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| موضوع: كتاب Machining Fundamentals - From Basic to Advanced Techniques الإثنين 24 أغسطس 2020, 12:13 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Machining Fundamentals - From Basic to Advanced Techniques by John R. Walker Publisher The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc. Tinley Park, Illinois
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Contents Chapter I. An Introduction to Machining Technology 1.1 The Evolution of Machine Tools 1.2 Basic Machine Tool Operation 1.3 Nontraditional Machining Processes 1.4 Automating the Machining Process 1.5 The Evolving Role of the Machinist Chapter 2. Shop Safety 2.1 Safety in the Shop 2.2 General Machine Safety 2.3 General Tool Safety 2.4 Fire Safety Chapter 3. Understanding Drawings 3.1 Dimensions 3.2 Information Included on Drawings ...... 3.3 Types of Prints 3.4 Types of Drawings Used in the Shop 3.5 Parts List 3.6 Drawing Sizes 3.7 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Chapter 4. Measurement 55 4.1 The Rule The Micrometer Caliper 57 Vernier Measuring Tools 4.4 Gages 67 4.5 Dial Indicators 70 4.6 Other Gaging Tools 4.7 Helper Measuring Tools Chapter 5. Layout Work 81 5.1 Making Lines on Metal 5.2 Squares 5.3 Measuring Angles 5.4 Simple Layout Steps 5.5 Layout Safety Chapter 6. Hand Tools ... 6.1 Clamping Devices 6.2 Pliers 6.3 Wrenches 6.4 Screwdrivers 6.5 Striking Tools 6.6 Chisels 6.7 Hacksaw 6.8 Files 6.9 Reamers 6.10 Hand Threading 6.11 Hand Polishing Chapter 7. Fasteners .... 7.1 Threaded Fasteners 7.2 Xonthreaded Fastening Devices 7.3 Adhesives 7.4 Fastener Safety Chapter 8. Jigs and Fixtures 143 8.1 Jigs 143 8.2 Fixtures 145 8.3 Jig and Fixture Construction .. . . 146 Chapter 9. Cutting Fluids 9.1 Types of Cutting Fluids 9.2 Application of Cutting Fluids Chapter 10. Drills and Drilling Machines 10.1 Drilling Machines . . , 10.2 Drill Press Safety .... 10.3 Drills 10.4 Drill-holding Devices 10.5 Work-holding Devices 10.6 Cutting Speeds and Feeds 10.7 Cutting Compounds 10.8 Sharpening Drills 10.9 Drilling 10.10 Countersinking 10.11 Counterboring 10.12 Spotfacing. . . .......... 10.13 Tapping 10.14 Reaming Chapter 11. Offhand Grinding 11.1 Abrasive Belt Grinders 11.2 Bench and Pedestal Grinders 11.3 Grinding Wheels . 11.4 Abrasive Belt and Grinder Safety. . 11.5 Using a Dry-type Grinder 11.6 Using a Wet-type Grinder 11.7 Portable Hand Grinders Table or Contents Chapter 12. Sawing and Cutoff Machines 191 12.1 Metal-catting Saws 12.2 Reciprocating Power Hacksaw 12.3 Power Band Saw 12.4 Using Reciprocating and Band Saws 12.5 Circular Metal-cutting Saws . . . 12.6 Power Saw Safety Chapter 13. The Lathe.... 13.1 Lathe Size 13.2 Major Parts of a Lathe 13.3 Preparing Lathe for Operation . 13.4 Cleaning the Lathe 13.5 Lathe Safety 13.6 Cutting Tools and Tool Holders 13.7 Cutting Speeds and Feeds 13.8 Work-holding Attachments. . . . 13.9 Turning Work Between Centers 13.10 Using Lathe Chucks 13.11 Facing Stock Held in Chuck ... 13.12 Plain Turning and Turning to a Shoulder 13.13 Parting Operations Chapter 14. CuttingTapers and ScrewThreads on the Lathe 241 14.1 Taper Turning 241 14.2 Calculating Tailstock Setover 14.3 Measuring Tailstock Setover. 14.4 Cutting a Taper 14.5 Measuring Tapers 14.6 Cutting Screw Threads on the Lathe Chapter 15. Other Lathe Operations 261 15.1 Boring on a Lathe 15.2 Drilling and Reaming on a Lathe 15.3 Knurling on a Lathe 15.4 Filing and Polishing on a Lathe 15.5 Steady and Follower Rests 15.6 Mandrels 15.7 Grinding on the Lathe 15.8 Milling on a Lathe 15.9 Special Lathe Attachments 15.10 Industrial Applications of the Lathe Chapter i6. Broaching Operations . , 16.1 Advantages of Broaching . ... .... ........ 16.2 Keyway Broaching 283a nerbg Fundamentals Chapter 17. The Milling Machine 17.1 Types of Milling Machines 17.2 Milling Safety Practices 17.3 Milling Operations 17.4 Milling Cutters 17.5 Types and Uses of Milling Cutters. . . . 17.6 Methods of Milling 17.7 Holding and Driving Cutters 17.8 Milling Cutting Speeds and Feeds. . . . 17.9 Cutting Fluids 17.10 Milling Work-holding Attachments . . . Chapter 18. Milling Machine Operations... 18.1 Milling Operations 18.2 Vertical Milling Machine 18.3 Vertical Milling Machine Operations 18.4 Milling Machine Care 18.5 Horizontal Milling Machine Operations 18.6 Slitting 18.7 Slotting 18.8 Drilling and Boring on a Horizontal Milling Machine 18.9 Cutting a Spur Gear 18.10 Cutting a Bevel Gear 18.11 Precautions When Operating a Milling Machine . . . . 18.12 Industrial Applications Chapter 19. Precision Grinding 19.1 Types of Surface Grinders 19.2 Work-holding Devices. . ........ . . 19.3 Grinding Wheels 19.4 Cutting Fluids (Coolants) ., 19.5 Grinding Applications 19.6 Grinding Problems 19.7 Grinding Safety 19.8 Universal Tool and Cutter Grinder . 19.9 Tool and Cutter Grinding Wheels . . 19.10 Cylindrical Grinding 19.11 Internal Grinding 19.12 Centerless Grinding 19.13 Form Grinding 19.14 Other Grinding Techniques Chapter 20. Band Machining . . 20.1 Band Machining Advantages 20.2 Band Blade Selection 20.3 Welding Blades 20.4 Band Machine Preparation 20.5 Band Machining Operations 20.6 Band Machine Power Feed 20.7 Other Band Machining Applications 20.8 Troubleshooting Band Machines . . . 20.9 Band Machining Safety 397fable of Contents Chapter 21. Computer Numerical Control 399 21.1 Computer-aided Machining Technology 21.2 Positioning with Numerical Control . 21.3 NC Movement Systems 21.4 Programming NC Machines 21.5 Computer Languages 21.6 Adaptive Control „ 21.7 NC and the Future . 21.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of NC Chapter 22. Automated Manufacturing... 22.1 Flexible Manufacturing System ... 22.2 Robotics 22.3 Safety In Automated Manufacturing 22.4 Rapid Prototyping Techniques .. 22.5 The Future of Automated Manufacturing Chapter 23. Quality Control 23.1 The History of Quality Control 23.2 Classifications of Quality Control 23.3 Nondestructive Testing Techniques 23.4 Other Quality Control Techniques Chapter 24. Metal Characteristics 24.1 Classifying Metals 24.2 Ferrous Metals 24.3 Nonferrous Metals 24.4 Copper-based Alloys 24.5 High-temperature Metals , . 24.6 Rare Metals . Chapter 25. Heat Treatment of Metals 467 25.1 Heat-treatable Metals 25.2 Types of Heat Treatment 25.3 Heat Treatment of Other Metals 25.4 Heat-treating Equipment 25.5 Hardening Carbon Steel 25.6 Tempering Carbon Steel 25.7 Case Hardening Low-carbon Steel 25.8 Hardness Testing 25.9 Heat-treating Safety Chapter 26. Metal Finishing 26.1 Quality of Machined Surfaces. . .. 