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| موضوع: كتاب Introduction to Optimum Design السبت 03 أكتوبر 2020, 1:15 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Introduction to Optimum Design Third Edition Jasbir S. Arora The University of Iowa College of Engineering Iowa City, Iowa
و المحتوى كما يلي :
1 Introduction to Design Optimization 2 Optimum Design Problem Formulation 3 Graphical Optimization and Basic Concepts 4 Optimum Design Concepts 5 More on Optimum Design Concepts 6 Optimum Design with Excel Solver 7 Optimum Design with MATLAB 8 Linear Programming Methods for Optimum Design 9 More on Linear Programming Methods for Optimum Design 10 Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimum Design 11 More on Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimum Design 12 Numerical Methods for Constrained Optimum Design 13 More on Numerical Methods for Constrained Optimum Design 14 Practical Applications of Optimization 15 Discrete Variable Optimum Design Concepts and Methods 16 Genetic Algorithms for Optimum Design 17 Multi-objective Optimum Design Concepts and Methods 18 Global Optimization Concepts and Methods 19 Nature-Inspired Search Methods 20 Additional Topics on Optimum Design Index A Acceptance criterion, 697 Acceptance rejection (A-R) method, 697 698 Acceptance/rejection of trial design, 717 ACO. See Ant Colony Optimization Adaptive numerical method for discrete variable optimization, 636 641 continuous variable optimization, 636 637 discrete variable optimization, 637 641 Advanced first-order second moment method, 777 781 Agent, 727 Algebra, vector and matrix. See Vector and matrix algebra Algorithm, for traveling salesman problem, 721 724 Algorithm does not converge, 217 Algorithms attributes of good optimization, 588 conceptual local-global, 699 700 constrained problems, 417 constraint correction, 638 convergence of, 417 CSD, 526 527 Phase I, 337 Phase II, 339 345 robust, 587 selection of, 587 Simplex, 384 385 Algorithms, concepts related to numerical. See Numerical algorithms Algorithms, SLP. See Sequential Linear Programming algorithms Algorithms for step size determination, ideas, 418 421 alternate equal interval search, 425 analytical method to compute step size, 419 421 definition of one-dimensional minimization subproblem, 419 equal interval search, 423 424 example—analytical step size determination, 420 example—minimization of function by golden section search, 429 golden section search, 425 430 numerical methods and compute step size, 421 430 Alternate equal interval search, 425 Alternate quadratic interpolation, 447 448 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 231 232 Analyses engineering, 4 operations, 702 705 Analysis, postoptimality. See Postoptimality analysis Analysis of means (ANOM), 749 Analytical method, 419 421 Ant behavior, 718 720 simple model/algorithm, 719 720 Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), 718 727 algorithm for design optimization, 724 727 algorithm for traveling salesman problem, 721 724 behavior, 718 720 Application to different engineering fields, 52 example problem, 724 725 feasible solutions, finding, 725 pheromone deposit, 726 727 pheromone evaporation, 726 problem definition, 724 Array operation, 276 Artificial cost function, 336, 383 Artificial variables, 334 347, 382 383 cost function, 336 definition of Phase I problem, 336 337 degenerate basic feasible solution, 345 347 example—feasible problem, 342 example—implications of degenerate feasible solution, 346 example—unbounded problem, 344 example—use of artificial variables, 344 example—use of artificial variables for equality constraints, 342 example—use of artificial variables for $ type constraints, 339 Phase I algorithm, 337 Phase II algorithm, 339 345 use for equality constraints, 342 Ascents, alternation of descents, 687 Asymmetric three-bar structure, 594 598 Augmented Lagrangian methods, 479 481 B Basic feasible solution, degenerate, 346 BBM. See Branch and bound method Beam, design of rectangular, 174 187 Beam design problem, graphical solution for, 82 94 Binary variable defined, 619 Binomial crossover, 717 Bound-constrained optimization, 549 553 861Bound-constrained optimization (Continued) optimality conditions, 549 550 projection methods, 550 552 step size calculation, 552 553 Bounded objective function method, 675 676 Brackets design of two-bar, 30 36 design of wall, 171 174 Branch and bound method (BBM), 623 628 basic, 623 624 example—BBM with local minimizations, 626 example—BBM with only discrete values allowed, 624 for general MV-OPT, 627 628 with local minimization, 625 627 British versus SI units. See U.S. British versus SI units Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method, 470 472 C Cabinet design, 37 40 Calculation of basic solution, 314 320 basic solutions to Ax 5 b, 317 320 pivot step, 316 317 tableau, 314 316 Calculus concepts, 103 115 example—calculation of gradient vector, 105 example—evaluation of gradient and Hessian of function, 106 example—linear Taylor’s expansion of function, 109 example—Taylor’s expansion of a function of one variable, 108 example—Taylor’s expansion of a function of two variables, 108 gradient vector, 103 105 Hessian matrix, 105 106 necessary and sufficient conditions, 115 116 quadratic forms and definite matrices, 109 115 Taylor’s expansion, 106 109 Can design, 25 26 Canonical form/general solution of Ax 5 b, 308 309 Changing constraint limits, effect of, 153 156 Chromosome, 645, 715 716 Clustering methods, 691 694 Coefficient matrix, changes in, 361 375 Coefficient of variation, 773 Coefficients, ranging cost, 359 361 Coil springs, design of, 43 46 Column design for minimum mass, 286 290 minimum weight tubular, 40 42 Column matrix, 787 820 Columns, graphical solutions for minimum weight tubular, 80 81 Column vector, 787 820 Compression members, optimum design of, 243 250, 244t discussion, 250 example—elastic buckling solution, 249 example—inelastic buckling solution, 247 formulation of problem, 243 247 formulation of problem, for elastic buckling, 249 250 formulation of problem, for inelastic buckling, 247 248 Compromise solution, 665 Computer programs, sample, 823 equal interval search, 823 826 golden section search, 826 828 modified Newton’s method, 829 steepest descent method, 829 Concepts, optimum design. See also Optimum design concepts duality in NLP, 201 212 exercises, 178 180 necessary conditions, for equality-constrained problem, 130 137 necessary conditions, for general constrained problem, 137 153 Concepts, solution. See Solution concepts Concepts and methods, multiobjective optimum design. See Multi-objective optimum design concepts and methods Conditions descent, 416 second-ordered, 194 199 transformation of KKT, 403 404 Conditions, alternate form of KKT necessary, 189 192 example—alternate form of KKT conditions, 190 example—check for KKT necessary conditions, 191 Conditions, concepts relating to optimality, 116 117 Conjugate gradient method, 434 436, 484 example—use of conjugate gradient algorithm, 435 436 Constrained design, numerical methods for, 491 574 algorithms and constrained problems, 492 495 basic concepts and ideas, 492 499 constrained quasi-Newton methods, 573 constraint normalization, 496 498 constraint status at design point, 495 496 convergence of algorithms, 498 499 CSD method, 525 531 descent function, 498 example—constraint normalization and status at point, 497 inexact step size determination, s, 0035 linearization of constrained problem, 541 miscellaneous numerical optimization methods, 564 569 potential constraint strategy, 534 537 QP problem, 513 514 QP