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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Structural Composite Materials الأحد 27 ديسمبر 2020, 2:35 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Structural Composite Materials F.C. Campbell
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface xi About the Author xv Chapter 1 Introduction to Composite Materials 1 1.1 Isotropic, Anisotropic, and Orthotropic Materials 4 1.2 Laminates 7 1.3 Fundamental Property Relationships 8 1.4 Composites versus Metallics 10 1.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Composite Materials 14 1.6 Applications 18 Chapter 2 Fibers and Reinforcements 31 2.1 Fiber Terminology 31 2.2 Strength of Fibers 32 2.3 Glass Fibers 33 2.4 Aramid Fibers 39 2.5 Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Fibers 41 2.6 Carbon and Graphite Fibers 42 2.7 Woven Fabrics 49 2.8 Reinforced Mats 52 2.9 Chopped Fibers 52 2.10 Prepreg Manufacturing 52 Chapter 3 Matrix Resin Systems 63 3.1 Thermosets 64 3.2 Polyester Resins 65 3.3 Epoxy Resins 67 3.4 Bismaleimide Resins 70 3.5 Cyanate Ester Resins 71 3.6 Polyimide Resins 72 3.7 Phenolic Resins 74 3.8 Toughened Thermosets 75 3.9 Thermoplastics 81 3.9.1 Thermoplastic Composite Matrices 82 3.9.2 Thermoplastic Composite Product Forms 87 3.10 Quality Control Methods 90 3.10.1 Chemical Testing 91 3.10.2 Rheological Testing 92 3.10.3 Thermal Analysis 94 3.10.4 Glass Transition Temperature 97 3.11 Summary 99vi / Contents Chapter 4 Fabrication Tooling 101 4.1 General Considerations 101 4.2 Thermal Management 104 4.3 Tool Fabrication 111 Chapter 5 Thermoset Composite Fabrication Processes 119 5.0 Lay-up Processes 119 5.1 Wet Lay-Up 119 5.2 Prepreg Lay-Up 122 5.2.1 Manual Lay-Up 123 5.2.2 Flat Ply Collation and Vacuum Forming 124 5.2.3 Roll or Tape Wrapping 125 5.2.4 Automated Methods 125 5.2.5 Vacuum Bagging 131 5.2.6 Curing 133 5.3 Low-Temperature Curing/Vacuum Bag Systems 137 5.4 Filament Winding 141 5.5 Liquid Molding 146 5.5.1 Preform Technology 148 5.5.2 Resin Injection 162 5.5.3 Priform Process 164 5.5.4 RTM Curing 166 5.5.5 RTM Tooling 167 5.5.6 RTM Defects 170 5.5.7 Vacuum-Assisted Resin Transfer Molding 172 5.6 Resin Film Infusion 174 5.7 Pultrusion 175 Chapter 6 Thermoplastic Composite Fabrication Processes 183 6.1 Thermoplastic Consolidation 183 6.2 Thermoforming 186 6.3 Thermoplastic Joining 192 Chapter 7 Processing Science of Polymer Matrix Composites 201 7.1 Kinetics 202 7.2 Viscosity 206 7.3 Heat Transfer 207 7.4 Resin Flow 209 7.4.1 Hydrostatic Resin Pressure Studies 214 7.4.2 Resin Flow Modeling 217 7.5 Voids and Porosity 219 7.5.1 Condensation-Curing Systems 226 7.6 Residual Curing Stresses 226 7.7 Cure Monitoring Techniques 232 Chapter 8 Adhesive Bonding 235 8.1 Theory of Adhesion 235 8.2 Surface Preparation 235 8.2.1 Composite Surface Preparation 237 8.2.2 Aluminum Surface Preparation 239 8.2.3 Titanium Surface Preparation 242 8.2.4 Aluminum and Titanium Primers 243 8.3 Epoxy Adhesives 244 8.3.1 Two-Part Room-Temperature Curing Epoxy Liquid and Paste Adhesives 245 8.3.2 Epoxy Film Adhesives 247Contents / vii 8.4 Bonding Procedures 248 8.4.1 Prekitting of Adherends 249 8.4.2 Prefit Evaluation 249 8.4.3 Adhesive Application 250 8.4.4 Bondline Thickness Control 251 8.4.5 Bonding 252 Chapter 9 Sandwich and Integral Cocured Structure 255 9.1 Sandwich Structure 255 9.2 Honeycomb Core Sandwich Structure 255 9.2.1 Honeycomb Processing 264 9.2.2 Cocured Honeycomb Assemblies 267 9.3 Foam Cores 271 9.3.1 Syntactic Core 272 9.4 Integrally Cocured Unitized Structure 273 Chapter 10 Discontinuous-Fiber Composites 285 10.1 Fiber Length and Orientation 285 10.2 Discontinuous-Fiber Composite Mechanics 287 10.3 Fabrication Methods 289 10.4 Spray-Up 289 10.5 Compression Molding 290 10.5.1 Thermoset Compression Molding 290 10.5.2 Thermoplastic Compression Molding 295 10.6 Structural Reaction Injection Molding 296 10.7 Injection Molding 297 10.7.1 Thermoplastic Injection Molding 298 10.7.2 Thermoset Injection Molding 304 Chapter 11 Machining and Assembly 307 11.1 Trimming and Machining Operations 307 11.2 General Assembly Considerations 309 11.3 Hole Preparation 311 11.3.1 Manual Drilling 311 11.3.2 Power Feed Drilling 314 11.3.3 Automated Drilling 315 11.3.4 Drill Bit Geometries 316 11.3.5 Reaming 317 11.3.6 Countersinking 317 11.4 Fastener Selection and Installation 318 11.4.1 Special Considerations for Composite Joints 320 11.4.2 Solid Rivets 322 11.4.3 Pin and Collar Fasteners 323 11.4.4 Bolts and Nuts 323 11.4.5 Blind Fasteners 326 11.4.6 Interference-Fit Fasteners 328 11.5 Sealing and Painting 329 Chapter 12 Nondestructive Inspection 333 12.1 Visual Inspection 333 12.2 Ultrasonic Inspection 335 12.3 Portable Equipment 341 12.4 Radiographic Inspection 342 12.5 Thermographic Inspection 345viii / Contents Chapter 13 Mechanical Property Test Methods 351 13.1 Specimen Preparation 351 13.2 Flexure Testing 352 13.3 Tension Testing 353 13.4 Compression Testing 354 13.5 Shear Testing 356 13.6 Open-Hole Tension and Compression 357 13.7 Bolt Bearing Strength 358 13.8 Flatwise Tension Test 361 13.9 Compression Strength After Impact 361 13.10 Fracture Toughness Testing 362 13.11 Adhesive Shear Testing 364 13.12 Adhesive Peel Testing 364 13.13 Honeycomb Flatwise Tension 367 13.14 Environmental Conditioning 367 13.15 Data Analysis 369 Chapter 14 Composite Mechanical Properties 373 14.1 Glass Fiber Composites 374 14.2 Aramid Fiber Composites 376 14.3 Carbon Fiber Composites 379 14.4 Fatigue 383 14.5 Delaminations and Impact Resistance 388 14.6 Effects of Defects 393 14.6.1 Voids and Porosity 393 14.6.2 Fiber Distortion 397 14.6.3 Fastener Hole Defects 398 Chapter 15 Environmental Degradation 401 15.1 Moisture Absorption 401 15.2 Fluids 411 15.3 Ultraviolet Radiation and Erosion 411 15.4 Lightning Strikes 412 15.5 Thermo-Oxidative Stability 415 15.6 Heat Damage 416 15.7 Flammability 417 Chapter 16 Structural Analysis 421 16.1 Lamina or Ply Fundamentals 421 16.2 Stress-Strain Relationships for a Single Ply Loaded Parallel to the Material Axes (θ = 0° or 90°) 425 16.3 Stress-Strain Relationships for a Single Ply Loaded Off-Axis to the Material Axes (θ ≠ 0° or 90°) 427 16.4 Laminates and Laminate Notations 429 16.5 Laminate Analysis—Classical Lamination Theory 430 16.6 Interlaminar Free-Edge Stresses 439 16.7 Failure Theories 440 16.8 Concluding Remarks 446 Chapter 17 Structural Joints—Bolted and Bonded 449 17.1 Mechanically Fastened Joints 449 17.2 Mechanically Fastened Joint Analysis 450 17.3 Single-Hole Bolted Composite Joints 455 17.4 Multirow Bolted Composite Joints 459 17.5 Adhesive Bonding 463Contents / ix 17.6 Bonded Joint Design 464 17.7 Adhesive Shear Stress-Strain 466 17.8 Bonded Joint Design Considerations 475 17.9 Stepped-Lap Adhesively Bonded Joints 479 17.10 Bonded-Bolted Joints 481 Chapter 18 Design and