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عدد المساهمات : 18956 التقييم : 35374 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Basic Mechanical Engineering السبت 19 سبتمبر 2020, 11:20 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Basic Mechanical Engineering Second Edition Pravin Kumar Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Delhi Technological University (DTU)
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Brief Contents Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition About the Author Acknowledgements 1. Concepts of Thermodynamics and Properties of Gases 2. Fuels and Combustion 3. Power Plant Engineering and Sources of Energy 4. Properties of Steam and Steam Generators 5. Steam and Gas Turbines 6. Internal Combustion Engines 7. Heat Transfer 8. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 9. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines 10. Air Compressors 11. Centroid and Moment of Inertia 12. Stress and Strain 13. Machine Elements 14. Flywheel and Governors 15. Power Transmission Devices 16. Couplings, Clutches, and Brakes17. Engineering Materials 18. Mechanical Measurement 19. Machine Tools 20. Casting and Welding 21. Mechanical Working of Metals, Sheet Metal Work, Powder Metallurgy, and Smithy 22. Manufacturing Systems: NC, CNC, DNC, and Robotics 23. Heat Treatment Appendix 1: Mollier Diagram for Steam Appendix 2: Steam Table Index Contents Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition About the Author Acknowledgements 1 CONCEPTS OF THERMODYNAMICS AND PROPERTIES OF GASES 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Important Terminologies Used in Thermodynamics 1.3 Specific Heat Capacity 1.3.1 Specific Heat at Constant Volume (C ) 1.3.2 Specific Heat at Constant Pressure (C ) 1.3.3 Relationship Between C and C 1.4 The First Law of Thermodynamics 1.4.1 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat 1.4.2 Internal Energy 1.4.3 Physical Interpretation of Internal Energy 1.4.4 Energy Transfer Across the System Boundary (Heat and Work) 1.4.5 Non-flow Processes 1.4.6 Application of First Law of Thermodynamics in Steady Flow Process and Variable Flow Process v P p v1.4.7 Limitations of First Law of Thermodynamics 1.5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics 1.5.1 Kelvin–Planck Statement 1.5.2 Clausius Statement 1.5.3 Equivalence of Kelvin–Planck and Clausius Statement 1.6 Reversible and Irreversible Processes 1.7 The Carnot Cycle 1.8 The Clausius Inequality 1.9 Entropy and Entropy Generation 1.9.1 Entropy 1.9.2 Entropy Generation 1.9.3 Entropy Balance 1.9.4 Evaluation of Entropy Change 1.10 Third Law of Thermodynamics 1.11 Gas Laws 1.11.1 Boyle’s Law 1.11.2 Charles’s Law 1.11.3 Gay–Lussac’s Law 1.11.4 The Combined Gas Law 1.11.5 Gas Constant Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Fill in the Blanks Review QuestionsExercise Problems 2 FUELS AND COMBUSTION 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Coal 2.2.1 Analysis of Coal 2.2.2 Advantages of Solid Fuels over the Liquid Fuels 2.3 Liquid Fuels 2.3.1 Petroleum 2.3.2 Kerosene 2.3.3 Diesel 2.3.4 Gasoline 2.3.5 Calorific Value of Liquid Fuels 2.3.6 Major Contents of Liquid Fuels 2.3.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Liquid Fuels over Solid Fuels 2.4 Gaseous Fuels 2.4.1 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 2.4.2 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 2.4.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Gaseous Fuels over the Solid Fuels 2.5 Biofuels 2.5.1 Bioalcohols 2.5.2 Biodiesel 2.5.3 Green Diesel 2.5.4 Vegetable Oil 2.5.5 Biogas2.5.6 Bioethers 2.5.7 Syngas 2.5.8 Solid Biofuels 2.5.9 Scope of Second-generation Biofuels 2.6 Combustion 2.6.1 Principle of Combustion 2.7 Determination of Calorific Value of Fuel Using Bomb Calorimeter Points to Remember Important Formulae Review Questions Exercise Problems 3 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING AND SOURCES OF ENERGY 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Prime Movers 3.2.1 Historical Development of Prime Movers 3.3 Power Plant Engineering 3.3.1 Thermal Power Plant 3.3.2 Hydroelectric Power Plant 3.3.3 Nuclear Power Plant 3.3.4 Diesel Power Plant 3.3.5 Tidal Power Plant 3.3.6 The Geothermal Power Plant 3.3.7 Windmill 3.4 Sources of Energy3.4.1 Renewable Energy 3.4.2 Non-renewable Energy Points to Remember Multiple Choice Questions Answers Review Questions 4 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND STEAM GENERATORS 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Formation of Steam at Constant Pressure 4.3 Throttling Calorimeter 4.4 Separating and Throttling Calorimeter 4.5 Steam Table 4.6 Mollier Diagram or h–S Chart 4.7 Steam Generators/Boilers 4.7.1 Classification of Boilers 4.7.2 Requirements of a Good Boiler 4.7.3 Cochran Boiler 4.7.4 Babcock and Wilcox Boiler 4.7.5 Locomotive Boiler 4.7.6 Lancashire Boiler 4.7.7 Cornish Boiler 4.8 Boiler Mountings 4.8.1 Safety Valves 4.8.2 High Steam Low Water Safety Valve 4.8.3 Water Level Indicator4.8.4 Pressure Gauge 4.8.5 Feed Check Valve 4.8.6 Steam Stop Valve 4.8.7 Blow-off Cock 4.8.8 Fusible Plug 4.8.9 Manhole 4.9 Boiler Accessories 4.9.1 Economizer 4.9.2 Air Preheater 4.9.3 Superheater 4.9.4 Feed Pump 4.9.5 Injector 4.9.6 Steam Trap 4.9.7 Steam Separator 4.9.8 Pressure Reducing Valve 4.10 Performance of Boilers Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Fill in the Blanks Review Questions Exercise Problems 5 STEAM AND GAS TURBINES 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Steam Engines and their Working Principles5.2.1 Modified Rankine Cycle: Theoretical Indicator Diagram 5.2.2 Rankine Cycle 5.3 Steam Turbines 5.3.1 Classification of Steam Turbine 5.3.2 Compounding of Impulse Turbine 5.3.3 Impulses-reaction Turbine (Reaction Turbine) 5.3.4 Differences Between Impulse and Reaction Turbines 5.3.5 Losses in Steam Turbines 5.3.6 Governing of Steam Turbines 5.4 Gas Turbines 5.4.1 Classification of Gas Turbine 5.4.2 Applications of Gas Turbines 5.4.3 Gas Turbine Cycle with Regenerator 5.4.4 Gas