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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials الإثنين 30 نوفمبر 2020 - 23:12 | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials Second Edition Isaac M. Daniel Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Ori lshai F i i i d t y of Meclzariical Engineering
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Introduction 1 1.1 Definition and Characteristics 1 1.2 Historical Development 2 1.3 Applications 3 1.4 Overview of Advantages and Limitations of Composite Materials 13 1.4.1 Micromechanics 14 1.4.2 Macromechanics 14 1.4.3 Mechanical Characterization 14 1.4.4 Structural Design, Analysis, and Optimization 1.4.5 ManufacturingTechnology 15 1.4.6 Maintainability, Serviceability,and Durability 1.4.7 Cost Effectiveness 15 1.5 Significanceand Objectives of Composite Materials Science and Technology 1.6 Current Status and Future Prospects References 17 14 15 16 16 BASIC CONCEPTS, MATERIALS, PROCESSES, AND CHARACTERISTICS 18 2.1 Structural Performance of Conventional Materials 18 2.2 Geometric and Physical Definitions 18 2.2.1 Type of Material 18 2.2.2 Homogeneity 19 2.2.3 Heterogeneity or Inhomogeneity 19 2.2.4 Isotropy 19 2.2.5 Anisotropy/Orthotropy 20 2.3 Material Response Under Load 2.4 Types and Classification of Composite Materials viii CONTENTS 2.5 Lamina and Laminate-Characteristics and Configurations 26 2.6 Scales of Analysis-Micromechanics and Macromechanics 27 2.7 Basic Lamina Properties 29 2.8 Degrees of Anisotropy 30 2.9 Constituent Materials 30 2.9.1 Reinforcement 30 2.9.2 Matrices 33 2.10 Material Forms-Prepregs 35 2.11 Manufacturing Methods for Composite Materials 36 2.11.1 Autoclave Molding 37 2.11.2 Filament Winding 37 2.11.3 Resin Transfer Molding 38 2.12 Properties of Typical Composite Materials References 42 3. ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF COMPOSITE LAMINA-MICROMECHANICS 43 Scope and Approaches 43 Micromechanics Methods 45 3.2.1 Mechanics of Materials Methods 46 3.2.2 Bounding Methods 46 3.2.3 Semiempirical Methods 48 Geometric Aspects and Elastic Symmetry Longitudinal Elastic Properties-Continuous Fibers 49 Transverse Elastic Properties-Continuous Fibers 51 In-Plane Shear Modulus 56 Longitudinal Properties-Discontinuous (Short) Fibers 58 3.7.1 Elastic Stress Transfer Model-Shear Lag Analysis (Cox) 3.7.2 Semiempirical Relation (Halpin) References 60 Problems 61 4. ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF COMPOSITE LAMINA-MACROMECHANICS 63 4.1 Stress-Strain Relations 63 4.1.1 General Anisotropic Material 63 4.1.2 Specially Orthotropic Material 66 4.1.3 Transversely Isotropic Material 67 4.1.4 Orthotropic Material Under Plane Stress 4.1.5 Isotropic Material 71 4.2 Relations Between Mathematical and Engineering Constants 4.3 Stress-Strain Relations for a Thin Lamina (Two-Dimensional) Transformation of Stress and Strain (Two-Dimensional) Transformationof Elastic Parameters (Two-Dimensional) Transformationof Stress-Strain Relations in Terms of Engineering Constants (Two-Dimensional) 81 Transformation Relations for Engineering Constants (Two-Dimensional) Transformationof Stress and Strain (Three-Dimensional) 4.8.1 General Transformation 88 4.8.2 Rotation About 3-Axis 89 Transformationof Elastic Parameters (Three-Dimensional) References 92 Problems 92 5. STRENGTH OF UNIDIRECTIONAL LAMINA-MICROMECHANICS 98 5.1 Introduction 98 5.2 LongitudinalTension-Failure Mechanisms and Strength 5.3 LongitudinalTension-Ineffective Fiber Length 5.4 Longitudinal Compression 105 5.5 TransverseTension 110 5.6 Transverse Compression 113 5.7 In-Plane Shear 114 5.8 Out-of-Plane Loading 115 5.9 General Micromechanics Approach 116 References 116 Problems 117 6. STRENGTH OF COMPOSITE LAMINA-MACROMECHANICS 120 6.1 Introduction 120 6.2 Failure Theories 122 6.3 Maximum Stress Theory 123 6.4 Maximum Strain Theory 126 6.5 Energy-Based Interaction Theory (Tsai-Hill) 128 6.6 InteractiveTensor Polynomial Theory (Tsai-Wu) 130 6.7 Failure-Mode-Based Theories (Hashin-Rotem) 135 6.8 Failure Criteria for Textile Composites 137 6.9 Computational Procedure for Determinationof Lamina Strength-Tsai-Wu Criterion (Plane Stress Conditions) 139 6.10 Evaluation and Applicability of Lamina Failure Theories References 148 Problems 149 143x CONTENTS 7. ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF MULTIDIRECTIONAL LAMINATES 158 7.1 Basic Assumptions 158 7.2 Strain-Displacement Relations 158 7.3 Stress-Strain Relations of a Layer Within a Laminate 160 7.4 Force and Moment Resultants 161 7.5 General Load-Deformation Relations: Laminate Stiffnesses 163 7.6 Inversion of Load-Deformation Relations: Laminate Compliances 165 7.7 Symmetric Laminates 167 7.7.1 Symmetric Laminates with Isotropic Layers 7.7.2 Symmetric Laminates with Specially Orthotropic Layers (SymmetricCrossply 7.7.3 SymmetricAngle-Ply Laminates 170 7.8.1 Antisymmetric Laminates 172 7.8.2 Antisymmetric Crossply Laminates 172 7.8.3 Antisymmetric Angle-Ply Laminates 174 168 Laminates) 169 7.8 Balanced Laminates 171 7.9 Orthotropic Laminates: Transformationof Laminate Stiffnessesand Compliances 175 7.10 Quasi-isotropic Laminates 177 7.11 Design Considerations 179 7.12 Laminate Engineering Properties 181 7.12.1 SymmetricBalanced Laminates 181 7.12.2 Symmetric Laminates 182 7.12.3 General Laminates 184 7.13 Computational Procedure for Determinationof Engineering Elastic Properties 7.14 Comparisonof Elastic Parameters of Unidirectional and Angle-Ply Laminates 7.15 Carpet Plots for Multidirectional Laminates 7.16 Textile Composite Laminates 192 7.17 Modified LaminationTheory-Effects of Transverse Shear 7.18 Sandwich Plates 196 References 200 Problems 8. HYGROTHERMAL EFFECTS 204 8.1 Introduction 204 8.1.1 Physical and Chemical Effects 8.1.2 Effects on Mechanical Properties 8.1.3 Hygrothermoelastic(HTE) Effects 205 8.2 Hygrothermal Effects on Mechanical Behavior 8.3 Coefficients of Thermal and Moisture Expansion of a Unidirectional Lamina 8.4 Hygrothermal Strains in a Unidirectional Lamina 212Contents xi 8.5 Hygrothermoelastic Load-Deformation Relations 213 8.6 HygrothermoelasticDeformation-Load Relations 215 8.7 Hygrothermal Load-Deformation Relations 216 8.8 8.9 8.10 Physical Significanceof Hygrothermal Forces and Moments 8.11 Hygrothermal Isotropy and Stability 8.12 Coefficients of Thermal Expansion of Unidirectional and Multidirectional 8.13 Hygrothermoelastic Stress Analysis of Multidirectional Laminates 225 8.14 Residual Stresses 227 8.15 Warpage 232 8.16 Computational Procedure for Hygrothermoelastic Analysis of Multidirectional References 237 Problems 239 Coefficients of Thermal and Moisture Expansion of MultidirectionalLaminates Coefficients of Thermal and Moisture Expansion of Balanced/Symmetric Laminates Carbon/Epoxy Laminates 224 Laminates 235 9. STRESS AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF MULTIDIRECTIONAL LAMINATES 243 Introduction 243 Types of Failure 244 Stress Analysis and Safety Factors for First Ply Failure of Symmetric Laminates (In-Plane Loading) 244 Strength Components for First Ply Failure of Symmetric Laminates Computational Procedure for Stress and Failure Analysis of General Multidirectional Laminates (First Ply Failure) 252 Comparison of Strengths of Unidirectional and Angle-Ply Laminates (First Ply Failure) 253 Carpet Plots for Strength of Multidirectional Laminates (First Ply Failure) Effect of HygrothermalHistory on Strength of Multidirectional Laminates (First Ply Failure; Tsai-Wu Criterion) 255 Computational Procedure for Stress and Failure Analysis of Multidirectional Laminates Under Combined Mechanical and Hygrothermal Loading (First Ply Failure; Tsai-Wu Criterion) 258 9.10 Micromechanicsof Progressive Failure 9.11 Progressive and Ultimate Laminate Failure-Laminate Efficiency 9.12 Analysis of Progressive and Ultimate Laminate Failure 9.12.1 Determinationof First Ply Failure (FPF) 267 9.12.2 Discounting of Damaged Plies 9.12.3 Stress Analysis of the Damaged Laminate 9.12.4 Second Ply Failure 268 268xii CONTENTS 9.12.5 Ultimate Laminate Failure 268 9.12.6 Computational Procedure 269 9.13 Laminate Failure Theories-Overview, Evaluation, and Applicability 9.14 Design Considerations 276 9.15 Interlaminar Stresses and Strength of MultidirectionalLaminates: Edge Effects 9.15.1 Introduction 277 9.15.2 Angle-Ply Laminates 277 9.15.3 Crossply Laminates 278 9.15.4 Effects of Stacking Sequence 9.15.5 Interlaminar Strength 282 279 9.16 Interlaminar Fracture Toughness 284 9.17 Design Methodology for Structural Composite Materials 9.18 Illustration of Design Process: Design of a Pressure Vessel 286 289 9.18.1 Aluminum Reference Vessel 290 9.18.2 Crossply [0,/90,], Laminates 290 9.18.3 Angle-Ply [+O],, Laminates 291 9.18.4 [9O/+e],, Laminates 292 9.18.5 [O/+e],, Laminates 293 9.18.6 Quasi-isotropic [0/+45/90],,,Laminates 293 9.18.7 Summary and Comparisonof Results 294 9.19 Ranking of Composite Laminates References 295 Problems 298 294 10. EXPERIMENTALMETHODS FOR