كتاب Solidworks Simulation Validation
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Solidworks Simulation Validation

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Solidworks Simulation Validation
By Afnor  

كتاب Solidworks Simulation Validation  S_s_w_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

I. Structural Mechanics .9
1. Linear Static 10
Slender Beam With Both Ends Fixed
Ssll 01-89 10
Slender Beam on Three Simple Supports
Ssll 03-89 11
Bimetallic Strip Fixed on Both Ends Connected With a Rigid Bar
Ssll 05-89 12
Fixed Thin Arc Under Inplane Bending
Ssll 06-89 13
Fixed Thin Arc Under Out of Plane Bending
Ssll 07-89 14
Simply Supported Thin Arc Under Inplane Bending
Ssll 08-89 15
Two Bar System With Three Universal Joints
Ssll 09-89 16
Frame With Lateral Connections
Ssll 10-89 17
Framework of Articulated Basr Under Concentrated Load
Ssll 11-89 18
Pre-stressed Bar
Ssll 13-89 19
Simply Supported Planar Frame
Ssll 14-89 20
Plate Under Bending and Shear in Its Own Plane
Sslp 01-89 21
Perforated Plate Under Simple Traction
Sslp 02-89 23
Cantilever Rectangular Plate
Ssls 01-89 24
Simply Supported Square Plate
Ssls 02-89 25
Circular Plate Under Uniform Pressure Load
Ssls 03-89 26
Rectangular Hollow Beam Under Torsion
Ssls 05-89 27  
Thin Cylinder Under Uniform Radial Pressure
Ssls 06-89 28
Thin Cylinder Under Uniform Axial Pressure
Ssls 07-89 29
Thin Cylinder Under Hydrostatic Pressure
Ssls 08-89 30
Thin Cylinder Under Its Own Weight
Ssls 09-89 31
Tore Under Internal Uniform Pressure
Ssls 10-89 32
Spherical Cap Under Internal Pressure
Ssls 14-89 33
Spherical Cap Under Radial Force
Ssls 15-89 34
Spherical Cap Under Moment
Ssls 16-89 35
Spherical Cap Under Its Own Weight
Ssls 17-89 36
Spherical Cap Under Imposed Displacement
Ssls 18-89 37
Cylindrical Shell Under Its Own Weight
Ssls 19-89 38
Pinched Cylindrical Shell
Ssls 20-89 39
Spherical Shell With Hole
Ssls 21-89 40
Spherical Cap Under External Uniform Pressure
Ssls 22-89 41
Cylindrical Membrane Under Bending
Ssls 23-89 42
Simply Supported Rectangular Plate Under Uniform Pressure
Ssls 24-89 43
Simply Supported Rhomb Plate Under Bending
Ssls 25-89 44
: Plate Under Normal Shear
Ssls 27-89 45
Full Cylinder Under Simple Traction
Sslv 01-89 .46  
Full Sphere Under Uniform Pressure
Sslv 02-89 .47
Thick Spherical Tank Under Internal Pressure
Sslv 03-89 .48
Thick Infinite Pipe Under Internal Pressure
Sslv 04-89 .49
Beam With Elliptic Cross Section Under Torsion
Sslv 05-89 .50
Rectangular Section Shape Beam Under Torsion
Sslv 06-89 .51
Block Stretched Under Its Own Weight
Sslv 07-89 .52
Prismatic Beam Under Pure Bending
Sslv 08-89 .53
Thick Plate With Its Edges Fixed
Sslv 09-89 .54
2. Non Linear Static .56
Rectangle Under Pure Bending (Plane Stress, Perfect Plasticity)
Ssnp 11-89 .56
Cylinder Under Pressure (Plane Strain, Perfect Elastoplasticity)
Ssnp 13-89 .57
3. Linear Dynamic .59
Thin Cylinder Fixed on Both Ends
Sdla 01-89 .59
Slender Folded Beam, One End Fixed the Other Free
Sdll 02-89 .61