Turbine Cycle with Reheating and Intercooling Points to Remember Important Formulae Objective Questions Fill in the Blanks Review Questions Exercise Problems 6 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Classification of I.C. Engines 6.3 Basic Structure of I.C. Engines 6.3.1 Nomenclature6.4 Working Principle of I.C. Engines 6.4.1 Four-stroke Spark Ignition Engine 6.4.2 Four-stroke Compression Ignition Engine 6.4.3 Two-stroke Spark Ignition Engine 6.4.4 Two-stroke C.I. Engine 6.4.5 Comparison Between Four-stroke and Two-stroke Engines 6.4.6 Comparison Between S.I. and C.I. Engines 6.4.7 Comparison Between Otto Cycle and Diesel Cycle 6.5 Valve Timing Diagrams 6.5.1 Valve Timing Diagram for Four-stroke S.I. Engines 6.5.2 Port Timing Diagram for Two-stroke S.I. Engines 6.5.3 Valve Timing Diagram for Four-stroke C.I. Engine 6.6 Otto Cycle 6.7 Diesel Cycle 6.8 Dual Cycle 6.9 Engine Performance Parameters 6.10 Emission Control 6.10.1 Types of Emissions 6.10.2 Emission Control Techniques 6.11 Some Recent Developments in Automotive Technology 6.11.1 Multi-point Fuel Injection 6.11.2 Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI) 6.11.3 Hybrid Engine Points to Remember Important FormulaeMultiple-choice Questions Fill in the Blanks Review Questions Exercise Problems 7 HEAT TRANSFER 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 Conduction 7.1.2 Convection 7.1.3 Radiation 7.1.4 Combined Heat Transfer Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions Exercise Problems 8 REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Refrigerator and Heat Pump 8.3 Components of Refrigeration System 8.3.1 Evaporator 8.3.2 Compressor 8.3.3 Condenser 8.3.4 Expansion Valve 8.4 Types of Refrigeration Systems 8.4.1 Air-refrigeration System8.4.2 Vapour Compression Refrigeration System 8.4.3 Absorption Refrigeration Cycle 8.5 Type of Refrigerants 8.6 Domestic Refrigerator 8.7 Psychrometry 8.8 Psychrometric Processes 8.8.1 Psychrometric Chart 8.9 Air Washers 8.10 Human Comfort Conditions 8.11 Room Air Conditioner 8.11.1 Window Air Conditioner 8.11.2 Split Air Conditioner 8.11.3 Difference Between Split and Window ACs Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions Exercise Problems 9 FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINES FLUID MECHANICS 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Properties of Fluids 9.2.1 Density 9.2.2 Viscosity 9.2.3 Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids9.2.4 Surface Tension 9.2.5 Capillarity 9.2.6 Pressure Variation with Depth 9.3 Bernoulli’s Equation 9.4 Types of Flow HYDRAULIC MACHINES 9.5 Introduction 9.6 Hydraulic Turbines 9.6.1 Classification of Hydraulic Turbines 9.7 Terminology Used in Turbine 9.8 Pelton Turbine 9.8.1 Main Components of Pelton Turbine 9.8.2 Selection of Speed of Pelton Turbine 9.8.3 Velocity Triangle for Pelton Turbine 9.9 Francis Turbine 9.9.1 Main Components of Francis Turbine 9.9.2 Different Shapes of Draft Tubes 9.10 Kaplan Turbine 9.10.1 Velocity Triangle for Kaplan Turbine 9.11 Governing of Turbines 9.12 Pumps 9.13 Centrifugal Pump 9.13.1 Main Components of Centrifugal Pump 9.13.2 Velocity Triangle for Centrifugal Pump 9.13.3 Various Heads and Efficiencies of Centrifugal Pumps9.13.4 Some Important Points Related to Centrifugal Pump 9.14 Reciprocating Pump 9.14.1 Air Vessels 9.15 Gear Pump 9.16 Vane Pump 9.17 Lobe Pump 9.18 Screw Pump 9.18.1 Two-screw, Low-pitch, Screw Pump 9.18.2 Three-screw, High-pitch, Screw Pump Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions Exercise Problems 10 AIR COMPRESSORS 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Classification of Compressors 10.3 Reciprocating Compressors 10.3.1 Polytropic Compression 10.3.2 Isothermal Compression 10.3.3 Effect of Clearance on Work Done 10.3.4 Volumetric Efficiency 10.3.5 Multistage Compression 10.3.6 Work Done in Multistage Compression 10.4 Rotary compressors10.4.1 Fixed Vane Type Compressors 10.4.2 Multiple Vane Type Rotary Compressors 10.5 Centrifugal Compressors 10.6 Axial Flow Compressors Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Fill in the Blanks Review Questions Exercise Problems 11 CENTROID AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Determination of Position of Centroid of Plane Geometric Figures 11.2.1 Center of Gravity, Center of Mass, and Centroid of an Irregular Shape 11.2.2 Centroid of I-section 11.2.3 Centroid of U-section 11.2.4 Centroid of H-section 11.2.5 Centroid of L-section 11.2.6 Centroid of T-section 11.2.7 Centroid of C-section 11.2.8 Centroid of Circular Arc 11.2.9 Centroid of Semicircular-section of a Disc 11.2.10 Centroid of a Sector of a Circular Disc 11.2.11 Centroid of a Parabola11.2.12 Centroid of a Triangle 11.3 Second Moment of Area 11.3.1 Radius of Gyration 11.3.2 Theorem of Perpendicular Axis 11.3.3 Theorem of Parallel Axis 11.3.4 Moment of Inertia from First Principle 11.3.5 Moment of Inertia of Some Composite Sections 11.4 Center of Gravity of Solids 11.5 Mass Moment of Inertia 11.5.1 Mass Moment of Inertia of a Circular Ring 11.5.2 Mass Moment of Inertia of a Circular Disc 11.5.3 Mass Moment of Inertia of a Hollow Cylinder 11.5.4 Mass Moment of Inertia of Sphere 11.5.5 Mass Moment of Inertia of a Circular Cone Points to Remember List of Mass Moment of Inertia List of Area Moment of Inertia Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions Exercise Problems 12 STRESS AND STRAIN 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Hooke’s Law 12.3 Stress–Strain Diagram12.4 Extension in Varying Cross-section or Taper Rod 12.5 Stress and Strain in Varying Cross-section Bar of Uniform Strength 12.6 Stress and Strain in Compound Bar 12.7 Stress and Strain in an Assembly of Tube and Bolt 12.8 Stress and Strain in Composite Bar 12.9 Temperature Stress 12.10 Stress and Strain Due to Suddenly Applied Load 12.11 Stress and Strain for Impact Load 12.12 Relation Between Stress and Volumetric Strain 12.13 Relation Between Modulus of Elasticity and Bulk Modulus 12.14 Relation Between Modulus of Elasticity and Modulus of