CHARACTERIZATION AND TESTING OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS 303 10.1 Introduction 303 10.2 Characterizationof Constituent Materials 304 10.2.1 Mechanical Fiber Characterization 304 10.2.2 Thermal Fiber Characterization 307 10.2.3 Matrix Characterization 308 10.2.4 Interface/Interphase Characterization 308 10.3.1 Density 310 10.3.2 Fiber Volume Ratio 310 10.3.3 Void Volume Ratio (Porosity) 311 10.3.4 Coefficients of Thermal Expansion 313 10.3.5 Coefficients of Hygric (Moisture)Expansion 314 10.3 Physical Characterization of Composite Materials 310 10.4 Determinationof Tensile Properties of Unidirectional Laminae 316 10.5 Determinationof Compressive Properties of Unidirectional Laminae 318 10.6 Determinationof Shear Properties of Unidirectional Laminae 322Contents xiii 10.7 Determination of Through-Thickness Properties 329 10.7.1 Through-Thickness Tensile Properties 329 10.7.2 Through-Thickness Compressive Properties 331 10.7.3 Interlaminar Shear Strength 331 10.8.1 Mode I Testing 335 10.8.2 Mode 11 Testing 337 10.8.3 Mixed-Mode Testing 339 10.8.4 Mode I11Testing 341 10.9.1 Introduction 342 10.9.2 Off-Axis Uniaxial Test 343 10.9.3 Flat Plate Specimen 345 10.9.4 Thin-Wall Tubular Specimen 346 10.10.1 Introduction 348 10.10.2 Laminates with Holes 348 10.10.3 Laminates with Cracks 352 10.11 Test Methods for Textile Composites 10.8 Determination of Interlaminar Fracture Toughness 335 10.9 Biaxial Testing 342 10.10 Characterization of Composites with Stress Concentrations 348 355 10.1 1.1 In-Plane Tensile Testing 10.11.2 In-Plane Compressive Testing 356 10.11.3 In-Plane Shear Testing 357 10.11.4 Through-Thickness Testing 357 10.11.5 Interlaminar Fracture Toughness 359 355 10.12 StructuralTesting 359 10.13 Summary and Discussion 360 References 364 APPENDIX A: MATERIAL PROPERTIES 373 APPENDIX B: THREE-DIMENSIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS OF ELASTICPROPERTIES OF APPENDIX C: ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS AUTHOR Index 397 SUBJECT Index 40 SUBJECT Index Index Terms Links A Acid digestion method 311 Aeolotropic material. See General anisotropic material Allowable laminate thickness 256–57 Alumina fibers 32 374 Angle-ply laminates coefficients of thermal expansion 224–25 interlaminar stresses 277–79 properties of 190–92 strengths of 253–55 stress concentration 349–51 Anisotropy definition of 20 degrees of 30 Antisymmetric laminates 172–75 angle-ply 174–75 crossply 172–73 Applications of composites Aberfeldy footbridge 13 Airbus A380 3 5 B-2 stealth bomber 6 bicycle frame 12 Boeing 777 3 4 Boeing 787 3 4 Cirrus aircraft 5 Index Terms Links Applications of composites (Cont.) Cobra tram 8 Corvette leaf spring 7 foot and leg prostheses 11 hip prosthesis 11 offshore oil drilling riser 10 Royal Danish Navy corvette 8 Royal Swedish Navy Visby 9 solar-powered Helios 7 unmanned aircraft 7 water pipeline 12 wind turbine blade 9 Aramid/epoxy composites. See Kevlar/epoxy composites Aramid fibers (or Kevlar fibers) 31 32 374–75 Arcan test. See Shear testing Area method (for strain energy release rate) 286 Autoclave molding 37 Average stress criterion 350–54 B Balanced laminates 171–75 Balanced symmetric laminates. See Orthotropic laminates Bending coupling stiffnesses. See Laminate properties and characteristics; Stiffnesses Bending laminate stiffnesses. See Laminate properties and characteristics; Stiffnesses Betti’s reciprocal law 74 Biaxial testing 342–48 355–53 flat plate test 345–46 off-axis test 343–45 thin-wall tube test 346–48 Index Terms Links Bismaleimide 34 Boron/aluminum composites 381 Boron/epoxy composites coefficients of thermal expansion 210 properties of 41 378 Boron fibers 31 32 374–75 Boron/polyimide composites Coefficients of thermal expansion 210 Bounding method 44–48 Buckling of fibers. See Microbuckling of fibers Burnout method. See Ignition method C Calcium aluminosilicate 35 Carbon/carbon composites 25 381 Carbon/epoxy composites coefficients of thermal expansion 210–11 224–25 critical strain energy release rates 338 engineering constants 84–86 377–80 hygric strains 315 hygrothermal effects on 205–8 properties of 377–80 strength reduction of plates with cracks 353–54 strength reduction of plates with holes 350–52 thermal strains 210 Carbon fibers 31 32 374–75 Carbon matrix 35 Carbon/PEEK composites 378 Carbon/polyimide composites coefficients of thermal expansion 210 properties of 378–81 Index Terms Links Carpet plots for coefficient of thermal expansion 