كتاب Simulia Community Conference - May 19–22, 2014
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Simulia Community Conference - May 19–22, 2014

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19027
التقييم : 35581
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Simulia Community Conference
May 19–22, 2014 · Providence, Ri

كتاب Simulia Community Conference - May 19–22, 2014 S_c_c_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Aerospace & Defense
10 ADVANS - A Strategic Collaboration for Airbus to Develop Advanced
Numerical Simulation Capabilities
M. Marro, A.R. Ibbotson, and J-M. Delahaye (Airbus Operations S.A.S & Ltd.)
22 Large scale Models for A350
M. Touboul, S. Le Drogo, J. Gonzalez-Rubio, and M. Mahe (Airbus Operations S.A.S.)
32 Using Abaqus to Enable Accurate Stress Predictions of a Multi-Body System
with Sliding Contact
G. G. Antoun and C. Briggs (ATA Engineering, Inc.)
47 A Virtual Simulation Platform for the Design, Testing, and Verification of Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle Designs
S. I. Briceno, B. Laughlin, and D. Mavris (Georgia Institute of Technology)
64 Bird Strike Simulation in Assuring Aircraft Safety
R. Katukam and C. Soni (InfoTech Enterprises Ltd)
76 Coupled Euler-Lagrange Simulation of the JOLT HE Event
D. W. Steedman (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
88 Simulating Damage Due to a Lightning Strike Event: Effects of Temperature Dependent
Properties on Interlaminar Damage
E. J. Pineda, P. Naghipour, and S. M. Arnold (NASA Glenn Research Center)
102 Combining the eXtended Finite Element Method with Virtual Crack Closure Technique and
Cohesive Surface Modeling to Simulate Delamination Migration in Cross-ply Laminates
N. V. De Carvalho and R. Krueger (National Institute of Aerospace)
119 Modeling of Hyperelastic Water-skipping Spheres using Abaqus/Explicit
M. A. Jandron, J. L. Belden, and W. Fennell (Naval Undersea Warfare Center)
R. C. Hurd and T. T. Truscott (Brigham Young University)
A. F. Bower (Brown University)
134 The Virtual Composites Factory
R. B. Pipes (Purdue University)
R. Richardson (Dassault Systèmes)
147 Non-linear Elastic Models for Composite Materials
B. N. Fedulov, F. K. Antonov, and A. E. Ushakov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)
E. V. Lomakin (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
A. A. Safonov (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute)
2014 SIMULIA Community Conference 3155 USC Rocket Propulsion Laboratory: Experiences Modeling a
Composite Combustion Chamber
M. T. Kezirian (The Boeing Company)
S. A. Leverette (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
S. L. Phoenix (Cornell University)
169 Using the Existing Capability in Abaqus to Model the Draping & Consolidation of
Composite Preforms
C. Wocke and A. Siddiqui (The Dow Chemical Company)
184 Use of a Discrete Mesoscopic Finite Element Approach Implemented in Abaqus/Explicit to
Investigate the Bending and Folding of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials during the
Manufacturing Process
L. Dangora, J. Sherwood, C. Mitchell, and J. Gorczyca (University of Massachusetts, Lowell)
196 Using Abaqus/CAE and User-Defined Material Subroutines to Predict the Deformations
of a Stitched Triaxial Fabric during Forming Processes
C. J. Mitchell, J. A. Sherwood, L. M. Dangora, and J. L. Gorczyca
(University of Massachusetts, Lowell)
206 Ductile Fracture Criterion Comparisons & Development of a Numerical
Material Damage Model
M. Krueger (University of Minnesota)
221 Multiscale Modeling of High Velocity Impact Damage on Composite Structures
I. Smojver and D. Ivančević (University of Zagreb)
236 Account of Modal Damping Instead Rayleigh One in Floor Response Spectra Analysis in
Civil Structures of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) Under Aircraft Crash
V. Korotkov, A. Ivanov, and A. Naumkin (JSC Atomenergoproekt)
247 Sequentially Coupled Thermal-stress Analysis of a New Steel-concrete Composite
Slab under Fire
N. Mago and S. Hicks (New Zealand Heavy Engineering Research Association)
W. I. Simms (Freelance Consultant (UK))
261 Realistic Simulation of NSM-CFRP Strengthened T-Beam
F. Ding (Simpson Strong-Tie)
273 Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation of Wind Turbine Blade using
S. Nagdewe, R. Nagose, and N. Pardeshi (3DPLM Software Solutions Limited)
J. D. Lecuyer (Dassault Systèmes)
286 Modeling Approach Provides Optimal Retrieval Time to Minimize
Core Decompression Damage
T. Hoeink and W. van der Zee (Baker Hughes)
302 Virtual Simulation to Drive Product Designs for Wellbore Construction
G. Nanaware, L. Gomez, and A. Tom (Baker Hughes)
2014 SIMULIA Community Conference 4317 Geomechanical Optimization of Underground Gas Storage Operation
W. van der Zee and M. Holland (Baker Hughes)
W.-J. Plug and D. Nieuwland (TAQA Energy B.V.)