Rigidity Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions Exercise Problems 13 MACHINE ELEMENTS SPRINGS 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Types of Springs 13.3 Materials used for Springs 13.4 Shear Stress in Helical Springs 13.5 Deflection in Helical Spring 13.6 Series and Parallel Connection of Helical SpringsCAM AND FOLLOWER 13.7 Introduction 13.8 Types of Cams 13.9 Types of Followers BUSHING AND ROLLER BEARING 13.10 Introduction 13.11 Bushing Materials 13.12 Bearings 13.12.1 Sliding Contact or Bush Bearings 13.12.2 Rolling Contact Bearings 13.13 Properties of Bearing Materials 13.14 Bearing Materials Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions Exercise Problems 14 FLYWHEEL AND GOVERNORS FLYWHEEL 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Mass Moment of Inertia of Flywheel GOVERNORS 14.3 Introduction 14.4 Terminology Used in Governors 14.5 Classification of Governors14.6 Gravity Controlled Centrifugal Governors 14.6.1 Watt Governor 14.6.2 Porter Governor 14.6.3 Proell Governor 14.7 Spring Controlled Centrifugal Governor 14.7.1 Hartnell Governor 14.7.2 Willson–Hartnell Governor 14.7.3 Hartung Governor 14.8 Sensitiveness of Governors 14.9 Governing of I.C. Engines 14.9.1 Qualitative Governing 14.9.2 Quantitative Governing 14.9.3 Hit and Miss Governing 14.10 Differences Between Flywheel and Governors Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions Exercise Problems 15 POWER TRANSMISSION DEVICES 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Belt Drive 15.2.1 Type of Belt Cross-sections 15.2.2 Velocity Ratio 15.2.3 Creep15.2.4 Flat Belt Drives 15.2.5 Ratio of Tensions 15.2.6 Effect of Centrifugal Force on Belt Drive 15.3 Rope Drive 15.4 Chain Drive 15.4.1 Chain Length 15.4.2 Types of Chain 15.5 Gear Drive 15.5.1 Gear Terminology 15.5.2 Law of Gearing 15.5.3 Forms of Teeth 15.6 Classification of Gears 15.6.1 Parallel Shafts 15.6.2 Intersecting Shaft Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Fill in the Blanks Review Questions Exercise Problems 16 COUPLINGS, CLUTCHES, AND BRAKES COUPLINGS 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Rigid Coupling 16.3 Flexible Bushed Coupling16.4 Universal Joint CLUTCHES 16.5 Introduction 16.6 Single Plate Clutch 16.7 Multi-plate Disc Clutch 16.8 Cone Clutch 16.9 Centrifugal Clutch BRAKES 16.10 Introduction 16.10. 1 Block or Shoe Brake 16.10.2 Band Brake 16.10.3 Band and Block Brake 16.10.4 Internal Expanding Shoe Brake Points to Remember Important Formulae Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions Exercise Problems 17 ENGINEERING MATERIALS 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials 17.3 Mechanical Testing of Engineering Materials 17.3.1 Tensile Test 17.3.2 Hardness 17.4 Impact Test17.5 Classification of Engineering Materials 17.5.1 Ferrous Metals 17.5.2 Non-ferrous Metals 17.5.3 Plastics 17.5.4 Abrasive Materials 17.5.5 Ceramics 17.5.6 Silica 17.5.7 Glasses Points to Remember Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions 18 MECHANICAL MEASUREMENT 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Temperature Measurement 18.2.1 Thermocouple 18.2.2 Resistance Temperature Devices (RTD) 18.2.3 Infrared Temperature Measurement Devices 18.2.4 Bimetallic Temperature Measurement Devices 18.2.5 Fluid-expansion Temperature Measurement Devices 18.2.6 Change-of-state Temperature Measurement Devices 18.3 Pressure Measurement 18.3.1 Manometers 18.3.2 Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge 18.3.3 Low Pressure Measurement 18.4 Velocity Measurement18.4.1 Velocity Measurement of Fluid with Pitot Tube 18.4.2 Hot Wire Anemometer 18.5 Flow Measurement 18.5.1 Flow Measurement Through Velocity of Fluid Over Known Area 18.5.2 Orificemeter 18.5.3 Rotameter 18.6 Strain Measurement 18.6.1 Strain Gauge 18.7 Force Measurement 18.7.1 Cantilever Beam 18.8 Torque Measurement 18.8.1 Prony Brake Dynamometer 18.8.2 Rope Brake Dynamometer 18.8.3 Torque Measurement by Pointer and Scale 18.9 Measurement Errors 18.10 Uncertainties of Measurement 18.11 Vernier calipers 18.12 Micrometer or Screw Gauge 18.12.1 Measurement Procedure 18.13 Dial Gauge or Dial Indicator 18.14 Slip Gauges 18.14.1 Classification of Slip Gauges 18.14.2 Applications of Slip Gauge 18.15 Sine Bar 18.16 Combination SetPoints to Remember Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions 19 METAL CUTTING AND MACHINE TOOLS 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Mechanism of Metal Cutting 19.2.1 Types of Chip Formation 19.3 Orthogonal and Oblique Metal Cutting 19.4 Lathe 19.4.1 Classification of Lathes 19.4.2 Specifications of Lathe 19.4.3 Constructional Detail of Lathe 19.4.4 Power Transmission System in Lathe Machine 19.4.5 Cutting Tools Used in Lathe 19.4.6 Types of Operations on Lathe Machine 19.5 Shaper, Slotter, and Planer 19.5.1 Shaping and Planing 19.5.2 Constructional Detail of Shaper 19.5.3 Slotter Machine 19.5.4 Crank and Slotted Arm Quick Return Mechanism 19.5.5 Specification of Shaper 19.5.6 Constructional Detail of Planer 19.5.7 Fast and Loose Pulleys Driving Mechanism of Planer 19.5.8 Specifications of Planer 19.5.9 Difference Between Shaper and Planer19.6 Drilling Machine 19.6.1 Driving Mechanism in Drilling Machine 19.6.2 Drill Bit 19.6.3 Specifications of a Drilling Machine 19.6.4 Operations Performed on Drilling Machine 19.6.5 Advanced Types of Drilling Machine 19.7 Boring 19.7.1 Specification of Boring Machines 19.8 Milling Machines 19.8.1 Constructional Detail of Milling Machine 19.8.2 Basic Milling Operations 19.8.3 Nomenclature of Milling Cutter 19.9 Grinding Machines 19.9.1 Grinding Wheel Specification 19.9.2 Methods of Grindings 19.9.3 Cylindrical Grinders 19.9.4 Plain Cylindrical Grinders 19.9.5 Plain Surface Grinders 19.9.6 Universal Cylindrical Grinders 19.9.7 Centerless Grinders Points to Remember Multiple-choice Questions Fill in the Blanks Review Questions 20 CASTING AND WELDINGCASTING 20.1 Introduction 20.2 Classification of Casting Process 20.3 Sand Casting 20.3.1 Steps in Sand Casting 20.3.2 Pattern Making 20.3.3 Types of Pattern 20.3.4 Mould Making 20.3.5 Properties