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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Humanoid Robotics - A Reference الإثنين 24 أغسطس 2020, 1:26 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Humanoid Robotics - A Reference Ambarish Goswami , Prahlad Vadakkepat Editors
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Volume 1 Part I History of Humanoid Robots . 1 Humanoid Robots: Historical Perspective, Overview, and Scope 3 Bruno Siciliano and Oussama Khatib Historical Perspective of Humanoid Robot Research in the Americas . 9 Stefan Schaal Historical Perspective of Humanoid Robot Research in Europe . 19 Yannick Aoustin, Christine Chevallereau, and Jean-Paul Laumond Historical Perspective of Humanoid Robot Research in Asia 35 Atsuo Takanishi Part II Development Story of 14 Famous Humanoid Robots 53 ASIMO and Humanoid Robot Research at Honda 55 Satoshi Shigemi MIT Cog 91 Brian Scassellati HRP-4 and Other HRP Robots . 101 Shuuji Kajita History of HUBO: Korean Humanoid Robot . 117 Jung-Woo Heo, Jungho Lee, In-Ho Lee, Jeongsoo Lim, and Jun-Ho Oh Johnnie and LOLA: The TUM Bipeds . 131 Thomas Buschmann and Michael Gienger NAO 147 Rodolphe Gelin The PETMAN and Atlas Robots at Boston Dynamics 169 Gabe Nelson, Aaron Saunders, and Robert Playter xixii Contents Sony QRIO 187 Kenichiro Nagasaka Robonaut, Valkyrie, and NASA Robots 201 John Yamokoski and Nicolaus Radford Toyota Partner Robots 215 Masahiro Doi and Yuichiro Nakajima WABIAN and Other Waseda Robots 265 Kenji Hashimoto and Atsuo Takanishi iCub 291 Lorenzo Natale, Chiara Bartolozzi, Francesco Nori, Giulio Sandini, and Giorgio Metta Sarcos Robots 325 Fraser Smith The Karlsruhe ARMAR Humanoid Robot Family 337 Tamim Asfour, Rüdiger Dillmann, Nikolaus Vahrenkamp, Martin Do, Mirko W?chter, Christian Mandery, Peter Kaiser, Manfred Kr?hnert, and Markus Grotz Part III Humanoid Mechanism and Design . 369 Introduction: Humanoid Mechanism and Design 371 Kensuke Harada Leg Mechanism of LOLA 377 Sebastian Lohmeier Compliant Leg Mechanism of Coman . 407 Nikos G. Tsagarakis, Gustavo Medrano Cerda, and Darwin G. Caldwell Human-Like Toe Joint Mechanism 435 Ko Yamamoto Wire Driven Multi-fingered Hand . 457 Hiroshi Kaminaga DLR Multi-fingered Hands . 481 Markus Grebenstein, Maxime Chalon, M?ximo A. Roa, and Christoph Borst Underactuation with Link Mechanisms 523 Clément Gosselin BarrettHand Grasper: Programmably Flexible Part Handling and Assembly 535 William T. TownsendContents xiii Human-Like Hand Mechanism . 553 Ashish D. Deshpande Human-Like Face and Head Mechanism . 571 Tatsuhiro Kishi, Kenji Hashimoto, and Atsuo Takanishi Mechanism Design of Human-Like HRP-4C 597 Shuuji Kajita Mechanism Design Outline of Hubo . 615 Taejin Jung, Jeongsoo Lim, Hyoin Bae, and Jun-Ho Oh Mechanism Design of DLR Humanoid Robots 637 Christian Ott, M?ximo A. Roa, Florian Schmidt, Werner Friedl, Johannes Englsberger, Robert Burger, Alexander Werner, Alexander Dietrich, Daniel Leidner, Bernd Henze, Oliver Eiberger, Alexander Beyer, Berthold B?uml, Christoph Borst, and Alin Albu-Sch?ffer Part IV Humanoid Kinematics and Dynamics 663 Historical Perspective and Scope 665 Tomomichi Sugihara Differential Kinematics 675 Dragomir Nenchev Dynamics Analysis: Equations of Motion 723 Tomomichi Sugihara and Yasutaka Fujimoto Dynamic Formulations and Computational Algorithms . 755 Hubert Gattringer and Andreas Mueller Contact Dynamics 785 Tomomichi Sugihara Reduced-Order Models 811 Tomomichi Sugihara and Katsu Yamane Calibration and Parameter Estimation 849 Gentiane Venture and Ko Ayusawa A Comparative Study Between Humans and Humanoid Robots 873 Katsu Yamane and Akihiko Murai Humanoid Kinematics and Dynamics: Open Questions and Future Directions . 893 Michael Gienger and Jochen J. Steilxiv Contents Volume 2 Part V Humanoid Control . 903 Linear Inverted Pendulum-Based Gait . 905 Shuuji Kajita Gait Based on the Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum . 923 Hartmut Geyer and Uluc Saranli Limit Cycle Gaits . 949 Fumihiko Asano Neuromuscular Control Models of Human Locomotion 979 Hartmut Geyer and André Seyfarth Compliance/Impedance Control Strategy for Humanoids 1009 Jong Hyeon Park Passivity-Based Control Strategy for Humanoids 1029 Jong Hyeon Park Virtual Constraints and Hybrid Zero Dynamics for Realizing Underactuated Bipedal Locomotion . 1045 Jessy W. Grizzle and Christine Chevallereau Model Predictive Control 1077 Pierre-Brice Wieber CPG-Based Control of Humanoid Robot Locomotion 1099 Florin Dzeladini, Nadine Ait-Bouziad, and Auke Ijspeert Humanoid Body Control Using Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 1135 Dilip Kumar Pratihar, V. Pandu Ranga, and Rega Rajendra Whole-Body Control of Humanoid Robots . 1161 Federico L. Moro and Luis Sentis Reflex Control 1185 Riadh Zaier Toward a Codesign Approach for Versatile and Energy-Efficient Humanoid Robots 1221 Jean-Paul Laumond and Mehdi Benallegue Principles of Energetics and Stability in Legged Locomotion 1231 Jeremy D. Wong and J. Maxwell Donelan Learning Control . 1261 Sylvain Calinon and Dongheui LeeContents xv Part VI Humanoid Balance 1313 Introduction to Humanoid Balance 1315 Jerry E. Pratt, Christian Ott, and Sang-Ho Hyon Human Sense of Balance . 1323 Thomas Mergner and Robert J. Peterka Torque-Based Balancing . 1361 Christian Ott and Sang-Ho Hyon Angular Momentum-Based Balance Control . 1387 Sung-Hee Lee, Andreas Hofmann, and Ambarish Goswami Stepping for Balance Maintenance Including Push-Recovery . 1419 Jerry E. Pratt, Sylvain Bertrand, and Twan Koolen Feedback Control of Inverted Pendulums 1467 Shuuji Kajita Technical Implementations of the Sense of Balance 1489 Michael Bloesch and Marco Hutter Balancing via Position Control 1519 Youngjin Choi, Yonghwan Oh, and Giho Jang Optimization-Based Control Approaches to Humanoid Balancing . 1541 Aurélien Ibanez, Philippe Bidaud, and Vincent Padois Part VII Humanoid Motion Planning, Optimization, and Gait Generation 1569 Introduction: Motion Planning, Optimization, and Biped Gait Generation . 1571 Eiichi Yoshida and Katja Mombaur Whole-Body Motion Planning 1575 Eiichi Yoshida, Fumio Kanehiro, and Jean-Paul Laumond Obeying Constraints During Motion Planning 1601 Dmitry Berenson Manipulation and Task Execution by Humanoids . 1633 Kensuke Harada and M?ximo A. Roa Human Motion Imitation 1657 Dana Kulic´ Principles Underlying Locomotor Trajectory Formation . 1679 Manish Sreenivasa, Jean-Paul Laumond, Katja Mombaur, and Alain Berthozxvi Contents Biped Footstep Planning . 1697 Nicolas Perrin Adaptive Locomotion on Uneven Terrains 1719 Kris Hauser SLAM and Vision-based Humanoid Navigation . 1739 Olivier Stasse Multi-contact Motion Planning and Control 1763 Karim Bouyarmane, Stéphane Caron, Adrien Escande, and Abderrahmane Kheddar Humanoid Motion Optimization 1805 Katja Mombaur Humanoid Motion Planning, Optimization, and Gait Generation: Open Questions and Future Directions 1843 Katja Mombaur and Eiichi Yoshida Volume 3 Part VIII Humanoid Simulation and Software 1849 Humanoid Simulation and Software: Overview . 1851 Katsu Yamane Multi-body Simulation 1855 Katsu Yamane Contact Simulation . 1877 Evan Drumwright and Jeffrey C. Trinkle Collision Detection 1933 Young J. Kim, Ming C. Lin, and Dinesh Manocha Actuator Modeling and Simulation 1957 J?rn Malzahn, Victor Barasuol, and Klaus Janschek Sensor Calibration, Modeling, and Simulation 2007 Qianli Ma and Gregory S. Chirikjian Simulation for Control 2043 KangKang Yin, Libin Liu, and Michiel van de Panne Simulation for AI . 2087 Tadahiro Taniguchi Free Simulation Software and Library . 