334 Jumping the Iteration Train: Using Isight to Advance Downhole Seal Design
J. Williams (Baker Hughes)
342 Finite Element Analysis of Casing and Casing Connections for Shale Gas Wells
J. Xie (C-FER Technologies)
354 Forensic Investigation of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout Preventer
S. R. Finneran, B. N. Padgett, B. C. Rollins, and N.G. Thompson (Det Norske Veritas)
369 Development and Validation of Fully-Coupled Hydraulic Fracturing
Simulation Capabilities
M. G. Zielonka, K. H. Searles, J. Ning and S. R. Buechler (ExxonMobil)
400 Large Scale Prototyping in the Oil & Gas Industry: The Use of FEA in the Structural
Capacity Rating of a Deep Sea Pipeline Clamping System
D. Winfield , J. Stobbart and N. Long (Freudenberg Oil & Gas Technologies Ltd)
L. Marks (Strategic Simulation and Analysis Ltd)
415 Integrated Workflow for Analyzing Composite Gas Turbine Components
J. Zhang, P. de Diego, and B. Thompson (GE Power & Water)
L. Zheng (GE Global Research Center)
M. Turaga, D. Goyal, and E. Ardouin (Dassault Systèmes)
427 Subsea Flowline-PLET-jumper Integrated Abaqus Model
C. Zhou, X. Qi, and L. Wang (Genesis Oil and Gas)
440 Application of Fracture Mechanics for Evaluation and Improvement of
Downhole Perforating Tools
A. Zhong, J. Clemens, and M. Mlcak (Halliburton Company)
453 Analysis of Pressure Transients and Cavitation in a Distributor
P. González, J. Rodríguez, J. Martí, and F. Martínez (Principia)
468 Plastic Flow Modelling of a Hot-Rolling Manufacturing Procedure
B. Hicks (Rolls-Royce plc)
483 Co-Simulation for Wind Turbines: Using the SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine for Aiming
Towards Fluid-Structure Interaction with Control
S. Sicklinger and K. Bletzinger (Technische Universität München)
A. Kürkchübasche (Dassault Systèmes SIMULIA)
491 Using Explicit Finite Element Analysis to Simulate Blast Loading on
Hazardous Chemical Storage Tanks
P. E. Prueter (The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.)
506 Cohesive Fracture Analysis to Model Multiple-Stage Fracturing in
Quasibrittle Shale Formations
M. Haddad and K. Sepehrnoori (The University of Texas at Austin)
2014 SIMULIA Community Conference 5521 Air Blast Loaded Saftey Devise Dynamical Response Analysis
S.N. Tropkin, R.R. Tlyasheva, M.I. Bayazitov, Z.R. Rafikova, and I.R. Kuzeev (Ufa State Petroleum
Technological University)
531 Fatigue Analysis of Centrifugal Pumping Equipment Impeller with fe-safe and Abaqus
S. Tropkin, A. Devyatov, M. Zakirnichanya, and R. Tlyasheva (Ufa State Petroleum
Technological University)