26.2 Other Metal Finishing Techniques Chapter 27. Electromachining Processes 27.1 Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) 27.2 Electrical Discharge Wire Cutting (EDWC) 27.3 Electrochemical Machining (ECM) 507HadiiriEng Fy ICL I ta Chapter 28. Nontraditional Machining Techniques 51 I 28.1 Chemical Machining 28.2 Hydrodynamic Machining (HDM) 28.3 Ultrasonic Machining 28.4 Electron Beam Machining (EBM) 28.5 Laser Beam Machining Chapter 29. Other Processes 29.1 Machining Plastics 29.2 Chipless Machining 29.3 Powder Metallurgy 29.4 High-energv-rate Forming (HERF) 29.5 Cryogenic Applications Chapter 30. Occupations in MachiningTechnology 547 30.1 Machining Job Categories 30.2 Preparing to Find a Job in Machining Technology 30.3 How to Get a Job Reference Section 557 Glossary of Technical Terms 593 Index 615 A Abrasive, band machining polishing, 394 hand polishing, 123 polishing on Jathes, 267 cutoff saw, dry abrasive cutting, 197 wet abrasive cutting, 197 materials, 122 abrasive cloth, 123 aluminum oxide, 122 coated abrasives, 123 comparative chart, 122 crocus, 122 diamond dust polishing compound, 122 emery, 122 safety, 123 silicon carbide, 122 synthetic, 122 &~ hand polishing, 123 Abrasive belt lllsupport, contact wheels, 379 pJab!ns, 379 ABS. See Acrylonitrile butadiene styzene Absolute positioning, numedcalcontTol (NC), 403 AC See Adaptin control Acme screw!Mads, cutting on lathe, 257 Acme screw thread gage, 257 Acorn nuts, 133 Acrylics, charac~riatics, 530 Lucite , 530 Plexiglas, 530 Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), rapid prototyping techniques, 431 ADAYT (Adaptation of APT), computer languages, 412 Adaptel's, holding milling cutters, 306 Adaptive control lAO, computer numerical control (CNC), 413 numerical control (NC), 413 Addendum (a), Clllculating, 343 Adhesives, 138-140 advantages, 138 cyanoacrylate debondcr, 139 cyanoacrylate quick setting, 138-139 furms, 138 using, 139--140 Adjustable clam.pins pliers,~ Adjustable hand reamers, 112 Adjustable stops. precision, 355 Adjustable, 95-97 Adjusting screws. lathe, 2.27 Age-hardening, aluminum, 472 Air gage, 71-72 applications, 71-72 manometer, 72 Air, quenching medium, 474 AISI. See American Iron and Steel Institute AU-around machinist, 549 All-hard blades, hacksaws, 107 reciprocating power hacksaw, 193 Allen wrenches, 99 Alloy metallic elements, 454-455 Alloy steel.B, 45.l-454 chromium, 453 properties of, 454 chromium-nickel, 454 cobalt, properties of, 455 ductility; 454 manganese, 453, 454 molybdenum, 453, 454 nickel, 453, 454 tungsten_ 453, 454 vanadium, 453, 454 Alloys, aluminum. abrasive constituents, 459 machining characteristics, 459-460 nonabrasive nature, 459 Al~te set blade1, hacksaws, 107 Altllllina, indexable insert cutting tools, lathe, 216 Aluminum, abrasive constituents, 459 alloys, cast, 459 heal-treatable metals, 458 machining characteristics, 459-460 wrought, 459 Aluminum Association Designution System, 459 anodizing, 496-497 carbide tools, 460 ceramic tools, 460 finishes, 495 heat treatment, 472 age-harden, 472 ductile,472 high-speed cutting tools, 460 increasing strength, 459 machining, 459-460 nonabrasive nature, 459 temper designation, 459 tool geometry, 460 Alwninum Association De&i&nation System. 459 Aluminum oxide, hand polishing, 122 American loon and Ste2llnstitute (AISI), number code for identifying steel, 456-457 American National Standards Institute (ANSI), grinding wheel marking system, 359 surface values, 492 IndexAmerican National Thn!ad System, 114 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), geometric characteristic symbols, 41 Angle cutter, arbor milling cutters, 299, 301 single-ang.e, 301 Angle plate, precision grinding, 366 work-ho.iding devices, 167 Angular cuts, reciprocating power hacksaw, !93 Angular knurls, knuriing on lathes, 265 Angular sawing, vertical band machine, 392 Annealing, cryogenic applications, 543 heat treatment of steel, 468~69 Anodizing, metal finishing. aluminum oxide, 496-497 electrobrightening, 496, 497 hard coat. 496 ordL'lal')~ 496 ANSJ. Su American 1'\ational Standards Institute Appearance. n!asons for metal finishing, -192, -193 Apron, lathe, 206 APT. See Automatic Progra.auned Tools APT III. See Computer languages APT Multi-tooJ"'M, spotfacing, 178 Arbor milling cutters, angle cutter, 299. 3iJ1 double-angle, 301 single-angie, 301 formed mil!ing cutters, 299, 3{11 holding, 304 draw-in bar. 305-306 keyway, 3.."5 self-holding tapers, 304 spacing collars, 305 stub, 306 styles, 304-305 A, 304,305 8,304,305 C.305 metal slitting saws, 299, 301 plain. 301 side chip clearance, 301 plain milling cutter, 299- 300 heavy-duty, 300 helical, 300 light-duty, 3CO slab cutters, 300 side milling cutter, 299, 300 half side, 300 ir.terloc:king, 300 plain,300 staggered-tooth, 300 ASME. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers Assembly drawings, ar subasscmblr drawings, 36-37 used in &hop. 38 Atmospheric control, heat treatment, .furnaces, ol74 Auto bodv dies, computer numerical control {G\iC), applications, 418-421 numerical control (~C). applications, 418-421 AUTO MAP (.Automatic !\fachin1ng Program). See Computer languages Automated manufacturing, fle.xible manufacturing system (F~IS). 424 future of, 433 processe5, 423 assembling, 423 inspecting. 423 making, 123 packaging, 423 testing. 423 rapid prototyping techniques, 428--432 robotics, 424-428 safety, 427 Machining Fun:iar11enta!s Automatic Machining Program (AUTO MAPl, computer languages. 412 Automatic Programmed Tools (API'), APT system dictionary. 413 auxiliary function statements, 413 computer languag~, 411-413 geometry, 413 madtining statcn\ents, 413 Automatic screw machine, 2i5 Automatic tW:tet lathe, 275 Awueness barriers, safetv aids, 26 Axis inversion. - contour or continuous path, 40i Axis of mO'I;emcnt, positioning with numerical control (XC, 4i)2 B Back injuries, 2-l Back reflection, ultrasonic inspection, +15 Backcounterbore, 178 spotia~ing, 178 Backsa\\i l(J.l 'Backspotface, spotfacing, 178 Billl bearing (enter., 223 Ball nose end mill, 297 Ball-peen hanune.-, 101 Band machining. advantages, 3S3 basic operation, 16 blade characteristics, 384-386 gage, 356 pitch, 386 set, 386 tooth form, 386 \oidth, 384-355 blade forms, hook tooth. 356 skip tooth, 386 standard tooth, 386 blade selection. 384-337 blade types, 3S4 bimetal, 384 carbon steel flexible back. 384 hard edge with spring-tempered back, 384 high-speed steel (HSS), 384 shock resistant high~peed steel (HSS), 384 tUI\gsten carbide, 354 blades, welanneafulg, 388 flash removal, 385 making the blade weld, 387-388 preparing for, 387 ready-to-use welded bands, 357 strip-<>ut containers, 387 contputer r.umericai control (C. ,C), 396 diamond-edge band, 395 filing, 393 friable material.s, 395 hictionsa~ing,394-395 kniie-edge blade, 395 polishing, 394 band abrasive cloth, 394 ?reparation, 358-390 b!ade guides, 3'58 blade tension, 390 blade tracking, 388-390 cutting fluids, 390 cutting speed, 39-:) lubrication, 388 roller guides. 3S8 safety, 397 troubleshooting. 396 vertical, 390-392 · angular sawing, 392 contour sawing. 391!ndex ft:ed, 393 internal cuts, 392 straight sawing, 390 wire band, 395 with closed circu.ilTv. 396 Base metal, 451 Basic dimension, U Basic profile, 128 Bastard files. Ste Files Bench drill press, 1.53 Bench grinder, 183 wheels, 184 coarse, 184 fine, 184 Bench cadial drill press, 155 Bent·tailsafety lathe dogs, 223 Bent·tail standard lathe dogs, 223 Beryllium, copper, %1-462 heat-treatable metal:;, 468 Bevel geill', horizontal milling machinES, 346-349 milling bevel gear, 346-347 preparing to cut, 347-349 Bilateral tolerance, 35 Bimetal blades, band machining, 384 Binding lever, holding and rotating work on lathe, 205 Blades, band machining, annealing, 388 bimetal, 384 blade tracking, 388-390 carbon steel flexible back. 384 cha.racteristics, 384-386 flash removal, 388 gage,386 guides,388 hard edge with spring-tempered back, 384 high-speed steel (!iSS), 384 hoolc: tooth, 386 pitch, 386 ready-to-use ~lded bands, 387 selection, 384-:3.87 set, 386 ~hock resistnnt high-speed steel ('f-JSS), 384 skip tooth. 386 standard tooth. 386 &trip-out containers, 387 tension, 390 tooth form, 386 tungsten carbide, 384 types, 384 welcting, 387-388 width, 384-.385 haclc:saw, 106-tiYJ aJI hard, 107 alternate set, 107 flexible back, 107 r.tker set, 107 set, 107 undulating set, 107 ltorizontal band saw, breaking, 196 crooked cutting, 196 hook tooth. blade, 196 installation, 196 premature tooth wear, 197 selection, 195- 196 skip tooth blade, 196 standard tooth blade, 196 teeth. strip off, 197 reciprocating power hacksaw, 193 aD·hard, 193 flexibl~back, 193 molybdenum. 