Certification Considerations 489 18.1 Material Selection 489 18.2 Fiber Selection 490 18.3 Product Form Selection 491 18.3.1 Discontinuous-Fiber Product Forms 492 18.3.2 Continuous-Fiber Product Forms 493 18.4 Matrix Selection 494 18.5 Fabrication Process Selection 496 18.5.1 Discontinuous-Fiber Processes 496 18.5.2 Continuous-Fiber Processes 497 18.6 Trade Studies 498 18.7 Building Block Approach 499 18.8 Design Allowables 501 18.9 Design Guidelines 503 18.10 Damage Tolerance Considerations 508 18.11 Environmental Sensitivity Considerations 512 Chapter 19 Repair 517 19.1 Fill Repairs 517 19.2 Injection Repairs 517 19.3 Bolted Repairs 520 19.4 Bonded Repairs 523 19.5 Metallic Details and Metal-Bonded Assemblies 533 Chapter 20 Metal Matrix Composites 537 20.1 Aluminum Matrix Composites 540 20.2 Discontinuous Composite Processing Methods 542 20.3 Stir Casting 542 20.4 Slurry Casting—Compocasting 544 20.5 Liquid Metal Infiltration 545 20.5.1 Squeeze Casting 545 20.5.2 Pressure Infiltration Casting 545 20.5.3 Pressureless Infiltration 546 20.6 Spray Deposition 546 20.7 Powder Metallurgy Methods 548 20.8 Secondary Processing of Discontinuous MMCs 549 20.9 Continuous-Fiber Aluminum MMCs 550 20.10 Continuous-Fiber Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composites 554 20.11 Continuous-Fiber TMC Processing Methods 557 20.12 TMC Consolidation Procedures 560 20.13 Secondary Fabrication of TMCs 562 20.14 Particle-Reinforced TMCs 566 20.15 Fiber Metal Laminates 567 Chapter 21 Ceramic Matrix Composites 573 21.1 Reinforcements 575 21.2 Matrix Materials 578 21.3 Interfacial Coatings 580 21.4 Fiber Architectures 580x / Contents 21.5 Fabrication Methods 581 21.6 Powder Processing 581 21.7 Slurry Infiltration and Consolidation 583 21.8 Polymer Infiltration and Pyrolysis (PIP) 584 21.8.1 Space Shuttle C-C Process 585 21.8.2 Conventional PIP Processes 587 21.8.3 Sol-Gel Infiltration 588 21.9 Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI) 589 21.10 Directed Metal Oxidation (DMO) 592 21.11 Liquid Silicon Infiltration (LSI) 594 Appendix A Metric Conversion Factors 597 Index Index 4,4’ methylene dianaline (MDA), 72, 74 A A286 iron-nickel, 320, 323, 467 adhesive bonding, 193–194 adhesion, theory of, 235 advantages of, 463, 468(F) aluminum primers, 243–244(F) design guidelines, 506 disadvantages of, 463–464 epoxy adhesives, 244–249(F,T) overview, 235, 236(F) surface preparation aluminum, 239–242(F) composite, 237–239(F) overview, 235–237(F) titanium surface preparation, 242–243 adhesive bonding procedures adherends, prekitting of, 249 adhesive application, 250–251(F) bonding, 252–253 bondline thickness control, 251–252(F) prefit evaluation, 249–250(F) steps in, 248–249(T) adhesive peel testing climbing drum peel test (ASTM D 1781), 367, 370(F) floating roller bell peel test (ASTM D 3167), 367, 369(F) overview, 364, 367 adhesive shear testing double lap shear test (ASTM D 3528), 364, 367(F) single lap shear test (ASTM D 1002), 364, 366(F) thick adherend test (ASTM D 5656), 364, 368(F), 369(F) aerodynamic smoothing compounds, 517 aerospace Airbus A380, 195 applications, 19, 21(F), 22(F), 27, 29(F) automated drilling, 315–316(F) Boeing 757 (weight of water per spoiler), 508 composite materials, advantages of, 14–15(F) continuous-fiber aluminum MMCs, 551 corrosion, 331(F), 332, 385(F) epoxy resins, 67 F-14, 551 F-15, 551 F/A-18 fighter aircraft, 481, 483(F), 484(F) fasteners, 307 (see also fasteners) fluids, 411, 412(T) imide corrosion, 71, 72(F) lightning strikes, 412–415(F,T) materials, fatigue properties of, 16(F) materials, structural efficiency of, 14–15(F) S-2 glass, 376, 377(T) space shuttle C-C process, 585–587(F) trade study, aircraft control surface, 498–499(F) aluminum A356, 542, 543 adhesive bonding primers, 243–244(F) adhesive bonding surface preparation, 239–242(F) adhesive shear stress-strain, 474–475 aluminum nitride (AlN), 546 autoclave curing, 103 bonded joint design considerations, 477–478 caul plates, 133 composite laminate, through-the-thickness tensile strength versus, 11, 12–13(F) continuous-fiber aluminum MMCs, 550–554(F,T), 555(F) corrosion, 262 discontinuously reinforced aluminum (DRA), 537, 540–541, 546 drilling, 313 form block tools, 103, 105(F) honeycomb core, 262 imide corrosion, 71, 72(F) integrally cocured unitized structure, 273–278(F), 279–283(F) matrix composites, 540–542(F,T) sealing, 331 7075-T6, 14, 15(F), 391(F) spray deposition, 548 stir casting, 543–544 thermal management, 105, 107(F), 108–111(F) aluminum nitride (AlN), 546, 592 American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), 351 amorphous bonding, 195 amorphous polyetherimide (PEI), 195 amorphous thermoplastic HTA, 409 anhydride curing agents, 70, 409, 410(F) anisotropic materials, 4–7(F)600 / Index applications aerospace, 19, 21(F), 22(F), 27, 29(F) automakers, 20, 23(F) construction, 21, 23, 26(F) infrastructure, 21, 25(F) marine industry, 20–21, 24(F) metal and ceramic matrix composites, 26–27, 28(F) overview, 18–19 sporting goods, 24–25 wind power, 23–24, 27(F) aramid, 39, 153 aramid composites impact performance of, 391 impact resistance, 391(F) mechanical properties, 376–379(F,T) standard high-speed steel (HSS) drills, 317 sustained high compressive loading, 40 ultraviolet radiation, prolonged exposure to, 41 aramid fibers, 18, 39–41(F) aspect ratio, 1 assembly considerations, 309–311(F) determinant assembly, 310 fastener selection and installation (see fasteners) hole preparation (see hole preparation) overview, 307 painting, 332 sealing, 329, 331–332(F) ASTM, 351 ASTM 2344 (interlaminar shear test), 357 ASTM C297 (flatwise tension test), 367, 371(F) ASTM D 1002 (single lap shear test), 364, 366(F) ASTM D 1781 (climbing drum peel test), 367, 370(F) ASTM D 3039, 354 ASTM D 3167 (floating roller bell peel test), 367, 369(F) ASTM D 3410, 354–355, 356(F) ASTM D 3518, 356 ASTM D 3528 (double lap shear test), 364, 367(F) ASTM D 3672 (wedge-crack propagation test), 241–242(F) ASTM D 5379, 357 ASTM D 5528, 362 ASTM D 5656 (thick adherend test), 364, 368(F), 369(F) ASTM D 5766, 357 ASTM D 6272 (four-point loading), 352, 356 ASTM D 6484, 357 ASTM D 6641, 355, 356(F) ASTM D 7136, 361 ASTM D 7137, 361 ASTM D 7291, 361 ASTM D 790 (three-point loading), 352 mechanical property test methods, 351 modified ASTM D 695, 354, 355(F) attenuation definition of, 36 ultrasonic inspection, 335, 336, 339, 340(F), 394–395, 397(F) autoclave curing, 133–135(F) autoclave process, 122 autoconsolidation, 185–186, 187(F), 206 autohesion, 89–90(F), 205–206 automakers, applications for, 20, 23(F) automated tape laying (ATL), 125–127(F), 128(F), 129(F) average stress criteria, 455 Avimid K-III, 86, 87 Azzi-Tsai-Hill maximum work theory, 442–443(F), 444(F) B back counterboring, 315(F) ballistic protection, 40 band, definition of, 31–32 barely visible impact damage, 389 