A. Winkler (Dassault Systèmes EuroNordics AB)
543 Load Path Optimization for Hydroforming Process using
N. Birajdar, A. Mashalkar, and S. Kamlakar (3DPLM Software Solutions Limited)
553 Abaqus Welding Interface (AWI)—Isight Integration for Optimum Weld-sequencing
Y. Uke, A. Kulkarni, and M. Chitnis (3DPLM Software Solutions Limited)
J. Chinnaraju, M. Pandheeradi, and M. Shubert (Dassault Systèmes Simulia Corp.)
562 Parametric Study of Helical Baffle Type Heat Exchanger using
S. Wankhede, S. Nagdewe, and K. Walvekar (3DPLM Software Solutions Limited)
574 Static and Dynamic Simulation of Rubber Tracks using Multi-Body Dynamics
to Study Pressure Contact on Treads
S. G. Arias (Camoplast Solideal Inc.)
595 On-going Project on Simulation Lifecycle Management at Ebara
H. Okamoto, H. Watanabe, and M. Sugiyama (Ebara Corporation)
608 Stability of Automatic Storage and Retrieval Rack Systems at Elevated Temperatures
Z. Peng and A. Agelaridou-Twohig (FM Global)
626 Progressive Damage Modeling of CABIN for the Validation of Roll-over Protective
Structure (ROPS) with Testing Results
A. Srivastava (Larsen & Toubro)
638 Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of Closing Valves using Abaqus/Explicit
Coupled with SC/Tetra
S. Fujii, K. Yokoji and S. Makoto (Nabtesco Corporation)
647 Simulation of a Multi-pass Groove Weld and Clad Plate using Abaqus 2D Weld GUI and
Comparison with Measurements
C. Parmar, C. M. Gill, P. R. Hurrell, and B. M. E. Pellereau (Rolls-Royce plc)
665 Analysis of Dynamically Loaded Rolling Bearing Cages with Abaqus/Explicit
J. Binderszewsky (Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG)
677 Innovative High Pressure Vessel Seal Design and Optimisation
A. J. Slee, S. J. Hardy, and D. T. Gethin (Swansea University)
A. J. Slee (Baglan Bay Innovation Centre)
A. J. Slee and J. Stobbart (Vector Technology Group)
S. Miot (SSA)
2014 SIMULIA Community Conference 6692 Crack Front Stress Intensity Validation using Two Methods for a Crack at a Material
Boundary in a Nozzle Component
G. Thorwald (Quest Integrity Group)
707 Applying Periodic Boundary Conditions in Finite Element Analysis
W. Wu and J. Owino (University of Tennessee Chattanooga)
A. Al-Ostaz and L. Cai (The University of Mississippi)
720 Strip Flatness Prediction in a 4 High Tandem Mill using a Dynamic Model
M. A. Bello-Gomez, M. P. Guerrero-Mata, L. A. Leduc Lezama, and T. P. Berber-Solano
(Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León)
732 How to Select and Calibrate an Accurate Material Model for Polymers
J. Bergstrom, N.Elabbasi, and F. Xu (Veryst Engineering, LLC)
740 Modeling of Reinforced Elastomeric Hoses
S. B. Brown, N. Elabbasi, and J. Bergstrom (Veryst Engineering, LLC)
748 Laser Cut Nitinol Tubing Fatigue Coupon: FEA’s Role in Design, Testing,
and Endurance Limit Determination
S. J. Forcucci (DC Devices, Inc.)
765 Calcaneal Fixation Plate Test Method Development
D. J. Coombs, S. Wykosky, and M. Bushelow (DePuy Synthes Trauma)
780 Modeling Hemodynamics with Abaqus/CFD Steady State Solver:
FDA Benchmark Nozzle Model
S. Chandra and R. Swift (MED Institute Inc.)
R. Kamakoti (Dassault Systèms)
793 Abaqus/Standard-based Quantification of Human Cardiac Mechanical Properties
M. Genet, L. C. Lee, and J. Guccione (University of California at San Francisco)
M. Genet (Marie-Curie International Outgoing Fellow)
E. Kuhl (Stanford University)
808 Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Life Prediction under Multiaxial Loading: Implementation
and Component Assessment
R. Hazime (ADACS, Inc.)
824 Quasi-static & Dynamic Spotweld Characterization for Automotive
Crashworthiness Conditions
Pablo Cruz, Jose Antonio Muñoz, and Jordi Viñas (Applus+ IDIADA)