193 roounting, 193-194 retensioning, 194 rule of thumb, 193 nmgsten, 193 BUndholes, drilling, 176 taps, 117, 119 Blind rivets, nonthreaded fa:Jtmers, 136 Block. nwnerical control (NQ progranuning, 408 Blueprints, 37 Bolts,. removing broken, 1.31 Boring bar, boring on lathes, 262 Boring mills, early machine tools, 12 industrial. lathe applications, 276 Boring. horizontal milling machines, 339-340 boring head, 339 dial indicator, 340 Jacobs chuck, 339 wiggle~340 on lathes, 261-263 vertical milling machines, 325-326 centering scope, 325 digital readout gaging system, 326 edge finder, 326 locating first hole, 325-326 measuring rod and dial indicator attachment, 32.6 wiggler, 325 Bottoming tap, 117 Box annealing, 469 Box jigs, 145 Box parallels, 84 Box wrenchea, 97 Brale penetrator, hardness testing, 482 Brass, 461 alloy of copper and zinc, 461 heat treatment, 473 Brazed-tip single-point c:utt:il\g too]. 214-216 diamond-charged grinding wheel, 214 silicon carbide, 214 tooJ blanks, 214 Brine, quenching medium, 473 Brlnellluudncss tester, using, 479 Briquetting, green compact, 536 powder metallurgy (P/M), 535-536 Broacl\, 281 teeth,281- 282 finishing, 281 roughing, 281 semifinishlng, 281 Broaching, 281- 2.84 advantages of, 283 broach,281 burnishing elements, 282 external, slab broach, 281 internal, 281 keyway, 283-284 machines, basic opera tion, 17 pot, 281 pull broach, 281 slab broach, 281 teeth,281-282 Bronze,461 Buffing, 499-500 Buffing lathe, 499-500 Burning, grinding, 187 precision grinding problems, 367 Burnishing elements, broa.ching, 282 8WJhing8, jigs, 143 slip,I45~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------M-~_c_ h_ln _'_',~'-~-u_n_o_an __~_e_n_~__s c CAD. See Computer-aided design (drafting) Calipers, 7S...76 dial,66 ir.side.~6 :nicro:netec, 57-08 \·ecruer, 63 Cam-lock spindle, holding and rotati."lg work on lathe, 20~ CA.i'\1. See Computer-aided manufacturing Cap screws, threaded fasteners, 129--130 Capadtor bank. electrohvdraulic forming, 540 Capacitordischarge forming. See IDectrohydtaulic forming Carbide tools, !ncreasing cutting speed. 214 Carbide inserts. See Inserts Carbide-tipped tools, 21-l-216 coating of titanium nitride (!L'\1 and titanium carbide me), 455 gri..,ding on wet-type gr'..nder, 188 staight turni:-tg, lathe, 216 square nose, 216 thread::ng tool, 216 Carbon steel, 432 adding lead, 453 adding sulfur, 453 carbor. content. 452 drills, 158 flexible back !:llades, band machining. 384 i.mprov;.ng machinability, 4.53 Carburlzing. See Case hardening Carriage (]athe), 205-206 compound rest, 206 cross-slide, 2il6 feed ::nechani3m,206 f-eed change levers, 207 half-nuts, 207 index piate, 207 lead screw, 207 longi!udinal move.c:1.ent, 206 parts, apron, 206 parts, saddle, 205 quick-c~e gearbox, 206 tool post, 206 transverse tool mo\·ement, 206 Cartesian Coordi.uate System, positioning with numerical control (..N'C}, 402-403 a.xi& of xr.overnent, 402 spindle motion, 402 Case hardening, 471-172 carburizing,472 cyaniding, 472 gas metJ~.pd, '72 Iliquid salt method, 472 low-carbon steel, 478-479 methods, 478-479 nitriding me thod., 472 Cast alloys, aluminum, 4S9 ~timn&,~2 gra\' iron, 4."i2 malleable iron, 452 Castellated nuts, 1.33 Cathode ray tube (CRT), ultrasonic inspection, 445 Cemented tungsten carbides, milling cutters, m Centet al~ent, lathe, adf..!sting scre¥>·s, 227 a.oproxi.mate, 226 checking, 2.23-227 Center findea:. drilling, 173 Center gage, cutting 60" screw tlueads on lathe, 2-51- 253 Center holes, drilling on laihe, 224-225 combination drill and countersink, 224 straight drill, 225 using drill press, 225 Center punch, layout, 89 Center rest, lathe, 269 Centering scope, ' 'erllcal milling machines, locating fi."'St hole, 325 Cetlterless grinding, 376-377 end feed grinding, 376 infeed grind" , 376 internal ceiu:fess, 3;'7 through feed, 376 Cerium, -163 Chamfer micrometer, 56-59 Chatter, elimination, 263 precision grinding problerr.s, 367 See Chemical blanking Chem·milling. See Chemical milling Chemical blackening, 497-498 advantages, 498 drawbacks, -l9S Chemical blanking, 513-516 ad,·antage6, 516 basic operation, 1'i disad vantages, 516 process, 513-514 steps. 514-515 Chemical cutting tJujds. Su fluids Chemical machining, 511-516 Chemical milling, adYantages, 5i.2-5l3 basic operation, 17 disadyantages, 513 etchant, 511 masks, 511 steps, 5!2 cleaning, 512 etching, 512 inspection, 512 masking, 512 rinsing and !>tripping, 512 scribing and stripping, 512 Otipb~akers, ns- 219 Chiples8 madlining, 531-532 accuraC}~ 5-31 applications, 532 basic operations, 532 Intraform~, 532 metals.532 principle of operation, 531 Chisels, 102-1().1 appllcatons,102-103 co!d chisel, 102 ri\·et buster. 102-103 safetv, 1.04!V, 163 Chucking reamer, 180 Chucks, dri!l-holding devices, 163 electromagr:etic precision gri."tding, 3,:,7 Jacobs, horizontal milling machines, 339 lathe, draw-in coUet, 232 facing stod< held in_ 236-237 4-ja\,. independent, 232- 234 installing chuck jaws, 232 Jacot:a, 232 .c:1.0unting, ~236 re.c:1.oving from other spindle noses, 236 removing irom threaded spindle, 236 3-jaw Wliversal, 232 using, 231-236 magnetic, milling machines, 311 precision grinding. magnetic, 356-35:' 0:\1. Set Computer-integrated manufacturing Circular interpolation, numerical control (NC), contour or continuous path, 406--407ltd Cirt:ular pitch (p), calculating. 343 Circular saw, metal-abrasive cutoH, 197 cold circular saw, 197 friction saw, 197 friction saw, billets, 197 Circularity geometric tolerances, 45 Clamp bolt nut, holding and rotating work on lathe, 205 CUmp4ype lathe dogs, 223 Clmlplng devic:cs, 91-92 clamps, 92 C-clamp, 92 parallel clamp, 92 precision grinding. 357 vises, 91--92 bench, 91 jaws, 92 machinist's, 91 toolmaker's, 91 use o£,92 Cleaning methods, metal finishing. 495 Clearance (c), calculating. 343 Cllinb milling, 304 horizontal milling machines, slitting, 338 machining laminated plastics, 531 Closed circuit Tv, band machining with, 396 ClOHd jig&, 145 Ooeed loop system. numerical control (NC), 401 Clothing, protective, 23, 24 CMM. See Coordinate measuring m.achine Coated abrasives, hand polishing, 123 C~s, indcxable insert cutting tools, alumina, 216 titani\Ul"' carbide ('IlC), 216 titanium nitride (TIN), 216 Cold chise).102 Cold finished steeL 453 Cold fonning. Sei! Chipless machbrlng Cold heading. Su Chipless m.a.clrining Color codiDg, steeL 457-458 Column and lmee milling macllines, 286-289 movCIXlcnt, 286 parts,286 plain (horizontal spindle), 288 rotary head, 289 sliding head, 289 swivel head, 289 universaL, 2.88 vertical, 2.88-289 Combination drill and countersink< drilling center holes, lathe, 224 Combination drill and reamer, 159 Combination open-end and box wrenches, 97 Combination pliers, 92 Combination set, protractor head, 86 Combustible materials, 27 COMPACf D. Sa Computer ~es Campuative checking unit,. quality control, 448 Composites, 464-465 Compound angles, vertical mming machines, 321 Compound rest,. lathe, 2.06 method of turning tapers, 241-243 setting,253 Compressed air, safety, 24. Computer J.angu.ages, numerical control (NO, 412-413 Adaptation of API (ADAP1), 412 APIIJI, 412 AutoJna.tlc Machining Program (AUTO MAP), 412 Automatic Programmed Tools (APT), 412-413 aulciliary function statements, 413 geometry, 413 machining statements, 413 system dictionary, 413 COMPACT IL 4U syntax. 