subproblem, 514 520 SLP algorithm, 506 513 Constrained optimum design problems, 281 282 example—constrained minimization problem using fmincon, 281 example—constrained optimum point, 138 example—cylindrical tank design, 127 862 INDEXexample—equality constrained problem, 140 example—fmincon in Optimization Toolbox, 281 example—inequality constrained problem, 140 example—infeasible problem, 139 example—Lagrange multipliers and their geometrical meaning, 131 example—solution of KKT necessary conditions, 145, 146, 150 example—use of Lagrange multipliers, 136 example—use of necessary conditions, 140 inequality constraints, 137 139 KKT, 139 152 necessary conditions, 137 153 necessary conditions: equality constraints, 137 153 Constrained optimization, secondorder conditions for, 194 199 example—check for sufficient conditions, 197 solution of KKT necessary conditions using Excel, 222 solution of KKT necessary conditions using MATLAB, 149 Constrained optimum design, numerical methods for, 533 574 bound-constrained optimization, 549 553 inexact step size calculation, 537 549 potential constraints trategy, 534 537 QP subproblem, 514 520 quasi-Newton Hessian approximation, 557 558 search direction calculation, 514 520 SQP, 513 514, 553 563 step size calculation subproblem, 520 525 Constrained problems, concepts related to algorithms for, 492 495 Constrained problems, linearization of, 499 506 example—definition of linearized subproblem, 500 506 example—linearization of rectangular beam design problem, 504 Constrained quasi-Newton methods. See also Sequential quadratic programming descent functions, 563 deviation of QP subproblem, 554 557 example—use of constrained quasi-Newton method, 560 observations on, 561 563 quasi-Newton Hessian approximation, 557 558 Constrained steepest-descent (CSD) method, 513, 525 527 algorithm, 526 527 algorithm, with inexact step size, 542 549 descent function, 538 542 example—calculation of descent function, 540 example—golden section search, 429 example—use of CSD algorithm, 542 step size determination, 444 450 Constrained variable metric (CVM). See Sequential quadratic programming Constraint correction (CC), algorithm for, 638 Constraint limits, effect of changing, 155 Constraint normalization, 496 498 Constraints, 300 linear, 23 notation for, 8 9 Constraints, formulation of, 22 25 equality and inequality constraints, 23 feasibility design, 23 implicit constraints, 23 25 linear and nonlinear constraints, 23 Constraint status at design point, 495 496 Constraint strategy, potential, 534 537, 587 example—determination of potential constraint set, 534 example—search direction and potential constraint strategy, 536 Constraint tangent hyperplane, 194 Continuous variable optimization, 608 609, 636 637 Contours plotting of function, 75 77 plotting of objective function, 74 Control, optimal, 6 Control effort problem, minimum, 608 609 Controlled random search (CRS), 694 697 Control of systems by nonlinear programming. See Nonlinear programming, control of systems by Control problems minimum time, 609 610 prototype optimal, 598 602 Conventional versus optimum design, 4 5 Convergence of algorithms, 417 Convergence ratio, 482 Convex functions, 162 164 Convex programming problem, 164 170 Convex sets, 160 161 Correction algorithm, constraint, 638 Correlation coefficient, 773 Cost algorithm for constraint correction at constant, 638 algorithm for constraint correction at specified increase in, 638 constraint correction with minimum increase in, 638 Cost coefficients, ranging, 359 361 Cost function, 300 Cost function, artificial, 336 Cost function scaling, effect on Lagrange multipliers, 156 157 Covariance, 773 Covering methods, 684 685 Criterion, acceptance, 697 Criterion method, weighted global, 673 674 INDEX 863Criterion space and design space, 660 662 Crossover operation to generate trial design, 716 717 CRS. See Controlled random search CSD, 527 531, 572 constrained quasi-Newton methods, 573 CSD method, 530 531 linearization of constrained problem, 528 529 QP subproblem, 529 SLP algorithm, 529 CSD method. See Constrained steepest-descent method Cumulative distribution function, 770 Curve fitting, quadratic, 444 447 Cylindrical tank design, minimum cost, 42 43 D Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) method, 467 469 DE. See Domain elimination (DE) DE algorithm, 717 718 notation and terminology for, 715t Definite matrices, quadratic forms and, 109 115 Definitions, standard LP, 300 302 Degenerate basic feasible solution, 345 347 Derivative-based methods, 214 Derivative-free methods, 215 Derivatives of functions, 12 13 first partial derivatives, 12 partial derivatives, of vector functions, 13 second partial derivatives, 13 Descent, methods of generalized, 686 688 Descent algorithm, 432 434 Descent condition, 417, 538 542 Descent direction, 415 417 descent step, 415 417 orthogonality of steepest, 454 455 rate of convergence, 417 Descent function, 498, 520 522, 563 example, 522 Descent method, steepest, 431 434, 451 455, 482 483 example—verification of properties of gradient vector, 453 properties of gradient vector, 451 454 Descents and ascents, alternation of, 687 Descent search, steepest, 829 Descent step, 415 417 Design, 714 of cabinet, 37 40 of can, 25 26 of column, 286 290 of flywheel, 290 298 of insulated spherical tank, 26 28 of minimum cost cylindrical tank, 42 43 of minimum weight tubular column, 40 42 multiple optimum, 77 of rectangular beam, 547 of two-bar bracket, 30 36 of wall bracket, 171 178 Design, GA for optimum. See Genetic algorithms (GA) for optimum design Design, global optimization concepts and methods for. See Global optimization concepts and methods Design, introduction to, 1 16 basic terminology and notation, 6 13 conventional versus optimum design process, 4 5 design process, 2 4 engineering design versus engineering analysis, 4 optimum design versus optimal control, 6 Design, linear programming methods for. See Linear programming methods for optimum design Design, mathematical model for optimum. See Mathematical model for optimum design Design, numerical methods for constrained. See Constrained design, numerical methods for Design, numerical methods for constrained optimum. See Constrained optimum design, numerical methods for Design, numerical methods for unconstrained optimum. See Unconstrained optimum design, numerical methods for Design concepts, optimum. See Optimum design concepts Design concepts and methods, discrete variable. See Discrete variable optimum design concepts and methods Design concepts and methods, multi-objective. See Multiobjective optimum design concepts and methods Design examples, engineering, 171 178 Design examples with MATLAB, optimum, 284 298 Design of experiments for response surface generation, 741 748 example—generation of a response surface using an orthogonal array, 744 example—optimization using RSM, 746 Design optimization applications with implicit functions, 576 582 practical applications with implicit functions, 575 618 Design optimization, issues in practical. See Practical design optimization, issues in Design optimization applications with implicit functions adaptive numerical method for discrete variable optimization, 636 641 general-purpose software, 589 590 gradient evaluation for implicit functions, 582 587 issues in practical design optimization, 587 588 multiple performance requirements, 592 598 optimal control of systems by nonlinear programming, 598 612 864 INDEXoptimum design of three-bar structure, 592 598 optimum design of two-member frame, 590 591 out-of plane loads, 590 591 practical design optimization problems, 576 