biaxial strain gage, 357 biaxially oriented polyethylene teraphthalate (boPET), 120, 132 bismaleimide resins (BMIs), 70–71(F), 72(F) Boeing 757 spoilers, average weight per spoiler, 508 787, 19, 22(F) PAA process, 239–241(F) resin film infusion (RFI), 174–175(F) bolt shearing strength double shear, 360, 361(F) overview, 358, 360 single shear, 361, 362(F) bond testers, 341, 343(T) boron aerospace applications, 537, 551 aluminum assemblies, 533 batching, 36 boron trifluoride mono ethyl amine (BF3-MEA), 68, 70, 203, 221 ceramic matrix composites, 574 continuous-fiber aluminum MMCs, 550–552(F), 553(F), 554(F), 555(F) continuous-fiber reinforcements, 537 epoxy resins, 68, 70 fiber, 32, 490, 551, 552 fiber selection, 490 interfacial coatings, 580 monofilament boron/aluminum composite, 555(F) overview, 32 particle-reinforced TMCs, 567 slurry casting—compocasting, 544 Sylramic-iBN, 578 thermoplastic injection molding, 303 boron nitride (BN), 580 Borsic, 537, 552 braiding, 153–156, 157(F), 158(F), 159(F), 160(F) broadgoods, 54, 123 B-staging, 146 building-block approach, 499–501(F) bulk molding compounds (BMCs), 293, 305, 492–493 C canning, 549, 591 carbon fibers overview, 42–43(F), 44(F)Index / 601 PAN-based, 43–47(F) pitch-based, 47–49 rayon-based, 43 carbon-carbon (C-C) composites, 573(F), 574–575, 577(T) carbon/epoxy (C/E), 313, 329 carbon-nitrogen (C-N) bond, 67 carboxyl terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile (CTBN) rubber, 79 caul pad, 116–117(F) caul plates, 117(F), 133, 142, 146 cellular polymer, 271 ceramic matrix composites carbon-carbon (C-C) composites, 573(F), 574–575, 577(T) chemical vapor infiltration (CVI), 589–592(F), 593(F,T) directed metal oxidation (DMO), 592–594(F) fabrication methods, 581 fiber architectures, 580–581, 582(F) glass-ceramic systems, 579 interfacial coatings, 580, 581(F) liquid silicon infiltration (LSI), 594–595(F) matrix materials, 578–580(T) overview, 373–375(F), 376(F), 377(T) polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP), 584–589(F) powder processing, 581–583(F), 584(F) reinforcements, 575–578(T) slurry infiltration and consolidation, 583–584(F) certification considerations. See also design considerations building-block approach, 499–501(F) chemical vapor infiltration (CVI), 589–592(F), 593(F,T) chopped fibers, 52 chopped strand mat (CSM), 375, 376(T) chromic acid anodize (CAA), 239, 241(F), 242 cobonding, 278, 283(F), 506 cocured hats, 276, 280(F) cocuring, 156–157, 193, 255, 267–269(F), 506, 510(T). See also integrally cocured unitized structure coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), 103, 226, 227–228, 229, 230, 580 coefficients of mutual influence, 424 combined loading compression (CLC) test, 355, 356(F) combined loading test. See combined loading compression (CLC) test compocasting, 544 composite materials advantages of, 14–15(F), 16(F) anisotropic materials, 4–7(F) applications, 18–27(T), 28(F), 29(F) composites versus metallics, 10–14(F,T) defined, 1 delamination, 16–18, 20(F) disadvantages of, 15–18(F), 20(F), 27 fabrication processes, 2, 3(F) impact damage, resistance to, 11, 15, 17–18, 20(F) isotropic materials, 4–6(F) laminates, 7–8(F,T), 9(F) orthotropic materials, 6–7(F) overview, 1–4(F) property relationships, 8–10(F), 11(F) reinforcement, 1–4(F) composite mechanical properties aramid fiber composites, 376–379(F,T) barely visible impact damage, 389 carbon fiber composites, 379–383(F,T) defects, effects of effect of defects test program, 397 fastener hole defects, 398, 400(T) fiber distortion, 397–398(F), 399(F) fiber marcelling, 397 overview, 393 tool mark-off, 397, 398(F), 399(F) voids and porosity, 393–397(F) delaminations, 388–392(F), 393(F) fatigue overview, 383–386(F) phase 1: matrix cracking, 386(F) phase 2: fiber fracture, crack coupling, and delamination, 386–387(F) phase 3: delamination growth and fracture, 386(F), 387–388(F) glass fiber composites, 374–376(T), 377(T) impact resistance, 389–392(F), 393(F) overview, 373–374(T) compression molding discontinuous-fiber processes, 496 overview, 290(F) thermoplastic glass mat thermoplastics (GMTs), 295–296(F) long-fiber thermoplastic (LFT) process, 296, 297(T) thermoset bulk molding compound (BMC), 293 compounds, 291 overview, 290–291 preforming, 293–294(F), 295(F) sheet molding compound (SMC), 291–293(F,T) transfer molding, 295, 296(F) compression strength after impact (CAI), 381, 391–392(F) compression testing ASTM D 3410, 354–355, 356(F) ASTM D 6641, 355, 356(F) modified ASTM D 695, 354, 355(F) overview, 354 computer-aided design (CAD), 123, 131, 489 computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 489 construction applications, 21, 23, 26(F) contour tape-laying machines (CTLMs), 127 corduroy texture, 219 corrosion advanced composites, 27 aluminum honeycomb assemblies, 262, 508 bismaleimide resins (BMIs), 71 bolted repairs, 521, 527 bolts, 323 bondline thickness control, 252 composite materials, 14 composite materials, trade-offs when selecting, 492(T) composites versus metals comparison, 11(T) composite-to-metal joints, 450 E-glass, 490 fatigue, 385(F)602 / Index corrosion (continued) galvanic, 247 (see also galvanic corrosion) imide, 71, 72(F) impact damage, 391 infrastructure, 21 inhibiting primer, 242, 243–244(F), 568 marine industry, 20, 21 mechanical fastener material, 320, 326 mechanically fastened joints, 467(T) phosphoric acid anodize (PAA) core, 262, 263(F) radiographic inspection, 345 resistant primer, 239(F) salt, 578 sandwich structures, 513 sealing, 329, 331(F) thermoplastic molding compounds, 300 thermoset matrix systems, comparison of, 495(T) coupling agents, 37–38, 47, 163(T), 197 crack coupling, 386–387 critical fiber length lc, 285–286 crosslinking description of, 63(F) epoxy resins, 67 polyester resins, 65–66(F) toughened thermosets, 76, 77 crusting, 591 C-scan displays, 339–340(F) CTBN rubbers, 79 curing addition, 135, 136(F) autoclave, 133–135(F) condensation curing systems, 135–137(F) low-temperature curing/vacuum bag (LTVB) systems, 137–141(F), 142(F), 143(F) cyanate ester resins, 71–72, 73(F) Cycom 5215, 381, 382(T) Cycom 5320, 381 Cycom 977-3, 379(T) D damage tolerance considerations, 510–512(F) debulking bagging schematic, 140(F) double-bag method, 530(F) hot, 124, 136, 205, 275–276 vacuum, 115, 124 debulks, definition of, 152 decibels (dB), 335 defects, effects of defects test program, effect of, 397 fastener hole defects, 398, 400(T) fiber distortion, 397–398(F), 399(F) overview, 393 voids and porosity, 393–397(F) Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (UK), 556 delaminations bearing failures, 451, 454 bond testing, 343(T) bonded repairs, 524 bonded-bolted joints, 482, 484 composite mechanical properties, 388–392(F), 393(F) composite surface preparation, 237 countersinking, 317 design guidelines, 503, 505(T) edge, 333–334, 365(F), 519 