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| موضوع: كتاب Schaum's Outlines Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics الإثنين 20 يوليو 2020, 10:27 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Schaum's Outlines Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Fourth Edition Ranald V. Giles Late Professor of Civil Engineering Drexel Institute of Technology Jack B. Evett, PhD Professor of Civil Engineering The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Cheng Liu Professor of Civil Engineering Technology The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS xi Chapter / PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS 1 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics. Definition of a Fluid. British Engineering (or fps) System of Units. International System of Units (SI). Specific or Unit Weight. Mass Density of a Body. Specific Gravity of a Body. Viscosity of a Fluid. Vapor Pressure. Surface Tension. Capillarity. Bulk Modulus of Elasticity (E). Isothermal Conditions. Adiabatic or Isentropic Conditions. Pressure Disturbances. Chapter 2 FLUID STATICS 13 Introduction. Fluid Pressure. Unit Pressure or Pressure. Difference in Pressure. Pressure Head h. Pressure Variations in a Compressible Fluid. Vacuum and Atmospheric Pressure. Absolute and Gage Pressure. Barometers. Piezometers and Manometers. Chapter 3 HYDROSTATIC FORCE ON SURFACES 34 Introduction. Force Exerted by a Liquid on a Plane Area. Force Exerted by a Liquid on a Curved Surface. Hoop or Circumferential Tension. Longitudinal Stress in Thin-Walled Cylinders. Hydrostatic Forces on Dams. Chapter 4 BUOYANCY AND FLOTATION 58 Archimedes' Principle. Stability of Submerged and Floating Bodies. Chapter 5 TRANSLATION AND ROTATION OF LIQUID MASSES 71 Introduction. Horizontal Motion. Vertical Motion. Rotation of Fluid Masses—Open Vessels. Rotation of Fluid Masses—Closed Vessels. Chapter 6 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS AND HYDRAULIC SIMILITUDE 82 Introduction. Dimensional Analysis. Hydraulic Models. Geometric Similitude. Kinematic Similitude. Dynamic Similitude. The Inertia Force Ratio. Inertia-Pressure Force Ratio. Inertia-Viscous Force Ratio. Inertia-Gravity Force Ratio. InertiaElasticity Force Ratio. Inertia-Surface Tension Ratio. Time Ratios Chapter 7 FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID FLOW 102 Introduction. Fluid Flow. Steady Flow. Uniform Flow. Streamlines. Streamtubes. Equation of Continuity. Flow Nets. Energy and Head. Energy Equation. Velocity Head. Application of the Bernoulli Theorem. Energy Line. Hydraulic Grade Line. Power. Chapter 8 FLOW IN CLOSED CONDUITS 138 Introduction. Laminar Flow. Critical Velocity. Reynolds Number. Turbulent Flow. Shearing Stress at a Pipe Wall. Velocity Distribution. Loss of Head for Laminar Flow. Darcy-Weisbach Formula. Friction Factor. Minor Head Losses. Empirical Equations for Water Flow. Pipe Diagrams. Chapter 9 COMPLEX PIPELINE SYSTEMS 164 Introduction. Equivalent Pipes. Pipes in Series. Pipes in Parallel. Branching Pipes. Pipe Networks. Chapter 10 FLOW IN OPEN CHANNELS 193 Introduction. Steady Uniform Flow. Nonuniform Flow. Laminar Flow. The Chezy Formula. Coefficient C. Discharge (Q). Lost Head (hi). Vertical Distribution of Velocity. Specific Energy. Critical Depth. Maximum Unit Flow. For Critical Flow in Nonrectangular Channels. Nonuniform Flow. Hydraulic Jump. Open-Channel Flow in Circular Cross Sections. Most Efficient Cross Sections. Chapter 11 FLOW OF COMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS 234 Introduction. Isothermal Flow. Isentropic Flow. The Convergent Nozzle. Compressible Flow Through a Constriction. Chapter 12 MEASUREMENT OF FLOW OF FLUIDS 242 Introduction. Pitot Tube. Coefficient of Velocity. Coefficient of Contraction. Coefficient of Discharge. Lost Head. Weirs. Theoretical Weir Formula. Francis Formula. Bazin Formula. Fteley and Stearns Formula. The Triangular Weir Formula. The Trapezoidal Weir Formula. For Dams Used as Weirs. Time to Empty Tanks. Time to Empty Tanks. Time to Establish Flow. Chapter 13 FORCES DEVELOPED BY MOVING FLUIDS 276 Introduction. The Impulse-Momentum Principle. The Momentum Correction Factor ft. Drag. Lift. Total Drag Force. Drag Coefficients. Lift Coefficients. Mach Number. Boundary Layer Theory. Flat Plates. Water Hammer. Supersonic Speeds. Chapter 14 FLUID MACHINERY 312 Fluid Machinery. For Rotating Channels. Water Wheels, Turbines, Pumps, and Blowers. Specific Speed. Efficiency. Cavitation. Propulsion by Propellers. Propeller Coefficients.CONTENTS ix Appendix TABLES AND DIAGRAMS 335 Table 1 (A) Approximate Properties of Some Gases 335 (B) Some Properties of Air at Atmospheric Pressure 335 (C) Mechanical Properties of Water at Atmospheric Pressure . . . . 336 Table 2 Specific Gravity and Kinematic Viscosity of Certain Liquds 337 Table 3 Frictional Factors / for Water Only 338 Table 4 Typical Lost Head Items 339 Table 5 Values of K 340 Table 6 Some Values of Hazen-Williams Coefficient C 340 Table 7 Discharge Coefficients for Vertical Sharp-Edged Circular Orifices . . 341 Table 8 Some Expansion Factors Y for Compressible Flow Through Flow Nozzles and Venturi Meters 342 Table 9 A Few Average Values of n for Use in the Kutter and Manning Formulas and m in the Bazin Formula 342 Table 10 Values of C from the Kutter Formula 343 Table 11 Values of Discharge Factor K in Q = (K/n)y*/3Sl/2 for Trapezoidal Channels 344 Table 12 Values of Discharge Factor K' in Q = ( K f / n ) b * / 3 S } / 2 for Trapezoidal Channels 345 Diagram A-l Friction Factors / 346 Diagram A-2 Friction Factors / 347 Diagram B-l Flow Chart for Hazen-Williams Formula, C = 100 348 Diagram B-2 Pipe Diagram: Hazen-Williams Equation (C = 120),British Engineering System 349 Diagram B-3 Pipe Diagram: Hazen-Williams Equation (C = 120), International System 350 Diagram B-4 Pipe Diagram: Manning equation (n — 0.013) British Engineering System 351 Diagram B-5 Pipe Diagram: Manning equation (n — 0.013) International System . 352 Diagram C Pipe Orifices 353 Diagram D Flow Nozzles 354 Diagram E Venturi Meters 355 Diagram F Coefficient of Drag vs Re 356 Diagram G Drag Coefficients for Smooth, Flat Plates 357 Diagram H Drag Coefficients for Supersonic Velocities 358 INDEX 359 Index Absolute pressure, 14, 18 Absolute viscosity, 3 Acceleration, linear, 71 Acoustic velocity, 5, 259 Adiabatic conditions, 5, 119 Archimedes' principle, 58 Atmospheric pressure, 14, 18 Continuity equation, 103, 107, 109 Contracted weir, 243-245 Convergent nozzle, 235 Critical depth, 195,211 Critical flow, 195, 196, 211, 213 Critical pressure ratio, 235 Critical specific energy, 211 Critical velocity, 138, 211 Barometers, 14 Bazin formula, 194, 244 Bernoulli theorem, 105, 106, 316 Blowers, 312, 314 Boundary layer theory, 278 Branching pipes, 165 British Engineering system of units, 1 Broad-crested weir, 245, 263 Buckingham Pi Theorem, 82, 89-92 Bulk modulus of elasticity, 5 values of, 336 Buoyancy, 58 center of, 58 Buoyant force, 58 Dams: forces on, 35 stability of, 35 Darcy-Weisbach