كتاب Engineering Graphic Modelling - A Workbook for Design Engineers
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 كتاب Engineering Graphic Modelling - A Workbook for Design Engineers

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Engineering Graphic Modelling  - A Workbook for Design Engineers
Ε. Tjalve
M. M. Andreasen
F. Frackmann Schmidt
(Laboratory of Engineering Design,
The Technical University of Denmark)
English translation edited by Dr. Geoff Pitts,
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southampton University)  

كتاب Engineering Graphic Modelling - A Workbook for Design Engineers  E_g_m_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Our aim in writing this book is to bring together the basic material which we
have evolved during the past years for the teaching of mechanical engineering
design draughtsmanship. We have adopted what is, in many ways, a novel
approach, which aims to develop the student's grasp of three-dimensional
perception with the creative use of freehand sketching, which is the essential
mode of expression in conceptual design.
The book is made up of individual work sheets arranged in a logical
order. The method of using the book is fully explained on page 1, and
the student or draughtsman is urged to read this carefully before delving
into the book. Once understood in their inter-relationship, these work sheets
will be of continuing value for reference purposes. We must emphasise that
the book is essentially an introduction to draughtsmanship in a similar way
to which a book of exercises and scales is to the young musician.
The book aims to develop a fluency of thought and expression, through
a mastery of the manual skills which play an all-important role in design
draughtsmanship. For a grounding in formal drawing office practice, the
student should refer to one of the many texts which are available.
When an established specialist subject is treated from a basically novel
point of view, problems of terminology will arise. These problems are
magnified in translation into another language. We are very grateful to
Dr. Geoff Pitts for his work in bringing the book into accordance with
English drawing practice and terminology.
E. Tjalve
M. M. Andreasen
F. Frackmann Schmidt
Editor s Foreword
It is a pleasure to have been invited to edit the English translation of this
work. The text provides an unusual approach to the topic of engineering
drawing. Often the authors of such books become preoccupied with setting
out the rules at the expense of relating the subject to the broader engineering
The authors of this text have set out to show how engineering drawing
relates to the design activity, and by so doing should stimulate the interest
of the student in what can become a very stereotyped subject. The book
should also cause the designer and draughtsman to think more carefully
about the role of drawing in engineering design communication.
A number of changes have been made to the original version to relate it to
the English speaking reader. Conventions in drawing have evolved on the
basis of what has been satisfactory in use. Some conventions are obvious
because they are a pictorial representation resembling the actual situation,
or because they are sufficiently close to a standard convention as to be
interpreted accurately, the latter situation often occurs where a company
uses its own version of a national standard. For these reasons it will be
found that not all the examples rigorously follow the national or international
drawing conventions, to do so would limit the scope of the book in its
attempt to project drawing as a communication medium in which the
creator and the receiver have knowledge of the drawing code.
Finally, it is hoped that the changes which have been made will not detract
from the excellence of the original volume.
Geoffrey Pitts H o w to Use this Book
Every stage of engineering design requires some form of
drawing to support it. The type of drawing depends on the
purpose of the drawing and the information it contains. This
book sets out the different drawing types and relates them to
the situations in which they are used.
It is important that the following introduction on pages
2—12 is studied first, because it provides the thread linking
the various sections of the text. The drawing key on page 13
can then be used to identify the work sheet of interest.
In order to communicate basic concepts the authors have
used some words in their 'purist' form, which is not necessarily
the meaning normally applied to them by engineers. The most
obvious examples are:
Structure being the manner in which ideas OR concepts are
brought together OR the way in which system elements are
Surface being the general concept of expressing the properties
of the surface and more specifically surface finish.

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