of Mouldings Sands 20.3.6 Hand Tools Used in Moulding 20.3.7 Moulding Procedure 20.3.8 Gating System 20.3.9 Chills 20.3.10 Chaplets 20.3.11 Cores 20.3.12 Sand Testing 20.4 Special Casting Methods 20.4.1 Gravity/Permanent Mould Casting 20.4.2 Die Casting 20.4.3 Centrifugal Casting 20.5 Casting Defects 20.6 Surface Cleaning of the Casting WELDING 20.7 Introduction 20.7.1 Definition of Welding20.8 Classification of Welding Process 20.9 Gas Welding 20.9.1 Oxyacetylene Welding 20.9.2 Gas Welding Methods 20.10 Electric Arc Welding 20.10.1 Functions of Electrode Coatings 20.10.2 Ingredients of Electrode Coating 20.10.3 Selection of Electrodes 20.10.4 Specifications for Electrodes 20.11 Types of Electric Arc Welding 20.11.1 Carbon Arc Welding 20.11.2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 20.11.3 Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding (MIG)/Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) 20.11.4 Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding (TIG)/Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) 20.11.5 Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) 20.11.6 Electroslag Welding 20.11.7 Atomic Hydrogen Welding 20.11.8 Plasma Arc Welding 20.12 Resistance Welding 20.12.1 Resistance Spot Welding 20.12.2 Resistance Seam Welding 20.12.3 Resistance Projection Welding 20.12.4 Flash Welding 20.12.5 Percussion Welding20.12.6 Resistance Butt Welding 20.13 Thermit Welding 20.14 Welding Allied Processes 20.14.1 Soldering 20.14.2 Brazing 20.14.3 Braze Welding 20.15 Welding Defects Points to Remember Multiple-choice Questions Fill in the Blanks Review Questions 21 MECHANICAL WORKING OF METALS, SHEET METAL WORK, POWDER METALLURGY, AND SMITHY MECHANICAL WORKING PROCESS 21.1 Introduction 21.1.1 Advantages of Mechanical Working Process Over Other Manufacturing Processes 21.2 Rolling 21.2.1 Terminology 21.2.2 Types of Rolling Mills 21.2.3 Rolling Defects 21.3 Forging 21.3.1 Different Types of Forging 21.4 Extrusion 21.4.1 Hot Extrusion 21.4.2 Cold Extrusion21.4.3 Impact Extrusion 21.5 Wire Drawing 21.6 Bar Drawing 21.7 Tube Drawing 21.8 High Energy Rate Forming 21.8.1 Explosive Forming 21.8.2 Electrohydraulic Forming 21.8.3 Electromagnetic Forming 21.9 Thread Rolling 21.10 Piercing or Seamless Tubing 21.11 Some Other Forming Processes SHEET METAL PROCESS 21.12 Introduction 21.13 Sheet Metal Joints 21.14 Materials Used for Sheet Metal 21.15 Hand Tools Used in Sheet Metal Work 21.16 Sheet Metal Operations 21.16.1 Shearing 21.16.2 Bending 21.16.3 Stretch Forming 21.16.4 Deep Drawing 21.16.5 Hot Spinning POWDER METALLURGY 21.17 Introduction 21.18 Manufacturing of Metal Powders21.18.1 Characteristics of Metal Powder 21.18.2 Methods of Production 21.19 Blending/Mixing of the Metal Powders 21.20 Compacting 21.21 Sintering 21.22 Finishing Operations 21.23 Advantages of Powder Metallurgy 21.24 Limitations of Powder Metallurgy 21.25 Applications of Powder Metallurgy SMITHY 21.26 Introduction 21.27 Major Tools Used in Smithy Shop 21.27.1 Smith’s Forge or Hearth 21.27.2 Anvil 21.27.3 Hammer 21.27.4 Swage Block 21.27.5 Tongs 21.27.6 Chisels 21.27.7 Punches 21.27.8 Flatters 21.27.9 Set Hammer 21.27.10 Fullers 21.27.11 Swages Points to Remember Multiple-choice QuestionsFill in the Blanks Review Questions 22 MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: NC, CNC, DNC, AND ROBOTICS 22.1 Introduction 22.1.1 Production Machines, Tools, Fixtures, and Other Related Hardware 22.1.2 Material Handling System 22.1.3 Computer Systems 22.1.4 Human Workers 22.2 Automation 22.3 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 22.4 CAD/CAM 22.4.1 Computer Aided Design (CAD) 22.4.2 Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) 22.5 Numerical Control (NC) 22.5.1 Limitations/Drawback of Conventional NC System 22.6 Computer Numerical Control (CNC) 22.7 Programming Methods 22.8 Comparison of NC and CNC Machines 22.9 Direct Numerical Control (DNC) ROBOTICS 22.10 Introduction 22.11 Robot Anatomy 22.12 Three Degree of Freedom for Robot’s Wrist 22.13 Robot Configurations22.14 Robot Control 22.14.1 Type of Robot Control 22.15 Control Systems 22.15.1 Basic Form of Control Systems 22.15.2 Sequential Control 22.15.3 Microprocessor Based Controllers 22.15.4 Sensors Used in Robotics 22.15.5 Transducers used in Robotics 22.16 Applications of Robots Points to Remember Multiple-choice Questions Review Questions 23. HEAT TREATMENT 23.1 Introduction 23.2 Iron–Carbon Phase Diagram 23.3 TTT (Time–Temperature–Transformation) Diagram 23.4 Normalizing 23.5 Annealing 23.6 Spheroidizing 23.7 Hardening 23.8 Tempering 23.8.1 Austempering 23.8.2 Martempering 23.9 Carburizing 23.10 Cyaniding23.11 Nitriding 23.12 Induction Hardening Points to Remember Multiple-choice Questions Fill in the Blanks Review Questions Appendix 1: Mollier Diagram for Steam Appendix 2: Steam Table Index Index A ab rasives, 524 absolute pressure, 532 absorption refrigeration cycle, 250 actual Brayton cycle, 169–171 adiabatic process, 15 air compressors classification of, 330–331 clearance on work done, 334–335 isentropic compression, 334 multistage compression, 337–339 polytropic compression, 333–334 reciprocating compressor, 331–333 volumetric efficiency of, 335 air conditioning, 239 air-fuel ratio, 210 air injection system, 213–214 air preheater, 126–127 air-refrigeration system, 242–245 advantages and disadvantages, 245 air vessel, 315–316 air washers, 264 alloying elements, 521–522 alloy steel, 521 aluminium alloys, 522 angular contact bearings, 423–424 annealing, 720 anvil, 686–687 apparatus dew-point (ADP) temperature, 257 atomic hydrogen welding, 638–639 austempering, 721 automatic start/stop, 217 automation, 696–698average stress, 378 axial flow compressors, 345–346 axial thrust, 150 B Ba bcock and Wilcox boiler, 115–116 bakelite or resinoid bond, 588 ball bearing, 422–426 bar drawing, 666 bearings materials, 426–427 rolling contact, 422 sliding contact or bush, 421–422 Bell–Coleman cycle, 243–244 belt drives, 455–458 compound, 462–463 creep, 458 crossed, 460–461 effect of centrifugal force on, 465–466 