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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: حل كتاب Mechanical Design of Machine Elements and Machines - Solution Manual الثلاثاء 01 سبتمبر 2020, 10:35 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم حل كتاب Mechanical Design of Machine Elements and Machines - Solution Manual A Failure Prevention Perspective Second Edition Jack A. Collins, Henry R. Busby & George H. Staab The Ohio State University
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Part One Engineering Principles Chapter 1 Keystones of Design: Materials Selection and Geometry Determination 1 1.1 Some Background Philosophy 1 1.2 The Product Design Team 2 1.3 Function and Form; Aesthetics and Ergonomics 5 1.4 Concepts and Definition of Mechanical Design 6 1.5 Design Safety Factor 7 1.6 Stages of Design 7 1.7 Steps in the Design Process 9 1.8 Fail Safe and Safe Life Design Concepts 9 1.9 The Virtues of simplicity 10 1.10 Lessons Learned Strategy 12 1.11 Machine Elements, Subassemblies, and the Whole Machine 12 1.12 The Role of Codes and Standards in the Design Process 13 1.13 Ethics in Engineering Design 13 1.14 Units 14 Chapter 2 The Failure Prevention Perspective 22 2.1 Role of Failure Prevention Analysis in Mechanical Design 22 2.2 Failure Criteria 22 2.3 Modes of Mechanical Failure 23 2.4 Elastic Deformation, Yielding, and Ductile Rupture 28 2.5 Elastic Instability and Buckling 34 Buckling of a Simple Pin-Jointed Mechanism 35 Buckling of a Pinned-End Column 36 Columns with Other End Constraints 38 Inelastic Behavior and Initially Crooked Columns 39 Column Failure Prediction and Design Considerations 40 Buckling of Elements Other Than Columns 43 2.6 Shock and Impact 46 Stress Wave Propagation Under Impact Loading Conditions 46 Energy Method of Approximating Stress and Deflection Under Impact Loading Conditions 47 2.7 Creep and Stress Rupture 52 Predictions of Long-Term Creep Behavior 53 Creep under Uniaxial State of Stress 55 Cumulative Creep Prediction 57 2.8 Wear and Corrosion 59 Wear 59 Corrosion 64 2.9 Fretting, Fretting Fatigue, and Fretting Wear 66 Fretting Fatigue 67 Fretting Wear 68 Minimizing or Preventing Fretting Damage 69 2.10 Failure Data and the Design Task 70 2.11 Failure Assessment and Retrospective Design 70 2.12 The Role of Safety Factors; Reliability Concepts 71 2.13 Selection and Use of a Design Safety Factor 72 2.14 Determination of Existing Safety Factors in a Completed Design: A Conceptual Contrast 744.6 Stresses Caused by Curved Surfaces in Contact 174 4.7 Load Sharing in Redundant Assemblies and Structures 179 Machine Elements as Springs 180 4.8 Preloading Concepts 186 4.9 Residual Stresses 189 Estimating Residual Stress 190 4.10 Environmental Effects 194 Chapter 5 Failure Theories 205 5.1 Preliminary Discussions 205 5.2 Multiaxial States of Stress and Strain 205 Principal Stresses 205 Stress Cubic Equation 206 Mohr’s Circle Analogy for Stress 210 Strain Cubic Equation and Principal Strains 213 Mohr’s Circle Analogy for Strain 213 Elastic Stress-Strain Relationships (Hooke’s Law) 214 5.3 Stress Concentration 215 Stress Concentration Effects 216 Multiple Notches 217 5.4 Combined Stress Theories of Failure 224 Maximum Normal Stress Theory (Rankine’s Theory) 225 Maximum Shearing Stress Theory (Tresca–Guest Theory) 226 Distortion Energy Theory (Huber–von Mises–Hemcky Theory) 227 Failure Theory Selection 229 5.5 Brittle Fracture and Crack Propagation; Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics 233 5.6 Fluctuating Loads, Cumulative Damage, and Fatigue Life 241 Fluctuating Loads and Stresses 242 Fatigue Strength and Fatigue Limit 244 Estimating S-N Curves 246 Stress-Life (S-N) Approach to Fatigue 248 Factors That May Affect S-N Curves 248 Nonzero-Mean Stress 258 Cumulative Damage Concepts and Cycle Counting 266 Multiaxial Cyclic Stress 272 Fracture Mechanics (F-M) Approach to Fatigue 273 Crack Initiation Phase 273 Crack Propagation and Final Fracture Phases 276 x / Contents 2.15 Reliability: Concepts, Definitions, and Data 76 System Reliability, Reliability Goals, and Reliability Allocation 80 Reliability Data 83 2.16 The Dilemma of Reliability Specification versus Design Safety Factor 84 Chapter 3 Materials Selection 93 3.1 Steps in Materials Selection 93 3.2 Analyzing Requirements of the Application 93 3.3 Assembling Lists of Responsive Materials 94 3.4 Matching Responsive Materials to Application Requirements; Rank Ordered Data Table Method 105 3.5 Matching Responsive Materials to Application Requirements; Ashby chart Method 114 Chapter 4 Response of Machine Elements to Loads and Environments; Stress, Strain, and Energy Parameters 123 4.1 Loads and Geometry 123 4.2 Equilibrium Concepts and Free-Body Diagrams 123 4.3 Force Analysis 124 4.4 Stress Analysis; Common Stress Patterns for Common Types of Loading 126 Direct Axial Stress 128 Bending; Load, Shear, and Moment Diagrams 128 Bending; Straight Beam with Pure Moment 133 Bending; Initially Curved Beams 137 Bending; Straight Beam with Transverse Forces 142 Direct Shear Stress and Transverse Shear Stress 142 Torsional Shear; Circular Cross Section 150 Torsional Shear; Noncircular Cross Section 152 Torsional Shear; Shear Center in Bending 157 Surface Contact Stress 160 4.5 Deflection Analysis Common Types of Loading 161 Stored Strain Energy 162 Castigliano’s Theorem 164Design Issues in Fatigue Life Prediction 280 Fatigue Stress Concentration Factors and Notch Sensitivity Index 280 5.7 Multiaxial States of Cyclic Stress and Multiaxial Fatigue Failure Theories 283 Chapter 6 Geometry Determination 305 6.1 The Contrast in Objectives Between Analysis and Design 305 6.2 Basic Principles and Guidelines for Creating Shape and Size 306 Direct Load Path Guideline 306 Tailored-Shape Guideline 307 Triangle-Tetrahedron Guideline 308 Buckling Avoidance Guideline 309 Hollow Cylinder and I-Beam Guideline 310 Conforming Surface