225 for laminate engineering properties 191–92 for strength of laminates 254–55 Ceramic fibers 32 374–75 Ceramic matrices 35 Ceramic matrix composites 25 381 Characteristic damage state (CDS) 261 Characterization of composite materials. See Testing of composite materials Characterization of constituent materials 304–9 Classical lamination theory (CLT) 158–67 Coefficients of hygric expansion. See Coefficients of moisture expansion Coefficients of moisture expansion of balanced/symmetric laminates 217–19 measurement of 314–16 of multidirectional laminates 216–17 prediction of 211 of unidirectional lamina 208–11 Coefficients of thermal expansion of balanced/symmetric laminates 217–19 of carbon/epoxy lamina and laminates 224–25 of fibers 307–8 measurement of 307 313–14 of multidirectional laminates 226–17 prediction of 208–11 of unidirectional lamina 208–11 Comparison of unidirectional and angle-ply laminates elastic parameters 190–91 strength 253–54 Index Terms Links Compliance method (for strain energy release rate) 285–86 Compliances of general anisotropic material 63–65 of lamina 70 76 of specially orthotropic material 66 transformation of 80–81 92 175–76 386–87 of transversely isotropic material 67–69 Composite materials advantages and limitations of 13–15 applications of 3–13 classification of 24–25 current status 16–17 definition of 1 future prospects 16–17 history of 2 interphase of 1 matrix of 1 performance map 41 properties of 40–42 377–81 reinforcement 1 significance and objectives of technology 16 types of 24–25 typical stress-strain curves 41 42 Compressive testing 318–22 IITRI test 318–19 measurement of properties 338–22 NU test 319–21 sandwich test 320–22 through-thickness testing 331 Index Terms Links Computational procedures for calculation of residual stresses 235–37 for calculation of warpage 235–37 for determination of laminate strengths 252–53 for hygrothermoelastic analysis 235–37 for lamina elastic constants 84 for lamina safety factor 139–40 for lamina strength 139–41 for laminate engineering properties 189–90 for laminate safety factors 252–53 for multiple ply failure analysis 269–71 for progressive and ultimate failure of laminates 269–71 for stress and failure analysis of laminates 252–53 Concepts and characteristics 18–30 Constitutive relations. See Load-deformation relations Stress-strain relations Continuous-fiber composites 24–25 in-plane shear modulus 56–58 longitudinal elastic properties 49–51 transverse elastic properties 51–56 Conventional materials advantages and limitations of 13–15 performance ranking 19 structural performance 18 Coupling stiffnesses. See Laminate properties and characteristics; Stiffnesses Cracked-lap shear specimen 339–40 Critical strain energy release rates 335–42 Critical stress intensity factor 354–55 Index Terms Links Crossply laminates interlaminar stresses 278–79 progressive failure 260–65 stress concentration 349–51 D Degrees of anisotropy 30 Delamination 277 331 335–42 Delamination fracture toughness. See Interlaminar fracture toughness Delamination modes 284–85 Density, measurement of 310 Design for damage tolerance 286 288 for dynamic stability 286–89 for environmental stability 286 288–89 methodology 286–89 objectives 286–89 optimization 256 290–94 process (example) 289–94 for stiffness 286–88 for strength 286–88 Design considerations 179–81 276 Discontinuous-fiber composites 24 58–60 elastic properties 58–60 semiempirical relation for 60 shear lag analysis 58–59 Double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen analysis of 284–86 Interlaminar fracture toughness Doubly-split DCB specimen 341–42 Index Terms Links E Edge-cracked torsion (ECT) specimen 342 Edge effects 277–79 angle-ply laminates 277–78 crossply laminates 278–79 effects of stacking sequence 279–81 See also Interlaminar stresses E-glass/epoxy composites failure envelopes 135 off-axis strength 125 134 properties of 377 379–80 E-glass fibers 30–32 374–75 Elastic constants comparison between unidirectional and angle-ply laminates 190–91 micromechanical predictions of 49–60 number of 71 relations between engineering and mathematical constants 71–76 transformation of 78–81 90–92 175–76 See also Compliances; Continuous-fiber composites; Stiffnesses End constraints on off-axis specimen, effects of 343–45 End-loaded split (ELS) laminate test 339 End-notched flexure (ENF) test 337–39 Energy-based interaction theory. See Tsai-Hill theory Engineering constants, relations for 71–76 Engineering