582 Design point, 714 constraint status at, 578 582 Design problem formulation, optimum, 17 64 design of cabinet, 37 40 design of can, 25 26 design of coil springs, 43 46 design of two-bar bracket, 30 36 general mathematical model for optimum design, 50 64 insulated spherical tank design, 26 28 minimum cost cylindrical tank design, 42 43 minimum weight design of symmetric three-bar truss, 46 50 minimum weight tubular column design, 40 42 problem formulation process, 18 25 saw mill operation, 28 30 Design problems classification of mixed variable optimum, 621 622 graphical solutions for rectanglar beam, 82 94 with multiple solutions, 77 78 sufficiency check for rectangular beam, 199 201 Design problems, constrained optimum. See Constrained optimum design problems Design problems, unconstrained optimum, 116 129 Design process, 2 4 Design representation, 645 646 Design space, 660 662 Design variables, scaling of, 456 459 example—effect of scaling of design variables, 456 Design vector, 714 Desirable direction, 415 Determination, search direction, 431 436 Deterministic methods, 684 689 covering methods, 684 685 methods of generalized descent, 686 688 tunneling method, 688 689 zooming method, 685 686 Diagonal matrix, 791 821 Differential evolution algorithm, 714 718 A-R of trial design, 717 crossover operation to generate trial design, 716 717 DE algorithm, 717 718 generation of donor design, 716 generation of initial population, 715 716 Digital human modeling, 614 617 Direct Hessian updating, 470 472 Directions descent, 415 417 desirable, 415 417 method of feasibility, 564 565 orthogonality of steepest descent, 454 455 Direct search methods, 214 215, 412, 485 489, 713 Hooke-Jeeves method, 486 489 univariate search, 485 486 Discrete design with orthogonal arrays, 749 753 example—discrete design with an orthogonal array, 752 Discrete variable optimization, 609 610, 636 641 Discrete variable optimum design concepts and methods, 619 642 adaptive numerical method for, 607 608 basic concepts and definitions, 620 623 BBM, 623 628 dynamic rounding-off method, 632 633 IP, 628 629 methods for linked discrete variables, 633 635 neighborhood search method, 633 SA, 630 632 selection of methods, 635 sequential linearization methods, 629 Domain elimination (DE), 707 708 method, 700 702 Dominance, efficiency and, 664 665 Duality in nonlinear programming, 201 212 local duality, equality constraints case, 201 206 local duality, inequality constraints case, 206 212 Dynamic rounding-off method, 632 633 E Efficiency and dominance, 664 665 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 816 818 example—calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 816 818 Eigenvectors, eigenvalues and, 816 818 Elements, off-diagonal, 791 821 Elimination, Gauss-Jordan, 800 803 Elimination domain, 700 702 Engine, optimization, 667 Engineering applications of unconstrained methods, 472 477 Engineering design examples, 171 178 design of rectangular beam, 174 187 design of wall bracket, 171 174 Engineering design optimization using Excel Solver, 231 238 data and information collection, 233 234 definition of design variables, 234 formulation of constraints, 234 235 identification of criterion to be optimized, 234 project/problem statement, 231 233 solution, 238 Solver dialog box, 237 238 spreadsheet layout, 235 237 Engineering design versus engineering analysis, 4 Equal interval search, 423 424, 823 826 alternate, 425 INDEX 865Equality-constrained problem, necessary conditions, 130 137 Lagrange multipliers, 131 135 Lagrange multiplier theorem, 135 137 Equality constraints case, local duality, 201 206 Equations general solution of m 3 n linear, 792 803 solution of m linear, 804 809 Errors, minimization of, 602 608 Evaluation, gradient, 575 576 Excel Solver, 218 223 for LP problems, 225 227 for NLP, optimum design of springs, 227 231 roots of a set of nonlinear equations, 222 223 roots of a nonlinear equation, 219 221 for unconstrained optimization problems, 224 Excel Solver, optimum design of plate girders using. See also Plate girders, optimum design using Excel Solver data and information collection, 233 234 identification/definition of design variables, 234 identification of constraints, 234 235 identification of criterion to be optimized, 234 project/problem statement, 231 233 solution, 235 237 Solver dialog box, 237 238 spreadsheet layout, 235 237 Excel Solver, optimum design with, 213 274. See also Optimum design, with Excel Solver for LP problems, 225 227 for NLP, optimum design of springs, 227 231 numerical methods for optimum design, 213 218 optimum design of compression members, 243 250 optimum design of members for flexure, 250 263 optimum design of plate girders using excel solver, 231 238 optimum design of telecommunication poles, 263 273 optimum design of tension members, 238 243 for unconstrained optimization problems, 224 Excel worksheet, 222 223 Expansion, Taylor’s. See Taylor’s expansion Expected value, 772 774 Expressions, variables and, 275 276 F Feasible directions, method of, 564 565 Feasible points, finding, 216 Feasible region, identification of, 73 Feasible solution, degenerate basic, 345 347 Feasible solutions, finding, 725 726 initial link, selection, 726 link from layer R, 726 solution for all ants, 726 Filters, Pareto-set, 670 First-order reliability method (FORM), 781 Fitness functions, Pareto, 669 Fitting, quadratic curve, 444 447 Flywheel design for minimum mass, 290 298 data and information collection, 290 292 definition of design variables, 292 formulation of constraints, 292 optimization criterion, 292 project/problem statement, 290 Formulation, design problem. See Design problem formulation Formulation process, problem. See Problem formulation process Formulations, comparison of three, 611 612 Function contours plotting, 75 77 plotting of objective, 74 Functions artificial cost, 336 descent, 498, 520 522 normalization of objective, 667 Pareto fitness, 669 plotting, 72 73 utility, 665 666 Functions, convex, 162 164 Functions, implicit, designing practical applications with, 575 618 Functions, implicit, gradient evaluation for, 582 587 example—gradient evaluation for two-member frame, 583 Functions of single variables, optimality conditions for, 117 122 G GA. See Genetic algorithms Gaussian (normal) distribution, 773 774 Gaussian elimination procedure, 796 800 Gauss-Jordan elimination, 800 803 Gene, defined, 645 General concepts, gradient-based methods. See Gradient-based search methods General constrained problem, necessary conditions, 137 153 KKT necessary conditions, 139 152 role of inequalities, 137 139 summary of KKT solution approach, 152 153 General iterative algorithm, 413 415 Generalized descent, methods of, 686 688 Generalized reduced gradient (GRG) method, 567 569 General-purpose software, use of, 589 590 integration of application into, 589 590 Generation, 644, 714 Generation of donor design, 716 Generation of initial population, 715 716 Genetic algorithms (GA), fundamentals of, 646 651 amount of crossover and mutation, 649 866 INDEXcrossover, 648 elitist strategy, 670 immigration, 651 leader of population, 650 multi-objective, 667 671 multiple runs for problem, 651 mutation, 648 649 niche techniques, 671 number of crossovers and mutations, 649 Pareto fitness function, 669 Pareto-set filter, 670 ranking, 669 reproduction procedure, 647 648 stopping criteria, 650 tournament selection, 670 671 VEGA, 668 669 Genetic algorithms (GA), for optimum design, 643 656 applications, 653 655 basic concepts and definitions, 644 646 fundamentals of, 646 651 Genetic algorithms (GA), for sequencing-type problems, 651 