fabrication tooling, 104 fastener hole defects, 398 fatigue, 386 foam cores, 272 gaps, 310–311, 323 growth and fracture, 387, 388 impact resistance and, 388–392(F), 393(F) initiation, 387 injection repairs, 517–520(F), 521(F), 522(F) interference-fit fasteners, 329 interlaminar free-edge stresses, 440 interlayering, 80 low-velocity impact damage (LIVID), 510 machining, 307, 308 mechanical fastening, 450 melt fusion, 195 moisture absorption, 401, 410 nondestructive inspection (NDI), 333 overview, 16–17, 20(F) phenolic resins, 74–75 pin and collar fasteners, 323 residual curing stresses, 231 resin flow, 213 single-layer, 511 Space Shuttle nose cap, 586 stiffener, 506–507, 508(F) tap testing, 335 thermal management, 105 thermographic inspection, 346 TMC processing defects, 563 toughened thermosets, 75, 76 ultrasonic inspection, 335 visual inspection, 333–335 denier, 37 design considerations allowables, 501–503(F) building-block approach, 499–501(F) damage tolerance considerations, 508, 510–512(F) design limit load (DLL), 503 design ultimate load (DUL), 503 environmental sensitivity considerations, 512–514(F,T) fabric process selection continuous-fiber processes, 497–498 discontinuous-fiber processes, 496–497 overview, 496(T) fiber selection, 490–491 guidelines, 503–508(F,T), 509(F), 510(T) material selection, 489 matrix selection, 494–496(T) overview, 489 product form selection continuous-fiber product forms, 493–494 discontinuous-fiber product forms, 492–493 overview, 491–492(F,T), 493(T) trade studies, 498–499(F) design limit load (DLL), 503Index / 603 design ultimate load (DUL), 503 determinant assembly, 310 diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS), 68, 69, 70, 92(F), 94 differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 94–95(F) differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curves, 203 diffusion autoconsolidation, 186 autohesion, 89 chemical vapor infiltration (CVI), 591 dry spinning, 43 environmental sensitivity considerations, 513 Fickian (see Fickian) moisture, 404 powder metallurgy (PM) methods, 549 reinforcements, 576–577 space shuttle C-C process, 587(F) TMC consolidation procedures, 561 trade study, aircraft control surface, 498, 499(F) diffusion bonding, 561–562(F) continuous-fiber aluminum MMCs, 551, 552, 554(F), 555(F) continuous-fiber TMC processing methods, 557–558, 560 solid state processes, 540 superplastic forming and diffusion bonding (SPF/DB), 563, 564(F) TMC consolidation procedures, 560–562(F) TMCs, secondary fabrication of, 562–563(F) trade study, aircraft control surface, 498, 499(F) diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A (DGEBA), 67–68(F,T) dimethylactamide (DMAC), 72 dimethylformamide (DMF), 72 dimethylsufoxide (DMSO), 72 Dimox process, 593 directed metal oxidation (DMO), 592–594(F) discontinuous-fiber composites compression molding (see compression molding) fabrication methods, 289 fiber length, 285–286(F), 287(F) fiber orientation, 286, 288(F) injection molding (see injection molding) mechanics of, 287–289(F) overview, 279–283(F), 285(T) reaction injection molding (RIM), 296–297(F), 298(F) reinforced reaction injection molding (RRIM), 297, 298(F) spray-up, 289–290(F) structural reaction injection molding (SRIM), 297, 298(F) discontinuously reinforced aluminum (DRA), 537, 540–541 drawing (manufacturing process), 31 dual resin bonding, 193, 195, 198(F) dummy part, 117 dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), 99 E Eddie-Bolt, 323, 325(F) edge delamination, 333–334, 365(F), 519 effect of defects test program, 397 eggcrate support, 108, 111, 115 E-glass, 32, 33 batching, 36 corrosion resistance, 490 fiber selection, 490 electrical discharge machining (EDM), 564–565 elevated temperature dry (ETD), 245 elevated temperature wet (ETW), 245 end, definition of, 31 environmental degradation diffusion, 404–405 erosion, 411 Fickian diffusion, 404 flammability, 417–418, 420 fluids, 411, 412(T), 413(T) heat damage, 416–417, 418(F), 419(F) indirect effects, 412, 413(F) lightning strikes, 412–415(F,T) moisture absorption, 401–410(F), 411(F), 412(F) overview, 401 thermal spiking, 409–410, 411(F) thermo-oxidative stability (TOS), 415–416(F), 417(F) ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 411 environmental sensitivity considerations, 512–514(F,T) epoxy adhesives epoxy film adhesives, 247–248(T), 249(T) overview, 244–245(T), 246(F) two-part room-temperature curing epoxy liquid and paste adhesives, 245, 247(T) epoxy resins, 67–70(F,T), 71(F) extensional mode, 380 F fabrication tooling general considerations, 101–104(F), 105(F) overview, 101 thermal management, 104–111(F) tool fabrication, 111–117(F,T) tooling materials, properties of, 103(T) fasteners blind fasteners, 326–327(F), 328(F) bolts, 323, 325, 326, 326(F), 327(F) composite joints, 320, 322(F) gang channels, 326(F) hole defects, 398, 400(T) interference-fit fasteners, 328–329(F), 330(F) material selection, 320 nut plates, 326(F), 327(F), 523 nuts, 323, 325–326 overview, 319–321(F) pin and collar fasteners, 323, 324(F), 325(F) screws, 326, 327(F) solid rivets, 322 washers, 323 fatigue crack coupling, 387 overview, 383–386(F) phase 1: matrix cracking, 386(F) phase 2: fiber fracture, crack coupling, and delamination, 386–387(F)604 / Index fatigue (continued) phase 3: delamination growth an fracture, 386(F), 387–388(F) spectrum loading, 383, 385 fiber, definition of, 31 fiber areal weight (FAW), 54 fiber marcelling, 397 fiber metal laminates, 567–570(F,T) fiber orientation angle, 421 fiber placement machine, 127–130(F) fiber wash, 171 fibers aramid, 39–41(F) carbon, 42–49(F) chopped, 52 glass, 33–34, 36–39(F) graphite, 42–49(F) milled, 52 overview, 31 prepreg manufacturing, 52–58(F,T), 59(F), 60(T) reinforced mats, 52 relative costs and performance, 35(F) strength of, 32–33, 35(F) terminology, 31–32(F,T), 34(F), 35(F) ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), 41–42(F) woven, 49–52(F), 53(F), 54(F,T) Fickian, 404–405, 406(F) Fickian diffusion, 404 filament, definition of, 31 filament winding autoclave curing, 146 B-staging, 146 glass fiber composites, 375–376(T) helical winding, 143–144 hoop winding (circumferential or circ winding), 144–145 mandrel material and design, 146 overview, 141–143, 144(F), 145(F) polar winding, 144 resin systems, 145 towpreg winding, 146 wet winding, 145 wet-rolled prepreg winding, 145–146 film stacking, 184 finish, definition of, 47 first generation epoxies, 391 flags, 125 flammability, 417–418, 420 flat ply collation, 124–125, 126(F) flat tape-laying machines (FTLMs), 127 flaws bond flows, 476(F) definition of, 37 NDI methods, 333, 334(F) pitch-based fibers, 48–49 strength of fibers, 33 ultrasonic inspection, 335 foil-fiber-foil method, 557–558(F) Forest Products Laboratory, FPL, 239–241(F), 242 forging, 542, 548, 550 form block tools, 103 