flat, 458 open, 459–460 quarter turn drive, 461 ratio of tensions, 463–464 round belts, 456 timing belts or toothed belts, 457 V-belt, 456 velocity ratio, 457–458 bending, 678 Bernoulli’s equation, 281–283, 537 Betz limit, 89 bevel gears, 477–478 bimetallic devices, 530–531 binary cycle power plants, 86–87 bioalcohols, 63–64 biodiesel, 64 bioethers (oxygenated fuels), 65 biofuels, 63–66 biogas, 65 biomass energy, 90–91 blade efficiency, 151 blade friction factor, 150 blank diameter, 679 blanking, 677–678boiler accessories, 125–129 boiler efficiency, 130 boiler mountings, 118–125 blow-off cock, 123–124 feed check valve, 122 fusible plug, 124 high steam and low water safety valve, 120–121 manhole, 125 pressure gauge, 122 safety valves, 118–120 steam stop valve, 123 water level indicator, 121 boilers, 112–118 performance of, 129–130 boiling water reactor (BWR), 79 bomb calorimeter, 67–68 boring, 568–569 boring machine, 580 boundary of a system, 6 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, 533–534 Boyle’s Law, 42, 44 brakes band, 500–502 band and block, 503–504 internal expanding shoe, 504–506 shoe or block, 497–499 brake thermal efficiency, 209 Brayton cycle, 166–169 braze welding, 647 brazing, 646–647 Brinell hardness test, 516 bulk modulus, 397 bush bearing, 420 bushing, 420 lubrications in, 421 materials, 420 by-pass factor (BPF), 257 C ca m and follower nomenclature, 416–417 types of, 417–419 cantilever beam, 542capillarity, 278–279 capillary depression, 278–279 capillary rise, 279 carbon arc welding, 633 carbon monoxide, 212 carburetor engine, 185, 215 carburizing, 722–723 Carnot corollaries, 33–34 Carnot cycle, 32–34 casting defects, 619–621 casting process, 597–598 classification of, 598 casting surface, cleaning of, 621–622 cast irons, 520 catalytic converter, 213 cavitation, 303 Celsius temperature, 7 Celsius temperature scale (centigrade scale), 6 centerless grinders, 591–592 centerless grinding, 589 center of gravity, 352–353 center of gravity of a solid, 363 center of mass, 352–353 centrifugal casting, 617–619 centrifugal compressors, 344–345 centrifugal pump, 304–308 centrifuging, 619 centroid, 352–353 of circular arc, 357 of C-section, 356 of H-section, 355 of I-section, 354 of L-section, 355–356 of a parabola, 358–359 of sector of a circular disc, 358 of semicircular-section of a disc, 357–358 of a triangle, 359–360 of T-section, 356 of U-section, 354–355 ceramics, 524–525 chain drive, 469–470 types of, 471–472 change in state, 4–5 change-of-state temperature sensors, 531 chaplets, 612Charle’s Law, 43–44 chemical equilibrium, 4 chills, 611–612 chisel edge angle, 577 chisels, 689–690 chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 212 chromium (Cr), 521 classical thermodynamics, 1 Clausius inequality, 34 Clausius statement, 29–30 violation of, 31–32 clay content test of sand mold, 614 close die forging, 661 closed system, 6 clutches centrifugal clutch, 496 cone clutch, 494–495 multi-disc clutch, 493 single plate clutch, 488–490 coal, 56–58, 91 ash content, 58 grades of, 57 proximate analysis of, 57 sulfur content, 58 ultimate analysis of, 57 cochran boiler, 114–115 coining, 670 cold chamber die-casting, 616–617 combination set, 552–553 combustion, principle of, 66–67 combustion chamber, 214 common rail direct injection system (CRDI), 214, 216–217 Co molds, 606 compacting, 683–684 compressed natural gas (CNG), 62 compressible and incompressible flow, 284 compression stroke, 189–190, 192 compressive test of sand mold, 614–615 compressor, 241 computer aided design (CAD), 698–699 computer aided manufacturing (CAM), 699–700 computer integrated manufacturing system (CIM), 698 computer numerical control (CNC), 701, 703 condenser, 242 condition line, 158 2conduction, 225–226 conical and volute springs, 407 constructional detail of shaper, 570–571 continuous chip, 557 with a built-up (BUP) edge, 558 continuous path control robots, 708–709 control volume, 5–6 convection, 227–228 conveyor chain, 471 copper alloys, 522–523 cores, 612–613 core sand molds, 606 Cornish boiler, 118 crank and slotted arm mechanism, 571–572 creep feed grinding, 589 crude oil, 91 cutting-off/grooving, 566 cyaniding, 723 cylindrical grinders, 589–590 cylindrical grinding, 588 cylindrical or plain roller bearings, 425 D Da lton’s law of partial pressure, 253 deep drawing, 678–680 deep-groove ball bearing, 423 degree of saturation, 253 dew point temperature (DPT), 254 dial gauge or dial indicator, 549 die-casting, 615–617 diesel, 59 Diesel cycle, 183, 190, 197, 203–204 diesel power plant, 80–82 advantages, 81 disadvantages, 81–82 direct numerical control (DNC), 703–704 discontinuous chip, 558 disc springs, 408–409 domestic or household refrigerator, 251–252 double helical / herringbone gears, 477 down milling, 582 drift, 690 drilling, 568drilling machine drill bit, 576–577 driving mechanism in, 575 operations performed on, 577–579 specifications of, 577 drop forging, 662 dry bulb temperature (DBT), 254 dryness fraction, 100 dry sand mold, 606 dry steam power plant, 85–86 dual cycle, 206–207 E ec centric turning, 565 economizer, 125–126 efficiency ratio, 210 electric arc welding, 629–632 electric motor drive/assist, 217 electro-hydraulic forming, 668 electroslag welding, 637–638 emission control, 212–214 techniques, 212–214 end milling, 583–584 energy transfer, 13 engine control unit (ECU), 216 engineering materials allowable stress, 515 classification of, 519–522 elastic and plastic range, 514 elastic limit, 514 factor of safety, 515 hardness, 515–518 impact test, 518–519 mechanical properties of, 512 modulus of resilience, 514–515 modulus of toughness, 515 proportionality, 514 rapture strength, 514 stress-strain diagram, 513–514 tensile test, 513 ultimate strength, 514 working stress, 515 yield point, 514engineering thermodynamics, 1 enthalpy, 7 entropy, 34–35 balance, 35–36 change, 36 generation, 35 of steam, 101 of water, 100 equilibrium, 4–5 equivalent evaporation, 129 ethanol, 64 Euler’s Equation of motion, 282–283 evaporation rate, 129 evaporator, 241 exhaust gas recirculation valve (EGR) valve, 