Guideline 310 Lazy-Material Removal Guideline 311 Merging Shape Guideline 313 Strain Matching Guideline 313 Load Spreading Guideline 314 Contents / xi 6.3 Critical Sections and Critical Points 315 6.4 Transforming Combined Stress Failure Theories into Combined Stress Design Equations 317 6.5 Simplifying Assumptions: The Need and the Risk 318 6.6 Iteration Revisited 319 6.7 Fits, Tolerances, and Finishes 323 Chapter 7 Design-Stage Integration of Manufacturing and Maintenance Requirements 333 7.1 Concurrent Engineering 333 7.2 Design for Function, Performance, and Reliability 334 7.3 Selection of the Manufacturing Process 334 7.4 Design for Manufacturing (DFM) 337 7.5 Design for Assembly (DFA) 337 7.6 Design for Critical Point Accessibility, Inspectability, Disassembly, Maintenance, and Recycling 339 Chapter 8 Power Transmission Shafting; Couplings, Keys, and Splines 341 8.1 Uses and Characteristics of shafting 341 8.2 Potential Failure Modes 343 8.3 Shaft Materials 344 8.4 Design Equations–Strength Based 345 8.5 Design Equations–Deflection Based 353 8.6 Shaft Vibration and Critical Speed 358 8.7 Summary of Suggested Shaft Design Procedure; General Guidelines for Shaft Design 360 8.8 Couplings, Keys, and Splines 361 Rigid Couplings 361 Flexible Coupling 362 Keys, Splines, and Tapered Fits 365 Chapter 9 Pressurized Cylinders; Interference Fits 382 9.1 Uses and Characteristics of Pressurized Cylinders 382 9.2 Interference Fit Applications 382 9.3 Potential Failure Modes 383 9.4 Materials for Pressure Vessels 383 9.5 Principles from Elasticity Theory 384 9.6 Thin-Walled Cylinders 385 9.7 Thick-Walled Cylinders 386 9.8 Interference Fits: Pressure and Stress 392 9.9 Design for Proper Interference 396 Chapter 10 Plain Bearings and Lubrication 403 10.1 Types of Bearings 403 10.2 Uses and Characteristics of Plain Bearings 403 10.3 Potential Failure Modes 404 10.4 Plain Bearing Materials 405 10.5 Lubrication Concepts 405 10.6 Boundary-Lubricated Bearing Design 406 10.7 Hydrodynamic Bearing Design 409 Lubricant Properties 410 PART TWO DESIGN APPLICATIONSTightening Torque; Fastener Loosening 507 Multiply Bolted Joints; Symmetric and Eccentric Loading 509 13.5 Rivets 517 Rivet Materials 517 Critical Points and Stress Analysis 518 13.6 Welds 522 Base Metals, Filler Materials, and Weldability 526 Butt Welds 528 Fillet Welds 529 13.7 Adhesive Bonding 538 Joint Design 538 Structural Adhesive Materials 540 Chapter 14 Springs 546 14.1 Uses and Characteristics of Springs 546 14.2 Types of Springs 546 14.3 Potential Failure Modes 548 14.4 Spring Materials 549 14.5 Axially Loaded Helical-Coil Springs; Stress, Deflection, and Spring Rate 552 Deflection and Spring Rate 557 Buckling and Surging 559 14.6 Summary of Suggested Helical-Coil Spring Design Procedure, and General Guidelines for Spring Design 562 14.7 Beam Springs (Leaf Springs) 568 14.8 Summary of Suggested Leaf Spring Design Procedure 574 14.9 Torsion Bars and Other Torsion Springs 578 14.10 Belleville (Coned-Disk) Springs 581 14.11 Energy Storage in Springs 582 Chapter 15 Gears and Systems of Gears 594 15.1 Uses and Characteristics of Gears 594 15.2 Types of Gears; Factors in Selection 595 15.3 Gear Trains; Reduction Ratios 600 15.4 Potential failure Modes 605 15.5 Gear Materials 607 15.6 Spur Gears; Tooth Profile and Mesh Geometry 608 Involute Profiles and Conjugate Action 609 Gearing Nomenclature; Tooth Shape and Size 610 Gear-Tooth Systems 612 Mesh Interactions 614 xii / Contents Loading, Friction, and Lubricant Flow Relationships 410 Thermal Equilibrium and Oil Film Temperature Rise 416 Design Criteria and Assumptions 419 Suggested Design Procedure 420 10.8 Hydrostatic Bearing Design 425 Chapter 11 Rolling Element Bearings 429 11.1 Uses and Characteristics of Rolling Element Bearings 429 11.2 Types of Rolling Element Bearings 430 11.3 Potential Failure Modes 433 11.4 Bearing Materials 433 11.5 Bearing Selection 434 Basic Load Ratings 435 Reliability Specifications 435 Suggested Selection Procedure for Steady Loads 436 Suggested Selection Procedure for Spectrum Loading 448 Lubrication 451 11.6 Preloading and Bearing Stiffness 453 11.7 Bearing Mounting and Enclosure 457 Chapter 12 Power Screw Assemblies 462 12.1 Uses and Characteristics of Power Screws 462 12.2 Potential Failure Modes 466 12.3 Materials 466 12.4 Power Screw Torque and Efficiency 467 12.5 Suggested Power Screw Design Procedure 473 12.6 Critical Points and Thread Stresses 474 Chapter 13 Machine Joints and Fastening Methods 485 13.1 Uses and Characteristics of Joints in Machine Assemblies 485 13.2 Selection of Joint Type and Fastening Method 485 13.3 Potential Failure Modes 487 13.4 Threaded Fasteners 488 Screw Thread Standards and Terminology 489 Threaded Fastener Materials 492 Critical Points and Thread Stresses 494 Preloading Effects; Joint Stiffness and Gasketed Joints 49715.7 Gear Manufacturing; Methods, Quality, and Cost 618 Gear Cutting 618 Gear Finishing 620 Cutter Path Simulation, Mesh Deflection, and Profile Modification 621 Accuracy Requirements, Measurement Factors, and Manufacturing Cost Trends 622 15.8 Spur Gears; Force Analysis 624 15.9 Spur Gears; Stress Analysis and Design 626 Tooth Bending: Simplified Approach 626 Tooth Bending: Synopsis of AGMA Refined Approach 631 Surface Durability: Hertz Contact Stresses and Surface Fatigue Wear 639 Surface Durability: Synopsis of AGMA Refined Approach 641 15.10 Lubrication and Heat Dissipation 645 15.11 Spur Gears; Summary of Suggested Design Procedure 647 15.12 Helical Gears; Nomenclature, Tooth Geometry, and Mesh Interaction 648 15.13 Helical Gears; Force Analysis 653 15.14 Helical Gears; Stress Analysis and Design 654 15.15 Helical Gears; Summary of Suggested Design Procedure 656 15.16 Bevel Gears; Nomenclature, Tooth Geometry, and Mesh Interaction 662 15.17 Bevel Gears; Force Analysis 665 15.18 Bevel Gears; Stress Analysis and Design 666 15.19 Bevel Gears; Summary