2111 Barkan Ugurlu and Serena IvaldiContents xvii Part IX Human-Humanoid Interaction 2131 Human-Humanoid Interaction: Overview 2133 Guido Herrmann and Ute Leonards Joint Action in Humans: A Model for Human-Robot Interaction . 2149 Arianna Curioni, Gunther Knoblich, and Natalie Sebanz Movement-Based Communication for Humanoid-Human Interaction . 2169 Giulio Sandini, Alessandra Sciutti, and Francesco Rea Enriching the Human-Robot Interaction Loop with Natural, Semantic, and Symbolic Gestures . 2199 Katrin Solveig Lohan, Hagen Lehmann, Christian Dondrup, Frank Broz, and Hatice Kose Applications in HHI: Physical Cooperation . 2221 Markus Rickert, Andre Gaschler, and Alois Knoll Speech and Language in Humanoid Robots 2261 Angelo Cangelosi and Tetsuya Ogata Human-Robot Teaming: Approaches from Joint Action and Dynamical Systems . 2293 Tariq Iqbal and Laurel D. Riek Embodiment, Situatedness, and Morphology for Humanoid Robots Interacting with People 2313 Blanca Miller and David Feil-Seifer Empathy as Signalling Feedback Between Humanoid Robots and Humans . 2337 Tatsuya Nomura Dynamic Control for Human-Humanoid Interaction 2347 S. G. Khan, S. Bendoukha, and M. N. Mahyuddin Assistive Humanoid Robots for the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment 2377 François Ferland, Roxana Agrigoroaie, and Adriana Tapus Safe and Trustworthy Human-Robot Interaction 2397 Dejanira Araiza-Illan and Kerstin Eder Ethical Issues of Humanoid-Human Interaction 2421 Rafael Capurroxviii Contents Part X Humanoid Sensing, Actuation, and Intelligence 2437 Pneumatic Prime Movers 2439 Tim Swift Transmissions 2447 Christopher McQuin Importance of Humanoid Robot Detection . 2463 Taher Abbas Shangari, Soroush Sadeghnejad, and Jacky Baltes Humanoid Multi-robot Systems . 2473 John E. Anderson Multi-Axis Force-Torque Sensor 2483 Jung-Hoon Kim Applications of IMU in Humanoid Robot 2497 Qiang Huang and Si Zhang Range Sensors: Ultrasonic Sensors, Kinect, and LiDAR 2521 Jongmoo Choi Tactile Sensing . 2539 Lorenzo Natale and Giorgio Cannata Sensor Fusion and State Estimation of the Robot 2563 Francesco Nori, Silvio Traversaro, and Maurice Fallon Part XI Applications of Humanoids . 2593 Humanoid Robot Applications: Introduction . 2595 Rodolphe Gelin and Jean-Paul Laumond Humanoid Robots for Entertainment 2599 Steven “Mouse” Silverstein and Katsu Yamane Humanoid Robots in Education: A Short Review . 2617 Amit Kumar Pandey and Rodolphe Gelin Application of Nextage: Next-Generation Industrial Robot . 2633 Kensuke Harada Toward New Humanoid Applications: Wearable Device Evaluation Through Human Motion Reproduction 2645 Eiichi Yoshida, Ko Ayusawa, Yumeko Imamura, and Takayuki Tanaka Inclusion of Humanoid Robots in Human Society: Ethical Issues 2665 Raja Chatila Index . 267 Index A Absolute configuration, 759 Absolute coordinates, 1891, 1892, 1895, 1899 Absolute position vector, 758 Absolute velocity, 759 Abstract oscillator CPGs, 1108–1110 Accelerometer applications, 2501 composition and classification, 2499 feature, 2500 principle, 2499 Acrobot model, 1318 Action predictability, 2173 Action understanding, 2176, 2188 Active compliance, 2349, 2356–2360 Active perception method, 2105 Active sensors, 2464 advantages, 2465 disadvantages, 2465 Actuation, 879 dynamics, 881 musculoskeletal model, 879–880 role of passive elements, 882 Actuator(s), 386 bellow actuators, 2443 PAM, 2443 Actuator modeling and simulation BLDC motor three phase equations, 1968–1971 compliant actuation (see Compliant actuation) computer algebra systems, 1965 current-controlled mechanical power DC motor model, 1971–1972 energy based formalisms, 1962 friction, 1989–1994 generalized port-Hamiltonian systems, 1964 generalized quantities, 1960–1961 hydraulic actuation, 1977–1986 Matlab, 1967 Modelica based tools, 1967 multi-port networks, 1962–1963 MuPAD, 1967 pneumatic actuation, 1986–1989 power transmission, 1975–1977 signal based modeling, 1965 Simulink, 1967 source, 1972–1973 torque fluctuations, 1973–1975 20-sim, 1968 voltage controlled mechanical power source, 1973 Adaptive frequency oscillators (AFO), 1112, 1113 Adaptive Kalman Filter (AKF), 2504 Adaptive terrain locomotion components, 1721 controller and planner, 1724 future aspects, 1735 historical background, 1721 kinematic model, 1723 Lagrangian dynamics equation, 1723 phases of bipedal walking, 1722 sensors, 1725 terrain estimation, 1727 underfoot terrain model, 1726 upcoming terrain model, 1726 Admittance, 1011 Admittance control, 1014–1015 Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), 85 Affective communication, 2187 Affordance affordance-based bimanual valve turning, 351 loco-manipulation, 349 and perception, 350 AIRBUS, 1795, 1797 Air cooling method, 619 Nature B.V. 2019 A. Goswami, P. Vadakkepat (eds.), Humanoid Robotics: A Reference, 26752676 Index Albert HUBO, 122 Aldebaran (SoftBank) Nao robot, 2270 Aldebaran Robotics, 148 Almere model, 2387 AMARSi project, 30 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) technologies, 2378 Amplitude controlled phase oscillator (ACPO), 1108 Anatomically correct test-bed (ACT) hand design optimization, 563 elastic materials, 562 material excursion determination, 560–562 prototype design, 564–565 structure, 555 variable compliance joint design, 559–560 variable moment arms, 556–560 Anatomy bones, 483 joints, 483 terminology, 483 Angular acceleration, 761 Angular Momentum Pendulum Model (AMPM), 1390 Angular velocity tensor, 1894 Anthropomorphic manipulator, 39 Anthropomorphic robots, 2306 Anthropomorphism, 2321–2323, 2670 Application programming interface (API), 183 ArmarX, 361 Arm motion planning, 1636 ARMAR-I, 339 ARMAR-II, 339 ARMAR-III, 340, 344 ARMAR-4, 341, 344 ARMAR humanoid robots, 339–344 ArmarX, 361 execution of, 345 experience-based learning, 359–360 grasping familiar objects, 347, 348 grasping motions, visually guided grasping unknown objects, 349 Language Understanding component, 362 manipulation in unknown environments, 349–351 MemoryX, 361, 362 object models, visual object recognition and localization, 344–345 observation of human actions, 351–353 Plan Execution Monitor component, 362 Replacement component, 362 representation of actions, 356–358 segmentation of demonstrations, 356 simultaneous grasp and motion planning, 345 Structural Bootstrapping, 359 unifying representation of human motion, 353–356 Articulated-body algorithm (ABA), 1863–1864 Articulated body inertia (ABI), 1861–1862 Articulated rigid body, 1859 Artificial intelligence (AI) category formation, 2091 symbol manipulation and, 2089–2090 Artificial somatosensory maps, 2553 Artificial synergy synthesis, 1078, 1084–1085 ASIMO, 57, 62, 66, 68, 70, 73, 76, 79, 82, 86 Assembly-disassembly algorithm (ADA), 1867–1868 Assistive devices for elderly people, 2646 evaluation, 2655 wearable devices, 2646 using humanoid, 2648 Assistive humanoid robots, 2379 Assistive robotics, 2244 Assistive robots, 2388 Asymptotic complexity, 1856, 1875 Athena, 14 Atlas robots, 176 Atlas, 178 Atlas-DRC, 181 AtlasProto, 176 Atlas-Unplugged, 185 Atlas-Unplugged, 185 ATR, 85 Attitude and heading reference system (AHRS), 2505 Attractor-based Whole-body Motion Control (WBMC), 1170–1173 Audio Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR), 2282 Automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, 2266, 2267 Autonomous dynamical system, 1287–1288 Autonomy, 2600 B Bag-of-features representation, 2096–2098 Balance, 1136, 1137, 1142, 1152, 1158, 1315 definition, 1317 examples, 1315 maintenance, 1316, 1320 position control, 1320 strategies, 1318Index 2677 torque-based, 1319 types of, 1317 Balance constraints, 1619–1620 Balanced truncation, 836 Balancing, see Torque based balancing Ball screws, 2458 BarrettHand design, 536 flexibility and durability, 540 mechanical structure, 