properties of laminates. See Laminate properties and characteristics Environmental effects. See Hygrothermal effects Index Terms Links Epoxy 33 34 376 Experimental methods. See Testing of composite materials Extensional stiffness. See Laminate properties and characteristics; Stiffnesses F Fabrication methods. See Manufacturing methods Fabric weave styles 33–34 Failure analysis of laminates 243–98 Failure mechanisms/modes 98–115 in-plane shear 114–15 longitudinal compressive 105–9 longitudinal tensile 98–105 out-of-plane loading 115 358 transverse compressive 113–14 transverse tensile 110–13 Failure of laminates, types of 244 Failure patterns in-plane shear 115 in laminates with holes 352 longitudinal compressive 106–7 longitudinal tensile 102–3 through-thickness loading 358 transverse tensile 112–14 Failure theories. See Lamina strength—Macromechanics; Laminate failure theories Fiber breaks 99–101 Fiber characterization 304–8 Fiber/matrix debonding 100–101 Fiber/matrix interphase. See Interphase Index Terms Links Fiber pullout test 308–9 Fibers advantages and disadvantages 31 performance map 32 properties of 374–75 specific modulus 32 specific strength 32 stress-strain curves 32 testing of 304–8 types of 30–32 Fiber strength utilization 266 287 292 Fiber volume ratio definition of 29 measurement of 310–11 Fiber weight ratio 29 Filament winding 37–38 First ply failure (FPF) definition of 244 safety factors for 244–46 strength components for 246–47 stress analysis for 244–46 Tsai-Wu criterion 245–46 Flat plate specimen (for biaxial testing) 345–46 Flexural laminate stiffnesses. See Laminate properties and characteristics; Stiffnesses Force resultants. See Multidirectional laminates Fracture mechanics in analysis of interlaminar fracture 284–86 in analysis of laminates with cracks 354–55 Fracture toughness. See Interlaminar fracture toughness; Laminates with cracks Index Terms Links G General anisotropic material definition of 20 stress-strain relations 63–66 Generalized Hooke’s law 63–66 Glass-ceramic matrices 35 Glass fibers 30–32 374–75 Graphite/epoxy composites 378 Graphite fibers 31–32 374–75 H Halpin-Tsai relations 48–49 53 57 60 Heterogeneity, definition of 19 Holes, laminates with. See Laminates with holes Homogeneity, definition of 19 Hooke’s law. See Generalized Hooke’s law Hybrid composites 26 27 Hybrid failure envelope 146 Hygric strains, measurement of 334–16 Hygroelastic isotropy. See Hygrothermoelastic isotropy Hygroelastic stability. See Hygrothermoelastic stability Hygrothermal effects 204–39 255–60 on laminate safety factor 255–60 on laminate strength 255–60 on mechanical behavior 205–8 physical and chemical 205 Hygrothermal force resultants 214 Hygrothermal forces, physical significance of 219–20 Hygrothermal load-deformation relations 216 Hygrothermal moment resultants 214 Index Terms Links Hygrothermal strains in a lamina 212 Hygrothermoelastic effects 204–8 Hygrothermoelastic isotropy 220–22 Hygrothermoelastic load-deformation relations 213–15 Hygrothermoelastic stability 220–22 Hygrothermoelastic stress analysis 225–27 computational procedure for 235–37 Hygrothermoelastic stress and failure analysis 255–60 I Ignition method 311 IITRI test method. See Compressive testing Image analysis method 331–12 Ineffective fiber length 102–5 Inhomogeneity, definition of 19 Initial laminate failure. See First ply failure In-plane shear modulus measurement of 322–29 prediction of 56–58 In-plane shear strength measurement of 322–29 prediction of 114–15 Interactive tensor polynomial theory. See Tsai-Wu theory Interface/Interphase characterization 308–9 Interfiber failure 27 Interlaminar failure 244 Interlaminar fracture toughness 284–86 335–42 fracture mechanics 284–86 measurement of 335–42 359 See also Mixed mode testing; Mode I testing; Mode II testing; Mode III testing Index Terms Links Interlaminar shear strength, measurement of 331–34 Interlaminar strength 120 282 Interlaminar stresses 277–79 effects of stacking sequence 279–81 See also Edge effects Interlaminar tensile strength, measurement of 329–33 Interphase characterization of 308–9 definition of 1 role of 2 Intralaminar shear strength. See In-plane shear strength Iosipescu shear test. See Shear testing Isotropy, definition of 19–20 K Kevlar/epoxy composites coefficients of thermal expansion 210 properties of 377 379–80 thermal strains 210 Kevlar fibers. See Aramid fibers Kink band. See Kink zone Kink zone 105–6 L Lamina definition of 26 properties of 