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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Field Dynamic Balancing Using Portable Instruments الجمعة 10 أبريل 2020, 1:05 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Field Dynamic Balancing Using Portable Instruments Authored by: Mr. Gene Ford Technical Associates of Charlotte, P.c. Specialists in Predictive Maintenance, Machinery Diagnostics, and Vibration Reduction By: James E. Berry, P.e., Mechanical Engineer Technical Associates of Charlotte Charlotte Specialists in Predictive Maintenance, Machinery Diagnostics, and Vibration Reduction Technical Associates Field Dynamic Balancing 2001 Technical Associates of Charlotte, P.c.
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Section Subject Page 1. Introduction to Dynamic Balancing 1-1 2. Types of Unbalance 2-1 A. Static Unbalance . 2-2 B. Couple Unbalance 2-3 C. Quasi-static Unbalance 2-4 D. Dynamic Unbalance . 2-5 3. Types of Balance Problems 3-1 A. Rigid Vs Flexible Rotors 3-1 B. Critical Speeds 3-4 4. How to Ensure the Dominant Problem is Unbalance . . 4-1 A. Review of Typical Spectra and Phase Behaviors for Common Machinery Problems . 4-1 1. Mass Unbalance . 4-1 2. Eccentric Rotor 4-1 3. Bent Shaft . 4-3 4. Misalignment 4-3 5. Resonance 4-3 6. Mechanical Looseness/weakness . 4-4 B. Summary of Phase Relationships for Various Machinery 4-4 1. Force (or Static) Unbalance . 4-4 2. Couple Unbalance 4-4 3. Dynamic Unbalance . 4-4 4. Angular Misalignment . 4-6 5. Parallel Misalignment . 4-6 6. Bent Shaft . 4-6 7. Resonance 4-6 8. Rotor Rub 4-6 9. Mechanical Looseness/weakness Due to Base/frame Problems or Loose Hold Down Bolts . 4-6 10. Mechanical Looseness Due to a Cracked Frame 4-6 C. Summary of Normal Unbalance Symptoms 4-6 1. Special Characteristics . 4-6 2. Centrifugal Force Due to Unbalance . 4-6 3. Unbalance Force Directivity 4-7 4. Radial/axial Vibration Comparison 4-7 5. Overhung Rotor Unbalance Directivity 4-7 6. Steadiness & Repeatability of Phase Due to Unbalance . 4-8 7. Resonant Amplitude Magnification . 4-8 8. Phase Behavior for Dominant Static,couple & Dynamic Unbalance . 4-8 Table of Contents and Seminar Agenda Field Dynamic Balancing 2001 Techncial Associates of Charlotte, P.c. Techncial Associates Field Dynamic Balancing Section Subject Page 5. Causes of Unbalance 5-1 A. Assembly Errors . 5-1 B. Casting Blow Holes . 5-1 C. Fabrication Tolerance Problems 5-1 D. Key Length Problems 5-1 E. Rotational Distortion 5-3 F. Deposit Buildup or Erosion 5-3 G. Unsymmetrical Design 5-3 6. Why Dynamic Balancing is Important 6-1 7. Units of Expressing Unbalance 7-1 8. Vectors . 8-1 9. Dynamic Field Balancing Techniques . 9- A. Recommended Trial Weight Size 9- B. How a Strobe-lit Mark on a Rotor Moves When a Trial Weight is Added 9- C. Single-plane Balancing Using a Strobe Light and a Swept-filter Analyzer 9- D. Single-plane Method of Balancing 9- E. Balancing in One Run . 9- F. Two-plane Balancing Techniques 9- G. Cross-effects . 9- H. Single-plane Method for Two-plane Balancing 9- I. Vector Calculations for Two-plane Balancing 9- J. Rotor Balancing by Static Couple Derivation 9- K. Single-plane Balancing With Remote Phase and a Data Collector . 9- L. Taking Phase Readings With a Data Collector . 9- M. Single-plane Balancing Using a Data Collector . 9- N. Two-plane Balancing Using a Data Collector 9- O. Overhung Rotors . 9- P. Multi-plane Balancing 9- Q. Splitting Balance Correction Weights 9- R. Combining Balance Correction Weights Using Vectors 9- S. Effect of Angular Measurement Errors of Potential Unbalance Reduction . 9- 1. Effect of Phase Angle Measurement Errors by Instruments 9- 2. Effect of Angular Measurement Errors When Attaching Balance Correction Weights 9- Table of Contents and Seminar Agenda Field Dynamic Balancingtechncial Associates Field Dynamic Balancing 2001 Techncial Associates of Charlotte, P.c. Section Subject Page 10. Balancing Machines - Soft-bearing Vs Hard-bearing Machines . 10- A. Soft-bearing Machine . 10- B. Hard-bearing Machine 10- 11. Recommended Vibration and Balance Tolerances 11- A. Vibration Tolerances . 11- 1. Recommended Overall Vibration Specifications 11- 2. Synopsis of Spectral Alarm Band Specifications . 11- B. Balance Tolerances on Allowable Residual Unbalance . 11- 1. Iso 1940 Balance Quality Grades 11- A. Application of Tolerances to Single-plane Problems 11- B. Application of Tolerances to Two-plane Problems 11- C. Application of Tolerances to Special Rotor Geometries 11- C. How to Determine Residual Unbalance Remaining in a Rotor After Balancing 11- D. Comparison of Iso 1940 With Api and Navy Balance Specifications 11- Appendix a Balancing Terminology Appendix B Weight Removal Charts Appendix C Conversion Chart for Converting Inches of Flat Stock # 1020 Steel to Ounces of Weight Appendix D Three-point Method of Balancing Table of Contents and Seminar Agenda Field Dynamic Balancing
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Field Dynamic Balancing Using Portable Instruments رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Field Dynamic Balancing Using Portable Instruments