كتاب Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing - Volume 9
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 كتاب Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing - Volume 9

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing - Volume 9    كتاب Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing - Volume 9  Emptyالجمعة 03 يوليو 2020, 11:52 pm

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Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing - Volume 9
Michael Mains · Brandon J. Dilworth Editors
Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and
Exposition on Structural Dynamics  

كتاب Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing - Volume 9  T_i_m_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Stochastic Modal Appropriation (SMA) 1
M. Abdelghani and M. I. Friswell
2 Derivation of Six Degree of Freedom Shaker Inputs Using Sub-structuring Techniques . 5
T. F. Schoenherr
3 Forced Response of 2-Dof Gyroscopic Systems with Stable Eigenvalues 15
O. Giannini
4 Modal Testing of a Composite Bladed Disc Using Travelling Wave Excitation Method . 25
D. Di Maio, M. Vater, R. Seidel, and S. Foglia
5 Simulation of the Dynamic Behavior of a Bi-Cable Ropeway with Modal Bases 43
Gabriel Hurel, Jerome Laborde, and Louis Jézéquel
6 Influence of Noise in Correlation Function Estimates for Operational Modal Analysis . 55
Esben Orlowitz and Anders Brandt
7 Comparison of Two (Geometric) Algorithms for Auto OMA . 65
Martin Juul, Peter Olsen, Ole Balling, Sandro Amador, and Rune Brincker
8 Operational Modal Analysis on Wind Turbine Hub . 69
Martin Juul, Ole Balling, and Rune Brincker
9 The Influence of Edge Boundary Conditions and Cracks on Vibrational Modes of Multilayer Ceramic
Capacitors 79
Jonel Ortiz, Giuliana Davis, Kevin Troyer, and Paul Heyliger
10 The Cross Spectrum in Multiple Input Multiple Response Vibration Testing 91
Norman F. Hunter, Kevin R. Cross, and Garrett Nelson
11 A Systematic Evaluation of Test Specification Derivation Methods for Multi-axis Vibration Testing . 103
Garrett Nelson
12 Designing Hardware for the Boundary Condition Round Robin Challenge 119
David E. Soine, Richard J. Jones, Julie M. Harvie, Troy J. Skousen, and Tyler F. Schoenherr
13 Modal Comparison of Stock and Performance Brake Rotors 127
Kaitlin Spak
14 On the Veering Phenomenon Potential in High Speed Gears Design 135
Carlo Rosso, Elvio Bonisoli, and Fabio Bruzzone
15 Modal Truncation in Experimental Modal Analysis 143
Marius Tarp?, Michael Vigs?, and Rune Brincker
16 Combined Mechanical Environments for Design and Qualification . 153
Brian C. Owens and Julie M. Harvie
viiviii Contents
17 Comparing Free-Free and Shaker Table Model Correlation Methods Using Jim Beam 165
James Ristow, Kenneth Wayne Smith, Jr., Nathaniel Johnson, and Jackson Kinney
18 Real-Time Hybrid Testing: Challenges and Experiences from a Teaching Point of View . 175
Markus J. Hochrainer
19 Comparison of Computational Generalized and Standard Eigenvalue Solutions of Rotating Systems . 187
Ali Tatar, Loic Salles, Alexander H. Haslam, and Christoph W. Schwingshackl
20 Residual States for Modal Models Identified from Accelerance Data . 195
Mladen Gibanica, Thomas J. S. Abrahamsson, and Randall J. Allemang
21 Comparison of Time-Domain Objective Functions in Dynamic Fixture Optimization 207
Michael J. Starr and Timothy Walsh
22 Advanced Hammer Excitation Technique for Impact Modal Testing on Lightweight Materials Using
Scalable Automatic Modal Hammer 211
Tarun Teja Mallareddy, Sarah Schneider, and Peter G. Blaschke
23 Evaluation of MIMO Input Derivations and Their Physical Context . 217
Arup Maji
24 Using Modal Substructuring to Improve Shock & Vibration Qualification 227
Julie M. Harvie
25 Off-Axis Input Characterization of Random Vibration Laboratory Data for Model Credibility 241
Jill Blecke, James Freymiller, and Michael Ross
26 Modal Analysis of a Brake-Ruess Beam and Computational Modeling at the Undergraduate Level . 249
Aaron J. Misla, Curtis J. O’Malley, and Siavash Norouzi
27 A Primer on Multiple Degree of Freedom Vibration Test for Aerospace and Military Applications 253
Luke A. Martin
28 A Study on the Generation and Propagation of Traveling Waves in Strings 257
Isil Anakok, V. V. N. Sriram Malladi, and Pablo A. Tarazaga
29 A Color-Coded Complex Mode Indicator Function for Selecting a Final Mode Set . 263
Randy L. Mayes and Daniel P. Rohe
30 Using Manual Excitation for Large Displacement on a Highly Damped System . 271
Douglas J. Osterholt and David E. Cloutier
31 Traveling Wave Generation on a Clamped, Thin Plate with Flush-Mounted Piezoelectric Actuators . 283
Patrick F. Musgrave, Mohammad I. Albakri, and Pablo A. Tarazaga
32 Experimental Modal Analysis of an Aircraft Fuselage Panel: Part II . 289
Travis A. Wyen, Ricardo A. Perez, Jonathan Knox, Joshua J. Schoettelkotte, and Thomas G. Eason
33 Combining Virtual Simulation with Hands-on Experiments for Teaching Mechanical Vibrations 299
Changrui Bai and Surendra (Suri) Ganeriwala
34 Finite Element Model Updating Using the Local Correspondence Principle . 309
Sandro Amador, Martin Juul, Tobias Friis, and Rune Brincker
35 Approximate General Responses of Tuned and Mistuned 4-Degree-of-Freedom Systems with
Parametric Stiffness . 315
Ayse Sapmaz, Gizem D. Acar, and Brian F. Feeny
36 Modal Analysis of a Vertical-Axis Darrieus Wind Turbine Blade with a Troposkein Shape 325
Amr Saleh and Brian F. Feeny
37 Floquet-Type Analysis of Transient Vibrations of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine 329
Gizem D. Acar and Brian F. FeenyContents ix
38 Evaluation of Traveling Wave Models for Carangiform Swimming Based on Complex Modes 335
Mahdieh Tanha and Brian F. Feeny
39 Application of Frequency Domain Decomposition Identification Technique to Half Spectral Densities 343
Sandro Amador, Martin ?rum, Tobias Friis, and Rune Brincker
40 Modal Survey of the MPCV Orion European Service Module Structural Test Article Using
a Multi-axis Shake Table 347
James P. Winkel, James C. Akers, Vicente J. Suarez, Lucas D. Staab, and Kevin L. Napolitano
41 Modal Analysis of Healthy and Cracked Isotropic Plates in Peridynamics . 359
Andris Freimanis and Ainars Paegl ¯ ¯?tis
42 Initial Modal Results and Operating Data Acquisition of Shock/Vibration Fixture . 363
William Larsen, Jason R. Blough, James P. DeClerck, Charles D. VanKarsen, David E. Soine,
and Richard Jones
43 Effects of Variable Thickness Circular Plates on Frequency Response Functions and Shock Response
Spectrum . 371
William Larsen, Jason R. Blough, James DeClerck, Charles VanKarsen, David Soine, and Richard Jones
44 Inverse Force Estimation for Resonant Shock Plate Application 381
William Larsen, Jason R. Blough, James DeClerck, Charles VanKarsen, David Soine, and Richard Jones

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