29 See also Unidirectional lamina Lamina elastic behavior macromechanics 63–92 Index Terms Links Lamina elastic behavior (Cont.) mathematical and engineering constants 71–76 micromechanics 43–60 Lamina strength—Macromechanics computational procedure 139–41 evaluation of failure theories 143–48 failure theories 122–48 Hashin-Rotem theory 135–37 maximum strain theory 126–27 maximum stress theory 123–25 Tsai-Hill theory 128–30 Tsai-Wu theory 130–35 Lamina strength—Micromechanics ineffective fiber length 102–5 in-plane shear 114–15 longitudinal compression 105–9 longitudinal tension 98–105 micromechanical failure analysis 116 out-of-plane behavior 115 transverse compression 113–14 transverse tension 110–13 Laminate failure theories 271–76 Laminate properties and characteristics compliances 165–67 computational procedures for engineering properties 189–90 definition of 26 efficiency ratio of 265–67 287 engineering properties of 181–89 stiffnesses of 163–65 stiffness-strength ratio of 287 See also Multidirectional laminates Index Terms Links Laminates antisymmetric 172 antisymmetric angle-ply 174–75 antisymmetric crossply 172–74 balanced 171–75 orthotropic 175–76 orthotropic with tetragonal symmetry 176–77 quasi-isotropic 177–79 symmetric 167–70 symmetric angle-ply 170 symmetric with isotropic layers 168–69 symmetric with specially orthotropic layers 169–70 textile 192–93 Laminates with cracks 352–55 strength reduction of 353–54 Laminates with holes 280-81 348–54 biaxial testing of 352–53 failure pattern of 352 strength reduction of 350–54 Lamination residual stresses 227–29 Layup, laminate 26 Lithium aluminosilicate (LAS) 35 Load-deformation relations 163–65 Longitudinal compressive failure. See Longitudinal compressive strength Longitudinal compressive strength measurement of 318–22 prediction of 105–9 Longitudinal modulus of fiber 304–6 measurement of 316–18 prediction of 49–51 Index Terms Links Longitudinal tensile failure. See Longitudinal tensile strength Longitudinal tensile strength of fiber 304–6 measurement of 316–18 prediction of 99–100 M Macromechanics, definition of 28 Manufacturing methods 36–40 autoclave molding 37 filament winding 37–38 resin transfer molding (RTM) 38–40 vacuum assisted RTM 39–40 Material response 20–23 Material symmetry plane of 20 principal axes of 20 Material types 18 Matrix characterization 308 Matrix cracking 102 260–65 Matrix material definition of 1 properties of 376 role of 2 stress-strain curves of 34–35 types of 33–35 Matrix volume ratio definition of 29 measurement of 312 Matrix weight ratio 29 Index Terms Links Maximum strain theory 126–27 failure envelope 127 Maximum stress theory 123–25 failure envelope 124–25 off-axis strength 124–25 Mechanics of materials approach 46 Metal matrices 35 Metal matrix composites 25 properties of 381 Metals, properties of 382 Microbuckling of fibers 105–6 Micromechanics definition of 27 of discontinuous-fiber composites 58–60 104 of lamina elastic constants 43–60 of lamina failure 98–116 of lamina hygrothermal properties 208–11 of progressive failure 260–65 Micromechanics methods 43–49 bounding 46–48 mechanics of materials 44 46 self-consistent field 44–45 semiempirical (Halpin-Tsai) 48–49 Mixed mode testing 339–41 Cracked-lap shear (CLS) test 339–40 edge delamination tension (EDT) test 339–40 mixed mode bending (MMB) test 340 Mode I testing 335–37 double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen 335–36 359 height-tapered DCB (HTDCB) specimen 337 width-tapered DCB (WTDCB) specimen 336–37 Index Terms Links Mode II testing 337–39 Arcan fixture 339 cantilever beam with enclosed notch (CBEN) 339 end-loaded split laminate (ELS) 339 end-notched cantilever beam (ENCB) test 339 end-notched flexure (ENF) test 339 Mode III testing 341–42 doubly split DCB specimen 341–42 edge-cracked torsion (ECT) test 342 Modulus reduction ratio 263–65 Moiré technique 235 Moisture concentration effect on mechanical behavior 205–7 measurement of 314–16 Moisture effects. See Hygrothermal effects Moment deformation relations 163–65 Multidirectional laminates carpet plots for engineering properties 191–92 carpet plots for strength 254–55 classical lamination theory 158 coefficients of thermal and moisture expansion 216–19 compliances 165–67 computational procedure for hygrothermoelastic analysis 235–37 258–59 computational procedure for stress and failure analysis 252–53 design considerations 179–81 elastic behavior 158–98 engineering properties 181–84 force and moment