Controller. SETBACK—reduction of heating or cooling at night or during hours when a building is unoccupied. SET POINT—the value on the controller scale at which the controller indicator is set. SHIELDED CABLE—special cable used with equipment that generates a low voltage output. Used to minimize the effects of frequency “noise” on the output signal. SHORT CYCLING—unit runs and then stops at short intervals; generally, this excessive cycling rate is hard on the system equipment.HVAC CONTROLS—OPERATION & MAINTENANCE SINGLE-ZONE SYSTEM—HVAC system controlled by one thermostat. SPACE THERMOSTAT—a thermostat whose sensor is located in the space. STAND-ALONE CONTROL—the ability of a digital controller to perform required control and energy management functions without connection to another digital controller or central site computer. Stand-alone ability requires a time clock, a microprocessor, microchip resident control programs, PID control, a communications port for interfacing with and programming the controller, firmware for interrogation and programming, and I/O for sensing and effecting control of its control environment. STAND-ALONE SYSTEM—a BAS or DDC system that performs all control functions without direction from a central unit. STANDARD AIR—a measure of air conditions used in psychrometric calculations. In the inch-pounds (I-P) system, dry air at 70°F and 14.696 psi. At these conditions, dry air has a mass density of 0.075 pounds per cubic foot. START/STOP SCHEDULING—see Time Based Scheduling. STARTER, MAGNETIC MOTOR—an adaptation of the basic contactor with overload relays and selector switches or pushbuttons for start-stop. Combination starters are a combination of starters and disconnect devices, either switches or circuit breakers, in a common enclosure. Starters for large motors may be reduced voltage type with reactors, step resistors, and other features required for the specific application. STEP CONTROLLER—an electromechanical device used with electric or pneumatic systems, which may be set to initiate a series of events and to make the events follow in sequence. SUBCOOLING—liquid temperature and pressures are directly related; subcooling is cooling the liquid line below the saturation temperature corresponding to pressure. Subcooling is measured by comparing the temperature of the liquid line to what the liquid temperature would ordinarily be at the measured discharge pressure.GLOSSARY OF TERMS SUBLIMATION—change of state directly from solid to gas without appearance of liquid. SUCTION LINE—the tube or pipe that carries the refrigerated vapor from the evaporator to the compressor inlet. SUPERHEAT—refrigerant vapor temperature and pressure are directly related; superheating is raising the temperature of the vapor above the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure. Superheat is measured by comparing the temperature measured with that which would correspond to the measured pressure.
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