537 tactile sensing package, 546 TorqueSwitch, 542 Base limb, 1533 Base limb Jacobian, 1534 Base parameters, 862, 864–866 dynamics identification, 860 kinematics calibration, 861 Basic SAMCON, 2052–2056, 2061 Baufix scenario, 2241 Behavioral variability reduction, 2155 Behavior-based system architecture, 2246–2247 Belief-desire-intention (BDI), 2410 Belleville washers, 543 BigDog, 13 Bilateral constraints, 1879, 1890, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1916 Bimanual manipulation, 1639–1641 Biomechanics, 28 BioTac, 2551 Bipedal humanoid robots, 118 Bipedal locomotion, 1233, 1714 impedance control (see Impedance control Bipedal walking) Bipedal walking robot, 37 anthropomorphic manipulator, 39 BIPER-3, 46 Idaten-2, 44, 45 Kenkyaku-2, 47, 48 MEG-2, 47 WAP-1, 38 WL-1 and WL-3, 37 WL-10RD, 50 WL-9DR, 48, 49 Bipedal walking technology, 58 Bipedal walking theory, 1572 Biped footstep planning, see Footstep planning Biped gait generation, 3D LIPM, see Gait generation, 3D LIPM Biped Lola, see Lola Biped robot, 384, 388, 393 Biped walking, 275, 373 Biped walking, MPC, see Model predictive control (MPC) Biped walking robot Johnnie, see Johnnie, robot BIPER-3, 46 Body center, 1530, 1533 Body motion, 1136, 1137 Body motion, humanoid-human interaction reading, 2185 role of, 2181 synthesis of, 2185 Boston dynamics’ bipedal robots, 170 Atlas robots, 176 PETMAN, 173 PETProto, 171 Bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs), 1940, 1941, 1943 Brushless DC motor (BLDC motor), 1968–1971 Bullet, 2125 C Calibration, 2493 CAN, 633 CANBus protocol, 175 Capability map, 1637 Capacitance-to-digital integrated circuits (CTDs), 2543 Capacitive sensors, 2543 Capturability balance control mechanism comparison, 1454 linear inverted pendulum model, 1441 and predefined footprints, 1085–1087 viability, 1082–1083, 1437 walking, 1439 Capture point, 824 Capture point concept, 179 Capture region, 1421, 1440, 1461 angular momentum, 1448 finite-sized foot model, 1445 Carnegie Robotics Multi-sense, 183 Cartesian trajectory, 1659, 1661, 1663 CCD, see Continuous collision detection (CCD) Center of Mass (CoM), 21, 28, 1078–1080, 1082, 1085–1087, 1089–1091, 1093, 1388, 1421, 1425, 1426, 1429, 1455, 1485–1486, 1520, 1529, 1530, 1619 Center of Pressure (CoP), 1078, 1080, 1083, 1086–1088, 1090–1092, 1388, 1420, 1428, 1454 Central nervous system, 8752678 Index Central pattern generators (CPGs), 887, 889, 993, 997–1002, 1103–1104, 1115–1118, 1123–1124 AO CPGs, 1108–1110 coupling, 1114 encoding periodic patterns, 1113–1114 environment synchronization, 1112–1113 HCO CPG, 1106–1108, 1121–1123 locomotion in animals, 1101–1102 locomotion in robotics, 1102–1103 neuron models and RNN CPG, 1104–1106 and reflexes, 1126–1129 resonance tuning, 1119–1120 self-organized oscillatory patterns, 1111 Taga’s model extension, 1118–1119 Central processing unit (CPU), 631 Centroidal dynamics, 732–738, 813, 815, 818 Centroidal moment pivot (CMP), 1449, 1454 Centroidal moment pivot (CMP) point, 1396–1399 Centroidal momentum, 724, 753, 1394 Centroidal momentum matrix, 805, 1395 Certification, 2144 CHIMP robot, 14 Classical probabilistic method, 1764 Closed chain kinematics, 1624 constraints, 1618–1619 Cluttered space, 1622 Co-design approach, humanoid robots coupling state estimation, 1225–1226 hardware and control integration, 1228–1229 planning, 1224 stochastic perturbations, 1226–1228 top-down vs. bottom-up control, 1222–1224 CodyCo project, 31 COG humanoid robotics project, 11 Cog Project behavior construction, 95 computational system, 94 human intelligence, 97 legacy, 98 motor systems, 93 perceptual systems, 93 physical embodiment, 97 social interaction structures learning, 96 Cognitive empathic robots, 2340 Cognitive empathy, 2338Cognitive human– robot interaction, 7 Collaborative cues, 2244 Collaborative robots (cobots), 638 Collision avoidance, 141, 144, 1785 Collision-avoidance constraint, 1604 Collision constraints, 1607–1608 Collision detection, 1607, 1879 Boolean distance query, 1936 bounding volume hierarchies, performance of, 1943 bounding volumes, queries on, 1941–1943 CCD algorithms (see Continuous collision detection (CCD)) definition, 1934 dynamic/continuous queries, 1936 enumerative form, 1936 geometric locality and motion coherence, 1938–1940 GPU-based collision detection, 1949 kinetic data structures, 1940 linear programming, 1937 Minkowski sums and convex optimization, 1938 PD computation (see Penetration depth (PD)) separation-distance computation, 1941 static/discrete queries, 1936 Collision query Boolean, 1936 enumerative, 1936 Color coding, 2525 CoM and ZMP stabilizer, 1520, 1523, 1527, 1537 COMAN humanoid actuation evaluation, 420 actuation intrinsic stiffness, 414 actuation modelling and control, 417 actuation principle and mechanism, 413 ankle joint, 424 foot structure and sensing, 424 hip joint, 422 joint stiffness, selection of, 425 knee joint, 423 range of motion, 413 size of, 412 COMANOID project, 31 COMAN robot, 299, 373 CoM height, 384 CoM Jacobian, 1521, 1530, 1537 CoM motion, 1534 Communication for HRI communicative gestures, 2204 gaze direction, 2201 gaze patterns, 2208 hand gestures, 2210 mouth gestures, 2212 movements, 2202 semantic hand gestures, 2207 types and need for gestures, 2200 Companion robot, 155, 160Index 2679 Complementarity, 798–802, 806 Complementarity problems, 1881 Complementary filter, 2504 Complementary filter solution model, 1327 Compliance, 1011 Compliance control, 2349, 2352, 2356 Compliant actuation parallel elastic actuation, 1997, 1998 series elastic actuation, 1994–1998 series-parallel elastic actuation, 1999 variable impedance actuation, 2000–2001 Compliant leg mechanism, COMAN humanoid, 412 Computational efficiency, 2586 Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL), 2536 Computer system overview of robot Lola, 404 Computer vs. humanoid, 2323–2325 COM-ZMP model, 816 Conditional restricted Boltzmann machine (CRBM), 1666 Configuration space, translational, 1938 Constraint(s), 1602 closed chain kinematics, 1618–1619 collision, 1607–1608 on configuration, 1603–1604 definition and strategies, 1603–1604 and goal sampling, 1625–1626 manifolds, 1606–1607 path planning for humanoids, 1605 pose, 1608, 1613, 1614 Constraint force algorithm (CFA), 1869–1870 Constraint stabilization, 1898, 1923–1924 Contact(s), 1852, 1854 Contact constraints, 826, 1494, 1503, 1505, 1510 Contact dynamics impulse-based (see Impulse-based dynamics) microscopic, 787–795 Contact force(s), 786, 787, 792, 795, 798, 802, 803, 805–807, 2575 Contact force control and force distribution, 1370 inverse dynamics, 1366–1367 passivity based compliance control, 1367–1368 Contact manifold, 1887, 1922 Contact wrench sum (CWS), 787, 803–806 Contextual integrity, 2429, 2430, 2432 Continuous collision detection (CCD), 1936 articulated models, 1944 rigid models, 1944 Control, 1222, 2137, 2141, 2145, 2147 coupling state estimation, 1225–1226 hardware and control integration, 1228–1229 impedance control, 494 planning, 1224 top-down vs. bottom-up control, 1222–1224 Control graphs, 2046, 2073–2079 Control models, 1344, 1354 Control policy learning, 1264, 1279 ControlIt!, 1177 Controllability gramian, 837 Conversational dialog, 2223, 2225, 2232, 2234, 2236, 2240 Conversational robots, 2262 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), 314 Cooperative manipulation, 2244 Coordinate vector, 2568 Coordination dynamic group modeling, 2295 emergent forms of, 2152 interpersonal, 2150 joint action, 2294 joint attention in, 2151 strategies, 2300 structure, 2300 team dynamics, 2301 without planning, 2152 Correct-by-construction approach, 2402 Coulomb friction, 1883, 1889, 1904, 1907, 1919, 1923 