653 example—bolt insertion sequence determination, 652 Global and local minima, definitions of, 96 103 Global criterion method, weighted, 673 674 Global optimality, 159 170 convex functions, 162 164 convex programming problem, 164 168 convex sets, 160 161 example—checking for convexity of function, 163, 164 example—checking for convexity of problem, 166, 167, 168, 169 example—checking for convexity of sets, 161 sufficient conditions for convex programming problems, 169 170 transformation of constraint, 168 169 Global optimization concepts and methods, 681 712 basic concepts of solution methods, 682 684 deterministic methods, 684 689 numerical performance of methods, 705 712 stochastic methods, 689 698 two local-global stochastic methods, 699 705 Global optimization, of structural design problems, 708 712 Goal programming, 676 677 Golden section search, 425 430, 523, 826 828 Golf methods, 688 Good optimization algorithm, attributes of, 588 Gradient-based and direct search methods, 411 412 nature-inspired search methods, 412 Gradient-based search methods, 411 412 basic concepts, 413 general algorithm, 415 general iterative algorithm, 413 415 Gradient evaluation for implicit functions, 582 587 Gradient evaluation requires special procedures, 575 576 Gradient method, conjugate, 434 436 Gradient projection method, 566 567 Gradient vectors, 103 105 properties of, 451 454 Graphical optimization, 65 94 design problem with multiple solutions, 77 78 graphical solution for beam design problem, 82 94 graphical solution for minimumweight tubular column, 80 81 graphical solution process, 65 71 infeasible problem, 79 80 problem with unbounded solution, 79 use of Mathematica for graphical optimization, 71 74 use of MATLAB for graphical optimization, 75 77 Graphical optimization, use of Mathematica for, 71 74 identification and shading of infeasible region for inequality, 73 identification of feasible region, 73 74 identification of optimum solution, 74 plotting functions, 72 73 plotting of objective function contours, 74 Graphical optimization, use of MATLAB for, 75 77 editing graphs, 77 plotting of function contours, 75 77 Graphical solution, for beam design problem, 82 94 Graphical solution, for minimumweight tubular column, 80 81 Graphical solution procedure, step-by-step, 67 71 coordination of system set-up, 67 identification of feasible region for inequality, 67 68 identification of optimum solution, 69 71 inequality constraint boundary plot, 67 plotting objective function contours, 68 69 Graphical solution process, 65 71 profit maximization problem, 65 66 Graphs, editing, 77 H Hessian approximation, quasiNewton, 557 558 Hessian matrix, 105 106 Hessian updating direct, 470 472 inverse, 467 469 Hooke-Jeeves method, 486 489 algorithm, 486 489 exploratory search, 486 pattern search, 486 Hyperplane, constraint tangent, 194 I Identity matrix, 791 821 Implicit functions, design applications with, 575 618 adaptive numerical method for discrete variable optimization, 636 641 INDEX 867Implicit functions, design applications with (Continued) formulation of practical design optimization problems, 576 582 general-purpose software, 589 590 gradient evaluation for implicit functions, 582 587 issues in practical design optimization, 587 588 multiple performance requirements, 592 598 optimal control of systems by NLP, 598 612 optimum design of three-bar structure, 592 598 optimum design of two-member frame, 590 591 out-of-plane loads, 590 591 Implicit functions, design practical applications with, 575 618 Implicit functions, gradient evaluation for, 582 587 example—gradient evaluation for two-member frame, 583 Improving feasible direction, 564 565 Inaccurate line search, 448 449 Inequality, identification and hatching of infeasible region for, 73 Inequality constraints case, local duality, 206 212 Inexact step-size calculation. See Step-size calculation, inexact Infeasible problem, 79 80 Infeasible region, identification and shading of, 73 Insulated spherical tank design, 26 28 Integer programming (IP), 628 629 Integer variable, 619 Integration, stochastic, 698 Interpolation, alternate quadratic, 447 448 Interpolation, polynomial, 444 448 quadratic curve fitting, 444 447 Interval-reducing methods, 422 423 Interval search alternate equal, 425 equal, 423 424, 823 826 Inverse Hessian updating, 467 469 IP. See Integer programming Irregular points, 192 194 example—check for KKT conditions at irregular points, 192 K Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT), 189 conditions, transformation of, 404 405 conditions for LP problem, 400 402 optimality conditions, 400 solution, 400 402 necessary conditions, 139 152 necessary conditions, alternate form of, 189 192 example—alternate form of KKT conditions, 190 example—check for KKT necessary conditions, 191 necessary conditions for QP problem, 403 404 solution approach, 152 153 L Lagrange multipliers, 131 135 effect of cost function scaling on, 156 157 physical meaning of, 153 159 constraint variation sensitivity result, 159 effect of changing constraint limit, 153 156 example—effect of scaling constraint, 158 example—effect of scaling cost function, 157 example—Lagrange multipliers, 157, 158 example—optimum cost function, 155 example—variations of constraint limits, 155 scaling cost function on Lagrange multipliers, 157 Lagrange multiplier theorem, 135 137 Lagrangian methods, augmented, 479 481 Length of vectors. See Norm/length of vectors Lexicographic method, 674 675 Limit state equation, 774 776 Linear constraints, 23 Linear convergence, 482 Linear equations, general solution of m 3 n, 804 809 Linear equations in n unknowns, solving n, 792 803 determinants, 793 796 example—determinant of matrix by Gaussian elimination, 799 example—Gauss-Jordan reduction, 801 example—Gauss-Jordan reduction process in tabular form, 809 example—general solution by Gauss-Jordan reduction, 806 example—inverse of matrix by cofactors, 801 example—rank determination by elementary operation, 804 example—solution of equations by Gaussian elimination, 798 Gaussian elimination procedure, 796 800 Gauss-Jordan elimination, 806 general solution of m 3 n linear equations, 804 809 inverse of matrix, 800 803 linear systems, 792 793 rank of matrix, 803 804 Linear functions, 300 constraints, 300 cost function, 300 Linearization methods, sequential, 629 Linearization of constrained problems, 499 506 example—definition of linearized subproblem, 501 example—linearization of rectangular beam design problem, 504 Linear limit state equation, 776 Linear programming (LP), duality in, 387 399 alternate treatment of equality constraints, 391 392 determination of primal solution from dual solution, 392 395 dual LP program, 388 389 dual variables as Lagrange multipliers, 398 399 868 INDEXexample—dual of LP program, 389 example—dual of LP with equality and $ type constraints, 390 example—primal and dual solutions, 394 example—recovery of primal formulation from dual formulation, 391 example—use of final primal tableau to recover dual solutions, 398 standard primal LP, 387 388 treatment of equality constraints, 389 390 use of dual tableau to recover primal solution, 395 398 Linear programming methods, for optimum design, 299 376, 377 410 artificial variables, 334 347 basic concepts related to LP problems, 305 314 calculation of basic solution, 318 320 definition of standard LP problem, 300 305 duality in LP, 387 399 example—structure of tableau, 318 KKT conditions for LP problem, 400 402 linear functions, 300 postoptimality analysis, 348 375 QP problem, 402 409 two-phase Simplex method, 334 347 Linear programming problem, standard, 66, 300 