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| موضوع: كتاب Structural Steelwork - Design to Limit State Theory الجمعة 04 ديسمبر 2020, 10:30 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Structural Steelwork - Design to Limit State Theory Second edition T. J. MacGinley, BE, ME, C Eng, FI Struct E, MIE Aust Formerly Associate Professor Nanyang Technological University T. C. Ang, BE, MSc, PE, MIES Senior Lecturer Nanyang Technological University
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface to the second edition Preface to the first edition vm Acknowledgements ix Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Steel structures 2 1.2 Structural elements 3 1.3 Structural design 5 1.4 Design methods 5 1.5 Design calculations and computing 6 1.6 Detailing 7 Chapter 2 MATERIALS 8 2.1 Structural steels—properties Design considerations 9 Steel sections 11 Section properties 14 Chapter 3 LIMIT STATE DESIGN 17 3.1 Limit state design principles 17 3.2 Limit states for steel design 17 3.3 Working and factored loads 18 3.4 Stability limit states 20 3.5 Structural integrity 20 3.6 Serviceability limit states—deflection 21 3.7 Design strength of materials 21 3.8 Design methods for buildings 22 Chapter 4 CONNECTIONS 24 Types of connections 24 Ordinary bolts 25 Friction-grip bolts 39 Welded connections 45 Further considerations in design of connections 57 4.5Chapter 5 BEAMS 64 5.1 Types and uses 64 Beam loads 65 Classification of beam cross-sections 67 Bending stresses and moment capacity 67 Lateral torsional buckling 74 Shear in beams 81 Deflection of beams 83 Beam connections 84 Examples of beam design 89 Compound beams 97 Crane beams Purlins 120 Sheeting rails 127 Chapter 6 PLATE GIRDERS 135 Design considerations 135 Behaviour of a plate girder 138 Design to BS 5950: Part 1 142 Design of a plate girder 153 Design utilizing tension field action Chapter 7 TENSION MEMBERS 171 Uses, types and design considerations 171 End connections 173 Structural behaviour of tension members 174 Design of tension members Design examples 181 Chapter 8 COMPRESSION MEMBERS 184 Types and uses 184 Loads on compression members Classification of cross sections Axially loaded compression members Beam columns 205 Eccentrically loaded columns in buildings 213 Cased columns subjected to axial load and moment Side column for a single-story industrial building Crane columns 234 Column bases 243 8.10Chapter 9 TRUSSES AND BRACING 265 9.1 Trusses—types, uses and truss members Loads on trusses Analysis of trusses Design of truss members Truss connections 9.6 Design of a roof truss for an industrial building 275 9.7 Bracing 289 Chapter 10 WORKSHOP STEELWORK DESIGN EXAMPLE 302 10.1 Introduction 302 10.2 Basic design loading 303 10.3 Computer analysis data 304 10.4 Results of computer analysis 310 10.5 Structural design of members 313 10.6 Steelwork detailing 316 Chapter 11 MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS 317 11.1 Application of computers in design 317 11.2 General aspects of microcomputers 319 11.3 Considerations in writing design programs Steel beam design program 320 Column design program 326 Column-base design program 11.7 Computer programs disclaimer 335 Chapter 12 STEELWORK DETAILING 336 12.1 Drawings 336 12.2 General recommendations 12.3 Steel sections 339 12.4 Grids and marking plans 12.5 Bolts 341 12.6 Welds 343 12.7 Beams 346 12.8 Plate girders 346 12.9 Columns and bases 348 12.10 Trusses and lattice girders 12.11 Computer-aided drafting Chapter 13 PORTAL DESIGN 13.1 Design and construction Elastic design 13.2 35613.3 Plastic design 367 13.4 Further reading for portal design 389 References 391 Index 393393 Index Bending asymmetrical sections, 71 strengths for beams, 79, 110 Bolted joints direct shear and tension, 30, 32 eccentric connections, 30 example bracket type, 37 examples, 35 failure modes, 27 in direct shear, 26 in direct tension, 28 prying forces, 28 Bolts designating and dimensioning, 342 drilling tolerances, 342 friction-grip, 39 holding down, 244 in clearance holes, 28 in tension, 29 load capacity table, 29 ordinary, 25 single and double shear, 26 spacing, 26 specification, 341 tension capacity, 28 Bracing design example, 291, 295 for buildings, 289 for multi-storey building, 290 for single-storey industrial building, 289 for wall, 295 general considerations, 289 longitudinal, 299 members design, 290 transverse, 297 Buckling parameter, 79, 109 resistance moment, 80, 108, 110, 243 resistance of beam webs, 84 types of, 85 Buildings common types of steel buildings, 2 factory, 2 multi-storey, 2, 186 multi-storey, framing plans, 296 Angle purlin, 125 sheeting rails, 131 sheeting