213 exhaust stroke, 190, 192 expansion valve, 242 explosive forming, 667–668 extensive properties, 4 external fired boilers, 113 extrusion, 663 cold, 664 hot, 664 impact, 664–665 F fac e grinding, 589 face milling, 584 facing operation, 565 factor of evaporation, 129 Fahrenheit scale, 7 fast breeder reactor (FBR), 79 fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), 64 feed pump, 127 ferrous metals, 519–522 fineness test of sand mold, 614 finishing operations, 684 fire tube boilers, 112–113 first law of thermodynamics, 11 limitations, 28 fixed vane type compressors, 342–343 flash steam power plants, 86 flash welding, 643–644flatters, 690 flexible bushed coupling, 486–487 flow measurement, 536–539 fluid density mass density, 274 relative density, 274 specific weight, 274 viscosity, 274–276 fluid-expansion devices, 531 fluid mechanics properties of fluid, 273–281 types of flow, 284 flywheel, 431–432 difference between governors and, 450 mass moment of inertia of, 432–433 force measurement, 541–542 forging, 660 different types of, 660–663 formaldehyde, 212 form grinding, 589 form milling, 585 fossil fuels, 55 four-stroke compression ignition engine, 190–192 valve timing diagram, 199–200 four-stroke spark ignition engine, 188–190 valve timing diagram, 197–198 Francis turbine components, 293–294 shapes of draft tubes, 294–296 fuel injectors, 214 fuels, 55 fuel stratified injection (FSI), 216 fullers, 690–691 G gan g drilling machine, 579–580 gang milling, 584 gas carburizing, 722 gas cooled reactor (GCR), 79 gaseous fuels, 62–63 advantages and disadvantages of, 63 gasoline, 60 gasoline direct injection (GDI), 216gas turbine cycle with regenerator, 175 with reheating and intercooling, 175–176 gas turbines, 165 applications of, 165–171 classification of, 165 flow diagram of intercooling and reheating, 176 gas welding, 625–628 gauge factor (GF), 541 gauge pressure, 531 Gay–Lussac’s Law, 43–44 gear drive, 472–474 forms of gear teeth, 475 gear pump, 317–318 geothermal energy, 91 geothermal power plant, 85–87 glasses, 525 global warming, 56 governing of turbines, 304 governors, 434–435 centrifugal, 436 classification of, 436 difference between flywheel and, 450 Hartnell, 442–444 Hartung, 447 of I.C. engine, 449–450 inertia and flywheel, 436 pickering, 436 porter, 437–439 Proell, 440–441 sensitiveness of, 448 terms used in, 435 watt, 436–437 Willson–Hartnell, 445–446 gravity/permanent mould casting, 615 gray cast iron, 520 green diesel, 64 green sand mold, 605 grinding machines, 586–592 gross calorific value (GCV), 60 H ham mers, 687–688hardening, 720 hardness test of sand mold, 615 heat defined, 7 similarities between work and, 13 heat exchanger, 86 heat pumps, 240 heat transfer, modes of combined form, 229 conduction, 225–226 convection, 227–228 radiation, 228 through hollow cylinder, 232–233 through hollow sphere, 234 heat treatment annealing, 720 austempering, 721 carburizing, 722–723 cyaniding, 723 hardening, 720 induction hardening, 723 iron-carbon (Fe-C) phase diagram, 716–718 martempering, 721–722 nitriding, 723 normalizing, 719–720 spherodizing, 720 tempering, 721–722 time-temperature-transformation curves, 718–719 heavy water cooled and moderated CANDU (Canadian deuterium uranium) reactor, 79 heel, 577 helical gears, 476–477 helical springs, 407 deflection in, 412–413 series connection and parallel connection of, 414–415 shear stress in, 410–412 high carbon steel, 520 high energy rate forming, 667 hobbing, 670 Hook’s law, 379, 513–514 horizontal boiler, 113 hot chamber die-casting, 616 hot spinning, 680–681 hot wire anemometer, 536 human comfort conditions, 264–265humidity (w) ratio, 253 hybrid engine, 217 hydraulic machines, 284–285 hydraulic pumps, 304 hydraulic turbines, 285 classification of, 285 terminology used, 286 hydrocarbon fuels, 55 hydrocarbons, 59, 212 hydroelectric power, 90 hydroelectric power plant, 76 hypoid gears, 478 I id eal gas law, 45 impulses-reaction turbine (reaction turbine), 157–160 degree of reaction (R) of, 158 differences between impulse and, 164 reheat factor, 158–159 velocity diagram for, 159–160 impulse turbine, 147–151 compounding of, 153–157 inclined boiler, 113 indicated thermal efficiency, 209 infeed or plunge cut grinding, 589 infrared sensors, 530 injector, 128 intelligent robots, 709 intensive properties, 4 Internal Combustion Engine (I.C. Engine), 182 arrangement of cylinders, 184 basic structure, 185–188 classification of, 183–185 clearance volume (V ), 188 comparison between four-stroke and two-stroke engines, 196 comparison between S.I. and, 197 compression ratio, 188 cooling systems in, 184 cylinder bore, 187 dead centers, 187 displacement volume, 187 engine performance parameters, 209–210 fuel supply systems, 184 cfuel used, 183 ignition systems, 183 nature of thermodynamic cycle, 183 number of strokes per cycle, 183 piston area, 187 stroke or stroke length, 187–188 working principle of, 188–196 internal energy (U) of a system, 7, 11–12 physical interpretation of, 12 internal fired boilers, 113 internal grinding, 588 ion gauges, 535 iron-carbon (Fe-C) phase diagram, 716–718 irreversible process, 32 isentropic compression, 334 isobaric process, 14 isochoric process, 14 isolated system, 3 isothermal process, 15 J Jo ule cycle, 166–169 K Ka plan turbine, 299–300 Kelvin-Plank statement, 29 violation of, 30–31 Kelvin temperature, 7 kerosene, 59 knurling, 567 L lam inar and turbulent flow, 284 laminated or leaf spring, 408–409 Lancashire boiler, 117 lancing, 678 lateral strain, 378 lathe classification, 559–560 constructional detail of, 560–562cutting tools used in, 564 power transmission system in, 562–564 specification, 560 types of operations in, 564–569 law of gearing, 474 lignite, 91 limited sequence robots, 708 liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), 62 liquid fuels, 58–61 advantage and disadvantage of, 61 ash content, 61 calorific value of, 60 carbon residue in, 61 sulfur content, 60 water content of, 61 liquid metal cooled reactor, 79 load cell, 541–542 loam sand molds, 606 lobe pump, 318 locomotive boiler, 116 