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| موضوع: كتاب Maritime - Welding Handbook الجمعة 07 أغسطس 2020, 1:26 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Maritime - Welding Handbook Welding and Related Processes for Repair and Maintenance Onboard - 14th edition - 2nd revision Unitor Welding Handbook
و المحتوى كما يلي :
2.01 Introduction & quick guides to processes 35 2.02 Filler material consumption 47 2.03 Metal identification 50 2.04 Unalloyed / low alloyed steel 55 2.05 Problem steels 62 2.06 Stainless steels 65 2.07 Cast iron 78 2.08 Copper and copper alloys 104 2.09 Aluminium 112 2.10 Evaluation of welds 114 3.01 Coated Electrodes 125 3.02 TIG Welding Rods & Fluxes 197 3.03 Wires for Wire Welding 217 3.04 Gas Welding Rods & Fluxes 241 3.05 Brazing Rods & Fluces 249 3.06 Cold Repair Compounds 275 4.01 Electrode welding & gouging 331 4.02 TIG Welding 381 4.03 Wire Welding 403 4.04 Plasma Cutting 441 4.05 Current Distribution System 459 5.01 AC/OX cutting, welding, brazing 465 5.02 Gas Supplies and gas distribution system 517 535 1 SAFETY IN WELDING 2 SOLUTIONS 3 CONSUMABLES 4 ARC WELDING AND CUTTING PROCESS & EQUIPMENT 5 GAS WELDING AND CUTTING PROCESS & EQUIPMENT 6 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 6.001.00 UNITOR WELDING HANDBOOK 1 SAFETY IN WELDING 9 1 01 Introduction 10 1 02 How to use the handbook 11 1 03 Welding instructions and training 12 1 04 Personal protection 13 1.04.01 Arc welding face shields . 14 1.04.02 Protective goggles . 18 1.04.03 Welder's protective clothing 20 1 05 Work site protection 22 1.05.01 Welding curtain 22 1.05.02 Welding blanket . 22 1.05.03 Fire extinguisher . 23 1 06 Welding fumes 24 1.06.01 Welding fumes 26 1.06.02 Fume extraction . 27 1 07 Safety check list 30 1.07.01 Equipment 30 1.07.02 Work place 31 1.07.03 Hot work procedure 32 1.07.04 Operator protection 32 2 SOLUTIONS 35 2 01 Introduction 36 2.01.01 Quick reference for cutting . 37 2.01.02 Quick reference for joining 38 2.01.03 Quick reference for rebuilding, hardfacing and coating . 41 2.01.04 Quick reference to cold repairs . 43 2 02 Filler material consumption 45 2 03 Metal identification 48 2 04 Unalloyed / low alloyed steel 53 2.04.01 Introduction . 53 2.04.02 Unalloyed steel 53 2.04.03 Low alloyed steel 53 2.04.04 Heat resistant steel 53 2.04.05 Low temperature steel 54 2.04.06 Weathering steel 54 2 05 Problem steels 62 2 06 Stainless steels 65 2.06.01 Introduction . 65 2.06.02 Austenitic Stainless Steel . 66 2.06.03 Ferritic Stainless Steel 68 2.06.04 Martensitic Stainless Steel 69 2.06.05 Duplex Stainless Steel 70 2.06.06 Clad Steel . 71 2.06.07 Stainless Steel corrosion types 72 2.06.08 Storing and handling of Stainless Steel onboard 74 2.06.09 Grinding/cutting consumables for Stainless Steel . 75 2.06.10 Unitor Safety Grinder . 77 2 07 Cast iron 78 2.07.01 Introduction . 78 2.07.02 Grey cast iron . 79 2.07.03 White cast iron 80 2.07.04 Malleable cast iron 80 2.07.05 Ductile cast iron . 81 2.07.06 High alloy cast iron 82 2.07.07 Identification of cast iron . 83 2.07.08 Preparation of the work piece 84 2.07.09 Arc welding of cast iron 87 2.07.10 Braze welding of cast iron 95 2.07.11 Cold repair on cast iron . 97 2 08 Copper and copper alloys 104 2.08.01 Introduction . 104 2.08.02 Brass . 104 2.08.03 Aluminium brass (Yorcalbro) 105 2.08.04 Bronze 106 2.08.05 Nickel bronses (Cunifer) 107 2 09 Aluminium 112 2 10 Evaluation of welds 114 2.10.01 Typical welding faults 114 2.10.02 Inspection of welded joints . 118 2.10.03 Crack detection 123 3 CONSUMABLES 125 3 01 Coated Electrodes 126 3.01.01 Introduction . 127 3.01.02 Types of electrodes 128 3.01.03 Storing and re-drying . 134 3.01.04 Classification and approvals 140 3.01.05 Welding positions 1481.00 UNITOR WELDING HANDBOOK 5 3.01.24 NICKEL-333 N Nickel Electrode for Cast Iron 184 3.01.25 TINBRO-341 Electrode for Copper Alloys . 