كتاب Screw Thread Production to Close Limits
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 كتاب Screw Thread Production to Close Limits

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Screw Thread Production to Close Limits
Manufacturing Methods of Threading and Tapping and the Special Tools
Developed for Accurate Quantity Production
Howard E. Adt  

كتاب Screw Thread Production to Close Limits  S_t_p_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Evolution of the Screw Thread
Screw Thread Standards 7
What is Accuracy?
Tables for Limits and Tolerances 13
How to Use the Tables 17
Gauging Devices 40
Definitions and Symbols 48
Testing Threads for Accuracy 50
Checking Thread Gauges 56
Method of Threading 63
Threading with Dies 65
Types of Die Heads 68
Screw Cutting on Automatics 79
Special Threading Requirements 83
Taper Threading Die Heads 88
Non opening Adjustable Die Heads 92
Adjustable Collapsing Taps 95
Combination Collapsing Pipe Taps and Reamers 99
Accurate Production of Brass Parts 101
Geometric Threading Machine 103
Cutting Speeds
Cooling Lubricants _ 108
Screw Thread Cutting Terms 111
Method of Forming Dies 115
Grinding the Dies or Chasers 117
Geometric Chaser Grinder 128
The Lessons of Experience
Speed of Production 169
Appendix, Tables of Standards, Index, Etc. 173
A. L. A. M. Standard Thread 7
A. S. M. E. Investigation Permissible Tolerances 11 20
A. S. M. E. Screw Standard 182 183
Accuracy, Testing Threads for 50
Accuracy, What Is ? 11
Accurate Production of >rass Parts 101
Accurately Maintained Lead on Long Screw 146
Acme Standard Thread 184
Acme Threads, Cutting Out of True 135
Acme and Square Threads Compared 9, 184
Adjustable Collapsing Taps 95 100, 176
Adjustable Die Heads, Non opening 92, 176
Adjustable Hollow Milling Tool 101, 178
Adjustable Stop for Style C Outside Lever Trip Die Head 87
Allowable Variations in Lead 38
Aluminum, Lubricant for 109
Angle of Chasers 137
Angle or Slope of Thread 5
Appendix 173
Arrangement of Stop for Operating Outside Trip Taper Threading
Die Head 91
Automatics, Screw Cutting on 79
Automatics, Solid Dies on 66
Basic Steel, Lubricants for 109
Bearing Ground Away, Milled Dies 120
Bearing or Lead Control of Tapped Die Ill
Bessemer Steel, Lubricants for 109
Bolt Cutter Converted Into Threading Machine 136
Brass, Lubricants for 109
Brass Parts, Accurate Production of 101
Breaking of One Chaser 167
Briggs Standard Pipe Thread 8, 187
British Standard Pipe Thread 8, 188
Bronze, Phosphor, Lubricants for 109
Brown & Sharpe Automatic, Special Die Head for 80
Buttress Thread 10
C Style Die Heads 83 87
Cast Iron, Lubricant for 109
Cause of Rough Threads 158
Causes of Stripping 160
Cause of Tapering Threads 168
Chamfer Ill
Charts and Tables for Limits and Tolerances (A. S. M. E.) 14 38
Chaser Grinder, Geometric 128
Chasers, Interchangeable 153
Chasers, Methods of Grinding 117 127
Chattering, Cause of 153, 156
Checking Thread Gages 56 62
Chip Clearance 112
Class N. L. and Class
P., Collapsing Taps 96, 98, 177
Cleaning Die Heads 74
Clearance .113
Clearance, Amount of 137
Clearance and Lead Control of Tapped Die Ill
Cleveland Automatic with Style DD Die Head . .76 78
Collapsing Taps, Adjustable ." 95 100
Combination Collapsing Taps and Reamers 99
Constants for Finding Diameter at Bottom of Thread 190
Cooling Compound 10
Cooling Lubricants 108
Cuts Necessary J55
Cutting Close to Shoulder 162
Cutting Edge of Milled Die 112
Cutting Speeds 105, 139
D Style Die Heads 68 74
Style Die Heads 75 78
Decimal Equivalents of Millimeters 191
Definitions and Symbols 48
Diameters, Outside and Root for Taps and Screws 44
Die Head Opens at Wrong Time 141
Die Head with Roughing Attachment 71
Die Head Without Roughing Attachment 70
Die Heads for Automatics 75
Die Heads for Brown & Sharpe Automatics 80, 81
Die Heads for Cleveland Automatic 74 78