of Suggested Design Procedure 668 15 20 Worm Gears and Worms; Nomenclature, Tooth Geometry, and Mesh Interaction 675 15.21 Worm Gears and Worms; Force Analysis and Efficiency 679 15.22 Worm Gears and Worms; Stress Analysis and Design 682 15.23 Worm Gears and Worms; Suggested Design Procedure 684 Chapter 16 Brakes and Clutches 701 16.1 Uses and Characteristics of Brakes and Clutches 701 16.2 Types of Brakes and Clutches 702 16.3 Potential Failure Modes 704 16.4 Brake and Clutch Materials 704 Contents / xiii 16.5 Basic Concepts for Design of Brakes and Clutches 705 16.6 Rim (Drum) Brakes with Short Shoes 708 16.7 Rim (Drum) Brakes with Long Shoes 719 16.8 Band Brakes 727 16.9 Disk Brakes and Clutches 732 Uniform Wear Assumption 733 Uniform Pressure Assumption 735 16.10 Cone Clutches and Brakes 738 Chapter 17 Belts, Chains, Wire Rope, and Flexible Shafts 746 17.1 Uses and Characteristics of Flexible Power Transmission Elements 746 17.2 Belt Drives; Potential Failure Modes 750 17.3 Belts; Materials 752 17.4 Belt Drives; Flat Belts 752 17.5 Belt Drives; V-Belts 757 17.6 Belt Drives; Synchronous Belts 769 17.7 Chain Drives; Potential Failure Modes 769 17.8 Chain Drives; Materials 770 17.9 Chain Drives; Precision Roller Chain 771 17.10 Roller Chain Drives; Suggested Selection Procedure 774 17.11 Chain Drives; Inverted-Tooth Chain 779 17.12 Wire Rope; Potential Failure Modes 779 17.13 Wire Rope; Materials 782 17.14 Wire Rope; Stresses and Strains 782 17.15 Wire Rope; Suggested Selection Procedure 786 17.16 Flexible Shafts 791 Chapter 18 Flywheels and High-Speed Rotors 798 18.l Uses and Characteristics of Flywheels 798 18.2 Fluctuating Duty Cycles, Energy Management, and Flywheel inertia 799 18.3 Types of Flywheels 804 18.4 Potential Failure Modes 805 18.5 Flywheel Materials 805 18.6 Spoke-and-Rim Flywheels 806 Stresses in a Rotating Free Ring 807 Bending Stresses in Flywheel Rim 808 Spoke-Axial Tensile Stresses 809 18.7 Disk Flywheels of Constant Thickness 809 18.8 Disk Flywheels of Uniform Strength 81519.5 Summary of Suggested Crankshaft Design Procedure 826 Chapter 20 Completing the Machine 843 20.1 Integrating the Components; Bases, Frames, and Housings 843 20.2 Safety Issues; Guards, Devices, and Warnings 850 20.3 Design Reviews; Releasing the Final Design 855 xiv / Contents 18.9 Uniform-Strength Disk Flywheel with a Rim 816 18.10 Flywheel-to-Shaft Connections 820 Chapter 19 Cranks and Crankshafts 824 19.1 Uses and Characteristics of Crankshafts 824 19.2 Types of Crankshafts 825 19.3 Potential Failure Modes 826 19.4 Crankshaft Materials 826 Table A-4 Section Properties of Selected S (Standard 1) Shapes 870 Table A-5 Section Properties of Selected C (Channel) Shapes 871 Table A-6 Section Properties of Selected Equal-Leg L (Angle) Shapes 872 NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers 859 Table A-1 Coefficients of Friction 864 Table A-2 Mass Moments of Inertia J and Radii of Gyration k for Selected Homogeneous Solid Bodies Rotating About Selected Axes, as Sketched 867 Table A-3 Section Properties of Selected W (Wide Flange) Shapes 868 APPENDIX REFERENCES 873 PHOTO CREDITS 881 INDEX Index 883 Abrasive wear, 23, 25, 59, 62 Acme threads, 463, 464, 470, 471 Adhesive bonding, 538–542 Adhesive wear, 23, 25, 59, 62 American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA), 430 American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA), 607 Angle shapes (equal leg), section properties, 872 Angular velocity ratio, 595, 600–605 Anthropometrics, 5 Archard adhesive wear constant, 60 Area moment of inertia (table), 135 Ashby charts, 105–111, 114–120 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 382 Asperities, surface, 59, 409 Assembly, design for, 337, 338 Assembly process, selection, 337, 338 Backlash (gears), 618 Ball screws (see power screws) Baseplates, 843, 844 Bases, 843 Beam springs, 568–578 (also see springs) Bearings: antifrictional (see rolling element bearings) basic load rating, 62 journal (see plain bearings) plain (see plain bearings) rolling element (see rolling element bearing) sleeve (see plain bearings) sliding (see plain bearings) Belleville springs (coned disk), 581, 582 Belts: failure modes, 750, 751 flat, 752–756 flat belt selection. 754–756 materials, 752 synchronous, 769 timing, 769 uses, 746 V-belts, 756–768 V-belt datum system, 759 V-belt pitch system, 759 V-belt selection, 763–768 Bending: curved beams, 137–142 gear teeth (see gears) load, shear, and moment diagrams (table), 128–133 neutral axis, 134, 138, 144 pure bending, 134 spring rate, 180, 181 straight beams, 128–137 transverse loads, 142–150 transverse shear, 142–150 Bevel gears, 662–675 (also see gears) Biaxial brittle fracture strength data, 226 Biaxial state of stress, 127, 205–213 Biaxial yield strength data, 227 Body force, 123 Boundary conditions, 385, 387, 388 Bolts, (see fasteners) Brakes: band, 727–732 caliper, 735, 736 cone, 738, 739 design procedure, 705–707 disk, 732–738 external shoe, 703, 708, 724 failure mode, 704 friction coefficient (table), 706 friction lining material, 706 internal shoe, 703, 708, 724 long-shoe drum type, 719–727 multiple disk, 732–738 materials, 704–706 self-energizing, 708 self-locking, 708 short-shoe drum type, 708–719 temperature rise, 711, 712 types, 702–704 uniform pressure assumption (disk), 735 uniform wear assumption (disk), 733, 734 uses, 701, 702 Brinnelling, 23, 24 Brittle fracture, 23, 24, 225, 233–241 Buckling, 23, 27, 34–45 Buckling: column, 35, 36 critical buckling load, 35–44 critical unit load, 40 effective column length, 38 effective slenderness ratio, 39 end support influence, 36, 38 Euler’s critical load, 38 Euler-Engesser equation, 39 externally pressurized thin-walled tubes, 44 helical coil springs, 559–561 initially crooked columns, 39, 40 local buckling, 41 long columns, 41 long thin rod, 43, 44 onset of, 35 pin-jointed mechanisms, 35, 36 primary buckling, 41 secant formula, 