186 3.01.26 ALBRONZE-344 Electrode for Copper Alloys . 188 3.01.27 ALUMIN-351 N Electrode for Aluminum . 190 3.01.28 CH-2-382 Electrode for Chamfering . 192 3.01.29 ACA-384 Electrode for Air Carbon Arc Gouging 194 3 02 TIG welding rods and fluxes 197 3.02.01 Introduction . 198 3.02.02 Classification 199 3.02.03 IMS-210 200 3.02.04 ICROMO-216 202 3.02.05 18/8 Mo-221 . 204 3.02.06 ALUMAG-235 206 3.02.07 IDUPLEX-222 208 3.02.08 ICUNI-30-239 210 3.02.09 IALBRO . 212 3.02.10 I-FLUX-238 PF . 214 3 03 Wires for Wire Welding 217 3.03.01 Introduction . 218 3.03.02 Classification 219 3.03.03 Storage and handling for Flux Cored wires . 221 3.03.04 GPS-W-200 222 3.03.05 MS-W-201 Selfshield . 224 3.03.06 Coreshield 8 Selfshield . 226 3.03.07 S 316 M-GF-221 228 3.03.08 S 309 M-GF-222 230 3.03.09 Icuni-W-239 . 232 3.03.10 Ialbro-W-237 234 3.03.11 Alumag-W-235 . 236 3.03.12 Abratech-W-230 . 238 3 04 Gas Welding Rods & Fluxes 241 3.04.01 Introduction . 242 3.04.02 MS-200 . 244 3.04.03 ALUMAG-235 246 3.04.04 Aluflux-234 F 248 3.01.06 GPO-302 N General Purpose Electrode For Mild Steel . 150 3.01.07 GPR-300H High Recovery Electrode for Mild Steel 152 3.01.08 SPECIAL-303 N Double Coated Electrode for Mild and Ship Quality Steel 154 3.01.09 LH-314 N Low Hydrogen Electrode for Ship Quality Steel 156 3.01.10 LHH-314 H High Recovery Low Hydrogen Electrode for Ship Quality Steel 158 3.01.11 LHV-316 N Vertical Down Welding Low Hydrogen Electrode for Ship Quality Steel 160 3.01.12 LHT-318 N Electrode for High Temperature Steel . 162 3.01.13 LHL-319 N Electrode for Low Temperature Steel . 164 3.01.14 LHR-320 N Electrode for Weathering Steel 166 3.01.15 TENSILE-328 N Electrode for Difficult-toWeld Steel 168 3.01.16 IMPACT-329 S Electrode for Heat Resistant Overlays 170 3.01.17 WEARMAX-327 Electrode for Joining & Wear Resistant Overlays . 172 3.01.19 18/8-321 N Electrode for Stainless Steel 174 3.01.20 23/14-322 N Electrode for Stainless Steel 176 3.01.21 DUPLEX-325 N Electrode for Duplex Steel 178 3.01.22 PICKLING GEL Pickling Gel for Stainless Steel 180 3.01.23 NIFE-334 N Nickel Iron Electrode for Cast Iron 1821.00 UNITOR WELDING HANDBOOK 6 3 05 Brazing Rods & Fluxes 249 3.05.01 Introduction . 250 3.05.02 Bronze-264 254 3.05.03 FC-Bronze-261 . 256 3.05.04 FC-Wearbro-262 . 258 3.05.05 Cast Iron-237 260 3.05.06 AG-45-253 . 262 3.05.07 AG-60-252 . 264 3.05.08 Tin-241 AG 266 3.05.09 Fluxes for Brazing 268 3.05.10 Bronze Flux-261 PF . 269 3.05.11 Wearbro Flux-262 PF . 270 3.05.12 AG-60/45 Flux-252 PF . 271 3.05.13 Albro Flux-263 PF 272 3.05.14 Cast Iron Flux-236 F 273 3 06 Cold Repair Compounds 275 3.06.01 Introduction . 276 3.06.02 Typical application areas . 276 3.06.03 How do Polymers work? 278 3.06.04 How to prepare the surface . 279 3.06.05 How to apply the product . 280 3.06.06 Polymer Kit-A . 282 3.06.07 Product overview 284 3.06.08 Leak Stop - Pipe repair . 286 3.06.09 Metalgrade Ready-Stick 290 3.06.10 Metalgrade Express 294 3.06.11 Metalgrade Rebuild 296 3.06.12 Metalgrade Hi-Temp . 302 3.06.13 Aquagrade Rebuild . 306 3.06.14 Ceramigrade Rebuild . 310 3.06.15 Ceramigrade Liner . 314 3.06.16 Ceramigrade Abrashield 318 3.06.17 Rubbergrade 6 Rebuild . 322 3.06.18 Rubbergrade 6 Remould 326 4 ARC WELDING AND CUTTNG PROCESS & EQUIPMENT 331 4 01 Electrode welding & gouging 333 4.01.01 Introduction . 334 4.01.02 Basic principles . 337 4.01.03 Power source characteristics 338 4.01.04 Selecting power source 340 4.01.05 UWI-150 TP . 342 4.01.06 UWI-230 TP AC/DC . 345 4.01.07 UWI-203 TP 348 4.01.08 UWI-320 TP . 350 4.01.09 UWI-500 TP . 352 4.01.10 Primary extension cables . 359 4.01.11 Secondary cables 360 4.01.12 Electrode holders, cable connectors & return clamp assembly . 362 4.01.13 Accessories . 