formula, 140 Density (see mass density) Differential manometer, 15 Dimensional analysis, 82-84 Discharge factors, 344, 345 Discharge relation, 313 Drag, 277 coefficients, 277, 356-358 Dynamic similitude, 83 Dynamic viscosity, 3 values of, 335, 336 Capillarity, 4, 11 Cauchy number, 84 Cavitation, 314 Celerity, 279, 304, 305 Center of buoyancy, 58 Center of gravity, 34, 35, 58 Center of pressure, 34, 37, 42 Chezy formula, 193, 197 Cipolletti weir, 245 Coefficients: contraction, 242 discharge, 242 values of, 341 drag, 277, 356-358 flow nozzle, 354 lift, 277 orifice, 341, 353 propeller, 315 velocity, 242 Venturi meter, 355 Complex pipeline system, 164-167 Compressible flow, 107, 109, 118, 234-237 Conservation of mass, 102 Constrictions, 236 Efficiency: for pumps, 314 for turbines, 314 Empirical equations for water flow, 142, 143 Energy: equation, 105 kinetic, 104, 115 line, 106 potential, 104 pressure, 105 specific, 195 Equivalent pipes, 164 Euler number, 83, 92 Euler's equation, 118 Expansion factors, 342 Finley and Stearns formula, 244 Flexural formula, 35 Floating bodies, stability of, 58 Flotation, 58 Flow: in closed conduits, 138-143 359360 INDEX Flow (Cont.): compressible, 107, 109, 118, 234-237 critical, 195, 196, 211, 213 gradually varied, 221-224 incompressible, 107, 109, 118 irrotational, 102 isentropic, 5, 234 isothermal, 5, 118, 234 laminar, 102, 138, 140, 193, 199, 299, 300 maximum unit, 195 measurement of, 242-245 nets, 104, 112 nonuniform, 102, 103, 193, 196, 217 one-dimensional, 102 in open channels, 193-197 rotational, 102 sonic, 235, 236, 178 steady, 102, 107, 109, 117, 193 subcritical, 195, 212 subsonic, 235, 236, 278 supercritical, 195, 212 supersonic, 278 three-dimensional, 102, 109 turbulent, 102, 138, 139, 195 two-dimensional, 102, 112 types of, 224 uniform, 102, 103, 193 unsteady, 102, 109 Fluid Machinery, 312-315 Forces: buoyant, 58 on curved surfaces, 34 on dams, 35 developed by fluids in motion, 276-280 on moving objects, 285, 286 on plane surfaces, 34 Francis formula, 244 Friction factor, 141 values of, 338, 346, 347 Friction velocity, 139 Froude number, 84, 93, 195 Fundamentals of fluid flow, 102-107 Gage pressure, 10, 14, 18 Gas constant, 2 values of, 335 Geometric similitude, 82 Gradually varied flow, 221-224 Hardy Cross method, 166 Hazen-Williams formula, 142, 164, 166, 167 coefficient of, 340 flow chart, 348 Hazen-Williams formula (Cont.): pipe diagram, 349, 350 Head: elevation, 105 pressure, 14, 105 velocity, 105, 106 Head loss, 140, 194, 243, 339, 340 friction, 140, 145 minor, 142 values of, 339, 340 Hoop tension, 35 Hydraulic grade line, 107 Hydraulic jump, 196, 223 Hydraulic models, 82 Hydraulic radius, 138 Hydraulic similitude, 82-84 Hydrometer, 60 Hydrostatic force on dams, 35 Hydrostatic force on surfaces, 34, 35 Ideal fluid, 8, 9 Impulse-momentum, 276 Incompressible flow, 107, 109, 118 Inertia-elasticity force ratio, 84 Inertia force ratio, 83 Inertia-gravity force ratio, 84 Inertia-pressure force ratio, 83 Inertia-surface tension ratio, 84 Inertia-viscous force ratio, 83 International System of units, 1 Irrotational flow, 102 Isentropic conditions, 5, 234 Isothermal conditions, 5, 118, 234 Jet propulsion, 291, 292 Kinematic similitude, 82 Kinematic viscosity, 3 values of, 335, 337 Kinetic energy, 104, 115 Kinetic energy correction factor, 106, 115, 116 Kutter formula, 194 coefficient of, 342, 343 Laminar flow, 102, 138, 140, 193, 199, 299, 300 Lift, 277 coefficient, 277 Longitudinal stress, 35 Losses: entrance, 142 exit, 142INDEX 361 Losses (Cont.): gradual contraction, 142 gradual expansion, 142 head, 140, 142, 194, 243, 339, 340 minor, 142 sudden contraction, 142 sudden expansion, 142 values of, 339, 340 Mach number, 84, 93, 235, 278 Manning formula, 142, 194, 208 coefficient of, 342 pipe diagrams, 351, 352 Manometers, 15 differential, 15 Mass density, 2 values of, 335, 336 Mean velocity, 200 Metacenter, 58 Minor head losses, 142 values of, 339, 340 Moment of inertia, 34 Momentum, 102 Momentum correction factor, 276, 280 Moody diagram, 346 Most efficient cross sections, 197, 198, 210, 211 Newtonian equation, 83 Newtonian fluids, 3, 8 Nonuniform flow, 102, 103, 193, 196, 217 Nozzles, 235, 256 coefficient of, 342, 354 Poises, 3 Powell formula, 194 Power, 107, 319 Power relation, 313 Pressure, 13-15 absolute, 14, 18 atmospheric, 14, 18 center of, 34, 37, 42 fluid, 13 gage, 10, 14, 18 stagnation, 129 unit, 13 vapor, 4 Pressure distribution, 5 Pressure head, 14, 105 Propeller coefficients, 315 Propeller propulsion, 314, 329 Properties: of air, 335 of gases, 335 of liquids, 337 of water, 336 Propulsion: jet, 291, 292 propeller, 314, 329 rocket, 292 Pumps, 312, 314 cavitation, 314 efficiency, 314 impeller, 315, 318 power, 319 specific speed, 313, 320 speed factor, 312 unit speed, 312 One-dimensional flow, 102 Open channels, 193—197 Orifices, 245, 290 coefficient of, 341, 353 Piezometers, 15 Pipe diagrams, 143, 349-352 Pipe networks, 166 Pipes: branching, 165 diagrams, 348-352 equivalent, 164 networks, 166 in parallel, 164 rough, 140 in series, 164 smooth, 140 Pilot tube, 242, 246 Rectangular weir, 243, 260 Reynolds number, 83, 85, 92, 138 Rocket propulsion, 292 Rotation of liquid masses: in closed vessels, 71 in open vessels, 71 Rotational flow, 102 Saybolt seconds, 3 Shear velocity, 139 Shearing stress at pipe wall, 139, 145 Similitude: dynamic, 83 geometric, 82 kinematic, 82 Specific energy, 195, 212, 213 Specific gravity, 2 values of, 337362 INDEX Specific heat, 5 Specific heat ratio, 236 values of, 335 Specific speed, 313, 320 Specific weight, 2 values of, 335, 336 Speed factor, 312 Speed relation, 312 Stability: of dams, 35 of floating bodies, 58 of submerged bodies, 58 Stagnation pressure, 129 Steady flow, 102, 107, 109, 117, 193 Stokeses, 3 Streamline, 103 Streamtube, 103 Subcritical flow, 195, 212 Submerged bodies, stability of, 58 Supercritical flow, 195, 212 Supersonic speeds, 280 Suppressed weir, 243-245, 262, 268 Surface tension, 4, 10, 11 values of, 336 Three-dimensional flow, 102, 109 Time ratios, 84 Translation of liquid masses, 71 Trapezoidal weir, 245 Triangular weir, 244, 261 Turbine, 312, 313 efficiency, 314 power delivered, 319 runner, 316 specific speed, 320 speed factor, 319 unit speed, 312 Turbulent flow, 102, 138, 139, 195 Two-dimensional flow, 102, 112 Types of open-channel flow, 224 Uniform flow, 102, 103, 193 Unit discharge, 313 Unit power, 313 Unit speed, 312 Unsteady flow, 102, 109 Vacuum, 14 Vapor pressure, 4 values of, 336 Velocity: coefficient of, 242 critical, 138,211 distribution, 139, 195, 199 friction, 139 mean, 200 shear, 139 supersonic, 280 Vena contracta, 254 Venturi meter, 256 coefficient of, 355 Vessels: rotating, 71 translating, 71 Viscosity, 3 absolute, 3 dynamic, 3 kinematic, 3 values of, 335-337 Water hammer, 279 Water wheels, 312 Weber number, 84, 93 Weirs, 243-245 broad-crested, 245, 263 Cipoletti, 245 contracted, 243-245 formulas for, 243-245 rectangular, 243, 260 suppressed, 243-245 trapezopidal, 245 triangular, 244, 261
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