412 Computer numericu control (CNO, adaptive control (AC), 413 applications, 418-421 automating machining processes, 19-20 band machining, 396 computer-aided machining technology, 399-401 grinding, 380-381 industrial lathe applications, 276-279 introduction of, 19 machine tools, fixtures, 146 microdrilling machine, lBO milling machine controL 290 robotic systems, 20 Computer-aided design (CAD), 400, 415 Computer-aided machining technology, computer numerical control (CNO, 399-401 computer-aided design and drafting (CAD), 400 direct numerical control CDNC), 400 distributed numerical control (DNC), 400 machine control unit (MCU), 400 manual machining, 399 numerical control (NC), 399-400 program, 400 6erVO motors, 400 ComputeJ>-aided manufacturing {CAM),38,415 Coolputa--lntegrated manufacturing (CJM), 38, 424 Concentricity, examining grincfing wheels fo(, 185 Contaminant!!, cutting fluids, 150 Contour etching. See Chemical mi1.Ung Contour o.c: contlnuou path, movement systems circular interpolation, 406-407 inversion, 407 mirror image part, 4(17 Contmn sawing, vertical band machine, 391 Conventional inside micrometer, 58 Conventional {up) milling, 304 Coolants, precision grinding, 362-364 reciprocating power hacksaw, 193 Coordinate measuring I~~Achine {CMM), 438 Copper, 461 alloys, 461 base metal, 461 heat t reatment, 473 heat-treatable metals, %8 Cotter pins, 136 Counterboring, 177-178 backcounterbore, 178 counterbore, 177 lndexable carbide inserts, 177-178 interchiUlgeable cutters and pilots, 177 pilot, 177 solid, 177 drilling machines, uses of, 157 drillB, 177-178 Countersinking, 176-177 oountersink.~, 176 cutting edge angles, 176-177 deburring holes, 177 indexable carbide inserts, 177 single cutting edge, 177 using. 177 drilling machines, uses of, 157 drills, 176-17'7 Creep grinding, 366 Qitical temperlltun:, steeL 469 CCOM filing. Su Straight filing ero.-feed hmdwh.eeL precision grinding, 354 Cro1111-slide, lathe, 206 turTct lathe, industrial applications,'05Crossing file. Sec Files Cryogenic applications, ~544 annealing metals, 543 heat treating metals, 543 shrink-fitting metal parts, 543 temperatures, 543 treatment of rutting tools, 543 Curved-tooth file. Su Files Cutoff machines. See Saws Cutters md pilots (interchangeable), counterborir.g. 177 Cutters, sharpening, 369 Cutting compounds, drills, 168-170 applications, 168, 170 cleanup, 170 Cutting fluids, application of, 150-151 band machining, 390 floodillg, 390 mist coolant, 390 solid lubricants, 390 carbide inserts, 1.51 ceramic tooling, 151 chemicaL 149 advantages, 150 appearance, 150 con~ts,150 emulsifiable oils, 149 advantages, 150 appearance, 150 applications, 150 soluble oi!s, 1SO evaluation, 151 functioru, 149 gaseous fluids, 149 compressed air, 150 high-speed steel, 151 milling machines, 31C mineral oils, 149 applications, 150 precision grinding, 362-364 applications, 362 applying, 363 cleaning system, 363-364 flooding. 363 polymers, 362 water·soluble chemical fluids, 362 water-soluble oil fJulds, 363 semichemical, 149 advantages, 150 appearance, 150 types, 149-150 Cutting speed (CS), band machining, 390 drills, 167-168 table, 169 lathe, 220-222 calculating, 220-221 depth of cut, 221- 222 fL"1ishing cuts, 221 peripheral speed, 22() ro-..tghing cuts, 221 milling machines, 291. 308 adjusting. 291 calculating, 308--310 Cutting tool (lathe), carriage. 205-206 compound rest, 206 cross-slide, 206 feed mechanism, 206 holding, moving, and guiding. 205-208 lead screw, 207 longitudinal movement, 2:)6 shapes, high-speed ~ttecl, 211 tool holders, lathe, 211-219 tool post, 206 transverse tool mo\·ement, 20(: Cyaniding, 472 Cyanoaayla.te adhesives, 138-139 Cylindrical grinding, 373-375 complete runoff, 375 cutting speed, 375 feed, 375 holding and driving the work, 375 insufii.cier.t runoff, 375 machine operation, 375 ovenun,375 plunge grinding, 373 tra,·erse grinding. 3':"3 work resls, 375 Cylindricity geometric tolerances, -16 D Datum, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, .U ieab:re, 42 identification symbol, 44 reference letters, 44 Dead ccnte~;, lathe, tumin.g work between centers, 223 parts cf drill point, 162 Dead smooth files. See Files Dcburring holes, counte:rsinking, 177 Deburrlng tcclmiques, metal finishing, SOD-502 Decaxbtmizlng, 469 Dedendum (b), calculating. M3 Deep grinding, 366 Delrin, machining, 527 applications, 527 replacing brass and zi1tc, 527 Demagnetizer, 3S7 Depth gage, 176 Depth stop, 176 Destructive testing. quality control, 436-437 Detail drawingll, 38 Detonation gun (D-gun) coating process, -199 Diagonal pliers, 93 Dial calipem, 66 Dial indicators, 7()...71 balanced indicators, 70 continuous indicators, 70 digital electronic indicators, 70 hor' .zontal milling machines, boring, 340 how to use. n tailstock sctoYer, 246 ,-ertical milling machines, aligning \ with. 315 Diametral pitch (}'), calculating, 3-13 Diamond cone penetrator,. 481 Diamond dust polishi."lg compound, 122 Diamond wh.eel dresser, 271 Diamond-charged grinding wheel, grindiug carbide-tipped tools, 214 Diamond-edge band, band machining, 393 Diamond-shapl!d ~ations, knurling on lathes, 265 Diazo proce5s prints, 37 Dielectric fluid (EDM), 561 Diemaker, 549 D ies, adjustable, 121 blanks, electrical discharge machining, 5C3 diestocks. 121 so:id, 120 threads, 115 two·part adjustable, 12! Digital readout gaging system, vertical milling machL'tes, 326 DimelUiioning dral\ings, 31-.32 Direct measuring of tapers, 249-250 Direct numerical con trol (D:!'\0, computer-aided rnachil"J ng technology, 400 machine conrroliUlit (MC{!), 400 mainframe coJT.puter, 400 Direct Shell Production Casting (DSPC), .lll Dist;mce between centers of mating gens (C), calculating, 343 D istributed numerical control (DXC), c-omp-..tter-ai.ded machining technology, 400 machine control unit (~ICL"), -ID~ mainirame computer, 400Index Divider, use of on metal, 81 head, milling macllines, 3U-312, 314 DNC. See Direct numerical control; Distributed nliiD.e.rkal control Double square, 86 Double-Double-cut knurl, knurling on bthe~~, difficulties, 266 Dovetail cutter mills, 301 Dowel pins, 135-136 Down-leed handwbeel, precision grinding, 354 Down (climb) milling, 31>' Drag,, 181 Draw filing, m Draw-in collet chucks, 232 applications, 234-235 cfeSign, 235 Drawing, heat treabnent of steel. 472 Drawings, American National Standards Institute {At'JSD, 30 conversion charts, 32 dimensions, 31--32 dual dimensioning, 31 US Conventional system, 31 fractional dimensioning, 31 information included on. 32-37 assembly or su ba.ssembly, 36-37 bilateral tolerance, 35 drawing scale, 36 materials, 32 .name of object, 37 quantity of units, 36 ~visions, 37 sur.face finishes, 32, 35 tolerances, 35-36 unilateral tolerance, 36 metric dimensioning, SI Metric syst:em_ 32 parts list, 38 scale, 36 sizes, 38-41 SI Metric, 42 US Conventional. 