39, 40 short columns, 40, 41 thin deep beams, 44 Buckling avoidance guideline, 309, 310 Butt welds, 528 Buttress thread, 463, 464 Castigliano’s theorem, 164–171 Cathodic protection, 66 Chains: chordial action, 773, 774 failure modes, 769, 770 inverted tooth, 779 materials, 770, 771 multiple strand factor (table), 773 precision roller chain, 771–779 precision roller chain, selection, 774–779 polygonal action, 773, 774 silent, 779 uses, 746 Channel shape, section properties, 871 Clutches: band, 727–732 cone, 738, 739 design procedure, 705–707 disk, 732–738Clutches (Continued) failure modes, 704 friction coefficients (table), 706 friction lining material, 706 materials, 704–706 multiple disk, 732–738 temperature rise, 711, 712 types, 702–704 uniform pressure assumption (disk), 735 uniform wear assumption (disk), 733, 734 uses, 701, 702 Code of ethics (NSPE), 14, 15, 859–863 Codes, 13 Codes and standards, 13 Coefficient of speed fluctuations (flywheels), 800, 801 Cold-rolling, 189 Columns (see buckling) Combined creep and fatigue, 23–28 Combined stress design equations, 317, 318 Combines stress theory of failure, 33, 224–233, 317, 318 Conceptual design, 8 Concurrent design, 333, 336 Concurrent engineering, 333, 336 Conforming surface guideline, 310, 311 Configurational guidelines, 306–315 Configurational guidelines: buckling avoidance, 309, 310 conforming surfaces, 310, 311 direct load path, 306, 307 hollow cylinder and I-beam, 310 lazy material removal, 311, 312 load spreading, 314 merging shape, 313 strain matching, 313, 314 triangle-tetrahedron, 308, 309 tailored shape, 307, 308 Constant thickness disk flywheel, 809–815 (also see flywheels) Contact stress (Hertz), cylinders, 176–179 Contact stress (Hertz), spheres, 174–175 Corrosion: biological corrosion, 23, 25, 64 cathodic protection, 66 cavitation corrosion, 23, 25, 64, 65 direct chemical attack, 23, 25, 64 erosion corrosion, 23, 25, 64 galvanic corrosion, 23, 25, 64, 65 hydrogen damage, 23, 25, 64 intergranular corrosion, 23, 25, 65 pitting corrosion, 23, 25, 65 protection, 65 sacrificial anode, 65 selective leaching, 23, 25, 64 stress corrosion, 23, 25, 64–66 Corrosion fatigue, 23, 28, 64 Corrosion fatigue strength properties (table), 102 Corrosion wear, 23, 28 Couplings: bellows, 363, 364 elastomeric disk, 363, 364 failure modes, 363–365 flexible, 361, 363–365 flexible disk, 362, 363 gear, 363, 364 rigid, 361, 362, 369–372 roller chain, 363, 364 rubber cap, 364 sliding disk, 363, 364 spring, 363, 364 universal joint (U-joint), 365 Crack: initiation, 241, 242, 273–279 length, 233 opening mode (Mode I), 233 propagation, 233, 241, 276–279 size, unstable (critical), 241, 276–279 surface, 233 surface flaw shape parameter, 233, 236 through-the-thickness, 234–237 Crankshaft: center cranks, 825 design procedure, 826–841 disk cranks, 825 failure modes, 826 materials, 826 side cranks, 825 types, 825 uses, 824, 825 Creep, 23, 26, 52–58 Creep: constant creep rate, 56 cumulative creep, 57, 58 Larson-Miller theory, 54 logarithmic creep, 56 log-log stress-time creep, 65 long-term creep, 53–58 parabolic creep, 56 Robinson hypothesis, 57, 58 Stage I transient creep, 56 Stage II steady-state creep, 56 true creep strain, 56 under axial stress, 55–58 Creep buckling, 23, 28 Creep deformation, 53 Creep-limited maximum stress (table), 98 Creep strain, 52 Creep rupture, 52, 53 Creep testing: abridged method, 53 mechanical acceleration method, 53 thermal acceleration method, 53 Critical points, 315–317, 474–481, 494–497, 582, 583 Critical point accessibility, design for, 339, 340 Critical sections, 315–317 Critical speed, rotating shafts, 358–360 Critical stress intensity factor, 234, 237, 238 Cumulative creep prediction, 57, 58 Cumulative damage, 241, 242, 266–272 Cumulative distribution function, 253 Curved beams, 137–142 Curved surfaces in contact, 174–179 Customer attributes, 3, 4 Customer perceptions, 5 CV joints, 365 Cycle counting, rain flow method, 266–272 Cyclic equivalent stress, 283–291 Cyclic multiaxial state of stress, 283–291 Cyclic stresses, 242–291 Deflection: axial loading, 161 bending, 129–133, 162, 164 Castigliano’s theorem, 164–171 cylinders in contact, 176 shafts, 353–358 spheres in contact, 174 Hertz contact, 161, 174, 176 torsional loading, 161 Deflection analysis, 126 Design: concurrent, 333, 336 detail design, 8 embodiment design, 8 fail safe design, 9 intermediate design, 8 mechanical design, 1 preliminary design, 7, 8 safe life design, 9 Design equations, combined stress, 317, 318 Design for assembly (DFA), 337, 338 Design for manufacturing (DFM), 337 Design for “X” (DFX), 333, 334 Design reviews, 10, 855 Design safety factors, 7, 33, 71–74, 84 Design steps, 9–11 Detail design, 8 Development and field service, 9 Dilatation energy per unit volume, 227, 228 Direct load path guideline, 306, 307 Direct shear, spring rate, 181 Disassembly, design for, 339, 340 Distortion energy design equation, 228 Distortion energy failure theory, 33, 224, 225, 227–232 Distortion energy per unit volume, 228 Distribution function (see probability density function) Ductile rupture, 23, 24, 33, 34 Ductility properties (table), 99, 100 Durability of gear teeth (see gears) Effective stress, 228 Efficiency: power screws, 467–473 worm gears, 679–682 Elastic instability (see buckling) Elastic strain, 31, 32 884 IndexElastic stress-strain relationships, 214, 215 Elasticity theory (see theory of elasticity) Elevated temperature strength (table), 96, 97 Embodiment design, 8 Energy methods: Castigliano’s theorem, 164–171 Impact, 47–52 Engineering strain, 29, 30 Engineering stress-strain diagram, 30 Environmental effects, 194, 195 Epicylic gears, 600–605 Equilibrium, 123, 124, 385, 393, 412 Equivalent alternating stress amplitude, 283–291 Equivalent cyclic stress, 283–291 Equivalent mean stress, 283–291 Equivalent stress, 228, 272, 283–291 Ergonomics, 5 Ethics, 13, 14 Ethics, code of, 14, 15, 859–863 