370 4.01.14 Welding techniques 371 4.01.15 Edge preparation 373 4.01.16 Electrodes for electrode welding & gouging . 374 4.01.17 Air Carbon arc gouging . 377 4 02 TIG Welding 381 4.02.01 Introduction . 382 4.02.02 Basic principles . 383 4.02.03 Shielding gas 384 4.02.04 Tungsten electrodes 386 4.02.05 TIG torch . 388 4.02.06 Regulator & accessories 391 4.02.07 Preparing the torch 393 4.02.08 Welding parameters 394 4.02.09 Welding technique . 395 4.02.10 Edge preparation 398 4.02.11 Rods and Flux for TIG welding 400 4 03 Wire Welding 403 4.03.01 Introduction . 404 4.03.02 Basic principles . 405 4.03.03 Shielding gas 411 4.03.04 Equipment 412 4.03.05 UWW-161 TP 414 4.03.06 UWF-102 420 4.03.07 Regulator & accessories 426 4.03.08 Application areas 428 4.03.09 Preparation for welding . 429 4.03.10 Welding technique . 431 4.03.11 Edge preparation 434 4.03.12 Wires for wire welding . 438 4 04 Plasma Cutting 441 4.04.01 Introduction . 4431.00 UNITOR WELDING HANDBOOK 7 5.01.23 Consumables and parameters for gas welding 509 5.01.24 Soldering and brazing techniques 510 5.01.25 Edge preparation 512 5.01.26 Consumables and parameters for brazing 514 5 02 Gas supplies and gas distribution system 517 5.02.01 Introduction . 518 5.02.02 Argon 519 5.02.03 Argon-Carbon Dioxide mixture 520 5.02.04 Carbon-Dioxide 521 5.02.05 Oxygen . 522 5.02.06 Acetylene . 524 5.02.07 Rules & Safety precautions for handling and use of Gas cylinders 528 5.02.08 Gas Distribution System for Acetylene and Oxygen 530 6 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 535 5 04 International system of units . 536 5 05 The Greek Alphabet . 537 5 06 General conversion factors 538 5 07 Roman numerals 539 5 08 Metric and decimal equivalents of fractions of an inch . 540 5 09 Wire cross section AWG/mm2 540 5 10 Common gauge series for sheet thickness and wire 541 5 11 Physical properties of some elements . 542 5 12 Hardness comparison table 543 5 13 Corrosion of galvanic couples in sea water 544 5 14 Temperature scales . 546 5 15 Pressure variations related to temperature . 547 5 16 Abbreviations and welding terminology . 548 4.04.02 Basic principles . 445 4.04.03 Plasma cutting equipment 446 4.04.04 UPC-310 TP . 447 4.04.05 UPC-1041 . 451 4.04.06 Cutting technique 454 4.04.07 Maintenance and trouble shooting . 456 4 05 Current Distribution System 459 5 GAS WELDING AND CUTTING PROCESS & EQUIPMENT 463 5 01 Ac/Ox cutting, welding, brazing 465 5.01.01 Introduction . 466 5.01.02 The Combination Torch UCT-500 468 5.01.03 UCT-500 Components and spares 470 5.01.04 The Unitor Workshop Cabinet 472 5.01.05 Welding and grinding goggles 474 5.01.06 Accessories . 475 5.01.07 Portable gas equipment 476 5.01.08 Gas hoses 479 5.01.09 Hose connectors 482 5.01.10 Gas regulators for cylinders . 485 5.01.11 Flashback . 487 5.01.12 Flashback arrestors 488 5.01.13 The acetylene/oxygen flame 489 5.01.14 Operating instructions for UCT-500 cutting torch 492 5.01.15 Cutting procedure 494 5.01.16 Common cutting faults 496 5.01.17 Operating instructions for UCT-500 brazing, welding & heating torch 498 5.01.18 Maintenance of blowpipes 500 5.01.19 Heating techniques 502 5.01.20 Flame straightening techniques 503 5.01.21 Welding techniques 505 5.01.22 Butt joints for gas welding of steel . 