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 91 G galvanic corrosion adhesive bonding, 247, 463 carbon fiber composites, as a cause of, 14, 490 Gr/Al MMCs, 553 imide linkage, mechanism for, 72(F) lightning protection, 414, 514 mechanical fastener material, 320 sealing to prevent, 331 shim material, 311 galvanized steel, 513(T) gang channels, 326(F) gel coat, 120–121 gel permeation chromatography (GPC), 91 gellation, 92–93 general orthotropic lamina (θ ≠ 0° or 90°), 7 glass fibers batching, 36 coating, 37–38 coupling agents, 38 drying/packaging, 38–39 fiberization, 36–37(F), 38(F) melting, 36 overview, 33–34, 36 product forms, 38(F) Glass Laminate Aluminum Reinforced (GLARE), 568–570(F,T) glass mat reinforced thermoplastic, 82 glass mat thermoplastics (GMTs), 90, 295–296(F) glass-ceramic matrix composite (GCMC), 573(F) glass-ceramic systems, 579 glass-ceramics, 574–575, 579(T), 583 glycidyl amine, 67(F), 68(F) glycidyl ether, 67 graphite fibers overview, 42–43(F), 44(F) PAN-based, 43–47(F) pitch-based, 47–49 rayon-based, 43 green body, 549 green fiber, 48 green tape method, 551–552, 555(F), 558–559 H heated platen press, 135 High Speed Civil Transport program, 74 High Temperature Amorphous (HTA), 409 high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 91 high-speed steel (HSS) drills, 317 high-temperature/ high-temperature (HT/HT) prepregs, 115 Hi-Lok fasteners, 323, 324(F) Hi-Nicalon, 578 HOBE, 258 hole preparation automated drilling, 315–316(F), 317(F), 318(F)Index / 605 back counterboring, 315(F) countersinking, 317–318, 319(F) drill bit geometries, 316–317, 319(F) high-speed steel (HSS) drills, 317 manual (freehand) drilling, 311–314(F) numerically controlled drill jigs, 315–316(F) overview, 311 peck drill, 314–315(F) polycrystalline diamond (PCD) drills, 317 power feed drilling, 314–315(F) reaming, 317 honeycomb core sandwich structure cell configurations, 257, 260(F) comparative properties of, 258, 261(T) corrosion protection system, 262, 263(F) details of, 259(F) durability problems, 262–264(F) fabrication methods, 257–258, 260(F) facesheets, 255 HOBE, 258 honeycomb processing (see honeycomb processing) materials, 256 node bond adhesive, 256 strength retention at temperature, 258, 261–262(F) terminology, 259(F) honeycomb processing cleaning, 266 cocured honeycomb assemblies, 267–271(F) core migration, 268–270(F) crushing, 268–270(F) drying/packaging, 266 forming, 264 honeycomb bonding, 266–267(F), 268(F) machining, 266 overview, 264(F) potting, 266(F) splicing, 265–266(F) trimming, 264 hot isostatic pressing (HIP), 549, 559–560(F), 562–563(F), 582, 584 hot pressing continuous-fiber aluminum MMCs, 553 continuous-fiber TMC processing methods, 558, 559 matrix materials, 579 powder metallurgy (PM) methods, 549 powder processing, 582–583, 584(F) TMC consolidation procedures, 560 vacuum hot pressing (VHP), 558, 559 hot rolling, 542, 549–550 hot-wet condition, 512–513(F) hybrids, 494 hygroscopic, 300 I Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute (IITRI), 354, 356(F) imide corrosion, 71, 72(F) impact damage barely visible impact damage, 389 carbon fiber designs, 386 composites resistance to, 11, 13(F), 14, 15 delaminations, 389–391(F) low-velocity, 17, 20(F), 75, 81, 389 low-velocity impact damage (LVID), 510(T) thermographic inspection, 345 thermoplastics, 81 thin-skinned honeycomb assemblies, 507 tolerance to, 17–18 toughened thermosets, 75, 76 in situ composites, 566–567 in situ MMCs, 567 Inconel 718, 320, 323 indirect effects, 412, 413(F) infrared (IR), 185 infrared (IR) spectroscopy, 91 infrared spectrum, 91, 92(F) infrastructure applications, 21, 25(F) injection molding discontinuous-fiber processes, 496 machine, 301–303(F) overview, 297–298 runner designs, 302(F) schematic, 301(F) sequence, 299(F) thermoplastic, 298–304(T) thermoset, 304–305 injection pultrusion, 178 in-motion x-ray, 343, 347(F) inner moldline (IML) surface, 101, 102(F) integrally cocured unitized structure, 273–278(F), 279–283(F) integrated product definition (IPD) team, 489, 498 interlaminar free-edge stresses, 439–440, 441(F) internally pressurized bag (IPB) curing, 223–225(F) interply slip, 190, 191(F), 192(F), 194(F) intraply slip, 190, 191(F), 192(F) Invar 42, 115, 168, 184 Invar alloys, 103(T), 104, 170, 184 Invar/Nilo, 103(T) Invar-type tools, 111, 115, 130 isothermal rolling, 550 isotropic materials, 4–6(F) J joints, mechanically fastened advantages of, 449–450 analysis, 450–455(F) average stress criteria, 455 disadvantages of, 450 failure modes, 451–453(F) point stress criteria, 455 K Kapton, 133, 184 Kevlar adhesive bonding, 194 epoxy strength, 379(F)606 / Index Kevlar (continued) honeycomb, 261 Kevlar/epoxy composites, 391 manufacturing process, 39 properties of, 32(T), 40, 41, 490 yarn weights, 153 Kevlar 29, 41, 153, 175, 178(F) Kevlar 49 comparison: Kevlar 49 and S-2 glass epoxy, 378(T) effect of temperature and moisture on Kevlar/ epoxy strength, 379(T) Kevlar honeycomb, 261 properties of, 32(T), 41, 378 weave styles in high-performance products, 54(T) Kevlar 149, 32(T), 41 K-IIIB, 223–225(F), 227(F) kink bands, 377 knit lines, 285–286 L lamina, 4, 5(F), 7(F) laminate notations, 430. See also laminates laminates, 7–8(F,T), 9(F), 429–430 angle-ply laminates, 430 balanced laminates, 430 cross-ply laminates, 430 defined, 7 hybrid laminates, 430 lay-ups, 7(F) other laminate notations, 430 quasi-isotropic laminate, 8, 430 symmetric laminates, 430 unidirectional laminates, 430 laser projection, 123–124, 125(F), 154, 310(F) length-to-diameter (l/d) ratio, 1 lightning strikes, 412–415(F,T), 514 liquid metal infiltration overview, 545(F) pressure infiltration casting (PIC), 545–546 pressureless infiltration, 546 squeeze casting, 545(F) liquid molding continuous-fiber processes, 497–498 overview, 146–148(F,T) preform technology advantages, 156–157, 160(T) braiding, 153–156, 157(F), 158(T), 159(F), 160(F) disadvantages, 157, 158, 160(T) fibers, 148–149 multiaxial warp knits (MWKs), 151–152, 153(F), 154(F), 155(F) overview, 148(F) preform lay-up, 158–161(F), 162(F) random mat, 156 stitching, 152–153, 156(F) three-dimensional woven fabrics, 149–151(F), 152(F) woven fabrics, 149 Priform process, 164–166(F), 167(F) resin injection, 162–164(F,T), 165(F) RTM curing, 166–167, 168(F) RTM defects, 170–172(F) RTM tooling, 167–170(F) vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM), 172–174(F) liquid shim, 247, 310–311, 315(F), 504(T) liquid shimming, 311 liquid silicon infiltration (LSI), 594–595(F) Lockbolt, 323, 325(F) long-fiber thermoplastic (LFT) process, 296, 296(F), 297(T) low velocity impact damage (LVID), 17, 75, 81, 510 low-temperature curing/vacuum bag (LTVB) systems, 137– 141(F), 142(F), 143(F), 380–381 low-temperature/high-temperature (LT/HT) prepreg, 115 low-viscosity resins aircraft assemblies, damaged, 247 bonded repairs, 533 comparison: low-viscosity and paste epoxy adhesives, 245–246, 247(T) injection repairs, 517, 518–519(F) PIP processes, 588 resin transfer molding, 497–498 RTM process, 147, 162 thermoset, 2 thermoset injection molding, 305 voids and porosity, 226 wet lay-up, 119 low–volatile organic compound coatings, 332 M machining. See also assembly machining, 307, 309(F) trimming, 307–308(F), 309(F) Malaysia, environmental exposure in, 407, 409(F) marbles, 36 marine industry applications, 20–21, 24(F) Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), 99 matrix resin systems bismaleimide resins (BMIs), 70–71(F), 72(F) cyanate ester resins, 71–72, 73(F) epoxy resins, 67–70(F,T), 71(F) overview, 63–64(F) phenolic resins, 74–75(F) polyester resins, 65–67(F) polyimide resins, 72–74(F) quality control methods chemical testing, 91–92(F) glass transition temperature, 97–99(F) overview, 90–91 rheological testing, 92–94(F) thermal analysis, 94–96(T), 97(F) summary, 99 thermoplastics, 81–90(F) thermosets, 64–65(F,T) thermosets, toughened, 75–81(F) vinyl esters, 66–67 mechanical fastening, 194, 505–506 melt fusion, 194–195Index / 607 mesophase, 47 metal and ceramic matrix composites applications, 26–27, 28(F) metal matrix composites (MMCs) aluminum matrix composites, 540–542(F,T) aluminum nitride (AlN), 546 compocasting, 544 continuous-fiber aluminum MMCs, 550–554(F,T), 555(F) continuous-fiber reinforced (TMCs), 554–557(F,T) continuous-fiber TMC processing methods, 557–560(F) discontinuous composite processing methods, 542(F) discontinuous MMCs, secondary processing of, 549–550 discontinuously reinforced aluminum (DRA), 537, 546 fiber metal laminates, 567–570(F,T) hot isostatic pressing (HIP), 549 liquid metal infiltration, 545–546(F) Osprey method, 547(F) overview, 337–340(F) particle-reinforced TMCs, 566–567(T), 568(F) powder metallurgy (PM) methods, 548–549(F) rheocasting, 544 in situ MMCs, 567 slurry casting, 544 spray deposition, 546–548(F) stir casting, 542–544(F) TMC consolidation procedures, 560–562(F) TMCs, secondary fabrication of, 562–566(F), 567(F) metallics, composites versus, 10–14(F,T) microcracking, 226, 227(F) milled fibers, 52 Mobile Automated Ultrasonic Scanning (MAUS) system, 342, 344(F) monolithic graphite, 103(T), 115, 116, 184, 579 monotapes, 551 multiaxial warp knits (MWKs), 151–152, 153(F), 154(F), 155(F) Mylar, 120, 132 N NASA Composite Wing Program, 174–175, 176(F), 177(F), 178(F) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 74, 174–175(F) net-resin-content prepregs, 54 Nextel, 577–578 Nicalon fibers, 578 nickel A286 iron-nickel, 320, 323 electroformed, 103(T), 111 electroformed tools, 105, 108, 109(F), 497 galvanic series in seawater, 513(T) iron-nickel alloys, 103 (see also Invar alloys; Nilo alloys) MP159 (nickel-cobalt-chromium multiphase alloy), 320 MP35N (nickel-cobalt-chromium multiphase alloy), 115, 320 nickel-plated aramid fiber, 414, 467(T) nickel tools, 112, 114(F) Nilo alloys, 103(T), 104 N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), 72 node bond adhesive, 256 nondestructive inspection (NDI) bond testing, summary of, 343(T) common core defects detected by radiography, 347(F) damage in composite parts, potential for, 334(F) in-motion x-ray, 343, 347(F) Mobile Automated Ultrasonic Scanning (MAUS) system, 342, 344(F) overview, 333, 334(F) portable equipment, 341–342(F), 343(T), 344(F) pulse echo inspection, 336 radiographic inspection, 342–345(F), 346(F), 347(F), 348(F), 349(F) tap testing, 334–335 thermographic inspection, 345–346, 349(F), 350(F) ultrasonic inspection, 335–341(F) visual inspection, 333–334 nondestructive testing (NDT), 223 non-Fickian, 404, 409, 410(F) nonhydroscopic, 300 novolacs, 74 numerical control (NC) machined, 105, 170 numerically controlled drill jigs, 315–316(F) nylon, 39, 122, 123, 133, 238, 285(T), 335 O open, definition of, 251 original equipment manufacturer (OEM), 525 orthotropic, 421 orthotropic materials, 6–7(F) Osprey method, 547(F) out time, 66, 71, 138, 251, 493, 494 outer moldline (OML) surface, 101, 102(F) oxy-PAN, 44 P PAN-based carbon fibers, 43–47(F) peck drill, 314–315(F) peel ply, 123, 131, 237–239, 332 PETI-5, 74 phenolic resins, 74–75(F) phosphoric acid anodize (PAA), 239–241(F) phosphoric acid anodize (PAA) core, 262, 263(F) physical vapor deposition (PVD), 559 pillowing, 268(F) pitch, definition of, 47 pitch-based carbon fibers, 47–49 plasma spraying, 559 plastic-faced plaster (PFP), 112, 113(F), 115 plasticizing unit, 301 PMR-15, 73–74(F), 136–137(F), 415(F), 416(F) point stress criteria, 455 polyacrylonitrile (PAN), 42 polycrystalline diamond (PCD) drills, 317 polyester resins, 65–67(F) polyetheretherketone (PEEK), 82, 83(F), 85–86, 185, 195, 382(T)608 / Index polyetherimide (PEI), 82, 83(F) polyetherketoneketone (PEKK), 82, 83(F), 382(T) polyimide resins, 72–74(F) polymer foam, 271 polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) conventional processes, 587–588 overview, 584–585(F) sol-gel infiltration, 588–589 space shuttle C-C process, 585–587(F) polymer matrix composites cure monitoring techniques, 232–233 heat transfer, 207–209(F) kinetics, 202–206(F) overview, 201–202(F) residual curing stresses, 226–232(F) resin flow hydrostatic resin pressure studies, 214–217(F), 218(F) overview, 209–214(F) resin flow modeling, 217–219 thermoset cure model framework, 201(F) viscosity, 206–207(F), 208(F) voids and porosity condensation-curing systems, 226, 227(F) overview, 219–226(F) polymeric monomer reactants, 72 polymethylmethacrylimides, 272 polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), 82, 83(F) polypropylene (PP), 82, 83(F) polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) film, 252 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) foam, 262, 272 porosity (use of term), 219, 393. See also voids and porosity pot, definition of, 251 pot life, 247 powder coating, 88 powder metallurgy (PM) methods, 7, 548–549(F) prepreg lay-up automated methods automated tape laying (ATL), 125–127(F), 128(F), 129(F) fiber placement, 127–131(F) overview, 125 curing addition curing, 135, 136(F) autoclave, 133–135(F) condensation curing systems, 135–137(F) flat ply collation and vacuum forming, 124–125, 126(F) manual lay-up, 123–124(F), 125(F) overview, 122–123 roll wrapping, 125 tape wrapping, 125 vacuum bagging, 131–133(F) prepreg manufacturing advanced composite manufacturing, 54, 56(F) fiber areal weight (FAW), 54 hot melt impregnation, 57, 58(F) net-resin-content prepregs, 54 overview, 52 prepreg rovings or tows, 54–56(F) resin filming process, 57, 59(F) resins, 52–54, 55(F) solvent impregnation, 57–58, 60(F) pressure bag process, 122 pressure infiltration casting (PIC), 545–546 Priform process, 164–166(F), 167(F) principal material axes system, 421 principal material coordinate system, 6 process control test specimens, 90–91 pulling (manufacturing process), 