Ethical dilemma, 14 Euler’s critical load, 38 External energy, 47 Fail safe design, 9, 82 Failure analysis, 70, 71 Failure criteria, 22 Failure modes, 23–28 (also see mechanical failure) Failure prevention perspective, 22–70, 233–280 Failure theories: distortional energy theory (also known as octahedral shear stress theory, Huber-von-Mises- Henky theory, or von-Mises theory), 33, 225 fatigue, 224–232, 241–291 maximum normal stress theory (also known as Rankine theory), 225 maximum shearing stress theory (also known as Tresca Guest theory), 226, 227 selection of, 229 Fasteners: bolts, 487, 496, 497 critical points, 494–497, 518–522 failure modes, 495–497 head styles, 488 lead (thread), 489 materials, 492–494 metric threads, 491 multiple threads, 489 reduced-body bolts, 487 rivets, 517–522 screw thread standards, 488, 489 thread angle, 489 thread series, 492 thread major diameter, 489 thread minor diameter, 489 thread specifications, 492 thread stresses, 494–497 tightening, 507, 508 torque coefficient, 508 unified inch, threads, 490, 491 Fastener loosening, 507–508 Fatigue: completely reversed stress, 242, 258 corrosion fatigue, 28 crack growth rate, 276 crack initiation, 241, 242, 273–279 crack propagation, 233, 241, 276–279 critical (unstable) crack size, 241, 276–279 cumulative damage, 241, 242, 266–272 cycle ratio, 266–269 cyclic strain-hardening exponent, 274, 275 cyclic strength coefficients, 274, 275 damage fraction, 266–269 definitions for constant-amplitude stress time pattern, 242, 243 estimating properties of a part, 257 elastic strain amplitude, 274, 275 estimating S-N curves, 246–248 factors that may affect S-N curves, 248–258 failure theories, 283–291 fatigue life, 241 fatigue limit, 244, 245 fatigue strength, 244, 245 final fracture, 276–278 fluctuating loads, 241 fracture mechanics approach (F-M approach), 242 fretting fatigue, 23, 26, 66, 67, 69 high-cycle fatigue, 23, 24, 241–280 histogram, 245 impact fatigue, 23 infinite life diagram, 256 life improvement from residual stress, 288–291 life improvement form shot-peening, 288–291 linear damage rule, 266–269 loading spectra, 242 local stress-strain approach to crack initiation, 273–279 low-cycle fatigue, 23, 24, 242 master diagram, 258, 259 modified Goodman relationships, 260, 261–266 multiaxial cyclic stress, 272 Neuber rule, 274 nonzero mean stress, 243, 258–266 Palmgren-Miner hypothesis, 266–269 Paris law, 277 plastic strain amplitude, 274, 275 probability of failure, 245 rain flow cycle counting, 254, 266–272 range of stress, 243, 276 released tension, 243 reliability, 245 reversals to failure, 274, 275 sample standard deviation, 245 sample mean, 245 scatter of life diagram, 244, 245 S-N curves, 244 SNP curves, 244, 245 standard deviation of fatigue strength, 253 strain-controlled fatigue (see low-cycle fatigue) stress life approach (S-N approach), 242, 243, 248 strength-influencing factors for S-N curves, 247–258 strength reliability factors, 247 stress intensity factor range, 276, 277 stress spectra, 242, 266 surface fatigue, 23, 24 test method influence on S-N data, 248 thermal fatigue, 23, 24 total strain amplitude, 274, 275 zero-mean stress, 243, 258 Fatigue limit, 244, 246 Fatigue strength, 244, 246 Fatigue strength reduction factor, 281–283 Fatigue stress concentration factor, 280–283 Fillet welds, 529–537 Finishes, 328, 330 Fits, 323–329 Flexible shafts: maximum operating torque (tables), 792, 793 selection procedure, 793–795 uses, 748–750 Fluctuating loads, 242 Flywheels: bending in flywheel rims, 808, 809 coefficient of speed fluctuation, 800, 801 connection to shaft, 820, 821 constant thickness disk, 809–815 design for speed control, 799–804 energy management, 799–804 failure modes, 805 fluctuating duty cycle, 799–804 materials, 805, 806 rotating free ring, 807, 808 spoke-and-rim, 806–809 tension in flywheel spokes, 808, 809 types, 804, 805 uniform strength disk, 815, 816 uniform strength disk with rim, 816, 817 uses, 798 Force analysis, 124–126 Force flow lines, 124,125, 215 Force-induced elastic deformation, 23, 24, 28–31 Fracture mechanics, 233–241 Fracture mechanics approach to fatigue, 273–279 Fracture toughness, plane strain, 237 Frames: C-frame, 844 design procedure, 845–850 Index 885Frames (Continued) failure modes, 844 materials, 844 O-frame, 844 open truss, 843, 844 stressed-skin structure, 843, 844 thin-walled shell, 843, 844 Free body diagram, 123–126, 191, 386, 467 Fretting, 23, 26, 66–70 Fretting: fretting action, 26, 66 fretting corrosion, 23, 26, 66 fretting fatigue, 23, 26, 66–68 fretting wear, 23, 26, 66, 68, 69 maps, 69 minimizing or preventing fretting damage, 69, 70 Friction coefficients (table), 864–866 Friction wheel drives, 594, 595 Galling, 23, 27, 61 Gasketed joint, 497–507 Gasket materials, (table), 503 Gears: angular velocity ratio, 595, 600–605, 609 backlash, 618 bevel: applications, 597, 598 bending (tooth) – AGMA refined approach, 667, 668 design procedure, 668–675 force analysis, 665, 666 nomenclature, 662–665 standard AGMA tooth proportions, (table), 665 stress analysis, 666–668 surface durability using AGMA refined approach, 667, 668 compound, 600–605 epicyclic, 600–605 external, 594, 595 face gear, 598 failure modes, 605–607 fundamental law, 595 helical: applications, 597 bending (tooth) – AGMA refined approach, 654, 655 contact-pattern, 649 design procedure, 656–662 force analysis, 653, 654 nomenclature, 648, 650 standard AGMA tooth proportions, (table), 651 stress analysis, 654, 655 surface durability using AGMA refined approach, 654, 655 herringbone, 597 hypoid, 598 internal, 594, 595 involute, 608–618 Lewis equation (bending), 626–629 Lewis form factor, 628 line of action (pressure line), 609 manufacturing cost trends, 624 manufacturing methods: accuracy requirements (table), 623, 624 gear cutting, 618–620 gear finishing, 620 profile modification, 621, 622 materials, 607, 608 rack and pinion, 597 reduction ratios, 