كتاب Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing
Gerhard Busse
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Danny Van Hemelrijck
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Igor Solodov
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Athanasios Anastasopoulos
Envirocoustics, Athens, Greece  

كتاب Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing  E_t_i_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Preface IX
Organisation XI
Keynote lectures
Damage characterization and real-time health monitoring of aerospace
structures based on ultrasonic microscopy and nonlinear acoustics 3
T.E. Matikas
NDE of micro structured materials by X-ray diffraction and refraction topography 15
M.P. Hentschel, K.-W. Harbich, B.R. Müller, A. Lange, J. Schors & O. Wald
Use of state of the art parametric arrays for low frequency measurements in sound
absorbing porous materials 23
B. Castagnede, A. Moussatov, D. Lafarge, V. Tournat & V. Gusev
Optical techniques
Crack sizing using laser vibrometer measurements of Surface Acoustic Waves 33
R. Longo, S. Vanlanduit & P. Guillaume
Non-destructive evaluation of composite structures using an innovative Bragg sensor 39
G. Luyckx, J. Degrieck, W. De Waele, W. Van Paepegem, J. Vlekken & T. Verbeke
New possibilities and applications of Lockin-Speckle-Interferometry for non-destructive
testing of polymers 45
P. Menner, H. Gerhard & G. Busse
Investigation of fatigue cracks using digital image correlation 53
S. Vanlanduit, J. Vanherzeele, R. Longo & P. Guillaume
Monitoring of a curved beam test structure using Bragg sensors 59
G. Luyckx, J. Degrieck, I. De Baere, W. De Waele, W. Van Paepegem & T. Verbeke
The use of optical fibers for fatigue testing of fiber-reinforced thermoplastics 65
I. De Baere, G. Luyckx, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, E. Voet & J. Vlekken
Illumination direction factor in quantitative shearography NDT analysis 71
W.S. Wan Abdullah
Advanced transducer development for long range ultrasonic inspection systems 79
A.G. Haig, P.J. Mudge, T-H. Gan & W. Balachandran
Damage assessment of composites after fatigue by means of acoustic methods 83
T.T. Assimakopoulou & T.P. Philippidis
New opportunities in acoustic NDT using frequency conversion by nonlinear defects 89
K. Pfleiderer, I. Solodov & G. Busse
VMonitoring of damage accumulation in cyclic loaded c/c woven composites using the
acousto-ultrasonics approach 95
T.H. Loutas & V. Kostopoulos
Non-destructive testing of fuel tanks using long-range ultrasonics 99
L. Ma?eika, R. Ka?ys, R. Rai?utis, A. Dem?cenko, R. ?literis & C. Cantore
Guided acoustic modes for testing surface layers of unconsolidated granular media 105
X. Jacob, V. Aleshin, V. Tournat, O. Dazel, J.-F. Allard, V. Gusev, P. Leclaire & W. Lauriks
Thin layers characterization by low frequency ultrasonic transmission 113
R. Mittal & G. Rus
Laser ultrasonics for non-contact materials characterization of fiber reinforced materials 121
P. Burgholzer, C. Hofer, B. Reitinger, H.P. Degischer, D. Loidl, P. Schulz, R. Nuster & G. Paltauf
Investigation of mode conversion in ultrasonic air-coupled non-destructive testing 129
R. Ka?ys, A. Dem?cenko, L. Ma?eika, R. ?literis & E. ?ukauskas
Air-coupled ultrasonic pitch-catch method for material inspection 137
E. Blomme, D. Bulcaen, F. Declercq, J. Deveugele & P. Lust
Improvement of performance of scanning acoustic microscope for on-line inspection
of electronic components 145
L. Ma?eika, R. Ka?ys, O. Tum?ys & C. Gartside
Acoustic emission
Damage discrimination of composites based on wavelet decomposed acoustic emission signals 153
G. Kalogiannakis & D. Van Hemelrijck
Risk assessment of tunnels by Quantitative Acoustic Emission Non-Destructive method 161
G. Muravin, L. Lezvinsky & B. Muravin
Quantitative Acoustic Emission Non Destructive Inspection method and its application
to risk assessment high energy piping, fossil nuclear and chemical plants 167
B. Muravin, G. Muravin & L. Lezvinsky
The application of cepstrum and kurtosis analysis as predictive maintenance tools
in vibration and acoustic emission signals obtained from reciprocating machinery 171
S.C. Kerkyras
Thermal methods
A fast and robust method for determining thermal diffusivity images in complex geometries 179
G. Mayr, G. Hendorfer, G. Zauner & F. Puchberger
Deep Level Photo-Thermal Spectroscopy 187
J. Xia & A. Mandelis
Thermal characterization of composite materials by grating IR thermography 193