305 example—conversion to standard LP form, 304 linear constraints, 23 unrestricted variables, 303 Linear programming problems, concepts related to, 299, 305 314 example—characterization of solution for LP problems, 311 example—determination of basic solutions, 311 example—profit maximization problem, 306 LP terminology, 310 313 optimum solutions to LP problems, 313 314 Linear programs (LPs), 299 Linear systems, 792 793 Line search, 522 525 Linked discrete variable, 619 Linked discrete variables, methods for, 633 635 Loads, out-of-plane, 590 591 Local duality, equality constraints case, 201 206 Local duality, inequality constraints case, 206 212 Local-global algorithm, conceptual, 699 705 Local minima, definition, 96 103 Lower triangle matrix, 791 821 M Marquardt modification, 465 466 Mass column design for minimum, 286 flywheel design for minimum, 290 298 Mathematica, use of, for graphical optimization. See Graphical optimization, use of Mathematica for Mathematical model for optimum design, 50 64 active/inactive/violated constraints, 53 54 application to different engineering fields, 52 discrete integer design variables, 54 feasibility set, 53 important observations about standard model, 52 53 maximization problem treatment, 51 optimization problems, types of, 55 64 standard design optimization model, 50 51 treatment of greater than type constraints, 51 52 MATLAB, optimum design examples with, 284 298 column design for minimum mass, 286 290 flywheel design for minimum mass, 290 298 location of maximum shear stress, 284 285 two spherical bodies in contact, 284 285 MATLAB, optimum design with, 275 298 constrained optimum design problems, 281 282 Optimization Toolbox, 275 277 unconstrained optimum design problems, 278 280 MATLAB, use of for graphical optimization, 75 77 editing graphs, 77 plotting of function contours, 75 77 Matrices, 785 787 addition of, 787 column, 790 condition numbers of, 819 822 definition of, 785 787 diagonal, 791 821 equivalence of, 790 identity, 791 821 inverse of, 800 803 lower triangle, 791 821 multiplication of, 788 789 null, 787 partitioning of, 791 792 quadratic forms and definite, 109 110 rank of, 803 804 row, 790 scalar, 790 791 square, 791 transpose of, 790 upper triangle, 791 821 vector, 787 Matrices, norms and condition numbers of, 818 822 condition number of matrix, 819 822 norm of vectors and matrices, 818 819 Matrices, types of, 787 792 addition of matrices, 790 elementary row—column operations, 790 multiplication of matrices, 788 789 partitioning of matrices, 791 792 scalar product dot product of vectors, 790 791 square matrices, 791 vectors, 787 INDEX 869Matrix, changes in coefficient, 361 375 Matrix, Hessian, 105 106 Matrix algebra, vector and, 785 concepts related to set of vectors, 810 816 definition of matrices, 785 787 eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 816 818 norm and condition number of matrix, 818 822 solution of m linear equations in n unknowns, 792 803 types of matrices and their operations, 787 792 Matrix operation, 276 Mechanical and structural design problems, 614 Members for flexure, optimum design of. See Optimum design of members for flexure Meta-Model, 731 732 normalization of variables, 737 739 RSM, 733 Method of feasible directions, 564 565 Methods See also individual method entries alternate Simplex, 385 386 A-R, 707 augmented Lagrangian, 479 481 BFGS, 469 bounded objective function, 675 676 clustering, 691 694 conjugate gradient, 434 437 constrained quasi-Newton, 573 constrained steepest descent, 525 527 covering, 684 685 deterministic, 684 689 DFP, 467 469 domain elimination, 700 702 dynamic rounding-off, 632 633 of generalized descent, 686 688 golf, 687 gradient projection, 566 567 GRG method, 567 569 interval reducing, 423 lexicographic, 674 675 linear programming, 299 410 modified Newton’s, 829 multiplier, 479 481 multistart, 691 neighborhood search, 633 operations analysis of, 702 705 performance, 706 707 performance of stochastic zooming, 707 708 scalarization, 666 sequential linearization, 629 Simplex, 321 334 stochastic zooming, 702 tunneling, 688 689 two-phase Simplex, 334 347 unconstrained, 472 481 vector, 666 weighted global criterion, 673 674 weighted min-max, 672 673 weighted sum, 671 672 zooming, 685 686 Methods, for linked discrete variables, 633 635 Methods, miscellaneous numerical optimization, 564 569 gradient projection method, 566 567 GRG method, 567 569 method of feasibility directions, 564 565 Methods, multi-objective optimum design concepts and. See Multi-objective optimum design concepts and methods Methods, Newton’s. See Newton’s methods Methods, numerical performance of, 705 712 DE methods, 707 708 global optimization of structural design problems, 708 712 performance of methods using unconstrained problems, 706 707 stochastic zooming method, 707 708 summary, 705 706 Methods, for optimum design, global concepts and, 681 712 Methods, quasi-Newton. See QuasiNewton methods Methods, sequential quadratic programming (SQP). See also Sequential quadratic programming observations on constrained, 561 563 Methods, two local-global stochastic. See Stochastic methods, local-global Methods, unconstrained optimization. See Unconstrained optimization methods Minima, definitions of global and local, 96 103 example—constrained minimum, 100 example—constrained problem, 99 example—existence of a global minimum, 102 example—use of the definition of maximum point, 101 example—using Weierstrass theorem, 102 existence of minimum, 102 103 Minimization techniques, sequential unconstrained, 479 Minimum, existence of, 102 103 Minimum control effort problem, 608 609 Minimum mass column design for, 286 290 flywheel design for, 290 298 Minimum-weight tubular column, graphical solution for, 80 81 Min-max method, weighted, 672 673 Mixed variable optimum design problems (MV-OPT), 620 classification of, 621 622 definition of, 620 Modifications, Marquardt, 465 466 Monte Carlo simulation (MCS), 781 Motion, optimal control of system, 611 612 Multi-objective optimum design concepts and methods, 657 680 bounded objective function method, 675 676 870 INDEXcriterion space and design space, 660 662 example—single-objective optimization problem, 658 example—two-objective optimization problem, 659 generation of Pareto optimal set, 666 667 goal programming, 676 677 lexicographic method, 674 675 multi-objective GA, 667 671 normalization of objective functions, 667 optimization engine, 667 preferences and utility functions, 665 666 problem definition, 657 659 scalarization methods, 666 selection of methods, 677 679 solution concepts, 662 665 terminology and basic concepts, 660 667 vector methods, 666 weighted global criterion method, 673 674 weighted min-max method, 672 673 weighted sum method, 671 672 Multi-objective GA, 667 671 elitist strategy, 670 niche techniques, 671 Pareto fitness function, 669 Pareto-set filter, 670 ranking, 669 tournament selection, 670 671 VEGA, 668 669 Multiple optimum designs, 77 Multiple performance requirements, 592 598 asymmetric three-bar structure, 594 598 comparison of solutions, 598 symmetric three-bar structure, 592 594 Multiple solutions, design problem with, 77 78 Multiplier methods, 479 481 Multipliers, physical meaning of Lagrange. See Lagrange multipliers, physical meaning of Multistart method, 691 N Nature-inspired search methods, 215, 412, 713 730 Ant Colony Optimization, 718 727 differential evolution algorithm, 714 718 Particle Swarm Optimization, 727 729 Necessary conditions, for equalityconstrained problem, 130 137 Lagrange multipliers, 131 135 Lagrange multiplier theorem, 135 137 Necessary conditions, for general