longitudinal strain, 378 low carbon steel, 520 M ma chine tools, 556 macroscopic (classical thermodynamics), 2 macroscopic forms of energy, 12 magnesium alloys, 523 malleable cast iron, 521 manganese (Mn), 521 manometers, 532–533 manufacturing system automation, 696–698 computer aided design (CAD), 698–699 computer aided manufacturing (CAM), 699–700 computer integrated manufacturing system (CIM), 698 computer numerical control (CNC), 701, 703 computer system, 696 direct numerical control (DNC), 703–704 human workers, 696 material handling system, 696 numerical control (NC), 700–701 production machines, tools, jigs, fixtures, 695–696programming methods, 701–702 martempering, 721–722 mass, defined, 3 mass moment of inertia of circular cone, 366–367 of circular disc, 364–365 of circular ring, 363–364 of hollow cylinder, 365 of inertia of sphere, 365–366 mean effective pressure, 210 mean piston speed, 210 measurement errors, 545 mechanical efficiency, 210 mechanical equilibrium, 4 mechanical equivalent of heat, 10–11 mechanical measurement, 529 mechanical working, 655–656 advantages, 656–657 comparison between cold working and hot working, 656 medium carbon steel, 520 metal cutting, 557–558 orthogonal and oblique, 558–559 metal inert gas arc welding (MIG)/gas metal arc welding (GMAW), 634–635 metal molds, 606 metal powders blending/mixing of, 682 characteristics, 681 methods of production, 681–682 methane emission, 212 micrometer, 547–549 microscopic forms of energy, 12 microscopic (statistical thermodynamics), 2 milling machines, 581–585 modulus of elasticity, 397–398, 514 modulus of rigidity, 397–398 moisture content test of sand mold, 614 Mollier diagram (h–S chart), 111–112 molybdenum (Mo), 522 moment of inertia (second moment of area), 360 of a circular disc, 362 of composite sections, 363 of a rectangle, 361 of a triangle, 362 multiple vane type compressors, 343–344 multi-point fuel injection system (MPFI), 214–215multi-spindle drilling machine, 579–580 N nat ural circulation boilers, 113 natural gas, 92 needle bearings, 425–426 net calorific value (NCV), 60 Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, 276–277 nickel (Ni), 521 nitriding, 723 nitrogen oxide, 212 nodular (or ductile) cast iron, 520 non-ferrous materials, 522–523 non-flow processes, 14–15 non-renewable energy, 91–93 normalizing, 719–720 normal stress, 378 notching, 670, 678 nuclear power, 92–93 nuclear power plant, 76–79 block diagram of, 78 components of, 78 numerical control (NC), 700–701, 703 O off hand grinding, 589 oil spill accidents, 92 open die forging, 660–661 open system, 3, 6 optimum velocity ratio, 151 orificemeter, 538 Otto cycle, 183, 190, 197, 200–201 oxy-acetylene welding, 625–628 oxychloride bond, 588 P pa ck carburizing, 722–723 particulate matter, 212 parting, 678 peat, 91Pelton turbine, 287–290 components, 287–288 speed of, 288–289 velocity triangle for, 289–290 percussion welding, 644 perforating, 678 peripheral milling, 582 permeability number, 614 permeability test of sand mold, 614 perpetual-motion machine of the first kind (PMM1), 30 perpetual-motion machine of the second kind (PMM2), 30 perpetual motion machine (PMM1), 11 petroleum, 58–59 phase, defined, 5 phase equilibrium, 5 phosphorus (P), 521 photovoltaic cells, 90 piercing, 677–678 piercing or seamless tubing, 669–670 Pirani gauge, 534 plain cylindrical grinders, 590 plane milling, 582 planer, 573 fast and loose pulleys driving mechanism of, 573–574 specifications of, 575 plane surface grinder, 590–591 plasma arc welding, 639–640 plastics, 523–524 point angle, 577 point-to-point (PTP) control robots, 708–709 Poisson strain, 540 polytropic compression, 333–334 polytropic process, 15–16 positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) system, 212–213 potential energy, 12 powder metallurgy, 681 advantages, 684–685 applications of, 685 disadvantages, 685 power plant engineering, 74–89 power stroke, 190, 192 power transmission, 455 power transmission chains, 471–472 precision grinders, 589 press forging, 662pressure defined, 3 equilibrium, 5 measurement, 531–535 reducing valve, 129 variation with depth of a fluid, 280–281 pressurized water reactor (PWR), 79 prime movers, 73–74 historical development of, 74 reciprocating, 74 rotating, 74 process, defined, 5 profile milling, 585 Prony brake, 543 property, defined, 4 psychrometric chart cooling and dehumidification, 256–257 cooling and humidification, 258–259 heating and dehumidification, 259 heating and humidification, 257–258 mixing of air streams, 259–260 sensible cooling, 254–256 sensible heat factor (SHF), 257 sensible heating, 256 psychrometry, 253–254 punches, 690 punching, 677–678 pure biodiesel (B100), 64 P-V diagram for diesel cycle, 192 Q qu asi static process, 6 R rad ial drilling machine, 579 radial rake angle, 585 radius of gyration of a body, 360 rake or helix angle, 577 Rankine scale, 7 reaming operation, 568 reciprocating prime movers, 74 reciprocating pump, 311–316refining, 59 refractory metals, 523 refrigerants, 250–251 refrigeration, 239–240 capacity of refrigeration plant, 241 components of, 241–242 tons of, 240–241 regenerative braking system, 217 relative humidity, 253 relief angle, 585 renewable energy, 90–91 resin-bonded sand molds, 606 resistance butt welding, 645 resistance projection welding, 642–643 resistance seam welding, 642 resistance spot welding, 641–642 resistance welding, 640 resistive temperature devices (RTD), 530 reversed Brayton cycle, 243–244 reversed Carnot cycle, 242–243 reversible adiabatic compression, 33 reversible adiabatic expansion, 33 reversible isothermal compression, 33 reversible isothermal expansion, 33 reversible process, 32 rigid couplings, 485–486 risers, 611 robotics, 704–709 applications, 712 configurations, 706–708 control systems, 709–712 microprocessor based controllers, 711 robotic control, 708–709 sensors used in, 711 sequential control, 711 transducers used in, 712 Rockwell hardness test, 517–518 roller bearings, 425 roll forming, 681 rolling mills, 657–659 defects, 659 types of, 658–659 room air conditioners, 