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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Advances in Mechanisms Design السبت 10 أكتوبر 2020, 12:40 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Advances in Mechanisms Design Jaroslav Beran , Martin Bílek , Monika Hejnova , Petr Zabka Editors Proceedings of TMM 2012
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Part I General Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Mobile Wheel-Legged Robot: Researching of Suspension Leveling System 3 J. Bałchanowski Comparison of Alternative Equivalent Circuits of Induction Motor with Real Machine Data 13 J. Bradna, J. Bauer, S. Fligl and V. Hlinovsky Band Mechanism with Nonlinear Gear Ratio for Gravity Force Balance: Design and Analysis in Total System Network 21 F. Ebert and M. Berger Application of the Research Environment e-Kinematix in Mechanism Development 27 G. Lonij, B. Corves, M. Reeßing and M. Razum Advanced Digitization Techniques in Retrieval of Mechanism and Machine Science Resources . 35 E-Ch. Lovasz, C. M. Gruescu, V. Ciupe, I. Carabas, D. Margineanu, I. Maniu and N. Dehelean Trends in Development of Positioning Mechanisms . 43 F. Palcˇák New Models of Mechanisms for the Motion Transformation 49 Tomislav Petrovic´ and Ivan Ivanov xiStructural Synthesis of a Class of the Parallel Mechanisms Providing Plane-Parallel Displacement of a Mobile Platform 57 L. Rybak, A. Chichvarin, R. Sidorenko and J. Šklíba Development of a Wearable Assist Robot for Walk Rehabilitation After Knee Arthroplasty Surgery 65 H. Terada, Y. Zhu, K. Horiguchi, M. Nakamura and R. Takahashi Modeling of Lifting Equipment with Backlash Consideration . 73 J. Vondrich and E. Thöndel Analysis of Automatic Automotive Gear Boxes by Means of Versatile Graph-Based Methods 81 J. Drewniak, J. Kopec´ and S. Zawis´lak Part II Analysis and Synthesis of Planar and Spatial Mechanisms, Linkages and Cams Direct and Inverse Kinematic of 3DOF Parallel Mechanism with Singularity Analysis 89 J. Bałchanowski Measuring of Radial Cams Contours . 97 V. Crhak High-Speed Parallel Shaft Indexing Drive . 105 P. Dostrašil, F. Hartig, M. Václavík and P. Jirásko A Simplified Design with a Toothed Belt and Non-circular Pulleys to Separate Parts from a Magazine File . 113 U. Hanke, K.-H. Modler, R. Neumann and C. Fischer Path Generation of Regular Polygon Using a Geared-Parallelogram Mechanism 121 S. Lin, Y. Fan, Z. Ren and U. Hanke MOCAD: A Tool for Graphical and Interactive Calculation and Optimization of Cam Mechanisms and Motion Control Systems . 129 A. Heine and M. Berger Efficiency of Integrated Anti-Backlash Designed Planetary Gearbox 137 V. Kloucˇek xii ContentsNumerical Method for Determination of Base Circle Radius of Cam Mechanisms with Oscillating Flat-Face Follower 143 E.-C. Lovasz, D. Perju, C. M. Gruescu, K.-H. Modler, Ca˘ra˘bas¸ I and E. S. Za˘bava˘ Analytical Displacement and Velocity Modeling of the RSSR-SS Linkage 151 Q. Shen, K. Russell and R. S. Sodhi Part III Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms, Rotor Dynamics, Vibration and Noise in Machines, Computational Mechanics Shaking Force Minimization of High-Speed Robots via Optimal Trajectory Planning . 159 S. Briot, V. Arakelian and J.-P. Le Baron Nonlinear Antiresonance Vibrating Screen . 167 V. N. Belovodskiy, S. L. Bukin and M. Y. Sukhorukov Modeling and Simulation of a Slider Crank Mechanism with a Flexible Extensible Link . 175 M. Dupac and S. Noroozi Multipoint Contact Approach to the Analysis of Interacting Flexible Bodies Vibration 181 M. Hajzˇman and D. Rychecky´ Dynamic Analysis of Resonance: Bifurcation Characteristics of Non-linear Parametric Systems . 187 M. Hortel, A. Škuderová, C. Kratochvíl and M. Houfek Control of Compliant Mechanisms with Large Deflections . 193 D. Kern, J. Bauer and W. Seemann About Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics of the Elastic Rod Elements in Practice of Chisel Works 201 L. Khajiyeva Dynamic Analysis of Hammer Mechanism ‘‘Twin Hammer’’ of Impact Wrench . 209 M. Konecˇny´ and J. Slavík Contents xiiiForces and Moments Acting on the Fluttering Profile . 217 J. Kozánek, V. Vlcek and I. Zolotarev Rotor-Liquid-Fundament System’s Oscillation 223 A. Kydyrbekuly Simulations of Radiation Heat Transfer in Design of Alternative Infrared Emitters . 231 J. Loufek Creating a Mathematical Model for Solving Chatter and Dealing the Problems Concerning the Maximum Allowable Size of a Machining Chip . 237 J. Ondrášek Impact of Thermal Stresses on Micro-Fabricated Devices Used for Optical Applications 245 K. Malinauskas, V. Ostasevicius and R. Dauksevicius Exponential Damping as an Approach to Internal Hysteretic Damping of Rotor Systems: FEM Model of Timoshenko Rotating Beam with Maxwell-Weichert Damping Model . 