Die Heads for Fine Pitch, Large Diameter Work 86
Die Heads for Potter & Johnston Automatic 79, 80
Die Heads for Special Thread Cutting 83 87
Die Heads for Standard Threading Operations 68 82
Die Heads for Use on Live Spindle 93
Dies, Solid on Automatics 66
Dies, Threading with 68
Dies, Why Solid Dies Strip Threads 66
Different Thread Standards, Reason for 159
Drunken Threads 143
Effect of Variation in Length of Fit 15
Elements Different Standard Threads 7 10
Elements of Screw Thread 4
End Play in Chasers , 143
Engine Lathe vs. Die Head 141
Essentials of Milled Form of Die 112
Evolution of Screw Thread 3
Examples of Acme Threads 9
Examples of Buttress Threads 10
Experience, Lessons of 135 169
Faces on Which Dies Should Be Ground 117
Failure of Die Head to Open 143
Failure of Tap to Close 163
Failure to Hold Size 149
Failure to Maintain Lead 143
Failure to Track Properly 148
Fine Pitch, Large Diameter Work, Die Heads for 86
Floss on Threads 141
Form of Thread, Special 10
Formula for Medium Fit Screws, etc., for General Use 39
Franklin Institute Standard 164
French and International Standard Thread 9, 186
Gaging Devices 40 43
Gaging Systems 12
Geometric Chaser Grinder. 128
Geometric Style C Die Heads 84 87
Geometric Style D Die Head 68 74
Geometric Style DD Die Head 75 79
Geometric Taper Threading Die Heads 88 91
Geometric Threading Machine 103, 104VI INDEX
Gridley Automatic Special Die Head for 82, 93
Grinding Below Center 148
Grinding Dies or Chasers 117 128
Grinding for Different Materials 148
Grinding to Give Proper Clearance 122
Grinding with Hook and to Center 125
Harris Lead and Angle Testing Machine 50
Hollow Milling Tool, Adjustable 101
Hook Grinding, Tapped and Milled Dies 125
How Far Down Dies May Be Ground 117, 151
How to Use Tables of Limits and Tolerances 17
Illustrating Effect of Long Continued Correct Grinding, Milled Chasers.. 119
Improper Grinding, Results of 156
Inches Into Millimeters 192
Incorrectly Ground Tap Chasers 121
Inserted Blade Reamers and Collapsing Taps 100
Inside Trip Type Style C Die Head 83
Inside Trip Type Taper Threading Die Head 90
Inspection Limits for U.S.S. Taps and Screws . . .46, 47
Interchangeable Chasers 153
International Standard Thread , 9, 186
Land of Die 112
Last Grinding of Tap Formed Chasers 151
Lead, Accurately Maintained on Long Screw 146
Lead, Allowable Variations 38
Lead Control of Die Ill
Lead, Failure to Maintain 143
Lead, Accurately Maintained on Long Screw 146
Lead of Chasers, Restoring 162
Lead of Thread 5, 113, 147
Lead, Testing 51
Length of Service Obtainable from Properly Ground Chaser 124
Lessons of Experience 135 169
Limits and Tolerances 13 38, 44 47
Live Spindle, Die Heads for 93
Loewenherz, German Standard Thread 189
Longitudinal Clearance 1 12
Longitudinal Movement, Solid Die in Taper Threading 88
Lubricants, Cooling 108 110
Machine, Geometric Threading 103, 104
Mechanism, Class N L Collapsing Taps 97
Mechanism of Geometric Style D Die Head 69
Method of Forming Dies 115 116
Method of Operating Collapsible Taps with Trip Lever 98
Method of Using Charts, Limits and Tolerances 16
Methods of Grinding 155
Methods of Threading 63 67
Metric Standards 10, 185
Metric Tables 191, 192
Micrometer Adjustment of Die Head 75
Milled and Tapped Dies Compared .113,115,118,155
Milled Dies, as Originally Ground 119
Milled Chasers with Bearing Ground Away 120
Milled Form Die 112
Milled Chasers, Incorrectly Ground 121
Milling Tool, Hollow Adjustable 101
Monel Metal, Lubricating Compound for 109
Multiple Thread 6INDEX VII
N Page
Negative Rake in Grinding Dies 113
Nomenclature, Screw Thread 4
Non opening adjustable Die Heads 92
Number of Cuts Necessary 155
Number of Threads
per Inch 5, 6
Oil Stones for Use on Dies or Chasers 167
Opening of Die Hea'd at Wrong Time 141
Operating Speed, Die Head 71
Original Grinding, Milled Chasers 119
Outside Diameter, Relation to Pitch Diameter 162