G. Kalogiannakis, H. Zhang, C. Glorieux, J. Ravi, S. Longuemart & D. Van Hemelrijck
Ultrasound Sweep Thermography (UST) as a new method of non-destructive testing 199
C. Spiessberger, A. Gleiter & G. Busse
Non-contact case depth monitoring of industrial hardened parts using laser
infrared photothermal radiometry 205
A. Mandelis, J.A. Garcia & C.-H. Wang
Portable computed tomographic system for in-situ inspection of industrial pipelines 211
J. Abdullah, G.H.P. Mohamad, M.A. Hamzah, M.S.M. Yusof, M.F.A. Rahman & F. Ismail
VIRadiography and tomographic methods
Synchrotron-Refraction-Computed-Tomography for NDT and characterisation of
lightweight composite materials 217
B.R. Müller, A. Lange, M. Harwardt, M.P. Hentschel, B. Illerhaus, J. Goebbels
J. Bamberg & F. Heutling
Non-destructive testing with terahertz radiation: Applications in the field
of polymer fabrication and food production 223
C. J?rdens, F. Rutz, S. Wietzke & M. Koch
Direct iterative reconstruction of computer tomography trajectories (DIRECTT) 229
A. Lange, M.P. Hentschel & J. Schors
Characterization of automotive parts by a novel multi-scan tomography system 237
M. Simon, I. Tiseanu, C. Sauerwein, M. Sindel, R. Kauermann & J. Schmidt
NDT with Optical Coherence Tomography: A novel tool for material characterization 243
D. Stifter, E.I. Breuer, M. Wurm, K. Wiesauer, M. Pircher, E. G?tzinger,
C.K. Hitzenberger, R. Engelke, G. Ahrens & G. Grützner
Electro-magnetic techniques
Defect detection using a non-contact electric potential drop method for multilayer
carbon composite materials 251
P. Stiffell, R.J. Prance, W. Gebrial, C.J. Harland & H. Prance
Lift-off and edge effects in micro-magnetic testing of heat-treated steel C45 257
J. Grum & P. ?erovnik
An electromagnetic non-invasive examination technique of Bj?rk-Shiley Convexo-Concave
prosthetic heart valve: Degradation modeling and periodic clinical controls optimization
using Markov model 263
R. Grimberg, A. Savin, R. Steigmann, S.C. Chan, L. Udpa, S.S. Udpa & F. Pinte
Electrical resistance measurement on carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics with rivets as electrodes 269
I. De Baere, W. Van Paepegem & J. Degrieck
Subsurface imaging using moving electromagnetic fields and surface acoustic waves 275
G. Mook, F. Michel, J. Simonin, M. Krüger & M. Luther
Inverse problem for the EC transducer with rotating magnetic field; application to pressure tubes
inspection for PHWR nuclear power plant 281
R. Grimberg, A. Savin, R. Steigmann, L. Udpa, S.S. Udpa & A. Bruma
EddyCation—the all-digital eddy current tool for education and innovation 289
G. Mook & J. Simonin
NDT of civil engineering structures
Damage characterization of deteriorated concrete structures by stress wave methods 297
D.G. Aggelis & T. Shiotani
Improving results of thermographic inspections of electrical transmission and distribution lines 303
J. Snell & J. Renowden
Structural health monitoring in civil engineering—applications using wireless sensor networks 313
C.U. Grosse & M. Krüger
Ultrasonic nondestructive through transmission testing of concrete 319
A.A. Shah & Y. Ribakov
VIISpecial techniques and applications
The effect of defects on the strength of adhesively-bonded joints and its significance for NDT 327
R.D. Adams & E.F. Karachalios
Comparison of different X-ray computed tomography techniques for the quantitative
characterization of the 3D microstructure of pear fruit tissue 331
P. Verboven, H. Mebatsion, F. Mendoza, K. Temst, M. Wevers, B. Nicolaï & P. Cloetens
Identification of the mechanical material parameters through inverse modelling 337
S. Cooreman, D. Debruyne, S. Coppieters, D. Lecompte & H. Sol
Fused sensor scanning system for non-destructive testing of metal matrix composites 343
V. Shinde, T. Valatka, J. Donahue, D. Ozevin, V.F. God?nez-Azcuaga, R. Finlayson,
B.B. Raju & A. Anastasopoulos
Ultrasound and eddy current data fusion for evaluation of carbon-epoxy composites delaminations 349
R. Grimberg, R. Steigmann, S. Leitoiu, A. Andreescu & A. Savin
Constitutive models for solids containing rough cracks: From micro to macro 357
V. Aleshin & K. Van Den Abeele
Author index

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» كتاب Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing VI
» كتاب Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing V
» كتاب Non­destructive Testing
» كتاب Non-Destructive Testing Techniques
» كتاب Guidebook on non-destructive testing of concrete structures

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