كتاب Using Finite Elements in Mechanical Design
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 كتاب Using Finite Elements in Mechanical Design

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19004
التقييم : 35512
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Using Finite Elements in Mechanical Design
Dr. J. Toby Mottram and
Dr. Christopher T. Shaw

كتاب Using Finite Elements in Mechanical Design  U_f_e_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface XI
Notation XIV
1 Relationship Between Design and Finite Elements t
I . t The Design Process
1.2 Evaluating Designs
1.3 Using Computers for Design Evaluation
1.4 Typical Design Situations
1.5 Historical Review of Obtaining Structural Design Solutions
by Computer
1.6 Overview of the Modern Finite Element Method
Industrial Implementation and Research in Finite Elements
1.8 References and Further Reading
2 Structural Mechanics
2.1 The Use of Load-Bearing Structures
2.2 Engineering Stress and Strain
2.3 Some Simple Situations
2.4 Describing Problems in Structural Mechanics
References and Further Reading
3 Finite Element Solutions of the Equations
Developing the Finite Element Methodology
3.2 Satisfying Equilibrium and Compatibility
Use of Elements with Different Spatial Dimensions
Overview' of Methods for Calculating Element Equations
3.5 The Role of Displacement Distributions
3.6 The Direct Approach to Element Formulation
3.7 Isoparametric Elements
3.8 Other Types of Elements
3.9 Producing a Solution from the Element Equations
3.10 References and Further Reading
4 Implementing a Computer-based Analysis Procedure
A Process for Analysing a Structure
4.2 Generic Software Packages for Stress Analysis
4.3 Available Computer Hardware Systems
4.4 Matching Hardware Types to Analyses
4.5 Acquiring the Technologies
5 Building the Geometry Description and the Mesh 11!
5.1 Think First—Compute Later
5.2 Overview of Computer Models of Geometry
5.3 Wireframe Models
5.4 Surface Models
5.5 Solid Models
5.6 Choice of Geometry Description
5.7 Overview of Mesh Generation
5.8 Advice on Choosing Element Types
5.9 Determining a Strategy for Distributing the Elements
5.10 Types of Mesh Structure
5.11 Building Meshes
5.12 Adapting a Mesh to Improve a Solution
5.13 Checking a Mesh
6 Obtaining and Analysing the Results 140
6.1 Specifying Material Properties
6.2 Finding the Boundaries of the Mesh
6.3 Imposing the Boundary Conditions on the Mesh
6.4 Controlling the Solution
6.5 Running the Solver
6.6 Troubleshooting
6.7 The Results Generated by the Solver
6.8 Using Computer Graphics to Evaluate Solutions
6.9 Checking a Solution for Accuracy
6.10 Making Refinements
6.11 Failure Criteria
7 Some Example Problems 161
7.1 The Brazilian or Split Tensile Test
7.2 A Pressure Vessel
8 More Advanced Problems 192
8.1 Composite Material Open-sectioned Beam
8.2 Design Example with Submodels
9 Industrial Case Studies 231
9.1 Analysing a Bicycle Frame
9.2 Design of a Connecting Rod
A Composite Suspension Arm
Displacement Analysis of a Vehicle Body Shell
10 Solving More Complex Problems 252
10.1 Transient Problems
10.2 Vibration Problems
10.3 Optimization
10.4 Nonlinear Problems
10.5 Calculating Thermal Effects within Structures
10.6 References and Further Reading
References and Further Reading 262
Index 266

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