كتاب BGAS CSWIP Painting Inspector Grade 2 - ATC88
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب BGAS CSWIP Painting Inspector Grade 2 - ATC88

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب BGAS CSWIP Painting Inspector Grade 2 - ATC88   كتاب BGAS CSWIP Painting Inspector Grade 2 - ATC88 Emptyالجمعة 31 يناير 2020, 10:20 pm

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BGAS CSWIP Painting Inspector Grade 2 - ATC88
Training and Examination Services
Granta Park, Great Abington
Cambridge CB21 6AL
United Kingdom  

كتاب BGAS CSWIP Painting Inspector Grade 2 - ATC88 B_c_s_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Section Subject
1 Corrosion
1.1 Electrical circuit
1.2 The chemical reaction
2 Surface Preparation Methods and Standards
2.1 Dry abrasive blast cleaning
2.2 Abrasives
2.3 Sizing of abrasives
2.4 Adhesion and profile
2.5 Profile
2.6 Shot blasted profile
2.7 Profile measurement
2.8 Assessing a profile to BS 7079 Pt C ISO 8503.1
2.9 Use of the comparators
2.10 Using the comparators
2.11 Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related
2.12 Abrasive blasting grades
2.13 Equipment
2.14 Water blasting
2.15 Flame cleaning
2.16 Method
2.17 Pickling
2.18 Vapour degreasing
2.19 Weathering
3 Surface Contaminants and Tests for Detection
4 Paint Constituents and Basic Technology
4.1 Liquid paints containing solvent
4.2 Solvent free
4.3 Powders
4.4 Binder
4.5 Binder – solvent groups and compatibility
4.6 Polyurethanes use ketones and esters with aromatic diluents.
4.7 Polymers
4.8 Linear polymers
4.9 Branched polymers
4.10 Cross linked polymers
4.11 Oils
4.12 Pigments
4.13 PVC
4.14 Solvents
4.15 Other additivesATC88-40915
Contents : : TWI Ltd
5 Solutions and Dispersions
6 Drying and Curing of Paint Films
6.1 Solvent evaporation
6.2 Oxidation
6.3 Chemical curing
6.4 Coalescence
7 Paint Systems
7.1 Primer
8 Water Borne Coatings
9 Paint Manufacture
9.1 Direct charge dispersing mills
10 Testing of Paints for Properties and Performance
10.1 Tests on paint
10.2 Paint density
10.3 Hegman grind gauge
10.4 Viscosity
11 Film Thicknesses
11.1 Comb gauges
11.2 Tests done on dry paint films
11.3 Destructive test gauges
11.4 Non-destructive test gauges
11.5 Tests for mechanical properties on paint films
11.6 Accelerated testing
11.7 Drying and curing tests
11.8 BK drying recorders
11.9 Other tests
11.10 Trough type
11.11 Black and white fused plates
11.12 Hiding power charts and micrometer adjustable film applicator
11.13 Degree of gloss
11.14 Adhesion
12 Specified Coating Conditions
12.1 The whirling hygrometer, aspirated hygrometer or psychrometer
12.2 Steel temperature measurement
13 Cathodic Protection
13.1 Sacrificial anode systems
13.2 Impressed current system
13.3 Interference
13.4 Monitoring CP
13.5 Cathodic disbondment
14 Holiday/Pinhole Detection
14.1 Voltage setting
15 Paint Application
15.1 Brush application
15.2 Roller application
15.3 Spray application (Conventional, Airless, Elecrostatic)
15.4 Other paint application methodsATC88-40915
Contents : : TWI Ltd
16 Metal Coatings
16.1 Galvanising
16.2 Sheradising
16.3 Calorising
16.4 Anodising
16.5 Electro-plating
16.6 Hot metal spraying
16.7 Powder system
16.8 Electric arc system
16.9 Wire and pistol system
17 Coating Faults
18 Colour
19 Health and Safety
19.1 Hazard warning symbols
19.2 Responsibilities
19.3 Maximum exposure limit (MEL)
19.4 Occupations exposure standard (OES)
20 Duties of An Inspector
21 List of Specification and British Standards (BS) Numbers
22 Quality
23 Revision Questions
Appendix 1 – Insulation
Appendix 2
PA 9 Specification for paint systems, properties and
performance requirements.
PA10 Specification for now and maintenance painting at
works. Site for above ground pipeline and plant

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