كتاب 3D CAD for Solidworks - Step By Step
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب 3D CAD for Solidworks - Step By Step

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18961
التقييم : 35389
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب 3D CAD for Solidworks - Step By Step Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب 3D CAD for Solidworks - Step By Step   كتاب 3D CAD for Solidworks - Step By Step Emptyالثلاثاء 10 سبتمبر 2019, 11:32 pm

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3D CAD for Solidworks - Step By Step
The CAD Academy
David C. Planchard , Marie P. Planchard  

كتاب 3D CAD for Solidworks - Step By Step T_d_c_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Introduction I-1
About the Authors I-2
Dedication I-3
Contact the Authors I-3
Note to Instructors I-3
Trademarks, Disclaimer, and Copyrighted Material 1-4
References I-4
Table of Contents I-5
What is SolidWorks? I-9
Design Intent I-11
Overview of Projects I-15
About the Book I-17
Windows Terminology in SolidWorks I-18
Project 1 – Linkage Assembly 1-1
Project Objective 1-3
Project Overview 1-4
AXLE Part 1-5
Start a SolidWorks Session 1-6
SolidWorks Design Library 1-7
SolidWorks File Explorer 1-8
SolidWorks Search 1-8
View Palette 1-9
Auto Recovery 1-9
SolidWorks PhotoWorks 1-9
Drop-Down Menu 1-9
Fly-out FeatureManager 1-10
Right-click Pop-up Menus 1-10
FeatureManager design tree 1-10
Confirmation Corner 1-11
User Interface and CommandManager 1-13
AXLE Part 1-15
AXLE Part-Extruded Base Feature 1-16
AXLE Part-Save 1-18
AXLE Part-Edit Color 1-19
AXLE Part-Standard Views and View Modes 1-20
SHAFT-COLLAR Part-Extruded Base Feature 1-23
SHAFT-COLLAR Part-Extruded Cut Feature 1-26
SHAFT-COLLAR-Modify Dimensions and Edit Color 1-27
FLATBAR Part 1-30
FLATBAR Part-Extruded Base Feature 1-31
FLATBAR Part-Extruded Cut Feature 1-35
FLATBAR Part-Linear Pattern Feature 1-37
LINKAGE Assembly 1-38
Mate Types 1-38Introduction
PAGE I - 6
AIRCYLINDER Assembly-Open and Save As option 1-41
LINKAGE Assembly-Insert FLATBAR Part 1-45
LINKAGE Assembly-Insert SHAFT-COLLAR Part 1-49
Physical Simulation Tools 1-52
LINKAGE Assembly-Physical Simulation 1-52
Project Summary 1-55
Project Terminology 1-56
Project Features 1-57
Engineering Journal 1-58
Questions 1-61
Exercises 1-62
Project 2 – Front Support Assembly 2-1
Project Objective 2-3
Project Overview 2-4
Reference Planes and Orthographic Projection 2-5
HEX-STANDOFF Part-Extruded Base Feature 2-10
HEX-STANDOFF Part-HOLE Wizard 2-14
ANGLE-13HOLE Part 2-15
ANGLE-13HOLE Part-Documents Properties 2-17
ANGLE-13HOLE Part-Extruded Thin Feature 2-18
ANGLE-13HOLE Part-Extruded Cut Feature 2-20
ANGLE-13HOLE Part-Linear Pattern Feature 2-22
ANGLE-13HOLE Part-Fillet Feature 2-23
ANGLE-13HOLE Part-Second Extruded Cut and Linear Pattern 2-24
ANGLE-13HOLE Part-Third Extruded Cut 2-26
TRIANGLE Part 2-31
TRIANGLE Part-Mirror, Offset and Fillet Sketch Tools 2-33
TRIANGLE Part-Extruded Base Feature 2-36
TRIANGLE Part-First Extruded Cut Feature 2-37
TRIANGLE Part-Second Extruded Cut Feature 2-39
TRIANGLE Part-Mirror Feature 2-41
TRIANGLE Part-Third Extruded Cut Feature 2-42
TRIANGLE Part-Circular Pattern 2-45
SCREW Part 2-46
SCREW Part-Documents Properties 2-48
SCREW Part-Revolved Feature 2-48
SCREW Part-Extruded Cut Feature 2-52
SCREW Part-Circular Pattern 2-54
SCREW Part-Fillet Feature 2-54
SCREW Part-Chamfer Feature 2-55
FRONT-SUPPORT Assembly 2-57
FRONT-SUPPORT Assembly-Insert ANGLE-13HOLE 2-57
FRONT-SUPPORT Assembly-Insert SCREW 2-65
Project Summary 2-67
Project Terminology 2-68
Project Features 2-69Introduction
PAGE I - 7
Engineering Journal 2-71
Questions 2-77
Exercises 2-78
Project 3 – Fundamentals of Drawing 3-1
Project Objective 3-3
Project Overview 3-4
Drawing Template and Sheet Format 3-5
Create a new Drawing 3-7
Drawing-Document Properties 3-9
Title Block 3-10
Create a Title Block 3-11
Company Logo 3-15
Create a Drawing Logo 3-15
Save Sheet Format and Save As Drawing Template 3-18
FLATBAR Drawing 3-21
FLATBAR Drawing-Open the FLATBAR Part 3-21
Move Views 3-26
FLATBAR Drawing-Position Views 3-26
Detail Drawing 3-27
FLATBAR Drawing-Dimensions and Annotations 3-29
FLATBAR Drawing-Part Number and Document Properties 3-34
FLATBAR Drawing-Linked Note 3-37
LINKAGE Assembly Drawing-Sheet1 3-40
LINKAGE Assembly Drawing-Exploded View 3-43
LINKAGE Assembly Drawing-Animation 3-46
LINKAGE Assembly Drawing-Bill of Materials 3-47
LINKAGE Assembly Drawing-Automatic Balloons 3-49
LINKAGE Assembly Drawing-Sheet2 3-50
LINKAGE Assembly Drawing-Sheet2 Section View 3-52
LINKAGE Assembly Drawing-Sheet2 Detail View 3-52
FLATBAR Part-Design Table 3-54
FLATBAR Drawing-Sheet2 3-58
Project Summary 3-65
Project Terminology 3-66
Questions 3-69
Exercises 3-70
Project 4 – Introduction to the Certified SolidWorks Associate Exam 4-1
Project Objective 4-3
Introduction 4-3
Intended Audience 4-3
CSWA Exam Content 4-5
Why the CSWA exam 4-9
How to obtain your CSWA Certification 4-9
How to prepare to pass the CSWA exam 4-9
How does an institution become a CSWA Provider 4-10
Exam day 4-10
What do I get when I pass the exam 4-11Introduction
PAGE I - 8
Basic Theory and Drawing Theory 4-12
Part Modeling 4-18
Advanced Part Modeling 4-25
Assembly Modeling 4-31
Advanced Modeling Theory and Analysis 4-36
COSMOSXpress 4-36
COSMOSXpress User Interface 4-36
Project Summary 4-44
Project Terminology 4-44
ECO Form A-1
Types of Decimal Dimensions (ASME Y14.5M) A-2
Cursor Feedback A-3
Sketch Tools A-3
Sketching Relations A-4
Dimensions A-4
Selection, (edge, body, etc.) A-5
Assemblies A-6
SmartMates A-6
FeatureManager A-6
Drawings A-7
Standard Tools A-7
SolidWorks Keyboard Shortcuts A-8
Windows Shortcuts A-9
Helpful On-Line Information A-10

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