265–267 rope brake dynamometer, 543–544 rope drive, 468–469rotameter, 538–539 rotary compressors, 342–344 rotating prime movers, 74 rotational and irrotational flow, 284 rough grinders, 589 rubber bond, 588 S sa nd casting, 598–599 gating system, 610–611 hand tools for sand moulding, 608–609 methods, 615–619 moulding procedure, 609–610 mould making, 605–606 pattern making, 600–601 properties of mouldings sands, 607–608 steps in, 599–600 types of mold, 605–606 types of pattern, 601–605 sand testing, 614–615 saturated steam, 111 screw gauge, 547–549 screw pump, 319 second-generation biofuels, 66 second law of thermodynamics, 29–32, 240 self-aligning ball bearings, 424–425 semi-centrifugal casting, 618 separating and throttling calorimeter, 110 set hammer, 690 shaper, 572, 575 shaping and planning, 569–570 shaving, 670 shearing operations, 677–681 sheet metal process, 671 hand tools used, 673–677 joints, 671–672 materials used, 672–673 shellac bond, 588 shell mold, 606 shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), 633–634 shoulder turning, 565 side milling, 583 sign conventionfor heat and work interaction, 13 work done by system, 11 silica, 525 silicate bond, 587–588 silicon (Si), 521 sine bar, 551–552 sintering, 684 skin dried sand mold, 605–606 slab milling, 582 slip gauges, 549–551 slotter machine, 571 smith’s forge or hearth, 686 smithy, 685–686 tools used in, 686–691 smoothers, 690 solar energy, 89–90 soldering, 645–646 solid biofuels, 65–66 solid fuels, 58 specific fuel consumption, 210 specific heat capacity at constant pressure, 8–10 at constant volume, 8 specific humidity, 253 specific power output, 210 specific volume, 254 spherical roller bearings, 426 spherodizing, 720 split air conditioner, 266–267 spnning, 569 springs applications of, 406–407 materials used for, 409–410 types of, 407–409 spur gears, 476 statistical thermodynamics, 1 steady and unsteady flow, 284 steady flow energy equation (SFEE), 25 steady flow process, 24–25 steam at constant pressure, 97–101 entropy of, 101 Mollier diagram of, 727 P-V diagram, T-S diagram, h-S diagram, P-S diagram, 99–100 table, 111, 728–738wet, 100 steam engine, 141–147 steam generators, 112–118 steam power system, 141 steam separator, 128 steam trap, 128 steam turbine classification of, 147–151 governing of, 164 losses in, 164 Stefan–Boltzmann Law of Thermal Radiation, 228 straddle milling, 584 straight turning, 565 strain gauges, 540–541 strain measurement, 539–541 stress and strain, 377–379 in an assembly of tube and bolt, 387 in composite bar, 392 in compound bar, 386–387 diagram, 378–379, 381 due to suddenly applied load, 394–395 for impact load, 395 relation between stress and volumetric strain, 396–397 in taper rod, 383–384 in varying cross-section bar of uniform strength, 385 stretch forming operation, 678 submerged arc welding (SAW), 636–637 suction stroke, 189–191 sulfur oxide, 212 sulfur (S), 521 superheated steam, 111 superheater, 127 surface grinding, 589 surface tension, 277–278 swage block, 688–689 swages, 691 syngas, 65 synthetic hydrocarbon fuels, 58 system boundary of, 6 defined, 3, 5 properties of, 3–4 system boundary, 3 Ttangential thrust, 150 tapered roller bearings, 426 taper turning, 566 tapping, 568 temperature, 6 measurement, 530–531 stress, 393 tempering, 721–722 theorem of parallel axis, 361 theorem of perpendicular axis, 361 thermal equilibrium, 4–5 thermal power plants, 75–76 thermit welding, 645 thermocouple, 530 thermodynamic cycle, 5 thermodynamic temperature scale, 6 thermoplastics, 524 thermosetting plastics, 524 third law of thermodynamics, 41–45 thread cutting, 567–568 thread rolling, 668–669 three-screw, high-pitch, screw pump, 319–320 throttling calorimeter, 108–109 thrust ball bearings, 425 tidal barrage, 82 tidal fences, 84 tidal power plant, 82–85 advantages, 84 disadvantages, 85 tidal turbine, 83 timber, 524 time-temperature-transformation curves, 718–719 titanium alloys, 523 tongs, 689 torque measurement, 543–545 torsion springs, 408 trimming, 670 true centrifugal casting, 617–618 tube drawing, 666–667 tungsten inert gas arc welding (TIG)/gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), 635–636 tungsten (W), 522 two-screw, low-pitch, screw pump, 319 two-stroke C.I. engine, 194–196 two-stroke spark ignition engine, 192–194port timing diagram for, 198–199 U un certainty of measurement, 546 uniform and non-uniform flow, 284 universal cylindrical grinder, 591 universal gas constant, 45 universal joints, 487–488 up milling, 582 upset forging, 662–663 U-tube manometer, 535 V van adiun (V), 522 vane pump, 318 vapor compression refrigeration system, 247–250 advantages and disadvantages, 250 comparison between reversed Carnot cycle, 249 COP of, 248 factors affecting performance, 249 heat and work interaction in, 247 thermodynamic process of, 247–248 variable flow process, 25 vegetable oil, 65 velocity measurement, 535 Vernier calipers, 546–547 vertical boiler, 113 Vickers hardness test, 517 vitrified bond, 587 volatile organic compounds, 212 volatility, 60 volume defined, 3 measurement, 535–536 volumetric efficiency, 210 W wat er content of furnace oil, 61 water tube boilers, 112–113 weldability, 622–623welding atomic hydrogen, 638–639 carbon arc, 633 classification, 624 defects, 648–649 defining, 622–623 electric arc, 629–632 electroslag, 637–638 flash, 643–644 gas, 625–628 metal inert gas arc (MIG)/gas metal arc (GMAW), 634–635 percussion, 644 plasma arc, 639–640 resistance, 640 resistance butt, 645 resistance projection, 642–643 resistance seam, 642 resistance spot, 641–642 shielded metal arc (SMAW), 633–634 submerged arc (SAW), 636–637 tungsten inert gas arc (TIG)/gas tungsten arc (GTAW), 635–636 type of groove or edge preparation for, 623–624 wet bulb temperature or saturation temperature (WBT), 254 wet steam, 100 white cast iron, 520 windmill, 87–89 window air conditioner, 265–267 wind power, 90 wire drawing, 665–666 work defined, 7 similarities between heat and, 13 working fluid, 86 worm gears, 478 Z ze roth law of thermodynamics
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