31 pull-winding process, 177 pulse echo inspection, 336 pultrusion, 175–181(F), 375–376(T), 498 pultrusion die, 178–179(F) pyrolysis, 585–587, 588 Q quartz fibers, 32(T), 33–34, 36 quasi-isotropic laminate, 8 R race tracking, 164 ratcheting, 329 rayon-based carbon fibers, 43 reaction injection molding (RIM), 296–297(F), 298(F), 374, 496–497 reaction injection pultrusion, 178 reinforced carbon-carbon-0 (RCC-0), 586 reinforced mats, 52 reinforced reaction injection molding (RRIM), 297, 298(F), 374–375(T), 497 reinforcements, 575–578(T). See also fibers relative humidity (RH), 368, 378 repairs aerodynamic smoothing compounds, 517 bolted, 520–521, 523(T), 524(F), 525(F), 526(F), 527(F) bonded, 523–533(F), 534(F) fill, 517 injection, 517–520(F), 521(F), 522(F) metal-bonded assemblies, 533 metallic details, 533 method selection, 523(T) overview, 517, 518(F) resin film infusion (RFI), 174–175, 176(F), 177(F), 178(F), 179(F) resin injection, 162–164(F,T) resin transfer molding (RTM) bismaleimides (BMIs), 71 continuous-fiber processes, 498 curing, 166–167, 168(F) defects, 170–172(F) process, 146–148(F,T) resin injection, 162–164(F,T), 165(F) tooling, 167–170(F) voids, 171–172 resins. See also matrix resin systems epoxy, 67–70(F,T), 71(F) prepreg manufacturing, 52–54, 55(F) resin filming process, 57, 59(F)Index / 609 resistance spot welding, 566 resoles, 74 rheocasting, 544 rheological testing, 92–94(F) rivets, 322 roll wrapping, 125 room temperature dry (RTD), 245 rosette strain gage, 357 roving, definition of, 31 rovings, 37, 39 RTM curing, 166–167, 168(F) RTM defects, 170–172(F) RTM tooling, 167–170(F) rubber elastomer system, 79 rubbers, 79–80 rule of mixtures, 8 S S-2 glass advantages of, 18, 33 aerospace applications, 376, 377(T) batching, 36 costs, 32 fiber metal laminates, 568 fiber selection, 490 Glass Laminate Aluminum Reinforced (GLARE), 568(F) impact resistance, 391(F) overview, 33 wet lay-up, 119 sandwich cocured structure foam cores, 271–273(F,T) honeycomb core (see honeycomb core sandwich structure) overview, 255 structure, 255, 256(F), 257(F), 258(F) syntactic core, 272–273(F) sandwich structure guidelines for design of, 510(T) honeycomb core, 255–264(F,T) impact damage, 507, 510(T) moisture ingression, 507, 510(T) overview, 255 PVC foams, 272 radiographic inspection, 345 repairs, 508 self-forming technique (SFT), 568–570(F) shear testing ± 45-degree tensile test, 356, 357(F) interlaminar shear test, 357, 360(F) Iosipescu shear test, 357, 359(F) overview, 356 rail shear test, 356–357, 358(F) short beam shear, 357, 360(F) sheet molding compounds (SMCs), 291–293(F,T), 374(T), 492 shims, 310–311 short beam shear, 357, 360(F) shot size, 299 Sigma, 556–557(F) size, 47 sizing, 37, 38, 47 slurry casting—compocasting, 544 sol-gel infiltration, 588–589 sol-gel process, 577–578 sonotrode, 196 SP Resin Infusion Technology (SPRINT), 175 space shuttle C-C process, 585–587(F) specially orthotropic lamina (θ = 0° or 90°), 7 specially orthotropic ply, 424 spectrum loading, 383, 385 sporting goods applications, 24–25 spray deposition, 546–548(F) spray-up, 289–290(F), 496 spring in, 276, 279(F) squeeze casting, 545(F) stainless steel, 71, 407, 467(T), 513(T), 560 stair-step ply terminations, 130 steel adhesively bonded joints, guidelines for, 486(T) autoclave curing, 103 caul plates, 133 composite design, guidelines for, 504(T) continuous-fiber aluminum MMCs, 554 countersinking cutters, 318 dies, 168 discontinuous-fiber processes, 497 fabrication tooling, 101, 103(T) fasteners, 320 fiber placement, 130 4330 steel, 391(F) galvanic series in seawater, 513(T) galvanized, 513(T) laminate distortion, effects of tool material, orientation, and thickness on, 170, 231, 232(F) matched metal dies, thermoplastic production runs, 303 matched metal molds, 168 mechanically fastened joints, guidelines for, 467(T) preforming, 294 pultrusion die, 178–179(F) RTM tooling, 168 standard high-speed steel (HSS) drills, 317 structural reaction injection molding (SRIM), 297 thermal management, 104, 108–111(F) TMC, generating holes in, 565 tool fabrication, 111, 112(F), 115 stir casting, 542–544(F) stitch bonding, 151 stitching, 152–153, 156(F) strand, definition of, 31 stress-strain curves, 11, 12(F), 32, 34(F), 468–469, 470– 471, 472(F) structural analysis coefficients of mutual influence, 424 failure theories Azzi-Tsai-Hill maximum work theory, 442–443(F), 444(F) maximum strain theory, 442 maximum stress criterion, 440, 442610 / Index structural analysis (continued) overview, 440 Tsai-Wu failure criterion, 443–444, 445(F) fiber orientation angle, 421 interlaminar free-edge stresses, 439–440, 441(F) lamina fundamentals, 421–425(F) laminate analysis—classical lamination theory example 16.3, 433–437(F) example 16.4, 437–439(F) overview, 430–433(F) laminate failure, predicting limited discount method, 445 overview, 444–446 residual property method, 445 total discount method, 444 laminates and laminate notations, 429–430 overview, 421 ply fundamentals, 421–425(F) principal material axes system, 421 specially orthotropic ply, 424 stress-strain relationships for a single ply loaded off-axis to the material axes (θ = 0° or 90°), 427–429(F) stress-strain relationships for a single ply loaded parallel to the material axes (θ = 0° or 90°), 425–427 structural joints—bolted and bonded adhesive bonding, 463–464, 468(F) adhesive shear stress-strain, 466, 468–475(F) bonded joint design, 464, 466, 469(F), 470(F) bonded joint design considerations, 475–479(F), 480(F), 481(T) bonded-bolted joints, 481–482, 484–486(F,T) failure modes, 451–453(F) mechanically fastened joint analysis, 450–455(F) mechanically fastened joints, 449–450, 467(T) multirow bolted composite joints, 459, 461–463(T), 464–465(F), 466(F), 467(F) overview, 449 single-hole bolted composite joints, 455–459(F,T), 460(F) stepped-lap adhesively bonded joints, 479–481, 482(F), 483(F), 484(F) structural reaction injection molding (SRIM), 297, 298(F), 497 stump Lockbolts, 323 superplastic forming and diffusion bonding (SPF/DB), 563 Suppliers of Advanced Composites Manufacturers Association (SACMA), 351 SACMA SRM-3, 357 SACMA SRM-5, 357 SACMA SRM-7, 356 SACMA SRM-8, 357 SACMA SRM-13, 354 Supral sheet, 192 Sylramic, 578 T tackifier, 160–161 tagalong test specimens, 91 tap testing, 334–335 tape, definition of, 32 tape casting, 559 tape wrapping, 125 Tedlar, 132 Teflon, 132 test methods, mechanical property, 355 adhesive peel testing, 364, 367, 369(F), 370(F) adhesive shear testing, 364, 365–366(F), 367(F), 368(F), 369(F) bolt shearing strength, 358, 360–361(F), 362(F) compression strength after impact, 361–362, 363(F) compression testing, 354–355(F), 356(F) data analysis, 369–371(T) double cantilever beam test, 362, 364, 365(F) environmental conditioning, 367–369, 372(F) flatwise tension test, 361, 362(F) flexure testing, 352–353(F) fracture