41 types of prints, 37-.38 blueprints, 37 computer-generated, 37-38 diazo process, 37 lllicrofilm process, 37 xerographic (electrostatic) process, 37 types used in shop, 38 assembly, 38 detail,38 exploded pictorial, 38 subassembly, 38 worldng, 38 understanding, 29--54 Orift.t63 Drill gage, 160 Drill jig, a jig, 176 work-holding devices, 167 Ddl1 preu, 14-15,1.53 basic operation, 14-15 drilling center holes, lathe, 225 safety, 157-158 si7..c determination, l53 Drill rod. 75 Drill template, open jigs, 144 Drill-out power extractor, 131 Drilling madtinu, bench drill press, 153 bench radial drill press, 155 drill press, 153 safety, 157-158 size determination, 153 electric hand drill, 153 gang, 156 in.achining center (CNC), 156 multiple spindle, 156 portable magnetic drills, 15S radial drill pra;s, 153-154 robotic, 156 uses of, 157 counterboring, 157 countersinking, 157 reaming, 157 spotfaci~ 157 tapping, 157 Dr:illblg, blind holes, 176 center finder, 173 center holes on lathe, 224-225 depth gage, 176 depth stop, 176 feed, 168 full hole diameter, 176 hole depth, 176 horizontal milling machines, 339-3-W larger holes, 175 nylon,526-527 on lathes, 263-264 pfiot hole, 175 procedures, 173-174 proof d rcles, 174 pulling drill point to center, 175 round stock, 175 signs indicating pooc cutting, 174 TeflonTN, 529 titanium, 461 using a drill 'ig, 176 using V-blo~, 175-176 wiggler, 173 Drills, carbon steel, 158 C'OUIIterboring, 177- 178 countersinking, 17~177 cutting compounds, 168--170 applications, 168 cleanup, 170 cutting speed& and feeds, 167-168 table, 169 drilling, 173-174 gage, 160 high-iipeed steel (}:[$), 158 holding devices, 163 chuck, 163 chuckkey. 163 drift, 163 sleeve, 163 socket, 163 tapered spindle, 163 measurements, 160-161 parts of, 162-163 body clearance, 163 dead center, 162 flutes, 162 heel, 162 lip clearance, 162 lips, 162 margin. 162 point, 162 shank, 162 shank, tang, 162 web, 163 peripheral speed, 168 reaming, 180-182 removing from spindle, 164 sharpening, 170-173 checking w:ith a drill point gage, 171 coarse grinding wheel, 171 cooling point,170 grinding attachments, 173 length and angle of lips, 170 lip clearance, 170 procedures, 171-172 proper location ofdead center, 171 rake angle, 172 web thinning, 171siz.e. 160 express:ion of , 160 speed, control mechanisms, 168 conveuitm, 168 spotfacing, 178 tapping, 176-160 twist, 158 types of, 158--160 combination drill and reamer, 159 four-flute core, 15S bali-round straight-flute, 159, 159 micro, 159 oil-hole, 15S spade,159 step, 159 straight-flute gun, 158 taper shank twist, 15S liuee-flule core, 158 work-holdU\g devices. 164-167 Drive screws, 135 Dry-type grinder, 187 pedestal, 185 using, 187 Dual dimemioning, drawings, 31 Duplicating unit, lathe attachments, 272-274 Dwell control, 355 E Echo, ultn.sonic inspection, 445 EC\1. See Electrochemical machlning Eddy-current inspection, 446--448 eddy-current absolute system, 447 eddy-Cill'Jlmt differential system, 447 theory of operation, 446--447 Edge findeo-_ vertical milling machines, locating first hole, 326 EDM. Set Electrical di~arge machining EDWC. See Electrical discharge "'ire cutting Electric hand drill, drilling machines, 153 Electrical discharge machining (EDM), applications, 505-506 basic operation, 17 components of, 50:1 die blanks, 503 dielectric fluid, 504 electrode, 504 finishin.g cuts, 505 power supply,5{)11 principle of operation, 504-505 roughing cuts, 505 servomechanism, 504 Electrical discharge: wire cutting (EDWQ, 506-507 CXC appliG~tions, 507 prindple of operation, 506-507 Electrobrightenlllg, 496-497 Electrochemical machining (EGI), advantages, 507-.508 basic operation, 17 electroh-te, 507 principle of operation, 507 requirements, 507 Electrode (EDM), 504 Dectrohydraulic forming, capacitor bank, 540 high-energy-rate fonning (HERF), 540 operation. 540 Electrolytic grlndh~g, applications. 379 operation, 379-380 Electromachining, 503-510 advantage of, 503 electrical disc..wge rr.achlning (ED~I), 5~6 electrical discharge wire cutting (ED\\'0, 506--iiQ'i electrochemical machining (EO{), 507-008 Electro.magnetic chuck, 357 Electromagnetic forming. Ste Magnetic fonning Electron beam machining (EBM), applications, 51~520 basic operation, 17 control. .520 cut geometry control. 520 electron beam microcutter-welder, 519 heating and cooling of material. 520 operation, 520 use of vacuum, 519 Electronic gage, i 2 Electroplating. ~8 Emery, 122 Elnploytnent547-552 d esirable emp:oyee traits, 554 employee expectations of industry. 555 factors for rejection. 554 factors for termination, 535-556 M.\t:h n Funcamentc::s finding, in machi.ning tec.lmology, 353-554 how to get a job. 55-\-556 obtainmg information, 553--554 Occupational Outlook Handbook. 553 preparing a resume, 553 proiessicmal workers, 551-S:--3 wgineering, 552 U\dusbial enginee~552 mechanical engineer, 352 metallurgical engineer, 553 teacher, 551-552 tool and m anufacturing engineer. 352 semiskilled workers, 547--..."48 skilled workers, 5-IS--550 apprentice programs, 348 specialized machinists, 549 all-around machitlist, 549 diemaker, 549 layou t specialist, 549 manager, 550 part programmer, 549-550 setup spccia_!ist, 549 supen:·tsor, 550 toolmaker, 349 technicians, 550-.551 EmuJsifiable oils, 149-150 advantages, 150 appearance, 15\l applications, 150 soluble oils, 150 End feed grinding. See Centerless grinding End mills, grinding, 372 millirlg cutters, 296-297 vertical milling machines, mounting, 319 End of block (EOB) codes, 409 End of program code, -109 End spanner wrenches, 98 Engineering profession. 552. EOB. Su End of block codes Europium, 463 Exparulion mandrel, lathes, 270 Expansion rc:amcxs, chuddng reamer, 150 dralvbacks, 180-181 hand reamers, 112 reaming, 180 Exploded pictorial dntwings, 38 Explosive forming, 537~ ap plications, 537 contact HERF, 539 disadvantages, 5.3~C' high-eneTgy-rate forming (HERF), 537-540 placement of explosives, 539 preparing m etal for, 530 stand-off HERF, 539 vacuum,539 Extension rods, 82 External broaching, slab broach, 281 External threads, adjustable dies, 121 close tolerance, 116Index cutting, 115, 121 cutting, problems, 121 die stocks, 121 general-purpose. 116 ISO standards, 116 ragged threads, U1 solid dies, 120 threading ttwo-part adjustable dies, 121 Extrude-hone, ddnlrrlng, 502 F Face mi1J.in8, horizontal milling machines, 333--334 millmg cutters, 298 milling machines, 293 shell end mills, 333 Facing tool., lathe,. 212 Facing work lteld between centen, facing to length, 228 half-center, 228 right-cut facing tool, 227 Fastenen, 127-142 adhesives, 138-140 advantages, 138 cyanoacrylate debonder, 139 cyanoacrylntc quick setting, 138--139 fonns, 138 using, 139-140 drive screws, 135 liquid thread lock. 134 nonthreaded, 135-138 cotter pins, 136 dowel pins, 135-136 keys, 137- 138 gib head key, 138 keyseat, 137 keyway, 137 Pratt & Whitney key, 137 Woodruff, 138 retaining rings, 136 rivets, 136-137 blind, 136 permanent assemblies, 136 safety. 140 thread culling screws, 135 thread-forming screws, 135 threaded, 127- 135 basic profile, 128 bolts, removing broken, 131-132 cap screws, 129-130 inserts,l33 machine boll!!, 128 machine screws, 128 metric sizes, 127-128 nuts, 132- 133 setscrews, 130-131 stud bolts, 131 wedging action, 127 washers, 134 lock, 134 preassembled, 134 split-ring lock, 134 standard, 134 tooth-type locl<, 134 FDM. See Fused Disposition Modeling Feature control frame, 44 Feed,changeleve~ drills, 168 and cutting speeds, 167- 168 table, 169 lathe, 22~222 depth of cut, 221-222 setting with micrometer dials, 221 finishing cuts, 221 roughing cuts, 221 mechanis!Y\. 206 milling machines, 291, 308 ad ~aling, · sting. 291 308-310 vertical band machine, hand wheel, 393 power, 393 self-contained unit, 393 Ferrous metals, 451-458 alloy steels, 453--454 carbon steel, 452 ca!lt irons, 452 cold finished steel, 453 gray iron, 452 heat treatment, 468 high-carbon steel,. 453 hot rolled steel, 453 machine steel, 452 malleable iron, 452 medium-carbon steel, 453 mild steel, 452 stainless steels, 456 steel, 452--458 tool steel, 455 tungsten carbide, ~6 Files, 107- 112 applications, 107 m:rc, 107- 108 brush, lOB file card, 108 cllaracteristfcs, len~..,type, cut, 108 classi1iau..ons, bastard, 107 ooarse,curved-h)oth, 107-108 dead smooth. 