resultants 161–63 load-deformation relations 163–65 modified lamination theory 193–96 Index Terms Links Multidirectional laminates (Cont.) safety factors 244–46 stiffnesses 163–65 strain-displacement relations 158–60 strength components 246–47 stress and failure analysis 243–95 types of failure 244 N Notched laminates. See Laminates with cracks; Laminates with holes O Off-axis uniaxial test 343–45 Orthotropic laminates 175–77 Orthotropy, definition of 20 Out-of-plane loading failure modes 115 shear moduli 327–28 358 P Particulate composites 24 Phenolic resin 34 Photoelastic methods 28 281 350 354 Physical characterization 330–16 Plane stress 69–70 Ply. See Lamina Ply discount method 268–70 Index Terms Links Poisson’s ratio of lamina 29 71–76 81–85 of laminates 181–84 186–92 measurement of 316–17 prediction of 50 reciprocity relations 74 82 of various types of materials 20–23 See also Engineering constants, relations for Polyester 33 376 Poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) 35 376 Polyimide 33 376 Polymeric matrices 33–35 376 Polymer matrix composites 25 377–81 Polyphenylene sulfide 35 Polypropylene 35 Polysulfone 35 Porosity. See Void volume ratio Prepregs 35–36 Principal coordinate axes for lamina 26 Principal modulus ratio 287 Principal strength ratio 287 Progressive degradation model 348 352–53 355 Progressive laminate failure 260–71 Properties of composite materials 40–42 377–88 Q Quasi-isotropic laminates 177–78 Index Terms Links R Rail shear test 325–26 Ranking of laminates 294–95 Reinforcement definition of 1 role of 2 Residual stresses 111 127–229 Resin transfer molding (RTM) 38–40 Rule of mixtures 46 49 98–100 S Safety factors for lamina 139–41 for laminates 244–46 255–59 Sandwich core materials, properties of 383 Sandwich plates 196–98 Sandwich test specimens 320–22 333 359–60 Self-consistent field method 44–45 Semiempirical methods 48–49 60 S-glass/epoxy composites coefficients of thermal expansion 210 properties of 377 thermal strains 210 S-glass fibers 30–32 374–75 Shear coupling coefficients definition of 23 82 of lamina 182–85 of laminates 183–84 189–91 Shear coupling effect 23 Index Terms Links Shear coupling stiffnesses. See Laminate properties and characteristics; Stiffnesses Shear lag analysis 58–59 104–5 262–65 Shear modulus of fiber 306 of laminates 182–83 186 189–92 measurement of 322–29 See also In-plane shear modulus Shear strength. See In-plane shear strength; Interlaminar shear strength, measurement of Shear testing 322–29 [±45]s angle-ply specimen 322–23 10° off-axis test 323–25 Arcan test 328–29 double-notch shear test 333–34 Iosipescu test 328–29 334 measurement of in-plane shear properties 322–29 rail shear tests 325–26 short-beam shear test 331–33 textile composites of 357–58 torsion tests 326–28 Short-fiber composites. See Discontinuous-fiber composites Short sandwich beam (SSB) test 333 Silicon carbide/aluminum composites properties of 381 temperature effects 206 Silicon carbide/ceramic composites 41 properties of 381 Silicon carbide fibers 30–32 374–75 Specially orthotropic material 66–67 Index Terms Links Specific modulus. See Specific stiffness Specific stiffness 13 32 41 288–89 Specific strength 13 32 41 Stacking sequence definition of 26 effects of 277 279–81 350–51 Stiffness degradation. See Stiffness reduction factors; Stiffness reduction of laminates Stiffnesses bending 164–65 coupling 164–65 extensional 164–65 of general anisotropic material 63–66 inversion of 165–67 of isotropic material 71 of lamina 70 of laminates 164–65 of specially orthotropic material 66–67 transformation of 79 81 175–76 of transversely isotropic material 67–69 Stiffness reduction factors 263 270 Stiffness reduction of laminates 260–65 Stiffness to strength ratio 287 Strain concentration factor 110–11 Strain-displacement relations 158–60 Strain energy release rate fracture mechanics 284–86 measurement of 335–42 See also Interlaminar fracture toughness Strain gage method 313–14 323–27 Index Terms Links Strains hygric 315 hygrothermal 212 in laminates 160 tensor 63–64 thermal 210 308 313 transformation of 77–78 ultimate 126–27 305 316 Strain-stress relations. See Stress-strain relations Strain transformation 77–78 Strength basic parameters of lamina 120–21 biaxial 142–43 342–48 comparison between unidirectional and angle-ply laminates 253–54 of composite lamina 120–48 of fibers 304–5 374–75 in-plane shear 114–15 322–24 interlaminar 120 282 of laminates 243–71 longitudinal 98–109 316–22 