rails design, 127, 128, 130 tension members, 179 Angle struts limiting proportions, 270 Base plates design, 244 thickness, 245, 249, 260 Beam columns code design procedure, 210 design example, 211 general behaviour, 205 local capacity check, 210, 212 moment capacity, 208 overall buckling check, 211, 212 short column failure, 208 slender column failure, 209 Beams behaviour in bending, 72 bending about two axes, 96 bending stresses, 67 biaxial bending, 69, 73, 80 code design procedure, 78 connections, 84 conservative design approach, 80 cross-section classification, 67 design examples, 89 effective length, 76 end shear connections, 86 lateral torsional buckling, 74 loads, 65, 66 local capacity check, 81 moment capacity, 68 overall buckling check, 81 sections, 14 types and uses, 64 uniaxial bending, 67, 72 with unrestrained compression flange, 94 Bearing resistance of beam webs, 86 web and bracket, 86394 Index single storey, 1 steel frame, 1 Built-up columns cross-sections classification, 200 design, 200 example, 201 Cased columns buckling resistance, 222, 223 capacity check, 221, 223 compression resistance, 203 design example, 222 design requirements, 203 example, 204 with axial load and moment, 221 Code of practice dead and imposed loads, 6 hot rolled section, 12 steel design, 6 weldable structural steel, 6 wind loads, 6 Column bases design example, 248 design strength, 244 eccentrically loaded, 247 elastic analysis, 256 gusseted, 250 example, 251 types and loads, 243 Columns construction details, 185 design, 196, 199 example, 197 for workshop, 314 eccentrically loaded, 213 moments in simple construction, 214 sections classification, 226 splices, 185 tests and design strengths, 193 Compound beams buckling and bearing, 103 design, 99 design considerations, 97 design example, 100 flange plate curtailment, 99 moment capacity, 98 section classification, 98 Compression resistance, 196 Compression members axially loaded, 188 cross-section classification, 188 loads, 186 sections, 184 types and uses, 184 Compressive strength, 202 Computer aided drafting, 349 model of steel frame, 305 programs, 81 results for frame analysis, 310 Connections beam to column, 42 bracket, 52, 53, 56 eccentric, 50 friction-grip bolts, 42 further consideration in design, 57 load paths and forces, 57 local stress check, 59 other design checks, 58 types of, 24 typical, 24 welded joints, 45 Constant Perry, 193 Robertson, 193, 202 Corner columns design example, 215 Crane data, 304 surge, 237 surge loads, 241 wheel loads, 235, 240 Crane beams biaxial bending check, 110 crane load data, 106 deflection, 118 design, 108 design example, 112 elastic properties, 116 loads, 106, 113 maximum wheel loads, 112 moment capacity, 110 plastic properties, 115 shear capacity, 110 types and uses, 105 Crane columns design example, 238 design procedure, 237 loading, 234 types, 234 Crane loads for steel workshop, 306 Deflection at column cap, 228, 233, 243 crane columns, 238 limits, 21 of beams, 83 of crane beams, 111 of trusses, 268 portals, 376 Design limit state, 5 methods, 5 methods for buildings, 22 preliminary , 317 rigid, 22 semi-rigid , 22 simple, 22 structural, 5Index 395 design principles, 17 serviceability , 18 stability , 20 steel design, 17 ultimate, 17 Load factors overall , 19 Loads application on trusses, 267 dead, 18, 197, 224, 229, 238, Design considerations brittle fracture, 9 corrosion protection, 10 fatigue, 9 fire protection, 10 Detailing, 7 columns and bases, 347 for beams, 345 for plate girders, 346 of steelwork, 316 stellwork , 336 trusses and lattice girders, 348 Drawings classification, 336 general recommendations, 337 preparation, 318 266 dynamic, 19 factored , 19 imposed, 18, 197, 224, 229, 238, 266 national horizontal loads, 231 serviceability, 21 wind , 18, 187, 224, 229, 230, 237, 240, 266, 277, 291, 295 working, 18 Effective lengths for beams, 109 for compression chords, 270 of cased columns, 203 of columns, 194, 196, 227 of crane columns, 237 of portal members, 357 table for beams, 77 Elastic design. 5 theory for beams, 67, 74 End post design, 150, 159, 164 double stiffeners, 151 single end plate , 151 Equivalent slenderness, 79, 80, 213 uniform moment , 78 Friction-grip bolts connection examples, 42 design procedure, 40 general consideration, 39 in combined shear and tension , Microcomputer applications, 317 general aspects, 319 Modulus of elasticity , 22 shear, 22 Plans grids and marking, 340 Plastic analysis of portals. 