107 double-cut, 107-108 rasp, 107- 108 rough, second-cut, 107 single-cut, 107 smooth, 107 0'068 filing, 111 draw filing. 111 jeweler's, 111 machinist's, 110 mill.ll0-111 pinning, 108 rasp, 107- 108, 111 safe edges, 110 safety, 112 selecting, 108-110 shapes, 3-square, 110 crossing, 110 flat, 110 half-round, 110 knife, 110 pillar, 110 round, 110 square, nO straight filing, 111 specinl purpose, 111 Swiss pattern, 111 types, 110-lll using,lll, band machining. 393 on lathes, 267 Fillet and radius gage, 75 Finger clamp, 165 FiniJJh turning, 2.30 Finishing, cuts, lathe, 221 mebll, 48!h502 tools, lathe, 212 Fixes, classes of, 27 dealing with, 27 em'-"1 f~achlning Fundamen,als ~--------------------------------------- extinguishers, 27 safety, 27-28 Fishtail, :z.,, Fixec!•bed milling machines, c.~racteristias, 286 horizontal, 2!!6 movement, 286 planer, 356 vertical, 386 Fixturcs,l45-146 (.':\'C machine too!.s. 146 consrruc!i.o!t, 146-147 holding devices, 146 t.:>mbstones, 147 Flake off (lcnurling), 2h7 flame hardcrung, 470 Flanged \ise, 3ll flashpoint, 473 Flat file. See Files flat surfaces, milling, 33o-332 Flatness, form geometric toletances,45 flexible manufactudng svstem (fMS), 42-l Just-In-Time (JID, 424 machine tools u..<>ed in, 424 robots, 424 smart toolir.g, 424 Flexible sha:ft grinders, 188 Flexible-back blades, hacksa\-'S. HJ.' reciprocating power hacksa..,.~ 193 Fluorescent penetrant inspection. 442 Flutes, drill, 162 Fly culler. 298 FM:S. 51!1! Flexible manufacturing system Follower rest_ lathe, 268-270 Forging, powder metallurgy (PiM ), 536 Fotm, grinding, 372 Form geometdc tolerances, 45 Form grinding, 377-378 diamond particle wheel, 3:'8 thread grinding, 379 wheel shapes. 377 Form.ulas, calculating addendum (a), 343 calculating C.rcular pitch (p), 343 calculating ciearar.ce (c), 343 c!Lculaling deder.dum (b). 343 calculating di.a.."!letral pitch (P), 343 cakulating distance between centers of two ma!ing gears .:cl. 343 calculating lathe cutting speeds (inch-base.:!}, 22C cnlclliating lathe cutting speeds (metric-based:•. 221 calculating number of teeth (]:\), 343 calculating outside diameter (0 0}, 343 calculating pitch circle, 343 calculating pitch diameter (D), 343 calculating angle (9), 343 calculating tailstock setover, 244-245 calculating tooth thicknes:; <~,>. 343 calculating whole dep-.h oi tooth cakulal:ir.g working depth (hk), 343 determining ieee! setti.'lg for milling mac.'Une..310 determining rpm at ail)' specified speed. 168 de1:ermining speed setting for mi.l:tng, 310 th.. ~ wire method of measuring threads , 256 Fow-flute core drills, 158 4-jaw independent chucks, 232-23-.l Fractional dimensioning, 31 F.riable materials, 395 Friction sawing, 394-395 Pull hole diamelet, drilling, 176 Full-profile inserts, 255 f'umaces, atmospheric contrOl, 474 design, 474 heat treatment, 474-475 Fused Disposition Modeling CFDMTY.), 431 G Gaging tools, air gage, 71- 72 d.rill rod, 7.5 electronic gage, 72 fillet and radius gage, 70 gage blocks, Federal Accuracy Grades, 69 handling, 69-70 gage,396 gaging, 67 To-blocks, 69-70 !.aser gaging, 72 mar.ometer, 72 measuring, 6'; o ptical comparator, ~-73 o p!ical Bats, 7~74 piug gages. 6:'-6S ring gages, 68 s-.-rew pitch gage, 74-75 small ~oie g~ge, :'6-75 snap gages. 68-69 sta~istical quality <:ontrol. 67 surface gage, usee for iayout, 82-S3 telescopi.!lg gage. 76 thkk!less ~feeer) gage, 74 thread gages. 69 Gou:nma radiation, (.X-rav), -1.39 Gang drilling machines: 156 Gang mandrel. lathe, 270 Gang milling, 335 Gaseous fluids, cuttir.g £1-:ids, 149 compressed air, 150 Gear box adjustment, 252 Geat cutting, 3-ID-349 be\·el gear. milling, 346-347 preparing to cut, 347-349 spur gear, cutting the gear, 344-345 gear cutters, 343-344 gear nomenclahue. 341-343 measuring wim \it. "\ Kuren "';res, 345-346 uni"·ersaidividing head, 346 Gear nomenclature, 341-343 Geometric dimensioning and toleranclr.g, .U-52 actual size, 43 appl:ica!ion of, 44-45 basic dimension, 41 datum, 41 feature, 42 identiiication S\'mbol, 44 referen::e letterS. 44 definitions, 41-43 feature, 41 realure control frame, 44 fonn geometric toier'.m ces, drclliar!ty, 45 cyl.indricity. ~ fla:nes>. 4.5 straightness, 45 geometric characteristic symbols, 41 least material condi!ion (li\JC), 43 limits of size, 43 location geometric tolerances, concen!ridty, 49-.50 positional tolera."lces, 49 SVIr.metrv, 3Q ~irr.~m ~.aterial condi tion C\iMCl, 42-43 orientation geometric !oleran~es, 46-49 angularity, 46 paralieEsrn, 47-49 parallelism geometric to!era."l::e, 47 perpendicularity, 47lnd-, profile geometric tolerances, pro(i]e line geometric tolerance,% profile surface geometric tole:raru:e, 46 n!ference dimension, 41 regardless of feature size (RFS), 43 runout geometric tolerances, 50-52 circular runout, 52 full indicator movement (FIM), 52 total runout, 50 true position, "1 Gib head key, 138 Glass coating. Su Vitreous enamel Gnph.ic apa.bilities, CAD, 412 Green compact. powder metallw:gy; 536, plan€1'-type surface, 354 rotary-type surface, 354 surface, 353-356 universal tool and cutter, 368 Grinding, abrasive belt grindb\g machinEs, 183 abrallive belt machining, 378-379 advantages, 379 contact wheels, 379 platens, 379 support, 379 bench grinder, 183-184 burning work. 187 carbide-tipped tools, diamond-charged grinding wheel, 214 silicon carbide, 214 amierless, 376-377 computer numerical control (CNC), 380-381 cylindrical, 373-375 dry-type grinder, 187 ei.ect:ro1ytic, applications, 379 opcratiOl'l, 379-380 form, 377-378 diamond particle wheel, 378 thread grinding, 378 wheel shapes, 377 high-speed cutter bits, 214 sequence, 215 internal grinding, 375-376 mach ines, basic operation, offhand grinding, 15 preci&on, 16 offhand, 184 on lathes, 270-272 dia.mond wheel dresser, 271 external, 271-272 internal, 272 preparing grinder, 271 preparing lathe, 271 protective covering, 271 tool p Oilt grinder, 270 pedestal grinders, 183-185 dry-type, 185 wet-type, 185 portable hand grinders, 188-189 flelpreciAion tnkrogrinders, 188 reciprocating hand grinder, 188 precision grinding, 353-382 rules, 186 safety, 186-187 sharpening drills, 171 attachments, 173 tools and cutter.;, 368-373 crowding the wheel, 369 grinding cutters, helical teeth, 371-3n end mills, 372 grinding form cuiie:rs, 37.Z grinding reamers, 372-373 grinding taps, 372 plain milling cutters, 369-371 concentricity, 371 indexing disc, 371 shapes,368-369 sharpening cutters, 369 supporting bracket, 369 tooth rest, 369 ultrasonic-assist machining applications, 517- 518 wet-type grinder, applications, 188 using, 188 wheels, 185-186 Grindin3 wheels, abrasive particles, 358 bonding material, 358 diamond dressing tooL 359 examining for concentricity, 185 hardness, 359 high-speed, 359 load.ed and glazed, 359 manufactured abrasives, 359 marking system, 359-360 Amer1can National Standards Institute (AKSD 359 ~sifications,359-360 ' abrasive-type, 359 bond, 360 grade, 359 grain size, 359 structure, 359 mounting, 362 automatic balancing, 362 checking for soundness, 362 sensors, 362 unbalanced wheels, 362 shapes, 360-362 standard, 361 wheel dresser, 186 Grooving operations, lathe, 230-231 Guides, band machining blades, 388 H Hatk..wi, baclcsaw, 104 blades, 106-107 all hard, 107 alternate set, 107 .Oexible back, 107 raker set, 107 set, 107 undulating set, 107 cutting. IUUTOW strip Of thin metal, 107 sofl metal, 107 thin metaL 107 unusual situations, 107 dulling or breaking blade, 106 finishing a cut, 106 holding work for sawing, 104-105 making the cut, 105-106 reciprocating power, 191- 194 angular cuts, 193 blade pin holes breaking out, 196 blades, 193 mounting, 193-194 retensioning, 194 rule of thurnb, 193 coolant, 193 crooked cutting, 196 delinite pressure feed, 191 gravity feed, 191 high-speed cutting, 193 positive feed, 191 premature blade tooth wear, 197 selecHns, 193 sU'.es, 191 stop gage, using. 