Coulomb’s friction model, 793 Coverage-driven verification (CDV), 2409 CPG, see Central pattern generator (CPG) CPG-based control, humanoid robot locomotion, see Central pattern generators (CPGs) CPU, 631 Cross-modal inference, 2103 Cycloidal gearing, 2454 D Dahl’s method, 793 d’Alembert’s Principle, 881 DARPA Grand Challenge, 2597 DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC), 13, 111, 204, 1797 Data-sets, 864 DB humanoid robot, 11 Decision making, 2135, 2139, 2143, 2145 Deep learning (DL), 2266, 2283, 2285 Deep learning architectures, 3142680 Index Deformation, 786, 794, 796 of contact force, 787 linear viscoelastic, 790 plastic, 789, 790 Degrees of freedom (DoF), 21–23, 25, 26, 339–341, 353, 379, 1101, 1571, 1572, 2245 Depth, penetration, 1936, 1944–1948 Detection human, 2466 robot, 2466 Developmental robotics, 2274, 2275, 2278 Dexterous Robotics Laboratory (DRL), 203, 211 Differential algebraic equations (DAEs), 1878, 1893, 1897, 1916, 1922 Differential inclusion, 806 Differential inverse kinematics, 667, 670 Differential kinematics, 676 coordinate transformations, 679 first-order differential motion relations, 711–714 forward kinematics problem, 677–678 forward kinematics solution, 710 instantaneous motion analysis of chains, closed loops, 706–708 inverse kinematics solution, multiple-task constraints (see Inverse kinematics) kinematic redundancy (see Kinematic redundancy) manipulability ellipsoid, 687, 688 multi-DoF joints, 680 at singular configurations, 682–687 spatial velocity, 677 Disk operating system (DOS), 119 Disney Research, 2610 Distance growth, 1947 separation, 1941 Disturbance estimation and compensation (DEC) model, 1345 in double inverted pendulum scenario, 1351 in multi-DoF system, 1353 in SIP scenario, 1346 Disturbance observers (DOBs), 206 Divide-and-conquer algorithm (DCA), 1864–1867 DLR hand, 375 DLR hand arm system, 638, 639 DOB’s region of convergence (DROC), 206 DoF, 379 Domo’s design, 2244 Double reduction system, 268 Double support phase (DSP) algorithms for, 1156 mathematical formulation, 1144 Doubly-bordered block-diagonal matrix, 730 Drake, 1177, 2121 DRC-HUBOCC arm design, 621 central processing unit (CPU), 631 controller area network (CAN), 633 cooling system design, 628 design concepts, 617 hand design, 623 head design, 625 inter process communication (IPC), 632 leg design, 627 pelvis design, 625 software architecture of PODO specification, 620 torso design, 624 wheel mode, 629 DREAM project, 2629 Duckling, 178 Dynamical group modeling, 2295 Dynamical modeling EoM (see Equations of motions (EoM)) recursive relations, 761–763 rigid body kinematics, 758–761 subsystem approach, 765–770 tree-structured multibody systems, 758 Dynamical movement primitives (DMPs), 1269–1272, 1666 Dynamical systems approach, 2153 Dynamic animation and robotics toolkit (DART), 2125 Dynamic Bayesian network (DBN), 1669 Dynamic/continuous query, 1936 Dynamic motion planning, 1602 Dynamic movement primitives (DMP), 357 Dynamics identification, 851, 857, 860, 869 base-link equation, 857 equations of motion, 855 joint torque measurement, 856 Dynamic simulation, 2113, 2117, 2121 Dynamic stair-climbing, 178 Dynamic walking, balance control for, 1414–1415 E Educational robots, 2629 companion to student, 2621 core functionalities and challenges, 2625 edutainment, 2622 international activities, projects, associations and initiatives, 2629Index 2681 peer and co-learner, 2620 role of, 2619 social, ethical and legal concerns, 2627 for special education, 2624 teaching assistant, 2620 teaching platform, 2623 telepresence medium, 2622 Electrical drives, 395 Electrical interface, 2488 Electro-hydraulic servo actuator, 372 Embodiment, 2137, 2144, 2315, 2329–2330 Emergent coordination, 2152 Emote project, 2629 Emotional empathic robots, 2339 Emotional empathy, 2338 Empathy, 2136, 2140, 2338 from humans to robots, 2342 influences of, 2338 interactions, 2338 psychological definition of, 2338 from robots to humans, 2339 End user evaluation, 2411–2412 Energy efficiency, 951, 958, 959 ENRICHME project, 2385, 2388 Entertainment, 2600 Entertainment robot, see QRIO Equations of motions (EoM), 724–732, 739, 742, 748, 750, 752, 753, 756, 757, 763–764, 781, 855, 965, 1484–1487 forward dynamics, 770–773 inverse dynamics, 773–774 subsystems (see Subsystems) Estimation, 1225–1228 Ethical, legal and societal issues (ELS), 2666 Ethics, 2135, 2140, 2146 in AI and robotics, 2666–2667 humanoid robots and, 2668–2669 Euler equation, 1079, 1092 Euler-Lagrange equation, 1032 Euler parameters, 1889, 1891, 1896 Europe, humanoid robotics research and automatic control, 27 bio-inspired bipeds and compliant bipedal robots, 24 and biomechanics, 28 collaborative working environment, 27 complex dynamic bipedal robots, 21 European contracts and research groups, 29 industrial humanoid robots, 26 and neurosciences, 28 social and learning robots, 26 under-actuated biped controls and passive bipedal robots, 23 Explicit dynamics model, 742–753 Explicit oscillatory pattern, 1112–1115 External force(s), 2575 External Force Adaptive Motion Control, 194 Extrapolated COM (XCOM), 823 F Face mechanism actuators, 592 DoF configuration, 576 human minic muscles, 575 humanoid, 573 on robotic head, 582 Facial expression(s), 2669 actuators, 592 animal-like expression, 590 DoF configuration, 576 EDDIE, 591 EMYS, 589 human-like expression, 588 human mimic muscles, 575 KOBIAN-RII, 589 Probo, 592 robotic head, 589 for robotic mechanism, 582 symbolic robotic mechanism, 585 Factorial HMMs (FHMMs), 1665 Featherstone’s hybrid dynamics, 1402 Feedback control, inverted pendulum, see Inverted pendulum Field-programmable gate array (FPGA), 207, 209 Finger endoskeleton, 508 human finger, 485 joint impedance control, 513 thumb placement, 488 Fingertip torque sensor, 547 Finite state machines (FSMs), 211, 1783 Floating base (FB), 668, 671, 1571–1573 dynamics, 724 kinematic chain, 724, 729 structure, 1851 system, 667–668 Floating pendulum position controlled ankle, 1477–1483 torque controlled ankle, 1470–1477 Footstep planning, 1591–1595, 1689–1690, 1699–1703, 1733 bounding boxes, 1706–1707 dynamics and reactiveness, 1711–1713 optimization-based footstep planning, 1710–1711 tiered strategies, 1707–17092682 Index Footstep planning (Cont.) 2D footstep planning problem solution, finite transition sets, 1703–1706 vision-based footstep planning, 1713 Force-based impedance control, see Impedance control Force control, 1363, 1366–1368, 1370, 1376, 1378, 2356 Force distribution and optimization compliance control for balancing, 1369 and contact force control, 1370 grasping and balancing, 1368–1369 Force estimation, 2578–2580 Force sensing resistors (FSR), 2548 Ford Motor Company, 330 Formal methods, 2401–2406 Forward dynamics, 666, 667, 770–773, 1852 preliminaries for linear-time, 1861–1863 using system mass matrix, 1858–1860 Forward kinematics, 666, 671 Fractional balanced reduction (FBR), 837 Free fall model (FFM), 1459 Free-floating rigid body dynamics, 2572–2573 Free-floating state estimation camera-based approaches, 2584–2585 center of mass estimation, 2581 floating-base state estimation, 2581–2583 LIDAR-based approaches, 2583 Free software packages, 1853 Frequency response functions (FRFs), 1340 Friction cone, 792, 801, 805, 1883–1885, 1889, 1904, 1906, 1907 Friction force, 788, 791–795 Fusion technologies, 1500 Fuzzy logic (FL) techniques, 1136, 1149, 1152 FX-1, 122 G GA, see Genetic algorithm (GA) Gait generation, 950, 956–965 3D LIPM, 917–920 Gait phasing variable, 1055, 1068 Gait transition, 940–942 Gauss, J.C.F., 1946 Gaussian mixture models (GMM), 1670 Gaussian mixture regression (GMR), 1271–1275 Gaussian model, 1667 Gaussian process