508 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 548 Abbreviations and Welding Terminologi ABS Abbreviation for American Bureau of Shipping (classification institute). ACETONE Colourless, volatile, water-soluble, flammable liquid. ACETYLENE Colourless gas with high carbon content, lighter than air, C2H2. AC Alternating current AlR CARBON Removal of material from electrically conductive metals ARC GOUGING by means of an electric arc between carbon electrode and workpiece combined with an air pressure jet adjacent to the electrode. AlSl Abbreviation for American Iron and Steel Institute. ALLOYED STEEL Steel which, in addition to carbon, contains certain alloy elements to provide special characteristics. ALUMINIUM Aluminium alloys with high copper content. See section BRONZE on Metals and Alloys. «A»-MEASUREMENT Measurement denoting depth of fillet welds. AMMETER Instrument for measuring electrical current measured in amperes. AMPERAGE Strength of an electrical current measured in amperes. ANNEAL Removal of internal stresses in metal by heating and slow cooling. ANSI Abbreviation for American National Standard Institute. ARC BLOW Deflection of intended arc pattern by magnetic fields. ARGON Inert gas – used as shielding gas in wire welding and TIG welding. ASM Abbreviation for American Society for Metals. ASME Abbreviation for American Society of Mechanical Engineering. Issues regulations relating to planning and construction of welded installations. ASPHYXIATION Loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen. ASTM Abbreviation for American Society for Testing and Materials. AUSTENITE Nonmagnetic stainless steel that cannot be hardened by heat treatment. This type of steel is characterized by its unique grain structure. Contains at least 11 % chromium with varying amounts of nickel. 6.00MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 549 AWS Abbreviation for American Welding Society. BACKUP BAR Tool or fixture attached to the root of weld joint. Tool may or may not control the shape of the penetrating metal. BACKUP GAS Shielding gas which protects the root of the weld from the atmosphere. BASE MATERIAL The material in components to be joined by welding. The composition and dimension of the base materials are the deciding factors for the welding process and filler material to be used. BASIC COATING Electrode coating consisting of calcite, fluorspar, ferromanganese and ferrosilicium. BERYLLIUM Hard, light metallic element used in copper for better fatigue endurance. BEVEL Angular type of edge preparation. BOILER STEEL Better known as heat resistant construction steel. Weldable and corrosion resistant steel with satisfactory resistance under high thermic conditions, approx. 500–700°C. This type of steel may be unalloyed, low alloyed or stainless. BORE Inside diameter of hole, tube or hollow object. BRAZING The method where surface bonding between the base material and filler metal is achieved. BRIGHT METAL Material preparation where the surface has been ground or machined to a bright surface to remove scale or oxides. BRINELL HARDNESS Abbreviated HB, denoting load in kp from a hard steel ball divided by the spherical area of indentation in mm2. Expressed in kp mm2. BS Abbreviation for British Standard. BURNTHROUGH Weld which has melted through, resulting in a ho!e and excessive penetration. BV Abbreviation for Bureau Veritas (French classification institute). CADMIUM White ductile metallic element used for plating material to prevent corrosion. CAPILLARY BRAZING Method of brazing using the capillary forces to draw the filler metal into narrow gaps. Max. gap for capillary brazing is 0.1 mm. 6.00MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 550 CARBIDES Compound of carbon with one or more metal elements. CAST IRON Welding electrode specially suitable for welding and ELECTRODES repair of cast iron. The electrode has a core of nickel or nickel alloy and a slag forming and arc stabilizing coating. CE Equipment with CE-markings fulfils the the basic requirements of the Low Voltage and Electromagnetic Compatibility Guideline. CLADDING Layer of material applied to a surface for the purpose of improved corrosion resistance. COLD LAPS Area of weld that has not fused with the base metal. CONCAVE WELD CROWN Weld crown that is