constrained problem, 137 153 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions, 139 152 role of inequalities, 137 139 summary of KKT solution approach, 152 153 Neighborhood search method, 633 Newton’s methods. See also QuasiNewton methods classical, 460 example—conjugate gradient and modified Newton’s methods, 465 example—use of modified Newton’s method, 462, 463 Marquardt modification, 465 466 modified, 461 465, 829 Niche techniques, 671 Nonlinear equations, solution of, 475 477 Nonlinear limit state equation, 776 777 Nonlinear programming (NLP), 411 Nonlinear programming, control of systems by, 598 612 comparison of three formulations, 611 612 minimization of errors in state variables, 602 608 minimum control effort problem, 608 609 minimum time control problem, 609 610 optimal control of system motion, 611 612 prototype optimal control problem, 598 602 Nonlinear programming, duality in. See Duality in nonlinear programming Nonquadratic case, 483 Normalization, constraint, 496 498 Normalization of variables, 737 739 example—response surface using normalization procedure, 740 example—response surface using the normalization procedure, 738 procedure, 737 741 Norm/length of vectors, 10 11 Notation basic terminology and, 6 13 for constraints, 8 9 summation, 9 10 Null matrix, 787 Numerical algorithms, 415 417 convergence, 417 descent direction and descent step, 415 417 example—checking for descent condition, 417 general algorithm, 415 Numerical methods, to compute step size, 421 430 alternate equal-interval search, 425 equal-interval search, 423 424 general concepts, 421 423 golden section search, 425 430 Numerical methods, for constrained design. See Constrained design, numerical methods for Numerical methods for constrained optimum design. See Constrained optimum design, numerical methods for Numerical methods for optimum design, 213 218 search methods, classification of, 214 215 simple scaling of variables, 217 218 solution process, 215 217 Numerical methods for unconstrained optimum design. See Unconstrained optimum design, numerical methods for INDEX 871Numerical optimization methods, 564 569 gradient projection method, 566 567 GRG method, 567 569 method of feasibility directions, 564 565 Numerical performance of methods. See Methods, numerical performance of O Objective function contours, plotting of, 74 Objective functions, normalization of, 667 Off-diagonal elements, 791 821 Operations analysis of methods, 702 705 Optimal control, versus optimum design, 6 Optimal control of system motion, 611 612 Optimal control problem, prototype, 598 602 Optimality, global. See Global optimality Optimality, Pareto, 663 664 Optimality conditions for bound constrained optimization, 549 550 concepts relating to, 116 117 for functions of single variables, 117 122 Optimality, weak Pareto, 664 Optimal set, generation of Pareto. See Pareto optimal set, generation of Optimization continuous variable, 636 637 discrete variable, 637 641 engines, 667 Optimization, bound constrained, 549 553 Optimization, graphical. See Graphical optimization Optimization, issues in practical design, 587 588 attributes of good optimization algorithm, 588 potential constraint strategy, 587 robustness, 587 selection of algorithm, 587 Optimization, practical applications of, 575 618 Optimization, practical applications of, 575 618 discrete variable optimum design, 636 641 formulation of practical design optimization problems, 576 582 general-purpose software, use of, 589 590 gradient evaluation for implicit functions, 582 587 issues in practical design optimization, 587 588 multiple performance requirements, 592 598 optimal control of systems by NLP, 598 612 optimum design of three-bar structure, 592 598 optimum design of two-member frame, 590 591 out-of-plane loads, 590 591 structural optimization problems, alternative formulations for, 612 613 time-dependent problems, alternative formulations for, 613 617 Optimization, second-order conditions for constrained. See Constrained optimization, second-order conditions for Optimization, use of Mathematica for graphical. See Graphical optimization, use of Mathematica for Optimization, use of MATLAB for graphical. See Graphical optimization, use of MATLAB for Optimization algorithm, attributes of good. See Good optimization algorithm, attributes of Optimization algorithms, by nature-inspired search methods, 713 730 Optimization methods, miscellaneous numerical, 564 569 gradient projection method, 566 567 GRG method, 567 569 method of feasibility directions, 564 565 Optimization methods, unconstrained, 477 481 augmented Lagrangian, 479 481 multiplier, 479 481 sequential unconstrained minimization techniques, 478 479 Optimization problems, practical design. See Practical design problems, formulation of Optimization problems, types of, 55 64 Optimization Toolbox, 275 277 array operation, 276 matrix operation, 276 scalar operation, 276 variables and expressions, 275 276 Optimum design, 731 784 conventional versus, 4 5 design of experiments for response surface generation, 741 748 discrete design with orthogonal arrays, 749 753 example application of Taguchi method, 764, 766 example calculation of reliability index, 782 example—discrete design with an orthogonal array, 752 example—generation of a response surface using an orthogonal array, 744 example—generation of quadratic response surface, 735 example—optimization using RSM, 746 example reliability-based design optimization, 784 example—response surface using normalization procedure, 738 739, 740 741 example robust optimization, 759 general mathematical model for, 50 64 872 INDEXmeta-models for design optimization, 731 741 RBDO, design under uncertainty, 767 784 robust design approach, 754 766 Optimum design, discrete variable. See Discrete variable optimum design concepts and methods Optimum design, GA for. See Genetic algorithms (GA) for optimum design Optimum design, global concepts and methods for, 681 712 basic concepts of solution methods, 682 684 deterministic methods, 684 689 numerical performance of methods, 705 712 stochastic methods, 689 698 two local-global stochastic methods, 699 705 Optimum design, LP methods for. See Linear programming methods, for optimum design Optimum design, mathematical model for. See Mathematical model for optimum design Optimum design, numerical methods for constrained. See also Constrained design, numerical methods for approximate step-size determination, 572 bound-constrained optimization, 549 553 examples—constraint normalization and status at point, 497 inexact step size calculation, 537 549 linearization of constrained problem, 499 506 miscellaneous numerical optimization methods, 564 569 plate girders optimum design using Excel Solver, 231 238 potential constraints strategy, 534 537, 587 QP problem, 402 409 QP subproblem, 514 520 quasi-Newton Hessian approximation, 557 558 search direction calculation, 514 520 SQP, 513 514, 553 563 sequential quadratic programming methods, 553 563 SLP algorithm, 506 513 step-size calculation subproblem, 520 525 Optimum design, numerical methods for unconstrained. See Unconstrained optimum design, numerical methods for Optimum design, with Excel Solver, 213 274 example—design of a shape for inelastic LTB, 259 example—design of a shape for elastic LTB, 261 example—design of noncompact shape, 262 example—elastic buckling solution, 249 example—inelastic buckling solution, 247 example—optimum design of pole, 268 example—optimum design with the local buckling constraint, 270 example—optimum design with the tip rotation constraint, 269 example—selection of W10 shape, 241 example—selection