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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Extrusion Dies of Plastics الخميس 09 أبريل 2020, 11:35 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Extrusion Dies of Plastics
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Introduction .4 Chapter one 5 Design Data 5 1.Min. & max. shear rate, shear stress and shear strain for some resin, 6 1.1. Young’s Modulus - Tensile Modulus, Modulus of Elasticity - E 6 1.2. The below table shows tensile modulus for some resin, .6 2.Shear rate .7 2.1The maximum shear rate recommended for different polymers can be obtained in the following table: 7 3.Pressure drop 8 4.Companies (Pressure drop) 8 5.Shear stress 8 6. Design considerations of die head 10 7.Design consideration (half and full diameter) .11 8.Hard chrome plating 12 9.Die head concept for some companies, .14 9.1. Bandera .14 9.2. Bandera agri concept 14 9.3. Banderamultilayerconcept .15 9.4. Reifinghauser concept .16 9.5. Macchi conceptof thediehead .16 10.Die head concept .18 11.Hosokawa alpine .20 12. Alpine concept for barrier die head 21 13Notes of some companies: 22 13.1. Bandera .22 13.2. ETA 28 14.Dr. Collin die head concept .32 15. What is volume flow rate? .39 15.1. Is there another formula for volume flow rate? .40 15.2. Incompressibility of liquids 41 15.3. What is the equation of continuity? .42 16.Effect of die geometry on flow distribution 43 17.Dead spot .462 18.Dead spots in the die and extruder 48 18. How can we deal with the problem of polymer staying inside the extruder for too long? .48 19.Relaxation plenum .48 20.Blown film die (Important) .50 21.Industrial Practice for the Design of Extrusion Dies .51 22.Practical Optimization Objectives 52 23.Practical Boundary Conditions and Constraints When Designing Flow Channels 53 24.Abstraction of the optimization problem .54 25.Blown film dies 56 26.Spiral Mandrel Dies 57 27.Flow coefficient .58 28.Materials 59 Chapter Two .64 Design procedures & Case studies .64 1.Input Data 65 2.1. Case study (1) done by Compuplast .66 2.2. Case study (2) done by Compuplast .72 2.3. Case study (3) done by Shouman .73 3.Hosokawa alpine die 74 4.Macroconcept .75 5. TEN LAYER DIE TECHNOLOGY .76 6.FIVE-LAYER STRUCTURES 76 7.MODULAR DIEDESIGN 77 8.BEYOND FIVE-LAYERS 78 9.MATERIALS 79 10.Avita ABA .80 11.Alpha marathon 81 11.1. Alpha marathon .81 11.2. patented Alpha Layer Sequence Repeater Die Technology. 82 12.Nano Technology Moving Fast in to Blown, Flat Film 85 12.1. FLAT FILM/SHEET ADVANCES .87 13.Patent 88 13.1. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 88 13.2. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 89 13.3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS .93 14.DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS .94 15.Patent:2 .1103 15.1. BLOWING HEAD WITH MELT DISTRIBUTION .110 Chapter Three 117 Analysis Procedures 117 1.Fill 118 1.1. ANSYS DESIGN MODELER - Basic Tutorial 06 - FILL - Negative Volume .118 1.2. Setup tutorial .118 2.ANSYS Mesh 119 2.1. Type and size .121 2.2. Statistics: (Skewness and aspect ratio) .121 3.Aspect Ratio 123 4.Sub task 126 5.Domain 127 5.1. To set up 127 6.Gravity .132 7.Flow boundary 135 7.1. Inflow properties 135 8.Global re-meshing .137 9. Outputs .138 10.To review the solution system type .141 11.Important remarks for the die head flow analysis using ANSYS aim 142 12.ANSYS AIM: Predicting Extrudate Shape Using a Polymer Extrusion Simulation .143 13.ANSYS AIM: Determining Die Lip Shape Using a Polymer Extrusion Simulation .152 14.ANSYS AIM: Getting Started - Part 1 160 15.ANSYS AIM: Getting Started - Part 2 168 16.Multilayer procedures in Click 2 extrude .174 Chapter Four 176 Troubleshooting 176 1.Flow lines appearing in blownfilm! .177 1.2. What was the rootcause? 177 2.How it was solved? 178 3.Excessive shear .179 4.Blown Film Troubleshooting Guide (based on die head) .180 5.Some typical extrusion problems .181 5.1. Blown film quality and degradation .181 5.2. Unstable co-extrusion process 183 Notes
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