كتالوج PDS30 and PDS40 Owner’s Manual - Operation Maintenance
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتالوج PDS30 and PDS40 Owner’s Manual - Operation Maintenance

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتالوج PDS30 and PDS40 Owner’s Manual - Operation Maintenance    كتالوج PDS30 and PDS40 Owner’s Manual - Operation Maintenance  Emptyالأحد 17 مايو 2020, 4:55 am

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PDS30 and PDS40 Owner’s Manual - Operation Maintenance
Owner’s Manual
Operation Maintenance Parts List  

كتالوج PDS30 and PDS40 Owner’s Manual - Operation Maintenance  P_d_s_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Bl-pds30/40-0212 I
Section Page Section Page
1 Description 1-1
1-1. Introduction 1-1
1-2. General Description .1-1
1-3. Safety Features. 1-1
2 Operation .2-1
2-1. General. .2-1
2-2. Operating Precautions. 2-1
2-3. Before Operation .2-2
2-4. General Control Operation 2-4
2-5. Driving and Stopping Procedures 2-4
2-6. Belly-button Switch. 2-4
2-7. Steering Arm Gas Spring .2-5
2-8. Lift and Lower Controls. .2-5
2-9. Loading and Unloading. .2-5
2-10. Parking. 2-5
3 Planned Maintenance 3-1
3-1. General. .3-1
3-2. Monthly and Quarterly Checks. .3-1
3-3. Battery Care .3-1
3-3.1. General 3-1
3-3.2. Safety Rules 3-2
3-3.3. Battery Care and Charging .3-2
3-3.4. Battery Cleaning 3-2
3-3.5. Maintenance Free Batteries 3-3
3-4. Charging Batteries .3-3
3-5. Lubrication. 3-4
3-6. Lift Chain Maintenance .3-4
4 Troubleshooting 4-1
4-1. General 4-1
4-2. Controller Troubleshooting 4-4
4-2.1. Zapi Handset .4-4
4-2.2. Fault Detection. .4-4
4-2.3. Testing Truck Operation. .4-4
4-2.4. Settings and Adjustments .4-5
5 Steering Arm, Control Head and
Compartment 5-1
5-1. Control Head .5-1
5-1.1. Cap Assembly Removal. 5-1
5-1.2. Cap Assembly Installation. 5-2
5-1.3. Control Head Removal 5-3
5-1.4. Control Head Installation 5-3
5-1.5. Speed Potentiometer Replacement. 5-3
5-1.6. Belly-button Switch Replacement .5-3
5-1.7. Horn Switch Replacement 5-4
5-1.8. Lift and Lower Switch Replacement 5-6
5-2. Steering Arm 5-6
5-2.1. Return Spring Replacement 5-6
5-2.2. Steering Arm Removal 5-6
5-2.3. Steering Arm Installation 5-6
5-3. Compartment Covers .5-6
5-3.1. Removal 5-6
5-3.2. Installation 5-6
6 Brake Servicing . 6-1
6-1. Brakes. . 6-1
6-1.1. Air Gap Adjustment. 6-1
6-1.2. Stopping Distance Adjustment 6-2
6-1.3. Brake Assembly Replacement 6-2
7 Transmission, Drive Wheel, Load Wheel 7-1
7-1. Drive Wheel. . 7-1
7-2. Transmission. 7-1
7-3. Load Wheel. 7-1
7-3.1. Removal . 7-1
7-3.2. Load Wheel Installation . 7-1
8 Elevation System Servicing . 8-1
8-1. General 8-1
8-2. Lift Chain Length Adjustment . 8-1
8-2.1. Telescopic 8-1
8-2.2. Trimast Free Lift Chain 8-3
8-2.3. Trimast Secondary Lift Chain . 8-3
8-3. Lift Chain Wear Inspection . 8-3
8-4. Lift Chain Replacement. 8-5
8-4.1. Telescopic 8-5
8-4.2. Trimast Free Lift Chain 8-5
8-4.3. Trimast Secondary Lift Chain . 8-5
8-5. Lift Cylinders 8-5
9 Hydraulic System Servicing . 9-1
9-1. Lines and Fittings 9-1
9-2. Hydraulic Pump, Motor, and
Reservoir Assy . 9-1
9-2.1. Removal . 9-1
9-2.2. Disassembly and Reassembly . 9-1