Slender Beam on Two Simple Supports Under Axial Force
Sdll 05-89 .62
Planar Frame Made of I Beams
Sdll 08-89 .63
Slender Beam With Variable Rectangular Section, One End Fixed the Other
Sdll 09-89 .64
Slender Beam With Variable Rectangular Section, Both Ends Fixed
Sdll 10-89 .66
Thin Circular Ring Completely Free
Sdll 11-89 .68
Thin Circular Ring Fixed at Two Points
Sdll 12-89 .70  
Thin Circular Ring Fixed by an Elastic Leg
Sdll 13-89 .72
Vibration Modes of an Elbowed Pipe
Sdll 14-89 .74
Thin Free Ring With a Punctual Mass
Sdll 16-89 .76
Thin Square Plate With 3 or 4 Free Edges
Sdls 01-89 .78
Thin Rhomboid Plate Fixed on One Edge
Sdls 02-89 .80
Thin Rectangular Plate Simply Supported on Edges
Sdls 03-89 .81
Thin Ring Shaped Plate Fixed on Inner Edge
Sdls 04-89 .83
Compressor Blade: Thin Shell Fixed-free
Sdls 05-89 .85
Thin Winged Circular Plate
Sdls 06-89 .87
Thin Sphere Completely Immersed in a Perfect and Incompressible Fluid
Sdls 07-89 .89
Bending of Symmetrical Frame
Sdlx 01-89 .91
Assembly of Thin Rectangular Shaped Sheets
Sdlx 03-89 .93
Ii. Thermal 95
1. Linear Steady State Thermal .96
Pipe: Prescribed Temperatures
Tpla 01-89 .96
Pipe : Prescribed Temperature, Convection
Tpla 02-89 .98
Pipe : Convection
Tpla 03-89 .99
Power Output in a Pipe
Tpla 04-89 .100
Cylindrical Bar With Flux Density
Tpla 05-89 .101
Cylindrical Bar With Convection
Tpla 06-89 .102  
Orthotropic Pipe
Tpla 07-89 .103
Two-material Pipe : Convection
Tpla 08-89 .105
Two-material Pipe : Convection, Thermal Contact Resistance
Tpla 09-89 .106
Simple Wall : Prescribed Temperatures
Tpll 01-89 107
Simple Wall : Prescribed Temperatures, Convection
Tpll 02-89 108
Simple Wall : Convection
Tpll 03-89 109
Power Output in a Bar
Tpll 04-89 110
Two-material Wall : Convection
Tpll 05-89 111
Two-material Wall : Convection, Thermal Contact Resistance
Tpll 06-89 112
L Shaped Plate With Geometric Singularity
Tplp 01-89 .113
Orthotropic Square
Tplp 02-89 .115
Hollow Sphere: Prescribed Temperatures
Tplv 01-89 .117
Hollow Sphere: Prescribed Temperatures, Convection
Tplv 02-89 .118
Hollow Sphere: Convection
Tplv 03-89 .119
Two-material Hollow Sphere : Convection
Tplv 04-89 .120
Two-material Hollow Sphere: Convection, Thermal Contact Resistance
Tplv 05-89 .121
Power Output in a Hollow Sphere
Tplv 06-89 .122
Orthotropic Cube
Tplv 07-89 .123
2. Non Linear Steady State Thermal 125  
Pipe : Convection, Radiation
Tpna 01-89 125
Simple Wall : Convection, Radiation
Tpnl 01-89 .126
Radiation in a Square Cavity
Tpnp 01-89 127
Hollow Sphere: Convection, Radiation
Tpnv 01-89 128
Radiation in a Cubic Cavity
Tpnv 02-89 129
3. Transient Linear Thermal 130
Cylinder : Heat Transfer by Convection
Ttla 01-89 .130
Wall Under Thermal Shock
Ttll 01-89 132
Plate : Heat Transfer by Convection
Ttll 02-89 134
Sphere : Heat Transfer by Convection
Ttlv 01-89 .135
Iii. Thermomechanics .136
1. Linear Static 137
Thick Pipe Submitted to a Thermal Gradient
Hsla 03-89 .137
Iv. Bibliography

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