toughness testing, 362, 364(F), 365(F) honeycomb flatwise tension, 367, 371(F) open-hole compression testing, 357–358 open-hole tension test, 357, 360(F) overview, 351 shear testing, 356–357(F), 358(F), 359(F), 360(F) specimen preparation, 351–352(F) tension testing, 353–354(F) tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), 587 tetraglycidyl methylene dianiline (TGMDA), 67, 68(F), 70, 92(F), 94, 95 tetraglycidyl-4,40-diaminodiphenylmethane (TGGDM), 67, 68(F) tex, 37 Thermabond process, 195 thermal analysis, 94–96(F), 97(F) thermal mechanical analysis (TMA), 97–99(F) thermal spiking, 409–410, 411(F), 416 thermoforming continuous consolidation process, 192, 196(F) diaphragm forming, 191, 195(F) dies for, 188 heating methods, 188 interply slip, 190, 191(F), 192(F), 194(F) intraply slip, 190, 191(F), 192(F) press, 189, 190(F) resin percolation, 189, 191(F), 192(F) roll forming process, 192, 197(F) rubber block forming, 188–189(F) setup, 186–188(F) springs, 191, 194(F) transverse squeeze flow, 189–190, 191(F), 192(F), 193(F) thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), 96 thermo-oxidative stability (TOS), 415–416(F), 417(F) thermoplastic composite fabrication processes thermoforming (see thermoforming) thermoplastic consolidation, 183–186(F), 187(F) thermoplastic joining (see thermoplastic joining) thermoplastic consolidation, 183–186(F), 187(F) thermoplastic joining adhesive bonding, 193–194 dual resin bonding, 195, 198(F)Index / 611 induction welding, 197–198, 200(F) mechanical fastening, 194 melt fusion, 194–195 overview, 192–193 resistance welding, 195–196, 199(F) ultrasonic welding, 196–197 thermoplastics overview, 81–82 thermoplastic composite matrices, 82–87(F), 88(F) thermoplastic composite product forms, 87–90(F) thermoset composite fabrication processes filament winding, 141–146(F) lay-up processes overview, 119 prepreg lay-up (see prepreg lay-up) wet lay-up, 119–122(F) liquid molding (see liquid molding) low-temperature curing/vacuum bag (LTVB) systems, 137–141(F), 142(F), 143(F) overview, 119 pultrusion, 175–181(F) resin film infusion (RFI), 174–175, 176(F), 177(F), 178(F), 179(F) thermosets, 64–65(F,T) thermosets, toughened interlayering, 80–81(F) network alteration, 76–77, 78(F) overview, 75–76(F), 77(F) rubber elastomer second phase toughening, 77–80(F) thermoplastic elastomeric toughening, 80(F) thixotropy, 120–121 titanium adhesive bonding primers, 243–244(F) adhesive bonding surface preparation, 242–243 drilling, 313 Ti-6Al-4V, 14, 15(F), 313, 320, 557, 566, 567(T) Ti-6Al-4V pin, 322, 323 Ti-15Mo-2.8Nb-3Al-0.2Si, 557 Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al (Ti-15- 3-3-3), 557 titanium matrix composites (TMCs) consolidation procedures, 560–562(F) continuous-fiber reinforced (TMCs), 554–557(F,T) continuous-fiber TMC processing methods, 557–560(T) particle-reinforced, 566–567(T), 568(F) secondary fabrication of, 562–566(F), 567(F) in situ composites, 566–567 tool mark-off, 397, 398(F), 399(F) tow placement machine, 127–130(F) tows, 31, 49 tracer yarns, 51–52 trade studies, 498–499(F) transfer molding, 295, 296(F) triglycidyl derivative of p-aminophenol (TGAP), 68, 69(F) trimming abrasive water jet trimming, 308, 309(F) edge trimming, 307 manual edge-trimming, 307–308(F) Tsai-Wu failure criterion, 443–444, 445(F) turbostatic graphite, 45 Tyranno, 577(T), 578 U ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), 41–42(F), 490 ultrasonic horn, 196 ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 411 Upilex, 184 Upilex-R, 192 Upilex-S, 192 V V50 parameter, 391 vacuum bag process, 122 vacuum bagging, 131–133(F), 528 vacuum bags, 121, 133, 173, 529, 531(F) vacuum debulk, 115, 124, 140. See also debulking vacuum forming, 124–125, 126(F) vacuum hot pressing (VHP), 559–560(F) vacuum pressure bonded repairs, 523, 526 condensation curing systems, 136 continuous-fiber processes, 497 honeycomb bonding, 267 LTVB systems, 139 pressure infiltration casting (PIC), 546 resin injection, 163 sol-gel infiltration, 589 VARTM, 170, 172, 173 vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM), 166, 170, 172–174(F), 498 veil, 490 verifilm, 249 viscosity addition curing thermoset composites, 135, 136(F) anhydride curing agents, 70 autohesion, 90 comparison: low-viscosity and paste epoxy adhesives, 247(T) comparison: toughened and untoughened epoxy, 166(F) condensation curing systems, 135 cure monitoring techniques, 232 DGEBA resins, 67–68(T) epoxy resins, 67, 68(T) high-viscosity thixotropic epoxy adhesives, 517 injection repairs, 518–519(F) low-temperature curing/vacuum bag (LTVB) systems, 139 LTVB systems, 139 matrix resin systems, 63 polyester resins, 66 polymer matrix composites, 206–207(F), 208(F) powder processing, 582 prepreg manufacturing, 57 resin, 162–163(T) resin viscosity, determinant of, 121 RFI process, 174 rheological testing, 92–94(F) shear thinning, 88 slurry casting—compocasting, 544 sol-gel infiltration, 589612 / Index viscosity (continued) stir casting, 543, 544 thermal analysis, 95–96 thermoplastic composite matrices, 87 thermoplastic elastomeric toughening, 80 thermoplastics, 81 thermoset injection molding, 305 VARTM, 173 wet winding, 145–146 whiskers, 582 voids (use of term), 219, 393. See also voids and porosity voids and porosity carbon fiber composites, 383 composite mechanical properties, 393–397(F) condensation curing systems, 135 continuous-fiber processes, 497 filament winding, 146 heat transfer, 209 matrix selection, 495 polyimide resins, 72, 74 polymer matrix composites, 219–226(F) resin flow, 213, 214 resin injection, 162, 163, 164 thermosets, 65 void submodel, 201 wet lay-up, 122 W warp, 49 washers, 320, 323 weaves basket, 50 leno/mock leno, 50–51 overview, 49 plain, 49–50 satin, 50 styles, 54(T) twill, 50 welding induction welding, 197–198, 200(F) resistance welding, 195–196, 199(F) ultrasonic welding, 196–197 wet lay-up, 496, 497 bonded repairs, 523 composite tool fabrication, 115 continuous-fiber processes, 496 fabrication process selection, 496 glass fiber composites, 375 laminates, 503 low-temperature curing/vacuum bag (LTVB) systems, 138, 141 thermoset composite fabrication processes, 119–122(F) vacuum bag cures, 531 wet lay-up patches, 523, 527, 530(F) whiskers. See also reinforcements ceramic matrix composites, 575, 577(T) discontinuous MMCs, secondary processing of, 549 MMCs, 537 PAA process, 239, 240(F), 241 PIP processes, 588 powder metallurgy (PM) methods, 548(F), 549 powder processing, 582 reinforcements, 31 silicon carbide, 539(F), 542 slurry casting—compocasting, 544 stir casting, 543(F) wind power applications, 23–24, 27(F) winding. See filament winding working life, 251 woven cloth, definition of, 32 woven fabrics, 49–52(F), 53(F), 54(F,T), 149 three-dimensional, 149–151(F), 152(F) Y yarn, 31, 39
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