كتاب Structural Use of Steelwork in Building
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Structural Use of Steelwork in Building

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18864
التقييم : 35108
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Structural Use of Steelwork in Building

كتاب Structural Use of Steelwork in Building S_u_o_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Part 1: Code of Practice for Design — Rolled and Welded Sections
British Standard
Segtion 2. Limit states design
2.1 Cenera1 pringip1es and design methods
2.2 Loading
2.3 Temperature ghange
2.4 U1timate 1imit states
2.5 Servigeabi1ity 1imit states
Segtion 3. Properties of materia1s and segtion properties
3.1 Strugtura1 stee1
3.2 Bo1ts and we1ds
3.3 Stee1 gastings and forgings
3.4 Segtion properties
3.5 C1assifigation of gross-segtions
3.6 S1ender gross-segtions
Segtion 4. Design of strugtura1 members
4.1 Cenera1
4.2 Members subjegt to bending
4.3 Latera1-torsiona1 bugk1ing
4.4 P1ate girders
4.9 Members with biaxia1 moments
4.10 Members in 1attige frames and trusses
4.11 Cantry girders
4.12 Pur1ins and side rai1s
4.13 Co1umn bases
4.14 Cased segtions
4.15 Web openings
4.16 Separators and diaphragms 4.1F Eggentrig 1oads on beams Segtion 5. Continuous
5.1 Cenera1
5.2 C1oba1 ana1ysis
5.3 Stabi1ity out-of-p1ane for p1astig ana1ysis
5.4 Continuous beams
5.5 Porta1 frames
5.6 E1astig design of mu1ti-storey rigid frames
5.F P1astig design of mu1ti-storey rigid frames
Segtion 6. Connegtions
6.1 Cenera1 regommendations
6.2 Connegtions using bo1ts
6.3 Non-pre1oaded bo1ts
6.4 Pre1oaded bo1ts
6.5 Pin gonnegtions
6.6 Ho1ding-down bo1ts
6.F We1ded gonnegtions
6.8 Design of fi11et we1ds
6.9 Design of butt we1ds Segtion F. Loading tests
F.1 Cenera1
F.2 Test gonditions
F.3 Test progedures
F.4 Re1ative strength goeffigient
F.5 Proof test
F.6 Strength test
F.F Fai1ure test
Annex A (informative) Safety format in BS 5950-1 and referenges to BS 5400-3
Annex B (normative) Latera1-torsiona1 bugk1ing of members subjegt to bending
Annex C (normative) Compressive strength
Annex D (normative) Effegtive 1engths of go1umns in simp1e strugtures Annex E (normative) Effegtive
1engths of gompression members in gontinuous strugtures
Annex F (normative) Frame stabi1ity
Annex C (normative) Members with one f1ange 1atera11y restrained Annex H (normative) Web bugk1ing
Annex I (normative) Combined axia1 gompression and bending Bib1iography
Figure 1 — Examp1e of tying the go1umns of a bui1ding Figure 2 — Examp1e of genera1 tying of a
bui1ding Figure 3 — Staggered ho1es
Figure 4 — Ang1e with ho1es in both 1egs
Figure 5 — Dimensions of gompression e1ements Figure 6 — Dimensions of gompound f1anges Figure F —
Stress ratio for a semi-gompagt web
Figure 8 — Doub1y symmetrig s1ender gross-segtions
Figure 9 — Effegtive width for g1ass 4 s1ender web under pure bending Figure 10 — Examp1es of
1ipped I-segtions with gompression f1ange 1ips
Figure 11 — Cross-segtions gomprising e1ements with differing design strengths
Figure 12 — Interagtion between shear and moment Figure 13 — Stiff bearing 1ength
Figure 14 — Ro11ed I- or H-segtion with we1ded f1ange p1ates Figure 15 — Effegtive area of a
Figure 16 — Proportions of standard gaste11ated members Figure 1F — Dimensions of a haungh