600–605 selection of type, 595–600 simple, 600–605 spiroid, 598 straight tooth spur: angular velocity ratio, 595, 600–605, 609 applications, 595, 597 approximate actual size, 614 bending (tooth) – AGMA refined approach, 631–638 bending (tooth) – simplified approach, 626–631 conjugate action, 609 design procedure, 647, 648 force analysis, 624–626 involute profile, 608–618 lubrication, 645–647 nomenclature, 594, 610 standard AGMA tooth proportions, (table), 613 stress analysis, 631–645 surface durability using AGMA refined approach, 641–645 surface durability using Hertz contact stresses, 639–641 tooth profile, 608–618 surface durability, 62, 639–645, 655, 667, 668 tooth bending, 626–638, 654, 655, 667, 668 tooth durability, 632–645, 655, 667, 668 trains, 600–605 types, 595–600 uses, 594, 595 worm: allowable tangential gear force, 682, 683 applications, 599 bending (tooth), 682 common thread profiles, 676 design procedure, 684–691 efficiency, 679–682 force analysis, 679–682 nomenclature, 675 stress analysis, 682, 683 surface durability, 682 typical tooth profiles, (table), 677 Zerol, 597, 598 Geometric compatibility, 385, 387, 392 Geometry determination, 305–330 Hardness properties, (table), 101 Heat affected zone (HAZ), 528 Helical coil springs, 546, 552–568 (also see springs) Helical gears, 648–662 (also see gears) Hertz contact deflection, 177, 453–457 Hertz contact spring rate, 181–182, 453 Hertz contact stress, 24, 62, 160, 161, 174–179 High-speed-rotors (see flywheels) Hollow cylinder guidelines, 310 Hooke’s Law, 32, 47, 162, 214, 215, 228, 385, 387, 393 Horsepower relationship, 152 Housing, 844 Huber-von-Mises-Hencky Theory (see distortional energy theory) Human factors engineering, 5 House of quality, 3 I-beam guidelines, 308 I-beams, section properties, 870 Impact, 23, 26 Impact: deflection, 47–52 deformation, 23, 26 energy method, 47–52 fatigue, 23 fracture, 23, 26 fretting, 23 stress, 47–52 stress wave propagation, 46 suddenly applied load, 46, 48 wear, 23, 26 Industrial designers, 2 Inspectability, 9 Inspectability, design for 339, 340 Interference fits: design procedures, 396–400 failure modes, 386 uses, 382, 386 Intermediate design, 8 Involute gear teeth, 609–618 Involute splines, 373, 374 Iteration, 7, 319 Jack screws (see power screws) Joints: adhesively bonded, 538–542 advantages of adhesive bonding, 838 bolted, 486, 487–516 butt weld, 528 centroid of bolt pattern, 510, 511 centroid of weld pattern, 530 eccentric loading, 509–516, 529–537 failure modes, 487, 488 fillet welds, 529–537 gasketed, 497–507 886 IndexJoints (Continued) moment of inertia, 510, 512 multiply bolted, 509 multiply riveted, 519 multiply welded, 529–537 preload, 495–507 rivet material, 517 riveted, 517–522 stiffness, 497–507 torsion-like shear, 509–516 types, 485, 486 weld edge preparation, 525, 526 weld electrode specifications, 527 weld types, 525, 526 weldability, 527 welded, 522–537 weld heat affected zone (HAZ), 528 weld stress concentration factors, 525 weld symbol, 524 Keys, 361–372 Keys: failure modes, 366 square, 365–372 stress concentration factors (keyway), 220, 367, 369 Woodruff, 365, 367 Kinematic viscosity, 410, 411, 414 Larson-Miller parameter, 54 Lazy-material removal guideline, 611, 612 Lead screw (see power screws) Leaf springs, 568–578 (also see springs) Lessons learned strategy, 12 Lewis equation (see gears), 626–629 Line of action (see gears), 609 Linear actuators (see power screws) Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), 233–241 Load sharing, 179–186 Load spreading guideline, 314 Loading severity parameter, 225 Lubrication: boundary, 406–409 elastohydrodynamic (squeeze film), 406, 452, 645–647 hydrodynamic, 406, 409–425 hydrostatic, 409 Petroff’s equation, 411 pV product, 406–409 Raimondi and Boyd data, 413–417 Reynolds equation, 412, 413 plain bearings, 403, 405–425 rolling element bearings, 452 solid film, 406 Sommerfield data, 413–417 thick film (full film), 405, 409–425 thin film (partial film), 405–409 Tower experiments, 412 viscosity, 410, 411, 414 zero film, 405 Machinability index (table), 104 Maintenance, design for, 333, 339, 340 Manufacturing, 333–340 Manufacturing, design for, 337 Manufacturing process, selection, 334–337 Manufacturing process suitability (table), 103 Marketing specialists, 1, 2 Mass moments of inertia (table), 867 Materials: application requirements, 94 Ashby charts, 105–111, 114–120 mechanical properties (tables), 95–105, 106–109, 238 performance evaluation indices, 94 selection by Ashby method, 105–111, 114–120 selection by rank-ordered data (table), 105–114 selection steps, 93 Materials cost index, 104 Maximum shearing stress design equation, 318 Maximum shearing stress failure theory, 225–227 Maximum normal stress design equation, 318 Maximum normal stress failure theory, 225, 226 Mean, 77 Mechanical design: concepts, 6 definition, 6 failure prevention perspective, 22–75 Mechanical failure: brinnelling, 23, 24 brittle fracture, 23, 24, 233–241 buckling, 23, 27, 34–45 combined creep and fatigue, 23, 28 corrosion, 23, 24, 64–66 corrosion fatigue, 23, 28, 64 corrosion wear, 23, 28, 64 creep, 23, 26, 27, 52–58 creep buckling, 23, 28 ductile rupture, 23, 24, 33, 34 fatigue, 23, 24, 241–291 force-induced elastic deformation, 23, 24, 30 fretting, 23, 26, 66–70 galling, 23, 27, 61 impact, 23, 26, 46–52 modes of, 23–28 radiation damage, 23, 27, 102, 103 seizure, 23, 27, 61 spalling, 23, 27 stress corrosion, 23, 28, 65, 66 stress rupture, 23, 27, 52–58 temperature-induced elastic deformation, 23, 24, 31, 32 thermal relaxation, 23, 27 thermal shock, 23, 27 wear, 23, 25, 59–63 yielding, 23, 24, 32, 33 Membrane analogy, 153–155 Merging shape guidelines, 313 Mode I crack displacement, 233 Mode II crack displacement, 233 Mode III crack displacement, 233 Modified square thread, 463, 464 Mohr’s circle (strain), 213, 214 Mohr’s circle (stress), 210, 211 Moment diagrams, bending (table), 