Outside Lever Trip Die Head, Style C 87
Outside Trip Type Taper Threading Die Head 89
Phosphor Bronze, Lubricant for 109
Pipe Tapping vs. Threading 156
Pipe Taps and Reamers, Combination . 99
Pitch Diameter 19
Pitch Diameter, Relation to Outside Diameter 162
Pitch Diameters, Taps and Screws at Perfect Lead 45
Pitch of Multiple Thread 6
Pitch of Thread , 5
Potter and Johnston Automatics, Die Heads for 79 80
Prevention of Chattering 153, 156
Prevention of Waving Threads 165
Production of Brass Parts, Accurate 101
Production, Speed of 169
Pull off Trip Type Style C Die Head 85
R. P. M. for Given Surface Speed 107
Radial Hook Grinding for Certain Materials 125
Rake in Grinding of Dies 113
Reamers and Collapsing Taps 99, 100
Relation of Pitch Diameter to Outside Diameter 162
Relation of Screw to Tapped Hole 18
Releasing Shank Type, Solid Adjustable Die Head 93
Requirements, Special Threading 83
Removing Dies from Die Head 72 73
Restoring Lead of Chasers 162
Rough Threads and Their Causes 158
Roughing Attachment for Die Head 71
S. A. E. Screw Standard 180 181
Screw Cutting on Automatics 79
Screw Thread Cutting Terms Ill
Screw Thread Standard Tables Appendix
Screw Thread Standards 7 10
Screw Thread Tolerances 1 1 20, 159
Service Obtainable from Properly Ground Chaser 124
Self Opening Die Heads 67
Set of Milled Dies Correctly and Incorrectly Ground 121
Seventeen Year Old Die Head and Its Work 166
Staggered Threads 163
Shank and Cap of Shower Head of Which 45,000 Were Threaded with a
Single Set of Chasers 169
Sharp Whitworth Threads 160
Shelby Steel Tubing, Cutting Pipe Threads on 144
Shoulder, Taper in Cutting Close to 168
Shoulder, To Cut Close to 162
Single Chasers, Replacing 159
Size, Failure to Hold . 149VIII INDEX
Snubbing or Negative Rage in Grinding Dies 113
Solid Adjustable Die Heads, Non Opening 92 94, 176
Solid Taps, Variation in 164
Special Die Heads for Automatics 75 81
Special Threading Requirements 83
Special Threads 10
Specifications, Geometric Die Heads and Collapsing Taps 174 178
Speed of Operation, Die Heads 71
Speed of Production 169
Speeds, Cutting 105
Standard Dimensions Wrought Iron Pipe 187
Standard Threading Operations, Die Heads for 68
Steel, Lubricants for 109
Stock, Improper 74
Stoning Dies to Prevent Waving Threads 165
Straight Grinding, Tapped and Milled Dies 124
Stripping, Causes of 160
Style C Die Head for Potter & Johnston Automatic 80
Style C Die Heads 84 87
Style DD Die and One of Its Products 166
Style DD Die Head, Sequence of Operations on Cleveland Automatic. 76 78, 175
Style D Die Heads .68 74, 174
Table of Diameters with Corresponding Pitches 179
Tables of Limits and Tolerances 20 38
Tables of Screw Thread Standards Appendix
Tap Chasers as Originally Ground 120
Tap Chasers Incorrectly Ground 121
Taper in Cutting Close to Shoulder 168
Taper Threading Die Heads 88 91
Taper Threads Out of Round 163
Tapped and Milled Dies Compared 113, 115, 118
Tapping Open Hearth and Bessemer Steel 163
Testing Lead of Thread 51
Testing Threads for Accuracy 50'
Testing Turret Lathes 74
Thread Gages 40 43
Thread Gages, Checking 56 62
Threading Brake Rods 136
Threading Machine Geometric 103, 104
Threading, Methods of 63 67
Threading Pump Bodies on W, & S. Hex Lathe 134
Threads, 15,000 in Six Years with One Set Chasers 138
Threads, Why Solid Dies Strip 66
Tilted Turret Lathe, Die Heads on 142
Tolerances, Permissible (A. S. M. E.) 11 20, 159
Tripping Mechanism, Style DD Die Head 77, 78
Types of Die Heads 68
U. S. Standard Thread
7, 164
U. S. F. or United States Form Thread 165
U. S. S. Taps and Screws, Inspection Limits 46, 47
V Thread Standard 7
Variation in Solid Taps 164
Waving Threads and Their Prevention 165
What Constitutes a Special Thread 10
When One Chaser Breaks 167
Whitworth Standard Thread
8, 160
Why Solid Dies Strip Threads 6

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