regression (GPR), 1275–1280 Gauss-Newton method, 859 Gaze behavior, 2152 Gazebo, 2119 Gaze, humanoid-human interaction, 2177 gaze perception in humanoids, 2179 oculomotor actions, role of, 2176 Gaze patterns, 2200, 2208 Gearing belt drives, 2455 cycloidal, 2454 linear drives, 2456 Strain wave, 2452 traditional, 2448 Generalized coordinates, 1858, 1859 Generalized inverse kinematics, 1576, 1580–1595 Generalized penetration depth, 1947–1948 General legged system modeling contact modeling, 1494–1495 dynamic system description, 1493–1494 Genetic algorithm (GA), 1125, 1148 Gibbs sampler, 2094 Good old fashioned AI (GOFAI), 2088 Graph, overlap, 1950 Grasping algorithms, 494 Cutkosky taxonomy, 515 Feix taxonomy, 515 Grasp multiple objects, 1622 Grasp planning, 1635–1636 GraspRRT approach, 347 Gripper(s), 538, 1786 Gripper, DLR ROTEX, 484 Ground impact, 1035 Ground Reaction Force (GRF), 1388 Ground reference, 724, 753 for simplified handling, 738–742 Growth distance, 1947 Guided SAMCON, 2066–2073 Gyroscope application, 2502 composition and classification, 2501 feature, 2502 principle, 2502 H Half-center oscillator (HCO), 1107, 1121–1123, 1130 single, two and three level, 1106 UBN, 1107 Hall-effect integrated circuits, 2546 Hand(s) Awiwi hand, 500 control, 494 DEXHAND, 496 DLR Hand I, 484–485Index 2683 DLR Hand II, 489 DLR/HIT Hand I, 495 DLR/HIT Hand II, 495 Elu 2 Hand, 503 functional abstraction, 504 housings, 511 palm design, 510 Spacehand, 496 tendon-driven hand, 505 tendon routing, 511 thumb design, 509 Twendy-One Hand, 503 UTAH/MIT hand, 503 Hand-eye calibration, 2012, 2024, 2025, 2033, 2036 Hand prostheses, 36 Haptics concept in robotics, 7 Hardware design, 139, 379 Harmonic Drive , 2451 Harmonic drive-based revolute joint with crossed roller bearing, 395 Harmonic drive-based revolute joint with four-point contact ball bearing and support bearing, 394 Hermes humanoid robot, 11 Hertz’s analysis, 789 Heterogeneous systems, 1959, 1960, 1964, 1967, 1968 Hidden Markov models (HMMs), 357, 1282, 1285, 1664, 1665, 2266, 2384 Hidden Markov model technique, 40 Hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM), 1272, 1286 Hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP), 2096 Hierarchical LDA (hLDA), 2096, 2102 Hierarchical MLDA (hMLDA), 2102 Hierarchical Orthogonal Code (HOC), 2527 High-Access Survey Robot, 87 High-speed walking, 382 Hill-type muscle, 983–985 Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG), 2467 Holonomic constraints, 1051–1054, 1603 Honda humanoid robot behavior generation, 82 bipedal walking technology, 58 disaster prevention, 86 field experiments, 84 high access survey robot, 87 image recognition, 75 i-WALK, 65 mobile entities creation, 57 physical expression, 76 sensing, 79 situation estimation, 79 task performing, 68 voice recognition, 74 walk stabilization control technology, 62 walking assist device, 87 walking to running, 66 ZMP trajectory, 67 Hooke’s law, 2487 Hopf oscillator, 1109 HRI, 2151, 2205, 2338 HRI model, 2162 HRP-1, 102–104 applications of, 104 principal specifications of, 103 HRP-2, 106–107, 1791 HRP-2Kai, 111, 112 HRP2-LT, 442 HRP-2P, 104–105 HRP-3, 107–109 HRP-4, 109, 110 HRP-4C, 109, 110, 597 configuration, 599–600 design of appearance, 606 hand design, 609 head design, 607–609 joint mechanisms, 602–604 principal specifications, 598 research and application, 611 whole body mechanism and electronics, 604–606 HUBO Lab, 118 Albert HUBO, 122 DRC-HUBOC, 125 FX-1, 122 HUBO 2, 122 KHR-1, 119 KHR-2, 119 KHR-3, 122 Human(s) DEC model, 1345 independent channel model, 1336 joint action in, 2150 posture control, 1324 sensors, 1326 Human aware navigation, 2202 Human being, 2422 Human body, 874 actuation (see Actuation) and human motor control (see Motor control) kinematic singularity, 878 skeleton model and joint range of motion, 875–8772684 Index Human-computer interaction (HCI), 2339 Human-human interaction, 2150, 2151, 2162, 2163 Human-human interplay, 2428, 2430, 2432 Human-humanoid communication, 2144 movement-based communication signals, 2138 non-verbal communication, 2138 speech, 2139 Human–humanoid interaction (HHI), 2348 control technique for, 2350 model, 2349 Human-humanoid interaction assistive robotics, 2145 challenges, 2136 control approaches for, 2141 decision frameworks, 2143 emotional and cognitive perspectives, 2140 ethical issues and cultural acceptability, 2146 learning, 2144 movement-based communication signals, 2138 non-verbal communication, 2138 sensing technology, 2142 speech, 2139 validation and verification methods, 2145 Human intelligence, 97, 2423 Human-like foot mechanism, 272, 274, 284 Human locomotion active control of foot placement, 1249 bipedal, 1233 energetic cost, 1234 isometric force, 1242 leg stiffness adjustment, 1251 muscle properties, 1248 neuromuscular control models (see Neuromuscular control models) passive dynamics, 1248 physiological feedback control, 1246 reflexes for stabilization, 1247 spring and wheel action, 1244 stability, 1245 swing-leg retraction, 1251 transition and leg swing costs, 1240 walking and running mechanisms, 1237 walking and running speeds, 1240 Human motion imitation, 1667–1669 definition, 1658 model learning, 1667–1669 motion-primitive based approaches, 1663–1667 optimal control, 1670–1673 postural stability, 1673 reinforcement learning, 1670 separate postural control, direct reproduction, 1660–1663 Human motion measurement and retargeting, 2649–2651 Humanoid(s), 1577, 2422, 2423 challenges of constrained path planning for, 1605 constraints in motion planning for, 1602–1629 in context of art, 2425 in context of labour, 2426 dynamic motion and smooth path reshaping, 1579–1581 geometric and kinematic path planning, 1578 manipulation actions, planning of (see Manipulation) supportive torque with, 2652–2654 task planning (see Task planning) whole-body motion planning, generalized inverse kinematics (see Whole-body motion planning) Humanoid assistive robots, 2381 Humanoid balancing, 1524, 1548–1551 balance indicators and criteria, 1554–1555 challenges, 1551 contact mechanics, 1546–1547 Lagrangian equations of motion, 1544–1546 local optimality, 1561–1563 model complexity, 1553 model predictive control, 1558–1560, 1563 Newton-Euler equations of motion, 1546 non-stochastic whole-body motion planning, 1557 solving frequency, 1552 stochastic whole-body motion planning, 1556–1557 time horizon, 1552–1553 Humanoid body control DSP, 1144 SSP, 1137 Humanoid vs. computer, 2323–2325 Humanoid dynamics, 1042 Humanoid eye mechanism DoF configurations, 574 human eye muscles, 573 Humanoid-Human interaction, ethical issues of, 2428 Humanoid kinematics and dynamics internal simulation and predictive models, 897–898Index 2685 learning approaches, robot modeling, 898–900 model building and robot mechatronics, 895–896 Humanoid modeling, 2121 Humanoid motion model, 1521–1523 Humanoid motion optimization changing contacts, 1807 feasibility, 1807 human-like movements, 1808 model-free and model-based learning, 1828–1829 movement primitives, 1829–1831 multi-body systems, 1811–1815 optimal control problems (see Optimal control problems) physical capabilities, exploitation of, 1807 redundancy, 1807 stability control, 1808 template models, 1810–1811 underactuation, 1807 whole-body motion of humanoids and anthropomorphic systems, 1822–1828 Humanoid motion planning, 1573 Humanoid motion planning, optimization and gait generation, 1844 automatic formulation and constraints, 1847 dynamic stability criteria, 1846 general approaches, 1847 human-like movement, measures for, 1846 motion classification, 1848 skillful manipulation and grasping, 1845 vision-based navigation, 1848 whole-body movements, MPC of, 