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عدد المساهمات : 18967 التقييم : 35407 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Knowledge Intensive CAD - Volume 1 السبت 08 أغسطس 2020, 5:54 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Knowledge Intensive CAD - Volume 1 Proceedings of the First IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD, Finland, September 1995 Edited by Tetsuo Tomiyama The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Martti Mantyla Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland and Susan Finger Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS Preface Program Committee and LocaJ Organizing Committee PART ONE Introduction 1 Knowledge intensive CAD: introduction and a research agenda M. Mantyla PART TWO Invited Talk 2 Using single function agents for design D.C. Brown PART THREE Knowledge Intensive CAD Frwnework 3 Do we have the technology for supporting knowledge intensive CAD in large design projects? J.-P.A. Batthes 4 Knowledge systematization for a knowledge intensive engineering framework T. Tomiyama, Y. Umeda, M. Ishii, M. Yoshioka and T. Kiriyama 5 Collaborative product development in CAD and CAPP 0. W. Salomons, J.M. Kuipers, J. de Gratif.f, F. van Slooten, F.J.A.M. van Houten and H.J.J. Kals 6 Integrated platform for AI support of complex product design J.E. E. Sharpe PART FOUR Product Configuration 7 State-of-the-practice in product configuration - a survey of 10 cases in the Finnish industry J. Tiihonen, T. Soininen, T. Mannisto and R. Sulonen 8 Modelling of product configuration design and management by using product structure knowldge B. Yu and K.J. MacCallum PART FIVE Constraints 9 Interactive configuration based on incremental constraint satisfaction vii ix 3 15 23 33 53 73 95 115 E. Gelle andR. Weigel 127 10 Artifact configuration across different design levels N. Murtagh 137vi Contents PART SIX Product Modeling ll Reflective control of attributed entities in feature-based CAD systems using a CARW system manager F. Mandorli, H.E. Otto, U. Cugini and F. Kimura 151 12 An object-oriented approach for engineering design product modelling W. Shen and J.-P. Barthes 171 13 Object oriented information storage for the design of injection moulds R. Willems, D. Lecluse and J.P. Kruth 188 PART SEVEN Design Process 14 Systematic conceptualizing - with computational tools? W.E. Eder 205 15 Modelling of vague and precise geometric information for supporting the entire design process X. Guan and K.J. MacCallum 225 16 A design process model based on design working spaces H. Grabowski, R.-S. Lossack and C. Weis 244 PART EIGHT Knowledge Intensive Design 1 7 Patterns in design discourse: a case study J.M. Reddy, B. Chan and S. Finger 265 18 Design knowledge organization and acquisition through visual representation Y. Maeda, Y. Koseki, Y. Koike and M. Tanaka 284 1 9 An application of quality function deployment to functional modeling in a knowledge intensive design environment M. Yoshioka, M. Oosaki and T. Tomiyama 300 20 Computational quality function deployment is knowledge intensive engineering Y. Reich Index of contributors Keyword index INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS Barthes, J.-P.A. 23, 171 Brown, D.C. 15 Chan, B. 265 Cugini, U. 151 de Graaff, J. 53 Eder, W.E. 205 Finger, S. 265 Gelle, E. 127 Grabowski, H. 244 Guan, X. 225 Ishii, M. 33 Kals, H.J.J. 53 Kimura, F. 151 Kiriyama, T. 33 Koike, Y. 284 Koseki, Y. 284 Kruth, J.P. 188 Kuipers, J.M. 53 Lecluse, D. 188 Lossack, R.-S. 244 MacCallum, K.J. 115, 225 Maeda, Y. 284 Mandorli, F. 151 MlinnistO, T. 95 Mlintylli; M. 3 Murtagh, N. 137 Oosaki, M. 300 Otto, H.E. 151 Reddy, J.M. 265 Reich, Y. 315 Salomons, O.W. 53 Sharpe, J.E.E. 73 Shen, W. 171 Soininen, T. 95 Sulonen, R. 95 Tanaka, M. 284 Tiihonen, J. 95 Tomiyama, T. 33,300 Umeda, Y. 33 van Houten, F.J.A.M. 53 van Slooten, F. 53 Weigel, R. 127 Weis, C. 244 Willems, R. 188 Yoshioka, M. 33, 300 Yu, B. 115KEYWORD INDEX Artificial intelligence 73, 171 Attributed entities 151 CAD/CAM 188 CAPP 53 Collaborative design 265, 315 engineering 53 Computer-aided design (CAD) 23, 33, 53, 171,225 Computer-aided geometric design 225 Computer support 73 Conceptual design 73 Conceptual framework 95 Configuration design 137 and management 115 Conflict 15 Constraint-based reasoning 115, 137 Constraints 53 networks 137 Critic 15 Delivery process 95 Design 15 discourse 265 forX 205 methodology 244 object models 205 practice 315 process 244 process models 205, 244 rational 315 Dynamic model 244 Early design support system 225 Embodiments 73 Engineering design product modelling 171 knowledge 33 Features 53 Form-features 151 Function means 73 Funtional model 244, 300 Geometric configuration 225 Graph representation 315 ICAD 23 Incremental constraint satisfaction 127 Industry 95 Injection mould design 188 Intelligent CAD 137 Interactive configuration and design 127 Knowledge acquisition 284 bases 73 building 265 intensive CAD 265 intensive engineering 33, 300 management 23 organization 284 systemization 33338 Keyword index Large design projects 23 Logic-based truth maintenance system 115 Mechanical design 171 Multi-agent 15 Multi-user systems 53 n-dim 315 Object orientation 188 Object-oriented model 171 programming 171 Physical principle model 244 Product configuration 95 requirements 244 structures 115 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 300,315 Reason maintenance mechanism 115 Reflection 151 Rewriting system 151 Routine design 23 Rule-based system 188 Rule-based vs constraint-based configuration 127 Selection 15 Semantics 151 Seven management tools 315 SiFA 15 Spatial parsing 284 Survey 95 TQM 315 Visual design knowledge 284 Visuallanguage 284 Working principles 73
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Knowledge Intensive CAD - Volume 1 رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Knowledge Intensive CAD - Volume 1