194 teeth strip off, 197~toot.'t rJie, 193 using. 196-19:" safetv, ~:J7 ~artfng a cut, 105 Half-nuts, 207 Half-round file. See Files Half-r.our.d straight-flute drills, 159 Hand drill press, tapping, 178-179 l"land, milling cutters, 297 Hand-held polishing units, 500 Hand polishing, 122- 123 abrllilive doth. 123 aluminUl:". oxide, 122 coated abrashres, 123 comparatio;:e grading chart, 122 crocus, 122 diamond dust pol:i5hing compound, 122 diamonds. 122 emery. 122 mat~rials, 122 safen.~ :23 sllic~n carbide, 122 synthetic abrash·es, 122 Hand reameB, 112-113 Hand threading, ll,l-122 safety, 121 Hard copy, numerical control (NC), 415 Hardened steel square, 85 Hardening, carbon steel, heat treatment oi 5teel. 469--470. 4:-3--477 measurin.~ fw.~ce temperan:re. 473 process, ,., 6-4;: pyrometer, 4:'5 Hardness number, -179 Hardness testing, Brinell hard.-tess test, performing, 479 conversion table, 480 hardness number, 4:'9 indentior. hardness testers. 479 Ro.:kwell hardness tester, 451-455 ':lrale penetrator, 452 cle.a.lli:tg, 455 diamond cone penetrator, 4!11 operating, -t53 oreau:ior.s. 4!i4-485 procedures, 454 Rockwe11 B readings. 482 Rockwell C readings, 482 round stoc.:<, 453 scale d esignation, 482 steel ball, 4Sl using, 482-4!!5 weights, 48243 sderoscope hardness tester, 1!!5-486 basic ope.ra~ion, 486 performing test. 486 1\·ebster hardness tester, 485 applications, -453 oortable, 485 HD~1. See Hydrodynamic machining Headstock, holding and ro~tit1g work O!'l !athe. 204 Heattnatment, aluminum. 472 age-harden, 472 ductile, 472 anneal, 468 basic operation, 46:" brass, 473 case harden, 465 ropper, 473 cryogerric applications, 543 equipment, 473-475 ferrous metals, 465 f~ces,474-475 atmospherk co:ttroi, ~74 design, 474 hardness testing, 479--486 nonferrous metals, 46S potassium cyanide, 486 procedure, steel. 452 q v.enching media, 47~74 air. 474 brine, 473 liquid nitrogen, 474 mineral oils, 473-474 " ·ater, 473 reactive metal9, 473 safe !:\~ 486 steel; 468--4.""2 arL~ealing,468-469 box annealing, 469 case haroening, 471--472 decarlxmizing. 469 drawing. 472 i!ame hardeni.'1g. 470 hardening.~69-47u carbon, 475-477 Machining Fur.d:tmer:tals measuring furnace temperati.U'e, 475 process, 4:"6-477 pyrometer. 473 induction hardening, 470 laser hardening. 47C-i'i'1 normalizing, 469 process annealing, 468 stress-relie'l'ing, 468 surface hardening. 470-471 tempering. 4.'"'2, 477-475 titanium. 473 Heat-treatable metals,~ Helper measuring tools, 75-78 calipers, 75-76 inside calipers, 75-76 small hole gage, 76 telescoping gage, 76 HERF. See Hig..~-energy-rate fanning Hermaphrodite caliper, 82 Hertz (Hz), 442 Hexapods, basic operation, 17 Higb.-carbon steel, 453 High-energy-rate forming (HERF), advantages, 53; wntact HERF, 539 ele.."trohniraulic formin~ 540 e.xploeive forming. 53;-'5-ro magnetic forming, 54\J pneumatic-mechani::al forming, 541-543 springback elimination, 537 stand-off HERF, 539 High-frequency sound, ;143 High-speed cutting tools, aluminum. -160 High-speed steel (HSS), blades. band machini. '1g, 384 cutt!r.g fluids used with. 151 cuttir.g tool (lathe) shapes, 211 dr'.lls, 158 xr.illin~t c.:.~ers. 294 taos, lli: High-temperature metals, dassi.f}ing, 45: molybdenum. 463 nickel-base allo\'S, 463 :ar.talum, 463 - tung.sten, 463 Holding and rotating work, lathe, 204:--205 Holes, boring on lathes. 262-263 drilling depth, 1/6 vertical milling machi!'.cs, locating Iirst, 323-326 Holmium, !63 Hont\•comb, -164 H ook-spanner wrenches, 98 Hook tooth, band m achining blade fonns, 386 Horizontal band s;m; advantages, 194-195 blades, hook tooth, 196 instaUation, 196Index !!election, 195-196 skip tooth, 196 standard tooth. 196 using, 196- 19'7 blades brealdng, 196 crooked cutting, 196 premature blade tooth wear, 197 teeth strip off, 197 Horizontal milling machines, borinr;, bormg head, 339 dial indicator, 340 Jacobs chuclc, 339 drilling, 339--140 face milling, 333-J34 &hell end mills, 333 gang milling. 335 gear cutting, 340-349 Locating side rotter for milling a slot, square or rectangular work, 335-336 round stcx:k_ 336-337 milling flat surfaces, 330-332 operations,328-337 side milling, 334-335 slitting, 337-339 climb milling, 338 slitting saw, 338 slotting, 339 squaring stock, 333 stagget"ed-tooth side milling cutter, 335 straddle milling, 334-335 surfaces requiring additional machining, 332-333 Host computer (CAD), 411 Hot rolled steel. 453 Hydrodynamic DW:hining (HDMJ, I addition of abrasives, 516 basic operation, 17 lay-ups, 516 partirolate removal, 516 hmnenrlon-type teet!ng, 443 Impact 11U1chinlng. industrial applications, 518 principles of operation, 518 use of ultrasonics, 518 Inch-based mi.aometer, readi.Jls, 59-fiO Inch-based Vemier scale, reacfina, 6~5 Incremental positioning, 403 Indention hardness testers, 479 lndCJ~> cran.k. 312--.314 Index plate, 207, 312-314 Index table, 311 lndexa'ble inserta, carbide, 177- 178 counterboring, 177-178 countersinking, 177 drills, 159 full-profile inserts, 255 partial-profile inserts, 255 lathe, chlpbreakcrs, 218-219 coatings, alumina. 216 titanium carbide (1iC), 216 titanium nitride (TIN), 216 lndedng head. precision grinding. 357 Induction hardening, 470 lndusb:ial machine tool applications, lathes, automatic !ICn!W machine, m boring mills, '1:76 computer numerically controlled (CNC), 27f:r-'1:79 limited production runs, 274 portable turning equipment, Zl6 turret lathe, 274-275 vertical boring machine, 276 milling machines, 349-351 lndustrial engineer, 552 Indutrial Revolution, 13 Weed grinding. See Centerless grinding (afruonic 801U\d waves, 517 Inorganic coatin~, anodizing, 496 aluminum oxide, 496-497 e.lectrobrightening, 496 hard coat, 496 ordinary, 496 chemical blackening, 497-498 advantages, 498 drawbacks, 498 glas.•, 497 metal, 498-499 applic.ations, 498 detonation gun process (D-gunelectroplating, 498 metal spraying, 498 vitreous enamel or porcelain, 4'n Inside micrometers, 58, 62 Iaepection by 1ueJ< 446 Iatemal broaching.. 281 Internal centerless grinding. See Ce:nterlen grinding Internal cuts, verticaJ band machine, 392 Internal grinding, 375-376 Internal openings, machining, 324-J25 Intemal thre&ds, classes of fits, 115-116 cutting, 115 cutting on lathe, ~259 ISO standards, 116 right-hand threads, 258 International Symm ol Units (SI), 55 IntrafoJm~ machining, 532 ISO standards, threads, 116 J jacobs chuck, applications, 234 headstock spindle, 234 horizontal milling, boring. 339 standard, 234 Jam nuts, 132 Jaw-type mside micrometer, 58 Jeweler's file, 111 Jlp, box_ 145 bushings, 143 closed, 145 construction, 146-147 Opel'\, drill template, 144 plate jig, 144 slip bushings, 145 using a drill jig, 176 Jia• and fixtures, 143-148, 436 JIT. Sre Jus~In-Tune J~blocb, 69-70 Jobber'• reamer.180 Jobe. See Employment Just-In-Time (}In, 424 K Kuenit"", 478 Keys, gib head key, 138 keyseat, 137 kcyway, 137 Pratt & Whitney key, 137 Woodruff, 138 KeyJut or slot. milling, 311-324 Keyway broaching, 283-284 Knife file. See Files Knife-edge blade, 395 Knockout 'bar, 204. . . Knur!ins. L angular knurls, 265 difiiculties,266-267 double-cut knurl, 266 knurling tool, 263 procedure, 266 serrations (diamond-shaped), 265 straight knurls, 2.65 Laminated Object Manufacturing (lOM....,), 42.9-430 Laminated plastics, machining. 