curved inward. CONSTRUCTION General expression denoting weldable steel in strength STEEL classification 37–60 kp/mm2. CONTAMINATION Indicates a dirty part, impure shielding gas or impure filler metal. CONTOUR Shape of the weld bead or pass. CONVEX WELD CROWN Weld crown that is curved outward. COPPER Metal element with melting point at 1083 °C. Cu. CORROSION Eating away of material by a corrosive medium. CRATER Depression at the end of a weld that has insufficient cross section. CRATER CRACKS Cracking that occurs in the crater. CSA Equipment with CSA-Test mark fulfils the requirements made in the relevant standards for Canada and the USA. CUNIFER Alloy of copper and nickel. Seawater resistant. See section on Metals and Alloys. DC Direct current. DEEP WELDING Electrodes with acid or rutile organic coatings which ELECTRODES increase the arc effect and generation of heat in the melting-in process. DEMURRAGE Monetary charge applied to the user of gas cylinders beyond agreed rental period. DEOXIDIZED FILLER Filler materials which contains deoxidizers such as MATERIALS aluminium, zirconium and titanium for welding steels. 6.00MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 551 DESTRUCTIVE DT – series of tests by destruction to determine the TESTING quality of a weld. DEWARS Specially constructed tank similar to a vacuum bottle for the storage of Iiquified gases. DIN Abbreviating for Deutsche lnstitut für Normung. DIRECT CURRENT Flow of current (electrons) in only one direction, either to the workpiece or to the electrode. DIRECT CURRENT ELECTRODE NEGATIVE (DCEN) Direct current flowing from electrode to the work. DIRECT CURRENT ELECTRODE POSITIVE (DCEP) Direct current from work to the electrode. DIRECT CURRENT REVERSE POLARITY (DCRP) See Direct Current Electrode Positive. DIRECT CURRENT STRAIGHT POLARITY (DCRP) See Direct Current Electrode Negative. DNV Abbreviation for Det Norske Veritas (Norwegian classification institute). DUCTILITY Property of material causing it to deform permanently, or to exhibit plasticity without breaking while under tension. DUTY CYCLE Arc/time factor – the relationship between the time the arc is in operation and the total working time measured over a period of 10 minutes. Expressed in % of the time the welding machine can work at a certain amperage in this period. I.e. a 30% intermittence the arc can be in operation 3 min. of the period. During the remaining time the machine will be at rest while electrodes are changed, slag removed etc. ELECTRIC STEEL Steel produced in an electro-furnace. ELONGATION Permanent elastic extension which metal undergoes during tensile testing. Amount of extension is usually indicated by percentages of original gauge length. Measurements is usually based on 5 x D or 10 x D, where «D» is the diameter of the test rod. EN The European Community for standardization has developed a nomenclature in welding, Euronorm E.N. 6.00MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 552 FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding FERROUS METALS Group of metals containing substantial amounts of iron. FERRUM Latin name for chemically pure iron (Fe). FILLET WELD Weld of approximately triangular cross section joining two surfaces approximately at right angles and a lap joint, «T» joint or corner joint. FILLET WELD LEG Leg Iength of largest isosceles right triangle which can be inscribed within fillet weld cross section. FLOW METER Mechanical device used for measuring shielding gas rate of flow. Usually measurements are liter per. min. – «l/min.» or in cubic feet per hour – «CFH». FLUX Material in the form of powder or paste, used in gas welding and brazing to prevent or facilitate removal of oxide and other contaminating substances from the surface of the base material. Fluxes