of W8 shape, 242 Excel Solver for LP problems, 225 227 Excel Solver for NLP, optimum design of springs, 227 231 Excel Solver for unconstrained optimization problems, 224 numerical methods for optimum design, 213 218 optimum design of compression members, 243 250 optimum design of members for flexure, 250 263 optimum design of plate girders using Excel Solver, 231 238 optimum design of telecommunication poles, 263 273 optimum design of tension members, 238 243 Optimum design concepts, 95 212 alternate form of KKT necessary conditions, 189 192 basic calculus concepts, 103 115 constrained optimum design problems, 281 282 engineering design examples, 171 178 exercises, 208 212 global optimality, 159 170 irregular points, 192 194 necessary conditions, for equality-constrained problem, 130 137 necessary conditions, for general unconstrained problem, 137 153 physical meaning of Lagrange multipliers, 153 159 postoptimality analysis, 153 159 second-order conditions for constrained optimization, 194 199 sufficiency check for rectangular beam design problem, 199 201 unconstrained optimum design problems, 278 280 Optimum design concepts and methods, discrete variable. See Discrete variable optimum design concepts and methods Optimum design concepts and methods, multi-objective. See Multi-objective optimum design concepts and methods Optimum design examples with MATLAB. See MATLAB, optimum design examples with Optimum design of compression members, 243 250, 244t discussion, 250 example—elastic buckling solution, 249 example—inelastic buckling solution, 247 INDEX 873Optimum design of compression members (Continued) formulation of problem, 243 247 formulation of problem, for elastic buckling, 249 250 formulation of problem, for inelastic buckling, 247 248 Optimum design of members for flexure, 250 263 data and information collection, 250 254 definition of design variables, 258 deflection requirement, 258 262 example—design of a compact shape for elastic LTB, 261 example—design of a compact shape for inelastic LTB, 259 example—design of noncompact shape, 262 formulation of constraints, 258 262 moment strength requirement, 254 255 nominal bending strength of compact shapes, 255 256 nominal bending strength of noncompact shapes, 256 257 optimization criterion, 258 project/problem description, 250 shear strength requirement, 257 258 Optimum design of plate girders using Excel Solver. See Plate girders, optimum design using Excel Solver Optimum design of telecommunication poles. See Telecommunication poles, optimum design of Optimum design of tension members. See Tension members, optimum design of Optimum design of three-bar structure. See Three-bar structure, optimum design of Optimum design of two-member frame. See Two-member frame, optimum design of Optimum design problem formulation, 17 64 design of cabinet, 37 40 design of can, 25 26 design of coil springs, 43 46 design of two-bar bracket, 30 36 general mathematical model for optimum design, 50 64 insulated spherical tank design, 26 28 minimum cost cylindrical tank design, 42 43 minimum weight design of symmetric three-bar truss, 46 50 minimum weight tubular column design, 40 42 problem formulation process, 18 25 saw mill operation, 28 30 Optimum design problems, constrained. See Constrained optimum design problems Optimum design problems, unconstrained. See Unconstrained optimum design problems Optimum designs, multiple, 77 Optimum design versus optimal control, 6 Optimum design with MATLAB. See MATLAB, optimum design with Optimum solution, identification of, 74 Optimum solutions to LP problems, 313 314 Order of convergence, 482 Out-of-plane loads, 590 591 P Parameters, ranging right side, 354 358 Pareto fitness function, 669 Pareto optimality, 663 664 weak, 664 Pareto optimal set, generation of, 666 667 Pareto-set filter, 670 Particle position, 728 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), 727 729 algorithm, 728 729 behavior and terminology, 727 728 Particle velocity, 728 Performance of methods using unconstrained problems, 706 707 Performance requirements, multiple, 592 598 Phase I algorithm, 337 Phase II algorithm, 339 345 Phase I problem, definition of, 336 337 Pheromone deposit, 726 727 Pheromone evaporation, 726 Physical programming, 665 666 Pivot step, 316 317 Plate girders, optimum design using Excel Solver, 231 238 data and information collection, 233 234 definition of design variables, 234 formulation of constraints, 234 235 optimization criterion, 234 project/problem description, 231 233 Solver Parameters dialog box, 237 238 spreadsheet layout, 235 237 Plotting of function contours, 75 77 functions, 72 73 of objective function contours, 74 Points constraint status at design, 495 496 sets and, 6 8 utopia, 665 Points, irregular, 192 194 example—check for KKT conditions at irregular points, 192 Polynomial interpolation, 444 448 alternate quadratic interpolation, 447 448 quadratic curve fitting, 444 447 Postoptimality analysis, 153 159, 348 375 changes in coefficient matrix, 361 375 changes in resource limits, 348 349 constraint variation sensitivity result, 159 effect of scaling constraint on Lagrange multiplier, 158 effect of scaling cost function on Lagrange multipliers, 157 874 INDEXexample— 5 and $ type constraints, 352 example— # type constraints, 350, 360 example—effect of scaling constraint, 158 example—effect of scaling cost function, 156 157 example—equality and $ type constraints, 357, 361 example—Lagrange multipliers, 156 157, 158 example—optimum cost function, 155 example—ranges for cost coefficients, 360, 361 example—ranges for resource limits, 356, 357 example—recovery of Lagrange multipliers for $ type constraint, 352 example—variations of constraint limits, 155 ranging cost coefficients, 359 361 ranging right-side parameters, 354 358 recovery of Lagrange multipliers for $ type constraints, 352 Potential constraint strategy, 587 Practical applications, design optimization, 575 618 alternative formulations for timedependent problems, 613 617 Practical design optimization, issues in, 587 588 attributes of good optimization algorithm, 588 potential constraint strategy, 587 robustness, 587 selection of algorithm, 587 Practical design problems, formulation of, 576 582 example of practical design optimization problem, 577 582 example—design of two-member frame, 612 613 general guidelines, 576 577 Preferences and utility functions, 665 666 Probability density function (PDF), 769 770 Probability of failure, 770 771 Problem formulation, optimum design. See Optimum design problem formulation Problem formulation process, 18 25 data and information collection, 19 20 definition of design variables, 20 21 formulation of constraints, 22 25 optimization criterion, 21 22 project/problem description, 18 Problems. See also Subproblems classification of mixed variable optimum design problems, 621 622 concepts related to algorithms for constrained problems, 492 495 definition of Phase I, 336 337 example of practical design, 577 582 formulation of spring design, 46 graphical solutions for beam design, 82 94 infeasible, 79 80 integer programming, 40 linear programming, 66, 299, 377 minimum control effort, 608 609 minimum time control, 609 610 MV-OPT, 620 optimum solutions to LP problems, 313 314 profit maximization, 65 66 prototype optimal control, 598 602 solution to constrained problems, 477 481 sufficiency check for rectangular beam design, 199 201 with unbounded solutions, 79 Problems, concepts related to linear programming. See Linear programming problems, concepts related to Problems, constrained optimum design. See Constrained optimum design problems