1844–1845 Humanoid multi-robot systems, see Multi-robot systems (MRS) Humanoid robot(s), 5, 148, 2100–2101, 2595 challenges, 7 cognitive interaction, 2597 development of, 6 as device evaluator, 2647–2649 DLR hand arm system, 501 in education, 2617 in entertainment and education, 8 goals, 1317 haptics concept, 7 historical perspective, 372–373 and humans, 6 IMU, 2505 JUSTIN, 494 literal-minded approach, 6 mobile manipulation, 2597 momentum of, 1392–1399 motion optimization, see Humanoid motion optimization NAO, 2596 Nextage, 2597 overview, 373–374 revolute joint, 776–779 rigid body, 777 Sarcos, 325 sensor calibration, see Sensor calibration, modeling and simulation supportive torque using, 2656 in theme parks, 2600–2609 topology of, 774–776 uses, 7 WABIAN-2, 265 WBC, see Whole-body control (WBC) See also NAO Humanoid robot actuators general structure of, 1958, 1959 modeling and simulation (see Actuator modeling and simulation) Humanoid robotics gearing, 2451 research in USA, 9 platform, 617 state estimation (see State estimation, humanoid robots) Humanoid robotics project (HRP), 102 See also different types of HRP models Humanoid robot Lola actuators, 386 ankle joint design, 399 ankle joint mechanism, 390 computer sytem overview, 404 hardware specifications, 380 hip joint, 396 kinematic structure, 379 knee joint design, 397 knee joint mechanism, 389 locomotor system at high speeds, 382 overview and dimensions, 380 revolute joints, harmonic drive gears, 393 robotic foot, 401 sensors, 402 Humanoid robot research animating non-humanoid characters, 2610–2611 entertainment applications, 2609–2610 physical human-robot interaction, 2612–2613 physical realization, animation characters, 2611–26132686 Index Humanoid simulation and software, see Simulation Humanoid system architectures, 2224 Human relationships empathy in, 2338 Human-robot cooperation, 2228, 2243 Human robot interaction (HRI), 2151, 2162, 2164, 2205, 2338, 2623 anthropomorphism, 2321–2323 embodiment, 2315–2317, 2317, 2329–2330 movement-based communication, 2179 non-verbal information, 2299, 2303 proximate physical space, 2297 role distribution models, 2306 situatedness, 2318–2321, 2329–2330 see also Safety assessment and trustworthiness, human-robot interaction Human-robot teaming application areas, 2297 challenges, 2304 dynamic group modeling, 2295 fluent interaction, 2300 human-robot handovers, 2299 joint action, 2294 as partners, 2302 proximate interactions, 2297 Human-robot teaming challenges human behavior unpredictability, 2305 lack of infrastructure, 2307 limited behavioural versatility, 2306 team dynamics unpredictability, 2305 Humans and humanoids, 888 actuation, 879–882 human motion understanding and imitation learning, 888 kinematic singularity, 878 motor control, 882–886 skeleton model and joint range of motion, 875–877 trajectory optimization, 887 Humans’ empathy toward robots, 2342 Human size robot, 618 Human toe joint mechanism, 436–454 analysis, 447–451 multiple toes, 446–448 toe joint with parallel four-bar linkage, 442–445 walking motion, 451–454 windlass mechanism, 445–446 Hunt-Crossley model, 790 HuroCup, 2476–2478 Hybrid dynamical system, 1879 Hybrid model bipedal walking, 1048–1049, 1051 impact model, 1050 Lagrangian swing phase model, 1049–1050 Hybrid modeling, 899 Hybrid zero dynamics, see Zero dynamics Hydraulic robots, 14 Hydraulic systems, 2440, 2442 I iCub, 292 bottom-up attention system and optical flow, 312 event-driven sensing and processing, 311–315 learning spatiotemporal filters, 314 tactile elements, 302 tactile system, 303 visual perception, 309–311 whole-body dynamics control, 307–309 whole-body dynamics estimation, 307 whole-body dynamics modelling, 305–307 iCub 1.0 design, 293 mechanical design, 293–295 sensors and electronics, 296 iCub 2.5, 297 eyes, 298 head, 298 sensors and electronics, 300–301 software infrastructure, 300–302 iCub 3.0, 317 iCub_SIM, 2120 iCub tactile technology, 2550 Idaten-2, 44, 45 IHMC Whole Body Controller, 1178 Image recognition, 75 Impact model, 1035, 1041, 1050 Impedance control strategy for humanoids (see Impedance control) definition, 1010 Impedance control, 1011 and admittance control, 1014–1015 for bipedal walking, 1017–1022, 1722, 1723 characteristics, 1012 goal of, 1012 humanoid robot model, 1016–1017 position and velocity, 1013, 1014 for running, 1022–1027 Impedance modulation strategy, humanoid robots, see Impedance control Improved SAMCON, 2056Index 2687 Impulse-based dynamics collision analysis of mass points, 796–798 contact wrench sum, 803–806 formulation as complementarity problem, 798–802 formulation as differential inclusion, 806 regularization of contact equation, 802–803 Independent channel model description, 1336 human balance control mechanisms, 1342 model parameters, 1340 multi-segmental body dynamics, 1344 Individual effort, 2159 Industrial robots, 4 Inertial frame, 2567, 2571 Inertial measurement unit (IMU), 22, 1496–1497, 1505–1508 accelerometer, 2499 balance control, 2512 complementary filter, 2504 disturbance rejection, 2507 falling detection, 2515 gyroscope, 2502 installation of, 2509 Kalman filter, 2504 products, 2505 vibration control, 2511 Inertia matrix, 826 Input-to-state stability (ISS), 1520, 1523 Instantaneous capture point (ICP), 1436 Instantaneous motion analysis, 676, 680, 687, 706–708 Instruments, see Musical instrument, robots Integrated Adaptive Fall-over Motion Control, 195 Integrated development environment (IDE), 209 Intelligence, 2423 Intelligence loop, 78 Intelligent simulation-based testing, see Simulation-based testing Intention reading, 2186 Inter process communication (IPC), 632 Interaction, 2600 Intercultural robo-ethics, 2432, 2433 International Space Station (ISS), 202, 204 Interpersonal coordination, 2150 Inverse dynamics, 667, 671, 773–774 Inverse kinematics, 666, 670, 671, 681, 708–710, 869 fixed task priorities, 697–700 iterative optimization methods, 701–704 motion-task constraints, 695–697 variable task priorities, smooth task transitions, 700–701 Inverse optimal control, 1671, 1672, 1808, 1809, 1831–1835 Inverted pendulum, 812, 813, 816–820, 1468–1470 floating pendulum (see Floating pendulum) linear (see Linear inverted pendulum (LIP)) normal, 905 parameters, 1469 Inverted pendulum model (IPM), 1455, 1459, 1461 IPC, 632 Isometric force, 1242 Iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm, 2534, 2584 Iterative learning control (ILC), 1295–1298 J Jacobian matrix, 881 James humanoid bartender, 2247 Japanese Humanoid Research Project, 2596 Johnnie, robot, 132 control architecture, 135 kinematic structure, 132 mechatronic design, 133 motion control, 137 sensors and computer system, 134, 135 trajectory generation, 135 walking performance, 137 Johnson Space Center (JSC), 202, 203 Joint action, 2222–2224, 2294, 2297, 2302 distribution as tool to facilitate, 2158 HRI model, 2162 in humans, 2150 outcome, 2155 Joint-Action Science and Technology (JAST), 2223 Joint attention, in coordination, 2151 Joint control of HUBO, 127 Joint mechanisms of robot Lola actuators, 386 ankle joint, 390 drive mechanism, 387 knee joint, 389 Joint torque estimation, 2577–2578 Joint torque measurements, 1510–1511 Joint velocity and acceleration estimation, 2576–2577 K Kalman filter, 2504 Kalman filtering, 1498, 1500, 1505, 1507, 1508, 15112688 Index Kelvin-Voigt model, 789, 790 Kenkyaku-2, 47, 48 Kinect, 2525 advantages of, 2527 applications, 2528 basic principle of, 2526 pattern matching technique, 2526 PrimeSense module, 2526 signal separation coding, 2527 Kinematic redundancy, 688–690 joint-limit avoidance subtask, 692 redundancy resolution, extended Jacobian technique, 693–695 self motion, 690–691 singularity avoidance