may be corrosive. GAS SHIELDED Welding processes where the arc and molten pool are ARC WELDING surrounded by a protective – shielding – gas. The gas may be of inert type or Carbon Dioxide or a mixture of these gases together with Hydrogen or Oxygen. GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding. GRAPHITE Carbon flakes in cast iron. (Not chemically fused with the iron). GREY CAST IRON Cast iron in which most of the carbon is in the form of graphite flakes. GROOVE ANGLE The angle of a V-groove expressed in degrees. Normal groove angle for electric arc welding is 50–60°, depending on welding position and metal thickness. GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. The shielding gas will here always be of INERT type. Same welding method as TIG welding. HARD BRAZING A common name of brazing methods where capillary forces are used. See Capillary brazing. HARD SURFACING Hard material applied to surface of softer material for protection from abrasion and wear. HIGH ALLOY STEEL Steel containing more than 5% of one or more alloy elements. IMPACT RESISTANCE The energy, expressed in kp.m or Joule, absorbed by a test rod of predetermined shape at a certain temperature. 6.00MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 553 INERT GAS Gas that does not normally combine chemically with the base metal or filler material. Also referred to as nobel gas. INTERMITTANCE See duty cycle. INTERPASS In multiple pass weld, minimum and maximum TEMPERATURE temperature specified for the deposited metal before next weld pass is started. INVERTER Welding power source were the normal frequency is set to a very high value thereby reducing the need for a heavy iron core in order to reduce the voltage. ISO Abbreviation for International Standardization Organisation. KILLED STEEL Steel which contains fairly large quantities of ferrosilicium or aluminium. This type of steel is suitable for welded connections. LOW ALLOY STEEL Steel containing 1–5% alloy elements. LR Lloyds Register of Shipping (British classification institute). MAGNETIC ARC BLOW See Arc Blow. MAG-WELDING Metal Active Gas-welding. (see also GMAW). MANGANESE An important alloy in steel, melting point 1245 °C. Chemical symbol Mn. MARTENSITE Structure obtained when steel is heated and cooled to achieve its maximum hardness. MIG-WELDING Metal Inert Gas-welding. See also Gas Shielded Arc Welding and GMAW. MILD STEEL Unalloyed steel, maximum carbon content 0.25%. MPa Mega Pascal NDT-TESTS Abbreviation for Non-Destructive Testing, i.e. testing and investigation materials or components without destroying these. Involves use of radiography, supersonic testing, magnetic powder, penetrating fluids etc. NON-RETURN VALVE An appliance fitted on the outlet of the regulator of a gas cylinder which prevent any flame from a backfire in the welding torch from returning to the gas cylinder. 6.00MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 554 NS Abbreviation for the Norwegian Standards Association. NSFI Abbreviation for the Norwegian Research Institute for Ships. OUT-OF POSITION Welding that is performed in a non-standard way such WELDING as vertical or overhead. OXIDE FILM Film formed on base material as a result of exposure to oxidizing agents, atmosphere, chemicals or heat. OXYGEN Colourless gas without odour or taste. Chemical symbol 0 2. Oxygen is not flammable itself, but feeds flames and is used together with Acetylene for welding and cutting. ORGANIC Electrodes having consumable organic components in ELECTRODES the coating i.e. cellulose. Small slag deposits. POLARITY Direction of current. Current moving from the electrode to the workpiece is DCEN or DCSP. Current flow from the workpiece to the electrode is DCEP or DCRP. POLYMER Chemical reaction between resin (Base) and a