53~531 drilling, 531 milling, 331 turning, 531 lanthanum.~ Laser, inspection by. 446 machining with, 521-523 applications, 522 basic operation, 17 contbuous :node. 523 cutting aluminum, 523 cutting stainless steel, 523 ;:ut!i.'lg titarJum, .523 eliminating oxide forma!:i:m, 523 gaging, ?2 hardening, heat treatment o: steel, 470-471 overheath'lg probiems, 523 prindple cf operation. 521-522 pulse mode, .523 Lathe, attachmer.ts, duplicating unit, 272-274 tracing unit, 272 boring on, ullowa.'\ces. 261 boring bar, 262 c..'latter elim!r.ation, 263 checking diaxr.eter, 263 holes, 262-263 brazed-tip sL"!gle-po!..'lt cutting too!, 214-216 carbide-tipped Bt!aight tools, 216 sq.xare n~e, 216 threading tool, 216 center reat, 269 chucks, draw-Lot collet. 232 applications, 234-23.5 design, 235 facing stO<:k held in, 236-237 round nose cutting tool, 236 rounded nubbin, 237 square-shoulder nubbin, 237 4-jaw independent, 232-234 centering, 233, 234 operation, 232- 234 i:lstal!ing ;:?tuck jaws, 232 Jacobs, 232 applications, 234 headstock spindle, 234 standard, 234 mounting, 23~236 removing from o11er spindle noses, 236 removing f:om threaded spindle, 236 3-jaw ur.iversal, 232 types of, 232-235 using, 23'1-236 cleaning, 209 C"Jtti. "lg speed (CS), calculating. 220-221 :iepth 0: ~t, 221- 222 finishing cuts, 221 peripheral speed, 220 rougi-Jr.g cuts, 221 cutting tapers and screw threads on, 2-*1- 260 cutti.'lg too!, holding, mo\ing. and guiding, 2C5-2QS carriage, 2QS-2il6 shapes, higl:-speed steel, 211 too[ holde:s, 211-219 determinin~t size, bed length, 201 .length of bed, 201 swing, 201 ways, 201 dogs, bent-tail safety, 223 bent-tail standard, 423 damp-type, 223 drilling on, 263-264 driving, engagi•·1g baci< gear, 203 varyL'lg sp'..ndle speed. 203 e\·olution of Ir.achine tools, 12 facing tool, 212 facing work held cetwee:1. o:!nters, 227-228 feed, 22()-222 depth of cut, 221-222 finishing cuts, 221 roughing cuts, 221 .fili..:1.g on. 26~ fin:sh twning, 2.30 fi.."'ishlng toois, 212 follower rest, 268-2'70 grinding on, external grinding, 271-272 internal grinding, 272 preparing grinder, 271 prepering lethe, 271 protective covering, 271 tool poet grinder, 27l! grooving operations, 230-231 high-speed cutter bits, grinding. 214 holding and rotating work, binding leve:, 2D5 cam-lock spindle, 204 clamp bolt nut, 205 headsl'ock,204 knockout bar, 204 long taper key S?incile, 204 mounting work-holding device, 204 spindle, 204 tailstock, 205 threaded spindle, 204 indexable insert cutting tools, 216-219 industrial applications, automatic screw machine, 275 boring mills, 276 computer numerically controlled (CNC), 276-279 limited production runs, 274 portable turning equipment, 276 turret iathe, 274-275 vertical !:loring machine. 2?6 knurling on, a1'\gular knurls 265 diBi~Jl~es . 26C-26~ double-cut knurl, 266 flake off, 267 knurling tool, 265 procedure, 266 serrations (diamond-shaped). 255 straight knurl~, 265 mandrels, expa!15ion, 2.70 fun.-:~on. 270 gang, 270 installing. 2:'() solid, 2:-o millim<: on, horiion.tal attachment, 2:"2 vertical attachrtent. 2?2 necking operations, 230-231 parting operations, feed, 237lr .: preventing seizing_ Z37 spindle speed. 237 parts of. 202 plain turning, 237 p olishing on, 267, 268 preparing for operation, 208-209 reaming on, allowances, 265 hand reamer, 265 removing reamer;, 265 rough turning between centers, 228- 229 roughing tools, left~ut, 212 right-cut. 212 side relief, 212 tool shape, 211 round nose tooL 212-214 machining aluminum, 212 safety, 209-211 single-point cutting tool, 211 steady rest, 268-269 !letup, 269 too!holder, left-hand, 211 right-hand, 211 turning on a shoulder, 230 turning to a shoulder, 237 p.reventing 11pringing, 237 turning work between centers, ball bearing center, 223 center alignment. adjusting screws, 227 approximate, 226 checking, 225-227 dead center, 223 drilling center holes, 224-225 combination d rill and colUltersink, 224 straight drill, 225 using drill press, 225 lathe dogs, 223 locating center of rolUld stock., 224 turret holder, 211 w ork-holding attachments, methods, 222 between centers, 222 bolted to faceplate, 222 held in chuck, 222 held in aillet 222 Lay. sw:face, 491 Layout, center plUlcb- 89 laying out, 81 making lines on metal, beam,82 box parallels, 84 divider, 81 extension rods, 82 hermaphrodite caliper, 82 layoul dye, 81 right angle plate, 84 scriber,81 straightedge, 85 surface gag~. 82-83 surface plate, 83-84 trammel.82 measuring angles, plain protractor, 87 protractor depth gage, 87 universal bevel, 87 Vernier protractor, 87 prick plUlch, 89 refc:rencc line, 89 salety, 89 simple steps, 87-89 squares,~ combination set, 86 double square, 86 hardenedsteel square, 85 V-blocks, supporting work, 84 work, 81-90 Layout specialist, 549 Lead hole. See Pilot hole Lead saew, 207 Lead, threads, 250 Least materia[ condition (LMC), 43 Left-hand screw threads, cutting on lathe, 256 Ups, drill. clearanre, 170 length and angle of. 170 pa.m of drill point, 162 Liquid coupling. 444 Liquid nitrogen,. 474 Liquid thread lock. 134 LMC ~t Least material condition Loodion geometric tolerances, concentricity, 4~50 ~itional tolerances, 49 S}'DImetry, 50 Lodewaslter.s, 134 LOM. Su Laminated Object Manufactwlng Long tapet key spindle, 204 Longitudinal movement, 206 Low carbon steel, 452, 478-479 LubdcaHon, band machining. 388 Ludte, 530 M Madline bolts, 128 Machine control unit (MCU), 401)-.t{)4 Macl\ine reamet,.lB0-181 Machine screws, 128 Machining angular surfaces, 321-322 Machining plastic:& See Plastics Machining proc:et!ll!es, nontraditional, chemical blanking, 17,513-516 chemical milling, 17, 511-513 ehx:trical discharge machining (JIDM), 17, 503-506 electrical discharge wire cutting (HDWO, 506-507 electrochemical machining (ECM), 17, 507-508 electron beam machining {EBM), 17, 51~521 hexapods, 17 hydrodynamic machining {HOM), 17, 516-51~ impact machining. 518 laser machining. 17, 521-523 ultrasonic-assist machining, 517-518 ultrasonic machining, 17, 517-519 Machinist, acquiring skills and knowledge, 21 evolving role, 20-21 skill stundurds, 21 Machinist's file. See Files Magnaflux, 436 Magneaium, alloys,460 advantages, 460 extingui!;hing agents, 460 flammability, 460 radioactive qualities, 460 heat-treatable metals, 468 Magnetic chuck, uU!Ung rnachines,311 p.rccision grinding_ 356-357 Magnetic forming, 540-541 Magnetic particle inapectio~ quality control, 441-442 theory of operation, 441-442 Magnetic pulse forming. See Magnetic forming Mab:lftame computet,. role in DNC.. 4()0 Major diameter, threads, 250 Mallet, 101 Mandrels, lathe, expansion, 270 functiOI"', 270 gang, 270 installing, 270 solid,270. ' Manual m.a.chining. 399 Margin, drilL 162 ~wuchusetts Institu1e of Technology (MITI, 401 Maudslay, Henry, U Maximum material condition (MMC), .U-43 MCU. Stt ~lachine control unit Measurement, 55-80 ~{easuriJl8 rod and dial indicator attachment, 326 Measuring tools, dial indicators, 7~71 gaging tools, 67- 75 helper, 75-78 micrometer caliper, capabilities, 58 Systeme Palme1, 57 micrometers, types of, 59-59 rule, 55 care of, 57 graduations, 56 reading SI Metric, 56-57 reading US Conventional, 56 scale, 55 steel rule, 55 Vernier 63-fl7 Medharrl£alengin~552 Mechanical finish es, buffing, 499-500 buffing lathe, 499-500 deburring techniques, 500-502 extrude-hone, 502 powerbrushing, 500 hand-held polishing units, 500 roller burnishing, 500 roller-type burnishing tool, 500 Mcdlnm-1:arbon s teel, 453 :\Jegahextz (MHz), 4:12 :\lerry-go-round totation, jigs, 144
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