129–133 Moment of inertia, area (table), 135 Moment of inertia, mass (table), 867 Multiaxial cyclic stress, 283–291 Multiaxial fatigue failure theories, 283–291 Multiaxial state of stress, 127, 205–215 Multiple threads, 464, 465 National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), Code of Ethics, 14, 15, 859–863 Neuber rule, 274 Newtonian fluid, 410 Newton’s law of cooling: bearings, 418 brakes, 712 gears, 646 Nondestructive evaluation (NDE), 339 Normal (Gaussian) distribution, 76–80 Normal stress, 126, 127 Notch sensitivity, 280–283 Octahedral shear stress theory of failure (see distortion energy failure theory) Paris law (fatigue), 277 Petroff’s equation, 411 Pins, 376, 377 Plain bearings: advantages, 403, 404 design criteria, 419, 420 design procedure, 420–425 eccentricity ratio, 413, 421 failure modes, 404 lubrication, 403, 405–425 materials, 405 oil film temperature rise, 416, 418 recommended clearances (table), 420, 421 uses, 403, 404 Plane cross section properties (table), 135 Plane strain: critical stress intensity factor, 237 definition, 237 minimum thickness for, 237 Plain strain fracture toughness, 237, 276 Plane stress, critical stress intensity factor, 237 Planetary gears, 600–605 Plastic strain, 32 Policy of least commitment, 3 Power, as related to torque and speed, 151, 152 Index 887Power screws: Acme threads, 463, 464, 470, 471 back driving, 467 ball screw, 465 buttress thread, 463, 464 design procedures, 473, 474 efficiency, 467–473 failure modes, 466 helix angle, 464 lead (thread), 464 lead angle, 464, 469 materials, 466 modified square thread, 463, 464 multiple threads, 464, 465 overhauling, 469 pitch, 464 self-locking, 469 square thread, 463, 464 thread angle, 463 threads, 463–470 torque, 467–473 uses, 462 Preliminary design, 7, 8 Preloading, 186–189, 453–457 Presetting, 189 Pressure vessels: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 382 failure modes, 383 longitudinal stress, 386 materials, 383, 384 tangential (hoop) stress, 385 thick wall, 382, 386–392 thin wall, 382, 385, 386 uses, 382 Prestressing, 190–192 Principal normal stress, 205–213 Principal planes, 205–213 Principal stresses, 205–213, 389 Principal shearing stress, 205–213 Projected area, 386 Probability density function, 76–79 Probability of failure, 76–79, 245 Probabilistic design, 76 Product design team, 1, 2, 3 Product marketing concept, 3 Radiation damage, 23, 27, 102, 103 Radiation exposure influence on properties (table), 102, 103 Rain flow cycle counting (fatigue), 254, 266–272 Rankine’s theory (see maximum normal stress theory) Recycling, design for, 339, 340 Redundant assemblies, 179–186 Redundant supports, 166–169, 179–186 Redundancy, component level, 82, 83 Redundancy, sub-assembly level, 82, 83 Reliability, 76–84, 245 Reliability: allocation, 80 block diagrams, 81 definition, 76 equal apportionment, 83 functional block diagrams, 81–83 goals, 80, 81 log-normal distribution, 76 normal cumulative distribution, 77–79 normal distribution, 77–80 parallel components, 82, 83 population mean, 77 population standard deviation, 77 population variance, 77 redundancy at component level, 82, 83 redundancy at subsystem level, 82, 83 series components, 82 Six Sigma, 81 standard normal variable (table), 78 system, 80–83 specification, 84 Weibull distribution, 76 Residual stresses, 189–194, 525 Residual stresses: cold-rolling, 190 estimating, 190–194 fatigue life improvement, 288–291 presetting, 189 prestressing, 190–192 shot-peening, 190, 526 weldments, 525, 526 Resilience properties (table), 100 Resonance, 344, 359 Retrospective design, 70, 71 Reynolds equation, 412 Rivets (see fasteners) Rolling element bearings: ball, 430, 431 basic dynamic load rating, 435 basic static load rating, 435 enclosure, 457, 458 failure modes, 433 force-deflection curves, 453–457 lubrication, 451, 452 materials, 433, 434 mounting practices, 457, 458 preloading, 453, 457 reliability, 435, 436 roller, 430, 432 selection for spectrum loading, 434, 448–451 selection for steady loads, 434, 436–448 stiffness, 453–457 types, 430–432 uses, 429 Rotors, high-speed (see flywheels) Rotating free ring, 407, 408 Safe life design, 9 Safety factor: design, 7, 33, 72–74, 84 existing, 75 rating factors, 73 rating numbers, 72, 73, 84 Safety issues: devices, 850, 852–854 guards, 850, 851 hazards, 850 risk, 850 Sample mean, 245 Sample standard deviation, 245 Screw threads: Acme, 463, 464, 470, 471 buttress, 463, 464 failure modes, 466 helix angle, 464 lead, 464 lead angle, 464, 469 modified square, 463, 464 multiple threads, 464, 465 pitch, 464 square, 563, 464, 468 thread angle, 463 Screws, power (see power screws) Seizure, 23, 27, 61 Setscrews, 365, 275, 376 Setscrews: holding power, 376 types of points, 375 Shaft deflection, 353–358 Shaft strength, 345–353 Shafts: connection to flywheels, 820, 821 critical speed, 358–360 design equations, deflection based, 353–358 design equations, strength based, 345–353 design layout, 343 design procedure, 360, 361 failure modes, 343, 344 flexible (see flexible shafts) materials, 344, 345 standard for design of, 345 uses, 341–343 vibration, 358–360 Shear center, 158–160 Shearing stress, 126, 127, 142–148 Shock (see impact) Shot-peening, 190 Shot-peening, fatigue life improvement, 288–291 Simplifying assumptions, 318 Six Sigma, 81 Slider-crank mechanism, 824 Solid bodies, properties of (table), 867 Spalling, 23, 27 Specification, reliability, 84 Specifications, engineering, 2, 8, 11, 93 Specifications, thread, 492 S-N curves, estimating, 246–248 S-N curves, strength-influencing factors, 247–258 888 IndexSplines, 361, 373, 374 Splines: failure mode, 373 fits, 373 involute, 374 straight, 373, 374 stress concentration factors, 374 Spoke-and-rim flywheel, 806–809 (also see flywheel) Spring index, 554 Springs: Belleville (coned disk), 581, 582 buckling of helical coil, 559, 560 curvature factor in helical coil, 554 end loop stress