367 cross-section, 67 design, 5 design of portals, 367 theory for beams, 72 theory for shear in beams, 81, 83 Plate girders behaviour of, 138 connections and splices, 137 cross-sections classification, 142 depth and flange breadth , 136 design drawing, 160, 167 design example, 153 design to BS 5950, 142 flange to web welds, 153 loads, 137 moment capacity, 143 optimum depth , 144 stresses, 138 uses and construction , 135 web design , 145, 155, 161 Plates elastic buckling, 138 in compression, 141 in edge bending, 141 in shear , 141 post buckling strength , 140 Pocket bases design example, 262 design theory , 261 41 in shear, 40 in tension only, 41 load capacity table, 42 Holding down bolts design strength, 244 tension in bolts, example, 257 Index monosymmetry , 110 torsional, 79, 109 Joints in portals. 377 eaves joint. 377 ridge joint , 379 Lateral restraints, 76 torsional buckling, 74, 108 Limit states deflection, 21396 Index Portal, 353 code provisions, 356, 367 column design , 359 column stability , 373 construction , 353 effective lengths, 357 elastic design , 356 elastic example, 360 foundations, 355 plastic analysis, 367 plastic design , 367 plastic example, 380 rafter design, 360 rafter stability, 374 restraints. 373 Program disclaimer, 334 for column base design, 330 for column design, 326 for steel beam design, 320 sample run for column design, Slenderness factor, 78, 79, 110 limiting, 202 modified, 110 modifying factors, 109 ratio, 109, 190, 196, 209 unstiffened web, 86 Stability for portals column stability . 373 rafter stability. 374 sway stability. 372 Steel sections, 338 sections classification for columns, 226 stress-strain diagrams, 8 structural properties, 8 Steel sections asymmetrical sections, 70 built-up sections, 13 cold rolled sections, 13 compound sections, 12 limiting proportions, 68, 188 properties, 14 rolled and formed sections, 11 unsymmetrical, 74 Stiffeners bearing resistance, 149 buckling check , 148 buckling resistance, 148 design, 146 intermediate, 147, 157, 163 load bearing, 146, 148, 158, 329 sample run of column base, 333 sample run of steel beam, 324 source listing, 322, 326, 331 writing considerations, 319 Purlins cold rolled, 123 design examples, 125 design to BS 5950, 123 for flat roof, 121, 125 for slooping roof , 121 in steel workshop, 303 loading, 120 types and uses, 120 164 minimum stiffness, 147 spacing, 145, 147 Strength compressive, 193 factor, 22 for steel in design, 22 of material for design, 21 Stresses beams bending, 67, 69, 70, 71 Roof purlins, 120 trusses, 171 bracing, 293 Shear in beams, 81 reduced moment capacity, 83 web area, 83 Sheeting rails arrangement, 127 cold rolled, 129 design examples, 130 empirical design, 132 loading , 127 types and uses, 127 Side columns design example, 228 design procedure, 226 in industrial building, 223 local capacity check, 232 overall buckling check , 233 Slab base axially located, 245 axially loaded, example, 246 73 bearing, 86 buckling, 85 plate girder, 138 reduction factor , 202 residual, 192 shear, 81, 82 tension ans moment, 174, 175 Structural analysis, 317 element, 4 integrity, 20 Struts basic theory, 189 behaviour and strength, 192 eccentrically loaded, 192 in trusses, 269 slenderness, 269 with initial curvature, 191Index 397 Tension field action for web under shear, 142 web plate design, 161 Tension members axially loaded, 179 design considerations, 172 design examples, 181 effective area , 180 end connections, 173 structural behaviour, 174 uses and types, 171 with moments, 180 Web bearing resistance, 86 buckling and bearing, 104, 111, 118 buckling resistance, 84 Welded joints bracket connections, 56 direct shear connection, 53 examples, 53 torsion connection, 55 Welding process, 45 types of welds, 45 Welds cracks and deflects, 46 design of butt welds, 49 design of fillet welds, 47 design strength, 48 fillet and butt welds, 46, 343 strength of fillet welds, 49 % symbols, 344 test , 47 Wind loads, 18, 187, 224, 228, 230, 237, 240, 291 , 295 data , 304 force coefficients, 297 on roof truss, 277 on steel frame , 307, 309 Wind pressure coefficients , 308 dynamic, 308 on roof and walls, 308 Workshop steelwork basic design loading, 303 computer analysis, 304 design example, 302 frame arrangement, 302 members design, 313 Ties effective area, 272 Torsion joint , 50 Torsional consant, 109 index, 79, 109 restraints, 76 Trusses analyses, 278 analysis, 267 chords with moment, 272 connections, 273 dead and imposed loads, 306 deflection of , 268 for industrial building, 275 joints, design, 274 loads, 276 loads on , 266 members design , 269, 282, 313 members with reversal of load, 272 redundant and cross-braced, 269 rigid jointed, 268 types and uses, 265 Types, 353 stability for portals, 373 column stability. 373 rafter stability, 374 sway stability, 372
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