253 Antonín Skarolek Contribution to Numerical Analysis of Uncertain Mechanical Systems Using Probability and Possibility Theory . 263 M. Vaško, M. Sága and V. Deky´š Reducing the Steady State Vibrations of Flexible Rotors by Squeezing Thin Layers of Normal and Magneto Rheological Oils 271 J. Zapomeˇl and P. Ferfecki Part IV Robots and Manipulators Development of an Upper Limb Motorized Assistive-Rehabilitative Robot 281 Masoud Amiri and Federico Casolo Workspace Evaluation for Analysis and Synthesis of Manipulators . 289 M. Ceccarelli xiv ContentsThe Force Reaction Control of the Wheel-Legged Robot’s Limb Prototype . 303 A. Gronowicz, J. Szrek and S. Wudarczyk Method for Planning the Finger’s Movement in the Anthropomorphic Manipulator Hand-K3, Using a Tactile Sensors Network, with the Aim of Optimal Grasping . 309 A. Handke and W. Twaróg Development of Spherical Ultrasonic Motor as a Camera Actuator for Pipe Inspection Robot . 317 M. Hoshina and S. Toyama Research on Multi-Directional Pose Accuracy Variation to a Welding Robot 323 V. Vacarescu, E. Ch. Lovasz and C. F. Buciuman Part V Biomechanics Inverse Dynamics Model for the Ankle Joint with Applications in Tibia Malleolus Fracture 331 E. Budescu, E. Merticaru and M. Chirazi Dynamic Characteristics of Prosthetic Feet: A Comparison Between Modal Parameters of Walking, Running and Sprinting Foot 339 S. Noroozi, A. G. A. Rahman, M. Dupac and J. E. Vinney Biomechanical Solutions in Tibial Malleolus Fracture . 345 C. Oprisan, E. Budescu and V. Cotoros Validation of Human Body Model VIRTHUMAN and its Implementation in Crash Scenarios 351 Ing. Jaroslav Manˇas, Ing. Ludeˇk Kovárˇ, Ing. Jan Petrˇík, Ing. Hana Cˇ echová and Ing. Stanislav Špirk Numerical Simulation of the Self-Oscillations of the Vocal Folds and of the Resulting Acoustic Phenomena in the Vocal Tract . 357 P. Švancara, J. Horácˇek and J. G. Švec Contents xvPart VI Optimization of Mechanisms and Machines, The Mechanisms of Textile Machines Analysis of Heald Motion During of Weaving Process 367 M. Bilek Kinematic Design and Ideal Dimensioning of New Highly Dynamic Drive Assemblies for Knitting and Braiding Machines 375 D. Denninger, M. Berger and A. Heine Analysis of the Loop Spinning System 383 J. Beran and M. Hejnova Adjusting the Chain Gear . 393 Z. Koloc, J. Korf and P. Kavan Modification of Upper Thread Tensioner of Sewing Machine . 401 P. Kloucˇek and P. Škop Optimization of Car Seats in the Interaction of Sitting Man on the Size of the Contact Pressure 407 R. Martonka and V. Fliegel Trajectories of Dop Points on a Machining Wheel During Grinding of High Quality Plane Surfaces . 413 I. Petrikova, R. Vrzala and J. Kafka A Design and Optimization of the Fully Automatic Shunting Mechanism 421 A. Sapietova and V. Dekys Modelling and Optimization of the Half Model of a Passenger Car with Magnetorheological Suspension System 429 S. Segla Optimization of Industrial Sewing Machine Balancing Using Adams and Mathematica Software 437 P. Šidlof and J. OndráŠek Application of the Impact-Free Lift Dependence in Small-Diameter Knitting Machines . 445 J. Skrˇivánek and M. Bilek xvi ContentsThe Optimal Design of an Auxiliary Switch for an Internal Combustion Engine Starter 451 J. Stropnik Construction for High Pressure Application on 3D Nanofibers 459 L. Ševcˇík and D. Vejrych Dynamic Properties of Traversing Rod . 469 P. Zˇ abka, J. Valtera and J. Beran Flexible Elements in the Mechanisms of Weaving Machines 475 J. Zˇ ák Part VII Mechatronics, Control and Monitoring Systems of Machines New Conception of Waving Machine CamEl Drive . 483 A. Bílkovsky´, O. Marek, P. Jirásko and Z. Volansky´ Application of Motion API for Input Production Data in a Single-Purpose Machine Tool with Control System by YASKAWA . 489 P. Bureš The Conception of the Control System of Radial Cam Grinder 495 P. Jirásko, V. Crhák and P. Bureš An Analysis of Planetary Gearboxes for Their Use With Electronic Cam . 501 P. Dostrašil, P. Jirásko and M. Bušek DC/DC Power Converter for Super-Capacitor Supplied by Electric Power Splitter . 509 T. Haubert and P. Mindl Traction Control System for Formula Student Electric 517 Z. Houf, Z. Cˇ erˇovsky´ and V. Hlinovsky´ Electro Dermal Quantification of Some Dental Treatment’s Efficiency 523 M. Mateas and E. Ianosi Contents xviiServo Control Using Wave-Based Method . 531 O. Marek Drives Dynamic Models Implementation with Regard to Real-Time Simulation 537 J. Opálka High Performance Real-Time Simulation for Control Systems Development on Fast but Ordinary PC . 543 J. Rameš Function Properties of Electronic Cam with Great Unevenness of Angular Speed . 549 P. Šidlof and P. Kloucˇek Index
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Advances in Mechanisms Design رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Advances in Mechanisms Design