subtask, manipulability measure, 692– 693 weighted generalized inverse, 691 Kinematics calibration, 851, 858, 859, 861, 864, 868 equation, 853 floating-base, 854 modelling, 852 Kinematics, differential, see Differential kinematics Kinetic friction coefficient, 792 Kinetic friction force, 791 Knowledge robotics, 5 Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Map, 2267 Kompai robot, 2388 Korean HUBO robot, 13, 14 KoroiBot project, 30 Kris’ Locomotion and Manipulation Planning Toolbox (Klamp’t), 2120 L Labor, humanoids in context of, 2426–2428 Lagrange’s method, 965, 1050 Lagrangian dynamics, 1078 Lagrangian equation of motion, 1043 Lagrangian model, 1051–1054 Lagrangian swing phase model, 1049–1050 Language learning approach, 2265, 2266, 2274 abstract word learning, 2279 developmental models, 2274 machine learning models, 2281 object and action word learning, 2275 syntax learning, 2278 Laser range finders (LRFs), 79 Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), 2092–2096, 2282 LCP, see Linear complementarity problem (LCP) Lead screws, 2458 Learning, 2135, 2137, 2140, 2144, 2145, 2147 control, 1262–1307 from demonstration, 1302, 1305 feedback policy, 2061–2066 Least squares, 865, 866 calibration, 859 identification, 858 weighted least squares problem, a-priori knowledge, 868 Leg and joint mechanism, 422 Leg design of Lola, 382 Leg Lab, 12 Life-like robots, humans, 2670–2671 Lift-up Motion Control, 196 Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), 2531 advantages of, 2532 disadvantages of, 2532 Velodyne’s LiDAR, 2531, 2532 Light emitter diode (LED), 2546 Lightweight robot arm (LBR), 638 joint specifications, 641 Limit cycle, 1035 Limit cycle walking, 950, 951, 960, 976–977 Linear actuators, 2457 Linear complementarity problem (LCP), 802, 1881, 1907, 1912, 1918, 1921, 1926 Linear inverted pendulum (LIP) biped walking robots, research on, 907–909 center of mass, 906 LIPM, 911–913 potential energy conserving orbit, 909–911 3D LIPM, 913–920 Linear inverted pendulum mode (LIPM), 812, 820, 821, 823, 824, 911–913 Linear inverted pendulum (LIP) model, 21, 26, 27, 1390, 1461, 1520, 2581 3D, 1432 dynamics, 1434, 1436 walking, 1430 Linear quadratic regulation (LQR), 831, 1288–1292 Linear quadratic tracking (LQT), 1272, 1288–1292 Linkage-driven fingers three-phalanx three-dof underactuated finger, 528 two-phalanx five-bar underactuated finger, 525–528 Linkages, underactuated robotic hands, see Underactuated robotic hands, mechanical linkages Literal-minded approach, 6 Local Binary Patterns (LBP), 2467, 2469Index 2689 Locally weighted projection regression (LWPR), 1269 Locally weighted regression (LWR), 1268–1269 Locomotor trajectory formation cognition-perception-action coupling, 1687 feedback models, 1684 footstep planning, 1689–1690 goal-directed trajectories, 1687–1688 holonomic vs. nonholonomic locomotion, 1681–1683 inverse optimal control, 1688 locomotion path planning, 1683 movement realism, 1687 optimal control approach, 1686 optimal locomotion paths, 1690 Lola, 442 hardware overview, 139 obstacle avoidance, 143 stabilizing control, 142 walking control, 140 Lola’s locomotor system CoM height, 384 high effective structural stiffness, 383 low-Inertia design of leg links, 384 LRFs, 79 L2ToR project, 2629 Lund-Grenoble (LuGre) model, 794 LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling), 192 Lyapunov function, 1524 M Machine Control Lab. (MCLab), 118 Magnetic sensors, 2546 MAHRU 1, 1521 Maisonnier, Bruno, 148 Manipulation, 1577–1581 arm motion planning, 1636 bimanual manipulation, 1639–1641 grasp planning, 1635–1636 whole-body manipulation and task execution (see Whole-body manipulation) Man machine interaction, 152 Markov model (MM), 1285 Mass distribution, 874 Master Motor Map (MMM), 353, 355 Master-slave hydraulic system, 71 Matching condition, 1036–1038 Matching technology, 1500 multiple foot matching, 1502–1504 single foot matching, 1501–1502 Mathematica, 2535 Matlab, 2535 MATLAB/Simulink, 2405 MATLAB/Simulink interface, 2119 Matsuoka’s oscillator, 1107 Maxwell model, 789 Maze puzzle, 1622–1623 MCI, 2378 Mechanical design of robot Lola computer system overview, 404 hardware specifications, 380 kinematic structure, 379 locomotor system at high speeds, 382 overview and dimensions, 380 sensors, 402 Mechanical hands, 524 Mechanical linkages, underactuation, see Underactuated robotic hands, mechanical linkages Mechanical parts design of DRC-HUBOC arm design, 621 cooling system design, 628 hand design, 623 head design, 625 leg design, 627 pelvis design, 625 torso design, 624 wheel mode, 629 Mechanical single-leg model, 37 Mechanisms, 524, 528, 529, 532 Mechatronics, 152, 1958, 1959, 1964, 1965, 2002 Mechatronics of robot Lola ankle joint, 399 hip joint, 396 knee joint, 397 revolute joints, 393 robotic foot, 401 MEG-2, 47 Meka M-1 humanoid robot, 2382 Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCCs), 2097 MemoryX, 361, 362 MeshLab, 2535 Micro electro mechanical system (MEMS), 2500, 2503, 2513 Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 2378 Mimicry, 2154 Minimal coordinates, 1889, 1890, 1895, 1900–1901 Minimum stable balanced reduction (MSR), 838 Minimum stable model reduction (MSR) algorithm, 812, 836 Minimum-predicted-distance (MPD), 16882690 Index Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan, 102 Minkowski, H., 1937 Minkowski sum, 1938 Minkowski-Weyl theorem, 1774 Mirror neurons, 2172, 2173 Mixed generalized velocity, 2573 Moby, 2121 Model-based optimal controller, 1573 Model learning, 898 Model predictive control (MPC), 1090–1093, 1844–1845 discrete-time representation, 1083 dynamics of falling, 1080–1081 dynamics of legged robots, 1078–1079 dynamics of the whole body and artificial synergy synthesis, 1084–1085 dynamics of walking, 1079–1080 viability and capturability, 1082–1083 walking motion generation, flat ground (see Walking motion generation) whole-body MPC, 1563 ZMP-based formulations, 1559–1560 Modernity, 2424 Momentum-based balance control, 1389, 1402–1414, 1414 Momentum-based computed torque control, 1400 Momentum control, 1399 Monte Carlo simulations, 2407 Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse, 1391 MORPHA project, 2223 Morse, 2120 Motion capture, 2045, 2047, 2051 Motion constraints, 692, 696, 699, 704, 707, 711, 715 Motion control, sampling-based, 2049–2081 Motion encoding forms, 1272 Motion generation, 1836 dynamic stability criteria, 1846 flexible and adaptive, 1844 methodological approaches for, 1845 Motion identification, 1834 Motion planning, 897, 1555, 1572–1573, 1703, 1706, 1710, 1711, 1713, 1732 for humanoids, 1602–1629 non-stochastic whole-body, 1557 stochastic whole-body, 1556–1557 whole-body (see Whole-body motion planning) Motion primitives, 1663–1667 Motor control, 882 human neuromuscular network, 883–884 neuromusculoskeletal model, 884–886 top-down models, 886, 887 Motorola microcontrollers, 95 Motor skill acquisition, 1262, 1264–1266 Mountable humanoid control design, 231 experiments and performances, 233 human machine interface, 229 specifications, 228–230 stabilizing control, 232 Movement-based communication, humanoidhuman interaction, 2176 body motion, 2181 gaze, 2181 Movement patterns generator (MPG) circuits, 1101 Movement primitives, 1266–1288 MuJoCo, 2125 Multi-agent systems (MAS), 2474 Multi-axis force-torque sensor, 2489 calibration, 2493 electrical interface, 2488 strain gauge and bridge circuit, 2486 ZMP, 2485 Multibody system momenta, 1393 Multi-contact planning and control applications, 1794, 1798 contact mode, 1768 contact planning, 1776–1782 contact stability, 1768–1772 control, 1783–1788 locomotion problems, 1766, 1767 multi-contact wrench cone, 1774–1776 