كتاب Practical Rheology Handbook
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Practical Rheology Handbook

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Practical Rheology Handbook    كتاب Practical Rheology Handbook  Emptyالإثنين 23 سبتمبر 2019 - 8:59

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Practical Rheology Handbook
3rd Edition
Originally Written by :
Tony Whelan and John Brydson
Edited, Revised and Updated by:
Donald E. De Laney, Phd.
DrD Polymer Consulting Services  

كتاب Practical Rheology Handbook  P_r_h_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Title Page
1. Plastics and Polymers 5
2. Names and Abbreviations for Plastics 6
3. Thermoplastic Materials 8
4. Polyolefins 10
5. Additives Used With Plastics 13
6. Melt Processes and Thermoplastic Behavior 17
7. Melt Processing of Thermoplastics 18
8. Flow Tests 20
9. Elastic Effects 23
10. Melt Flow Rate Testing 29
11. High Shear Rate Rheometry 34
12. Dynisco Polymer Test Rheometer Details 35
13. Calculating Flow Data 37
13.1. Basic Equations 37
13.2. Effect of Temperature 43
13.3. Effect of Pressure 46
13.4. Effect of Molecular Weight and Molecular Weight Distribution 47
13.5. Effect of Various Factors on the Viscosity Curve 49
13.6. Thermal Stability 50
13.7. Bagley, Rabinowitsch and Head Corrections 52
14. Measurement of Extrudate Swell 58
15. Applications of Rheological Data 60
15.1. Novel Applications of Themelt Flow Rate Tester 60
15.2. Correlation of Polymer Melt Rheology to Mfi 62
15.3. Applications in Extrusion 64
15.4. Applications in Injection Molding 72
16. Solving Production Problems Through
Understanding Flow Behavior 79
17. For Further Reading 83
18. Tables 85
Appendix I: System of Units and Viscosity Terms 101
Appendix Ll: Statistical Analysis of Capillary Rheometer Data 103
Appendix Iii: Prediction of Solution Viscosity From Mv and Mfr 106
Appendix Lv: Measurements of Extensional Viscosities 112
Appendix V: on-line Rheometers 1173
Title Page
1. Families of Polymers 6
2. Polymer Structure 7
3. Steps in Thermoplastic Conversion Processes 17
4. The Source of Extrudate Swell 24
5. Melt Fracture 26
6. Melt Flow Rate Tester 30
7. Capillary Rheometer 36
8. Shear Flow in Polymer Melts – 1 38
9. Shear Flow in Polymer Melts – 2 38
10. Viscosity Curves – Commodity Thermoplastics 40
11. Viscosity Curves – Engineering Thermoplastics 41
12. The Power Law 43
13. The Viscosity Curve 44
14. The Generalized Cross-carreau Equation 44
15. Effect of Temperature on Viscosity 46
16. Relationship of Mw to Melt Viscosity 48
17. Effect of Mw on Melt Viscosity 48
18. Effect of Mwd on Melt Viscosity 49
19. Effect of Various Factors on the Viscosity Curve 50
20. Thermal Stability of Polymer Melt 51
21. Thermal Stability of Polymer Melt – Viscosity 51
22. Nylon 6/6 Thermal Decomposition 52
23. Rabinowitsch-mooney Correction 54
24. Rabinowitsch-mooney Correction - Approximation 55
25. Bagley Correction 56
26. Combined Bagley and Rabinowitsch Corrections 57
27. Measurement of Extrudate Swell 59
28. Viscosity and Extrudate Swell Vs Shear Rate 59
29. Multi-weight Mfr Test 61
30. Thermal Stability – Pvc 61
31. Mfr Verses Iv 62
32. Mfr From Melt Viscosity 64
33. Polymer Flow Curves Used for Determination of Τw 66
34. Shape Factors for Rectangular Dies (W<10t) 68
35. Flow Through a Die – Newtonian and Non-newtonian 70
36. Representitive Shear Rate 71
37. Statisical Analysis of Rheometer Data - “the Tube”
38. Effect of Change in Molecular Structure – “the Tube” 105
39. Molecular Weight (Size) From Solution Viscosity 106
40. Determination of Intrinsic Viscosity 107
41. Relationship of Intrinsic Viscosity to Molecular Weight 108
42. Melt Viscosities of Pet Resins Withdifferent Iv’s 108
43. Pet Melt Viscosities Verses Intrinsic Viscosities 1104
44. Pet Melt Flow Rate Verses Solution Viscosities 111
45. Flow of Polymer Melts – Extensional Deformation 112
46. Shear and Extensional Viscosities 113
47. Measurement of Extensional Rheology–“cogswell Eqns” 114
48. Dual Barrel Capillary Rheometer 115
49.measurement of Extensional Viscosities 116
50.on-line Rheometer – “bypass” Type 117
51.on-line Measurements of Mfr 118
52.on-line Rheometer – “return Stream” 119
53.on-line Meaurements of Melt Viscosity 120
Title Page
1. Units Conversion 85
2. Standard Abbreviations for Selected Thermoplastics 89
3. Common Abbreviations and Trade Names for Some
Thermoplastics and Thermoplastic Elastomers. 92
4. Suggested Temperatures (°c) and Loads (Kg) for Mfr Tests. 95
5. Suggested Temperatures for High Shear Rate Rheometry. 96
6. Heat Content for Plastic Materials. 97
7. Glass Transition Temperatures (Tg) and Melting Temperatures
Tm of Some Polymers in Oc. 98
8. Some Thermal Properties of Thermoplastic Materials. 99
9. Suggested Drying Conditions for Extrusion Materials.

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