hardener (Activator) producing an extensive interlocking polymer network. POROSITY Pores within a weld caused by gas entrapment during solidification of weld metal. POSTHEAT Heat which is applied at the end of the weld cycle to slow down cooling rate to prevent cracking and to relieve stress. PPM-VALUE Parts per million. PRIMARY CABLE The cable which carries current from the mains supply to the primary side of a welding machine. PROPANE Colourless, flammable gas, heavier than air, chemical formula 3 RECTIFIER A welding power-source which gives DC welding current. Part of a power-source which converts AC to DC. REGULATOR An appliance for the reduction of gas pressure from a gas cylinder to a suitable pressure for welding or cutting. Equipped with pressure gauges indicating cylinder pressure and working pressure. REMOTE CONTROL Control of welding current from the welding area. Adjustment is by means of additional cable or through the welding cable. 6.00MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 555 ROOT PASS The first welding pass in a groove. RUTILE ELECTRODES Coated electrodes containing ilmenite, TiO2, in the coating. SECONDARY CABLE The cable which carries current from the secondary side of a welding machine to the workpiece and electrode holder. S Power source for use in spaces with increased electrical danger (e.g. boilers) must be identified by the «S» (for «Safety») mark. SPATTER Small pieces of metal which have been ejected from molten pool and attached to base material outside the weld. SPOT WELD Controlled weld cycle to procedure sheet metal weld with spesific characteristics. Belongs to the group «Resistance Welding». STAINLESS STEEL Common term for two main groups: chrome alloy (ferritic) and chrome-nickel alloy (austenitic) steel. Austenitic steel is non-magnetic. STRINGER BEAD Weld bead made without oscillation, side-to-side motion. SURFACING Applying material to the surface of another material for protection from chemipals, heat, wear, rust etc. TACK WELD Weld made to hold parts of weldment in alignment until final weld is made. TENSILE STRENGTH Indicates the breaking strength of a material, expressed in N/mm2. TENSILE TEST A destructive test where a weld is pulled apart. This test determines how much tension a weld can withstand before the weld gives. THERMIC SPRAYING A method of bulling up a workpiece by spraying on finely powdered metal alloys. Can also be used for spraying zinc and plastic powders for surface protection. TIG WELDING Tungsten inert gas welding. THERMOCROME Temperature indicating crayons. Used to control CRAYONS temperature levels. TUNGSTEN An electrode of pure tungsten or tungsten alloyed with ELECTRODE rare earths, lanthanum, cerium, torium or zirconium. High melting point – 3410 °C. Used for TIG welding. Tungsten is also known as Wolfram. 6.00 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION UNALLOYED STEEL Steel containing up to 1 % alloy elements. WASH BEAD Weld beads made with an oscillation – side-to-side technique to widen the weld bead. WELDING DIRECTION An expression used in welding and brazing indicating the direction of the welding process in relation to the welder. WELDING TRANSFORMER Welding power-source giving AC welding current. WHISKERS Pieces of weld wire which have penetrated through the weld joint and melted. The wire extends beyond the penetration on the root side of the weld. WIG Wolfram Inert Gas. Same welding method as TIG welding. WROUGHT MATERIAL Material made by processes other than casting. YIELD POINT The stress level at which a steel material starts to become plastic and shows signs of cross-contraction and permanent deformity. Expressed in N/mm2. YORCALBRO Seawater resistant alloy of aluminium and brass.
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