840 Automatic Spray Pattern Designs using Isight
X. Xu (General Motors LLC)
850 Application of CAE to Optimize the Durability of Suspension Air Spring
J. Kwack and S. Yoon (Hyundai Motor Company)857 A Study of Durability Analysis Methodology for Engine Valve Considering
Head Thermal Deformation and Dynamic Behavior
K. Oh, S. Cha, and J. Kim (Hyundai Motor Company)
869 Application of Impact Analysis for Aluminum Wheel with Inflated Tire
S. Ishikawa (IDAJ Co., Ltd.)
Y. Sakai and N. Nosaka (BBS Japan Co., Ltd.)
881 Numerical Simulation of Nugget Formation in Spot Welding
T. Kobayashi and Y. Mihara (Mechanical Design & Analysis Corporation)
896 Eulerian-Domain Shape Optimization for Airbag Deployment
J. J. Bernies, M. Wick, N. A. Ionas, and N. Bonnin (P+Z Engineering GmbH)
D. Ruckdeschel (BMW AG)
905 Material Modeling for Dynamic Modulus Degradation using Abaqus
S. Subramanium (Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions)
A. V. Kale and B. S. Suresh (BMS College of Engineering)
915 Design Knowledge Exploration for the Conceptual Design of Tire Contours
M. Koishi, H. Miyajima, and N. Kowatari (The Yokohama Rubber Co.,Ltd.)
924 Approximating MIG Welds with Abaqus Spot Weld Functionality
T. G. Hunter (Wolf Star Technologies, LLC)
3DPLM Software Solutions Limited, 273, 543,
553, 562
ADACS, Inc., 808
Airbus Operations S.A.S., 10, 22
Antoun, G. G., 32
Applus Idiada, 824
Arias, S. G., 574
ATA Engineering, Inc., 32
Baker Hughes, 286, 302, 317, 334
Bello-Gomez, M. A., 720
Bergstrom, J., 732
Bernies, J. J., 896
Binderszewsky, J., 665
Birajdar, N., 543
Briceno, S. I., 47
Brown, S. B., 740
Camoplast Solideal Inc., 574
C-FER Technologies, 342
Chandra, S., 780
Coombs, D. J., 765
Cruz, P., 824
Dangora, L., 184
DC Devices, Inc., 748
De Carvalho, N. V., 102
DePuy Synthes Trauma, 765
Det Norske Veritas, 354
Ding, F., 261
Ebara Corporation, 595
ExxonMobil, 369
Fedulov, B. N., 147
Finneran, S. R., 354
FM Global, 608
Forcucci, S. J., 748
Freudenberg Oil & Gas Technologies Ltd, 400
Fujii, S., 638
GE Power & Water, 415
General Motors, 840
Genesis Oil and Gas, 427
Genet, M., 793
Georgia Institute of Technology, 47
González, P., 453
Haddad, M., 506
Halliburton Company, 440
Hazime, R., 808
Hicks, B., 468
Hoeink, T., 286
Hunter, T. G., 924
Hyundai Motor Company, 850, 857
IDAJ Co., Ltd., 869
InfoTech Enterprises Ltd, 64
Ishikawa, S., 869
Jandron, M. A., 119
JSC Atomenergoproekt, 236
Katukam, R., 64
Kezirian, M. T., 155
Kobayashi, T., 881
Koishi, M., 915
Korotkov, V., 236
Krueger, M., 206
Kwack, J., 850
Larsen & Toubro, 626
Los Alamos National Laboratory, 76
Mago, N., 247
Marro, M., 10
Mechanical Design & Analysis Corporation, 881
MED Institute Inc., 780
Mitchell, C. J., 196
Nabtesco Corporation, 638
Nagdewe, S., 273
Naghipour, P., 88
Nanaware, G., 302
NASA Glenn Research Center, 88National Institute of Aerospace, 102
Naval Undersea Warfare Center, 119
New Zealand Heavy Engineering Research
Association, 247
Oh, K., 857
Okamoto, H., 595
Parmar, C., 647
Peng, Z., 608
Pipes, R. B., 134
Principia, 453
Prueter, P. E., 491
Purdue University, 134
P+Z Engineering GmbH, 896
Quest Integrity Group, 692
Robert Bosch Engineering and
Business Solutions, 905
Rolls-Royce plc, 468, 647
Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, 665
Sicklinger, S., 483
Simpson Strong-Tie, 261
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 147
Slee, A. J., 677
Smojver, I., 221
Srivastava, A., 626
Steedman, D. W., 76
Subramanium, S., 905
Swansea University, 677
Technische Universität München, 483
The Boeing Company, 155
The Dow Chemical Company, 169
The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., 491
The University of Texas at Austin, 506
The Yokohama Rubber Co.,Ltd., 915
Thorwald, G., 692
Touboul, M., 22
Tropkin, S., 521, 531
Ufa State Petroleum Technological
University, 521, 531
Uke, Y., 553
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 720
University of California at San Francisco, 793
University of Massachusetts, Lowell, 184, 196
University of Minnesota, 206
University of Tennessee Chattanooga, 707
University of Zagreb, 221
van der Zee, W., 317
Veryst Engineering, LLC, 732, 740
Wankhede, S., 562
Williams, J., 334
Winfield, D., 400
Wocke, C., 169
Wolf Star Technologies, LLC, 924
Wu, W., 707
Xie, J., 342
Xu, X., 840
Zhang, J., 415
Zhong, A., 440
Zhou, C., 427
Zielonka, M. G., 369

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