Problems, convex programming, 164 170 Problems, definition of standard linear programming. See Linear programming problem, standard Problems, formulation of practical design optimization. See Practical design problems, formulation of Problems, GA for sequencing-type. See Genetic algorithms (GA), for sequencing-type problems Problems, global optimization of structural design. See Global optimization, of structural design problems Problems, linearization of constrained. See Linearization of constrained problems Problems, performance of methods using unconstrained. See Performance of methods using unconstrained problems Problems, QP. See Quadratic programming (QP) problems Problems, time-dependent. See Time-dependent problems Problems, unconstrained design. See also Unconstrained optimum design problems concepts relating to optimality conditions, 116 117 example—adding constant to function, 124 example—cylindrical tank design, 127 example—effects of scaling, 124 example—local minima for function of two variables, 125, 129 example—local minimum points using necessary conditions, 119, 120, 121 example—minimum cost spherical tank using necessary conditions, 122 example—multivariable unconstrained minimization, 279 example—numerical solution of necessary conditions, 128 example—single-variable unconstrained minimization, 278 INDEX 875Problems, unconstrained design (Continued) example—using necessary conditions, 119, 127 example—using optimality conditions, 125, 129 optimality conditions for functions of several variables, 122 129 optimality conditions for functions of single variables, 117 122 Procedures, Gaussian elimination, 796 800 Procedures, gradient evaluation requires special, 575 576 Process, design, 2 4 Process, problem formulation. See Problem formulation process Profit maximization problem, 65 66 Programming duality in linear, 387 399 goal of, 676 677 physical, 665 666 Programming, control of systems by nonlinear. See Nonlinear programming, control of systems by Programming problems convex, 164 170 linear, 56, 299, 305 314 Programs, sample computer, 823 equal interval search, 823 826 golden section search, 826 828 modified Newton’s method, 829 steepest-descent search, 829 Projection method, gradient, 566 567 Prototype optimal control problem, 598 602 Pure random search, 690 691 Q QP. See Quadratic programming problems Quadratic convergence, 482 Quadratic curve fitting, 444 447 Quadratic forms and definite matrices, 109 115 example—calculations for gradient of quadratic form, 114 example—calculations for Hessian of quadratic form, 114 example—determination of form of matrix, 112, 113 example—matrix of quadratic form, 110 Quadratic function, 482 483 Quadratic interpolation, alternate, 447 448 Quadratic programming (QP) problems, 402 409, 514 520 definition of, 402 403, 514 518 derivation of, 554 557 example—solution to QP subproblem, 519 example—definition of QP subproblem, 515 example—solution of QP problem, 406 KKT necessary conditions for, 403 404 Simplex method for solving, 405 409 solution to, 518 520, 569 573 transformation of KKT conditions, 404 405 Quasi-Newton Hessian approximation, 557 558 Quasi-Newton methods, 466 472, 484 485 BFGS method, 470 472 DFP method, 467 469 direct Hessian updating, 470 472 example—application of BFGS method, 471 example—application of DFP method, 468 inverse Hessian updating, 467 469 observations on constrained, 561 563 Quasi-Newton methods, constrained. See Sequential quadratic programming R Random search, pure, 690 691 Ranging cost coefficients, 359 361 Ranging right-side parameters, 354 358 Rate of convergence, 417 Rate of convergence of algorithms, 481 485 conjugate gradient method, 484 definitions, 481 482 Newton’s method, 483 quasi-Newton methods, 484 485 steepest-descent method, 482 483 Rectangular beam, design of, 174 187 Rectangular beam design problem, sufficiency check for, 199 201 Recursive quadratic programming (RQP), 554. See also Sequential quadratic programming Reducing methods, interval, 422 423 Regions identification and shading of infeasible, 73 Reliability-based design optimization (RBDO), under uncertainty, 767 784 calculation of reliability index, 774 781 example calculation of reliability index, 782 example—reliability-based design optimization, 784 review of background material for, 768 774 Reliability index, 773 Representation, design, 645 646 Reproduction, defined, 647 648 Requirements, multiple performance, 592 598 Response surface method (RSM), 733 example—generation of quadratic response surface, 735 quadratic response surface generation, 733 735 Right-side parameters, ranging, 354 358 Robust algorithms, 587 Robust design approach, 754 766 Taguchi method, 761 766 Robust optimization, 754 760 example—robust optimization, 759 mean, 754 755 PDF, 755 756 problem definition, 756 759 standard deviation, 755 variance, 755 876 INDEXRole of inequalities, 137 139 Roots of a set of nonlinear equations, 222 223 Excel worksheet, 222 223 solution to KKT cases with Solver, 223 Solver Parameters dialog box, 223 Roots of nonlinear equation, 219 221 Solver Parameters dialog box, 220 221 Rounding-off method, dynamic, 632 633 Row matrix, vector, 787 820 S SA. See Simulated annealing Saw mill operation, 28 30 Scalarization methods, 666 Scalar matrix, 791 821 Scalar operation, 276 Scaling of design variables, 456 459 example—effect of scaling of design variables, 456 Search direction calculation, 514 520 definition of QP subproblem, 514 518 example—definition of QP subproblem, 515 example—solution to QP subproblem, 519 solution to QP subproblem, 518 520 Search direction determination, 431 436, 459 466 Searches alternate equal interval, 425 equal interval, 423 424, 823 826 golden section, 425 430, 826 828 inexact line, 448 449 line search, 522 525 pure random, 690 691 steepest descent, 829 Search method, neighborhood, 633 Search methods, classification of, 214 215 derivative-based, 214 derivative-free, 215 direct search, 214 215 nature-inspired, 215 Second-order conditions for constrained optimization, 194 199 Second-order information, 194 Sequencing-type problems, GA for, 651 653 Sequential linearization methods, 629 Sequential linear programming (SLP) algorithm, 506 513 algorithm observations, 512 513 example—sequential linear programming algorithm, 509 example—use of sequential linear programming, 510 move limits in, 506 508 SLP algorithm, 508 512 Sequential quadratic programming (SQP), 513 514, 553 563, 707 algorithm, 558 561 derivation of QP subproblem, 554 557 descent functions, 563 example—solving spring design problem using SQP method, 560 example—use of SQP method, 558 observations on, 561 563 option, 590 591 quasi-Newton Hessian approximation, 557 558 Sequential unconstrained minimization techniques, 478 479 Set, generation of Pareto optimal, 666 667 Sets, convex, 160 161 Sets and points, 6 8 Simple scaling of variables, 217 218 Simplex algorithms, 384 385 Simplex in two-dimensional space, 321 Simplex method alternate, 385 386 artificial cost function, 382 383 canonical form/general solution of Ax 5 b, 308 309 example—Big-M method for equality and $ type constraints, 386 example—identification of unbounded problem with Simplex method, 333 example—LP problem with multiple solutions, 331 example—pivot step, 316 example—solution by Simplex method, 328 example—solution of profit maximization problem, 329 general solution to Ax 5 b, 377 379 interchange of basic and nonbasic variables, 316 pivot step, 316, 384 Simplex algorithms, 384 385 steps of, 322 tableau, 378 379 two-phase, 334 347 Simplex method, derivation of,
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