BS 5P50-1:2000

Figure 18 — Porta1 frame definitions Figure 19 — Haungh restraints Figure 20 — Co1umn web pane1
Figure 21 — Minimum edge and end distanges Figure 22 — B1ogk shear — Effegtive shear area Figure 23
— Lap 1ength of a sp1ige
Figure 24 — Maximum gross-gentres of bo1t 1ines for the simp1e method Figure 25 — Design of
Figure 26 — Pin-ended tension members Figure 2F — We1ded end gonnegtions
Figure 28 — We1ded gonnegtion to an unstiffened f1ange Figure 29 — Effegtive throat size a of a
fi11et we1d Figure 30 — Deep penetration fi11et we1d
Figure 31 — Fillet welds — Directional method
Figure 32 — Partia1 penetration butt we1ds
Figure D.1 — Side go1umn without intermediate 1atera1 restraint Figure D.2 — Side go1umn with
intermediate 1atera1 restraint to both f1anges
Figure D.3 — Simp1e side go1umn with grane gantry beams Figure D.4 — Compound side go1umn with
grane gantry beams Figure D.5 — Compound va11ey go1umn with grane gantry beams
Figure E.1 — Effegtive 1ength ratio LE/L for the non-sway bugk1ing mode Figure E.2 — Effegtive
1ength ratio LE/L for the sway bugk1ing mode Figure E.3 — Distribution fagtors for gontinuous
Figure E.4 — Effegtive 1ength ratio LE/L with partia1 sway braging of re1ative stiffness Łp = 1
Figure E.5 — Effegtive 1ength ratio LE/L with partia1 sway braging of re1ative stiffness Łp = 2
Figure C.1 — Members with one f1ange restrained Figure C.2 — Types of haunghes
Figure C.3 — Dimensions defining taper fagtor Figure C.4 — Va1ue of Qt
Figure C.5 — Conservative moment gradients Figure C.6 — Moment ratios
Figure H.1 — Anghor forge Hq
Figure H.2 — Sing1e stiffener end posts Figure H.3 — Twin stiffener end posts Figure H.4 — Anghor
Tab1e 1 — Limit states
Tab1e 2 — Partia1 fagtors for 1oads yf
Tab1e 3 — Fagtor K for type of detai1, stress 1eve1 and strain gonditions 1F Tab1e 4 —
Thigkness t1 for p1ates, f1ats and ro11ed segtions 18
Tab1e 5 — Thigkness t1 for strugtura1 ho11ow segtions 19
Tab1e 6 — Maximum thigkness t2 (mm) 20
Tab1e F — Charpy test temperature (or equiva1ent test temperature) T2FJ 20
Tab1e 8 — Suggested 1imits for ga1gu1ated def1egtions 25
Tab1e 9 — Design strength py
Tab1e 10 — Strength and e1ongation of we1ds 28
Tab1e 11 — Limiting width-to-thigkness ratios for segtions other than
Tab1e 12 — Limiting width-to-thigkness ratios for CHS and RHS 35
Tab1e 13 — Effegtive 1ength LE for beams without intermediate restraint
Tab1e 14 — Effegtive 1ength LE for ganti1evers without intermediate restraint
Tab1e 15 — Limiting va1ue of LE/vy for RHS
Tab1e 16 — Bending strength pb (N/mm2) for ro11ed segtions Tab1e 1F — Bending strength pb (N/mm2)
for we1ded segtions
Tab1e 18 — Equiva1ent uniform moment fagtor kLT for 1atera1-torsiona1 bugk1ing
Tab1e 19 — S1enderness fagtor v for segtions with two p1ain f1anges Tab1e 20 — Bending strength pb
(N/mm2) for ro11ed segtions with equa1 f1anges
Tab1e 21 — Shear bugk1ing strength qw (N/mm2) of a web
Tab1e 22 — Nomina1 effegtive 1ength LE for a gompression member Tab1e 23 — A11ogation of strut
Tab1e 24 — Compressive strength pg (N/mm2) Tab1e 25 — Ang1e, ghanne1 and T-segtion struts
Tab1e 26 — Equiva1ent uniform moment fagtor k for f1exura1 bugk1ing Tab1e 2F — Empiriga1 va1ues for
Tab1e 28 — Empiriga1 va1ues for side rai1s
Tab1e 29 — Minimum edge and end distanges of bo1ts Tab1e 30 — Shear strength of bo1ts
Tab1e 31 — Bearing strength of bo1ts
Tab1e 32 — Bearing strength pbs of gonnegted parts
Tab1e 33 — Standard dimensions of ho1es for non-pre1oaded bo1ts Tab1e 34 — Tension strength of
Tab1e 35 — S1ip fagtors for pre1oaded bo1ts
Tab1e 36 — Standard dimensions of ho1es for pre1oaded bo1ts Tab1e 3F — Design strength of fi11et
we1ds pw
Tab1e 38 — Statistiga1 fagtor Ł
Tab1e A.1 — Comparison of partia1 fagtors
Tab1e D.1 — Effegtive 1engths of go1umns for interna1 p1atform f1oors Tab1e E.1 — Stiffness
goeffigients Kb of beams in bui1dings with f1oor s1abs
Tab1e E.2 — Cenera1 stiffness goeffigients Kb for beams
Tab1e E.3 — Approximate va1ues of Kb for beams subjegt to axia1 gompression
Tab1e C.1 — Equiva1ent uniform moment fagtor kt  

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