Newton-Euler equations, 1772, 1774 predictive control, 1788–1794 Multimodal HDP (MHDP), 2101 Multimodal integration of speech, 2281 Multimodal latent Dirichlet allocation (MLDA), 2092, 2098–2100 Multimodal machine learning, 2091–2092 Multi-modal modular tactile system, 2549 Multimodal representation learning using matrix factorization, 2107 using neural networks, 2107 Multimodal robot interfaces, 2271 Multi-robot systems (MRS), 2475, 2464 open problems in, 2479–2480 SLAM, 2476, 2477 theory and application, 2475–2479 wheeled and treaded models, 2475 Multi-sensor fusion, 2239, 2240 Muscle(s), 874, 879–885, 887, 888Index 2691 Muscle reflexes, 981, 993, 997, 999, 1000, 1002, 1004 Muscle suit, 2661 Musculoskeletal model, 879–880 Musical instrument, robots drum, 221–224 trumpet, 218–221 violin, 224–226 Mutual understanding, 2171, 2177, 2186, 2189 N NAO humanoid robot, 1136, 2618, 2622–2624 business model, 162 development platform, 158 in education system, 160 for elderly people, 162 ethical challenges, 166 gait, 155 hardware platform, 153 speech, 157 technical challenges, 165 teleoperation, 159 NASA robots R2 (see Robonaut 2 (R2)) Valkyrie (see Valkyrie) NASA Tensegrity Robotics toolkit (NTRT) Simulator), 2121 Natural Gait Control, 190 Natural gestures gaze direction, 2201 movements, 2202 Natural-language (NL) instructions, 1649–1650 Natural language processing (NLP), 2264, 2265, 2285 based robot speech interfaces, 2269 and learning technologies, 2263 Neural networks (NN), 1136, 1149, 1152, 1154, 1158 Neuromuscular control models, 995–996 animal experiments, 992–994 biological actuator design, 981–982 CPG network, 998–1002 Hill-type muscle models, 983–985 limb controller, modeling, 994–995 neurons and signal transmission, 985–988 rehabilitation robotics, 1003–1004 sensory systems (see Sensory systems) Neuromusculoskeletal model, 884–886 Neurorobotics, 1354, 1356 Newton-Euler equations, 1772 Nextage, 2634 hardware/customizing, 2638, 2639 hardware/industrial application, 2640, 2640 hardware/software structure, 2635–2637 in research, 2641 Nominal pose, 826 Non-anthropomorphic robots, 2307 Non-gaited planning, 1734 Nonholonomic constraints, 1603 Non-humanoid robots, 2387 Nonintegrable constraints, 1603 Nonlinear least squares problem, 859 Non-verbal communication, 2177, 2182 Normal force, 788–791 N type tendon system, 459, 460, 468 O Object-action complexes (OACs), 349, 361, 362 Observability, 864 Observability gramian, 837 Odometry, 1491, 1498, 1500, 1502, 1508 O (n/ method, 757, 770–773 Open Architecture Human-centered Robotics Platform version 3 (OpenHRP3), 2119 Open Dynamics Engine (ODE), 2125 OpenRave, 2120 OpenSim, 2121 Open source humanoid robot simulators actuation simulation capabilities, 2122 Drake, 2121 Gazebo, 2119 human and humanoid models, 2123 incorporate environment model, 2122 Klamp’t, 2120 Moby, 2121 Morse, 2120 NTRT Simulator, 2121 OpenHRP3, 2119 OpenRave, 2120 OpenSim, 2121 RBDL, 2120 Robotran, 2119 ROCOS, 2119 SCS, 2121 simulation interfaces, 2123 SL, 2120, 2121 V-Rep, 2120 Open-source software, 2114 Operational safety, 2540 Optical sensors, 2546 Optimal control, 1670–16732692 Index Optimal control problem(s), 1790, 1815 constraints, 1819–1820 human motion imitation, humanoids, 1818–1819 humanoid motion synthesis, objective functions for, 1817–1818 inverse, 1831–1835 motion synthesis and motion reconstruction, 1815–1816 solution of, 1821–1822 Optimization, 1573 Optimization-based control approaches, humanoid balancing, see Humanoid balancing Optimization, humanoid motion, see Humanoid motion optimization Orbital energy, 822 Ordinary differential inclusion (ODI), 1080–1082, 1084, 1085, 1088 Orientation frame, 2567 Otolith organs, 1327 P Painlevé’s Paradox, 1910 Paro, 161 Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs), 1648, 1649, 2268 Partial recurrent neural networks (P-RNNs), 2279 Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 1125 Passive bipedal walkers characteristics of, 1034 impact model, 1034 limit cycle, 1035, 1036 Passive compliance, 2359, 2360, 2368 Passive-dynamics, 1223, 1224, 1227, 1228 Passive dynamic walker, 1030, 1316 Passive rimless wheel (RW) model, 965 Passive sensors advantages, 2465 disadvantages, 2465 Passivity, 1033–1034 definition, 1031 Passivity-based control, 1031, 1038–1041 Pattern formation (PF), 1106 Peak absolute error (PAE), 2576 Pedestrian detectors, 2468 Penetration depth (PD), 1934, 1944–1945, 1947 convex polytopes, 1945 metrics, 1947 polyhedral models, 1946 spline and algebraic objects, 1947 PerceptionPalm sensor package, 546 Percolation threshold, 2542 Perfect non-elastic collision, 797 Performance analysis data-selection, 864 direct validation and cross validation, 865 standard deviation, 864 Periodic orbit, 1046 Persistent exciting motions, 861 PETMAN, 13, 173 PETProto, 171 Physical joints, and TSR chains, 1618 Physical symbol system hypothesis, 2089 Physics-based animation, 2045, 2047–2048 Physics-based character animation, 2045 Physics engine, 2114, 2119–2121, 2124–2126 Physiological feedback control, 1246 PhysX, 2125 Piezo-electric sensors, 2545 Piezo-resistive sensors, 2542 Pinch Avoidance Motion Control, 196 Pixar, 2610 Planar humanoid robot, 742–753 Plan execution monitor (PEM), 362 Planning, 1224 Pneumatically Actuated Muscles (PAM), 2443 Pneumatic system actuators, 2442 benefit of, 2440, 2441 components of, 2440 limitations of, 2441 power requirements of, 2442 Poincaré, 931, 936, 939, 1423 Poincaré map, 1041 Point Cloud Library (PCL), 2536 Policy search, 2048–2049 Polyvinylidene-fluoride (PVDF), 2545, 2548, 2550 Population based optimization (PBO), 1125 Pose constraints, 1608, 1613, 1614 Position-based visual servoing approach, 345 Posture control, 1324, 1335, 1356, 1358 Potential energy conserving orbit, 909–911 Power requirement, body motion, 1136 PR2 robot, 13 Predictive simulation, 2156 Principal component analysis (PCA), 1119 Printed circuit boards (PCBs), 207, 2544 Probabilistic dynamic balance method, 1669 Probabilistic movement primitive (ProMP), 1281–1282 Programming by demonstration (PbD), 351 Projection equation, 757, 763, 766, 769 Proportional-derivative (PD), 1122Index 2693 Proportional-integral-derivative (PID), 1119 Proximal gear, 543 Puck motor controllers, 540 Q QNX real-time operating system, 95 QRIO, 188 behavior control architecture, 198–199 configuration, 190 as corporate ambassador, 190 hardware, 190–192 history, 188–190 intelligent functions, 197 motion control system, 192–196 Motion Editor, 196 Quadratic programming (QP) problem, 801 Quantum tunneling composite (QTC), 2550 Quasi-coordinates, 1896 Quasi-dynamic walking, 48 Quasi-static motion planning, 1602 Quaternion, 1891 Query collision, Boolean, 1936 collision, enumerative, 1936 dynamic, 1936 proximity, 1937, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1948 static, 1936 R Radial basis function (RBF), 1268 Random sample consensus method (RANSAC), 1752, 2535 Range of motion, 875–877 Range sensors CGAL, 2536 definition, 2522 feature-based registration, 2534–2535 hyper depth camera, 2533 ICP, 2534 interferometry, 2533 Matlab and Mathematica, 2535 MeshLab, 2535 PCL, 2536 RGB-D cameras, 2524–2528 stereo cameras, 2533 time-of-flight cameras, 2528–2531 ultrasonic sensors, 2522–2524 Rayleigh oscillator, 1110 Reachability map, 1637 Real-time feedback control, HUBO, 126 Real-time Integrated Adaptive Control System, 192–196 Real-time Whole Body Stabilizing Motion Control, 193 Rebound coefficient, 797 Recurrent neural network CPGs (RNN CPG), 1104–1106, 1125 Recurrent neural network with parametric bias (RNNPB), 2107 Recursive method, 282 Recursive Newton-Euler algorithm (RNEA)
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