9-2.3. Installation . 9-2
9-2.4. Lift Cylinder (Telescopic) 9-3
9-2.5. Lift Cylinder (Trimast Free Lift) 9-6
9-2.6. Lift Cylinder (Trimast Secondary) . 9-9
10 Electrical Components . 10-1
10-1. Electrical Control Panel . 10-1
10-1.1.maintenance . 10-1
10-1.2.cleaning 10-1
10-1.3.panel Removal. . 10-1
10-1.4.panel Disassembly . 10-1
10-1.5.panel Installation. . 10-1
10-2. Horn Replacement 10-3
10-3. Pump Motor. . 10-4
10-4. Drive Motor. 10-4
10-4.1.motor Removal . 10-4
10-4.2.motor Installation . 10-4
10-5. Deadman Switch 10-4
10-5.1.replacement 10-4
11 Optional Equipment . 11-1
11-1. Load Backrest . 11-1
12 Illustrated Parts Breakdown 12-1list of Illustrations
Ii Bg-pds30-0412
Figure Page Figure Page
1-1 Name Plate . 1-1
1-2 Pds Lift Truck . 1-2
2-1 Load Center 2-1
2-2 Sample of Operator Check List 2-3
2-3 Forward/reverse Control 2-4
2-4 Pushbutton Switches . 2-4
2-5 Brake Actuation 2-4
2-6 Belly-button Switch . 2-5
3-1 Lubrication Diagram 3-5
4-1 Connecting the Handset . 4-4
4-2 Zapi Handset . 4-5
4-3 Zapi Handset . 4-9
4-4 Throttle Regulation 4-10
4-5 Zapi Handset . 4-11
4-6 Zapi Controller Connectors 4-13
5-1 Control Head . 5-1
5-2 Steering Arm 5-2
5-3 Emergency Reverse Switch Assembly. 5-4
5-4 Cap Assembly 5-5
6-1 Brake Assembly . 6-1
7-1 Transmission, Motor, Brake Assembly 7-2
7-2 Adjustable Straddle 7-3
8-1 Chain Assembly 8-1
8-2 Elevation System (Telescopic) 8-2
8-3 Mast (Trimast) . 8-4
9-1 Hydraulic System . 9-2
9-2 Mast (Telescopic) 9-4
9-3 Lift Cylinder (Telescopic) . 9-5
9-4 Mast (Trimast) . 9-7
9-5 Free Lift Cylinder (Trimast) . 9-8
9-6 Secondary Lift Cylinder (Trimast) 9-10
10-1 Electrical System 10-2
10-2 Electrical Panel . 10-3
10-3 Transmission, Motor, Brake
Assembly . 10-5
12-1 Steering System 12-2
12-2 Control Head . 12-4
12-3 Cap Assembly 12-6
12-4 Emergency Reverse Switch Assembly 12-8
12-5 Transmission, Motor, Brake
Assembly . 12-10
12-6 Compartment 12-12
12-7 Adjustable Straddle . 12-14
12-8 Fixed Straddle (Pds 40 Only) . 12-16
12-9 Caster (Adjustable Straddle) . 12-18
12-10 Caster (Fixed Straddle) . 12-20
12-11 Elevation System (Telescopic) 12-22
12-12 Elevation System (Trimast) . 12-24
12-13 Lift Carriage . 12-26
12-14 Chain Assembly 12-28
12-15 Hydraulic System . 12-29
12-16 Pump & Motor Assy . 12-30
12-17 Hydraulic System (Telescopic) . 12-32
12-18 Hydraulic System (Telescopic) . 12-34
12-19 Hydraulic System (Trimast) 12-36
12-20 Hydraulic System (Trimast) 12-38
12-21 Lift Cylinder (Telescopic) . 12-40
12-22 Free Lift Cylinder (Trimast) 12-42
12-23 Secondary Lift Cylinder (Trimast) . 12-44
12-24 Electrical System 12-46
12-25 Electrical Panel . 12-48
12-26 Drive Motor . 12-50
12-27 Wiring Harness 12-52
12-28 Wiring Cables . 12-53
12-29 Battery Compartment 12-54
Table Page Table Page
2-1 Operator Checks . 2-2
3-1 Monthly and Quarterly Inspection
And Service Chart . 3-1
3-2 Recommended Lubricants 3-4
3-3 Lubrication Chart . 3-5
4-1 Troubleshooting Chart 4-1
4-2 Set Options .4-5
4-3 Adjustments 4-9
4-4 Parameter Adjustments .4-11
4-5 Zapi Controller Connector Pins 4-13

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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