concentration, 555, 556 energy storage, 582–586 fatigue shearing strength (table), 563 helical coil, 546, 552–568, 579 helical coil design procedure, 562–568 helical coil nomenclature, 552 helical coil spring index, 554 helical coil spring rate, 558 leaf springs, 568–578 leaf spring design procedure, 574–578 leaf spring spring-rate, 572 linear, 181 machine elements as, 180–186 nonlinear softening, 181 nonlinear stiffening (hardening), 181 parallel, 176–186 series, 179–186 shackles, 572–573 spiral torsion, 579, 580 surging of helical coil, 561 torsion bar, 578–581 torsion in helical coil, 553 torsion springs, 578–581 torsion tubes, 578 torsional shear yield strength (table), 560 transverse shear in helical coil, 553 Wahl factor, 554, 555 Spring rate (spring constant), 29, 179–186, 557, 558 Spring rate: axial, 30, 181 bending, 181 direct shear, 181 helical coil, 557–559 Hertz contact, 181 leaf spring, 572 linearized, 181, 453 torsional, 181 Spur gears, 608–618 (also see gears) Square thread, 463, 464, 469 Stages of design, 7–9 Standard deviation, 77 Standard normal variable, 253, (table), 78 Standards, 13 State of stress: biaxial, 127, 205–213, 386 multiaxial, 127, 205–213, 225 multiaxial cyclic, 272, 283–291 triaxial, 127, 205 uniaxial, 127, 225 Stiffness, joint, 497–507 Stiffness properties of materials (table), 99 Straight toothy spur gears, 608–648 (also see gears) Strain amplitude, elastic, 274, 275 Strain amplitude, plastic, 274, 275 Strain amplitude, total, 274, 275 Strain cubic equation, 213 Strain energy, 47, 126, 162–173, 227 Strain energy per unit volume, 227 Strain gage, 214 Strain-matching guideline, 313 Strain rosette, 241 Strength at elevated temperature (table), 96, 97 Strength properties (table), 95, 96 Strength reduction factor, 281 Strength/weight ratio (table), 96 Stress (see “stress patterns” and “state of stress”) Stress, equivalent, 272 Stress concentration, 215–224 Stress concentration: actual local stress, 216 highly local, 216–224 multiple notches, 217, 223 nominal stress, 216 notch root, 216 notch sensitivity index, 280–283 strength reduction factor, 281 widely distributed, 138, 139, 216 Stress concentration factors: crankshaft fillet, 222 curved beams, 138, 139 cyclic multiaxial states of stress, 281, 282 end-of hub pressed on shaft, 223 fatigue, 216, 217 fatigue of brittle materials, 282 fatigue of ductile materials, 282 flat bar with shoulder fillet, 221 gear tooth fillet, 222 helical coil spring in torsion, 580 intermediate and low-cycle range, 282 keyways (profiled, slender runner), 367, 369 keyways (Woodruff), 367 screw threads, 217 shaft diametral hole, 220 shaft fillet, 218 shaft groove, 219 shaft keyway, 220, 366–369 shaft splines, 220, 374 theoretical elasticity, 216 torsion of helical coil spring, 580 weldment, 525 Stress corrosion, 23, 28, 64 Stress cubic equation, 206–209 Stress intensity: critical, 234 stress intensity factor, 233 Stress intensity factor, 233–237 Stress patterns: bending, 128–137 direct stress, 128 surface contact stress, 128, 160 torsional shear, 128, 150–160 transverse shear, 128, 142–150 Stress relaxation, 27 Stress rupture, 23, 27, 52–58 Stress rupture strength (table), 97 Stress wave propagation, 46 Structural adhesives (table), 541 Structural shapes, section properties, 867–872 Suddenly applied load, 48 Superposition, principal of, 32 Surface contact stress, 160 Surface forces, 123 Surging, helical coil springs, 561 System reliability, 80–83 Tailored-shape guidelines, 307, 308 Tapered fits, 274, 375 Temperature-induced elastic deformation, 23, 24, 31, 32 Theoretical stress concentration factor, 216 Theories of failure: distortional energy theory, 225, 227, 228 maximum shearing stress theory, 225–227 maximum normal stress theory, 225, 226 selection of, 229 Theory of elastic principles, 384–386 Thermal conductivity (table), 104, 105 Thermal expansion coefficients (table), 98 Thermal shock, 23, 27 Thermal relaxation, 23, 27 Thermal stress (temperature induces stress), 32 Threads: fasteners, 488–497 power screws, 463–470 Tolerances, 323–329 Tooth bending, 631–639, 654, 655, 667, 668 (also see gears) Topological interference, 824 Torsion: circular cross section, 150–156 deflection, 161 noncircular cross section, 152–155 shear center in bending, 157–160 spring rate, 181 Torsion bar springs, 578–581 (also see springs) Index 889Total strain energy per unit volume, 227 Toughness properties (tables), 100, 238 Transverse shear, 142–147 Tresca-Guest theory (see maximum shearing stress theory) Triangle-tetrahedron guideline, 308, 309 Uniaxial state of stress, 127, 225, 233 Unit inertia (table), 532, 533 Units, 14–20 Units: absolute system, 15, 16 base units, 15 conversion table, 17 derived units, 15 foot-pound-second system (fps), 14 gravitational system, 15 inch-pound-second system (ips), 14 International system (SI), 14 standard prefixes, 17 Universal joint, 365 Variance, 77 Virtues of simplicity, 10 Viscosity, 410, 411, 414 von Mises stress, 228 von Mises theory (see distortional energy theory) Whal factor, 554, 555 Wear, 23, 25, 59–63 Wear: abrasive wear, 23, 25, 59, 61, 62 abrasive wear constant, 62 adhesive wear, 23, 25, 59, 61, 62 Archard adhesive wear constant, 60 corrosion wear, 23, 25, 59 deformation wear, 23, 26, 59 fretting wear, 23, 26, 66, 68 impact wear, 23, 26 mean normal contact pressure, 60, 61 principle of conversion, 61 principle of diversion, 61 principle of protective layers, 61 surface fatigue wear, 23, 25, 59, 62 three-body wear, 61 two-body wear, 61 Weibull distribution, 76 Weldability, 526 Welded joints (see joints, welded) Weld symbol, 524–526 Wide flange beam, section properties, 868, 869 Wire rope: failure modes, 779–781 fatigue data, 785 materials, 782 selection procedure, 786–791 stresses, 782, 784–791 uses, 748, 749 Worm gears, 675–691 (also see gears) Yielding, 23, 24, 32, 33 Yield strength (table), 95
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