notched 350–55 transverse 110–14 316–19 of typical composites 377–81 Strength reduction ratio of notched laminates 316–22 Stress analysis of laminates 243–98 Stress concentration factor macromechanical (laminate) 349–51 micromechanical 110 115 Stress concentrations, composites with 348–55 Index Terms Links Stresses hygrothermal 225–27 interlaminar 277–81 residual 227–31 tensor 63–64 Stress-strain relations of general anisotropic material 63–66 hygrothermal 216 hygrothermoelastic 213–15 of isotropic material 71 of orthotropic material under plane stress 69–71 of specially orthotropic material 66–67 of thin lamina 76–77 of transversely isotropic material 67–69 Stress transformation 77–78 Structural testing 359–60 Symmetric balanced laminates. See Orthotropic laminates Symmetric laminates 167–70 angle-ply 170 isotropic layers and 168–69 specially orthotropic layers (crossply) and 169–70 stress and failure analysis of 244–51 T Temperature, effect of 205–8 Tensile testing of fibers 304–6 measurement of lamina properties 316–18 ring specimen 317–18 specimen geometry 317 through-thickness testing 329–31 Index Terms Links Testing. See Biaxial testing; Compressive testing; Interlaminar fracture toughness; Interlaminar tensile strength, measurement of; Shear testing; Tensile testing; Testing of composite materials Testing of composite materials 303–64 Test methods for unidirectional lamina 362 Tetragonal symmetry 176–77 Textile composites failure criteria 137–38 in-plane compressive testing 356–57 in-pIane shear testing 357 in-plane tensile testing 355–56 interlaminar fracture toughness 359 laminates 192–93 test methods 355–59 through-thickness testing 357–59 Thermal forces 214 218–20 Thermal moments 214 219–20 Thermal strains 210 307–8 313–14 Thermal stresses. See Residual stresses Thermoelastic isotropy. See Hygrothermoelastic isotropy Thermoelastic stability. See Hygrothermoelastic stability Thermoplastics 35 Thermoset polymers 33–35 Thin-wall tubular specimen 346–48 Through-thickness testing 329–34 compressive testing 331 interlaminar shear testing 331–33 tensile testing 329–31 Torsion coupling stiffnesses. See Laminate properties and characteristics; Stiffnesses Index Terms Links Torsion tube test 226–27 Transformation Computational procedure for 84 of elastic parameters (three-dimensional) 90–92 386–87 of elastic parameters (two-dimensional) 78–81 of engineering constants 83–87 of lamina stiffnesses and compliances 79–81 of laminate stiffnesses and compliances 175–77 of stress and strain (three-dimensional) 88–90 of stress and strain (two-dimensional) 77–78 of stress-strain relations 81 Transverse compressive strength measurement of 318–22 prediction of 113 Transversely isotropic material 67–69 Transverse modulus measurement of 316–17 prediction of 51–56 Transverse shear effect of 193–96 Transverse tensile strength measurement of 316–17 prediction of 110–13 Tsai-Hill criterion. See Tsai-Hill theory Tsai-Hill theory 128–30 off-axis strength 129 134 Tsai-Wu criterion for first ply failure 244–46 with hygrothermal stresses 255–56 Index Terms Links Tsai-Wu theory 130–35 biaxial strength 142–43 failure envelope 135 lamina strength components 139–41 off-axis strength 134 safety factor 139 U Ultimate laminate failure 244 265–71 Ultimate strains, measurement of 305 316–17 Unidirectional composites, properties of 40–42 377–81 Unidirectional lamina characterization of 316–29 coefficients of thermal and moisture expansion 208–11 determination of strength components 140–41 failure mechanisms 98–116 hygrothermal strains 212 macromechanical failure theories 122–48 macromechanical strength parameters 120–21 measurement of compressive properties 318–22 measurement of shear properties 322–29 measurement of tensile properties 316–18 micromechanics of failure and strength 98–116 off-axis strength 124–25 129 See also Lamina elastic behavior; Lamina strength—Macromechanics; Lamina strength—Micromechanics Index Terms Links V Vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) 39–40 Vinylester 33 34 376 Void volume ratio definition of 29 measurement of 311–12 W Warpage of laminates 232–33 Woven carbon/epoxy 85–86 379–80 Woven fabrics 33–34 Woven glass/epoxy 379–80 Woven Kevlar/epoxy 379–80 X X-radiography 261 Y Young's modulus of fiber 304–6 of lamina 81–85 of laminates 181–92 measurement of 316–17 of off-axis lamina 343–45 prediction of 49–53 See also Engineering constants, relations fix
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